Shadow Over Delphinidae

Waking up in a cold sweat, Alex sat up, trying his best to wrap his head around the dreams that had all but burrowed into his head. It was not the first time in recent days he had awakened in such a way. In fact, the remnants of that very dream had been playing in his mind for what had to have been the last few months. The dreams were bizarre, to say the least, with no basis in the real world as best as he could perceive. If only he was able to decipher their meaning! Yet, no matter how much he tried, Alex simply couldn’t grasp the bizarre images of what he could only call another world, one where he was…


It started some months ago, though Alex couldn’t quite place the exact date. In truth, it sometimes felt that he’d been experiencing a fragment of the dreams all of his life, only just now becoming vivid enough for him to be aware of them. They all took place underwater, Alex was sure, and he was fully submerged without being in any danger like he was meant to be there. It started as an inky black, someplace deep and dark he could not escape from. In recent days, however, it seemed more and more like he was being drawn to something in the background that he could barely perceive. Something towering up over the sea that called to him, and promised to give him a form that would allow him to revel in all its glory…


Though the images had started out vague in his mind, the more Alex experienced them, the more they started to bleed over into the waking world as well. Even if he couldn’t recall them precisely, the world around him drew the images to reality, as though linking the two worlds together. It was any large body of water at first that made him think for a brief moment how much Alex desired to be underwater, as much as he loathed to swim. Stanger still, the sights of castles and towers made him audibly gasp as they triggered the latent memory of what he could only rationalize were similar structures underwater. And the sights of sea creatures, particularly dolphins, brought a sense of familiarity that made little sense, having spent no time around marine life. The more he was exposed to such stimuli, the more he longed for sleep again, so that he might receive a clearer image of that other world his psyche sought.


It was more than just the vague images of what he was starting to perceive as a castle beckoning him forth, down toward a deeper black than he had words for. Somehow, his body was able to survive the pressure and became more comfortable to do so as he descended. Even more bizarre was that in the dream, it always began to change to adapt, toward a form that Alex found powerfully desirable. Body becoming more cylindrical, hands and feet webbed, skin sleek and streamlined, and thick tail propelling him downward into the murky depths. And the longer he remained there, the more his body would alter to allow him to live in that world forever, something that awakened a greater longing than anything in the human world…


When the dreams had first begun only fatigue and restlessness had played over Alex’s mind, making him long for a proper night’s sleep where he did not experience what he could only describe as a door to another world. But as the weeks passed and the dreams became part of his routine, less subtle changes to his body and behavior started to manifest. Little things, like not wanting his food to cook for as long became a desire for raw fish, something he despised once but now seemed unable to get enough of. Even the rice and the other fillings from sushi soon became unpalatable to the point he simply wanted his raw fish. Eventually, he began emptying his savings on raw fish at the grocery store, nearly swallowing them whole and finally able to quell the ache in his belly. It was as though he had eaten that way all his life, and social conventions about doing so were lost on him with his new bizarre pallet. 


His craving for water over his entire body, too, was almost undeniable. The dissonance in his mind was becoming maddening, his fear of the water and his longing to become one with it battering his psyche. Showering for hours at a time was a common habit, though it was hardly enough to quell the desire to submerge himself fully. Even trying to attend a local pool was of no reprieve, the chlorine repugnant to his senses. It was only salt water that would do for him, some instinct deep down seemed to confirm. And that came with it a primal fear for his life even the siren song from the dreams could not entirely quash. At least, for now… 


As though a testament to his desire to join that watery world, Alex found he was slowly being plagued with slight deformities, things that he managed to play off as tricks of the mind, though such was more trying in recent days. His skin felt particularly dry and smooth, the hairs loosening from the skin and leaving it with an almost rubbery texture in some places. Though it had once been only confined to his groin, the patches of bare, rubbery skin had slowly begun to spread toward his belly, which itself was rather unnaturally bulbous given his fishy diet. The hair around his chest, arms, and back had all fallen out, nothing growing in their wake. Had Alex not been experiencing the desirable dreams every night, he might have assumed he was victim to a debilitating illness or the treatment of such. Yet, there was no denying a part of his mind that saw them as a natural progression as each noticeable change corresponded to a deeper understanding of the underwater images he was trying to process. 


As the weeks wore on, the alterations to his body became more drastic to the point that under normal circumstances they might cause him to seek medical attention. His body was overall larger and more bloated than he was used to, even beyond what weight gain could achieve for his modest physique. And, to his absolute horror, one of his teeth had fallen out after one of his fishy meals, followed by another as he rubbed the empty gum space frantically. Rather than leave a bloody hole in their wake, however, a sharpened point seemed to be poking through the gumline, as though prelude to the dentation of something entirely inhuman. That brought with it an assurance that the process was natural to the point Alex was willing to let it run its course if only it allowed him to experience his dreams more vividly. 


Despite their bizarre nature, the changes to his body and habits were not enough to dissuade his desire for the dreams to continue. No matter how much Alex tried to ignore it, the euphoria experienced from his persistent visions was far beyond anything the world he knew could ever promise. It drew him well away from his job, all his friends but one, and any earthly pursuits. His job was already forfeited and savings were becoming tight, but so long as he had fish to feed him, Alex was remiss to care. At first, a fight against the changes and desires persisted, if only to hold onto what he had known all his life. But that was quickly fleeting to the point Alex couldn’t recall a time with he didn’t see the changes as desirable. 


Walking out into the main room, he could see Dilong standing in front of the fridge, almost swallowing a fish raw as much as Alex wished to do. Dilong, too, had experienced much the same changes to both body and personality. It was like a mirror into himself, something to confirm what was happening, though such was hardly enough to disturb him as it once might have. In fact, Alex found the changes to his form powerfully arousing, and the two of them had sex on multiple occasions, hoping to submerge themselves in the desires of their changed intricacies. But there was always something unsatisfying about the actions, as though they were not enough to quell an ache deeper within their loins than the two of them understood. 


His own changes were progressing along as much as Alex’s were, Dilong having developed pale, hairless skin, a few missing teeth, and even possessed an odd bump under his shirt and one right above his ass. In recent days, Alex had discovered similar growths, though he found he was rather excited to possess them, as though his body was answering some higher power that drew him toward the sea. In fact, he found himself eagerly awaiting what would happen next, desiring further changes to his anatomy that might someday grant him a watery existence. Though such a place as witnessed in their dreams should not have existed in the real world, there was no denying his desire to find it, to the point where he was almost desperate enough to…


“Hey, want to go swimming?” Dilong said, in a faraway tone as though he was fixated on something else. The stench of his fishy breakfast was not a bother to Alex’s nose, eliciting a sense of hunger rather than anything else. The entire apartment smelled of fish, though, to their noses, it was heaven. 


“In the ocean?” Alex asked, sure that was the only place he could possibly wish to go. There were few places to go swimming, especially at this time of year. But maybe, just maybe, if they investigated the sea, then the foggy images from their dreams would finally clear and their purpose made known to them. 


“Yeah…” Dilong said, moving toward the bedroom to get dressed as though in a trance. His nudity was not a source of concern, Alex also naked while the two of them were in the house alone. It felt right not to wear clothes, as tight as they were becoming on their frames besides. Hell, it was all the two could manage not to head out into town naked, but the ability to resist such urges was still within their abilities for now, at least. But perhaps, not if the culmination of their dreams came to fruition…


It took some planning, but the two of them made the trip to Marseille, thinking it made sense to rent a boat and travel to wherever it was their instincts led them. Such would not have occurred to them before the past week or so, but without another outlet for the urges they were undergoing, it was starting to make more and more sense. It was a daunting prospect, something that would take all the funds they still possessed. Yet, it was a worthwhile endeavor if only the two of them could seek what the dreams seemed to allude to, to finally quell the deep-seated desires they seemed to instill upon them. 


Yet, their trip was temporarily halted by the sight of a museum flyer on the subway, one that promised a special exhibit on ancient cultures. Such should not have been of interest, given their insistent goal, yet the two of them found they could not stop staring at the flyer. It was the picture that was printed on it, one of a massive underwater palace rising over the water as though something straight out of a storybook. Though underwater civilizations were things of legend and fiction, the image was one intimately familiar to the two of them. It was the castle from their dreams, as much as the two of them could draw the image into the real world. And all it took was the look of recognition on both of their faces to know they had come to the same conclusion. 


It did not take them long to find their way to the museum’s location, though that part of town was more than a little worn and angled, someplace they would not prefer to find themselves in under normal circumstances. But in the end, any potential danger was little deterrent to their mission as they made their way inside the dimly lit building, greeted by a single curator dressed in an obscuring robe. Waving the fee for the two of them, they were led downstairs, the stench of salt water bringing both of them to an unexpected yet not unwelcome erection. The curator seemed not to notice, though he was focused on leading the two of them to wherever it was their goal lay. 


The museum, as far as they could tell, had been abandoned for some time with ample dust, cobwebs, and lack of lighting making them wonder if the advertisement was for a display several years ago. Yet, despite their logical brains telling them such was ill-advised, that all-pervasive drive seemed to indicate it was the proper location, and they followed with a mixture of excitement and fear for the truths that lay beyond. And it was soon presented to them, an expansive mural in a room at the end of the hall that almost made both men bow down in worship. It was the city they had sought, the source of the beckoning call, and it was all they could do not to stare in reverence at a semblance of the place they truly sought.


As they walked toward a center room, the man began to lecture them. “All life originated from the ocean, and it only takes a little push for it to return,” said the man in a deep, raspy voice that spoke of dehydration. “In the eldrich days of Earth, when it was ruled by the old ones, they bestowed their blessings upon the most worthy of their servants who worked the lands for their glory. Those ancient humans were blessed by the blood of the sea as a reward for worship and service. In time, that blood became an integral part of their being, forming an ancient pact that over many lifetimes was forgotten. Yet, it still slumbers in the bloodlines of many, perhaps you yourselves…”


Though the words should have made both men skeptical, there was some truth in them that neither could ignore. Imagining being the descendants of those gifted provided powerful waves of longing, as though it was meant to be. It was impossible to deny the correlation to their deep-seated desire for an underwater city in which the two of them persisted and fornicated to the desires of ancient gods. It began to dawn on them that such a being’s voice had been beckoning to them through their dreams and desires all this time And having this man, this creature explain things to them made more sense than any search on the internet could ever yield. 


The fact that the being was more than human was not lost to them, though it had no effect on their perception or belief. His bulbous eyes, putrid green skin, and wide mouth seemed to lend credence to the fact that he was not of this world as much as he seemed to be implying they were. The cloak he wore was not enough to obscure his squat, amphibian body, though such was just coming to their awareness, as though a veil was being lifted. Still, that realization was hardly the most difficult concept to rationalize with the truth of their desires finally being made known. Why any being hearing such a call could live away from their master for long was baffling to them. Still, without this being’s guidance, it might have been impossible to understand the true nature of the force calling to them. He was a guidepost on the trek to their new lives and a sacrifice that would not be forgotten as they reveled in their undersea bliss. 


“-their ancient forms resting for what was perceived by a millennium by those mortal beings but no more than a whisper to the old gods, you see. Those blessed by their blood were left awaiting to be awakened and rewarded to a new form and life, called to congregate and serve them once more. And for those who are called…they will know these words and seek out their undersea masters at the appropriate time…”


Both of them were gazing at the mural the entire time, lost in the sight of the undersea castle and the myriad of sea creatures that persisted there, in service to their god. The scenes playing out before them served as the final nail in the coffin for what they knew they needed to do. Bidding the caretaken adieu, their original plan fell into place, making their way toward the warf to rent a boat. Even Alex’s nervousness over being on the water was gone with the realization it was his destiny to do so, knowing what they sought would be in the murky ocean depths. It seemed to settle into their very blood, as though the mere notion was enough to drive them to the water. 


Renting a boat was an easy affair. Something about the man at the counter seemed to indicate, that he, too, was a part of their waypost, though in their eagerness, Alex and Dilong thought nothing of it. Despite their lack of boating experience, the two of them did well enough, the wind being fair and the sky devoid of clouds. An instinctual need beckoned them forth, knowing that trusting it would lead them to the desired destination. The knowledge of their progress spurred them on as well as the comforting feelings of the salt water on their skin, more natural than any shower water. It was all they could do not to remove their clothes right then and there, but they resided the urge, thinking that such would prompt them to jump into the ocean before it was time. Still, the wind and the sea seemed to call to them, knowing they were too far from their goal to easily swim and feeling deep down they would know when it was time to… what?


Having endured longer than usual showers for weeks to alleviate the ache on their skin, the midday sun was particularly stinging, making them crave the water on their person and all the changes it might bring them. Still, there were some ways to go before reaching their destination. This close to the location of their desire, any trepidation over what they stood to lose was gone, leaving only anticipation over what would come and what prospects their oceanic life would bring. Even though it remained unspoken between the two of them, there was every likelihood they would not be returning to land after they reached their inevitable goal. As frightening a prospect as that would be, there was no hesitation, no regret in their choice as everything about the sea simply felt right and proper. 


As if to signify their return to the sea, the two felt an increase in the rate of alterations that had been starting to play over them since the dreams began. Their skin became even more void of hair, even to the point that hair was beginning to part from the top of their heads. The gray, dead-looking flesh continued encroaching over their forms and made their clothing feel far too tight. More of their teeth bloodlessly fell from their gums, those same conical pegs having pushed them out to make space. There were other, more obvious changes, a weakening in fingers and toes, spreading of the rubbery gray flesh, and growths of the bumps on their backs and above their asses. Yet, their subconscious reaction to the transformation was calmer, even immersive as they felt their desires for an aquatic adaptive body growing, 


Their journey was also beset by persistent erections that pushed at the contours of their clothes and almost begged for attention. It was all they could do not to make out then and there, even taking out their cocks and touching themselves a little just to alleviate the aches in their loins. It was as though the siren song in their blood carried with it a sense of lust, that dwelling on such pursuits would please the elder gods. Still, it was reaching their destination that took priority, rather than giving into the sexual urges themselves. Once they got there…then yes, that was all that mattered…just a little more…


As though a sign they had almost reached their goal, the changes to their forms seemed to encroach faster over their bodies, preparing them for their eventual fall into the sea. Fingers had further stiffened, making operating the boat more of a chore than it had been when they’d set out. The skin between them seemed to have formed a thin layer of webbing, making it frustrating to move the digits individually, though they were still functional for the moment. Their feet were developing the same webbing, toes feeling weak and harder to move as they struggled across the deck. And, perhaps most persistently, the lumps on their backside began flexing up and down, as though eager to be free from the confines in their pants. Their clothing was coming closer and closer to sliding from their sleek forms, no longer needed for their marine lives. 


It had already risen like a spire from the deep before the two of them spotted it, towering over the horizon. Like a mirage, one minute they were looking out at the open ocean, the next, they were staring at the sight of an underwater civilization looming from the sea, as though being reborn by the will of the awakened elder gods themselves. The sight of such was magnificent, and there was no denying it was the same citadel they had seen in their dreams. This was certainly their final destination, there could be no doubt. 


Yet, rather than leap into the water to join the underwater civilization, an intense lust burned through both their frames, bringing both men to their knees. Dilong, having been on the cusp of touching himself, was quick to pull his member from his pants, almost stunned at the sight of the tip growing pointed, leaking fluids as the entire length continued to expand to inhuman levels. The salt air seemed to spur on its change, the tip leaking while its base widened, his uncut foreskin pulling back toward his groin. It was bizarre, though not as much as the sensation of his erectile tissue expanding almost to the point where his cock looked more like a tongue than a penis. Soon, a pinkened shade took over his member entirely as the distinction of the head and shaft melded together with a tip tapered and testicles swollen with seed. It continued extending from the base of his groin, and to his shock, Dilong was privy to the sight of the skin peeling, forming a cleft of sorts around his groin. Dilong could feel the sensation of slimy fluids within lubing his member as it slid in and out of its new home, and he had no recourse but to touch himself and quell the burning need in his loins. 


Lost in the lust of stroking off his cock, Dilong was hardly aware of the sucking sensation on his balls before one testicle was forced within him and the other quickly joined it, making him gasp out. It was powerfully disconcerting, soon followed by the rest of his hairless ballsack as his testes were swallowed by the fringes of his new slit. The force caused his testicles to quake as his slimy, cetacean penis let loose with his load, getting all over his webbed hands and the boat deck below him. Yet, despite the perceived horror of possessing such an alien member, Dilong could find no fault in it, loving the pleasure it was giving him and the promise of more to come. 


Alex, meanwhile, was fixated on his hands, the webbing between them starting to noticeably thicken as though the glow of the obelisk was triggering a more rapid change. The skin was darkening rapidly, turning from pink to black, almost like tar. The webbing, too, soon ran between each digit and up the length of his fingers, even past their tips. Soon, he was unable to pull them apart at all, as though the joints within were dissolving, removing any flexibility within. The bones, too, seemed to be popping painlessly out of place, rearranging into different shapes and forcing his hands to permanently stiffen. Alex was left to stare at the rubbery appendages, feeling them flattened out and stretched still as the bones in his lower arm and wrists flowed into the triangle, making it appear more like a fin than anything resembling a human hand. 


Yet, he could hardly find fault in the loss of his hands as the specter of the tower drew all his attention. All that mattered was obeying its will toward them, and the fact it was altering their bodies to do just that was more fulfilling than any human experience had a right to be. It was enough that his own penis was sliding out of his pants, the same changes to overcome it as he prepared to pleasure himself under the glow of its radiance. It was only then he lamented the loss of his hands, having no way to properly get off. He hardly needed to touch himself with the ache of his own balls pulling within him being nearly orgasmic on its own. The expanding base pushing the skin of his groin apart and into a dolphin slit did him in, and he called out with an increasingly high-pitched “EEEEKKKK!” as his own semen puddled on his pants and the deck of the boat.


Having already cum, Dilong seemed to have more wits about him, but only just, feeling the ache of something insistently pushing out of his pants. Clearly, it was the growth from before, though now it was swelling with some insistency, covering with the same rubbery skin that had taken over his back. Reaching to rub at it with stiffening fingers, Dilong was shocked at its size, able to feel the weight of the thing on his back. Even more shocking was the sensation of the floorboards of the deck underneath it as it continued to work out of his spine. Reflexively, he leaned forward, the angle of the growth such that it pained him to stay in his former position. Soon, it was almost as long as his torso, and its growth was not to stop, swelling further from his ass and forcing his anus to uncomfortably rotate forward as it took up more of the space of his backside. 


“Is that a tail?” He muttered, stupified at the thing on his backside. It was getting larger as he reared up on his knees, trying to balance with the appendage still growing to its final dimensions. Making him more and more tempted to fall over the boat and into the water…


Though the shape of the thing seemed bizarre at first, a strange pinching began to emanate from the sides of the pointed tip. Each side flattened out in a fashion similar to what was happening to one of his hands as he watched. Uniform on either side, each swelled to the diameter of the tail, looking like the flukes that a sea creature might possess. Strangely, the bones of his new tail did not push out within them, only enough muscle and tissue to support the flukes he now possessed as the center of their development formed what was called a medial notch. 


All the while, gray rubbery skin spread over his tail, turning to black as it moved up his back. His growing mass pulled up his shirt, something no longer the right size for his stature. To make matters worse, the other growth on the middle of his back was extending, forming an erect fin that pulled his shirt around it. He wanted to reach back to touch, but the flexibility in his fingers was steadily waning as the webbing between them forced them to fuse. Soon, their stiffening structure was unable to bend in that manner anymore, much less feel anything if they could. Like his tail, none of the bones of his spine swelled to meet this new growth, now sitting blunt and triangular on his backside. As best as he could tell, he was developing a dorsal fin, another piece of his aquatic heritage. It was black as well, the smooth, gray skin giving way to a surprisingly yellowed shade of the rubbery skin that continued moving to cover the rest of him. 


Alex, too, was becoming covered with gray skin, though with different colored patches indicative of a slightly different phenotype. His hands were already fully replaced with fins, though other than to remove the confining clothing all around him, or masturbate his still-aching sex, he couldn’t think of a reason to miss them. Besides, his form was growing within the garments to the point they would likely soon burst from his torpedo-shaped body. He was getting wider all over, belly fattened with swelling blubber, stomach more streamlined as his nipples faded into his chest. Rather than be concerned about it, however, Alex was elated, feeling his form was finally meeting the criteria needed for the ocean life he’d been craving since the voices began. 


As much as the changes fascinated him, however, Alex’s attention remained steadfast on the monolith in the distance. Even if Alex had the want to look away from the spire, with his thickening, blubbery neck, such was impossible. He could hardly care with its emerald gleam enveloping his entire attention to the point he was even unaware of the changes happening to his friend, as well. “Hey, Dilong, do you see those shiny things?” He asked, almost hypnotized as he did so. His thoughts were simpler, needing only to know they had reached their goal and their true destiny was to be realized. 


The ache in his own backside was a sign his new protrusion was being confined as it grew. Though without his hands, there was no way to pull them off. He was forced to move the growth up and down, unaware of the absurdity of being able to do such a thing from a human perspective. Finally, the pointed end of the appendage was able to push down the waistband and allowed to escape its confinement, moving up and down as though excited to do so freely. Its surface was entirely black rubber, matching the skin still spreading over his chest and back. It had spread so much that only his legs, feet, and head were devoid of it, though such would probably not last much longer. 


“A tail…fuck… I have an EEEEKKKing tail…” Alex muttered, though soon realized that speaking was rather tricky, given the thickening within his neck and the likely changes within his vocal cords.


Dilong went to call out in response though an ache in his jaw forced it forward and prompted him to roll his eyes down to watch. He could see it forming over his nose, the skin pushing outward with the same black and yellow shades of rubber. It was almost painful, making him wish to raise his hands and try to stop the force of the growth, though there was nothing he could do with flippers as they were. It was almost too much to see his mouth in front of his face, his nose flattened into his features as his gums spread and forced his remaining teeth to fall from their sockets. Thankfully, their replacements soon made themselves known, small, peg-like gripping teeth for his soon-to-be fishy diet. 


His remaining fingers started to go the same way as his other hand, the bones shifting within his hands and almost fusing the digits together as rubber spread up them and forced them into a point. It was more than just his fingers to form the basis of his fins, as his shoulders started to push inward against his ever-widening trunk. Cracks and pops resonated through his form as his shoulders rotated forward and collapsed. His humorous and radius were next to alter, shortening and sticking his fins out to the sides in their proper position for an aquatic life. Eventually, his scapulas were shoved forward as well, only remnant finger bones persisting within the flattened arm bones made up his new fins. 


Alex, too, was about to undergo the same forced growth of his dolphin snout as his nose was reduced to a flattened hole. Breathes came in ragged through the slit that remained, though it was of little reprieve as his face continued to part, pushing outward in front of his vision. Soon, it was obvious his mouth was turning into a dolphin’s beak, opening and closing wide as he experimented with it. The change pressed on, Alex feeling his cheeks swelling with rubber as the muscles pushed against his skull. It seemed his ability to smell the salt water was robbed of him, though he hardly cared, not needing to smell in the open air if the elder gods changing him deemed it not necessary. 


While his head was still primate-shaped, Alex’s new beak sat awkwardly on his face as it assumed its proper cetacean configuration. To accommodate the larger muzzle, his tongue, too, started to flatten, filling the space and creating an odd taste in his mouth while the buds were still human. He could move it, though not out of his mouth, which was a little odd, though hardly the most obscure aspect of the transformation. His sense of taste, the flavor of fish on his breath seemed greatly reduced as well, though he hardly cared about it if the gods deemed it unnecessary.


“Alex, we have toeeekkk eeekkk eekkk!” Dilong tried to call out his desire to fall into the sea, but nothing remained of his human voice that could be picked up with human ears. At that, he could feel his own outer ears starting to dissolve, pulling within his head as the outer skin and cartilage melded with rubbery dolphin flesh. What remained were simply canals at the sides of his head, leaving him unable to hear the world around him and making him a little concerned. It was a little matter, he soon realized, given that he would be underwater for the rest of his life.


Alex could not discern any meaning in Dilong’s dolphin clicks, though it was soon to be a moot point as his own ears began pulling within his scalp, leaving the same open holes on the sides. They could not interpret the clicks as speech, or at least not in the open air. It was the swelling of his skull that came to his attention over the failed words of his friend, however. It was as though something was expanding in his forehead, not simply the bones within but a fluid-like oily substance, one he could assume was needed for both buoyancy and sound detection in their new underwater world. His reshaped skull fluidly merged with his fattening neck, limiting its range of motion and leaving his eyes fixated on the sea and all it had to offer them. 


Dilong could feel the same changes against his skull but not could not bring himself to worry about the implications, rather feeling excited for them. He could not easily see his friend out of the corner of his eye, but it mattered little given his certainty their eventual place was in the ocean and their adaptations were meant to aid them in residing there. It was all he could do not to dive off the side of the boat before the changes were done. Still, he forced himself to wait as his forehead swelled, filling with oil as his forehead sloped into his skull. Dilong felt honored to take on the cetacean visage he would likely wear for the rest of his life. It was the form granted him by the same gods he had come out here to worship for the gift of the blood that he now knew flowed through his veins. 


All the while, their tails were thickening in tandem, slapping against the deck of the boat and sending bizarre shivers through new nerves and skin. It was something they were not yet accustomed to, the tails themselves were almost as thick as their bodies, shorts bursting off widening torsos as they took on the torpedo shape that dolphins enjoyed. The fact they were changing into dolphins, while not lost to them, was inconsequential. In truth, their eventual forms mattered little when they was gifted to them by the old gods, any new body to be used in tribute to their reign. 


The changes were reaching their climax at this point, and it was soon obvious they would need to abandon the boat and all ties to their humanity. It was a weakening in their hips that forced them onto their bellies, the bones crunching inward and preparing to dissolve into a more simplified pelvis for their aquatic forms. The same webbing continued to play between their toes, the digits themselves nearly melting away to nothing. Soon, fully formed fins had replaced their feet, the rubbery skin covering them as a prelude to their cetacean ancestors. Balancing on fading knees was precarious at best to the point they were like to keel over at any moment. Without legs, there was every chance they might be trapped on the deck so close to the watery world where they belonged. 


Alex was drawn to the ocean first, the strength of his tail in tandem with his diminishing legs enough to push him over the edge and into the water with a gentle splash that spoke of his smooth contours. All that remained were his clothes and the remnants of his hair that had fallen from his head and body. With no regret, Dilong was soon to follow, hitting the water with the edge of his snout and falling in with a lot less grace than Alex. The feeling of the salt water against their skin was initially jarring, but their bodies were well suited to the temperature and salinity of the water, and both stayed still for a moment, as though adjusting to their new medium. 


Opening his eyes, Dilong was able to blink Alex’s form into existence, seeing almost as clearly as he had in the air. He moved toward him reflexively, his body able to glide with ease and power as he quickly reached the other changing dolphin, nuzzling each other just slightly in a sign of affection. They couldn’t speak any longer, but there was no need to. Something about their shared desire to service the beings changing them surpassed the loss of human speech. 


Soon another problem came to their awareness. While their lungs had enlarged, it was clear they had not taken in enough air to survive the depth they had sunken to. It was an odd panic, a very human reaction to an otherwise foreign environment that their instincts and bodies seemed perfectly suited for. Still, it prompted them to swim toward the surface, thinking they did not have time before they expired but were desperate to try it regardless. 


It was soon obvious they needn’t have worried. Their torpedo-shaped forms were able to reach the surface with ease, breaching the air with a surprising force, enough they had sufficient time to point their noses downward before hitting the water once more. The exhilaration was beyond belief to the point they could not help but repeat the act, swimming as fast as they could just under the surface of the water before breaching its exterior once more. The remnants of weakening legs were likely a mild hindrance to their final speed, but they were largely ignored as befit a perfect being within their current habitat.


In their pure elation of dolphin acrobatic abilities, the two of them barely noticed how their former nostrils had closed, or that something at the apex of their necks opened up, taking in air as reflexively as their human forms had done. With their much larger lungs, they were able to store more air than humanly possible, enough to dive to the depths of the castle and properly thank the beings that had granted them these powerful, agile bodies. Though in the moment of sheer elation, it was all they could do to express their joy by simply existing and reveling in the power and abilities their new bodies possessed. 


The more they swam, the more their legs were sucked inside until there was nothing left at their sides to create additional drag. Soon, only the discomfort of bones rearranging in their pelvises was felt, which had separated from their girdles into their vestigial configurations. The persistent tinglings of change, sensations they had experienced over the past several weeks and months, had finally subsided. With them, any sense of dysphoria was long removed, knowing these were their true gifted forms and the bodies in which they belonged for the rest of their existence. 


Though the pair of them were fully aware of the changes that had robbed them of their born bodies, neither felt any ire toward the beings that had allowed it to happen. If anything, there was a deep sense of thankfulness that guided their actions toward the watery depths, realizing their ability to submerge without discomfort was far superior then anything they could imagine. There was no urgency to return to the surface, and even if there was, such would take them only seconds to reach the blessed air they needed to persist in their watery world. With that in mind, the two of them were compelled to descend as deeply as they could toward the emerald obelisks that towered from the water like beacons. It was for them and any other servants of their underwater masters to behold and something they held with a sense of reverence beside. And they longed to experience what dwelled within its depths, the world of the elder gods they had been prepared for.


The further down they dove, the more a strange voice seemed to beckon to them, commanding them in the ways of their new forms and the world they were to enter. Their role would be to inhabit the new city along with all those who had taken the plunge and all those yet to come. The notion of that finality awoke a fleeting human instinct that had been buried in their new desires. It was almost enough to make them swim to the surface and escape such a fate, even if they had no chance of returning to their humanity. Still, even that last bastion of resistance was eroded away so that they might sever any ties with their humanity and become the creatures of the sea they were always meant to be inside. 


That same voice, though not truly a voice, resonated in their minds, telling them of the ancient city of the old ones, its vast halls meant to house their millions of their servants while they slumbered underneath. They were awake now, though needed many more millennia to fully rouse, to rise from the sea, and take their rightful place as rulers of this world. For now, it was time to call their children to them, building their followers from the human race of the worthy, those who carried the blood of the old ones in their veins. The city itself, though housed in the Mediterranean for now, could move from place to place, taking its residences with it as it collected from all over the world those who heeded the call of their ancestry. 


As the two of them continued to swim, their ability to see became robbed from them in the dark, sending panic through their beings even as they were compelled to descend even deeper. In desperation, each started to call out, opening their muzzles and squeaking a series of rapid-fire cries, ones that came back to them in a matter of micro seconds. It created a mental map of sorts, one they could use to navigate that was refreshed with every second new vibrations returned to them. Continuing their constant stream of calls, the true scale of the city came to their awareness, dwarfing the largest cities they had ever visited in the human world. Though all they could think was that the scope and grandeur of the place befitted the beings for whom it had been made, and for when they finally awakened in full. 


Soon, too, the duo was made aware of the inhabitants of the place, thousands of aquatic beings of all shapes and descriptions. Some were fish, sharks, and beings of all feral piscine descriptions. A few were dolphins like them, different varieties and species that rose the height of the castle above the water. Still others had no description in the annals of man, hybrid beings, monsters with scales and gills that could walk on land if they were so inclined. Mutants of all varieties persisted in the depths of the palace, some that preferred the higher halls and some that would never see the light of the surface once again. It was a marine biologist’s dream come true, though any to come upon the obelisk would be more inclined to join their ranks.


Something else came to their awareness as they explored the hallowed halls, swimming with precision and ease as they did so. Most, if not all, the city’s inhabitants were in the midst of fornication, either with themselves, a partner, or several more in a sort of orgy. Those not eating or hunting lessor beings were engaged in sexual acts, reveling in the lust of their forms and thankful for their new gods’s blessings with their orgies. It was a rather erotic state to witness, and something they were inclined to join in on…


Throughout the entire endeavor, their cocks remained semi-erect, arousal at its peak for the changes and the gifts they had been granted. It was more than they could have expected to behold such an undersea orgy, even though the entire process of change and servitude had been erotic besides. With that, their dolphin cocks slid sensually in and out of their slits, needing to be tended to with each other, and soon. Without really knowing how to mate in their new forms, the two of them swam around each other, rubbing their bodies against each other and their cocks as well, feeling their prehensile members touching each other and almost intertwining. Eventually, Alex moved below Dilong, nuzzling his cock and moving to rub their members together, feeling the pressure within their internal testicles churning with need. The rubbing was sensual and erotic and spoke of both a bestial need and reverence for their new forms and sexualities. It was all they could do not to cum from that rubbing alone, though the two of them had something else in mind, more fitting as a baptism for their new forms. 


It took some skill with their new bodies, though with their rectums clenching as they were, it was easier for them to poke each other’s anuses with pointed cock tips as they pushed their way inside. With the sheer size of their new dolphin pricks, it should have pained their insides, though dolphin rectums seemed to be more elastic than their human counterparts. Not only were their prostates on fire from the contact, but every inch of their insides seemed to be alight with sensitivity, to the point they could hardly manage to hold back their lusts. It was aided by the fact their prehensile cocks allowed them to burrow impossibably deep within each other’s insides, exploring every inch as they fucked in tandem. Eagerly fucking, the two of them clicked their arousal for all the other inhabitants to hear as the newest residents to the underground city. 


As the two of them mated, flexing their backsides in and out in tandem, a small part of them couldn’t help but wonder about their fates and the fates of all the others who resided down here. Surely, there was no going back, and mating would cement that fate. But then again, it was just as likely the moment they had heard the call was the moment their futures would change forever, to the point it was inevitable. With that realization, there was little purpose in entertaining such thoughts further, focusing their cocks on exploring each other’s elastic insides and feeling their mate within them at the same time.


With their lusts at a premium, there was little chance of holding back long as Alex felt himself go, blowing his load into Dilong as a backwash of semen created a white cloud in the water around them. Dilong, too, was quick to orgasm, feeling his cum feeling up the other dolphin’s rectum as his firm inner walls clenched him expertly, as though the two of them had been born aquatic beings and had sex as such all their lives. It was warm, natural, and, best of all, hardly enough to sate the needs in their cocks as they eventually pulled out, almost able to taste their semen in the ocean water and not minding the realization. 


Throughout the encounter, the tones of the voice in their minds were enough for them to know it was pleased with their actions and the sex they’d had. It reveled in the sexual energies of the beings it drew toward itself, something the two of them were thankful for. It wanted for its inhabitants to fornicate as a measure of servitude, something that sat well in the minds of the two of them. They would stay down here willingly if only to experience an endless bliss of dolphin rutting. There was a certainty in the tone of the voice, knowing they would never be free from its influence nor would return to their former lives. Such mattered little. Any ties to their humanity were long removed now, the two eager to be the underwater creatures they were meant to be, serving their undersea masters now until the end of time…