
In a Sequel to 'Hiss Gaze' The two newly minted nagas come across an unsuspecting man, who they decide to test their hypnotic powers on, and find out how good of a new naga brother he will make for them. ...

A depressed man with a history of self-harm laments his decision and wishes for a set of stripes to hide his scars, falling asleep to a dream where he gets just that ...

A man fixated on the character of Midgardsomar from the game Dragalia Lost finds his interest attracting the attention of another dimensional being, one who can reach through the cracks and grant him the form of his desires. ...

Eager to leave their old lives behind, two men use nanite-inspired programs to change into their ideal forms, literally tearing their old possessions apart in their drive...

In this D&D inspired tale, an elf travels to an underground prison to undergo his monthly transformation, supported by his male love as the two of them navigate their new relationship together....

A newly bitten Were is removed from his high class life due to his condition, though with the help of an old friend, learns to accept his lot in life and all the perks that come with being a Were....

Two men, compelled by a book's magic, perform a ritual that promises to grant them immense strength, with only the consequence of making them into muscled, hulking sergals in the process. ...

A college man's hopes his lycanthrope bite will make his new roommate will make him the perfect Alpha, and finds romance along the way...

In this Jurassic World Fan fic, a stray experiment brings sentience to one familiar raptor, while making her even more familiar handler more appealing as a mate...

A college couple experiment with a collar that turns one into the form of his dreams, not knowing his boyfriend has something else in mind for the pair of them...