The Dragon Dance
Two men performing a dragon dance ritual to summon a dragon fail to realize the consequence of such an action actually working...
Two men performing a dragon dance ritual to summon a dragon fail to realize the consequence of such an action actually working...
In this novella-length tale, a man and woman compete for the chance to win a million dollars on a game show, only with their humanity on the line as they slowly change with each wrong question...
Two friends go swimming on an abandoned beach, not expecting the effects of a chemical on their physiologies and sexualities...
A young elf, trying to earn his master's approval, tries a spell to summon a dragon mount, only to be trapped in the summoning circle himself...
A trio of girls, wanting to win a nantie-transformation based party, choose the most monstrous forms available, even if they are at first sickened by the choices...
A new frat pledge winds up the mascot rather than a brother and is joined by an unwilling participant in the ritual. ...
While visiting her aunt and cousin, a woman gets invited to work a few shifts at their job, using nanites to turn into mythological monsters!...
A pair of elves come across a stone that infects one with a lustful curse that reveals his true nature. One that he's more than happy to share with his friend...
An elf possessed by a lusty dragon comes to accept the new arrangement until he is unexpectedly attracted to a handsome stranger that seems somehow familiar...
a man earns the ire of a witch, who decides to turn his comment of 'thick skin' back on him to a bestial end...