Restoring Balance

With a sense of foreboding, Thion looked out at the charred remnants of a village, one that he’d been too late to protect. It was not the first destroyed habitation within The Resting Archipelago he’d been privy to over the past few weeks and months. But, certainly, it was the first time he’d arrived at one so soon after the initial attack. Looking at the devastation where less than an hour ago was a thriving village before a dark mage’s attacks rendered it to nothing more than rubble brought with it deep despair. If Thion had his way, it would be the last.


“Yes, I know Velna, he was here,” Thion said, rubbing his red dragon’s head as she moved to comfort him. He knew she could smell the scent of dragon, something that was becoming rare in this part of the world. Not only the human world, but that of dragons was under attack, and many of her comrades had fallen prey to the aggressors as well. With as far as the dark wizard Vothersoot had conquered, all of the dragons that once resided in the region were either dead or hidden. Even within Thion’s own order, no bonded dragon/rider pairs that had combatted the dark wizard lived to tell the tale. It was just one of a number of atrocities he would avenge this day if his small crew could find the dark wizard’s lair. 


Thion had been one of only a handful of new recruits to pass the test of knighthood within his order, and the only one of his class to perform the magic ritual required to bond with his dragon, Velna. Such was a pact between humans and dragons that allowed a pair to bond by magic, able to draw out the magical abilities of the other. They could not speak with each other, not quite, though their thoughts and emotions were known to the other, and their strong connection was enough for them to make a formidable pair had they been in peace times and had the many years necessary to train. But being the last of his order to survive Vothersoot’s initial assaults on the land, such was not possible. No greater reason existed for the pair to stop the dark mage, and if all went as planned, today they would have their chance, getting the drop on the villain when he was at his weakest. 


Of course, it would be no easy feat, even though the most powerful wizards were still easy prey for a fully grown dragon. However, Vothersoot was not alone, having a dragon of his own, though not one bonded with him as Thion and Velna were bonded, but through a dark contract that gave the mage full domination over his captive. The dragon, whose name was Raengr, had participated in the deaths of dozens of his own kind, likely not of his own volition as was a consequence of the spell he was chained to. It must have been torture, and Velna felt for him, though there was no chance of breaking the dark mage’s spell unless they were able to fell the dark mage for good. 


The two of them were not to face this evil alone. With them were two elven companions, each a graduate of the knighthood program and well-practiced in their own right. Kilduf was a skilled swordsman, able to best many of his instructors, while Aeru was a competent mage, not as much as the dark wizard, but enough that she had a few spells ready to counter him. The hope was that the three of them and Velna would be enough to combat the wizard with a surprise attack, or at least take him down with them. Either way, they were presently the only hope for the realm. 


“Any luck?” Thion asked, knowing he shouldn’t interrupt his friend but unable to wait patiently. She was performing a scrying spell, something that did not work at range in detecting the mage’s presence. Still, even if they had not gotten there in time to save the populace, it might be enough if the mage was close by…


“YES!” Aeru yelled out, the tone of her voice enough she surprised even herself. Still, there was every reason for her to celebrate, given the glowing green light in the center of her scrying circle, pointing in the direction of the mountains beyond. It was a wide area, Thion was sure, but the more he pondered it, the more it made sense that such a range would make an effective hiding spot for the mage’s lair. It made a sort of sense for the mage not to attack such a neighboring, insignificant target for his initial campaign of terror. He would too easily give the game away, as it were.


“We need to move quickly, then,” Thion said, without missing a beat. There would be time to celebrate once the mage was dead at their feet, he figured. And there was every chance his hunch was incorrect and the dark mage’s lair was well beyond the mountain range, somewhere where he could quickly exceed the range of the spell. The three of them mounted Velna and took to the air, hoping to reach their quarry in time.


It soon proved that Thion’s hunch was right as the spell seemed to hone in on a particular peak that Velna was able to descend toward. While it couldn’t detect the exact location of the entrance, they did know they were searching in the right area, and it was sheer, dumb luck Kilduf noticed what had to be an opening way down below in the myriad of shadows large enough for a dragon to enter but only just. “If all of the dragons in the area hadn’t already been eradicated, I would expect this to be a dragon’s lair,” Kilduf noted, too late for the insensitivity of the comment to dawn on him. Though Velna made no indication of hearing the words, Thion could sense that she was hurt, reminded of the loss of her kin and all they stood to lose if they were not successful this day. 


In the end, the group decided on a frontal assault, figuring the element of surprise would tip the scales in their favor. No plan they could come up with would assure victory, and every moment they wasted increased the chance that the dark mage’s own machinations would detect them and ruin any advantage they had. It was a simple stratagem, Aeru preparing a counter spell to stop the mage’s opening volley while the men moved in with blades to strike. Velna was certain she could hold Raengr off long enough for their initial assault, though any longer and her life, and by extension, theirs, would be forfeit. 


Without knowing the layout of the cave, there was no way to be certain they were going in the right direction. As best as the trio could tell, there were no traps, magical or otherwise, to guard the lair. Velna could only confirm that Raengr was in the cave and had passed by just a short time ago from his lingering scent. With that, she led the way by smell, preventing the hassle for the group to wander around blindly. 


To their surprise, two things happened in short order. The narrow cavern rather abruptly opened up to a larger chamber, a throne in the center with a hoard of treasure off to the side, otherwise unfurnished. The dark mage was sitting on the throne, grin on his face as the trio came into view. “What fools for challenging me in my domain! Do you think I am so ignorant not to know of all the cockroaches that come and go within these walls? Well, it is fortuitous to have you come to me. I could kill you with little effort, of course, but that would be a waste. While I have one irreplaceable servant,” he said, standing up and gesturing with a hand, toward the massive black dragon, glowing purple collar the obvious source of his entrapment as he stared with piercing red eyes, “Having several more might solidify my power. And for you to walk so willingly into my abode-”


Raising his other arm, magics swirling around, he pointed at the trio, ready to fire it the moment they made a move. “This is, admittedly, a new incantation, untested and drained from magics acquired from my servant. But it should have the desired effect. Your dragon will be repurposed to serve me,” he said, pointing a hand at Velna while Raengr prepared to strike the moment she made a move. “While the three of you will be serving in another, albeit diminished role. Dragons need tending, after all, and beings willing to serve them without question. If you’re not sure what I mean, you will in a few seconds…” Vothersoot smirked, before aiming the first spell toward the dragon.


“Velna!” Thion called out, making a move without fear for his life. Leaping in front of his partner, much of the blast hit him, though he was not enough to fully block the curse, and some of it managed to splatter against his dragon’s chest. Though it seemed not to affect her, not yet, she could feel the tingling of the magic working over her, and was nervous, expecting a layer of chains to overcome her, sealing her free will away as it had done with Raengr.


What transpired next was so quick that Thion could hardly understand. He was dizzy, aching from a strange sensation playing over him. The mage was firing a second spell at the elves, and even Aeru’s counterspell was not enough to fully hold it off. Velna, too, had been hit by the initial blast, though she was still able to stand firm, squaring off with Raengr and waiting for him to make a move. With Vothersoot’s attention occupied, Thion drew his blade, no hesitation as he rushed forward from the right, out of the dark wizard’s field of view as his magic broke through Aeru’s spell and struck both elves with whatever curse was planned for them. 


Thion had no understanding of what was happening, or how he had survived the first attack. But without being struck by a disarming or fatal blow, Thion was free to raise his blade, taking his revenge for all his friends and comrades that had been felled by the dark mage. With a single strike, his blade was plunged into Vothersoot’s side, making him cry out as his arm reflectively raised and he prepared a spell to blast away his attacker. But with enough speed, Thion was able to remove his blade and strike again, landing what he hoped would be a fatal blow to the dark wizard, the magical blast going wild and striking his own dragon enough to stun him. 


Taking advantage of the situation, Velna moved forward, pushing at the dragon as her mighty jaws sank into the chain binding him. Raengr was not harmed in the slightest by the blast, and the moment Velna’s bite dislodged the chains was the moment his eyes blinked, the spell wearing off and free will returning to his mind for the first time in many months. Velna felt her heart race at that; she had been worried she would have to kill him, or much more likely, she would be felled by him. But if he was free, then the two of them could work in tandem to restore balance to the world, Raengr likely desiring to make up for the deeds, even if they were out of his control.


Thion was hardly aware of it, however, in his adrenaline-fueled daze, striking his mortal enemy as the light seemed to fade from his eyes. In vain, Vothersoot tried to launch another spell at Thion, but there was no energy left in his body at this point. Thion was left to delight in watching his foe topple, falling in a pool of his own blood and finally freeing the land from his tyranny. 


Yet, the effects of the spells already cast did not dissipate over the four of them, lingering magics having already worked their way into their bodies. It was to be a slow process, insidious, but none had any awareness of what would transpire. In Thion, it started as a sensation of overheating, leaving him to pant, though nothing was able to alleviate it. He was sweating in his armor, and wanted desperately to remove it, though could not do so in front of his cohorts. Left there to suffer, Thion fell over, hands on the ground as he dropped his weapon, the dying wizard lying beside him. 


Clenching his fingers, the heat seemed to burn into their tips as though something was forming within the surface under the nail bed. With equal parts agony and shock, Thion could feel pointed claws bursting from the tips, digging into the cave floor as they stretched to the circumference of his fingers. The digits themselves were soon to compress, bones cracking and joints popping as the heat centered in his hands to the point he could do nothing but moan his agony. As his fingers contracted, Thion was soon left with immobile digits, more paw-like than anything that should fit on a human hand. What was left of his thumbs pulled up his wrists, leaving a dew claw of sorts as his hands shook and warped before his eyes. The hands themselves were widening, palms flattened and skin thickened along the bottoms, giving him a facsimile of paws. Being familiar with his dragon, their shape was starting to look familiar, though far smaller and alien on his frame. 


Thion’s concerns were validated as the skin started to peel over his paws, exposing interlocking scales underneath that started to darken toward a silvery, blue shade, reminding Thion of sapphires. Firmer, plate-like scales formed over his knuckles as the rest of his skin was soon subsumed by the scales. The undersides of his palms were coated in a more flexible peppering, patterned to match the draconic paws he possessed as Thion tried to work the stiffened nubs in vain. 


“What’s…happened to me…” Thion managed to moan, though with the cool sensation of scales spreading over his skin, erasing hair and skin in their wake, it seemed obvious that he was turning into a dragon of some sort. Such was possible, but transformation spells were rather sudden, using magic from the planes to adjust one’s form into another. This, however, was slower, painful, and more concrete, making Thion wonder what dark magic was used to cast it. Even the death of the mage was evidently not something that could dispel it, the changes to his form coming gradually as the moments ticked past. 


Moving to call out to his elven friends, the sight of them struggling against their own spell was enough to send shivers of fear through his frame. They, too, were dropping their gear, looking on as hands curved into gnarled crawls and scales started sweeping over their forms. It did not seem to be the same transformation as he was undergoing, but it could very well be, as all three of them were beginning to lose their forms toward something inhuman, likely something draconic. 


The humanoids in the cave were not the only ones affected, as Velna felt the magic seeping into her scales, working its way over her form in a similar manner. The moment the spell dissipated, Velna blinked her eyes, thinking it strange such a spell had affected her at all. It was a powerful spell, certainly, if it had kept Raengr at bay for all those months as he aided the dark mage in conquering the land. But even the most potent magics could be resisted by a dragon, even one of only 50 years such as she. Yet the tingling persisted within her, something that surpassed even the sensations within her partner that signaled an intense physiological change. It was almost as though she was…


With no warning, a sudden, intense heat burned into Velna’s loins, making it almost impossible for her to think straight. It was as though she was in season, something she had experienced only a few times since passing adolescence. She had never mated, instead taking the vow of celibacy to bond with a human to be a defender of the realm. But, now, the heat returned to her form with a vengeance, and the notion of taking a male inside of her burned into the forefront of her mind. She needed nothing more in the moment but to fuck. And the scent of the black dragon, responding to her heat with his cock sliding from his slit for the first time in many years, made her slit moist to the point she could hardly resist.


A fleeting part of her knew she should try to fight, the need to mate, to be taken, foreign and against her sensibilities. But it was impossible to ignore the heat, as though the spell had not only triggered that particular biological function but enhanced it to the point she could hardly resist the urge to submit to the larger male. Even his larger size was hardly a deterrent to having him inside of her, Velna feeling the need to be taken by any dragon in the vicinity with urgency.


Raengr, too, was overwhelmed with the need to breed, as though the spell was burning into his mind as well. The heat triggered a primal response, the massive black dragon having little time to process his freedom before the need to mate overwhelmed all his senses. Perhaps it was a subject of his captivity, but there was little of his cognizance present to resist, even if he was inclined to. He did not care who this female was, just that she was in season and he needed to take her, to breed her, and quell her heat as many times as it took. 


Even through his own changes, Thion was aware of his dragon’s mind as much as their bond allowed. He knew she was in heat, and the overwhelming sensation was foreign to both of them, leaking into Thion’s mind. He needed to be fucked as well, as much as he could understand the urge, being human and male as he was. The all-consuming need overtook him, and against his better inclinations, his own cock came to arousal, needing to be stimulated and touched and…what? His need couldn’t be quelled in the same way that Velna craved, but perhaps, if she was sated, then his own sexual desire would be alleviated as well. 


Without waiting, Velna rubbed against the male before moving in front of him and presenting, her moist, cunt lips almost winking with the need to be penetrated. The male wasted no time, getting up on the back of the much smaller dragon. The size of his cock, though impressive, was not too much for her well-lubricated loins as the male pushed in, opening her elastic insides with a force beyond anything the virgin female could ever have imagined. It hurt, though the excitement of what it would do to her was enough to keep her from resisting the penetration. Raengr pushed in further, almost to the hilt, save for his massive knot, something that even Velna could not take until she was opened further. 


Feeling every ounce of pleasure as his dragon, there was little ability for Thion to hold back as his cock spasmed and he creamed a load within his armor, having not cum like that since his youth. It would have been embarrassing had not every other being in the cave with him been in the throes of lust and change. The smell of semen burned into his nose, likely aware of the dragons as well though hardly cared about them. The pleasure Thion felt was but a drop in the bucket to what Velna was experiencing in the moment, and even the sensation of his cock coming to arousal went unnoticed to the female, who was using all her energies to take the male’s rod within her as deep as possible. 


Thion’s own lust nearly covered the sensation of his armor getting tighter around him, as though his body was enlarging within it. He was powerfully tempted to remove them but was unable to with the state of his hands, now functionless paws. Thion was therefore forced to feel the twinges of muscle against his armor, building, stretching, and tearing to the point he would likely grow out of them within a short period of time. 


Yet, its discomfort was but a drop in the bucket to the pressure of his cock rising once more, brushing against his cum-soaked undergarments. Even with his erection at what seemed to be its apex, it was hardly enough to touch the inside of his clothing, as though it was somehow smaller. The size of his member was not something he pondered often, but now he missed it, aroused beyond the point he could hardly bear it. He was getting close without any contact, and a growl escaped his lips as without prompting, his cock unloaded again, testicles feeling as though they were being relieved of all their seminal contents. The stain moved through his trousers, enough that he could feel semen dripping down his leg. Yet, even that was not enough to stem his arousal, lust at the forefront as his cock continued to shrink. 


Thion could scarcely comprehend what was going on even as his muscles started to flatten, his form getting leaner and thinner in a way that defied his understanding. He was still growing, still being covered with scales as they moved up his shoulders and toward his chest. But his body portions were all wrong, as though it was changing from something a male of his age would possess toward what suited one of his elven friends, or perhaps someone of the opposite gender. It seemed as though his concerns were affirmed with the swelling of fat and tissue over his chest, the areolas more sensitive than they had a right to be. Far too large for his armor, they were soon compressed against the skin of his chest, to the point their entire surface was being stimulated at once, making him wish to rib them, though it was something he could not manage with unruly paws. 


All the while, Velna and Daengr were in the throes of mating, the penile spines from the male’s member digging into her vaginal walls and making her cry out from the pain of them. There was no removing the male’s penis until he had spilled his load and filled her up. And in her lust-fueled mind, there was nothing she could imagine wanting more. She could sense her bonded human’s pleasure as she was rutted, aware something was wrong with him as well, but could barely hold onto lucid thoughts for long as she was fucked and bred, feeling the onset of draconic orgasm burrowing through her being. It would not take long, and it was likely the male’s hold within her would allow enough stimulation for a second release, sending her into ovulation and allowing her the fertilizing seed her psyche craved so desperately. 


They were not the only ones in the throes of lust, Aeru and Kilduf feeling their respective sexes burning as well. Scales were growing from clawed hands, and the two of them were gripping each other, kissing passionately as though long lost lovers. Their hips were gyrating against each other, and Thion could make out a widening stain on both of their garments, as though the brief contact was enough for them to reach their respective releases. Like Thion, however, they were far from done, still kissing as though their lives depended on it. Thion could hardly be sure, but it seemed as though the pair were smaller in contrast to Thion, their clothing looking larger on their being even as Thion’s own continued to tighten against his growing bulk. 


An intense ache in his loins drew his attention away from what he was perceiving, and his new paws desperately pressed against the stain, desiring stimulation against his cock. There was nothing there, however, as though his maleness was inverting against his groin, groin hair falling away as something seemed to open up from within. It was becoming ever more intense as the moments passed, as though a slit was widening from his piss hole and repurposing the tissue within to the point it ached even more than his former member. To further push forth the point, it seemed that his deflated orbs were being sucked inside him as well, devoid of their sperm to the point that it hardly ailed him to feel their loss. There was no denying that, even though he could not see it, Thion was forming what had to be feminine sex to match the altered contours of his body. 


Perhaps worse than the loss of his maleness, and the development of its counterpart, was the need to have it stimulated, one more intense than anything Thion was prepared for. He was in some sort of heat, the likes of which he could scarcely fathom. He had seldom felt lust even in his youth, having devoted much of his life to training for the order. But now, under some sort of reptilian heat, there was no denying his sexual desire burning through his very being to the point he could focus on nothing else. Vaguely, in the back of his mind, Thion was aware that the needs were not his, that his bond with Velna was making him experience her heat. But it mattered little now that his sex matched hers to the point he could be penetrated as she was. And in the moment, he wanted nothing more!


A deep, bestial moan escaped his lips at the moment of Velna’s deflowering to the point he was sure he was the one taking a draconic phallus within him. Her sex was moist and warm, hypersensitive against the male’s cock and tremor for his pleasure, coaxing the cum from his cock to inseminate the clutch within. She wanted him so desperately, and with her age in her prime, as well as a lack of experience, Velna was quick to cum, moaning as she trembled in the first of what would be many micro orgasms she would experience before the male was through with her. And, as much as he could without direct stimulation himself, Thion felt his sex going into overdrive, the first hints of a female orgasm washing over him in alien waves of pleasure. The tip of the blade of what he might experience should the changes and the bond stay true.


Desiring to change and feel more of his partner’s pleasure, Thion growled as pressure started to push at his tailbone. The bones within began cracking and parting and reforming into a new shape, creating a bump that started pushing through his armor and britches. It started twitching the moment it was heavy enough on his backside to do so, wagging in a weak facsimile of the appendage he longed to own if only to feel an iota of pleasure his dragon partner was experiencing as she was fucked. 


A naked tail was not the only change to overtake him, a cool tingling playing over his legs and ass cheeks sign of the spread of scales. They were certainly a silvery blue color match for the ones on his front paws, spreading all over and removing any trace of human hair before the skin parted to make way for his new covering. Yet, rather than being terrified by the inhuman changes to his form and their impossibly slow spread, Thion was elated by them. If there was a chance he could feel the same sexual euphoria as Velna, to be taken and bred and filled with as much desire as purpose, Thion welcomed them, and the reptilian bliss they promised. 


In a brief moment of clarity between orgasms, Thion was able to look toward his cohorts, their bodies diminished to almost two-thirds their elven size. It seemed they were changing a little faster, shedding the clothes on their backs and standing naked. The scent of sex wafted into his nose just then, rising Thion’s lusts to the point he was sure he could cum again from the exposure alone. It took the formerly elven pair no time to throw themselves to the ground, careful of their forming tails as they did so. Hair fell from their heads, as dull, brown scales coated their bodies in a relentless wave. Their smaller stature seemed a catalyst for more rapid change, an outlet for the lust they were experiencing. Surely, within moments, the two of them would reach an enviable end…


Yet, it was not to be. Though Kilduf thrust with an intensity that defied his elven heritage, it did not seem as though he could reach his release. A reptilian hiss of discouragement escaped his lips, the turgidity of his rod sufficient to push in for only a moment before it fell out in a rush of fluids. It seemed as though he had met his end in an instant, though the seminal fluids were watery and still erupting from his diminishing member, giving him little obvious pleasure. With some desperation, he reached down with clawed fingers before what remained of his member and testicles were pulled within him, almost as though they had never existed on his form. 


Despite the rising crescendo of his partner’s next orgasm, Thion retained enough cognizance to fully discern what was happening to them. With the dissolution of Kilduf’s cock came with it an expanding opening, small even for his stature though moist and pulsating to signal his lust. Though such would have shocked him even an hour ago, the sight of Kilduf’s chest inflating was familiar. Massive bulbous breasts enlarging even over the scales covering them was a sign that he was truly becoming a female in form first before he lost his humanity as well. They looked out of place on his diminished frame, though Thion had to wonder how long he would possess them by the end of the process. 


As much as it was obvious Kilduf was becoming female, Aeru was on her way to becoming a male, her own dripping sex closing as the peral within its apex started to expand the circumference of the fleeting hole. Within moments, it had extended between two and three inches, small overall but rather impressive given her diminished stature. Unlike Kilduf’s own, however, the rod she was developing was red, pointed at the tip, and possessed a bulb at the base, something to keep her in place as she likely would need to be to mate her new female. And, from the looks of lust on their faces, as they eyed each other’s changes, it seemed neither of them was particularly disappointed by swapping their respective mating positions. 


A fleeting thought in Thion mind, as he turned back to his own pleasure, found it hard to identify the species of change his elven friends were undergoing. Surely, not dragons, they were far too small for that. So, then, did the dark wizard’s words carry some truth? Were they becoming servants in a sense, perhaps to the dragons that he and the two presently mating were to be? He had seen kobolds before, of course, though was aware of their species and purpose. Given the state of change his friends were in, it was likely to be their fate in the end.


Thion was left with fleeting time to dwell on such as his own changes came to the forefront of his being. An ever-enlarging stature was making clothing and armor a precarious bet on his frame at best. He was growing all over, tightening to the point it should be painful, though his toughening hide felt little of the struggle that left him more irritated than pained. Twitching in his backside signaled his tail gaining mass and linkages, pushing at the armor and leaving a breeze to play over his pucker. Fully scaled now, Thion was enamored with making it sway, its growth sending tremors through his body and accentuating his oncoming orgasm rather well. It was impressive that Velna could last to her next orgasm as she was, but it was not to be forever as another glorious release wracked her loins, and with it, took Thion with her into blissful contentment. 


Lost in release, Thion was barely able to feel the pressure in his boots as his toes thickened, the nails bloodied for a moment as new draconic talons burst forth. Their pointed tips were easily able to pierce the material from within, though the ability to twitch the digits to alleviate the irritation was robbed from him as the toes were reduced into draconic paws. Their widening underside tore at the side of the boots, growing in stature to match his gradually expanding body. Soon, his boots and stockings were hanging in stitches against his back paws to the point that Thion was prompted to kick them away as much as he could think to do in the throes of lust. 


<Oh yes, give me more!> Came a strange voice in his mind, and it took Thion some moments to realize the source. It was Velna, sex preparing for its third release to draw in the male’s knot within her. He had the ability to understand her thoughts, as part of the bond, but never managed to hear true words from her mind. Now, it was as though she was speaking to him, to his mind, unable to articulate in common tongue but able to speak to him as she would another dragon. As what he was becoming, so eagerly, so willingly, if only for a modicum of promised pleasures. Gods, if he could take such a member inside of him…if only he grew larger, continued to change…


As though his desires were a catalyst, Thion could feel his hips expanding, pinching in the armor until it tore from his frame, bending as though paper. His scaly sapphire thighs glinted in the firelight, and he revered their beauty as even more covered the expanse of formerly human skin. Like his boots before them, pants were rendered forfeit, leaving him naked and exposed, though it mattered little to the being Thion longed to be. His barreling chest soon did away with his upper garments, though with the onset of his partner’s orgasm, Thion felt it impossible to care, seeing himself more the dragon than anything remotely human. A far more desirable form if he, like Velna, could be fucked and bred…


<Yes! Take me!> Velna cried out to all that could understand as her sex went into orgasm, clenching on the male’s rod and opening that final inch needed to take the bulbous knot within her. The pulsating walls against its pressure caused her cunt lips to pop, the dragon roaring incoherently as his burden was relieved of him and he spilled what seemed like gallons of draconic sperm within her. Having never wanted for sex, for eggs and offspring, Velna couldn’t deny how fulfilling it was to take a male, a powerful beast such as Raengr within her. Had they not been enemies but moments ago, she would have qualms with being taken by such a repugnant being. But freed as he was, Velna was able to forgive him, his burden to replenish what he had taken from the world. And being such a vessel was not a detestable outcome, with the orgasmic pleasure that came with it. 


And not the only one, Velna was starting to understand. She was as privy to her bonded human’s pleasure as much as her own, experiencing both two-fold as she was taken and used for the black dragon’s desires. Such magic was unknown to her, even with the vast knowledge her species possessed. Even the changes to the others, soon-to-be servent kobolds, were beyond her scope of worldly things and human magics. She should have wept for them, for their fates, not to maintain their former bodies but to become those of her lessors, a species designed to raise a dragon’s progeny and care for their hoards. It was hard to bring those feelings to truth, however, given she knew they would be needed to help care for her brood. In fact, they would be better used for that purpose than to remain elves, her sex-craved mind reasoned. 


Thion was privy to her draconic indifference as he, too, continued to change. As much as a fleeting part of his mind felt such primal lusts deplorable, it was impossible to fight the potent pleasures the process was granting him. His hips were becoming impossibly wide, spine stretching and pelvis cracking into new shapes, one that would leave him on all fours. In a better position to be mounted, a notion not lost as his sex shifted places toward his anus, just under a growing tail that could be easily raised in the presence of a virile male. 


The rest of his form soon adjusted toward that enviable fate of four-legged travel, though Thion was remiss to care. A barreling chest allowed for his forearms to rotate forward and take his shoulders within them at odd angles underneath. His organs seemed to swell and alter, a fact that should have killed him over and over, something Thion’s studies told him. But somehow the unknown magics kept him functioning long enough to switch to a dragon’s purpose. With an extending spine, a thinning stomach, and thick scutes moving up the formerly toned skin, it was obvious as to what the endgame of the changes would be. And nothing could please the changing man more than to be a being that he was coming to revere. 


One of the last vestiges of his humanity, a tingling in his nose signaled his head would not be spared the fate of the rest of his form. Yet, the moment his nostrils flared, extending rostrum to enhance his senses, Thion was made aware of the stench of dragon sex in the cave. Not only was the pungent odor of sperm leaking from Velna’s backside but her heat was made aware to him, nose awash in draconic pheromones. The scent was both prominent and familiar, the same heady aroma leaking from his own backside. He, too, was in heat and needed the phallus of a virile male to bring him relief. Far too small for a beast such as Raengr, Thion found himself, more than anything, hoping he would soon be large enough to feel what Velna held in such high regard. 


By this point, Raengr’s penis had withdrawn from Velna’s folds, though he was hardly to retract into his own sex just yet. It had been many years since he’d mated, and his physiology was certainly ready to go and go again as many times as it took. For both dragons, as he was coming to understand. The former human knight was on his way to becoming a female in season, and once he was done with this female, he would be able to tend to her growing needs as well. Even though it was unnatural, that he should resist the inclinations, there was no stopping the flood of instincts that seemed to fall upon them all. And if he filled them both with his essence, allowed them both to lay for him, then it would do much to replenish the dragons lost to the region…


Without further regard, Raengr thrust into the female’s sex once more, open and stretched for him since the previous intrusion. With a gasp of her pleasure in his head, Thion felt a surge of jealousy burning through his being. He wanted to be the one on the bottom, to feel his new sex be christened and bred in the way only a dragoness could comprehend. Though he was experiencing such already, it was but a drop in the bucket to know Velna’s pleasure second hand. Surely, her ecstasy far surpassed what even their bond could convey. What rapture would he feel to have the dragon’s penis opening him up from behind, to deflower his virgin sex and fill him full of new life!


Thion was soon to get his wish as the changes continued to play over him. He was growing larger all the while, tail extending, belly barreling, and legs and arms bulking with enough muscle to support a massive frame. With some disappointment, Thion noticed his newly developed breasts deflating, molding into the scutes that made up his chest and belly. Though their sensitivity was gone, however, the stimulation seemed relocated toward his loins, a tremor of orgasm rocking him as though tissue was present on the inside. Such was unlikely, a shift in his sex was likely the culprit of his enhanced ecstasy. Still, Thion was not in a position to say no to further enjoyment!


As his neck lengthened and he was more easily able to adjust his head to the world around him, Thion became aware of how small his elven friends had become, even in relation to his much larger stature. They were more reptilian than even he, nearly fully shifted into what he could now confirm were kobolds. Light cracks echoed in his ears as their muzzles pressed forward, tongues forked as they moved to kiss each other. It seemed like they cared little for their swapped genders, getting into the motions as much as any being that would welcome such a change. Their lust for each other, went unnoticed while their eyes altered, taking in the darkness as their skulls started to slope for the final series of changes to mark them as simple-minded beasts. 


Aeru and Kilduf, for their part, were, by now, lost mentally in the beings they were becoming, perhaps far more than Thion could ever be. While dragons were intelligent creatures, perhaps well beyond that of mortal men, kobolds were far more simplistic in their needs. The abilities to fight, to cast magic, and years of training and discipline were lost in their shrinking skulls as the spaces within were reduced to only primitive thoughts, all else unneeded for their new lives. Left only were the needs to mate, lay eggs, and, perhaps most of all, service the dragons in the cave with them. Both females were in season, and with a virile male to tend to their lust, it was of little wonder both kobolds felt renewed purpose, knowing there would soon be eggs and young to tend to, and their purpose to do so joyfully in exchange for the protection that dragons gave to their property. 


Still, in the moment of heat and lust from change, it was the needs in their own loins that took precedence, and Kilduf, being the female now, got down on her back, wet, dripping cunt lips ready to take her mate’s rod inside of her. Aeru was quick to oblige, getting into his new role as the male, and got on his side as well, careful of his tail. It took little effort for his relatively long penis to sink home, eliciting excited hisses from the two of them as their hips gyrated and they began to fuck with little regard for their lost forms or genders. Kilduf seemed to enjoy the rough sex, however, taking her new mate inside and feeling her insides being ravished. 


As horns swept back across their heads, and scales covered the last of their skulls, it was obvious their changes were much faster than Thion’s own, likely now complete at their three-foot stature. Thion still had some growth to undergo, as evidenced by the dull aches still resonating through his being. He was once more jealous, wanting to be changed as well so that he, too, might partake in carnal pleasures. He desired nothing more than the same to be penetrated and taken. Filled with eggs, hissing his reverence as Kilduf was doing, rocking back and forth as the newly fully-formed kobolds mated in the presence of their dragon matters. 


Thion’s attention soon moved back to the changes in his skull that might cement his draconic form and his place under Raengr’s body. Cracks resounded as his face almost painfully pushed outward. Nostrils expanded as his eyes watered, taking in the unfamiliar sight of a muzzle in front of his field of view. It almost seemed as though his eyes were being squeezed tight, though they managed to stay within their sockets, expanding enough that his draconic eyes matched the size of his warping skull. The most bizarre alteration was that his tongue seemed to unravel from his mouth, dripping drool as it thinned and forked, looking like the familiar sight he’d seen from Velna for all their time bonded. Jarring, too, was the sensation of his gums loosening around his teeth, prompting them to fall out around his mouth as he tried in desperation to spit them from his jaw before swallowing them. His mouth was soon devoid of dentures, though that was soon to change, searing blades piercing the gums and giving him almost double their former number. It was a predatory visage though not one he feared, given his bond with Velna. 


It was thoughts of her that drew Thion back to her mating, and his desire to experience the same. Raengr had thrust within her once more to the point of being knotted. It seemed as though one orgasm was on the heels of the next, blending together to the point Thion could scarcely think about anything else. Rather than the pleasure he felt from his second-hand experience, however, Thion only felt the ache deepening, his desire for direct penetration growing. It was obvious that Velna loved it, wanted to be mated and lay eggs as she cried out her ecstasy, the male soon behind her. Even the fact her bonded human was changing in tandem did not seem to detract her from lusty thoughts, given the intensity of draconic heat burning through her form. In truth, the unknown dark magics scared Velna to the core, not knowing how it was possible for her bonded partner to be changed in such a gradual fashion. But it was impossible to remain concerned for too long, given the pleasure she was currently being enraptured by. It was beyond fulfilling for her to be taken and bred in this way, and all she could do was wish the same for Thion if only he experienced a modicum of those pleasures for himself.


Raengr, for his part, was along for the ride, allowing the guilt and shame of his enslavement to fade as he lost himself to draconic heat. He had cum twice now, pleasure leaking from his rod as his knot kept the two of them firm and together. He had never mated, never propagated before this day, and was now being given the chance to atone for his crimes, even if they had not been of his machinations, to begin with. An incoherent roar escaped his lips as his cock spasmed and unloaded as much as possible within her. Yet, it was but a drop in the bucket to what he could manage in a single day. And, should the former human complete his transition into a female in heat, Raengr was sure he could properly inseminate her, as well…


An ache in Thion’s shoulders seemed to denote the growth of the bones within, building on themselves and restructuring to the point they separated, pushing at the muscles and forming buds at the apex of the rotated blades. Unsure what they were at first, Thion tried to stretch them, surprised at his ability to do so as they continued to expand beyond the confines of his body. Soon, the bones were stiff enough that joints formed within them, further stretching upward as though reaching for the cave’s ceiling. Cracks of joints popping into place resonated through the enlarging growths, as though becoming articulate enough to be used as proper fingers. That was to be the case initially, though not for long as the long spindly appendages grew beyond what his former hands possessed, rotating on his frame as he twitched their expanding joints, puzzled by his ability to do so. 


The sensation of fingers sticking together was soon intensified as something stretched from between each digit, a thin series of membranes that bound them together as they reached toward the clawed ends of the new digits. They felt immensely powerful, the muscles underneath the skin thicker and more adept than anything that persisted on a human form. They would need to be as the massive appendages draped over his back, leaving him with a pair of sapphire wings that shone brightly in the dim firelight of the cave. 


Thion was growing and changing all the while, scales now spreading up his cheeks as what remained of his hair and beard were shed in their wake. The scales moved to cover his still-extending muzzle, moving over every inch of skin even as he continued to grow into what had to be his final draconic proportions. An ache in his ears signaled their separation, forming three spines as their contours spread bloodlessly from what remained. A strange sticky sensation came between each of them as a thin series of webbing tied them together. Although their canals seemed smaller in regard to his stature, Thion found his hearing was enhanced, able to almost hear the steady breaths from the dragons and kobolds in the room, things hidden from the human him. 


Though with his body still being forced into a draconic shape, Thion hardly had the cognizance to focus on sounds when the scents burning into his widening nostrils took precedence. It was the hormones wafting from the sex in the room that did it for him, however, rising from both the rutting kobolds and the massive dragons. Raengr was just now pulling from Velna’s sex, and with him, a rush of his semen. The heady stench resonated through Thion’s body, making him wish to revel in it before the thick phallus of the massive black dragon took his virginity from him. And with the aches in his body starting to subside, Thion was sure his time would be soon if only Raengr would grant it to him…


As though a sign of his wavering humanity, the shape of his skull started to shift, compressing his brain even as his head continued to expand. Certain areas of human reason, of nobility, were robbed from him as his senses drank in the world around him. Not even the sloping of his skull bones or the development of a series of horns from the back of his head could alter his perceptions of what he found he needed more than anything. Sex was all he could think about, watching Raengr lapping at Velna’s cunt, cleaning his own seed and sending tremors through her body.


<I must tend to your former bonded charge,> Came a voice in his head, and Thion realized he was able to hear Raengr now, as much as he could hear his bonded dragon. It was a sign that he was properly changed and could understand dragons in their natural form now, a facet of his new being he welcomed. He would do the bidding of this larger male, Raengr’s commanding voice making his loins leak all over in preparation for what would come. He wanted it more than anything, a reward for vanquishing the dark lord, primal desires at the forefront of his being. 


Yet, it was obvious as the dragon moved toward him that Thion was still too small, Raengr’s cock tip larger than what Thion should have been able to manage. With some disappointment, Thion wasn’t sure how much further he would be able to grow in order to satisfy Raengr’s phallus. But he was willing to try, turning around and positioning himself reflexively for the mating to come. The moment the girthy cock head started to brush against Thion’s nethers, he shivered, clenching his sex open and closed reflexively to try to take it within. He knew he was too miniature for the turgid rod pushing against his backside and leaking copious fluids all over. But he was steadfast in his determination to take it within him, and Thion went stiff as a statue, doing everything within his power to aid in the penetration.


Eventually, the bulbous cock head pressed against the leaking folds of his cunt, and Thion growled, translating to <Take me! I needed it, please!> almost begging his desires. There was no room for modesty in his tone, the draconic heat taking him over to the point that his entire being desired to be wrapped around Raengr’s firm rod. Without further fanfare, the massive black dragon pushed his cock within Thion’s feminine loins, far too large and nearly tearing at his insides to the point it was almost painful. Thion grunted audibly at the discomfort, though he was determined, and while the elastic insides of his sex were pulled impossibly taut, he still managed to stay steady as Raengr found his place within him. 


Without further fanfare, the black dragon started to thrust, violently rocking Thion back and forth as he tried desperately to stabilize himself with his claws. It was hard for him to take the weight of the massive creature, even more so as Raegnr got on his back and wrapped his own black forearms around Thion’s body. Thion gasped, wanting it more than anything he could imagine, not even able to perceive Raengr’s weight as his insides were stimulated. At first, it felt as though he was on fire, but now the burning sensation was almost pleasantly, rocking through his entire form and making him hiss in a reptilian cadence. 


<Just let it happen…> the beast whispered in his mind, and Thion allowed himself to fall into the sensations, the pleasure building even through the ache of what felt like being torn apart. To his relief, it seemed as though the more he was fucked, the better he was able to take it. In that moment of realization, Thion decided there was no point in thinking of himself as a male any longer, being emasculated as he was. She was female now, submissive to the male, and eager to take his seed for even a modicum of the pleasures that he could grant her!


Thankfully, she had evidently not reached her final size, and further aches rang through her form, the muscles bulking under the scaled skin and making Raengr’s cock fit more comfortably within her. Such could not come too soon as the black dragon’s cock flared, spines extending from the shaft and digging into her loins, making her cry out in agony. Like the rest of his thrusts, however, it was a good pain, burning into her sex and making her shiver with the onset of her first orgasm. It was everything she wanted and more to the point she nearly whited out, the direct stimulation burrowing into her very mind and washing away human awareness. She knew she had been a different creature prior to now, but her former human life was like a dream, of no matter to the draconic being she was now and the pleasures that were brought with it. 


Even through her intense orgasm, the more familiar words of her bonded dragon made themselves known, and Thion was awakened to them, her own pleasure felt through Velna as they came together. <Enjoy it, sister. We are serving a higher purpose now, replenishing our influence in the world. What sheer rapture could compare to that? Be a dragon, and revel in our joy> She said, and Thion let herself go at that, feeling the onset of a second orgasm on the heels of the first, her sex clenching tightly against Raengr’s rod with the care of an eager and experience female. 


As she was fucked, and the male’s phallus started to spasm wildly in its likely conclusion, a certainty played over all three dragons in tandem. The spell that had changed them, ignited their lust, and forced Thion’s altered form would be permanent. More importantly, the mating itself would be enough to inseminate her and fill her with fertilized eggs, something she could not escape from. But in the throes of draconic passion, Thion didn’t want it to be reversed, she desired nothing more than to be a dragon and take this male’s seed inside her. And it would not be much longer now…


As the pulsating in her loins from the male’s phallus grew more intense, Thion felt her sex going into orgasm at the mere notion of taking his cum within her. It was all she could do to hold back a roar, and she didn’t see any reason to, eager as she was. With that, the male bit down on her neck, enough to break the skin and cause blood to flow, but not enough to cause any permanent harm. With that tension, Thion went into the most intense orgasm yet, feeling both her own release as well as the one triggered in her bonded partner. It was more than her humanity could bear, yet she was not a human any longer, she was a dragon, a larger and more complex psyche able to make it through the release with understanding and enjoyment. 


The knot swelling in her sex accentuated her pleasure to the point she hardly felt the rush of semen within her as the male let loose. It mattered little, however, his presence enough for her to know that he would cum and fill her with new life, something that sat more comfortably with her than anything she might have expected. She simply loved it, having the male tied to her, ensuring his seed would remain within her until it served its purpose. 


To her surprise, Velna came up to her at this point, lapping at her lips with her long tongue. It was a little surprising, though the physical nuzzling was something they’d shared as bonded partners. Thion felt more content at that, though hearing her voice saying <That’s it, enjoy it, sister,> was welcomed as well, Velna being the gateway into the new existence and all that it promised. 


Eventually, with a bit of pain, Raengr pulled out, the ache against her elastic insides making Thion hiss and growl, though, in truth, she didn’t mind, not really. It was rather the absence of him within her that caused her distress. Some of his seed was leaking from her cunt lips and the male was eager to clean up after himself, tremors of post-orgasm accentuated by his presence and making her growl. Yet, it was not enough. She could still smell his erection and knew he was still ready. And while he was certainly fatigued from the previous matings, it was his job, his delight to take both of his females as many times as they required, regardless of the physical drain to all of them. 


<Take me,> She said within their heads, and even as her abused cunt lips oozed semen, she winked them once more, eager for the pleasures of the male within her and sharing in them with her bonded sister…




In the ensuing weeks and months, the five of them set to work repurposing the cave to their own needs. It was large enough, safe enough to make a permanent home, and, in truth, nothing remained in the human world for them to return to. It was the world of dragons that occupied their time now, and they wished to live in that reality now, preparing for the next steps that were soon to come. 


Much of the work was done by the kobold duo, given their opposable appendages to clear out the dark wizard’s influence from the cave. Unlike Thion, the former elves retained little of their former awareness, and even less intelligence, enough that they could understand the dragons and obey their commands, but remained feral creatures nonetheless. In those times they were not needed directly, they mated frequently, giving in to the urges Thion knew all too well. She wanted to feel the same as much as she could, but in recent days, she knew such was not necessary, an internal instinct that filled her with apprehension and excitement all the same. 


One day, without much fanfare, Thion was sure she knew when it was time. The nests had been meticulously prepared for their use, and both Thion and Velna moved toward them, their bond making sure the two of them would lay their brood in tandem. The eggs were swelling within them, more than Thion could have ever anticipated, and the need to lay them was almost overwhelming. That came with its own excitement, knowing that potentially many new dragons would be birthed into the world. The number seemed more than Velna figured was possible, though the magics they had all been afflicted with surely had unexpected consequences. even if ones such as this were welcome. 


<Yesss…> Velna hissed, the sensations growing too much for her to bear and sending a wave of pleasure through her form. Thion felt the corresponding need to crouch and push, and Velna did so first, getting down and lifting her tail so that her sex was just feet from the ground of the nest. The position felt right and natural as Thion adopted it as well, feeling her own sex twitching as Velna’s squatting loins started to tremble with the eventual distention of eggs.


With little fanfare, Thion could feel Velna pushing, an egg descending down her tubes and stretching her insides until it moved toward her opening. It quickly crowned the tip as she pushed, the elastic muscles tight enough that the sensation was almost painful. She grunted, not bothering to speak as the pain radiated through her loins, enough to make Thion worry about her own first egg. She, too, could feel it pushing through her insides, and to her dismay, it seemed that it was too large for the physiology she possessed, causing her to groin. Yet, the presence of her bonded dragon was enough reassurance for her to continue, and Thion resumed her push, knowing that her egg needed to come out. 


Eventually, it began to crown the edge of her own sex, opening it impossibly large as the ache resonated through her loins and body. Yet, despite the pain, she knew she needed to push, and eventually, the agony gave way to pleasure. Velna’s was being worked toward the center, her sex stretching tightly around it, the egg slick with sexual fluids beside. Thion’s egg seemed as though it was stuck somewhat, slightly off, and nearly impossible to push back into position. Be it her inexperience in laying eggs or simply poor luck, it was trapped, and even straining with all her efforts only moved it to barely crown the base of her sex slightly more in her struggle. 


Yet, the relief Velna felt washed over the two of them in waves as her first egg was voided, and the second one was soon on its heels. The orgasmic pleasure of doing so resounded from her loins and even caused Thion to tremble as well. With that brief reprieve, Thion was prompted to push outward with her sex, orgasm taking her as her egg was finally able to crown her sex. With a burst of orgasmic pleasure, the egg slid out with its slick fluids, and Thion let out a hiss of rapture, loving both the sensations and the deep-seated satisfaction that came with the laying act.


Thion only had a few moments to pant her relief as Velna’s second egg began to crown, and Thion was prompted to join her, pushing fiercely as another egg moved through her form. The second egg came so much easier, an orgasm building the moment it started to crown her slit. With the sheer pleasure she felt, it was a non-issue for the second of the massive, black oval objects to be ejected from her loins, slick with fluids but quickly drying and leaving a pleasant musk in the air that made her eager to lay more. 


After some time, the pair had laid almost two dozen between them, the sister dragons finally feeling spent for the moment. A sense of contentment flowed over them, beyond what they had known in past experiences. For what could match the satisfaction that came with such a primordial act, to lay and expel what was their progeny, their biological directive to birth the eggs from their bodies and raise the offspring within? Already, the pair of kobolds, with their diminished intellect, was cleaning and sorting the eggs, making sure they were in the right position to be given the warmth required for maximum incubation success. There was little else they could think about, not even intelligent enough to recollect they were once human. But this existence was far more crucial to the point that neither Thion nor Vlena felt shame in encouraging them for their new role. 


Moreover, the feelings of sexual rapture were something Thion had not anticipated from a simple laying act alone. Much like the first time she had disengaged from sex, the sensation left her feeling empty and wanting. As much mass as she had expelled from her sex, Thion knew instinctively that there was the potential for more, many more. She was still fertile, still in heat. And if Raengr had the stamina for it, he would be able to father more progeny through them, if the ache in her cunt lips was any indication. 


It seemed as though Velna was of the same mind, though she did not voice it as such. The ache in her sex was enough for Thion to understand her need, one shared between the two of them in their heat. They truly had many more eggs to give if only Raengr could satisfy them. A simple gesture between the two was enough to let Thion know that Velna was willing to let him go first, and Thion felt his sex quiver at the notion of what was to come. She would take the male inside of him, happy her mate’s seed would give her further eggs and accentuate the pleasures of her new form…