All For The Sake of Research

The persistent, obnoxious roars from his captive were not enough to fully distract Fagorn from going about his business, though they were irritating nonetheless. At least he was accustomed to such background noise, especially from such an aggressive specimen he needed to keep in captivity. It was inconvenient to have a full-grown horned dragon in his primary chamber, but the massive cage within his den was the only thing that could keep such a beast held firm. Besides, having the beast present to harvest his blood and venom was a necessity for his ongoing research. Still, having to feed and clean after him constantly was troublesome, and Fagorn lamented not having help to tend to the dragon’s day-to-day needs. It was beyond inconvenient, though a necessary one Fagorn was forced to bear. 


It had cost him a great deal of his fortune to pay for the hunting party to bring in an adult horned dragon alive. If the beast’s intact blood wasn’t needed as a key ingredient for his experiments, it would hardly be worth all the trouble it had been to obtain such a beast. Two of the adventurers had perished in the attempt, and those that remained demanded compensation for their loss, something that Fagone reluctantly agreed to, lest he bring down their ire. So, he paid much of the reserves from his coffers and had to take over the duties of keeping the beast alive in the interim without the funds to hire someone to do it for him. 


In truth, Fagorn hated the massive, smelly beast, barely sentient and aggressive to the point it would obliterate Fagorn and his entire lab in mere moments. Though his spells kept the cage intact against the beast’s aggressions, it was still extremely dangerous, especially with the layers of spikes over his body. The creature was known for being able to fire the spines as a weapon, though thankfully could not do so within the confines of the cage. Its layers of spines over its tail and back were numerous, making direct attacks against it almost impossible. The spines, while poisonous, were generally used by the creature to assault prey or battle with its peers in dominance displays. However, the creature’s massive size was enough to contend with most other draconic species, making them the dominant predators within their lands. 


As the creature had been bestowed into his care rather abruptly, Fagorn had been forced to adapt his chamber, the spells put in place hastily cast in order to prevent the beast from causing any damage. Fagorn had repeated them several times over, though their potency would only increase so much due to the nature of their protection. Shields, calming scents, and various reflective surfaces were used to keep the dragon placid, though, with the creature’s strength and its natural magic resistance, it was seldom silent, distracting Fagorn from his research. He often had to check to make sure his spells were in place, and the errant sounds of creaking metal weren’t a sign the beast was about to escape. Though intelligence was lacking in this species, their penchant for vengeance was well known, tracking their assailants across vast ranges in an effort to slay them for the tiniest slight. If he were to get out, he would not stop until Fagorn and all his research were reduced to a stain within the mountainside.


Still, in Fagorn’s opinion, such inconveniences would be well worth it in the end. Among other things that such a beast was useful for, its potent toxins were the key ingredient in many high-challenge potions, concoctions that Fagorn was unable to continue his research without. Much of the potions were among legendary status, philosopher’s stones, life elixirs, things that could elevate one to dominance over the mortal world. Such was not his ultimate goal, but rather to gain continued life to pursue his research to its natural conclusion without mortal fears. That, and perfect his craft, the challenge of brewing such exilars one that had not been achieved by his people in eons. 


For now, Fagorn was in need of a blood sample, having waited many days for the beast to calm himself enough that such an attempt would not prove fatal. But given his recent bouts of rage, such was taking far too long for Fagorn’s liking. So, he was forced to cast a detection-altering spell, something to prevent the creature from noticing him until his sample was collected. Worse was that the creature’s hide was tougher than any armor, to the point that he had to wield a specially tipped spear of the creature’s own spines to pierce its flesh and allow it to bleed. Such would be an effort all on its own and would have to be done quickly, Fagorn likely having only one shot to do so without enraging the beast enough that such future efforts were rendered moot.


Finally, the creature’s rage had ebbed enough that it was, for all appearances, asleep. Aware of the danger in approaching a creature with smell and hearing beyond conceivable levels, Fagorn took necessary precautions, several spells to mask his presence, hiding him visually, creating visual illusions, and anything else in his repertoire he could think of that might help. He made sure he was combining practices that were not necessary together but did not directly interfere with each other. Still, there was no reason not to, especially with all he stood to lose should anything go awry. 


With a spell of levitation, Fagorn made his move toward the cage, in the dragon’s blind spot as he raised his spear, hoping to strike and draw enough blood for his magical endeavors. Such was assumed so potent that only a few drops would be needed for his purposes, which was likely all he would be able to obtain regardless. Yet, guard down as he slowly raised his spear, the impact of a spine through his hand sent a shock through Fagorn’s body, not anticipating the blinding pain that made him drop the weapon. Fagorn barely had the wherewithal to turn around to see the dragon’s raised tail that had fired the spike through the bars. Not only had the dragon been aware of him, but had been able to fire on him with pinpoint accuracy, leaving Fagorn effectively defeated as he fell, unable to keep his focus on the spell that allowed him to levitate. He was able to catch himself to prevent serious injury, but only just, the pain in his hand preventing him from doing much else. 


Even through the agony, Fagorn’s mind was racing with possibilities as to how he had been caught. The dragon’s sense of smell, hearing, and vision should have been obscured by the various layers of spells he had put in place. Then again, so little was known of their physiology, having very few deceased specimens to dissect and examine. It was a rarity that even a team of hunters was able to take one down. Many people thought to encounter one were never seen again, their fate largely unknown. Dragons had a habit of burning their dead so as to not attract predators, and this particular species was known for its tenacity in combat. Even with all the precautions in place, this beast with barely a sentient mind was able to best him, and now Fagorn was paying the price for his hubris, so close to unlocking the keys to his future and falling so far all at once.


There was a more immediate need, of course, one he was made aware of as the spine stung his hand and left it numb. This species of dragon was known to be poisonous, its toxicity able to fell many a beast in mere moments, not to mention a human. His only hope was that the tip of the spine had penetrated through his hand without secreting any poison into his body, though such was fleeting. There was also a chance that cutting off his arm would stem the flow of poison, though Fagorn had no way to do so on his own, much less stem the blood flow and keep him from fainting and meeting an even longer and drawn-out demise. 


Still having some strength for the moment, Fagorn moved toward his workbench, looking to gather his notes in case something was contained within to inform him how to circumvent the poison. Surely, he would recall something of that importance with the amount of time he had devoted to the research, though in the moment it was the only thing he could think of to save himself. Yet, there was hardly enough time for him to move to his bench before he fell over, the pain running through his body more than he could bear. 


Thinking it was the end, the agony radiating through his body was enough that Fagorn could barely move, crawling toward his desk as much as his body would allow. Yet, he was suddenly stopped the moment the sound of something hitting the ground passed his ears, and Fagorn looked down with shock to see the spine had dislodged itself from his skin of its own accord, falling to the floor in two pieces. Fagorn expected that blood would pour out of the wound, though was surprised to feel the skin, while hot, was not bleeding. In fact, as he watched with fascination, the skin around the wound started to heal of its own accord, filling in with muscle, tissue, and even bone, as though he had not been stabbed in the first place. 


Looking up at the dragon, a strange expression seemed to have crossed its reptilian muzzle, the first hint of intelligence he’d seen from the beast. It was bizarre, though not as much as his wound healing with surprising speed, the likes of which no healer could muster. The skin still tingled, feeling oddly stiff, and he could not move the fingers. In fact, he could barely even feel them, as though they had been removed from his anatomy, or his circulation had been cut off entirely, which made sense, given his wound. Yet, the entire circumstance had him powerfully unnerved to the point he was afraid even to move, unsure of what was to happen next. 


It seemed Fagorn’s instincts would be proven correct. The skin started to prickle fiercely, not painful as it had been before, but irritating all the same. It was as though the nails on his fingers were rising from their beds, suddenly pushing the cuticles outward and creating sharpened points on the ends of them. Happening to all five digits in tandem, Fagorn was left to stare helplessly as they continued to thicken, fingers trembling and streams of blood poking from his fingers as they lengthened. Eventually, they burrowed into the tips of his fingers themselves until they made up their entirety. They looked all too reminiscent of some sort of bestial claws, though no spell he had seen cast before could create such a slow, steady growth, and all Fagorn could do was to groan his discomfort over the alterations. 


Sweating profusely now, Fagorn used his other hand to tear at his shirt, fluids pouring off his body in rivulets as though he had been struck with some disease. Such was likely apt, given the bizarre alterations to his fingertips, the digits themselves still trembling and expanding. A few light cracks and pops, as well as the continued involuntary twitching, was a sign of just that, though Fagorn was not in a position to try to touch them, fearful the ailment would spread to his other hand. It looked for all the world like the digits were pushing forward, as though reaching for something in the distance, extending longer and becoming more spindly before his very eyes. Soon, they were larger than his palms could comfortably hold, though it was not to be an issue for long with the tingling settling into them as well, a sign of their eventual growth. 


Yet, it was the heat over his chest that soon brought his attention, something swelling within under the skin and leaving him powerfully confused. It was an expansion of tissue as best as he could tell, fat swelling within and pushing at the skin until two noticeable lumps were formed. Fagorn could only stare in shock as they continued to bubble up and press against his chest, though not painfully so. They seemed to stretch the skin around them ballooning outward and taking on a bulbous shape the likes of which he could not imagine on his form. Though it had been some time since he’d seen breasts or any females in general, it was rather obvious that he was growing a pair of his own, almost heavy on his chest as his nipples darkened and their flesh became far more sensitive. 


Bringing up his unchanged hand, Fagron let out a hiss of pleasure the moment his fingers met his new growths. It was nearly shocking how sensitive they were, prompting him to play his hand over them, exploring their contours. Fagorn was never one for physical pleasures, too engrossed in his research as he was. But the sensitivity of his new flesh was beyond expectations and he could not bring himself to pull away, no matter what logic and reason told him. It was simply too sublime that even his member came to an erection, pounding in his loins and making him moan from the contact against his robes. When was the last time he had felt this way? It made no sense that such a near-death experience or the ensuing changes could bring about such ecstasy. And yet…


Without thinking, Fagorn shucked off his robes and undergarments, leaving himself naked in his chamber as his modest erection bobbed up and down. It demanded attention, though his infected hand was still unruly, and his other was still being tasked with pleasuring his breasts, the alien sensations too much for him to comprehend, let alone stop. Still, the waves of lust rolled off his body, gathering in his prick as it continued to leak furiously. It seemed that pleasing his areolas was sufficient to bring him close to the edge, direct contact with his penis was not necessary. Perhaps it had simply been too long since he’d gotten off, a futile pursuit for one of his intellect. But in the moment of passion, there was no resisting the release to come as he rubbed each breast in sequence. All he could do was moan and feel his cock spasm as it shot its burden all over the floor, most of it leaking down his naked legs and the shaft itself.


Panting, Fagron tried to regain his facilities, though, with the act of touching his newly christening femininity, there was little ability left to think. His body was enveloped with the fires of lust, and even his release was not enough to fully stem the cravings. In fact, it seemed as though the act of touching his new assets was enough for him to continue to discharge the contents of his testicles, an impossible quality of semen for a being of his stature. As the moments ticked by and his breasts were rubbed raw in his quest for pleasure, it seemed as though his entire burden was being expelled at once, leaving his manhood shriveled up. 


Curious and finally able to pull his hand away from his chest, Fagorn reached down and caressed his ball sack, surprised by how light it felt. It was almost as though his testicles really had shrunk, ousting all his semen and remaining useless on his form. Hell, the sack itself was even shrinking, pulling into his groin with the force of a hand gripping it and tugging it inward. A moment of extreme discomfort rang through his body as Fagorn felt the wind knocked out of him, his entire sack tugged concave as it retracted within him. Nothing remained visible, save for the wrinkled flesh that served to mark its former spot. It was powerfully disconcerting to feel his remnant testicles traveling within him, almost as if they were being drawn up close to his prostate, their new purpose foreign to him.


More confusing was the sensations wracking his penis, which, despite everything lost to him, was still partially erect. He wanted to reach down and touch it, though the moment his still-human fingers caressed the tip, a shockwave rang through his lower body. The head was far more sensitive than even his breasts had been to the point that even the lightest contact was almost enough to bring him to orgasm. It seemed as though he could cum again simply by touching himself further. It was the oddest sensation as his curious fingers played over the tip to see where the pleasure would take him. 


It seemed that each touch against his member, while exquisite, forced it to be drawn within himself further. Eventually, there was little separating the head of his penis from his groin, even while in a completely flaccid state. Yet, despite what it was doing to him, Fagorn could not cease touching himself, desperate for the aftershocks of pleasure pulsating through him and the electric charges that were being directed through his breasts. It was a feedback loop of sorts that served to wipe out any ability for rational thought. A groan passed his lips once more as the head itself seemed to be pulled within him, only the opening of his urethra remaining as the skin around his groin lost its sensitivity. 


With that, Fagorn was able to pull his fingers away, though by that time it was too late, and his member had settled into its new configuration. The skin around his piss hole started to widen, leaking fluids of a different consistency than his precum, though no less the result of his lust. The opening began to widen slightly, and, curious more than afraid, Fagorn reached down, a sensual shiver running through his being as his new anatomy was stimulated. The contact seemed to cause it to grow further moist, opening up like a wound as it stretched below the skin where his testicles once sat. Yet, it was obviously as much of his anatomy as any other facet, feeling almost natural as it spread and the edges started to fold slightly, the pattern alien yet familiar all the same. It had been some time since he’d seen female anatomy up close, but it was obvious his sex had formed a cunt, something far more arousing and sensitive than he could have ever expected. 


A strange warmth seemed to play over him, as though his body fat was starting to reposition itself in ways that did not match the anatomy he was accustomed to. It repositioned from his belly to over his hips and ass, making him sure that his garments would be ill-fitting had he thought it prudent to keep them on. A leaner stomach sat below his ample breasts, and even his overall height seemed a little shorter than what he’d been accustomed to in his adult life. To top it all off, his Adam’s apple seemed to have melded into his throat, making his physiology match that of a female. At least, for now, if his still-twitching fingers were any indication of what might happen next…


The researcher in Fagorn wanted to question what was happening to him, how an infection of dragon venom could change him at all, let alone his sex entirely. Yet, unlike the calm, collected demeanor he so often prided himself on, Fagorn was sex-starved, unable to resist caressing his feminine sex, the tremors of pleasure vibrating through his form and removing all rational thought. While his areolas were powerfully sensitive in their own right, nothing could compare to the pleasure of touching his newly minted clit. Fagorn was desperate to bring himself to his first female orgasm, craving to experience such pleasures firsthand. Everything else, the dragon, the effect of its venom on his body, or the consequences of such changes was a drop in the bucket to the promise of pleasure that his release would grant him. And given the intensity of sensation rocking through his being, it would not take long to reach his inevitable end. 


With a high-pitched cry, Fagorn felt his body going into shock, burning waves of pleasure radiating through his body. Somewhere, his logical brain told him there was no way a human body could feel such pleasures from simple masturbation acts. Yet, there was little to deny how much it did for him, removing human rationale and reason as the heat assailing his body rose to new heights. It should have caused him to sweat profusely, though all the moisture in his body seemed to have evaporated by this point. It left him panting, not sure how to alleviate the heat, and left to suffer from whatever substance made its way through his body. 


What he was not expecting was the sensation of something working its way out of his back as the bones within his coccyx separated, pushing into a lump that slowly reached an inch and then two. Curious, Fagorn reached back, almost shocked when his fingers brushed against a growth that twitched at his prompting. The source of it was unknown, though the shock of its motion was enough for Fagorn to fall over, yelping as he landed on the protrusion, as though it was a part of him. Almost like…a tail? Such should have been impossible, though nothing about the process made any sense.


Though it didn’t hurt to feel his new growth pushing its way out of his backside, it was powerfully uncomfortable as it continued to expand, the bones within breaking apart and reforming as it grew further. Standing up unsteadily, Fagorn could feel the growing touching the back of his legs on its downward journey. There was no denying it so closely resembled one such as the creature above him possessed, leaving Fagorn powerfully conflicted about the end game of the infection. Could he stop it? Such had never been observed in the natural world. However, if he was to continue to change, there was every chance the process occurred regularly and that anyone undergoing it was rendered no longer human enough to tell the tale. 


Worse, perhaps, was that the growth seemed to be reawakening his arousal to the point he could not resist the urge to touch himself. He was prompted to use both hands this time despite how stiff the clawed digits felt and the dangers of piercing his flesh. The overactive breast tissue, in tandem with his sensitive peral within moist folds, was enough to cause him to orgasm once more, crying out as his tail continued to extend, thick enough to push apart his ass cheeks and touch the floor at the tip. It remained skin-shaded, for now, but Fagorn, in his fleeting moments of cognizance, figured that might not remain the case. 


The sensation of hairs brushing against his cheeks caused him to stop caressing his sex for a moment, realizing his now-longer hair was pushing its way from his scalp. No sooner had he been rendered bald than something pierced the flesh causing rivulets of blood to pool from the wounds before they closed up entirely. The growths continued to irritate the skin, forcing protrusions of bone from the back of his skull and resting almost heavily there. The skin rippled around them, forcing ridges that stopped above his former eyebrows, making him wish to glance at his new visage, curious about what was becoming of his scalp. 


A brief ache spread from his brow and down toward his nose, nostrils flaring as the tip began to harden, the cartilage turning to bone. Taking his upper lip with it, the protrusion continued to work its way out of his face, visible if he crossed his eyes. His nasal passages, too, grew far larger, and the scent of his new feminine musk burned into them, prompting him to rub his sex furiously. He had easily lost track of the number of times he had cum by now, though it mattered little with the stamina his changing body seemed to possess. So potent were the sexual sensations that he could do nothing but heed their beckoning, even if the consequence of such was further change and a fall from everything he held dear. 


A further stiffening of his fingers left him unable to tease both his breasts and sex at the same time, and his femininity took precedence. Still, Fagorn held his other hand out in front of him, curious as to its development. It seemed as though a webbing of skin was starting to swell from within the fingers, spreading through them even as the fingers continued to extend far beyond what could feasibly exist on his form. It was thick, and veiny, enough that it likely could not be penetrated by any weapons with ease. It did seem to stick his fingers together as they continued to twitch, joints and tendons cracking as they expanded beyond the length of even his upper legs. They were spindly, and more flexible as they took what was likely their proper shape, webbing reaching up toward their tips and giving them a more familiar form. Fagorn was surprised as the other fingers seemed to bend outward at an impossibly right angle, awkward to move though enjoying a range of motion far beyond his humanity. 


Yet, even the fear over what was happening to his hands could not deter his arousal and his need for orgasm. The same ache in his other hand was sign enough for him to rub with fervor, trying to get off before the changes robbed him of his ability to do so. Still, even his lust and heat were not enough to bring the release he so desperately craved before it was fated to the same, shifting fingers becoming too long and weak to be used in such a fashion. The formation of webbing between them cemented their stiffness as they continued to grow to the relative stature of wings, much the same as his captive. Like a dragon…


Gazing up at the caged beast, a look of realization crossed his features, the beast glaring at him, as though expecting the sight of his changes. All his focus was on his transforming captor, looking with almost a seductive gaze, something that made no sense for such a beast to display. Most noticeable of all was the parting of a slit on his underside, one that erupted outward in a red reptilian phallus, the likes of which Fagorn had never seen before. Yet, with his lust at its apex and the hormones coursing through his veins, there was no denying his interest in the organ, and he longed to see it closer, or, even, suck it, bring it to release to pleasure his mate before taking it inside of him…


With that, the ache in his cunt lips came to its apex, and with a flood of change, Fagorn could feel his sex burning, the heat warping the skin as the labia further flowered, taking on an inhuman state. Without reference, Fagorn couldn’t say what was happening, though the skin darkening and the hair of his groin falling away was proof enough that his sex was warping to be the female equivalent of the dragon’s phallus winking down at him. Though such should have terrified him, the arousal was such that he wanted nothing more than to let loose his captor and suck that phallus, if it would give him even a moment’s reprieve. 


The changes to his underside were not yet complete as a sudden clenching of his anus had him fall to his knees. It was as though his internal plumbing was rotating within, something that should have killed him over and over. Despite the powerful discomfort from the process, it left him no worse for wear as his internal organs, muscle, tissue, and even bone were parted to allow the merger of the two openings. It was obvious the singular vent was to be used for all his purposes now, though, in the heat of the moment, he wanted nothing more than to take the reptilian phallus within him, despite the massive disparity in their statures. 


That was not to be the case for much longer as the heat started to burn through his entire being, causing what he could perceive as an all-encompassing expansion. Bone, muscle, tendons, and even organs were all swelling in tandem, making him far too large for the robes he once possessed, though they were long forgotten by now. He was soon double his human stature, muscle bulking underneath as the skin stretched to keep up. Fagorn was prompted to shut his eyes, the change in perspective from such rapid growth was almost too much for him to bear and making him feel ill. It was obvious, even to beings of lesser intelligence what the end goal would be. Soon he would reach the size of the dragon in the cage above him. A being large enough to wrap his cunt lips around such a magnificent penis, and take its life-giving sperm within…


Lost in lust and desire, Fagorn was barely aware of the dusting of scales covering his legs, pushing up from under the skin and forming thickened layers, the tough hide of the dragon whose visage he was to take on. They moved downward to cover his calves, spreading up his thighs and removing all the errant hairs from mammalian skin, though his sexual changes had largely removed such already. As he grew larger and larger, scales continued to swell from under the skin, firm, interlocking plates that moved up his ass and former rectum, teasing the base of his bare tail before spreading in a dull brown pattern. An ache at the tip as the first spines burst their way forth in a bloody spray caused him to call out, a roar that sounded less human than he was prepared for but nothing he could control. 


They were hardly the only spines to burst from his still-human skin, and the most painful poked outward in rings around his cheeks, prompting blood to run down his cheeks. Fagorn only needed to look up at the restless dragon to perceive where his own spines would protrude from, peppering the sides of his neck and around his face like a beard of sorts. Any errant facial hairs were removed, and the wounds from their growth were soon healed as brownish-gray scales took place over his skin. It was irritating, though there was little he could do to rub them into being with his hands in their current state, and was forced to bear through it as his body converted at an impossibly gradual pace. 


Watering in his eyes prompted him to blink a few times from the sensation of them nearly popping out of their sockets. Opening them again revealed the world in perfect clarity, lines of what he could only presume were trails of heat, though blinking an extra membrane removed that from his sight at his choosing. It was obvious his eyes were yellow, black slits that mirrored those that had been staring at him all the while. And seeing the dragon from the perspective of one of his own stirred something within his mind, fear and disgust burned away for images of mating, fucking, and, perhaps most foreign of all, laying eggs, and birthing the beast’s progeny. And, for all the horror such should have brought, there was no denying how much his mind craved it that nothing, not his research, not his goals could compare with sating that desire…


“Nnnoorrrrrraaaaawwwwww!” Fagorn called out, though his warped voice chilled him to the bone. It terrified him to think he would lose himself to the primal desires of a beast. 


Still, he was determined to fight against it, as much as the process itself could not be stemmed. However, there was no ignoring the persistent odor in his nose, far too pungent to be coming from his own sex alone. Nostrils flared and drank in the heady miasma, making his sex leak and clench with the need to be fucked. He almost released the seals on the dragon’s cage, though with his hands in their current state, such was impossible to achieve anyway. Still, with the persistent changes overtaking him, it was likely he would soon be larger and powerful enough to break the cage of his own volition if he was so inclined. And, gods, was he feeling inclined…


All the while, the aches in his arms were indicative of their growth, thinner in relation to his massive body but more spindly as befit the stature of the beast he was growing into. The muscles within were firm, bones hollowing out as he understood his form required to fly properly. Still, it was moot when he would not maintain enough reflection to study his new body, nor record his findings for the world to see. And that conflict caused him to fight through the pain and the poison likely changing him, even if it was for naught. 


A sharp ache resonated through his chest as it was forced outward, shoulders rotating forward against his torso as ripplings of growth barreled it into a bestial shape. The feminine features he had first developed, in particular his ample breasts, were removed with little fanfare, though he was not sad to see them go in the throes of change. In their place, thick, plate-like scutes erupted from his skin, giving his underbelly a layer of protection that made his new species so fearsome. The gurgling of his guts came to the forefront of his thoughts, wondering from a scientific perspective how the venom was keeping him alive while altering his internal organs. He could scarcely perceive, without dissection, what was happening within him, though his organs were surely swelling to match his much larger physique. It didn’t hurt, thankfully, causing only a dull pain that quickly abated as the changes overtook him. 


Even through the discomfort of change, a part of the former scientist within him forced Fagorn to move toward his table, wanting desperately to find a cure. There had to be something, anything in his research to explain why the venom could change a being into a dragon as well, even if he was unaware of it being documented before now. Yet, the moment his wing hands came down on the desk, the strength in his arms, far beyond anything he could have imagined himself to possess, split the sturdy structure in two. With that, all his notes, papers, and books were scattered with a flurry of clutter, and all Fagorn could do was roar out in vain as his only source of knowledge was robbed from him. 


It was soon to grow much worse as an ache in his belly suddenly burst forth, causing him to belch rather fiercely. Rather than gas being released, however, a torrent of flame erupted forth from his mouth, not harming his insides but covering every inch of his work area with brilliant orange light. His rage only grew at that, a bestial fury born from inhuman inclinations as his final ties to his research, and his life’s work went up in flames. Yet, there was nothing he could do, thrashing around the ruins as his body grew and changed to match his actions. The acrid smoke didn’t irritate his throat, thankfully, though the taste was repugnant, if not ignored in his rampage, flailing around and destroying everything in his wake. 


In his destruction, one of the devices holding the cage aloft was released, and against the weight of the being within, it came crashing down with a clattering of metal. It took his captive some moments to realize he was free, though, in his desperation for more of the female’s scent, he soon broke through, any further bonds keeping him chained broken with ease. With that, he crawled out of his prison, flapping his wing hands and landing with a thump in front of the much smaller, changing man. It was intimidating to be in the presence of such a beast, likely that he would be killed and eaten for his hubris. But the dragon’s reaction was perhaps even worse, sniffing the air and moving toward Fagorn’s backside, making him reflectively raise his stubby tail. 


A groan escaped his lips at the sensation of the dragon’s hot breath on his cunt, far more sensitive than Fagorn was prepared for. Thankfully, he was not inclined to tease him directly, content to sniff the offering Fagorn’s heat presented for now. Still, the presence of the creature served to raise his own lust beyond his ability to understand, making him leak and growl with the needs of his new female body. He was far too small for what his instincts seemed to beckon him to do, something Fagorn could not fully understand in his current state of mental conflict. But the proximity of the beast encouraged some submissive instinct, and Fagorn was left to stay still as the dragon had his way with the changing man.


Yet, the heat and smoke from the fire he’d sprayed was starting to spread, filling the chamber and making him uncomfortable, if not coughing from the smoke outright. His former dragon captive saw it fit to leave, flapping his wings with a gust of air and taking to the sky. Hovering there for a moment, he seemed to beckon to her, and Fagorn followed, unable to fly and instead crawling toward the exit of the cavern. He told himself it was to escape the flames, though there was no denying his instinct to be near the beast, his masculine presence awakening those primal instincts Fagorn struggled in vain to resist. 


Fagorn could not hold back his roar of distress as the dragon let loose with his own stream or flame, quickly rendering Fagorn’s lab to ashes. A hint of regret flashed through his mind, though with the heat burning through his loins, it was hard to hold onto that despair. If he was somehow able to change back, he could always rebuild from scratch, not the first time he had done so. But if he was to lose his humanity, his mind, then there was no going back. It already took him everything he had to maintain his grip on himself, despite the changes wracking his body. 


Yet, he was not expecting the sensation of the dragon’s firm hide against his own, the creature nuzzling him in a decidedly tender way for such a beast. It made Fagorn all the more aware of how much smaller he was, though he was likely to reach such a stature as the beast’s venom took hold. Trying to call out his frustrations once more, only a bestial roar erupted, something that was hardly a deterrent to the dragon’s advances. If Fagorn was in a head space to observe his actions in an analytic way, he might place it as a mating display, the beast trying to spur Fagorn into arousal. And much to his chagrin, it was working, his draconic cunt lips throbbing with need, sending shivers through his entire being. The quivering sensations, however, were more than just lust, causing muscles and bones to creak and groan as they expanded beyond their former confines. A numbing agent from the venom seemed to ease the aches from being entirely agonizing, but it was of little reprieve as Fagorn continued to grow, as though wishing to reach the stature of the beast his body held in reverence. 


The aches of change began to center in his feet now, the toes twitching in time with the thicker muscles swelling within. The formation of claws from within the tips erupted with a spray of blood, though healed far too quickly for him to be hindered. Three of the toes splayed wide, needed to take on the weight of his growing mass as the increasing size of their joints and tendons allowed them to dig into the earth. Their backs were covered with thickened plates, jointed to allow them to flex to their full potential. While three of them were all he required to maintain his full weight, only one per foot was eliminated, while the last one pulled up his shifting heels, immobile but growing a small talon in its own right. 


With his bulking legs and shifting stance, Fagorn was able to feel how top-heavy his chest was becoming and almost fell over from the pressure. Still, he was able to maintain his stance, his ever-growing bulk pushing out in all the right places to secure his upright posture. Shoulders shifted as well, and the range of motion in his arms was noticeably restrictive, though still able to extend enough to pull his wings through the air, an ability necessary for his species. Another part of him was vaguely aware that he was far lighter as much as his growing bulk was able to achieve, likely beneficial for flight. 


However, in the heat of the moment, Fagorn retained little ability to reflect on the alterations to his anatomy, something that would normally be of interest to him. It was the reorientating of his new cloaca that took precedence, burning through his being and raising his lust beyond any ability for him to focus through. Not only was the flesh of his sex highly sensitive but there was something instinctive about having his sex at level with his mate’s penis. It was something that he desired more than anything in human life, the feral instincts burning through his being and erasing all thoughts of doubt. It was powerfully embarrassing for a man of research to be so overtaken by primal instincts, and with a being of the same sex, no less. 


Had Fagorn been in the mindset to contemplate it further, the notion of such a species using another to transform into the opposite sex would have fascinated him, wanting to trap such a specimen and observe the changes from an outside perspective. And, as certain as undergoing it himself would provide a unique perspective, there was no point if he could not record it or even remember it. It was enough for him to cry out once more, though the effect was only to draw his suitor to his backside, rubbing and prompting Fagorn’s tail to raise. Surely, the scent of his cloaca was a powerful attractant, something no male could resist. 


By this point, Fagorn was about half the size of the male, though was very much still in the throes of change. Yet, even that limitation was not enough to resist the urge to submit, clenching his sex and surely wafting his scent to spur on the male’s lust. Given the disparity in their sizes, it was obvious there was no way he could take such a girthy member within him. Yet, the male was insistent, pushing at the fringes of his femininity as though commanding him to open for his presence. As much as Fagorn wished to roar out his resistance, the male was far too strong for him, even as he crawled over Fagorn’s back and reached down with his wings to hold him in place. With such power, there was no chance of Fagorn getting away as the tip of the male’s prick penetrated his sex, barely enough to wriggle its way through. 


As much as Fagorn was sure from a logistical standpoint, he couldn’t want this, a draconic heat burning through his sex was betraying him. Nothing he could focus on was sufficient to deny the reptilian lust in his loins as his sex parted to what he perceived was its limits. Each ribbed inch of the dragon’s penis was forced within him, even when Fagorn figured he had nothing more to give. That seemed of little consequence to the male, wanting to penetrate him and take his pleasure to the inevitable outcome of sexual release. Fagorn roared out his pain, though the male did not relent in his efforts, not caring that he might injure his mate in the process. Fagorn was sure his insides would irreparably rupture from the force of it, but it seemed his cavity was designed to hold strong, as much as it hurt to take a cock of that size. With each inch thrust within him, it seemed his cunt was able to part just slightly, enough to dull the pain as Fagorn continued to grow, becoming a being the size of being worthy of such a prick.


Soon, it felt like the male’s cock was fully embedded within him, Fagorn’s cunt lips too tight to allow him to thrust. It was far too large, of course, terribly uncomfortable to the point Fagorn figured he would burst. But under that agony, there was something else he couldn’t quite a place, never having a female’s sex before now. The aches in his lips, while pained, seemed to settle just slightly as though their desire was being quelled. And as he continued to grow and swell, it was becoming more and more likely the true pleasure of the mating would soon come to fruition…


The presence of a penis within him had another effect on him as well, one that terrified him to the core. The dull ache in his skull was starting to compound rapidly, the bones compressing against the primate-shaped skull and the brain within. Though he was getting larger than anything his human self could manage, the pressure on his brain was such that he was sure it would remove his prized intellect. Such had no place for a beast, after all, and it was already becoming troublesome for him to think about anything other than the prick prying open his loins. And, perhaps most frightening of all, it was getting more and more difficult to find fault in that reality as he longed simply for the male’s cum, and little else. 


As his body continued to expand, the pressure on his cunt lips soon became tolerable enough there was no denying it was designed to take it, almost like a glove as it finally allowed the male enough space to pull back. Yet, Fagorn hardly had time to feel reprieve before it was thrust within him once more, teasing some inner wall of his sex he had no name more. It hurt, much as it had, but there was anticipation there as well, a tingling tension that he couldn’t deny carried with it notes of pleasure. Draconic sex was not designed for the female’s comfort, as Fagorn was starting to understand, but for the male’s pleasure. Worse, the male’s thrusts started to intensify, the great beast holing onto Fagorn’s body tightly to prevent escape even if his cock wasn’t deeply embedded into Fagorn’s cunt lips. What felt like massive spines unfurled from the bottom of the male’s penis, digging into the sides of his cunt and making him cry from the pain. Yet, the heat assailing his body made it impossible to resist being fucked, even if the pleasant throbbing within his cunt lips was not enough to compensate for the biological agony that came with their breeding. 


Yet, the more he was fucked, the larger he seemed to grow, Fagorn wincing and closing his eyes as his cunt was pounded with the force only such a beast could provide. The further his muscles expanded, his skin stretched, and his mass ballooned, the more the agony within his cunt began to subside. It became a warmth flowing through him that sent his cunt quivering, gripping the penis within him in desperation. It was as though he was being fucked into form, and the more he changed, the better he was able to withstand his breeding. He couldn’t deny how desirable that prospect was becoming for him, making it difficult to hold on to the rational parts of his mind telling him otherwise. 


With that, little resistance remained as the compression within his skull gave way to the proper formation of his muzzle. He could feel it being forced out, the bone cracking within as the muscles and tendons stretched, barely keeping up. The tang of blood ran through his mouth as his human teeth were forced through the gums, serrated blades taking their place. His tongue, too, was far thicker, lolling out of his mouth as his eyes bulged in their sockets, forced forward into a predatory visage. He kept them closed, focused on the pleasure in his cunt and the waves of ecstasy wracking his entire body. It was difficult to find fault in the changes, not when his body, his mind, and his very being told him otherwise. 


The pounding to his cervix became the perfect contrast to the pinpricks of pain erupting from more venomous spines forming like those that had infected him in the first place. He had no way to know if they would have the same impact on another human, though it was a moot point given he already had a virile mate currently fucking him into oblivion. Still, the crest of spines around his neck, running down his back, and lining the tip of his tail were welcome if only to look more like the beast he held with some reverence now. For now, his pain was turning to pleasure, and his desire to mate and take the male’s seed became his entire world.


The larger his skull was forced to extend, the more it compressed on his brain to the point that cognizant thoughts were made all but impossible. Any lingering threads were erased the moment Fagorn tried to hold onto them. Nothing seemed to hold a candle to his desire to take the male’s cum. And, even those fleeting fragments were lost under the knowledge that giving into primal pleasures was far more fulfilling than anything his research had ever brought. Why would he struggle all his life for the possibility of achieving Nirvana when such could be pumped into his womb at any moment? 


With that, his cunt lips quivered uncontrollably, and Fagorn felt his sex go into orgasm, something beyond his ability to comprehend. It started as a throbbing of the areas being directly stimulated but soon began flowing through his entire being and making him growl and quiver with release. It was not the physical sensations themselves that drew him in, but rather the higher purpose of propagation that came with them. It was more akin to being a vessel for the male’s pleasure, and in delivering that promise to his mate, he could feel the backwash filling him with physical bliss as well. It was almost to the point he no longer saw himself as male, but female, subservient to her male and eager to take his seed and lay his clutch. And it was her great pleasure to do so, nothing else in the human world baring more promise. 


Feeling the walls of her cunt gripping the male’s penis tightly, Fagorn was sure she was about to aid in his orgasm. Yet, she was not expecting the male to reach down, gripping her neck and holding her in place, as if the barbs on his penis were insufficient to secure his seed within her. Fagron cried out her resistance, though there was little in the way of denying the bite sent shivers through her being, extending her orgasm to the point she couldn’t control the tight grip on his prick. In response, it seemed to pulsate widely against her insides, pumping what felt like an endless quality of semen within her new womb, deflowering it and washing away any fragments of his humanity. It was akin to being reborn, instincts in her mind resetting her very nature to one that suited the situation and body she now possessed. 


The two of them lay there for some time, the male’s seed sitting inside of her and leaving her warm and content. The fear over her changes and the loss of her mentality and intellect was long since discarded. With nowhere for the male’s semen to go but toward her ovaries, her eventual fertilization was all but assured. There was part of her that wanted to be free, the male’s barbs still holding her fast. Still, there was some comfort that the male phallus was able to prevent his seed from escaping and making the most of his gift. And that alone was enough to make her thoughts drift, satisfied in a way akin to having achieved it all. Her present worldview went beyond anything known to the former human, beyond all desire for research and self-perfection. It seemed that, in bestial simplicity, Fagorn had found it. 


Eventually, the spines within her cunt gave way, and with a roar, the female turned her more flexible neck and moved to snap at him, growling and feeling the flames brewing within. Though the male, experienced as he was, was easily able to dodge her fangs. Fagorn simply pulled away, growls reverberating around the land. Still, despite the rough nature of their mating, the female felt she wanted more, and that she deserved more to ensure the insemination of her progeny. All she required was for the male to rise to the occasion once more and tie them together as he made her entire body quiver and satisfied her newly birthed desires. 


The male, sated for the moment, flapped his massive wings, taking to the air and hovering there for a moment, as though beckoning the female to join him. And with that instinct, she was able to take to the skies as well, flapping her wings and raising her legs to take off with ease as though she had flown since her birth. Any fear of flight or scientific fascination with the action was robbed to draconic instinct as she followed behind the male, able to keep up as he led them into unknown territory. The promise of the male’s prick filling her once more was too much to pass up, her loins requiring it again even with his still-drying semen leaking out…




It had been some months since the infection that had changed Fagorn’s lot in life, though her recollection of life before then was hazy at best. All the former human’s research, spells, and progress meant little in the face of draconic influence and instincts, and even those fleeting memories were soon filtered for the natural inclinations to hunt, nest, and most of all, mate. It was something she partook in frequently, any lingering doubts about her new lot in life were lost the moment the male’s penis penetrated her folds. 


Naturally, the frequent mating act had an effect on her physiology, and Fagorn was naturally aware she was gravid, and that it would soon be time to lay. She and her new mate had a lair, not a collection of jewels and riches from the human world but a meek cavern to rest when not hunting. She had been gathering nesting material for some time, instinctively knowing that time was short for her brood to be birthed.  Even though she was thoroughly inseminated, she was still inclined to take him as many times as possible to quell the heat penetrating her sex. It also served to cement the bond between the newly christened mates, a powerful parental prerogative that existed between the species.


Eventually, it was time, and Fagron instinctively returned to her nest, resisting the urge to push until she was in position. The contractions wracking her cloaca soon became too intense, and peristaltic waves pulsated through her sex as one of the masses within started to descend through her tubes. It was almost painful, though the urge to push was too strong, the need to lay all-consuming. Had she remnants of humanity, they would surely be lost in the flood of reptilian instincts as she pushed, her tubes stretched to near the breaking point from the strain. Her new physiology was prepared for it, however, and soon, despite the pain, she was able to feel it sliding outward, her elastic lips spreading as far as possible and beyond.


The moment the egg started to void from her cloaca, a pleasurable wave burned through her being, as though she was about to undergo an orgasm. Having been pleasured to the breaking point and beyond by her male’s persistent penis, she was familiar with the sensation of feminine release. This was not as potent, though pleasant nonetheless, and came with it a sense of purpose, of fulfillment that surpassed even the mating act itself. Laying, after all, was the next logical step in raising her progeny, her pride in the act accentuating her release as her lips relaxed and allowed the slick fluids to push the egg to the halfway point and beyond. All it took was a slight push for the egg to be fully voided, sliding gently into her nest. 


Panting from the effort, Fagorn was allowed only a brief reprieve before another egg twitched within her, its edges guided toward her tubes as her insides reflexively pushed it on its way. The pain from the first egg was largely dulled by this point, Fagorn accustomed to it in tandem with how open her passageways were from the slick fluids released to guide its travel. By the time it reached her opening, Fagorn was in heaven, feeling it crown and pushing it outward, slipping beyond her cunt lips and joining its sibling in the nest. A brief moment of human recollection was glad to experience the oviposition act first-hand, a scientific endeavor beyond anything she could have imagined. But that last thread of humanity was snuffed out as the next egg began its journey, and the dragoness settled into her new purpose, content to lay her brood, the next generation of her species.