
After finding a magical item to make her dream come true, a beautiful woman uses it to change into a massive smelly bull, eagerly forsaking her human life in the process....

A trio of farm hands remain largely unware of their true purpose as they go about their work for the summer, only to find their bestial degradation desirable, as well as the enhancements they are granted once their changes are done with them...

Taking on a clinical trial takes a bizarre turn as over the course of several months, a man starts to notice changes that make him increasingly more like an animal, though not a single one he can put his finger on at first...

In a sequel to 'Bull Frontal', Two more men reach the same farm with bulls that are more friendly with each other than the average beast, and that those same urges come over those men...

A man purchasing some muscle-building supplements finds they have unexpected results, complete with a new love interest!...

One cursed man writes a blog-style post documenting his and his housemate's experience after having pissed off the wrong witch...

In this fan-fiction set in 'Rockadoodle', Goldie Pheasant finds herself at the wrong job interview and is prompted to watch a hypnotizing video making it pleasant to be a cow...

A passive police is exposed to a certain chemical that helps remake his imagine into a more confident chief from fiction :)...