
A man is gifted a werewolf tooth with the promise that a scratch from it will grant him lycanthrope, and things turn out better than he could have hoped for, including revenge on a dorm mate bully...

A man purchasing some muscle-building supplements finds they have unexpected results, complete with a new love interest!...

Checking in on your buddy after a few days missing, you enter his apartment to find that the overpowering skunk smell isn't weed...

Two friends join a gym working towards the end goal of becoming their digital avatars and serving a higher purpose...

Two friends go swimming on an abandoned beach, not expecting the effects of a chemical on their physiologies and sexualities...

A trio of men step on a strange substance that covers their bodies and convert them into horny shark-men!...

Two wrestlers take on animal-themed personas for their next ring fight, not expecting how much their actions will match their choices!...

A woman out hiking stumbles upon a familiar castle, its floors lined with familiar flower petals, yes stumbles upon an unexpected surprise upon pricking her finger, one especially between her legs!...