Dance of Death and Life
Out to a bar on a rare night in celebration of his centennial, a vampire is whisked off for an unexpected night of fun that might spark a new vigor for life going forward...
Out to a bar on a rare night in celebration of his centennial, a vampire is whisked off for an unexpected night of fun that might spark a new vigor for life going forward...
One man's journal after finding refuge from the world, though not unscathed from a virus that changes him from man to mutant, even as he tries to hold onto humanity as long as he can...
A man on safari finds himself hopelessly lost and at the whims of sexually charged lion men, whether or not his own inclinations leaned that way, at least, at first...
Taking shelter in a secluded cabin for fear of his first full moon as a lycanthrope, a man learns that the change comes with unexpected arousal, and his previous heterosexual inclinations are challenged in the presence of his equally horny friend...
Four Cannabis enthusiasts score tickets to a premier event with special blends that take them back to proverbial prehistoric times with bodies and bestial inclinations to match...
A man with a crush on his favorite band member gets a surprise at a VIP meet and greet, that not only does the man like him back, but has a secret to share in a more intimate setting...
In a Sequel to 'Hiss Gaze' The two newly minted nagas come across an unsuspecting man, who they decide to test their hypnotic powers on, and find out how good of a new naga brother he will make for them. ...
A depressed man with a history of self-harm laments his decision and wishes for a set of stripes to hide his scars, falling asleep to a dream where he gets just that ...
A man fixated on the character of Midgardsomar from the game Dragalia Lost finds his interest attracting the attention of another dimensional being, one who can reach through the cracks and grant him the form of his desires. ...
Eager to leave their old lives behind, two men use nanite-inspired programs to change into their ideal forms, literally tearing their old possessions apart in their drive...