Man's Best Boyfriend

Depressed, and not for the first time in recent days, Michaël let the door to his apartment slam behind him, the sound of his dog’s nails clicking on the floor ringing in his ears. Not even Jake could get him out of this depressive funk, as good companionship as the dog was for him. It was nice being nosed by his golden retriever, but it was only fleeting, not the type of attention the man was missing. Perhaps the only kind Michaël would ever get, he was starting to think at the current rate he was going.


Coming from a small, homophobic town, Michaël had grown up closeted, not allowing any interactions with gay men who weren’t online and long distance. Going into his college years, Michaël had been longing for something more and took the risk to start dating. Yet, his romantic endeavors were all for naught, with most of the men he’d met online being in a similar circumstance and not wanting to out themselves by entering a relationship. The other extreme was also true, as many of the men he’d met were only looking for quick hookups, relationships not in the cards for them. Things were made more difficult by Michaël’s shyness, leaving him shut in after each rejection. While handsome enough, Michaël seemed to acquire more attention from girls than men, which made things all the more awkward especially with his family encouraging opposite-sex interactions. Micheal hardly knew how to reject their advances and was far too shy to ask them to stop, making him all the less marketable to other men.


Still, with how lonely he’d been as of late, Michaël was determined to keep trying, much to the determinant of his self-esteem. And here he was after another unsuccessful encounter, this time simply being stood up without a word. It was almost enough for him to stop altogether, though like a bad habit, Michaël found himself on dating sites once more, having already tried to chat with all of his matches but to no avail. It only added more disheartening feelings for the man who longed for something it felt increasingly likely he would never have. 


Giving up, his attention soon turned to the sorts of kinkier things he would not share with others, specifically his transformation-related fantasies. It was a powerful turn-on to imagine himself turning into a werewolf or dog, though he certainly didn’t think of his pet in such a light. Such was a fantasy, something to dream of and little more. Still, scrolling the usual sites was enough to lift him from his troubles and sate the lusts that had been plaguing him all day. A small reprieve, but it was better than nothing. 


What he was not expecting was to stumble upon an ad for something akin to a magic store, one catered to people of his particular tastes. Such was likely the setup for some sort of role play, and Michaël figured there was no harm in checking it out. Yet, it was soon found not the case, the ad being for a legitimate business rather than a fantasy as he’d been expecting. What shocked him was this particular store not only possessed an in-person shop but one that was located in his town. Not the sort of thing his conservative town was known for, Michaël figured what the hell, and decided to check it out the next day. 


“Ah, welcome, how can I help out today?” A woman’s voice greeted him as Michaël entered. He didn’t want to answer, but couldn’t avoid her question, given he seemed to be the only person in the store. 


“Ah, well, I’m just…umm…looking,” Michaël answered, not really wanting to admit the reason he had stumbled upon the site in the first place. 


“I’m sorry to assume, sir, but it’s not common for people to come across my store to simply browse. Generally, if you have a desire to find something unusual or unique, then you’ve come to the right place. But don’t worry about feeling a little shy. It’s my job to work that information from you, and help you find exactly what brought you to me in the first place,” she replied, as though such was the most natural thing in the world.


Michaël looked away for a few moments, his shyness getting the better of him. There was no way he could say he found the store through his kink, or that he desired to find a boyfriend. But his attempts to peruse the store would be futile, he was soon to discover. There was little in the store, some benches, closed boxes, and no displays or wares of any kind he could see. He was tempted to leave, but there was something about the woman’s words that gave him pause. 


“Do you…um, get a lot of business?” Michaël asked, though felt embarrassed by the question as soon as he asked it. 


“Enough,” was the simple reply. “I guess you could say I go where I’m needed, but don’t worry about that. It seems you’re a little unsure. Not in what you want, I’d wager, but rather in letting me know. In my travels, I’ve come across a wide range of requests, and I do my best to fill them. You won’t shock me, I promise,” she added, in a way that almost made Michaël believe it.


Michaël took a deep breath, bracing himself. “I’m looking for the perfect boyfriend,” he blurted out, almost ashamed of himself as he did so. “One that has the same interests I have. Like, in transformation? You know, like-”


“Yes, I believe I can help you with that,” the woman replied, cutting him off. Michaël wanted to protest, thinking that she couldn’t have any idea what he wanted, but before he could utter another sound, she had reached behind the counter, producing a vial of clear fluid. “This should have the desired effect on your luck, as it were. Take about a third of it each day, and your perfect match will seek you out. The timing on such may vary, I’m afraid, but the ‘added’ interest in transformation should meet your expectations, as much as I understand them. Then again, it’s a common enough request, and though the particulars vary, the end result is the same. Nothing to be ashamed of, I assure you,” the woman remarked, passing him the vial. 


“How much do I owe you?” Michaël asked, figuring it was a scam but wondering what it would cost him nonetheless. If there really was a way to change him…there was a part of him, an ever-growing part, that couldn’t deny how much he desired the modicum of hope the woman’s words provided. And she didn’t judge him, not for his interest in another man or even his desire for one interested in transformation. It was almost more than he could have expected, enough to suspend his disbelief. 


“Hmm, I cater my wares to the fortune of others. In this case, I’ll waive the fee. You don’t have much, and everyone deserves some happiness. Pay it forward, as it were, and make someone else equally as happy, and that I shall consider it payment in full,” the woman said, leaving Michaël to wonder what was really going on. There was no way this snake oil could work, but then why would he be offered such a thing in the first place? All he could do was to take it, thank her, and leave. 


Though his evening was preoccupied with his studies, Michaël couldn’t help but eye the vial on the table, its contents to be spread over the next couple of days. How was it supposed to work, anyway? Such made little sense, but in the end, Michaël decided to say fuck it. There was no way it was poison, that would be too much. There was no way for sure to know its effects without taking the risk and drinking it as instructed. Besides, didn’t everything in life come with some risks? 


Yet, with his nervousness, Michaël couldn’t help but stumble over opening the lid, shocked when his trembling hands spilled the liquid onto the floor. Enough was lost that he was sure it was supposed to be his first dose, and Michael lamented its loss, wondering what it would do for the overall effect. It had been free, as well. Why had he fucked it up so carelessly?! 


Moving to grab some paper towel, the sound of his dog’s tongue lapping at the floor was not detected until it was too late. Before he could stop Jake, his retriever was licking the floor clean, as though the potion had been perfectly suited to his canine tastes. A panic rose in Michael’s chest at that, not knowing what the consequences were. If anything, the dog would find his perfect mate, but fixed as he was, that was likely a moot point. More likely, it was that his canine companion was poisoned, and Michael only had moments to act to save his life. Frantically looking for the number for his vet, he was caught after their closing hours, with no one to pick up the phone. His next inclination was to try the shop, but that, too, came with no phone number he could find. Michael was left with no obvious solution, and forced to wait to see what happened with his beloved pet.


Sensing his master’s distress, Jake padded over to him and licked at his hand, as though everything was alright. Michael petted him at that hoping that it was true and that he was overreacting. His best friend didn’t seem to be in any distress, as much as Michael could discern. There might not be any way to know for sure if such was to be the case. Still, eying the vial, there was no forgetting the end goal, and Michel decided to take another third of it, his first dose leaving him functionally in the same position as his best friend. The taste was fairly bland, though not offensive, at least nothing noteworthy that might have harmed his dog. With that, Michael was left with nothing more to do but go to sleep, hoping everything would be OK until he was able to get his dog some needed help. 


It took some time, but sleep eventually came for Michael, uneasy dreams of his dog’s demise flooding his thoughts. He was soon awakened by the sensation of hands shaking him, as though his mother trying to rouse him for school. Since such had been many years, Michael felt himself jarred awake, looking into the dark with some confusion. The weight on his side was familiar, his dog cuddling against him as he often did. But the sensation against his skin was not that of canine paws, but rather something else that made little sense. Almost as though…


Thinking such to be impossible, Michael was shocked to turn on the light and discover that his pet’s hands were not the expected immobile pads like that of a canine. Rather, the fingers were longer, Jake flexing them as though languishing the fact he possessed them. His thumbs looked disjointed, thicker with shorter nails as they moved back and forth, still gently rubbing Michael’s skin as though still trying to rouse him. Thinking himself to be in a dream still, Michael blinked himself awake, proving that his beloved dog was, in fact, changing…


A cursory glance over Jake’s body seemed to indicate his hands were not the only things to have altered. His fur looked thinner, as though he had shed his winter coat, though more akin to it falling out from illness. And his wagging tail was shorter as well, about half the length it usually was if Michael had to guess. Michael was sure Jake was ill, but then what sort of sickness could be altering him this way with barely a sign of discomfort? It was more akin to the idea that Jake was changing, altering in a way that mimicked Michael’s own transformation fantasies…


Sensing his master was feeling distressed, Jake continued to lick at his hand, whining and working his thumbs over the skin, as though trying to get his attention for pets. Michael was a little nervous about doing so, scarcely understanding what was happening to his best friend. But still, he did so, feeling the contours of Jake’s skull rounder than the more elongated shape of a canine cranium. It was almost as though his dog was transforming, rather toward a more humanoid form, the opposite of what comprised his transformation fantasies. And with the sharp pops echoing from his muzzle, Michael could hardly help but imagine his friend with a human face, much like his own…


A sharp crack made his dog suddenly whine out in discomfort as he got off the bed, awkward in his new stance. Michael went to help him, though was horrified by the sight of Jake’s hips spasming, his pelvis breaking within, and changing position. It had to be excruciating, though other than a dull whine and heavy breathing, it seemed his pet was no worse for wear. The moniker of pet was suspected going forward if what Michael assumed was happening would come to pass. 


It was almost too much for him to contemplate watching his canine companion changing, likely into a human if the awkward shapes made any sense along those lines. But then, what had caused it? Surely, it was not a consequence of drinking the potion. It was intended for Michael, after all, to find his perfect boyfriend. But then why would it change a dog into a…none of it made any sense! More to the point, would something similar happen to Micheal? He loved transformation, to be certain, but never could have imagined something like that happening in front of him in real life! He didn’t feel any different yet, but he was much larger than his dog, after all. And the potion had been intended for him, a human. Was it working differently on Jake since he was a dog? Micheal had no way to know, which scared him to the core. 


The sight of Jake rising was almost more than Michael could bear to watch, his former canine companion struggling to stand upright. Michael couldn’t imagine what was going on in the former dog’s mind now, how changing into a more human shape was perceived from a limited canine perspective. It was hard to judge the facial expressions on a mostly canine face, but he no longer seemed as distressed, as much as Michael could discern. Perhaps it was wishful thinking on his part, but the expression in his canine eyes was more of bewilderment than agony, as though, he, too, was coming to terms with what was happening to him. 


More cracks and pops preceded a shrinking in his muzzle, Jake no longer able to pant in a canine way as his tongue seemed to fatten and his teeth shrank. More drastic was the chance in cadence as he continued to whine slightly, the tone deepening and sounding more guttural, as though Jake was struggling with something caught in his throat. Stranger still, the altering shape of his skull, the retraction of fur, and more expressive eyes signaled a light turning on that made Michael curious and terrified in equal measure. If Jake was changing, becoming more like a human, what would become of his mind? Surely, a dog would have a much more difficult time adjusting to a human brain than a self-aware creature like himself would when turning into a dog. He couldn’t begin to imagine what Jake was going through and had no way to prepare himself for the consequences of what was to come. 


“Woah…what…rrrhat? I sound like Master!” Came a strained, whining voice, jarring Michael’s thoughts and causing him to stare at the changing dog with a sense of horror. He had expected Jake’s intelligence would increase as a consequence of the potion, but this was far too much!


“W-wahat? Jake?! You can speak?!” Stuttered Michael, though in hindsight figured the statement was poorly worded. 


“This is so uncomforrrrtable…owwww owww…” Jake moaned, not answering the question directly and rather struggling to stand erect, his hunched-over posture straightening ever more slightly as he grew accustomed to it. 


“What are you?” Michael asked reflexively, though, again realized what a poorly worded question it was. 


“What am I? I don’t…I’m not a dog, am I? How? I’m like master-like Michael,” was Jake’s reply, much to Micheal’s shock and surprise. How did Jake know to call him Michael? Did part of his canine brain recall the information and was somehow able to translate it to human intellect? How was the potion doing this? Not only turning his companion from dog to man but seemingly one that was as self-aware as Michael himself!


With that, Michael paused for a moment, not really sure how to explain the situation. Things like his awareness of self and Michael’s relationship with him were one thing, but it seemed preposterous that Jake would be able to understand what a potion was or how it was changing him. Fuck, Michael barely knew what was going on himself!


“I don’t know, bud-er, Jake,” Michael said, correcting himself from using more common derogative monikers for his friend. He had a name, too, one that he obviously recognized, and it was better to treat him with the same respect now that it was obvious his mind was expanding along with his body. 


“Oh…oh this is so weird, Michael,” Jake whined, this time without the canine inflections that made Michael a little uncomfortable if he was being honest with himself. Jake was still in the process of change, a gradual if ever-present process. It was becoming more and more obvious the end game was designed to change Jake all the way into a human. Possibly even without any anatomical repercussions as much as Michael was aware of, or perhaps could hope for. 


Fascinated, Michael watched Jake’s legs getting longer, thickened with fat and muscle as they swelled to more human contours. His thighs were much larger as well, spine almost fully erect as his legs stretched and allowed him to stand almost as tall as Michael, though likely taller as his chest and belly altered in configuration to make him more into a man. It was beyond bizarre that Jake was becoming human, taking on an entirely new shape and identity as he did so. It was also obvious that, rather than his six-year-old canine self, Jake was becoming what appeared to be an adult in stature, though it was too early to make sure assumptions. 


Wobbling a little, Michael’s attention was drawn toward Jake’s canine paws, too small to allow him to stand upright. That was soon to alter, it seemed, the fur first receding around his ankles and lower legs until the skin was bare. It was slow, and meticulous, each hair receding and making Jake moan, wanting to scratch but unable to do so with hybrid anatomy. Soon, only sparse blond hairs peppered the surface, shorter and more primate-like than the canine equivalents that had obscured the skin. 


Michael was a little shocked to see the skin holding his toes together parting, dewclaws being pushed downward as they started to flatten underneath. Elongated heels were pushed to the floor, allowing him to balance slightly as his shifting weight was held aloft. Cracks ran through his feet as veins pulsated and expanded the skin around them, feet growing steadily larger with new muscles and altering bone within. Surely, the tarsals and metatarsals were expanding, some bones breaking apart and forming the separate structures that allowed support for bipedal travel. His stance, too, had altered from a digitigrade posture toward the platigrade posture humans enjoyed. 


It was more than obvious Jake was destined to change further, with no noticeable ill effort on his body as he looked down, as fascinated by the changes as Michael was. Both remained stunted in silence as his feet pushed outward, Jake twitching the toes as he found he could move them just a little with the webbing between them pulled back. It must have been beyond bizarre to feel stationary digits moving for the first time, extra bones and tendons stretching them longer and thicker. Jake seemed delighted to own them, squeezing them inward as their ends rounded and the skin shifted toward a human tone. 


To top off the alterations to his feet, his nail stubs seemed to thin, flattening to the diameter of a coin as they pulled back into his toe. Translucent now, the contours of his former claws looked more like human nails now, and Jake seemed to feel some disappointment in their loss if Michael could read his features. His stance was a little awkward, elevated slightly, though seemed to flatten as Jake lifted one foot awkwardly. Both were in time to notice blackened paw pads, stretched out as they were, receding until rather wrinkled-looking human skin was all that remained. 


“So weird…” Jake said, in that bizarre voice that made Michael uncomfortable. He couldn’t place it with his former dog, nor did he perceive it as that of a being he was meeting for the first time. But as fascinating as Michael found it, he could not bring himself to look away or question the changes, eager to see them to their conclusion. 


Looking at Jake standing erect, a shiver of fear ran through Michael’s being, the half-state of change alien and out of his realm of experience in the real world. As familiar as he was with the concept of transformation, Michael couldn’t bring himself to fit the creature into his worldview. Thankfully, Jake was getting increasingly human with each passing moment, albeit one he couldn’t recognize as anyone he knew in real life. 


“I can’t…I hope this doesn’t last too long…makes me queasy Michael…” Jake moaned, and it was harder for Michael to see the forming man as his canine companion, rather like anyone he’d seen on the street. 


“Me neither bo-, er, Jake…” Michael replied, able to suspend disbelief and discuss things while treating him as the human he was becoming. With Jake’s increasingly human features, such as becoming easier to manage. 


“How are you feeling?” Michael thought to ask, realizing for the first time that Jake could answer him in a way that would make sense. It was fascinating how much intellect Jake seemed to possess despite being a dog in body and mind only a short while ago. 


“I’m ok. It’s easier this way. It feels weird, but I want to change for you, Michael,” Jake responded through lips that were lightening toward pink from their formerly gummy black. 


Michael was a little taken aback by the comment, not sure what Jake meant. “For me? You did this…but wasn’t it the potion you drank?” Michael asked, not really sure if Jake could conceive of such a thing or indeed many of the human concepts Michael took for granted. 


“I don’t know how Michael, but I’m glad it’s happening. You’ve been so sad lately, I know. I couldn’t tell you before, as much as I wanted to. I can’t smell it anymore, not like I could before, but that’s OK. It’s worth it just to tell you that I love you and want you to be happy. There’s only so much I could do like I was before, but now…” Jake said with an understanding that should have surpassed such a being. 


Still, Michael couldn’t help but move in to hug his former pet, the appreciation for the sentiment surpassing anything he had ever felt. Most of Jake’s fur had retreated by this point, and it was nice to feel skin against skin, Michael in his underwear. Jake couldn’t return the hug, not before his shoulders expanded and his arms shifted to allow it. But he was more than halfway human by this point and seemed to be going the rest of the way.


The scent of his former dog, now a sweaty human, was somehow familiar as it was new to him, and Michael found himself breathing it in eagerly. Despite himself, a surge of blood rushed toward his loins, and Michael was almost too late to pull back before his confined member brushed against the bare groin of the changing dog. Embarrassed, Michael moved to pull back, though, from the smile on Jake’s face, it seemed he was too late to hide his shame. 


“I love you, Michael. It’s different, now. I’ve always loved you but now it feels…it’s making me…it’s been so long…” Jake said, and with that, he reached down and started to stroke Michael’s erection, making the man gasp out with surprise. Surely, he wouldn’t want such to happen, especially with his…though, Jake was hardly a dog anymore, especially in mind. He sounded as much like a consenting adult as Michael had ever heard. And, it was certainly helped by the fact that Michael was into furries, particularly those that were in the midst of transformation. Yet, could he ever do something like that, despite what his body was telling him?


The fact that his former pet was fixed did occur to Michael just then, as he backed away to take stock of the situation. There were no testicles present, as much as Michael could see, though that might change as the rest of his body was changing. Still, he couldn’t expect his former pet to do such a thing, even if a pet hardly described the man standing before him. He certainly didn’t sound like a dog, but rather a fully cognizant, self-away man, one about the same age as Michael himself. And one that Michael was finding increasingly more attractive…


“I don’t know, Jake, I love you too, but…” Michael started, wanting to think things over a little more before jumping into something that he might regret later.


“Why not, Michael?” Jake thought to ask, as much as the question was weighing on Michael’s mind. If what he perceived about his former dog was true, then there was little reason not to give into the urges playing over his mind. Especially with his cock getting harder in his underwear…


By now, there was little left of the dog in the young man, one seemingly in his twenties as Michael was. He was handsome, too, hair the color of the retriever had been through now the texture of human hair. Michael wanted to rub his hands through it, thinking Jake looked like the perfect boyfriend, though he chastised himself for such a forward thought when he still wasn’t sure what the endgame was. Jake was steadily losing most of his fur, and what little tail was sticking from his backside seemed to have stopped moving as though it had lost the ability to do so. He was standing erect now, only a hairy treasure trail present where his fur once was. And Michael had to look, the sight of Jake’s cock coming to arousal even though it was disproportionate to the rest of his body. It was longer, red, and canine, though swelling from his sheath with an inhuman look that had Michael enamored. And it, too, was changing…


In the end, Michael decided to say fuck it, convention be damned. This was not a simple animal any longer, he was a man, albeit one that had been a dog only moments before. And he housed all the memories of being with Michael for these past years, knew him better than anyone. And, when it came right down to it, who could love you more than your former pet?


Without thinking about it, Michael reached out to tease Jake’s erection, making the changing man whimper slightly. It seemed to be transforming under his guidance, getting larger and engorging with blood, evidently eager for the man’s touch. It was almost throbbing against Michael’s fingers as veins drew the blood necessary for its growth. His furry foreskin, soon void of its hair, started forming a proper foreskin around the head, which was fattening into a more human shape. Michael couldn’t help but stare in fascination, amazed that such a change could occur, the fulfillment of all his dreams. 


Looking at the sight of a hybrid cock, Michael couldn’t help but get down on his knees and start to suck, something he’d wanted to do with a lover for some time and had been denied with his lack of a boyfriend. “Oh, Michael…” Jake moaned, rubbing the top of Michael’s hair as his claws turned toward human nails. His voice no longer carried that guttural quality from previously canine vocal cords, and his arms were adjusting as well, shoulders having rotated around to allow human levels of motility. 


Michael had a harder time focusing on the changes to his former best friend, given his interest in the taste of the still-shifting member within his mouth. It was getting larger, almost aching his jaw as it did so, but Michael was eager to take it, wanting to taste his friend’s seed. The flavor was a little awkward, altering in his mouth from canine to human. But as Michael reached out to rub at Jake’s balls, which were thickening within a newly regrown ballsack, there was no desire to hold back. He wanted it as soon as Jake’s member was willing to grant him a tasty reward!


It seemed that, with his excitement over his newly regrown testicles, Jake couldn’t hold back. “Oh yes, Michael…” he moaned, starting to thrust a little into Michael’s mouth. It was getting to the point of pain, but Michael was there for it, having wanted this more than anything for so long. And he was going to get his reward…


With that, a powerful blast of cum shot down his gullet, enough that it was difficult to swallow. Michael pulled back, coughing a little, though the taste of cum was heavy on his tongue. The texture was a little difficult to deal with, but he forced himself to smile, a grin on his face as he looked into Jake’s brown eyes, intelligent and flickering from the orgasmic pleasure. Michael was just starting to realize that Jake might have never experienced an orgasm in his life, though with the way he did so now, Michael couldn’t even tell it was his first time. And not to be the last time, if Jake’s expression was any indication…


With that, Jake turned around, his nubby tail almost gone and unable to cover a very human-looking hole that was clean and ready for Michael’s inspection. “Fuck me, Michael,” Jake said, shaking his mostly human ass in invitation. 


Michael wasted no time at that, going to slip on a condom before applying generous amounts of lube on Jake’s tail hole, making the now-human man moan out his pleasure. Carefully, he entered him, the fit within Jake’s virgin hole a little tight but Michael managed. Taking a moment to get used to being with his newly changed companion, the counter thrusts from Jake’s body were enough for Michael to get the idea. Micheal was relatively inexperienced, and part of him was unsure if he was doing it right. Still, the now-human whines from Jake’s mouth were enough for Michael’s encouragement, and soon he picked up a rhythm, even slapping Jake’s new human ass and loving how bare it was from canine fur. 


The more they fucked, the quicker Jake’s changes cemented, leaving little of the dog he had once been in the wake of a changing young man. His body shape was relatively lean, that of a twink, matching Michael’s own as he grew into a human form and weight. The stub of his tail was gone, and his human testicles had swelled with seed, something Michael was able to tell as he reached below his new lover to caress them. Without the sheath to hold it upward, Jake’s new human cock was hanging there, thicker than its canine equivalent and fully exposed, uncut, and leaking from the prostate stimulation.


Given his lust for the changing man and his arousal over the situation, it took little time for Michael to reach his end and prepare to spill his load within the condom. Calling out Jake’s name, Michael felt his end washing over him, jerking off Jake at the same time as he, too, went into orgasm. Pleasant orgasmic waves made him shudder, body sweaty and tired from what had to be the best sex of his life. And, pulling out of his lover, Jake quickly turned around, kissing him as tenderly and romantic as Michael had always wanted. Michael was in heaven!


Leaning into the kiss, Michael felt his thoughts racing. He felt more connection with this dog-turned-man than with any man he’d ever met. A dog’s love was unconditional, after all. And perhaps he had watched porn that Michael had jerked off to, the only way that he might know to act this way. That prospect made him wonder if Jake really could feel the same way as he did. Michael could only hope so and kissed with passion, mind awash in pleasure and the hope of what could soon be.


Eventually, Jake pulled back, licking Michael on the nose much like he might have while being a dog. “I love you master,” Jake said, and though it was a little weird to be referred to as much, Michael decided to go with it. 


After cleaning up, the two of them cuddled in Michael’s bed, something they often did before, but never in this context. Michael found, tired as he was, that he had dozens of questions, but wasn’t sure how to voice them. In the end, he figured fuck it. “How much do you know? I mean, about being human?” Michael said, knowing it was a vague question but not sure how else to voice his concerns. 


“It’s…weird. I knew things, of course. And most of them didn’t matter to me, before, you know,” Michael said, face furrowing in confusion. “It’s like another life, like a dream? I’m still trying to make sense of everything…” Jake replied, and Michael decided to give him time, impressed by the speed at which he was getting used to something that was far beyond canine, or even human experience. 


“Hey, master? Do you have any food? You know, human food,” Jake asked, and Michael got up, happy to cook something for the newly changed man, and himself, hungry after the amazing sex. Still, thinking it to be a more celebratory affair, he decided to take his former best friend out for breakfast, something he had never experienced but was sure Jake would enjoy.


Hoping it wasn’t too early, Michael brought them toward a nearby diner, nothing fancy but figuring it would do the trick. A part of him was worried Jake might not know any etiquette or would call Michael Master or the like in their relatively conservative Christian town. But it was something he was willing to risk, and it was worth it to see Jake struggling to wear clothes, something he was unused to and something he lamented needing to be covered in. Thankfully, he fit well into Michael’s own clothing to the point it looked like his own, and he was fit to go out in public, walking as though he had been born bipedal. 


Breakfast was thankfully a rather tame affair. To his surprise, Jake could read a bit, asking about tastes and flavors as though he was visiting from a foreign country rather than a dog-turned-man. He eventually decided on bacon and eggs, the meats succulent to his human senses and something he wished to compare to his time trying them with a canine pallet. He seemed to like them alright, and, of course, Jake was a little too quick to eat, burning his mouth in his attempt to scarf down his breakfast. Michael found the sight of it rather cute, all things considered. Something he hoped he would see more of in the coming days. Everything was so new from the perspective of his former canine companion and it brought fresh new life that he had been seeking.


Eventually, Jake announced, rather loudly that he had to use the bathroom, and Michael figured it would be best for him to accompany him. Jake, however, assured him he recalled the procedure from being in the bathroom with Michael all those times, and Michael let him go, checking his phone as he did so. Had he been more focused on Jake’s visage, he might have questioned the lump in the back of his pants, how his clothes seemed to loosen, or the discoloration of his hair. But without being used to the sight of the human Jake had become, Michael wasn’t able to pick up on it.


After ten and even twenty minutes later, with no Jake, Michael’s worry grew, and he raised himself to go check on him. Figuring it was something silly, the moment he found his former dog in the bathroom, Michael found his heart sink. Still not used to the sight of Jake’s new face, Michael was shocked to see the start of Jake’s human nose blackening, ears a little larger than before. No trick of the light, Jake’s slightly bent-over stance was enough that Michael could see the shape of a tail starting to poke its way out of his backside, a sign that he might be reverting and making his blood run cold. 


Of course, Jake found the changes as obvious, reaching back and touching his tail with a disappointed look on his face. “Master, it’s reversing! I don’t…I don’t want it to! I don’t just want to be your pet anymore!” Jake called out, scratching his body as his fur started to grow back. Michael wasn’t even worried about anyone hearing the bizarre dialogue, trying to think about how he could get them out of them and prevent the process of turning Jake back into a simple golden retriever. 


“It’s OK, it’s OK, let’s get you out of here…” Michael said, trying to hold back the tears himself. He had no idea why the potion’s effect wasn’t permanent, which left him feeling that everything was about to crash around him. Jake’s tail could not manage to be hidden away, even confined within underpants, so he figured it was best waved off as a prosthetic as the two of them made it out. Michael put way too much change on the table, though hardly cared about the urgency of the situation. 


Even over his panic, Michael was aware that Jake’s nose was sniffing frantically as it pushed closer toward his upper lips. It was clear he was drinking in the panic from Michael’s actions, but there was nothing Michael could do to hide it. For now, there was nothing too drastic in his features to denote something was wrong with him. But as Jake’s tail grew longer, his ears flopped over, and his clothes started to loosen on his body, it was obvious the changes could not be hidden away forever. It was when Jake started to stagger, a sign his feet were starting to shift and make it harder to walk upright, that Michael really started to panic. Hoisting him over his shoulder, Michael was sure they were gathering stares, though he was only thankful there wasn’t much distance back to his apartment, even though Jake’s changes were coming as fast as the initial process. 


Eventually, the two of them made their way to Michael’s apartment, slamming the door in their rush. Panicked, Michael looked for the bottle of potion. Thankfully, there was still enough left over for one more dose, and he quickly brought it for Jake to drink. He tried instinctively to lick at it was a longer canine tongue, before putting it to his lips and tipping it back, still unused to drinking like a human. Both of them waited with bated breath for the potion to take effect. Jake was still scratching at his body, but as much as the two of them could discern, he wasn’t reverting to canine form any faster. In fact, the longer they watched, the extra tail, longer ears, and the blackening nose were reduced to a human configuration, and at that, the two of them kissed, the immediate crisis averted for now. 


Still, Michael couldn’t fall asleep, even though the light snores from Jake were a sign his panic was not shared. Michael couldn’t help but think over and over in his mind that Jake might be reverting even now, and that he would wake up to his familiar dog in the bed with him, his new dreams dashed. He had to get back to the shop for more potions, regardless of the cost. Not only for himself but for Jake’s sake as well, knowing he didn’t want to return to a non-sentient being as much as Michael wanted him to remain human and see where things went. Not that he was sure what the future would hold, but the notion of such was filled with hope and excitement that was beyond anything he had felt in months, if not in his entire life. 


Yet, as he finally started to doze off at last, a damp sensation against his nose was enough to draw his attention, and Michael reached up, a little surprised at the moist, rough texture that met it. It was almost like he was touching Jake, and he figured he might have accidentally brushed against his former dog, who was still reverting. But it was clearly his own, and with that, Michael relaxed enough that he was able to pass out.


Something he wished to experience for many years before this day, Michael was elated to be kissed awake, Jake’s still human and naked form erect and ready. It was some time before he had to get up and go to his afternoon class, and his own rod reached erection and needed tended to. Moving down to return the favor, without a word, Jake’s tongue reached out to start playing over Michael’s cock before he engulfed it entirely. Michael, eager for whatever his new lover had in mind for him, allowed himself to lie back, feeling the wonderful warmth of the man’s mouth on his rod, able to move up and down with ease despite not having any experience with sexual acts. Michael was not in a position to care about such, however, lost in the lust and ready for the release to come. 


Yet, it seemed that Jake had other intentions for him, apparently knowing about his foot kink without Michael having to tell him. Keeping his hand on Michael’s rod, Jake moved down to tease the backs of Michael’s feet with his tongue, making the man leak with desperation. Michael melted at the feeling of having his feet teased, and it was all he could do not to cum right then and there. Jake managed to pull his hand off Michael’s cock before letting him reach his end, though kept up his persistent licking against Michael’s toes, taking each in sequence with his mouth as much as he had taken Michael’s cock before. 


Lost in the ecstasy of having his feet worshiped, Michael was largely ignorant of the changes the acts were inflicting on him. Like Jake’s before, the tips of his nails were starting to blacken, pointing at the tips as they rose from their beds, taking on a more canine quality. The backs of them, too, were starting to itch, peppering with the sparse start of golden hairs, the likes of which comprised his former canine self. Yet, despite his awareness of the changes and the implication of their presence, Jake kept silent, stroking Michael’s cock frantically to make him unaware of them as well. He didn’t want to panic him, not since his pleasure was so close. And he had no idea what was causing them in the first place, or even if Micheal would change all the way…


“Oh, fuck…Jake…I’m going to cum!” Michael called out before his penis spasmed and spilled all over his groin and the hand that was jerking him off. Jake grinned at him all the while, part of him wanting to taste his former master. Though there was little time for that and even having his own arousal tended to, Michael looked over at the clock with some disappointment.


“Fuck…that was so good, bud…I wish I had time to get back, but I have to get to class…wish I could stay and just fuck all day…” Michael lamented, though, with his grades as they were, it was ill-advised for him to avoid his classes. Not that there was any chance his mind would be able to focus on lectures after everything that had happened. 


“That’s OK, Mas-Michael. I’ll wait here for you. Don’t take too long!” He said, worried that Michael might notice his canine qualities and freak out. Though in the post-orgasmic afterglow and his rush to get ready for class, the changes to his feet, and his nose, went largely unnoticed. Jake breathed a sigh of relief, though figured they would have to deal with the consequences of such sooner or later regardless of what the end result was. 


Feeling something was off as he walked to the close by campus, Michael was able to ignore it for the most part. His feet were itching fiercely, the toes stiff and cramped within his shoes. His nose felt cold, making him sniffle a little as he tried not to sneeze as best he could. But the excitement over going home to a new lover surpassed all those worries, even to the point that his floppy ears or the bump in the back of his pants were barely noticed as he walked with a skip in his step, not caring who was watching as he went to sit down for his first class. 


Yet, the aliments coursing through his body only seemed to worsen the more he tried to pay attention to the lecture. The bump at the back of his pants ached all the while, making him need to readjust several times to try to get comfortable. Despite that, the irritation persisted and Michael was sure he had been ailed by a hemorrhoid or something else he had no name for. Worse was the persistent itching over his feet, as though the hairs were standing on end and irritating him through the socks. His nails, too, were caught against the fabric of his socks, finding it irritating to the point he whined. The sound was a little louder than he’d intended, and drew the attention of several of his classmates, as though they’d heard an animal or some such. In fact, the same thought had occurred to Michael as well, the sound more akin to Jake before his change. Had that come out of him?


Paying attention to the lecture was almost impossible because of itching playing over his feet, ears, and chest making him need to scratch. Worse, it was impossibly hot in the room, though he couldn’t sweat, for some reason. Michael was forced to pant, tongue seeming to hang out his mouth further than he was used to, again drawing more stares. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to stop it, as embarrassing as it was and as uncomfortable it seemed to make him. The first break couldn’t come fast enough!


“Hey, are you actually brown nosing the prof?” Someone asked him as he moved to get up. Michael reached up to touch his nose, the sensation damp and cool and unexpected. It caused him to panic, the texture all too familiar. Was he, as well…?


As he went to rush to the bathroom, however, the nails on his foot caught on the fabric of his socks and he tripped, falling on his face and drawing concerned gasps from his classmates. Yet, they soon turned to laughter as everyone saw the cause of Michael’s discomfort. There was a small retriever’s tail poking out of the back of his pants, covered with sparse fur and wagging the moment it was exposed to the air. Ears flattening against his skull from the jeers of his classmates, Michael ran through the halls, pants falling down as though his waist had thinned slightly. Leaving his books and bags behind, it was all Michael could do to keep them up. The thinning contours of his feet made wears shoes forfeit, and he was forced to kick them away into the hall, leaving them behind and running on pads that had swollen from their bottoms. It was difficult, though in his panic to make the short trip home, Michael could hardly bring himself to care. If he was changing, then surely, Jake could be in danger as well.


Making his way through the door once more, the sight of Jake’s extremities reverting to their canine equivalents, and covered with the golden hair that marked his reversion, made Michael shiver down to the core. “It’s happening again, Michael…” Jake whined in a more canine tone. His changes weren’t as involved as Jake’s own, but there was no doubt, as impossible as it should have been, they were both becoming dogs. And if he didn’t hurry to do something, then…


Without a word, Michael tore off again, barefoot and making his way downtown and to the only place that might give him help. Barefoot, with thinning feet and a tail sticking from his ass, Micheal was only thankful there were few shoppers around this weekday morning. At least his changes were slower than Jake’s own, giving him little more than itching skin and aching bones but not enough to deter his trip by making him fall over on all fours or the like. 


To his surprise, Michael had difficulty finding the shop, as though its location had changed, or he had perhaps stumbled upon it through fog. Yet, he was desperate to the point of tears, knowing that any hesitation might doom Jake to an animalistic mind and life once more. Could he ever look Jake in the eye again if he lost his newfound humanity? That was no longer an option. 


Michael could not have tracked his path to get to the store, though, somehow, he managed to find it, unsure if the buildings beside it were the same as they had been when he’d gotten there prior. Opening the door with a wild look in his eyes, the proprietor was sitting in her empty shop, in the same pose she had had the previous day. Michael didn’t know what to say, other than “You have to help me!” 


“I am already aware of your predicament. You’ve caused an imbalance, so to speak, whether intended or not. The potion you were given was only supposed to be consumed by you, to grant your specific wish. And since more than you have consumed it…well, it doesn’t matter now that it’s done. I can certainly give you more if that is what you wish. However, with both of your bodies in flux, as they are, they will eventually revert to their original forms without intervention. To consume the potion again could lead to undesirable results in its effort to try and strike a balance between your shared wishes,” she said, though Michael was barely able to comprehend the words in his frantic state. 


Michael had no idea why she was so knowledgeable about his circumstances but felt there was no time for him to ask. “I’ll do anything…” He said, desperation not lost in his tone. 


“Very well,” she said, cooly. “I want you to understand, should you decide to use it or not, this will be the last time you will be able to stumble across my establishment. It was not your own whim that brought you here, but my own, you see. And I have, shall we say, other clients that require my attention,” she said, though none of that made any sense. Was her store moving? Going out of business? 


Michael had no thought to question things any further, taking what she offered and leaving the building without another word. The changes were steadily encroaching on his form, clothes loose and soon to fall over if he didn’t start changing back soon. Would he have to become a dog in full like Jake had in becoming human first? Micheal couldn’t help but be annoyed by the sight of his brown nose now in plain view, reflexively sniffing the air and drawing in scents he had otherwise been ignorant of. Yet, he was still human enough to make the trip back to his apartment, ignoring the unnaturally quiet streets as he did so. Though he was unsure if he was moving in the right direction, given his uncertainty about how he’d gotten there, Michael was soon able to find himself in familiar territory. With that, he made his way quickly back to his apartment, hoping to all hope that he was not too late. 


Still, the sight of Jake’s changed body before him almost made his eyes well up with tears. He was over halfway changed toward a canine state, looking at Michael with pleading eyes. His face was somewhat pressed out into a muzzle, making his voice guttural and uncomfortable to attempt speech. It was clear from the expression on his features that he still retained his sapience, though likely only just, perhaps struggling with the changing shape of his skull. Michael felt he had arrived just in time before anything permanent happened, and went to pass him the potion, only just realizing Jake’s hands were not in a position to take the container. Without hesitation, Michael poured the liquid down Jake’s throat, all of it this time as his former canine coughed and sputtered a little, before grinning up at his new lover. Would it work? Only time will tell. 


It took several minutes for the changes to become evident, the wet crack of Jake’s jaw the first sign the reversion was working. Soon, his human nails were scratching the skin where fur was retreating within once more, bones and muscles popping and returning to a human configuration. His ears, nose, and tail were the last thing to return to a human state, and, about a few hours after the initial ingestion of the potion, Jake had returned to the young man that Michael had fallen head over heels for just last night. 


With that, the two of them embraced, kissing and rubbing their naked bodies together. Michael didn’t even bother to care about his own changes, thinking they, too, would eventually revert. Even his previous fear of the fate of his best friend was not enough to prevent his cock from rising to the occasion. Jake, too, was rather erect, and the two of them frotted their cocks together as they made out, bodies on fire as they explored their new passions with each other. It was everything Michael could have wanted and more to be with his lover like this, and the fun they were able to get up to was well worth it for the scare he’d had. 


Still, there was some fear that during their lovemaking, Jake might start to revert once more, and Michael took things a little slowly, playing over the bare skin and uncut cock as they made out with tenderness. It seemed that Jake was just as eager for the contact as Michael was, and though he was learning, it seemed he had some innate skill. He was easily able to get into the intimacy of the act with an almost animalistic desire, one that turned Michael on like no one’s business. 


With his lust needing to be tended to, Michael ended up almost pushing Jake over in his rush to get off. Rather than being offended, Jake seemed to get the hint and got on his hands and knees, preparing to be taken doggy style as he pulled back his cheeks and exposed a glistening pucker. Michael didn’t even have time to get a condom on, desperate as he pushed into the taut hole and groaned at how well Jake’s rectal muscles took him within. 


Growling instinctively, Michael started to thrust, his lust drawing him forward in a way that was decidedly inhuman. Michael was remiss to care, however, needing the stimulation to get off in a way that defied expectations. Even the looseness of Jake’s newly human ass was not enough to deter him, a tingling in his cock getting more consistent to the point he needed to thrust more than anything in his life. With each motion, he needed to push back in, getting closer and closer to the release that would not be denied him.


Yet, there was something about the tingling in his cock that prevented him from cumming as much as he knew he needed it. It was as though it was shrinking within Jake’s bowels, though his lover’s grip was enough to keep him in. Stranger still, something seemed to stick to the skin of his groin, pulling his cock out of Jake’s rear so much so that he had to climb further up the man’s back to keep it in. It seemed a little bizarre, though, in the moment of lust, Michael could not bring himself to exit his lover’s backside, determined to unleash his load.


Though he was sure his testicles weren’t touching his lover’s skin, something seemed to be slapping against Jake’s opening, like a part of his cock was something too large to push in. Desperate, he shoved his bone-hard cock further within the man, grunting and growling like a beast as he did so. It seemed that Jake’s inexperienced pucker could not take it, though he did not complain, but rather pushed back to try and get in whatever Michael was offering. Frantic now, Michael shoved as hard as he could, and with an audible pop, the base of his penis was forced within him, Michael going into orgasm from the pressure. 


“Rrreuck….” Michael moaned, his voice oddly guttural as his semen blew from his balls, the pleasure almost enough to make him white out. Vaguely, he was aware that Jake had reached his own release as he stroked himself off, though, in his moment of orgasm, Michael could hardly bring himself to care. 


Eventually, Michael’s sweaty body felt uncomfortable against Jake’s back and figured it was best to get up and get cleaned up. Yet, the moment he did so was the moment he realized he was stuck and struggled to get out against his lover’s bowels to no avail. It was bizarre, making Jake groan out from the pressure. “Hey, that hurts!” Jake whined, and Michael stopped, feeling embarrassed over what he was doing. 


It took far longer for Michael to pull out than he would have preferred, the pressure in his cock not softening and leaving him powerfully confused. He was prompted to growl a little, his voice a little hoarse as he tried it. Still, the tightness of Jake’s rectal clamp prevented him from leaving, and the former dog had little to say on the matter, as though he thought the whole thing was natural. Eventually, Micheal did so, looking down at the sight of his junk with interest. What greeted him sent a shiver through his body, not his normal human member but something he had never seen on his frame, familiar from instances of transformation artwork. Hitched over his now-furry groin was a red canine rod, smaller than his human member by a significant margin though not quite matching a golden retriever’s penis. Still, with the furry sheath, deflating red knob within, and the soft white fur coating his smaller balls, it seemed that his junk was that of a dog’s!


Jake, too, was looking down at his former master’s member, with more curiosity than horror. “It looks like mine did…” He managed to say, not something he likely paid as much attention to as a dog but well aware of as a man. 


There was a part of him that found the sight of an animalistic phallus on his groin rather hot, a fulfillment of a deep-seated sexual fantasy. Still, he was not supposed to be changing any longer, as much as he understood, and it was a little unnerving that they hadn’t stopped. What was the endgame? The woman’s words rang in his ears at that, wondering if it had anything to do with the consequences she mentioned. But there was no way to be sure without asking her, and given her last words to him, it was likely he wouldn’t be able to reach her. 


Thankfully, Jake was fully human still, and rubbing Michael’s belly, he simply smiled, taking the man in a kiss. “It will be OK, Michael. I’m sure you’ll change back like I did. And the potion should keep me like this, right?” He asked, and Michael simply nodded, hoping there wasn’t anything else about the use of the potions that they didn’t know. 


Hyperfocused on the state of his body, Michael did not miss the subtle changes that continued to creep over him, particularly the bush of hair up his treasure trail turning white and golden, the human hairs around them starting to shift toward something more canine. Eventually, his ears flopping over reminded them of their earlier state, and he was in time to their edges thicker as the skin was remolded and indistinguishable from his former dog’s. His nose, too, was fully black with slits up the sides, and even pulling back his lips showed teeth that were pointed into canine equivalents. Even the ache from his spine as more tail grew in came to his awareness as Jake followed and rubbed the spot as a way to show support. He was changing slowly, but it had to revert now that Jake had taken the potion, right?


Michael’s case, as the two of them were soon to find, was not to revert to his humanity, but rather get steadily worse. The two of them remained largely wordless as they tracked the gradual progression of Michael’s form. There was no denying he was changing, the reversion like a death Null for his humanity. And if he continued to change like this…Tears running down his eyes, Michael sat there on the bed, not sure what to do. Looking up the store online yielded no results, as though it had disappeared from his browser history entirely. He was sure that if he made the trek to the physical store again it would not be there, something else in its place with no trace of its existence. And there was no guarantee how much time he had left before the changes made it too difficult to be perceived as human. If he changed too much trying to frantically look, he might be seen as a freak, or, worse, turn fully into a dog and be forced into a shelter without any indication he was once human. So Michael was left there, trying and failing to think of a way to escape this fate. It was maddening to have been so close to having it all, only to have it ripped away along with everything he had worked for all his life. 


Even the use of prosthetics could not account for the growth of a full retriever’s tail, now fully under his control, coated with golden hairs, his back, chest, and groin also covered in the corresponding white. His cock was entirely changed, and his legs seemed significantly shorter, thicker around his hips with thinner calves and longer heels. Walking was a little precarious, reminding him of the reverse of yesterday when Jake was finally able to stand awkwardly. Things were made worse with his shrinking feet, leaving his stance hunched over and almost painfully to maintain. But it was the ache in his jaw that recalled worried Michael, a sign that the changes were likely to go all the way. Would he lose his intelligence if that happened? Every inch his muzzle pushed out made him fearful that his skull would follow suit, compressing his brain to the point he might not even think anything about being a dog in his body. 


Eventually, the itching over his feet returned in spades, enough to get down on his ass and move to rub them frantically. This time it was far more aggressive, bones and tendons popping within as his heels were forced upward, thinning and making it unlikely he would stand again on two legs. All he could do with nimble fingers was run them between the digits, trying to hold them in place as they shrank against his will. Soon, the changes progressed beyond anything he could hold back, the toes themselves pulling inward until no longer motile. The aches of his nails thickening were barely felt with the lack of sensitivity within their tips. Rubbing them was still pleasant, reawakening his love of feet and the changes to them. In some ways, he was working the changes into his feet, molding the bottoms into long thin paws, and encouraging the skin to swell into coarse paw pads beyond even what he had walked on earlier that day. It was bizarre to feel the skin firming to the point it could no longer perceive his touch, but Michael was persistent, every touch sending sensual shivers through his being and bringing his cock to attention despite the bizarre circumstances. 


The scents in his altering nose soon became aware of something else, a musky odor that spoke of familiarity. With his stance hunched over, he was not expecting Jake to come up behind him, almost pushing him over as he took his now functional hands and parted his altering hips, poking his hind end with an eager penis. Michael was a little shocked to feel Jake pushing into him, sending pleasant pounding waves into his prostate. 


Frozen with the bizarre timing of their rut and the lust burning into his loins, Michael could only allow himself to push back against the intrusion, feeling his cock sliding all the way out of its sheath, knot, and all. It was obvious from the swelling in his rump that Jake’s penis was not designed to penetrate a dog’s back door. A fact made known to him as his own rear diminished, his body starting to shrink as a sign of further change. 


“Sorry, Michael,” Jake said, reaching up to rub Michael’s altered ears, oddly relaxing him as he started to pant, tongue flattened around pointed teeth. “I always wanted to fuck you, and I don’t think I’ll have the chance again once you change. At least we get to one last time…” Jake whispered, and the reality of the situation hit Michael like a ton of bricks. It very much seemed his changes were accelerating, while Jake’s own remained in a human state, no longer changing back and giving him the humanity he’d been so desperate to hold onto.


Though it was almost too impossible to have a human penis within his canine pucker, Michael was transfixed by the sensations, sending shockwaves through his shrinking body. He was panting heavily now, drool dripping from his blackening gums as pops pushed his face out little by little. It was akin to having the changes being fucked into him, and Michael couldn’t help but love it all the more, despite what it meant for his future. It was a desperate moment of sorts to feel his former pet within him, their places swapping and making this the last time they could enjoy what could have been. 


While his hands were still human, Michael reached down to stroke himself off, the sensation of a canine cock against his hands strange, though not unwelcome. He could almost feel the small bone within, calcified and hardening his erection as he fingered his sheath, teased his furry balls, and wrapped his fingers around his swollen knot. Something was disparaging about thinking this might be the last time he did so, but with his instincts at their apex, Michael was able to allow himself to get into the moment. It was easier to let all his human worries fade like his human semen as he prepared to spill their final load. Even if he could stop, Michael found he didn’t want to, letting himself go and whining a canine cadence as his testicles let loose their load. 


The sensation of his clamping pucker against Jake’s still human penis was enough to bring him along for the ride, thick spurts of human seed spraying inside Michael’s rear as he was taken. Post-orgasmic waves played over his insides, teasing his prostate and making him shake. It had an effect on the rate of change, of course, though in the moment of post-orgasmic bliss, Michael was remiss to care, whining in an increasingly canine cadence. 


The pleasant tingling of transformation continued over his feet, pushing his heels upward and compressing his ankles as the fat and muscle faded from within. The persistent itching of fur erupted all over, coating every inch of human skin and even between the remnants of his toes. Pads swelled from the patches of skin that remained and panicked a little about the state of his body, Michael went to stand, though the ability with his hybrid stance was lacking, and he fell over quickly, only to be balanced by Jake. 


“I hope it doesn’t take too long, but I’ll be here for you…” Jake said, licking his lips. Unlike before, Jake wasn’t turning back, though the alterations to Michael’s form seemed to be coming faster. It took him some time to conclude what was happening, but there was no denying the potion would send him all the way into the form of a dog, in only a short while from the speed of their progression. 


Seeing the look on Michael’s face, Jake went to pet his ears again, making it hard for Michael to stay upset. “I’m so sorry Michael, I didn’t want it to happen this way, either. Maybe it would have been better if we both could be human. But if we can switch like this, and I can still remember you…” His voice trailed off at that, and Michael tried to get up once more, crawling away and leaving tears to run down Jake’s face. In his moment of despair, part of him blamed Jake, who it seemed would be taking over Micheal’s old life. As much as Jake hadn’t chosen this, his contempt for his former dog left him fuming. In the end, he didn’t want to be in the same room as he turned into a dog, a fate all but guaranteed now.


Even as Michael made it to the bedroom, his disdain toward his former dog taking his place could no longer hold. His wish, though not selfish, had led to this outcome, and he honestly had no one to blame but himself. As much as he had not intended this outcome, there was a part of him that didn’t want to see Jake sadly revert to a nonsentient canine, even if the inverse was likely to happen to him. Still, regardless of the cause, there was nothing he could do about it now, and he was left to experience his fate, whatever it ended up being. 


A part of him hoped, that, regardless of the consequences to Jake, was that Michael would start to revert, that the changes would cease and return him to a human form as it seemed to keep doing to Jake. but that was not to be. As his body continued to shrink, and his skin continued to itch with the growth of fur, it seemed less and less likely he would ever be a man again. Michael was left to sit there, getting up on his bed as the tears fell. There was a finality to his fate, something for which all he could do was lament. All the solace he had was in the fact that Jake would not have to suffer through this again, and perhaps, by morning, his canine brain would forget as well. 


Eventually, sleep came for him, though his dreams were vivid, making him forget what he was so concerned about. It was like he was already a dog in mind and body, and life was much simpler, with no human worries, memories, or fears. He had his master, his owner, and all he had to do was to be the best dog he could be. Even his desire for a lover was a distant memory, something desired in a past life no longer his. All he needed was his single person, to take care of all his needs and to love in return. It was a peaceful life, removing the panic he had once possessed and allowing him the rest he so desperately sought. 


The intense itching of hair growth eventually roused him from sleep, and his still human hands rubbed across his belly in time to meet a rather soft white coat, something he had rubbed on his canine companion many times in the past. It was bizarre to feel on his person, even stranger when he realized he possessed the nubs of extra nipples, smaller than his still human ones though no less as sensitive. He was prompted to rub them for a few moments, his cock starting to come out of its sheath a little from the contact. He was not in a place to masturbate, given the aches and pains racing through his body from the change. Still, the sensitivity seemed to ebb the aches just enough that Michael was able to bear the brunt of it. 


Shaking on his bed as he was, Michael was not expecting to fall off the edge, hitting the floor though not hard enough to cause any harm. Still, it was a little trying for him to attempt to stand as he discovered his hips had flattened, pelvis shifting to the point that such was no longer possible. Michael was sure he wouldn’t be walking on two legs again, save to raise on his hind legs for a treat as he had often gotten Jake to do before he was elevated to human levels of awareness. 


Next, his crossed eyes were made aware of the size of his muzzle, something that was far longer in his vision than what he was accustomed to. As much as his face had extended already, there was still some growth to go before he was fully canine, signaled by sporadic aches of bone and muscle. While his eyes remained in a mostly human state, Michael was able to see his nose flaring, breathing in scents in a way that defied his previous experience. Stranger still was the scent of his breath, tongue panting as he tried to alleviate the heat caused by the changes. Michael let himself truly breathe, drinking in the scents of the room in a way only a canine could. Though most of the odors were confusing to him, the scents of semen burned into his mind, dropping him further back into despair and a sense of longing for what could have been. 


As the tingling of change moved into his hands, Michael tried desperately to twitch them once more, though knew from experience with his feet that such would be futile. Slowly, painfully, his fingers were being pulled into his palms, the joints popping out of existence and leaving them as stiff and as useless as his toes. The same pads swelled from the ends of the fingertips, the only things left of his fingers as they retracted all the way into his dwindling palms. Their nails soon swelled into a set of blunt claws, while his thumbs were drawn up thinning wrists, even less of them remaining than his fingers. With his fingers locked in place with a thick patch of skin between them, Michael was left to feel the bones within his palms rearrange and thin, a thick spade-shaped pad forming from the remaining bare skin while the rest was peppered with short canine fur.


With his body gradually shrinking, more drastic changes started altering his human shape toward a canine body, prompting Michael to lie over on his side from the aches plaguing him. Spine stretching and belly thinning, his organs, ribs, and internal bits shifted for a more meat-heavy diet, giving him more flexibility than humanly possible, though not something he wanted to experience. Fur erupted from every pore, thick and luscious as he knew from petting his dog for all the years they had been together. His body was longer, leaner, and surprisingly more energetic, though the aches of change rendered him largely paralyzed until the final alterations cemented his being. 


Though his jaw was already largely distended, there were still significant changes to go through within his skull, the only part of his body not to have fully formed its canine state. It hurt a little to feel his skull compressing, the forehead bones sloping and allowing his muzzle to push out to a more natural length for a golden retriever. And with it was the knowledge that his brain mass would diminish, and perhaps his memories of humanity along with it. Somehow, Micheal was less fearful of such, wondering if it would be better not to remember all he had lost and how close he had been to achieving all his dreams. There was nothing to be done about it now as his jaw pushed its way further, eyes dimming and colors washing out before him, brain beginning to better adapt to the senses playing over his being. 


To his surprise, Jake was suddenly there with him, petting his fully shifted head, their previous hostilities removed at the moment of Michael’s final transition. Michael found he didn’t have anything he wanted to say, his ire fading as the last of the changes took his humanity. He hadn’t wanted to force Jake through this, as much as he didn’t want it to happen to himself. Hell, there was part of him that wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if he had to make Jake become a dog again, without perhaps any memory of what had happened. And thus this fate, as unwelcome as it was, almost seemed fair. 


A waning part of his mind still worried that with the compression of his skull his human intelligence, his very essence would be removed entirely, never to return even if he managed to regain his humanity. And, it was true his mind was being bombarded with instincts, urges to sniff, to eat, and a myriad of things that made little sense to the human him. But beyond the stirring of instincts, he was still aware of himself, that he had been human. All his memories were intact, and as the moments passed, it seemed likely they were not to fade as part of the process, at least, not yet. And, for better or for worse, that was to be the way things would stay for him. 


With that, the changes to his body, and mind, were finished, and Michael stood there, stunned that he was a dog in the body now, without a way to change back as far as he knew. It was so surreal to the point he assumed he was in a dream, even as the overwhelming odors told him otherwise. The strongest was from the dried semen in his anus, though the odor of his former canine companion was at the forefront, a bond cemented not only through necessity but through some new canine instinct to be part of a pack. Breathing them in, it was impossible for him not to relax, wagging his tail as Jake moved to rub his ears.


“There’s a good boy. I’m sorry this had to happen. I would have preferred we could both stay people, you know? It really was wonderful…but I’ll still take care of you, don’t worry. You took such good care of me, Michael, and I would never let anything happen to you,” Jake said, rubbing Michael’s ears in a way that made him twitch his hind leg in reflex. Michael could never have imagined something feeling so good, to the point he was even able to forget his worries, falling into the sea of canine instincts.


A fleeting concern passed his mind that even consuming the rest of the bottle’s contents would not be enough for Jake to retain his human form. But as the hours passed and Jake eventually tried putting clothes on once more, it seemed evident that his human state would be permanent. Perhaps it was Michael’s swap to a canine form that cemented his human body, though without a chance to ask the woman from the shop, there was no way to know. All Michael could do was settle in, this bizarre turn of events was his new lot in life now. 


The ensuing weeks of getting used to canine life were hell as Jake went out, getting used to his humanity in his own right. How Jake knew to register for identification, acquire money, and all the other necessities of human life was beyond him. With the intelligence he had and access to the internet, Michael had a good idea of how that could be the case. But without any way to ask, and not able to make out the screen from his vantage point on the floor, there was little he could do to find out. In the end, it didn’t matter. Jake was still able to keep a roof over their head and food in his bowl, and that was what mattered most. 


Life as a dog was not something he had ever wanted, despite his interest in transformation even toward a bestial shape. Jake fed him the same brand of food that Michael had fed his former canine companion, and he had not enjoyed it at first, forcing himself to eat simply to quell the persistent hunger in his belly. With all the hours that Jake was gone, Michael felt bouts of loneliness, but there was nothing to be done for it, knowing that he did the same to Jake when their roles were reversed. Urinating and defecating outside was embarrassing as well, but Jake was diligent in his cleanup, at least, having experienced it from the other side. All in all, being an animal was not his preferred lifestyle, and looked potentially to become more and more grim as it seemed it would be a permanent position. 


Though he found it distasteful at first, there was something about the simpler life, albeit gradually, that was growing on him. His worries about bills, school, and above all, finding a boyfriend, were a distant memory, none of those things concerning his canine life. He didn’t have a loving mate, to be fair, not something he could consummate with a human, even if they were both sentience. Jake had no inclination of getting him fixed, and, given his arousal over the changes from the past few days, his doggy cock was often prompted to slide out of his sheath. Playing his tongue over it was surprisingly pleasant, bringing him to orgasm over and over. It was a brief respite from the monotony of canine life, but one he treasured nonetheless. 


And then there was his new relationship with Jake, something that had been entirely reversed yet seemed to suit him even better from this side as he adapted to his canine existence. Jake was happy with his humanity, treating every day like a new experience and talking to Michael as though he was another human, something Michael appreciated. Seeing everything through his eyes was surprisingly cathartic to the point it was almost worth waiting for him to come home each day to hear about what he had been up to. And Jake was surprisingly attentive to his needs as well, more so than Michael had been with him. They played together, went on many walks, and snuggled each other to sleep, the perfect master-pet relationship. Hell, Jake didn’t even bother to find a human partner for himself, masturbating over the same types of porn that Michael used to. It was a different life, and Michael wasn’t sure how he would feel spending the rest of his life like this. But, for now, at least, things were more hopeful with each passing day, and his future felt brighter than his humanity had ever managed to feel in what felt like forever…