Respawning Your Bank Account

“Are you sure we can’t make it work?” Jon asked, the desperation not lost in his voice. Though given the state of his own finances, he already knew the answer. 


“Nope. Not with all the extra fees they tack on,” Eric replied, equally as disappointed. Eric was hardly in better straits, with inflation and bills and the like taking much of their extra funds. Not to mention all the money they had spent on frivolous pursuits such as the transformation massage parlor. It had been worth it for sure but understandable they might have indulged too much in it as of late. 


Naturally, with their priorities being into transformation-related fun, a pair of concert tickets, with all the hidden fees and hotel costs added in, were off the table. It had been one of their favorite pursuits before Rachel had introduced them to transformation as a hobby. The idea of seeing a band live they’d been waiting for to come to their country was too tempting. That was if they had the money upfront, knowing there were likely only weeks, if not days before tickets were all sold up. 


The sound of Jon’s door opening startled him for a moment, forgetting that Rachel mentioned she would be stopping by later. “Wow, did I kill the mood? Or were you always both so mopey?” She asked in that stereotypic straightforward way she used. 


With that, Jon and Eric quickly relayed their situation. Yet, instead of sympathy, both men were surprised by the rather confused expression on her face. “How come you’re both so broke?” She asked, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. 


“Have you been asleep for the past four years?” Eric shot back, a little annoyed by the blunt nature of her answer. 


Rachel chose to ignore the statement, instead getting to her point. “No, I mean there’s like a million side hustles out there for quick cash. If you’re into transformation, that is-oh, wait,” Rachel shot back, mocking them for not realizing what she thought was obvious. 


“What?” Both men asked in unison, having not heard of any money-making opportunities that took their transformation fascination into account. 


Still, Jon saw it fit to push the subject further. “Is that why you’ve had so much extra spending money lately?” He inquired as if he didn’t already know the answer.


Rachel just grinned in that telltale way she often used. “That’s a secret. Honesty, you’d both rather not know,” she replied, and Jon was not inclined to ask anymore. As well as they knew her, Rachel always kept a side of herself hidden, and they figured that was for the best.


“So, what are the options? For those side hustles, I mean,” Eric asked, getting them back on topic. 


“Well, if you don’t mind some more, well, ‘unique’ changes, then the options are out there,” Rachel replied, as though posing a challenge. 


“Go on…?” Eric asked, wondering sincerely what they might be in for. 


“Well, here, let me see,” Rachel said, pulling up her phone and reading as though she had such a tab up and ready to go.  “Here’s one. Someone is looking to buy salmon roe that’s ‘ethically sourced’.”


“And that means?” Eric asked, the reality of her words not clicking in. 


“Well, it’s ethically sourced when the fish can consent to egg laying, right?” She remarked, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. 


“So they want us to turn into fish to lay eggs?” Jon questioned, getting the point but not really sure he was down for it. 


“Yeah, it’s kind of surprising that more people don’t sign up for stuff like this. Easy, right?” Rachel remarked, and her two friends gave her strange looks, as though she was a little crazy. And, perhaps she was, though it mattered little with the reality it would be able to make them some quick cash. 


“I mean, we’ve been some weird stuff before, but fish?” Jon questioned, though he was soon more curious than repulsed by the notion. He liked to transform, after all, and since most of the changes were inherently pleasurable, he figured it couldn’t be so bad. 


“I think it would be fun if I needed the money myself! I mean, maybe if you needed the eggs fertilized I would totally be down,” Rachel teased with that little gleam in her eyes that made them unsure if she was serious or not. 


“You would, wouldn’t you!” Eric declared though it was always fun to tease each other about those sorts of things. 


“I’ll never tell,” Rachel replied, grinning. 


With that, Rachel sent them the information to sign up for the job, and the two of them decided they would at least look into it. Part of the signup process asked them if they had experience transforming into and remaining animals for longer periods of time before, which was something they could honestly say applied to them. Given the limited requirements, the pair figured they would be shoe-ins for the job, and took the evening to discuss it before submitting their applications. 


“Well, it’s not the weirdest thing we’ve done for concert tickets,” Jon eventually stated, reflecting back on his week-long stay as a dog. In truth, he hadn’t spent that long as an animal since then, most of his transformation experiences being confined within the same day. In order to do this job, he would need to spend several days as one of the species requested, in order to lay sufficient eggs. There would be no detriment to his health, of course, but the prospect was no less daunting!


“Has it really been that long ago since we started turning into animals for fun?” Eric asked, reflecting on their past few years.


“Yeah, it’s been really wild,” Jon said, recalling how he’d felt that first time.


“Couldn’t imagine we’d get so into it.”


“Couldn’t imagine being without it now.”


“Surely, being fish can’t be too bad.”


“Besides, Rachel would make fun of us if we didn’t do it. Or, beat us to the punch and take the money herself.”


“Either way, we’re stuck dealing with some fish puns,” Eric said with a chuckle. 


“Well, I guess it’s settled, then. How about we go for a swim?”




The actual application process was rather smooth, all things considered. The pair heard back almost immediately about the job and were mailed the appropriate fluids. It was a little sketchy, not having a facility to change in, but their offices were across the country, after all, and travel expenditures would render the whole process moot. Without any place to change and have their eggs collected, the pair figured they would need to cancel their plans, regardless of how disappointed it made them. Yet, it was a surprise when Rachel came to them offering access to a private freshwater fish tank that would meet the needs of the program. The two of them felt was highly unlikely she had been able to find access to such a thing in such a short amount of time. But, of course, when asked, she simply smiled and said, “It’s a secret.”


Under the terms of the contract, the two would need to remain fish for a few days, enough for them to lay hundreds of not thousands of eggs. Such would normally be impossible for the species they were becoming, but some modifications to the potions allowed their bodies to become exceptionally fertile without any repercussions. Part of them worried about the potential of death upon spawning, something known to happen in many fish species. However, a combination of being fed a special nutrient supplication as well as the changes in their DNA would render that moot.


Eventually, the trio found themselves alone at the facility, Rachel apparently to be their caretakers for the next couple of days. “Now this what you call ‘ethically sourced’,” Rachel noted with a laugh, trying to sound jovial against their nervousness. “Lighten up, you too! You’ll be all stringy! Good with butter though!” She giggled, both of them glaring at her with some annoyance. “Sorry, sorry. No fish for the next week, I promise,” Rachel smirked, though she was hardly to be believed.


With that, the two of them stripped naked, not something unusual for them but always a little daunting nonetheless. Walking up the stairs to the tank, the two of them stepped in, shivering against the sensation of the water. Their new species’s preferred temperature was a little too cold, though thankfully they were currently only up to their knees, enough not to feel their maleness retreat prematurely. Still, they were glad the tank wasn’t full yet, wanting to see most of the changes before they fell into the water to live their next few days. Rachel would make sure it was filled once the changes concluded to give them the most space possible. 


“Wish I could join you guys, but I have to look after you and the tank. I looked up the process for harvesting your eggs and mailing them out, too, so that won’t be an issue. We’ll have to wait till you’re done, of course, but I don’t mind taking care of it for you boys! For a nominal fee, of course,” she joked, something the two were willing to oblige. 


“Besides, while it might be fun to get in there with you, it would defeat the purpose if I fertilized your eggs,” she smirked, the boys both groaning at that. Of course, she would want to be the male if given the chance!


Still, both of them were happy it was Rachel looking after them, trusting her implicitly. With that, she handed them their potions, each one for a different species. Jon was to be a lake trout, and Eric a Chinook salmon. Wondering aloud if their eggs needed to be separated, it apparently mattered little for the dishes to be made with them, eggs sorted by size anyway. 


Lifting their potions in cheers, Jon and Eric took them at the same time, waiting for the familiar tingling of change. Naturally, Rachel watched for their changes to start with interest. Both men knew her interest had nothing to do with their nudity. She didn’t have any inclinations for them that way, nor they her. It was the prospect of transformation itself that did it for them, the arousal that came with the process something they shared with each other only in their new bodies. It was a more adult kind of fun than they would have once thought appealing but something that had become a regular part of their interactions with each other. 


The effect of the potions seemed to take a little longer to start up, though it might have simply been their trepidation toward this particular change that seemed to delay the process. Still, eventually, the tingling of transformation began, and both felt their loins flushed with arousal in expectation.


“That took a little longer, right?” Eric said, mirroring what Jon was thinking.


“Maybe cause fish anatomy is so different?” Jon responded, the tingling in their bodies not causing any noticeable changes to their forms just yet. 


“They are cold-blooded, like that one time I was a snake,” Eric recalled. 


“You mean, the time we were a snake,” Jon corrected, recalling the resulting changes that ended in a total merger between them and Rachel for an evening. 


“Technically, you were the lion part, so you wouldn’t have known what it…oh, I think it’s starting,” Eric moaned, feeling a chill run through him. 


Jon felt the same, seeming to settle into their bellies as the process began. Their guts started to audibly gurgle a little, as though something was being rearranged within. For it to happen this way was a little bizarre, the initial changes usually being superficial. Yet, as their stomachs began to roil, neither felt themselves becoming ill. Rather, it was almost pleasant, a warmth that made both giddy with excitement. 


With that, their bellies began to bulge a little, as though having eaten a big meal. While there was some room for their stomachs to expand naturally, the gradual rate caused them to soon swell beyond that, making them rub the bulges with curiosity. The skin was warm, and pliable rather than firm as they might have expected. The contact was surprisingly pleasant, encouraging them to continue as tingles trickled down to their loins. 


“Oh, that’s different,” Eric said, lovingly massaging his guts as though encouraging them to expel. 


“Yeah, you wouldn’t think…oh…” Jon remarked before realizing his efforts were having a surprisingly abrupt effect on his loins. 


The warmth was sufficient to bring his cock to a rather welcome erection, not unsurprising as a result of the changes. Still, Jon was not inclined to touch himself, not yet. Though it did not escape his notice that it was harder to see over the edge of his belly, his guts having expanded enough in the short time to obscure his erection. It was a little embarrassing, though would surely look normal by the time the changes were done with him. It was fascinating to watch their bellies steadily bloating in real time, not with gas as they might have assumed. There was one obvious implication for the growth, one that left them rubbing their bellies with curiosity, as much as with how good it felt. 


“We aren’t…?” Jon said, letting that thought hang in the air. 


“Do you think these are all the eggs?” Eric said, finishing the statement. 


“It feels…kind of good, doesn’t it?” Jon said, not afraid of admitting the obvious truth aloud. 


“There would have to be this many of them, right? God, why is this so hot…” Eric moaned, rubbing his bloating belly with one hand and reaching below to tease his cock with the other. He didn’t even care what he was doing with Rachel watching, figuring she would tease them either way. 


“Well, you two are certainly preggers,” Rachel commented, though seemed rather impressed with how into it they were getting. “That’s a new one, even for me!”


“Fuck, this is good…” Jon moaned, rubbing his belly and gently stroking his cock, unable to resist.


“That’s a good look for you, Jon,” Rachel mused, and it was impossible for him to know if she was joking or not. 


By now, their bellies were significantly bloated, especially over Jon’s lean form, though Eric’s slightly chubbier frame was noticeably larger as well. They continued to rub them with interest, feeling their guts gurgling and the comfort massaging them seemed to give. That, and how powerfully arousing it was for them to do so!


Lost in their reverence, neither man noticed the tingling starting in their spines, more familiar from the perspective of having experienced so many other changes. Something rather thick began to descend from their backsides, rubbing against the insides of their legs. It was enough to jolt the pair from their exploration, reaching past their bulbous bellies and meeting slimy, cool flesh. The texture was a little gross, though it was nonetheless exciting to possess what had to be piscine tails, something unique for both their experiences.


“Can I touch them?” Rachel asked, surprising the two of them. Jon and Eric just nodded, seeing no issue. 


Her touch triggered a tingling up their spines, making them moan as she did so. It was affirmation they possessed piscine tails and drew their attention to the fins forming at the ends of them as they started to twitch back and forth. Their skin was fully covered with slick scales, rubbing against the bare human skin on their legs and making them giggle from the discomfort. Thickening from the base of their spines, the growths soon drew a little too close to their anuses, pushing them forward as the two shivered, fishy tails finally touching the water. 


The further their tails grew, the greater their ability to flex became and both Jon and Eric spread their legs a little, allowing them to swish back and forth. Their weight was starting to become obvious, likely close to reaching their proper size relative to their changing bodies. Their frantic motions were enough to splash some water over their legs, making them giggle as the pair gently explored their scaly contours. Still, the bloating in their guts prompted most of their attention, the sensations far more exquisite and immediately providing further pleasure.


“Want to jerk off now?” Jon asked, moving his hand from his fishy tail and teasing it over his cock head. 


“Almost. I think we still have some time. Fuck, it’s tempting, isn’t it?” Eric replied, keeping his hand on his thickening fish tail in an effort to resist. 


“Hey, I won’t judge! Wouldn’t it be funny if you could fertilize your own eggs!?” Rachel exclaimed, obviously amused by the prospect. 


“Don’t even joke,” Eric commented, hoping that wasn’t the case. Sure, the DNA would be incompatible, but with their bodies turning into fish…still, they were still not becoming male fish, so it was a moot point.


By now scales were steadily crawling over the skin of their ass cheeks and separating into plate-like patterns, silvery and speckled in the case of Jon’s own. They spread in a slow wave, over their backs and up toward the center, where the tingling started to intensify. A strange bone started to sprout from within their spines, reaching upward and forcing a small sliver of skin with them. While not covered with scales itself, it began to form the same rays as their tail fins, likely the beginning of their dorsal fins. Annoyed expressions crossed their features as their arms attempted to touch them, though the growths were centered where they could not reach. Looking at each other as another option dawned on them, the two turned around, touching each other’s fins and shivering from contact against the sensitive skin as they did so. 


It took them a few moments to realize their tails were submerging further into the water, a sign that their bodies and legs, in particular, were shrinking. The realization seemed to trigger a further surge in their members, both feeling more aroused to the point they likely needed to cum soon. It was further cemented by a tingling in their groins, as though their rectums were starting to push further forward. It was likely they would soon merge toward cloacas, neither maintaining their external genitals nor even their genders. 


Not wanting to cum with their cocks underwater, both Jon and Eric looked at each other with knowing expressions. “Same time?” Eric asked, to which Jon simply nodded.


“Hell, I would join in but…I’ve been recording this, so…” Rachel said, motioning to her phone.


“You would!” Eric said, incredulously. 


“Hey, some people have transformation-only fans, you know,” Rachel laughed, as though such was the most normal thing in the world. 


“And you would know all about that,” Eric shot back, though in reality, the notion had him more curious than anything. 


“Got to make a profit somehow. Renting this thing wasn’t cheap. Oh, wait, you better touch yourselves fast before you lose your hands!” Rachel recommended, and with that, the two men rubbed their cocks frantically, not bothering to say another word. It was not the first time they’d done so during a transformation in front of Rachel, so it honestly didn’t feel too awkward. Even so, their arousal was beyond a level they could hope to resist, and growing more so as their bellies continued to steadily bulge!


Reaching down to caress their cocks properly, the two were made aware their fingers were stiffer than normal, though such was likely to be expected. Looking at them more closely, it seemed a thin layer of webbing was starting to form between the digits, a prelude of the fins to come. It was a sign they needed to hurry. While the change would likely prompt them to release their human seed soon, the two had come to prefer it be done on their own terms. And even though their cocks were already starting to shrink, their arousal was at its peak, orgasm not too far off. 


“Damn, better hurry boys! While you’re still boys!” Rachel giggled, filming all the while.


It seemed the more they continued to shrink, the more their bellies distended, as though the eggs or whatever mass within was swelling beyond what they were able to bear. Even rubbing their guts was not enough to fully stem the ache, though the two were persistent while their arms still possessed such functionality. It was not simply the sexual excitement over the changes that spurred them on, something the pair didn’t mind admitting to each other. The fact they were all so full of eggs and eager to lay them was full of promise, and they longed for nothing more than to finally expel their burden when they were able. Hopefully, it would be as arousing as they figured it might be!


“Damn, that’s oddly hot. Fuck, I wish I had tried it,” Rachel mused, and she was likely serious. 


With the pleasure growing in their gurgling guts, it hardly took them long to reach release. There was no point in holding back, the two friends panting as their balls exploded with their burden. As both men were familiar, the final male release in a sex change transformation was rather intense, as though their bodies were designed to expel all their seed before their genitals shifted to their female equivalents. And this time was no different, their testicles blowing their sizable pent-up loads and causing both men to moan their pleasure. The water was soon a little cloudy as rope after rope of human seed was ejaculated. It left them to pant through the weakness in their bodies as they continued to shrink and change. It was almost enough for both to keel over, though they held on, even while dizzy from the weakening of their legs. 


With their testes void, their remnants were left to retract into their loins, popping within and leaving their sacks to sit empty. They remained only for a few moments before they were repurposed, piscine anatomy too foreign to imagine the precise conversion within. Thankfully, the sensations were sensual, leaving them to enjoy the post-orgasmic aftershocks. Their cocks, too, were soon to be subsumed, flaccid lengths condensing around their urethras as minor slits opened in their place, quivering in lust. The sensations were only to improve as their rectums were pulled forward as well, the two slits touching and opening around each other, high enough on their groins that even Rachel could observe them without obstruction. 


“First time?” Eric teased, and it took Jon a few moments to realize that it was the first time he’d ever possessed a singular vent, something Eric’s snake self had experienced. He giggled a little, wanting to touch it, the act of merging enough to cause a trembling of pleasure to pulsate through his groin. 


“Stop getting ideas!” Eric exclaimed, looking at Rachel, who had thus far been quiet. She simply grinned, replying with, “Your words, not mine!” 


Jon was still moaning, getting into the sensations as his piscine cloaca took its proper shape. However, it was not the quivering of his sex that held his focus, but rather the persistent pressure in his belly, one that seemed to come to a head as his vent cemented itself. As his plumbing adjusted, the bloating seemed to find its path lower down his track, though the growing mass was far too large for his insides. Yet, as his insides stretched, the myriad of ovals within were able to gradually work their way downward. A rather embarrassing squelching squeaked from his cloaca, though as the pressure continued to ease, Jon remained fixated on the exquisite sensations. In the moment, he could only think to massage his guts to alleviate it, willing his eggs to be birthed. 


Sparing a glance at his friend, Eric was doing the same, trying to massage his eggs through their newly developed systems. It was akin to needing to take the dump of their lives, though came with a level of orgasmic pleasure that surpassed even what they had been expecting. Soon, their cloacas went into uncontrolled contractions, pulsating as their burdens prepared to be expelled. The same squelching sound played from Eric’s cloaca as a quivering, gooey mass crowded the tip of his slit, ooze plopping into the water as an orange orb made itself known. It was all Eric had to stand stationary as his cloaca quivered and several round orbs plopped into the water, Eric rubbing his belly all the while. Eyes fluttering, Eric was evidently in orgasmic rapture, body shaking and preparing to birth the next batch, but a drop in the bucket to what had built up in his newly developed ovaries. 


“So good…” Eric managed to mutter, shaking now as the changes continued to rob more of his mass. His tail was thrashing in the water, splashing as he sank lower and lower into the tank. His sex was about to touch the surface, though not before birthing a few more eggs, something he seemed desperate to experience.


Eager to feel the same, Jon continued to rub his belly with urgency, wanting to feel his own orbs birthing through his cloaca and giving him that same sexual release. His insides were almost painfully pushed apart by the force of the egg mass, but he was determined, hands working frantically while they could. The squelching sound intensified, and his quivering lips soon parted to allow an egg to crown the tip. Jon barely had to do anything to push it out, grunting a little from the force of contractions as it was soon voided from his body, plopping into the water to join Eric’s own.


Jon’s moans only intensified as his cloaca continued to quiver uncontrolled and another egg worked its way out of him. It was powerfully pleasant, and his insides seemed no worse for wear from the laying act. Better yet was the fact that his bulging guts had to be full of forming eggs at this point, making his belly gurgle and prompting him to rub it lovingly to try to work more out. Such would likely exhaust him soon, but for the moment, Jon only wanted more, to finally be alleviated from the intense pressure in his guts. 


“Damn, is it that good?” Rachel questioned. Had he been more conscious about anything beyond his cloaca, Jon might have noticed where her hand was going. Eric, too, looked like he was about to say something, though his own quivering cloaca was soon to open and void another gooey patch of eggs, stuck together by a jelly-like fluid.


“It’s too bad you can’t stay like that. Those eggs are massive! People probably wouldn’t want to eat those, I guess!” Rachel remarked with a bit of a laugh. 


Had Jon the ability, he might have fixated on the idea of remaining in a hybrid state, able to rub his belly while voiding such massive eggs. However, it was hard to think of anything else over the need to void his next batch, the tension in his legs starting to build and making him think he would soon need to fall over into the water. His guts were pulsating all the while, preparing to push more eggs down his tubes. It seemed impossible for him to be so bloated with eggs, even if this particular potion was designed to allow it. How fertile could they possibly be, anyway?


“Well, see you guys in a few days,” Rachel remarked, and Jon prepared himself for the inevitable. He could barely stand in the tank, and as he tried to move them, he was soon made aware they were robbed of their muscle mass. With that, Jon felt himself fall face-first into the water with a loud splash. A second splash signaled Eric was to experience the same, their bodies no longer able to remain upright. Their tails could move side to side, and such was able to propel them into the water, barely enough to surface and breathe, though such was a bit of a struggle. Jon was a little alarmed, wondering how his body would adapt to shifting between such drastically different mediums. The potions were supposed to keep them alive during the changes, but never before was he at risk of not being able to breathe mid-transformation!


The sensation of something deflating within his body was a sign that his lungs must be in the process of collapsing. He still had enough air to persist for a few minutes, though he was thankful to feel the cooling sensation of a pair of slits opening up along the sides of his neck. As soon as it was able, the muscle around the slits began to twitch, and Jon was aware he was now able to breathe, or at least was no longer drowning. Thankfully he didn’t have to move in the water to breathe as flowing water ran over his gills, his internal systems were now able to draw oxygen from the water. That was for the best, given the intensity of the cramps in his belly and the need to lay more eggs that kept him stationary.  


The only thing Jon lamented at this point was his lack of ability to chat with Eric and Rachel any longer, though that was to be expected sooner or later with such a drastic change. Jon was happy he still possessed his hands to continue rubbing at the discomfort in his belly, massaging his guts in an effort to ease the aches of his forming eggs. It was still a bit uncomfortable, though thankfully not painful, as he waited for more eggs to descend down his tubes. And with his cloaca still reeling from the pleasure of laying, Jon was eager to experience doing so from the perspective of being underwater now!


His legs were soon to finish changing, pulling within him as Jon lost all ability to operate them. The bones of his hips had already dissolved, and the muscles joining them pulled apart, preparing to leave his legs vestigial. They were left as mere nubs by this point, and Jon could barely even feel them as part of his body anymore. Their stubby remnants continued to pull within him, the toes melding into a single nub that was eventually subsumed by his body. It was a little alarming to lose his legs in such a way, though with the power in his fully grown tail, there was little use for them, and Jon went back to focusing on other priorities. 


Desperate for whatever comfort he could get before he lost his hands, Jon continued to massage his guts, working more eggs through his system. The pleasant contractions started intensifying as another clutch prepared to be birthed, and Jon went to cry out, forgetting he was underwater and only able to make bubbles as he did so. It felt a little silly, Jon was made aware of the bizarre nature of being a water-breathing creature and found he actually enjoyed the experience. While the tingling of his skin converting to scales or the sensation of his body shrinking would normally be something of interest, Jon was unable to focus on anything but the tension in his cloaca as more eggs prepared to push their way out. 


The stiffening of his fingers, however, was something that caused him alarm, if only because he was desperate to stem the discomfort in his stomach as it continued to swell with progeny. The muscles within the digits seemed to wane, and Jon was soon to find they no longer moved at his prompting. Worse, perhaps, was a weakness in his arms, meaning he no longer had any ability to comfort his guts. Still, Jon allowed it to happen, unable to see well in the watery medium but able to feel as the fingers continued to shrink, a swelling of webbing spreading between them as they froze in place. The bones within were largely dissolved, though left enough remnants to create the rays within as webbing moved to the tips and completely subsumed them. 


His arms, too, were destined to dissolve as the bones within popped out of their sockets, muscles shrinking around them as they rapidly diminished in stature. As his chest started to compress inward, preparing to force his body toward a more streamlined torpedo shape, Jon could feel his shoulders pushed forward leaving his arms barely able to move. The entire length of his upper and lower arms were compacted to the point they left only a singular joint to allow his remnant fins to rotate around. Jon was left to flail them somewhat helplessly, wishing to continue rubbing his belly and ease the ache from his forming eggs. They would come either way, he was sure, but it disappointed him to lack any ability to accentuate the experience.


Jon was soon to learn his hands were no longer needed, given the force of contractions that were eager to aid in birthing his burden. An orgasm rocked his much smaller body, more eggs oozing out of his slit and making him tremble all over. They were thankfully smaller than the initial batch, his altering body not able to support such a mass passing through him. Jon was only sad that he couldn’t see how many were pushing from his slit at once, though the jelly-like goo they were suspended in could likely hold more eggs than he could count. 


As his body continued to shrink and contract, the frequent pops and creaks were just enough to distract Jon from the overwhelming sensations of egg-laying. His spine was relatively longer, ribs compressed as his organs shifted, some erased while others such as a swim bladder were born from their remnants. The overwhelming discomfort in his guts was finally alleviated, much to Jon’s relief, given he could no longer rub his belly. His form was now designed to lay properly, and the eggs being produced were more suited for the trout he was becoming rather than human-sized when he’d started to change. Still, a quivering in his cloaca was a sign that another gooey glob was being ejected into the water, presumably floating down to join the others the two had produced.


At this point, only his head remained human, though Jon still lacked the ability to see properly in the water. Surely, Eric was in a similar state, and he could perceive his friend’s shrinking form in the tank with him, almost able to taste his body and the eggs they were both laying even through the water they were breathing. John found he could swim somewhat, though there wasn’t far to move before his nose bumped against the glass of the tank. Besides, with the orgasmic contractions still wracking his cloaca, it was hard to move, taking all the energy he possessed to contend with them. 


Soon, Jon was able to perceive his hair falling out, joining the rest of the hair they had both shed in the tank thus far. At least it was left to dissolve quickly, not clogging up the water filtration. It felt weird to be bare of it, feeling his skull contracting and flattening to match the more streamlined form he now possessed. His neck, too, began to widen, making it hard to perceive the separation of head and body, save for the presence of his gill slit. It was a little unnerving not to be able to move it, forcing him to stare straight ahead unless he wriggled his body. At least it was starting to become easier to do so as Jon continued to shrink toward its final form for the next few days. 


The bones within his skull started softening as well, much more simplistic for the piscine brain he would possess. Of course, the potion process did nothing to hinder human thought, but it was a little alarming to experience the flood of fish instincts and compulsions that dictated what he should do. Above all was the pressure in his guts that signaled the need to expel his brood. For some reason, Jon felt a desire to swim to the bottom of the tank, where a thick layer of gravel sat. It took some effort, but he managed to wriggle his tail over the spot, making a small indent in the dirt that seemed to satisfy some instinct in his brain. Surely, he was building a nest of some sort, a place for him to lay his eggs and wait for a male to fertilize them. That, or for them to be sold and make them a tidy profit, but that was neither here nor there for his fishy instincts. 


Focused on his work, Jon was hardly aware when his eyes became forced open, the lids no longer present. They were likely taking on a more glassy quality, though Jon was mostly thankful to be granted his sight back. With the shifting of his skull and the relative enlargement of his eye sockets, his field of vision was rather wide, albeit not as focused as he would like. At least he was able to see his body behind him, long and torpedo-shaped for maximum efficiency while swimming. It was bizarre, though not as much as the sight of the salmon in the tank with him, still sporting parts of Eric’s facial features as he, too, began digging an impression to lay his eggs. Best was the look of ecstasy on his features as his own cloaca contracted, egg-laying stemmed for now from the biological prerogatives of digging their nests first before laying their eggs properly 


Something else was made aware to him as he took in the sights of the tank around him, that made him want to giggle if he could. The first eggs they had laid while standing were piled onto each other, encased in orange ooze, and stuck together to prevent them from being swept away in faster-moving waters. Some of them were significantly larger than even their current bodies, a testament to how much they had shrunk and leaving Jon to marvel at the thought of laying something so big with his body its current size. Jon had to wonder if those massive first orbs could be fertilized, though put it quickly out of his mind, clearly not the point in their current state of change. 


Unable to look away from Eric’s face with his wide-angled vision, Jon was soon privy to the sight of their jaws pushing out together. Skulls already shifted, it was easy to feel the bones pushing out into a long, thin muzzle, nostrils sinking into the surface of his lips and sitting at their apex. Jon was a little surprised he could smell somewhat, the scents of the other fish and his own eggs the only things of note in the relatively tiny tank. It was weird seeing their faces pushing out, robbing them of human features as they reflexively opened and closed their mouths as though sucking in water to run over their gills. Most of their teeth were subsumed by their gums, though some relatively small pegs persisted in their place, made for gripping than chewing. With their bodies mostly changed, Jon was a little amused by the sight of relatively human ears sticking out of the sides of their heads, though they were soon reduced to little more than remnant canals, more useful in determining buoyancy rather than hearing in the manner he was used to. 


With the urge to continue digging their depressions and the building pressure in their guts, both Jon and Eric were hardly aware their changes were largely done. It was all they could do to dig with the pressure in their guts building to a head. Their piscine minds would not allow them to lay until they were finished, instincts almost too strong for their human minds to resist. And in current circumstances, neither saw any reason not to give in. As a decent bowl-sized dent was made in the sediment, their contractions started up again, making their bodies throb from the intensity. The pressure quickly built past the breaking point, as though the entire mass was preparing to be birthed at once. It caused their entire lower bodies to tremble, opening their passages beyond anything they had felt thus far. And it was only the beginning…


Reflexively sitting in his indent, Jon felt waves of contraction pulse through his cloaca, the peristaltic forces within his femininity pumping far more intently than he could have expected. It shook his insides to the point he was vibrating, contractions hammering his much smaller body as he prepared to birth his brood. Jon was left awash in orgasmic ecstasy as his vent opened impossibly wide, feeling the squelching of jelly sliding through as eggs started to push their way out. It was soon out of his control as a massive batch of eggs was voided all at once, falling into the depression and sitting there, giving him a moment of reprieve. 


Yet, it was a drop in the bucket for the quantity of eggs he would soon lay. The next batch was on the heels of the first, his insides stretched now and easily able to allow the clutch to pass. Thankfully, the discomfort from before had abated, leaving only pleasure as the mass was pumped through his tubes. Jon was left writhing in pleasure, seeing Eric doing the same as his own clutch floated from his cloaca. It was easily dozens of them now and despite the comfort of alleviating them, it seemed their guts would have no rest. The formation of more eggs within them, while far more rapidly than their species was capable of, was still pleasant. With their persistent pressure playing over his insides, it was all Jon wanted to do but lie there and lay until he was exhausted. As was the point of the process, having no other purpose for the next couple of days…




Those days were to pass relatively slowly, feeling more like weeks from their standpoint. As the lights around the tank never shut off, they couldn’t tell the passing of days. Their time was taken up by laying and resting between batches, sleeping when they could from sheer exhaustion. Without the ability to close their eyes, sleep soon fell over them without their knowing, until that pressure built within their guts once more and prompted them to take position over their makeshift nests to prepare for the next clutch. 


Even if they had the energy to, there was little else for them to do in the tank, small as it was. Not that their piscine brains or instincts wished to do anything else, given the fulfillment they felt from the laying act itself. It was hard to see beyond the tank, and with the top closed, there was no point in parting the barrier and taking in the sights of the room. There wasn’t even a need to look for food, a pair being fed a nutrient-rich paste, more palatable than the bugs they would be forced to otherwise eat. All there was to look forward to was the clenching of their slits and the urge to lay their brood. And that, at least, never lost its appeal or pleasure no matter how much they expelled. 


As part of the process, their bellies were constantly bloating with the formation of more eggs. The gurgling in their guts as they prepared to descend the was easily second-best part of the process. The best, of course, was the eggs coming into direct contact with their cloacas, the orgasmic contractions more all-consuming than human experience could prepare them for. Like all transformation potions, the point was to make their genitals more sensitive than their species was capable of, and with the persistent urge to lay, Jon and Eric were left well-pleasured and satisfied. It was best to push out large clusters at once, they found, feeling the intense squelching before their vents were opened as far as possible and the heavy pressure of their eggs was alleviated. It was almost worth this transformation alone, though Jon almost found himself wishing for a more complete underwater experience. Perhaps taking on an aquatic form in the future would be in the cards for them, and Jon took some spare time to wonder what body he might wish to experiment with first. 


Eventually, the time came for the potion to wear off, and the top of the tank was left open that day for that purpose. The tingling started in their bellies, expanding large enough to make the pair think they might explode with eggs. But as the swelling of growth spread all over their bodies, both knew it was time to head to the surface. And not too soon, given their gill slits were soon to collapse and their lungs to expand, requiring them to breathe air once more. Sticking their fishy heads out of the water was a little bizarre, especially as their scales parted and their hair grew back before their faces had reverted. Neither of them needed ears to tell Rachel was in the room and laughing at them!


As their bodies continued to grow, eventually the sensation of their tails touching the gravel allowed them to stay upright somewhat, making breathing easier. Their tails were steadily shrinking, weakening, even before nubs had formed as the beginning of legs. Soon the tips of their legs were able to gain purchase and they were able to properly stand, starting to rise from the water to the panic of their still piscine psyches. With eyes still stuck open and forced to look around the room, both were stunned by the perspective, though the sight of Rachel giggling eventually relaxed the two, knowing she was the only one in the room to see them. And, as they assumed, the moment their ears reformed, the familiar sounds of her chuckling made them wish to giggle in kind, unable to do with before their vocal cords had returned. 


Eventually, the two were tall enough to stand up out of the tank, though wanted to wait for the changes to finish before getting out. The air was a little uncomfortable against the parts of their skin that were still covered in scales, after all. Eventually, the scales smoothed into flesh, and leg muscles regrew enough that they could lift out and step on the stairs to exit the tank. Their first steps in a few days were wobbly, and their tails were still somewhat present on their backs, but the reversion was almost complete, and Jon gave Eric a knowing look, enjoying their egg-laying but thankful to get back to their human forms. 


While their genitals and anuses had parted by now, Rachel was quick to notice something that had escaped them. “Wanted to keep some souvenirs?” She teased, and the two of them gave her a look before Jon thought to reach down and brush the skin around his anus. It seemed that their bodies were inclined to expel any errant eggs before the change took them, and some of their jelly casing was stuck to their assess, bodies too large to feel them as Jon wiped them away, not wanting to return them to the tank just in case. There might have been still some eggs up there as well, not something he was looking forward to finding later. Eric, too, had a disgusted look on his face as he found his own salmon eggs clinging to his ass, while Rachel couldn’t help to express a giggle.


“Hey, you try pushing all those eggs out of you all day!” Eric said though he was hardly too embarrassed by the fact, given how much pleasure the act of voiding them had given them. 


“I will, actually,” Rachel said, moving to shuck off her shirt and pants. The two of them stared confused at her naked body as Rachel reached down and pulled out her own vial of potion. “Bottom’s up, boys!” She declared, before drinking it in one gulp and moving into the tank to prepare for her own spawning stint.