Author: Gabriel Moon

A man exploring an abandoned mall finds a stature containing a being that intends on changing the man's body to suit his needs, though doesn't intend on letting the man keep control of all of it...

An actress uses nanite-induced changes to perform in a Sci-fi/erotic film where she will slowly succumb to a panther transformation curse. But the movie's fictitious curse may prove more relevant than either she or her cast mate might realize...

A college man's hopes his lycanthrope bite will make his new roommate will make him the perfect Alpha, and finds romance along the way...

Following the events of 'Ready and Willing to Serve' Jon and his friends attend a transformation massage pallor, wishing to have their bodies worked into animal forms of the opposite gender to recapture the magic of their time as dogs...

A trio of hunter's wives gets hit with a strange ailment after bagging a bull elephant, which turns them into elephants themselves, or at least parts of them...

In this Jurassic World Fan fic, a stray experiment brings sentience to one familiar raptor, while making her even more familiar handler more appealing as a mate...

A man lost on a trip to Japan is guided by a mysterious entity, one whose gifts to help him on his way have lasting consequences...

A couple come across a marijuana supply shop with free samples, and after making catty asses of themselves, bring some home to enjoy the full effects of their transformative highs...

A college couple experiment with a collar that turns one into the form of his dreams, not knowing his boyfriend has something else in mind for the pair of them...

A trio of frat boys try to prank a stable, not realizing that its inhabitants were once human, or that the beer they were given to drink was tainted with the same chemicals...