More Than the Sum of Your Parts

Sitting alone in his room, James waited for anything to happen, wondering if and when he would feel even the slightest it off. Sure, it had only been a few hours since he’d had his appointment, signed stacks of papers after only barely reading them, and was injected with a series of syringes and told to go home at rest. He had to admit, it was sketchy as hell, but on the plus side, it paid enough for James’s entire summer and then some. It was more than worth the risk with the amount he was making, and after being injected, all he had to do was let them come and check on him at regular intervals, giving him further injections while taking notes and monitoring his progress. It should have been a no-brainer, right?


James wasn’t sure what quality he possessed that had allowed him to be picked for such a lucrative venture. He wasn’t in contact with his parents, nor had a romantic partner, which felt a little strange to be asked. Still, he wasn’t sure that was a deciding factor. Maybe this blood type was a match for whatever they needed, or something else that wasn’t evidently obvious. In the end, it mattered little when he’d been paid a sizable amount upfront with the promise of more to come. Enough to set him up with a new gaming system, something he planned to use in the coming days as he waited for them to return for the next series of injections and tests. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure what their end goal was, save they were with the agricultural commission and needed to test new vaccines for human trials. At least he wouldn’t be contagious and could come and go as he pleased, though with his rental house well out of the city, and his lack of a car, there was little place for him to go.


After he had received the first dose, James was left to his own devices, to be monitored over the coming weeks. All he was told was there might be side effects, but they would mostly be benign, even if they occurred some days or weeks later. That left James with the unshakable notion that he would notice some sort of change, almost paranoid to the point he couldn’t get his mind off it. James would have never called himself a hypochondriac, but damn, he might as well have been with the level of anxiety he was feeling over just the first day. It was not simply his fear of what might happen that was keeping him checking his body, but rather a bizarre sort of interest in what might occur. Not that they would be anything major, but it intrigued him to think of any side effects to be a sign of further change and exacerbate his fictional fantasies. Something to get him going the next time he needed to rub one out, as niche as his interest in body changes and animal transformations was. 


Though he’d told his two roommates about it, Baxter and Ralph, the two of them didn’t really seem concerned, figuring that any side effects could be sued for and supportive to know their roommate could pay his way besides. Just in case, the two of them were inclined to leave him to his own devices, not thinking there was a chance of being infected or otherwise inconvenienced but cautious nonetheless. James got along with them well enough, but they weren’t super close, not sharing the same interests. At least they kept their spaces clean enough and paid their share of the rent and groceries, all that he could expect from his housemates for the summer. 


Eventually, with nothing happening, James decided to go to bed, trying to get comfortable against the aches in his body from where he’d been injected. Those aches and pains worked their way into his muscles and persisted for the next several days, though James felt comfortable enough that he wasn’t bedridden. Such was normal for vaccines, after all. It was a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things, and he was soon more focused on his newest games and other purchases to pay it much mind. 


Still, over the next few days, a few subtle changes came to James’s attention, minor but enough to leave him wondering if they were an effect of the injections or if he was still overreacting. His appetite, for one, had been significantly increased to the point he went through a week’s worth of groceries in almost three days. It did seem to annoy his roommates, but James assured them that he would be taking care of a larger portion of the grocery bill next time, and they left it at that. But it was more than that, much to James’s chagrin. A sensation of itching persisted across the skin of his arm where he’d been injected, as though the skin was trying to reject something. All he could do was hope it went away soon!


However, that was not to be the case. It wasn’t until the third day that James noticed the errant hairs that didn’t quite match the ones already across his arm. They were a darker brown, closer together than the follicles he was used to, and shorter, as though they were just starting to grow. James put it off at first, thinking it to be a side effect of the first dose he’d been given. And that would have been fine with him, had he not noticed something similar over his thigh. Yet, rather than the same brown hairs encroaching around his upper arm, a small patch of skin on his leg was coated with hairs that were both black and white in tiny splotches. It was certainly something that didn’t really make sense to be a simple side effect of a vaccine! Still, James had to wait for a few more days until the staff came to check on him and decided it was best to put it from his mind for now. 


The ensuing days brought with them a series of other alterations, ones that were so gradual that James didn’t notice at first. One day in the shower, his fingers got caught in his hair as he was trying to wash it, as though it was far longer and shaggier than it had been. Looking in the mirror, that seemed to be the case, looking a little more unkempt than his formerly shortcut quaff. Still, James figured there was little else he could do but book an appointment to get a cut the next time he went into town, thinking it had been a little soon since his last one but seeing it was needed nonetheless. A hormone imbalance from the vaccine? That had to be it, right?


Running his fingers through his hair a little more, James was quick to notice something off with his nails, as though they were darker with dirt underneath them. They seemed thicker as well, more stunted, though no amount of scrubbing would get the discoloration out. In the end, he left them alone, almost able to perceive the weight of them and a bizarre numbness at the tips that made him a little worried about what was happening. 


Still, of all the alterations of the past few days, the one he noticed on the sixth day after his injection was the most concerning. It was first felt when he went to sit down at his computer chair that morning, feeling a sharp pain in his backside as though he’d sat on something. Reaching down to the seat, there didn’t seem to be anything there that could have caused the ache, save something on his backside. Seeking fingers discovered a surprising lump there, as though his tailbone had been dislocated. Yet, with no pain from the lump itself, James was left to wonder what was happening, finding nothing on Google to discern any of his ailments. What was happening to him was anyone’s guess, and his concern about the alterations only grew with each passing day. Waiting to speak to the company again was becoming maddening!


Throughout it all, James was overcome with a libido that surpassed anything he had felt in recent memory. It started as a once-a-day activity, looking up his favorite transformation-related media, something he preferred to more conventional forms of pornography. Once a day was soon not enough, James going two, three, sometimes four times without the usual chafing that such actions might cause. His lust was not softened by the alterations to his form, part of him actually imagined the errant hairs to be the start of some animalistic transformation. Thinking it was happening to himself in real time was almost exhilarating, and a bigger turn-on than anything he had experienced since discovering his transformation kink. 


Of course, it didn’t escape his notice that the alterations, hell, the whole scenario of being injected with strange vaccines was a transformation trigger in and of itself. He had never quite read a story or seen art like this specifically but he was sure that something similar would send him into a masturbatory frenzy! Deep down, he of course knew that such was impossible in the world as he knew it. But there was no denying his thoughts of how jerking off as much as he was could be spurring on a change into a more beastly form. And if he didn’t any better, they truly were doing just that to his physique


The potential effects of his masturbatory efforts did not go unnoticed as he passed the first week after the injection. James was sure his balls were larger, swollen with enough seed to fuel his frequent jerk-off sessions. It seemed the hair on his body, not just the patches around his arm and hips, but all his hair was getting a little longer, to the point that even if he was inclined to shave, such would have no effect in removing it. It was thicker around his chest and arms, almost wiry, while shorter across his thighs, that strange black blotchy pattern that made him worried about what reaction could cause such.


Naturally, with the added hair and sweat came a strong body odor, one that even several showers a day couldn’t completely erase. More than once, his roommates wrinkled their noses around him. They never said anything outright, though with the smells he left in the bathroom as of late, and how much he was eating, it was possible they were starting to regret their decision to welcome him as their third roommate. James could hardly help it though, needing to eat like a pig, and starting to smell like one too no matter how rigorous his grooming regimen was. He was at least used to the smell, though part of him worried how much it was bothering his roommates, hoping they could understand it was part of the clinical trials, and would pass once he had finished them. At least he could afford to buy them gifts to help them put up with him and his new habits!


It was more than just the amount he was eating, though that, too had increased to rather concerning levels. At first, he was fine to eat meat as was a normal part of his diet. But soon the taste seemed to roil in his stomach to the point it made him ill and had to give it up. Never being much for fresh greens, the taste of them in a salad was soon the most delicious thing he’d had, so much so he’d cleared out the vegetable crisper within a day or two. Again, his offers of taking on the grocery bill next time were appreciated, though it was obviously troublesome with his need to eat so much more. Yet, with how hungry he was, James simply couldn’t help himself!


About two weeks after the trial had begun, the itching of hair against his clothes was starting to make it uncomfortable to wear them at all. With how much he was sweating as of late, James was more inclined to wear only his underwear while in his room, donning clothing only when he left to grab food from the fridge or shower. He would go shirtless most of the time, which seemed to bother his roommates, bringing it to his attention more than once. James was left with the awkward task of trying to explain the alterations to his body as part of the trials and convince them, and himself, that the payoff was worth it. It held his roommate’s distaste at bay for now, but it was obvious they couldn’t put up with a whole summer of this. Still, that wasn’t enough for James to start wearing clothing again, even shorts annoying against the increased spreading of black and white fur over his hips and thighs. 


Even though he’d been doing little more than eating or lounging as of late, it was in that second week that James started to notice another side effect, albeit one that was more welcome than the hair or dietary alterations. Rather than getting pudgy as he might expect such a lifestyle to inflict, he was bulking up with a decent bit of muscle, his belly larger but firm-packed as well. His arms seemed meaty, not toned, per se, but enough that he was sure he was much stronger than he had been without any effort put in. It was enough to make him want to go to the gym, not something that had been advised by the company as he recalled. Still, Ralph made the trip into town to hit the gym a few times a week and reluctantly agreed to take James with him the next time he went. 


Naturally, James was met with the same confusion about his hair and smell the moment he donned his clothes and hit the gym floor. The heady smell rolling off him in waves did give him some unwanted stares and wrinkled noses as soon as he started lifting weights, but James did his best to ignore them, figuring he was hardly the worst-smelling person to ever attend the gym. However, with how eager he was to try out his muscles, it was hard for him to focus on anything else. Trying some of the lower weights first, James was rather shocked that for not having lifted in his life, the weights felt like nothing to his powerful arms. He immediately went up ten pounds, then twenty, hardly enough to hinder him as his arms pumped furiously. Not even caring if he was using the correct posture, James added another twenty pounds to his curls, feeling a sense of pride in his power.


Yet, there was no denying the stench still rolling off his body that was even starting to get to him, as used to it as he was. To his embarrassment, he even let out a loud fart at one point, enough to turn heads toward him before the pungent odor nearly made them gag. James felt a rush of shame burning through him. He had been rather gassy of late, to the point that his roommates would not enter his room. But never had the smell gotten to him so badly that he had to get up and leave to escape it himself. With the changes to his body, even the shower in the locker room did little to clear the smell, and James decided that maybe the gym, or the public in general, would be off limits to him for the time being, at least until his body grew used to the side effects of the vaccines if that was the cause of his recent changes. 


Yet, it was only to grow worse moving into the third week, with more unwanted mass, itching hair growth, and an increased appetite to the point he found himself wondering if the reward money would be enough to cover his grocery bill. Part of him had to wonder what he was thinking to sign up for such when it was obviously a scam, turning him into some kind of…freak. As much as he loved the idea of physical transformation, there was no way that was to be his fate, rather devolving into a disgusting slob rather than an elegant animal. What the hell was happening to him, anyway?!


Thankfully, his benefactors had an appointment for him scheduled the next day, and he would finally be able to ask his questions. Surely, sitting clad in his underwear, the room reeking of BO and flatulence, the woman who came to see him would be disgusted and leave. Yet, she seemed unbothered by the stench, rather smiling as she gave him a once-over before pulling out her kit. James hardly wanted her to get near him, let alone jab him with a needle, and do lord knew what to him. 


Her next words did little to allay his fears, though gave him cause to agree to her terms. The injection series, as she explained, was designed to be seen through to conclusion, even being detrimental to his health should he miss his dose. They needed the long-term data from his blood work, and once the injections were done, he would be normal, comfortable, and well paid, even promising a generous increase in his stipend as motivation to continue. In the end, James figured there was nothing else he could do but to allow her to complete her work, hairy arm sore. James couldn’t help but wonder what this injection would do to him. Still, he was given the assurance that the next series of side effects might be potentially more enjoyable, if her predictions were correct, and James was left with a mixture of anticipation and dread over what those words meant. 


And at first, her words held true. The next few days saw an increase in muscle growth and bulk to the point that even if he was inclined to wear shirts, they would tear from his form. It was rather impressive even with all he ate that the fat was minimal, as though the injections were converting his diet into muscle. Surely, that was the point of the drug, something that if it worked, would make billions on the health market. James could do without the hair, the stink, and the flatulence, but it was a small price to pay, he figured. His increased stipend could certainly pay for the food for all three of them now!


That was not the only side effect James was left to enjoy, much as the woman promised him. His masturbation habits had hardly changed in the past few days, turned on by the muscle mass he possessed and horny besides. Cum watery after the first few times, the swelling of his testicles, thick orbs that pressed almost painfully in his sack, seemed to fuel him with prime seed, enough that his usual array of tissues was not sufficient to catch his ejaculate. The smell of semen was added to the bouquet of odors wafting from his form, and it was almost impossible to fully clean himself from the drying spunk, annoying and sticky against his hairy groin.


Part of him was disturbed by the alterations, his blackened ball sack so much larger and heavier than anything a human could support. But there was another part of him, the one that used animal transformation to touch himself to, that found the side effects of this latest vaccine arousing. It looked for all the world like he now possessed the sack of a farm beast, a bull, or a horse as much as his internet searching could dig up. His suspicions were confirmed with a rather bestial bellow that escaped his lips during one such masturbatory session, one that he could not make in his own intonation. Though he would never have wanted to be a bull or horse in real life, or any other animal, there was no denying how much the notion was doing it for him. Perhaps that was part of the serum, to bulk up one’s body by infusing DNA from a farm animal. It was bizarre, though the results were as obvious as the sack hanging from his loins. Hell, it was almost so large he couldn’t hide in his underwear, much to the chagrin of his roommates. Certainly, it did not belong to a man, and as much as it pleased him to possess such a thing, James was more than a little concerned about the implication. 


Yet, calling his benefactors to question did not receive an answer, as though they could not be reached unless they wanted to be. That left him with very little options to seek help for the bestial additions. He didn’t want to bring alarm to his roommates, though they were already aware something was up. But they likely couldn’t imagine that he was turning into some sort of animal. Or at least gaining animalistic attributes the likes of which were turning him on almost to the point he couldn’t bring himself to worry what they meant for him. At least until after the orgasmic sensations died down…


The more the changes encroached over him, the more some were starting to make a bizarre sort of sense. It was not only his balls that looked more that of a farm beast, but the hairs covering his chest and arms as well. In fact, the patches on his thighs, obscuring the skin in some places, made it more likely they were the start of a fur coat. The piebald pattern was a dead giveaway, but strangely, it didn’t seem to match the coat on his upper arm and belly, leaving it a bit of a puzzle as to what exactly was happening to him. That coat was thicker, almost wooly in some places, which left him powerfully confused. It itched like mad, but in the end, James became accustomed to it, and it was quickly forgotten with his frequent masturbation sessions. 


While bull seemed to be his best bet in explaining what he was becoming, there were a few other changes that seemed not to match that future. For one, his testicles were much too large, even by bovine standards. And then there was his cock. James noticed it getting a little larger with each passing day, thicker, too, with darkening patches that seemed almost splotchy as they took shape. Knowing animal anatomy as he did, James was a little more inclined to think he was forming the beginnings of a horse cock. That was even worse, in a sense, becoming some sort of hybrid being that didn’t match anything on Earth. How was this whole thing possible, to begin with?


Yet, as much as James told himself he couldn’t want this, that he shouldn’t want this, there was a growing part of his mind that couldn’t deny the truth. It was the fulfillment of every dream for him to change in body and become more like an animal. As much as he didn’t want to lose his humanity, there was no denying how much it was doing for him. Hell, he could barely stifle his moans or clean up all the cum that shot from his mammoth testicles and cock after each masturbatory session. The room stank of his male essence, and James reveled in it!


Naturally, he had to leave the room on occasion, his roommates not daring to come near lest they get a whiff or hear the bizarre grunting that signaled he was amid passion. His clothes were so tight at this point that even sweatpants were a chore to pull over his muscled ass and massive flaccid cock. Even his underwear was pulled taut before the girth of his balls, and it was a painful endeavor to wear them for the times he needed to eat, or use the bathroom, something that was becoming more and more a frequent occurrence. In his room, he was more inclined to keep naked, loving the scent of his musk and cum, even though it was far overpowering to his senses and something he knew he should be ashamed of. Cum stains were everywhere, the waste basket was full, and his clothes lay soiled and unwashed. Yet, to James’s altering psyche, it was heaven!


It was getting harder to think rationally as well, at least in terms that the human him would naturally rationalize. One day, memories of the gym came back to him, and flexing his larger arms, he was powerfully inclined to show off his muscle mass, at least while he still could do so. Even if such would be ill-advised for his new physique, once the notion was in James’s head, a stubborn streak kept prodding him that would not relent unless he gave in. Finding shirts large enough to wear in public was a chore, but one he partook in willingly as he used the opportunity to clean up his room somewhat and shower, making himself as presentable as possible. Begging Ralph to take him into town required some bribery, but the idea was so fixated in his mind at this point James saw no alternative but to see things through. As much of a disaster awaited him, at least…


Though he received the same looks of confusion and disgust over his altered form, James was not in a mindset to let them deter his need to show off his new power. The weights seemed to be waiting for him, and James immediately started with those that were several tens of pounds larger than what he was able to manage even last time. Though it was awkward to lift straight with his bulky stature, the weights felt like a feather as he deadlifted like he’d been going to the gym for years. He lifted one, then the other, unsatisfied with his performance as he moved to the bench, hoping for a greater challenge. 


With every upward push, it seemed as though his already precariously taut clothing would pop off from any errant motion. Tears were even starting down the cuffs and back of his shirt, and to what should be his embarrassment, his cock was powerfully erect in his pants, threatening to tear a hole through on its own. But James could find no fault in what he was doing as he continued to lift with abandon, wanting nothing more than to show off his strength and prowess. And he was clearly doing so, seemingly to bulk up almost in real-time as he lifted. Almost to the point that…


With a resounding rip, James felt his clothing give way, tearing all over and filling his nose with the pungent musk of his body. His arms, shoulders, and chest parted his shirt easily, rending it into rags on his form. And, much to his shame, even his erection managed to break its way free as well, erupting with a stream of cum even though he had not touched himself. It seemed very much that his horse-sized dong needed little stimulation to get off, as erect as showing off made him. And to his embarrassment, it seemed even more engorged than before, the shape of the head a little off, as though it had changed in the interim such he’d last masturbated. 


The hushed tones and panicked cries made him sure that management would be called and he would be kicked out for indecent exposure. Powerfully embarrassed, James made his way back to the locker room, sure the incident would not be easily forgotten. Worse, perhaps, was having to ask his roommate to drive him home, not being able to hide his current condition and Ralph having been in the gym when it happened, hearing the same panicked cries about a man outgrowing his clothing, or cumming from what appeared for all the world like a horse cock. The pair drove home in silence, Ralph almost seeming to want to leave James on the side of the road. It was clear he knew something was up, but had no idea how to broach the subject. They drove with the windows down to limit the stick of his sweat and cum, but it was hardly enough as James’s body digested, filling the car with the stink of his flatulence. 


The drive seemed to take forever, and Ralph could barely stifle his anger as James got out and raced up to his room, blushing in shame from what he had done. Upon getting upstairs, however, James was met with another unexpected problem. Despite having just cum, he felt so powerfully pent up that leaving his member alone was not an option. Even memories of what had happened at the gym were not enough to keep him away from the object of his desire. To his furthered arousal, his cock was massive, even larger than the last time he’d masturbated with it, looking like something fit for a beast. Hell, its shape had even altered further with a crown around the head and a darkening shade that marked its conversion to a more equine shape. 


Yet, as he grunted, masturbating with the fury of a beast, a pain from the chair against the lump on his backside started to get to him, as though the thing was growing. Having learned to deal with it over the past few weeks, James was stunned when it suddenly surged with growth, something he could feel happening in real time. It was becoming painful, especially as the growth started to prickle, as though something was stabbing the skin from the inside. Yet, the ache was still insufficient to stem his arousal, James masturbating furiously until his horse cock erupted all over his massive belly and chest in a spray of semen. It certainly felt worth all the changes at the time! 


It wasn’t until much later, James having gone to bed without cleaning himself that he was awoken by that pain above his ass again, different than feeling it being crushed under his weight. Getting up with some panic, a burst of pain ran through him, something ripping erupting through the skin all over. It was hard to see behind him, given his increased stature, but using his phone camera, he was able to get glimpses of something rather shocking. Not simply the noticeably triangular nub behind him, that was something he had been expecting, more or less. But it was the several dozen thick quills that stuck out from the surface of it that truly had him perplexed. They almost looked like some sort of feathers, but that made little sense with the rest of the changes. What the hell was happening to him?! 


Despite that rather shocking development, James was eventually able to pass out, though not without his testicles churning out thick spurs of cum several times that night, even without touching himself directly. Surely he should have been spent, and his frequent ejaculation caused a strange soreness as though his massive orbs had been repurposed, leaving his scrotum void of them. Such should have been impossible, but a strange pressure in his groin led credence to the fact his testicles had somehow been repurposed. Stranger still, it seemed that what remained within was thicker and heavier, and gave off a sickly sweet scent as he massaged them with curious fingers. Getting up, it was obvious they were twice the girth they had been, swaying heavily under him as he tried to walk. And, to his shock, they now seemed to possess four massive welts, the purpose of which he could hardly understand. 


Lost in his confusion, James was startled when his roommate Baxter, knocked on the door and told him they needed to talk. Not for the first time since he’d started the program, almost a month ago now, James felt a sense of dread hit him. He was turning into a freak, some sort of bizarre mutation, and not only had he allowed it, but he had been enjoying it to boot! No wonder his roommates were fed up with him. Hell, he was fed up with them himself, hating what was being done to him. Their demands were simple enough, and James was inclined to agree. He needed to stop the changes and have them reversed, or he was out, regardless of whether he had a place to go. James couldn’t blame them for all they had to put up with. Again and again, they asked what the hell was being done to him, to which James had no answer. He didn’t really know, to be frank, not wanting to show them the more extreme changes, his cock, balls, and now his tail, or whatever it was. The latter could not be hidden save for him to keep his back to the wall, and the distance his roommates kept from the smell of his musk and cum. 


With that, James agreed to do everything in his power to try and contact his benefactors and have them reverse this. Not that he had any idea how to get their attention, but his requests fell on deaf ears. His immediate problem was the awkwardness of trying to make it back to his room with the weight of his balls below him. It was as though they were painfully full, though not with cum as he had been used to. Hell, they were so large at this point that some sort of fluid within them was sloshing around. There was no hiding the sight of them from his roommates, though that was hardly the most immediate problem, especially with the speed the changes were coming on now. 


Scared of what he might find but needing to pull them out all the same, James was immediately met with another unexpected alteration, this time with his semi-erect cock. It seemed that a flap of skin had pulled its way toward his belly from the base of his cock, enveloping the entirety of his penis. With his semi-aroused state, he could see the head poking through the opening, the skin sensually sliding back as it did so. It was likely he was forming an animalistic sheath to match his other bestial traits, as much as James could determine. Fuck, he didn’t want this, and he was losing precious time before he could get in contact with the people responsible for this!


Yet, it was his massively swollen testicles that took precedence now, needing emptying more urgently than he could recall. Rubbing the skin aggressively, he was able to confirm his testicles really were absent within. Their skin felt different to the touch, feeling warm, veiny skin rather than his formerly wrinkled, course sack. It was even covered with a light layer of fuzz, different than either coat of fur he possessed. Strangest of all, it seemed as though rubbing his ball sack sent shivers of pleasure through him, particularly against the four new nubs. More curious than afraid, James started groping them, finding them surprisingly sensitive. Almost like…


To his shock, no sooner than he began to tug them than a squirm of fluid came out, that same sickly sweet smell from this morning reminding him of something he couldn’t entirely place. The odor was familiar, but certainly not from something oozing out of any orifice that he possessed. They were clearly not his testes anymore, as much as James was sure he was still male. Rather, this thing was something entirely new, and continually grasping it left him moaning for more. The skin was so sensitive, and squeezing each of what he was starting to perceive as teats were squirting out drops of…milk? Was that where he recognized the smell from? James simply had to taste it!


Yet, a knock at the door caught him off guard, and naked as he was, James went to call out, telling them not to come in. However, it was not his roommates to enter, but rather the woman from before, carrying her kit and smiling at the sight of him, as though eager with the progress he had made. It was unnerving to be seen in such a state, naked and semi-aroused with his animalistic cock on display and playing with what he was starting to understand was some sort of udder. But the woman was hardly disturbed, expression more like she expected what was happening to him. 


“No…no please, go away…” James groaned though part of his complaint was due to his wanting to be alone to touch himself. 


“Doesn’t it feel good? Don’t stop on my account. I can still give you your injection and take the sample while you’re in the middle of self-exploration. After all, like I said, there’s no going back, and we have to complete the cycle for you in order to compensate for your body being in flux. After all, you’re a prized specimen now, and we want to keep you nice and healthy!” 


“But I don’t want this!” James bellowed out, only just now noticing how much his voice had been warped over the past few hours. 


“You might not want to now, but I assure you the pleasurable experiences are only going to heighten from here! Besides, there’s no going back I’m afraid. I believe there was something in your contract that specifies your understanding of that. Regardless, you’ll come to understand this was all for the best. After all, you’ll never have to worry about anything for the rest of your life! You’ll be totally cared for, well treated, and have a permanent place in our company as the first trial run of our new formula!” Said the woman, seemingly oblivious to his plight or that she had orchestrated the downfall of a human life.


“Whhhhaaat are you doing to me?!” James called out, not really understanding what the whole purpose of this fucked-up experiment was. Fuck, he didn’t even really understand what it was he was turning into!


“In short, we’re changing you into the perfect farm animal. Able to produce several kinds of meat, milk, and eggs from a single organism. No no, we wouldn’t use you for meat, don’t worry! But it is necessary to change you, and some other volunteers, into one of our new hybrid species for testing purposes. Before we can create one in vitro, we need to study your anatomy and DNA and need you aware and able to communicate with us on a variety of subjects dealing with your new body. Don’t worry, you won’t lose your mind, not even when the changes complete themselves. As I said, you’ll live a long life of contentment and pleasure, and you’ll even help the world’s food shortage with the valuable information we obtain from you!”


James didn’t really know what to say after that. It didn’t seem likely there was any way out of it, or that he could easily escape or return to his body. The woman could easily be lying to him but then did he want to take that chance? And there wasn’t much he could do to fight back, given the state of his body. He didn’t want his condition to worsen and allowed himself, reluctantly, to feel the prick of the needle going in, likely aiding in altering him the rest of the way to his new form, whatever that would be. A hybrid of various farm beasts, as much as he could tell, but what did that even mean? And did he even want to know, given that these would be the last few weeks of his humanity? 


With that, the woman left, and James was left with the difficult task of informing his roommates about his situation. He had to go out into the main room with a bedsheet wrapped around his bottom, not wanting to show his cock or udder. Not surprisingly, they were disgusted, though less so with the state of his body and more with what he had been duped into. Hours were spent discussing possibilities, lawyers, media, and the like, but in the end, all options were futile against the power the organization wielded. And it was best to prepare for the worst, to account for James’s new body and its needs, something that surprised him given their hostility just hours ago. James was thankful for that, a sense of camaraderie with his roommates in what should have been a horrific endeavor. Since Baxter had grown up on a farm and knew how to care for animals, they were all in agreement that come hell or high water they would keep him here as long as possible. As much as James didn’t want them going out of their way on his behalf, he wasn’t keen on heading to a care center run by the people who were responsible for his changes if he could help it. Not that they had much choice in the end if it was ruled that James was to be their property! 


With that, James was left to ruminate on his fate, knowing that within the next several days he might be outside permanently like the animal he was becoming. As much as the idea of changing, of turning into an animal had once turned him on, he didn’t really want to be an animal, damnit! Not that he knew it was a possibility when signing up for the trial, but still…To lose his freedom, his autonomy, hell even things like his hands were disturbing, to say the least. And he would be like no animal that ever existed on the planet, a hybrid monster of their making. Hell, he didn’t even know what he would look like by the time the changes were done with him!


Something else was creeping into his mind the more James contemplated what his future might hold. If what the woman said held true, he would be taken care of by the company for the rest of his life, his existence valuable data for them. All the worries he had held most of his life, student loans, affordable housing, all of it would be handled, no longer relevant for existence as an animal. Despite his disgust over being forced to change, there was no denying there would be an ease to that, caring only about eating, sleeping, and pleasuring himself. Even with the fear over the impact on his life from the changes, there was no denying such ease was somehow appealing to his millennial self, the consequences of such be damned. 


For now, James had more pressing concerns. The ache in his still-expanding udder was starting to become persistent, even as he stroked his teats constantly. They were not sore, made of sterner stuff it seemed. But the fact it was continuing to bloat, filling with milk or a milk-like substance made him powerfully uncomfortable, and concerned about properly expelling it. It was a little messy at first, and he managed to make it to the bathroom to squeeze his nipples over the toilet, feeling the relief of such immensely each time. Those bathroom trips were becoming so frequent that his roommates could hardly find the opportunity to use it themselves, much to their annoyance!


Milking himself and teasing his udder had another obvious effect on his anatomy. His cock was powerfully erect each time he rubbed his tears, to the point he often jerked off while moving between each of his nipples in tandem. His cock was far larger now, the tip flattened to look more like a mushroom head, a sign of his equine heritage. By now, his sheath had fully formed, and the hairy cocoon kept his cock confined when not in use. Those periods were becoming less and less frequent as his need to jerk off from the changes rose. It seemed as though each session caused his cock to alter just slightly, the skin mostly black now as his throbbing length reassembled a horse’s cock, though larger in stature than any equine member he’d ever seen. And more sensitive to boot, if his level of pleasure was any indication!


In turn, each orgasm seemed to swell his udder, James finding it was often full of milk as it continued to expand. He could constantly feel the fluid sloshing around inside of it whenever he moved, often tempting him to play with his nipples and deplete the load. And it took little time to fill once more, especially as it continued to balloon to unnatural proportions. James could hardly believe how it was producing so rapidly, even with all he was prompted to eat each day. It was quickly becoming cumbersome with how often it needed to be emptied and how long it took each time to relieve himself of enough milk for his comfort. Hell, it was even starting to interfere with his sleep, something that annoyed him to no end. 


Worse, perhaps, it was becoming more and more obvious as the days went on and his new udder went into full production, that his fingers were ill-equipped for the task. This time, however, the company made themselves more available to assist with his transition, and when he requested something to ease his situation, they were more than happy to oblige by providing him with a portable automatic milking machine. They were overeager, perhaps, as though they wanted to start collecting his productions though James was only thankful to finally get some needed relief. With its large size and easy set-up, as well as a fridge to store his milk, James didn’t need to leave his room now to tend to it. Naturally, his roommates were skeptical to let members of the company come in to set it up, but in the end, they decided it was for the best for James’s comfort. 


Nervous as hell about using it for the first time, James eventually decided he had no choice but to try, taking the cool metal tubes and locking them against his nipples, worried they would be too uncomfortable or would hurt as he tried to suction his milk. Yet, the machine was new, and state of the art, and his nipples were easily inserted into the flexible tubes with only a mild amount of discomfort. And when he turned it on…the sensation was heaven! Waves of pleasure flowed through his udder like milk into the machine, with no hands needed to work his nipples. Perhaps even better was that the warm grips were firm and gentle, allowing maximum efficiency while emptying him in a way that his hands could simply not manage. It was especially convenient as, now, his cock was so large he needed both hands to work to its fullest potential. The woman was right; it was absolute bliss to experience milking and masturbation in tandem!


The only drawback to the milking was that, in tandem with his recent injection, it seemed to speed up the changes somewhat. It noticeably started in his nose, widening over his frame as it expanded down toward his lips To some satisfaction, James found he was able to drink in scents in the air more easily, breathing becoming a breeze. It was a little unnerving to see it in front of his face all the time, but he soon grew accustomed to it, a minor inconvenience with everything else he had to contend with. And the increased intensity of his musk, his cum, and even his milk, seemed to heighten his arousal to the point he was masturbating at least four times a day, the effect on his body be damned!


Though it had likely been happening for the past few days now, James hadn’t realized a more recent change until Baxter pointed it out, much to his disgust. James had been burping more frequently as of late, but he hadn’t realized that such actions were causing more than just gas. It seemed he had been largely ignorant that his belching had been bringing up a mouthful of predigested vegetables, James simply chewing it again as though the action was natural. He was powerfully embarrassed to have been caught in such an act, though figured it was part of being bovine, perhaps now possessing more stomachs to digest with. Hell, it was probably more efficient but certainly no comfort when having to deal with his new bodily functions, especially with the recent bloating in his belly to make room for them!


Yet, it was hardly the worst thing to happen to him in the ensuing days. Thinking his ejaculate was making his fingers stickier, James could not deny the fact they were starting to stiffen, as though the joints within were popping away to dissolve within. Knowing that he was becoming some sort of farm animal, part of James knew something similar would happen to him eventually. But it was still unnerving to see the nails thickening a little bit each day, pointed tips from two of them reminding him of pig’s trotters. It wasn’t helped by the fact that his thumbs were slowly being tugged up toward his wrists, still functional for now, but less and less likely to be each morning he woke up. 


Still, the strangest thing to happen to him yet came largely unexpected, even with the woman’s previous statement about his new anatomy and usefulness as a producer. As though constantly constipated, there seemed to be a steady pressure building up with him, something that he simply could not relieve even while pushing with all he had. Whatever was brewing within him was becoming powerfully uncomfortable and he couldn’t imagine what fresh hell was causing the irritation. He was to find out one afternoon when the pressure came to a head, James was sure he had to take a massive shit, which was not unusual as of late. Yet, this bulge felt larger, harder, and circular, and came with a flush of fluids that cleaned him out. Ass precariously over the toilet, James felt his rectal muscles contracting, pushing the orb within and opening him up in a way that made little sense. It was so large and firm that it made his prostate pound and even brought him a mild erection, though one he was not inclined to contend with in the middle of whatever it was his body was expelling. Still, it was almost there, stretching his anus as though conforming it to release whatever James’s body had created.


Feeling it crown the tip of his sphincter and then slide outward, James was not prepared for the speed at which it had been expelled. The object fell with a plop into the water, splashing some onto his backside and making him yelp out from surprise. At the same time, orgasmic contractions ran through him, making James feel the need to rub at his horse cock. Not usually jerking off in the bathroom, James was unable to resist letting loose with a jet of cum, blowing his load over the garbage can and wall. The room stank of his bestial essence, and for a moment, James even forgot what it was he was so concerned about. It was absolute heaven to feel such relief that he could hardly hold onto the absurdity of the scenario.


James could not have prepared for what awaited him as he came down his release. Looking behind him, James was shocked to see what could only be a chicken’s egg floating in the toilet. It had not injured his insides, his anus still covered with a translucent goo that had eased the laying. It took him some moments to come to terms with what he was looking at, not realizing this was part of what he was to become. It was powerfully unnerving to know that the egg had come out of what was his ass. Not sure how he was able to lay such an egg, James reached around awkwardly to touch his hole, discovering his anus was protruding just slightly, altered to make the egg-laying process more comfortable. And orgasmic, which was something James was still coming to terms with. At least it was pleasurable, but did he really want to be an egg-laying, milk-producing creature, even with how good it felt? How the hell did all this anatomy work in tandem, anyway?


The woman, whose name he never bothered to ask, ended up checking on him later that day and was elated to hear that he was already egg-laying. Part of James wanted to lambast her for not preparing him for such a fate, though in the end figured there was no point. He was going to change into this hybrid monstrosity regardless, and there surely couldn’t be many other major surprises he hadn’t yet discovered. Still, the woman offered to allow him to see what he would become, estimating that it would take a few more weeks to reach that form. Reluctantly, James decided to view the images, tears rolling down his cheeks as he stared upon his fate. 


The creature in the documents was already much like what had become of James thus far. It had a full rooster’s tail, laid eggs, and had thick, meaty chest muscles like that of a farm bird, likely for the meat. It stood on four legs, ham hocks with pig trotters sat on each limb to manage its weight, and porcine tusks stuck out of its muzzle. Its nose was that of a cow, as well as the pair of horns and of course, the massive udder. Thick, wooly hair coveted its chest and back, though the skin underneath carried a familiar piebald pattern of a dairy cow. Its mane and cock were that of a horse, and the muzzle was a mix of equine with porcine dentures, able to digest many different foods with its four stomachs. It was the perfect hybrid of various farm beasts, able to produce eggs, milk, some wool, and should he expire, various kinds of meat. Despite what he had been told, that last part sends shivers through him as he realizes his eventual fate. 


James took some time to himself after that, allowing his blood to be taken along with his weight and other measurements while he was in a depressive funk. He would essentially be no different than an animal, and would soon be living as one. Never again would he be able to go to school, or play video games, or do any of the human tasks that required hands to accomplish? All there would be to do would be to deal with his bodily functions, milk, and eggs collected as he was cleaned up after, only to wait to have it happen all over again. Hardly the life for an aspiring college student, even one who had a secret transformation fetish and found the changes sexually arousing. Hell, he wouldn’t even be able to cum of his own accord any longer, lacking his hands and human flexibility! 


Still, a growing part of him was slowly coming to terms with what was happening, almost finding it harder and harder to find fault with it. As the woman had said, he would have no financial worries, no longer carrying tens of thousands of student loan debt, needing to pay for rent, or even food or health care. All his needs would be tended to, and his only purpose was to produce as a farm animal. If all went according to plan, he would live many years beyond perhaps even his human life span, his anatomy preventing most types of cancers or conditions through the technology that had changed him. And there was one other facet of the changes that he couldn’t deny, that masturbating, egg-laying, and being milked were the most physically pleasurable experiences he had known. And they were only becoming more erotic as the days passed and his body altered further. The conflict in his mind was troublesome, though the scales were starting to tip in favor of the life he knew was inevitable. 


As the days passed and James grew steadily larger, it was obvious his time in the house was soon to come to an end. His broad chest and thinning feet made standing a chore, and it was becoming impossible to pass through doors with his new bulk, even on all fours. He was steadily losing his plantigrade feet, noticing his heels were extending and his large toes were going the same way as his thumbs. And with some persistent aches in his pelvis, James was sure that any day he would be forced down on all fours for the rest of his life. At least he wouldn’t need shoes, though it was of small consolation. 


By this point, James’s new biological functions were in full swing, needed to lay an egg a day, be milked several times, and chew cud within half an hour after every meal. Several bowel moments a day were commonplace, and with his larger stature and exposed anus, James had no more ability to wipe, making such a messy affair. Egg laying seemed to clean him out, at least, though he had to bend over to make sure the eggs were not cracked upon being expelled from him. The milking machine, too, was filled after each use to the point the fridge was often full until staff from the corporation came to take his samples, Regardless of how he might have felt about doing so, there was no denying that relieving himself from multiple sources felt good to the point he looked forward to the times when it was required. 


One thing his roommates soon appreciated was collecting his productions for themselves, having unlimited milk in the fridge, and eggs washed and placed into cartons. They weren’t supposed to keep them, but as they’d been assured by the company there was no danger in consuming them, the pair took to using them in their daily meals. Baxter reported his eggs and milk were the best things he’d ever tasted, even beyond anything from the farm he’d grown up on. James took some pride in that, knowing that he was at least providing a service for all the cleaning up after him they had to do. Any grossness they might have felt over eating things made from James’s body was quickly forgotten, both coming to terms with that being where such food items originated from in general. 


Not all of his bodily functions were welcome, however, his four stomachs made gas at both ends to the point it was nauseating. As the days went on, the ability to control his bowels started to wane, and not being able to control himself like an animal, James could truly feel his downfall. A blanket and shelter on the porch were not enough to give him the creature comforts of his room, something he would never experience again. Still, it was likely for the best he be outside, given his diminishing use of functional fingers, two of the digits thickened and covered with porcine nails. A few tears rolled down his cheeks at the loss of his thumbs, the moment he realized that they were functionally vestigial, never to move again. The remnants of his other fingers were soon pushed back against his wrists while the other two were to be used for nothing more than holding up his weight. 


The loss of functional hands came with further embarrassments, ones that shamed the changing man, at least at first. For one, he was no longer able to milk himself, the pressure building up to the point he had to ask Baxter for help hooking him up to the machine. While a little uncomfortable doing so, Baxter at least had the experience necessary and was able to hook him up and collect the milk as much as was required. James was thankful for the help, though warned he would need it multiple times a day in order to be completely drained. A prospect Baxter was not looking forward to, but something he would have to do in the interim of the company’s involvement. 


There was one other need that James could no longer tend to on his own and was even more reluctant to request assistance for. Though his cock was often erect, much to Baxter’s chagrin during their milking sessions, James no longer had a way to jerk off, leaving him high and dry. A few times he was able to cum on his own, slapping his cock against his belly in a desperate plea, or gripping it in his hooves and holding steady, though those times were few and far between. It went unspoken that Baxter would not help in the efforts to empty his balls, though as the days passed it was becoming more and more troublesome to content with his swollen internal testicles. The frequent need to cum was indeed maddening!


Worse perhaps, it was also becoming obvious he would no longer be able to articulate his needs with the increasingly animal inflections in his voice. Grunts, squeals, and bellows accented his speech to the point it was embarrassing to try to talk to his roommates. Soon, he no longer bothered to try, and they seemed to understand, given his current state. The pair would talk to him about various affairs in their lives to try to lighten the mood as they tended to his care. But James had taken to nodding, not caring about the rolls of fat hanging from his chin as he did so. To be honest, there wasn’t much he wanted to say to them directly, depressed as he was becoming. After all, they were coming to feed him, milk him, pick up his eggs, and, most embarrassing of all, clean up after him. Despite his animalistic bodily functions and lifestyle, James knew he would not lose his mind, as much as he’d been told by his benefactors. That came with its own challenges, wondering how to live out his days with little to do than eat, shit, and wait to be milked or lay an egg. As good as it felt, that was not the life for a sentient creature. And without the ability to masturbate, it was becoming a despairing existence, one with waning hope as the days passed by. 


With so little to focus on, the rest of the changes, though coming gradually, were easy for him to spot. His skin was entirely covered by hide by this point, the itching around his shoulders and chest becoming more noticeable and irritating without the urge to scratch. The hairs were thick, wiry, and becoming more ovine to match the woolen coat from his sheep’s DNA. His backside was devoid of them, taking on a traditional bovine pattern, as was his hair, which was growing out into a horse’s mane, rather fetching had the other changes not brought him such despair. Hell, his wrists and ankles were even becoming adorned with what looked to be fetlocks, a somewhat pleasing aesthetic feature but something he found he didn’t want with all the baggage that came with it. 


As his ear canals widened and reshaped to match a mutant equine and bovine shape, James found that his ability to hear had grown to inhuman levels. It started with smaller things, able to detect cars and birds from farther away, something he did not think too much of at first. But it was soon the intensity of the insects, the drone of crickets and cicadas that really started to annoy him until fatigue became so great they no longer mattered. To his dismay, he could even pick up sounds from his roommates in the house, catching words of detestment for their lot as his caretakers. Something they would not admit to him directly but something that was impossible to ignore. Again, he wept his lament, not wanting to be a burden on them but thankful they were determined to keep him here and not whisked off to some lab. 


Hearing was not the only sense to be enhanced, even as his growing cow’s nose and expanding muzzle imposed limits on his human speech. He was drinking in odors far more readily, the most of which were the stench of his own unwashed body. Yet, the more his olfactory abilities enhanced, the less the animalistic odors seemed to bother him, to the point he almost found them pleasant. There was an almost relaxing quality about them that sat well with him, knowing he was healthy and virile. It was not only his own odors that he detected, however. Each of his roommates had their own particular scent about them, nothing offensive but still obviously distinct. It was fascinating for him to be able to pick them out among other scents, even those of the people from the company who came to collect his eggs and milk.


The steady changes to his visage were perhaps the most jarring of all, enough that James was prompted to ask for a mirror, something difficult to articulate with his warped speech. The first thing of note was the tiny bumps poking through his shaggy mane of hair, something he could not see right away but something he had felt growing for some days. They were soon thick enough that they pushed away the hair, matching the shape of a bull’s horns and likely to rest heavily on his head. James had no idea how long it would take them to reach their final stature but was still able to take an odd sort of pride in them, a sign of his power and virility. 


His teeth, too, had steadily altered, matching a grinding configuration for his vegetarian diet. They had begun to change some time ago, becoming herbivore molars able to chew through his cud. By this point, they felt rather large in his mouth, pushing at his thicker lips and making it uncomfortable to keep his mouth closed. There was a widening gap between his premolars and canines, though such was to be expected with a more equine visage. His teeth felt dirty, and yellowed, likely a facet of bestial dentition making them look ugly and slab-like. Worst, perhaps, were the two upper canines starting to curve and warp, thicker and pushing out of the sides of his mouth. As gnarled as they became, it was powerfully uncomfortable to have them protruding as such, though, like every other aspect of his changes, James forced himself to get used to it. They did cause him to drool profusely, annoying while waiting for the rest of his mouth to catch up. 


Still, James couldn’t help but notice how easy it was to bite into apples, carrots, lettuce, and celery that he preferred. Raw veggies in large quantities were the best way to sate his hunger. Either a sign that his taste buds had changed or a natural inclination to each raw veggies, anything cooked or covered in sauces and dressings would not do it for him. His tongue was far too sensitive for such, it seemed, and he was fine with boring old foods as much as their tastes seemed to bloom in his mouth. And Baxter was nice enough to bring him sugared treats each day, something that almost melted in his mouth and made him salivate for more!


Having to live outside and sleep on the porch was starting to become tiring, though it was not to be a permanent station. To his surprise, the company was there to start building him an outdoor enclosure, free of charge. It was a little shocking they did not fight to take him away, and were in fact willing to accommodate him staying with his roommates. All they required was his milk and eggs and regular vet visits, something all three agreed to. James was thankful that Baxter and Ralph were willing to care for him in the long term, their housing situation was also paid for as a form of compensation. And a fair stipend to ensure their silence, being the only ones to have seen him in such a state. All in all, the best outcome that James could have hoped for, aside from losing his humanity forever. 


Thankfully, the construction of a pen for him only took a couple of days. Living on the porch was uncomfortable, and the boards were soaked from his leaking milk or from viscous fluid as he laid his eggs, something that caused him immense shame to dirty their living space. His new home was to be a decent place to live, sized for his stature and giving him access to clean food, water, a place to sleep and to lay his eggs, and a milking machine with ample storage for his secretions. State-of-the-art as it was, James was almost excited to live there, forgetting it was far from his former room though it at least gave him some degree of autonomy and privacy. 


And not too soon, given the steady onslaught of the remaining changes. With thickening hips, fattening tighs, and a bulbous if not muscled belly, it was getting harder and harder to stand on two legs to the point he seldom tried. James could still move somewhat, but it was becoming more and more troublesome as his spine realigned to put him down on all fours. As much as he didn’t want to lose more of his humanity, the ability to walk comfortably once more was more than welcome. And a more comfortable prospect, given the added weight from his new form, in particular, his udder!


Of all the things that were being provided for his new life, James had not been expecting a breeding stand, something used for farm beasts to collect semen in. The device could be used for him to rut into whenever he required, some of his semen being collected as the trade-off. Hell, he didn’t even need anyone to help him into it, which was a welcome realization. It was all James could do not to use it right then and there, though he at least had enough patience to wait until he was alone. Not that he could avoid being heard by his roommates, even with their windows closed, but that was something they would all need to get used to with his hyper-sexuality. 


The moment he was alone, James hoisted his much larger body up on the stand, spearing his mammoth horse cock toward the opening. As though it was made for his new anatomy, James felt the stand taking him inside, then wrapping around his cock like a glove. James was thankful for having the only current outlet for his sexual ache, and his grunting and squealing could not be contained. With a mere twenty or so thrusts, he was at his end, blowing his load and feeling the blessed orgasmic relief shuddering through his body. It was almost too much that he collapsed from the stand in a sweaty heap. The process was the most powerfully sensual experience he’d had, rivaling those times even masturbating in his former bedroom. 


And it was hardly to be the last time that day, given his arousal and pent-up state after so long without the ability to get off as he wished. Even after such an explosive orgasm, James quickly got his second wind and eyed the breeding stand before mounting it, with more difficulty the second time. It was as though his equine cock had swelled beyond even what it had been just moments ago, almost too big for even the pliable stand. It mattered little, his member obviously meant to be larger than the average equine as his swollen testicles pressed against what had become of his prostate and made him shiver all over. It was so sensual, so powerfully visceral it was a wonder he could hold back against the sensations. Still, having just cum moments before, it took him longer to reach his end, if only by a couple of minutes. It was enough for him to really feel his body for the first time and bask in his masculinity. His cock was massive, almost reaching past his expansive belly, throbbing with blood as it engorged further. Such would have dizzied him if he wasn’t already so gargantuan a beast! His awkward hips thrust frantically, sweat pouring off him and making him drink in his male stink. If it was to feel like this for the rest of his life to fuck, then…


With a cascading bellow, James came again, feeling just as much pent-up seed if not more blowing from his internal testes and filling the collection bag. James was sure he could hear it sloshing around as it settled from the force of his orgasm, and he took some pride in that, the device rather vacuous and able to take more than most draft animals could provide. Not that it was anything he’d done to deserve such a powerful body. But then again, it was his now, as much part of his DNA as his human form had contributed to the process. Why not take pride in it? The smells wafting from his semen were heady and virile, and his sweat spoke volumes of his masculinity. It was enough to bring him to erection again, with the needs to tend to it at the forefront of his being!


It took an additional three times to fully feel emptied, a stamina that was beyond James’s ability to fully fathom. Each time was as explosive as the last, though, by the end of it, James felt he was finally spent, tired though satisfied in his release. There was something about the experience more fulfilling than any masturbation had a right to be, as though rutting into the bag was achieving a higher purpose if such made any sense put into human words. It was clearly some bestial desire, one that should have maybe alarmed him but was rather welcome at this stage in his new existence. 


So became James’s life after that, getting used to the new set-up and how it assisted with the new functions of his body. To his surprise, James fell into things rather smoothly, finding he already enjoyed all the ways his body produced to the point it became his entire world. Laying eggs, in particular, sent orgasmic quivers through his body each time, rubbing against his prostate as he laid one to two per day. James was even prompted to sit on them, having been given a nest of sorts large enough for his massive stature. There was some comfort in that, though, surely, he could never produce offspring, his anatomy too unstable. Still, he was tempted to treat them just as any other hen might, even though the still-growing tail feathers from above his ass marked him more a rooster.  


Milking, too, took up a good portion of his day, and James was getting accustomed to his former roommates coming down in shifts to hook up his sensitive teats to the machine. There were four in all, spaced to fit warmly against his teats, almost massaging his udder as it was drained of its fluids. Each session was almost orgasmic on its own, and James was almost thankful for the inability to speak lest he give too much away. Of course, his equine cock came to an erection each time, a fact that went unsaid between his two caretakers. And there was no way they didn’t notice that the moment they were out of eyesight, he immediately went to his breeding stand, needing to rut out the feelings of lust and bellowing his love of the sensations each and every time. 


Of all the changes, it was the persisting itching of his new wool around his chest, shoulders, and part of his back that he wished to be away with. He was growing a sheep’s woolen coat, and although he would eventually need to be sheered, such came with the seasons, and it would be months before he would be ready, even when the changes were done. It was a little disheartening to learn that his hair would grow back much faster than a normal animal’s, and they could get far more wool from him, as befit the rest of his enhanced production ability. Still, James found himself looking forward to being rid of all the errant hair, even with the protection it gave him from biting insects. His backside was often spared from them as well, lacking a ropey tail to swat them but possessing durable skin and blood that was soon found unappealing to the clouds of insects that gathered to his smell. 


Of course, there were still a few changes to come for his humanity, changing him for the rest of his life, as much as James was now prepared for them. It was discouraging to finally lose his face, no longer able to see his familiar visage in the mirror. But it was his burden to bear, and he even found something fetching about the hybrid form that greeted him in the mornings, a more equine muzzle that was finally able to accommodate his larger teeth and gums. It served to accentuate his sense of smell beyond what he thought possible, though he was already accustomed to the olfactory intensity that came with an animal’s form. 


The sight of his muzzle in front of his face was a little troublesome, but soon it became natural, even though it obscured his vision at first. James was also thankful that, while his eyes grew larger, and became more bovine in shape, he was at least granted human levels of clarity and color, if not in a wider perspective from their position on his face. He was a herbivore, after all, and it was necessary to see all the way around him in order to detect predatory movement and react in time. Though with the size he was growing, James would be no easy prey, able to trample anything that dared challenge him.


Though he still had some growing to do, the muscle aches and shifting bones were not too troublesome, and he was able to ride through the worst of them with frequent masturbation sessions. Within the first week of being outside, he was able to move comfortably on all fours, even able to run with the power his form possessed. In fact, he soon found he had no desire to get back on his hind legs, finding it rather comfortable being down on the ground. That was where all the best smells were, after all, something he languished in drinking in to satisfy his curiosity about the world. 


It was his lot in life to be a producer, and James found he remained eager to be milked, to lay, and to fuck the stand several times a day, with no obvious effect on his stamina! The only thing that kept him from fully enjoying it, perhaps, was the loneliness of not being able to share his existence, at least not with one of his own kind. His roommates were there with him, of course, but it was not the same. Not yet, at least. In the ensuing days, he now had a secret to share, something he was unable to vocalize it to his roommates. He wasn’t sure if that was the intention, a sinister machination of the company’s design for those who consumed his products. Or a mere unintended side effect, given he was the first of his new species. Either way, it seemed his roommates were largely unaware of anything being amiss. Even if James had the ability to tell them what he was starting to become aware of, he wasn’t entirely sure he would, wanting them to discover it on their own, as he had… 


It started out small, subtle, of course. And much more slowly than his own changes had, something that took him days to experience rather than over weeks and months as was the case with his former roommates. That was perhaps why they had not noticed it at first. But it was obvious to James nonetheless. The extra patches of hair growth. The bulking up of muscle under the skin. And most of all, the lust. James was able to smell they were masturbating several times a day, as much as James himself did in those early days, and still partook of eagerly. It was a sure sign that, at least to some degree, they would someday join him out here on the farm. And James was certain he liked the idea of eventually having mates…