No Turning Back

“This should be good,” Aspen said, walking out into a clearing lit by the setting sun. Grinning wildly, Bahamut followed, unable to keep the skip out of his step. It had been a long walk, and an even longer few months leading up to this night, but their hope was that it would be worth it. And, if things went as planned…


The two of them were miles from any people, as best as they could tell. They had driven out as far as they could into the woods and had walked almost an hour from their car. Though it was far from civilization, they knew it was needed, not wanting to come across anyone while the two were having their fun. And, it was a time for the two of them to explore what their acquisition could truly grant and all the future promise it brought with it.


The technology they brought was beyond anything else that had been developed, as best as they could tell. It was from a relative’s word of mouth that they even learned of it in the first place, and both of them being programmers as they were, it was easy enough to hack into his work, passcodes something the relative had carelessly left where they could find. What they found was beyond anything they could fathom, the applications of advanced nanotechnology being worked on for a variety of purposes to better the human race, even though it was still in its early stages. 


Yet, only one thing concerned the pair as they looked over the various paths of research being conducted. The ability to transform one organism into another without harm, able to change and change back, fascinated the duo to the point they could think of nothing else. The idea of physical change was more tempting than all the world’s finances, and knowing it was possible, the two of them could not help but continue to break into the base’s systems, trying to learn how to program the nanites to their specifications. The two of them spent countless hours playing with DNA combinations, creating a nanite program that would allow them not only to transform but to do so into their preferred anthropomorphic selves. It took them months, and it was a wonder they were not discovered and detained forever, losing their chance to experience physical transformation. Yet, here they were now, the technology in hand and ready to assume the forms of their dreams.


It was not only a fascination with transformation that had the two of them risking everything for the most remote chance to actually transform in real life. Their lives, for lack of a better term, were boring and dull. It was all work, gaming, sleep, rinse, and repeat. Their friends were few and far between, and even the transformation and furry spaces were not enough for them to get that escape they so desperately craved. It was all they had to keep them going, the belief there was not only a chance to escape their mundane lives but to do so in the specific bodies they spent so many hours fantasizing about. 


With the risk to their well-being and still the chance of being caught, the two planned this one night as a trial of sorts to ensure the process worked and to play in their new bodies if such was truly possible. And should all go as planned, it would only take them the time to get their human affairs in order before they underwent the process once more, to gain those forms for the rest of their lives. Twice was enough to experience the change, to prove it was real, and to truly revel in it. Afterward, it was time for them to leave their lives behind, becoming what they perceived as their true forms. 


Even with the excitement the two of them felt over the possibility of change, it came with no small amount of trepidation, given what they stood to lose and all they stood to gain. In the end, they decided they would go through the process regardless of what it entailed, even if it was painful or uncomfortable. Surely, there would be some catch for their fantasy to become reality. But they had readied themselves for whatever was to come, the chance of a lifetime at their fingertips. 


“Welp, I guess it’s time…” Aspen said, breaking the silence between them. Having rained in the past day, there were plenty of spots where the ground was damp and muddy. The two found a particularly filthy patch to stand in, wanting to defile their clothing as they changed. It was part of the fantasy, after all, and something that perfectly fit their ideal scenario. They wouldn’t need such things as beasts, after all!


Having already decided to go first, Aspen looked down at the tiny capsule in his hands and all the promise it brought with it. It would literally change his fate going forward, and he didn’t want to step into it casually. But with all he had done to get to this point, there was no chance of him backing down now, and he finally decided it was time. Without wasting another second, worried he might back out if he did so, Aspen swallowed the pill, waiting with bated breath for the change to begin. 


“How do you feel?” Bahamut asked. “Fine, I guess…I don’t really feel anything…” Aspen replied, unsure what he was expecting, given the use of the nanites like this was unprecedented. Not sure how long it would be for it to take effect, they were not worried as five, and then ten minutes passed without incident. Any tingling Aspen felt was disregarded as imagination, Bahaumt looking over him to make sure they were truly phantom inklings and not the beginning of the process. 


“Fuck…I think it’s starting…” Apsen moaned from a bizarre tingling centering in his guts and moved outward. It was obvious that the change was starting, for better or for worse. Aspen could only hope he survived the process, hoping to all hope it worked the way the two of them truly believed it would. 


“It is?” Bahamut said, holding his breath. He wanted more than anything for it to work but knew he had to wait to make sure before taking his own. 


Starting in his stomach and chest, Aspen felt himself expanding, as though muscles of his lean form were building on each other, pushing at the skin, though not painfully so. The effect was to increase the size of his stomach, stretching his belly and expanding his chest to the point that his clothes looked a little tight over his form. Hardly limited to his torso, Aspen started rubbing his arms, fingers reporting a firmness that had not been present prior on his lean form. And that was just the beginning, if the warmth playing over his entire body was any indication.


“It’s happening all over…” Aspen said in reverence of the changes. A sense of elation rushed through him as a sudden tight sensation started in his clothes, sweat-stained shirt, his dirty, torn shirt, holed pants, and off-white stained socks. The clothing choices were deliberate, things that would not be missed if they were removed from his form by force. And that was the point of it, at least in his mind. He wanted to tear out of the dirty garments, stained and torn and sweaty from their walk through the woods. Even his underwear was hardly clean, somewhat uncomfortable for now but that would hardly be a detriment to his enjoyment of the process once he changed the rest of the way if the nanites worked the way he hoped.


“I think my coat’s growing in…” Aspen moaned, aware of the next changes. A persistent itching in his chest and groin where his modest treasure trail persisted made him scratch with excitement. It left him elated to know he would change, grow, and soon be covered with a luscious coat of gray fur like he’d always wanted. The prickling of what had to be hair growth started to tease over the center of his chest, moving outward as he played over his exposed belly. Looking down, even the waning light could not obscure the sight of the skin darkening from what had to be a peppering of minute hairs, the start of what he wished more than anything to be a lupine pelt. 


“It’s coming faster!” Aspen said, more excited than scared over the changes. It seemed his fur was coming more rapidly than his muscle growth, and Aspen started to rub the skin under his shirt, itching starting to annoy him slightly. It was getting tempting to remove his sweaty shirt to alleviate the heat and tightness against further hair growth. However, a quick glance at Bahamut made him sure that was not the way to do things. They had discussed this for years, how they would undergo an actual change. One of the biggest turn-ons for both of them was to grow so massive that not even loose clothing would remain on their forms and leave them naked and exposed in all their glory to the world.


“Hot…so good…” Aspen moaned, sweat dripping from his brow as he started to fan himself. The heat of the late summer day and exertion from the change was starting to get to him by this point, causing Aspen to sweat profusely, droplets rolling down his skin and showing stains through the armpits of his shirt. Even through the slowly spreading pelt, Aspen continued to sweat, even more now as the skin twitched and more fur poked up from the bare skin. The stench was starting to hang in the air by this point, rank and musky and unwashed. But, to Aspen’s sensibilities, it reeked of masculinity, of the body odor he would carry into the change, perhaps for the rest of his life. Something more than a little arousing…


“Dude, you’re fucking boned,” Bahamut exclaimed, though hardly in the position to judge given the state of his own loins. Knowing that the change was real and had no obvious repercussions to his physiology, it was a wonder Aspen was able to avoid touching himself as long as he had. His cock was hard in his pants, leaking through the fabric. 


Needing to know, Aspen looked to Bahamut, seeing the same bulge and leaking stain tenting his pants. “You’re one to talk,” Aspen replied, with a sly grin on his face. Never having played with each other before now, neither were embarrassed about their shared arousal of transformation, expecting each other to be turned on to the point they could not hold back. And, their proclivities toward change would easily translate to each other’s bodies once the process was completed.


Thinking about the sexual forms they would soon be granted seemed to shift the changes toward his posterior, something he’d wanted to be altered since the changes had started. “Oh fuck, my ass…it’s starting…” Aspen said as it swelled into the back of his sweatpants, pushing against the fabric to the point it was starting to strain the waistband. It was soon to grow beyond even that, making him bend over a little to compensate for the change in size. It was everything he wanted and more, his ass a little too large for his frame even in its inevitable state. And it would need to be if the change went as well for Bahaumt…


“So big…bigger…BIGGER!” Aspen called out, elated by the changes that were to take away his humanity. Cock leaking, the feeling of his ass cheeks spreading and exposing his anus to the back of his pants sent sensual shivers through his being, the skin around his rectum more sensitive than anything he was expecting. It grew larger and larger, spreading apart his ass cheeks as a low groan escaped his lips. Meaty, puckered, and powerfully sensitive, he desperately wanted to feel something inside of him, being more powerfully stimulated in a way no human experience could match. It had better be, given the size of the dragon cock that Bahamut would soon possess!


“Fuck me…ohhh…gods…” Aspen moaned unexpectedly. Seemingly unable to wait, the sensation of a too-small human mouth lapping at his backside made him shudder, wanting to lean into the sensations and allow Bahamut to tease him. Bahamut was desperate to change, jealous of the sight of his friend and wanting to take his own pill and join him. But just enough of his rational mind remained that he withheld for now, wanting his friend to revel in his changes before it was time for him to indulge in his own. Still, for now, it was delightful to lap at Aspen’s rim, too large for his human mouth but not enough for him to stop, knowing that soon enough, it would be a dragon’s muzzle covering it. 


“Fuck…don’t stop…can’t wait till you fuck me!” Aspen called out his encouragement. Bahamut was not inclined to stop, as though his oral escapades were causing the changes to come faster. Rump growing larger, it seemed almost as though his underwear was stretched to the breaking point, the outline of a thick, meaty pucker there for him to see. The size of Aspen’s hips and ass were getting to the point where they would break free at any moment as the fabric stretched to nearly fraying at the already flimsy material. It seemed likely it would soon be forfeit, and that fat, sweaty anus would be Bahamut’s to play with as much as he wanted to.


“Yes…you’re making it happen…faster….” Aspen moaned, reveling in the sensations from even the slight contact. His taut cock pulled at his underpants from the other end, leaking musky fluids into his already dirty underwear. Even the brief stimulation to his changing rear was enough to send his balls into overdrive, and he called out with a deeper tone as he came, spraying a load of sticky cum into his briefs. The amount was enough to leak through the fabric, adding to the male stink in the air and leaving both powerfully aroused. All cards were on the table now that the changes had come over them, and they were eager to pleasure each other to the point they would cum over and over till their bodies were not capable of doing so anymore. And with the programming changes they’d made to their nanite batches, that was sure to be the case, hypersexuality one of the cornerstones of the change. 


“Had to…get out the human seed…” Aspen moaned, and Bahamut got up at that, grin almost too wide for his face. Aspen had to wonder if he’d cheated and perhaps had taken his pill already. He had never seen his friend so eager, so excited, a sentiment the soon-to-be werewolf shared in spades. 


What he was not expecting was for the still-human man to get down and sniff the receding bulge of Aspen’s cock before reaching out with a trembling tongue. Knowing that it wasn’t his normal comfort level, Aspen was nonetheless thankful his friend was willing to play, getting into their eventual roles and shoving any preconceived notions aside. Grinning up at his friend, Bahamut started to lick at the fluids, surprised at the flavor but finding it enjoyable all the same. It was the human seed being drained from him, after all, eagerly replaced with the lupine essence that would soon come. 


“Yess…taste me…” Aspen muttered, the contact surprisingly pleasant. Yet, Aspen was brought from the pleasure of having his retracting cock teased with a sudden ache in his spine, as though the bones were separating within. It was starting to make a sizable bump, pushing outward against the back of his underwear. Painful from the lack of space suffered from his growing ass already, Aspen reached back to rub at it, making it twitch with its limited ability. Itching already from the likely peppering of hair growth, Aspen was certain it was his new tail, and he pushed forth with it, wanting to feel it ripping out of his already fraying pants and underwear. Micro tears were already sounding in his ears, and with the ever-increasing tightness plaguing him, Aspen was sure they would not be fated to last long. Pushing back with everything he had, Aspen wanted desperately to feel it happen, to be rid of the ragged human things and naked into the world. 


“Yes…break out…my tail!” He called as though pleading with the growth to form. 


He was soon to get his wish as the pressure became too much, and a tear formed where his tail had been struggling against. Pushing with his new appendage, Aspen delighted at the sensation of it parting the tiny hole, aiming with his inexperienced muscles to try and get it through. The tip was soon lodged in, and the fabric had no choice but to relent, even more so as he started to wag the growth eagerly. His efforts created a crease that soon touched the other tears and led to a cascade of ripped clothing that made Aspen elated. He was going to burst out of the useless things from his sheer size alone, and he couldn’t be happier! 


“Don’t stop! More!” He delighted, more ecstatic than at any point in his life. The tears were hardly to stop there with the size of his expanding thighs and calves, getting tighter and putting ever-increasing pressure on the sides of his pants. The belt that held his pants up was being stretched to the breaking point and beyond. The leather pulled taut to the point the notches were ripped off, the buckle slapping against the material as his waist continued to expand.  His cuffs were cutting into his ankles, waistband burrowing into the skin, though not painfully with the increase in muscle mass. His chest, too, was massive, pulling his shirt up around his pecs and tightening the cuffs around his upper arms, even starting to tear over his back. There was no way to get the garments off in one piece now that he was so big, and he didn’t want to, save to burst from them with the mass of the wolf man he was becoming. 


“Fuck…so big…it’s not stopping!” He called out, the tingling all over intensifying. It was not just his clothes to soon be done away with. The tightness against his feet was getting ever more persistent to the point he was going to burst from his shoes at any moment. Already ripped, stained socks started to tear from the simple flexing of his toes. The nails seemed to be thickening over their tips, blunt for now but soon to be massive as they dug into the earth. The entire circumference of his foot was getting larger as well, pushing at the shoe’s bindings to the point it was almost painful. Even his heels were stretching at the material to the point it was not meant to last longer. And with his feet in their lupine configuration, he would have no more need of them, wanting to wait to feel them burst out naturally without interference from his newfound strength. 


“So hot…smells so good…” Aspen managed to moan, enjoying the rank redolence wafting from his body. Sweat was clinging to his socks now, the material being worn down to the point that his new nails pierced tightly around the front of them. Already yellowed and peppered with holes, the too-small socks were soon to tear further, leaving strips of fabric over his ever-growing paws. Twitching his toes, Aspen delighted in feeling them pulling at the material, though was soon restricted by the tightness of his shoes.


“Fuck these things! Want my paws!” Aspen growled, the shoes stubbornly clinging to his changing feet. That was not to be the case much longer as the backs of his shoes were pushed downward by the lengthed heels, straining the stitching as Aspen pitched forward, balancing on increasingly awkward paws. Moving from a plantigrade stance to a digitigrade one was difficult, given he still had the shoes on. But he managed, Bahamut there to help balance him as he pushed down the back of the shoe and stood on the flattened surface as the rest of his foot continued to grow. The sweaty stench of feet wafted into both of their noses, rank and pungent yet powerfully erotic. They were admittedly turned on more by the principal, but it mattered little how much the idea of change itself did it for them. 


The smell was about to get stronger as his socks burst and started to push precariously against the stitching within the shoes themselves. It was not just the claws that would be enough to do away with his footwear but the sheer size of his ever-growing feet, tightening the shoes to the point that they could not be contained by human means. A groan escaped Aspen’s lips as the pressure reached past the breaking point, the material evidently much weaker than the being he was becoming. 


It started at the sides of his shoes as the glue binding them started to part, ripping and removing the stitching as well. Already weakened from years of wear, it took little pressure for the shoes to wrench apart. The several layers of leather parted to reveal the expanded lupine feet underneath. Fragments of his fromer socks were visible now as well, and he was excited to see them in such a state. More elating was the bush of wolf fur, the tingling of growth and change that could only be a sign that he would develop the lupine feet he so desperately desired. The pressure was rapidly becoming too much for the shoes, popping the laces free and raising the tongue through the holes to the point that even that provided no relief. 


“Yes! Good riddance!” He called out, eager to finally be free of them. Aspen twitched his toes, feeling their claw pierce the leather from within, pushing them open from the front. They burst open with a series of rips as the torn remnants of socks were exposed over the claws of the wolf he was becoming. Excitedly, he kicked them into the air, discarding the useless things forever. With reverence over his new form, he stomped his feet over them, the dirty appendages thickening from the bottom with dark pads as he continued to change. Fragments of his socks remained over his feet, but that was of little consequence given the feeling of their tattered rags and the pungent odor they allowed the two of them to breathe in.


Finally free of the socks and shoes, Aspen continued stomping on them happily. They were old work shoes from his time as a laborer, and he felt no remorse for their loss, loving the size of his fully formed paws and wondering how they might have been contained in the footwear in the first place. He could only hope excitedly they would change a second time, and his good shoes would be forced through the same fate as well.


“Fucking dirty things! More! Change me more!” He called out as though begging the nanites to finish their work. Sweating profusely now and emitting a miasma of male stink into the air, Aspen could feel his shirt growing tighter and tighter against his pecs, showing skin that was steadily being coated with gray fur. He was sure only rags would be left of his frame, relishing the look of a werewolf bursting through ragged clothing. His pants, too, were starting to form rips in various locations along the sides, leaving furry legs exposed and tufts of wolf fur to stick out of them like a classic movie monster. 


Even in the cool woods, the heat of the day and the change were getting to him, leaving him to pant to relieve it. Though he was not sweating anymore, the rank fluids still clung cloyingly to him to the point he was powerfully turned on, cock bobbing against the stained undies and wrapping them around it. His tongue was hanging far out of his mouth now, getting longer and flatter and helping to alleviate the heat more than even the sweat cooling on his body. It was hilarious, leaving Aspen looking more like a panting dog than anything as he continued to grow and change. 


“So good…more…bigger!” He managed, though it was getting harder to focus through the lust. Muscles were bunching up the top of his shirt now as he continued to grow beyond the proportions that most human clothes were designed to hold. Still, they did not tear all the way off, even as his pecs swelled and his upper arms continued to add firm, sturdy muscle. The cuffs were tugged all the way to the base of his shoulders, fraying in several places not only with age but with the sheer force of his size. Any patches of skin exposed were soon peppered with thick gray hair, getting longer and trapping more of his male stink as the sweat clung to the hairs themselves. In particular, his armpits were rather pungent, the hairs longer than the rest of his lupine pelt. Arms were swelling, muscles tearing under the skin and building layers upon layers of firm tissue, enough that the bulges were covered with veins to fuel their further growth.


“Stinks so good…like a beast…like myself…” Aspen growled out in his new lupine cadence. 


As gradual as the process was, Aspen hardly had time to enjoy one aspect of the change before experiencing the next. It was more than just his upper arms growing, his forearms expanding as well in relation to their new size. The force of growth started fraying at a watch he had donned in the hopes it would be eliminated with the rest of his clothing. It had been a gift from a hateful relative and was in pristine condition. That was not to remain the case for long as the strap pulled tautly, the leather fraying from the pressure of his expanding muscle. As though it was as cheap as the rest of his clothing, the strap soon burst free, falling to the muck and being stomped by his now-massive paws. “Stupid piece of shit!” Aspen spat, feeling glad to have defiled such an item once held in reverence by someone he loathed. 


It was the changes to his hands that drew his attention next. Palms were swelling massive in relation to his body, almost double their former width as the skin on their underside formed the beginnings of what had to be a pattern of paw pads. Fingers started to fatten and widen, and Aspen could see lines of veins moving under the skin to fuel the flow of blood. Fingers cracked and popped as they grew longer, a strength within them that surpassed his human abilities tenfold. But it was the sensation of his nails thickening, curving out of the tips of his fingers into deadly crescents. “So strong…it’s perfect!” He growled, loving the potential his new body possessed. 


Once more, the unexpected sensation of Bahamut licking more cum from his stained underwear made him moan, and Aspen felt his cock come to attention. It was even more sensitive than his anus, the nanite’s program able to dial up their sensory experiences beyond anything humanly possible. And this was to be the rest of his life if the changes were allowed to continue, something he wanted more than anything in the world. His cock was rock hard, and it felt like even the briefest contact against it would be enough for him to cum again. 


Yet, that was not to be the case, at least not yet. The more Bahamut lapped at him, the more his cock seemed to tent in his underwear, as though getting larger. His formerly 5 inches were continuing to surge forward, as though seeking the still-human man’s mouth as it eagerly bobbed up and down. Already too large for Bahamut to suck in its current state, he nonetheless continued to lap the tip, savoring the flavor of warm precum. It was rather delightful, all things considered, something he would happily get used to with the changes and their new lives to come. The flavor, while rank, was enticing, almost as much as the realization that his efforts were not only causing it to leak but to grow into its proper proportions. 


The attention to his cock seemed to trigger its further changes as Aspen moaned, wondering what his wolf cock would look like on his new body. He could feel the head swelling, able to see the shape of it through the stretched, tearing fabric. The head was obviously starting to point, becoming bulbous as the sensation of skin peeling moved it down toward the base of his groin without even Bahamut’s prompting. Covered with sticky fluids, it ached a little as it pulled from the skin, bunching around the bottom and merging with the parts of his groin that were still devoid of hair. The action served to hitch his cock upward and pull the fabric around it as though his rod was a flagpole. Not to be deterred, however, Bahamut stood up and continued to lick the tip through the fabric, encouraging it to grow. 


“Grrr….more…bigger…” Aspen growled, encouraging his lover as well. At 8 inches now, the circumference of the shaft continued to swell, pulling the fabric of the torn underwear to the breaking point. Both men were able to see the red skin within, veins throbbing from the changes as his soon-to-be wolfhood grew into existence. It expanded ever longer with each throb, moving toward 10 inches now and hardly finished. Another few inches were added as the base started to balloon outward, engorged with blood and erectile tissue and forming what could only be a canine knot. Tension building already, Aspen couldn’t wait to have it embedded within his lover’s rectum or even stroke it off as he was fucked in turn by the beefy dragon that would become of Bahamut. 


Soon, his now 15-inch member snapped from the underwear, tearing out in all its glory. The pointed red tip glistened in the setting sun from the sheer amount of precum leaking. Bahamut could not resist the urge to taste it, wanting to from the source now as Aspen’s cock bobbed up and down. Eager for the attention, Aspen planted his wolf paws down on Bahamut’s still-human head, encouraging him to explore the contours. He wanted to cum, to soak the man’s face in his seed. But Aspen did his best to hold back, knowing there would be more fun to come once Bahamut downed his own nanite program. 


Sensing his friend was close, Bahamut stopped, looking up to witness the rest of Aspen’s changes. “Almost there…almost your true self now…” Bahamut moaned huskily, excited for his own changes to follow soon after. Covered with musky wolf fur now, Aspen’s massive form was almost totally lupine, muscled, and furry with claws, a tail, and a very bestial cock. The only thing left of the human him was his face, though that was soon to be taken from him as well. A series of cracks shifted through his lower jaw as it started to jut forward, pushing to the point he could see it as he crossed his eyes. It was discomforting, though not painful, drawing from the surrounding tissues and pulling them outward to form his lupine visage. 


With the development of his muzzle went his nose, blackening and moist and sniffing the air with renewed vigor. Slits slid up the sides, and he breathed in deeply of his male stink. It was more pungent, certainly, but the aroma wafting off his reeking body now carried more nuance to it, speaking of his health and virility. Even as the changes turned him from man to wolf, Aspen was sure that he was healthy, his body stable, and that the nanites had done their work. It was safe to change, and he was happy to welcome his form into his wolfhood. 


The rest of his changes were to come quickly, Aspen wanting nothing more than to lose his human visage to the wolf. Ears stretched toward the top of his altering skull as the bone structure moved within toward a more lupine configuration than the primate one he now loathed. Hearing the sounds of the world being dialed up was pleasant, though an afterthought with the lust in his loins that beckoned him downward. Enhanced eyesight, too, was appreciated, especially in the waning light. Amber lupine eyes were better for nighttime vision than his human ones, losing some of the colors of the world a small price to pay for all the benefits his body possessed. He wanted to have the most authentic experience as a wolf man, and now, he was one. 


With the finished changes, Aspen stood over his friend at 9 feet tall, digitigrade legs adding to his total height. What remained of his clothes were stained and yellowed from the experience, soaked through with sweat even though the wolf he was could sweat no longer. He was not as big as he knew Bahamut would be, he was sure, and his torn clothes still hung off him in some places, shirt, and pants burst through and exposing his wolven pelt wherever they did. Even a ripped sock clung to him, but the idea of walking around in it and getting it dirty left him powerfully aroused to the point he could almost cum without touching himself. All in all, Aspen finally felt he was his authentic self, the experience so surreal to the point he figured he was in a dream. Only watching Bahamut change would be enough to prove this was their reality now…


“You’re perfect!” Bahamut said excitedly. Nothing about the process signaled there were any unforeseen consequences. The sight of the massive werewolf was more than Bahamut could take. He didn’t want to wait a second longer, not even to make sure the change was safe for himself to undergo. Taking the pill with his nanite program, he popped it into his mouth without a second thought, hoping with all he had that he, too, would undergo the change of his life. Any repercussions about the change were left by the wayside as he stood there expectantly. Both men waited with bated breath as the nanites worked their way through his system and prepared to do their work.


Within moments, Bahamut felt what Aspen must have experienced as he started to steadily grow. Pants tightened about his waist, his shirt riding up his belly, while his feet felt a little snug in his shoes. Silently, he stared at his body, feeling the muscles and skin twitching under the soon-to-be-removed garments. He, like Aspen, didn’t want to take them off, rather turned on by the notion of bursting from them soon. White briefs, jeans, pure white socks, a white hoodie, blue shirt, and white sneakers adorned his form, and all would be forfeit by the time the change overtook him. And Bahamut could not care less about their loss, wanting to be free of human things and all traces of human life. 


Growing all over, Bahamut was stretching his clothes even more to the point they were a little uncomfortable. Wanting to stiffen his body to alleviate it slightly, Bahamut decided against it, figuring his new stature would rip from the hoodie and leave it to fall to the ground, tattered and dirty. His undershirt was pulled tautly, like Aspen’s before him, though with his hoodie in place, he couldn’t see his stomach. He could feel it though, bones crunching and midriff exposed, devoid of hair unlike Aspen’s furry one. He was getting taller, too, jean cuffs stretching against expanding calves, and bulking arm muscles pushing at the sleeves of his shirt and pulling it further up under his tightening sweater. 


Yet, it was an ache in his spine that truly had Bahamut excited, a bump forming that pushed out against his already strained pants. Unlike Aspen’s, these clothes were pristine, among his favorite. Bahamut wanted nothing more than to do away with them if it meant he could reach his true form, his ideal self. It was a rite of passage of sorts to feel it pressing against his back, inching outward as though trying to break free itself from his clothes. Given that his pants were in perfect condition, it was a much more trying task for him to be rid of them. But with the size of the tail he was soon to grow…


As much as he was already expanding toward his new stature, his tail was growing even faster, weighing heavily on his backside and tenting the fabric to the breaking point. It was far firmer than Aspen’s own, tearing sounds soon to follow from both pushing at the back of his underwear and even the firmer fabric of his jears. Bahamut felt no pain from the process, his tail made of sterner stuff. All it took was for him to concentrate on it for a moment before it started to part the fabric, creating a hole enough for him to work it through.


“Awww, fuck!” He called out his excitement, more and more of his soon-to-be draconic tail worked its way out, making space for his ass to continue to expand into its own right.


Though the size of his tail was already impressive, the rest of his backside still needed to keep up, and thickening thighs and calves were soon to make quick work of the rest of his pants. Tears started down from the back of his ass to connect toward the bulges in his legs. It was almost pleasant to feel the muscles parting and reforming, swelling at the skin to the point he was sure it would tear. The nanites had different intentions for him, and he felt no pain, the skin layers able to keep up with the mass being added underneath.


The growth to his lower half moved all the way down toward his calves and ankles, pulling at the cuffs of his pants and causing them to tighten to the point of fraying at the bottom. Even his shoes were starting to swell, feet preparing for sufficient growth to burst through. He flexed his toes, feeling them tighten against the insides as they swelled with mass. There was no chance of getting them off without damage, something that left him elated to experience. A beast of his soon-to-be stature had no need for such things, after all. 


It was the back of his heel that started doing in the shoes, though not lengthening as it had with Aspen’s own. Rather, it was widening to the point they were forced against the shoe as much as possible. With massive calves, thickening ankles, and the size of the rounding foot, it would obviously be far too much for the shoes to handle. The only way out of them was to continue to grow, and if the nanites had their way, his feet would soon surpass the material, and with it, his humanity. Having worn larger, formal socks for the occasion, they were not the first things to go, still managing to wrap tightly around his feet. But the claws forming from stunted human nails were enough to pierce the fabric of the shoes, letting them breathe and filling the air with his own sweaty feet stink. Eagerly, Aspen breathed it in, stroking his cock at the sight of his friend’s changes. Aspen was delighted to see the claws piercing the layers of leather, separating the material as they birthed into the night.


As though the bursting of claws was a catalyst, the size of the feet he was developing was soon too much for the shoes. Stitching tore all the way around the footwear, especially at the sides, where the more rounded shape of his foot took over. Still, the tears started to run the length of the shoes, bursting apart at the seams as still human-colored skin poked through. It was not to last that way much longer, a tingling over them to denote the formation of scales. They seemed to peel the skin in some places, though soon felt warm, and still carried that stink of sweat that Bahamut held with some reverence. It turned him on so much to be a dirty, masculine beast, free of human constraints. 


With that, the remnants of his shoes clung annoyingly to his feet, more pops resounding as he kicked them off, clad only his socks as his weight seemed to sink into the muddy earth. “Fuck, these are amazing!” Bahamut said, pushing them into the mud, enjoying the thick squelching and feeling the dirt sliding between his toes as he clenched them. Socks soaked through with mud and dirt, becoming impossibly stained, but he felt no attachment to them any longer.  


“Yeah…fuck…that’s the good stuff…” Bahamut moaned excitedly. Already erect to the point that he could cum, Bahamut almost reached to stroke his cock, wanting to get off and knowing that he could go more than once that night with the nanite’s added sexual stamina. Yet, the werewolf that had been Aspen was soon on him, licking at his cock with loud slurps and causing him to cream his pants with barely a word.


“Fuck yes…taste me…good boy…” Bahamut moaned, cumming again against the pleasure the wolf’s tongue was giving him. Aspen was soaking the material in saliva and drinking every ounce of cum that oozed through the fabric. His oral ministrations weakened the material of the underwear, straining them further and filling the air with a pungent male stink that kept Bahamut’s cock at bay. The werewolf that had been his friend had cum several times already, the stench of his rank spunk in the air for both to drink in. And it was only the beginning of the fun they would get up to. 


Lost in the orgasms and the changes, Bahamut, like Aspen before him, felt his mind starting to go to the point where he no longer cared about human endeavors. His job, his life, and his humanity meant nothing in the mind of the beast he was becoming. The alterations to his inklings were deliberate, and although he played with the notion of such in the lead-up to the change, human regrets now no longer existed in his mind. He truly was Bahamut now, a powerful beast with a subservient werewolf to tend to his needs. And he would use Aspen for his pleasure without regard, something Aspen had mentally prepared himself for with his own nanite cocktail. “GGGRRRRR….RRRRRES….MORE!” Bahamut roared, feeling the human melting away from the beast he was meant to be. 


Bahamut was only just noticing that the backs of his hands were starting to change, not just in size to match the contours of his upper arms. The skin finally started to flake as black scales formed across them, plate-like over his knuckles but covering the hands with lovely, fetching patterns. But it was the sight of them thickening, cracking, and claws bursting from the tips of his fingers that really did it for him, marking them as truly draconic digits. Eagerly, he flexed them a few times, loving their power and rubbing scales with his one hand before less tactical pads formed over them. “YES!” He called out, wanting more and more to change and grow into the power and dominance he knew his body could possess. 


“Ohhhh….” Bahamut moaned just them, feeling the tightness in his own clothing growing almost too much. A series of micro rips started in the fabric to the point he was sure he would burst through them soon, muscles stretched and bones creaking from the force of growth. The tears were music to his ears, muscles pushing at the shirt and stretching his hood to the limits and beyond. It turned him on as nothing had before to the point he thought it could cum again from that alone. 


By this point, his underwear was soaked with cum, a squelching sound as more and more human semen was ejaculated from his balls. Aspen’s wolf tongue was there all the while, licking at the cum with a series of slick lapping sounds. To Bahamut’s excitement, it seemed his cock was growing as well, stretching the fabric to the point he was hopeful it would burst through at any moment. Soft tears echoed in his ears, but he was not determined to push his fat cock head through, not quite yet, figuring it soon would of its own accord. 


Bulging muscles, minute aches of bones crunching, and expanding scaled skin were too much for his white hoodie to handle. “Yes! More!” Bahamut called out, loving the rips and feeling the rags sloughing off his form. His shoulders burst through with a flurry of rips, material falling to the ground as he continued to stamp them in the mud. Flexing his muscles, more of the fabric ripped down the center, exposing shiny black scales and the blue scutes that were to make up his chest. The shirt underneath was still present, though pulled taut up around his pecs, nipples and belly button removed from the skin of his form. While it maintained on his form, the back of the tight sweater was hardly enough to keep it on his frame, and soon it would fall to the mud to join the rest of his clothing. Bahamut couldn’t help but want anything more!


By this point, Bahamut was clad only in the remnants of his socks, soaked briefs, and shirt. His massive ass and tail had burst through his underwear from the back, and the front of his briefs was soaked from cum and wolf slobber. His shirt was powerfully tight against his chainmail-like scales as they moved to cover his human skin down his chest, along his back, and all the way to the tip of his tail. And he was cumming all the while, briefs full of seed as the pieces were left to hang on his cock like a flagpole.


“Suck me! Lick me! My beast…” Bahamut groaned, encouraging Aspen’s efforts. His member was a modest human length for the moment, but the pulsating length was soon to grow longer as thick ridges adorned its circumference. Like Aspen before him, his cock head grew bulbous, the tip pointed as the shaft swelled and formed ridges down toward the base. He was getting closer and closer as his balls swelled with semen, and the entire shaft pulsated with expansion. Bahamut was going to cum once more from an increasingly draconic cock, and he wanted to shower the remnants of his clothing with his new spunk, staining them to the point they were yellowed with cum and sweat. 


Rutting into the air, Bahamut was desperate to feel his sweat and cum soaked underwear penetrate a warm, moist opening. Even knowing his lover was not yet changed, Aspen was quick to back his fat, meaty anus in front of Bahamut for his cock’s pleasure. Without thinking, Bahamut pushed against his rectum, enough for his undergarments to slide off from his rutting, humping the air and the wolf’s sweaty rectum as his pleasure built past the tipping point. 


With a wet splat, the discarded, stained underwear fell to the ground. “Ugg…ugghhh!” Bahamut called out, spraying his rank off-white semen onto the ground, coating the clothing with his draconic essence. It was powerfully vindicating to be rid of them, to defile his humanity, and the moment the last bits of cum fell from his cock head, he stamped his dirt-stained paws over them, wanting to be rid of the things as well to the point that they would be no longer recognizable as such.


No sooner than his rags were discarded, the expansion of his back and chest caused a loud rending of his shirt to pull down his back. It was being pulled and stretched apart from the sides, and Bahamut could hardly resist the urge to flex, pushing at the back and causing fabrics to fray, peeling apart with a series of resounding tears. He clawed at them, using his powerful talons to rid himself of them. “Fucking human things! Get off me!” He roared, loving the deeper baritone of his voice now that he was changing. With further snaps of the fabric, it was added to the mess of clothes on the ground, another thick spurt of cum blown over it for good measure. 


All the while, scales were encroaching over his form to the point that he was prompted to take his still oozing cock and rub the cum through them, feeling the drying semen peeling apart human skin as rough, hard scales overtook his flesh. By this point, his entire chest was covered, though he still loved rubbing the cum over them, something that Aspen was also eager to assist with, blowing his load over Bahamut’s leg and rubbing it in his fur as well as Bahamut’s scales. Soon, he was coated to the point it was up to his neck now, head thus far spared the changes as they had with Aspen. 


Even as much as his cock had grown, it was still to be a monster of a member, a deep red now, more so than Aspen’s own. It bobbed in front of him nearly more than 20 inches, beyond that of most farm beasts. Aspen looked at it with some reverence, feeling his sweaty anus clenching at the thought of taking it inside him. It would be almost 30 inches by the time it was done, and Aspen’s protruding pucker needed to be massive in order to take it. They both wanted, more than anything, to engage in sex to the level their fantasy bodies could manage. “Rrran’t wait to have you rrruck me…” Aspen growled, licking at the bare cock in anticipation of what was to come. 


Bahamut was nearly two meters tall by this point and still had some expansion to do with his skull’s oncoming alterations. A grin crossed his face as he looked into Aspen’s own, feeling it widen as it started to crack with change. The pops and twinges of his jaw pushing forward prompted him to raise his hand to rub cum over it, coxing more scales to spread from the skin. His beard, his hair, and all of his weak humanity were literally falling from his form to pool with his cum soaked clothing, and he was too eager to be rid of them. The pain of having horns ripping from his skull, bleeding slightly before skin and scales covered them was hardly felt as his skull swept back into a draconic visage. Ears separated into fins complete with webbing between them, moving toward the smaller holes that somehow possessed better hearing than his human counterparts. The bridge of his nose gone, his slitted nostrils breathed in their male musk and stink, in particular, the prevalent stench of cum almost oozing from his scales at this point. For all intents and purposes, he was done changing, he was Behamut in body and mind, and nothing felt more right in all his life. 


“I’m going to fuck the wolf into you…” Bahamut growled, loving the gravelly texture in his voice as he violently shoved the wolf man down into the mud. Aspen braced his paws on the filth and raised his tail, thick puckered anus pulsating and preparing to be fucked in the ass for the first time. He wanted it more than anything, subservient to this beast, and it was his pleasure to be so.


Without any preparation, Aspen shoved his cock inside his lover’s bowels, forcing it inside despite the aching growls from the wolf man. Turgid as his cock was, there was no difficulty making his way in, cock too large for any other being he could imagine. Save Aspen, whose puffy pucker was more elastic than anything possible, belly almost bloating from the sheer size of it. The sensations were amazing, far tighter than anything he could imagine. It even moved to become tighter as his cock continued to expand, as though becoming filled with erectile tissue. Had it gone in before, there would have been no way for Aspen to take it, but having given his bowels a few moments to prepare, it was not painful as Bahaumt forced it in, finally managing to find his place as he started his violent thrusts.


Though it was powerfully uncomfortable, Aspen was eager to take it, needing to fuck and breed more than anything his mind had ever craved. He remembered his human thoughts, of course, but they felt as though from another life. The life he lived now was one of the bestial pleasures, being fucked and fucked again by this dragon man, the only being that could satisfy him. “More! Fuck me!” Aspen called out, loving the sexual stamina that his body seemed to provide.


Rubbing his furry body all over, Bahamut’s thick claws scratched Aspen’s skin tearing at the remnants of his shirt and leaving them to fall in the mud. They were eagerly stomped on, mixed with the debris of their other clothes, and trampled with feet possessing the remnants of their socks. Bahamut wanted to tear into the flesh of his lupine lover, feeling him dominate the wolf and knowing that with the nanite’s program, he could do no permanent harm. It was more satisfying for Aspen to be used in such a way, to have his yellowed, sweat-stained clothing being rendered from his form, being naked and bare to the world as he always intended.


“Yes…take my cum…take it!” Bahamut called out, massive, overweight balls unloading into the wolf’s puffy anus, the backflow of cum bursting out and into the mess on their clothes. It was enough for him to be filled impossibly to the point it should not have fit Aspen’s anatomy. But even as his belly bloated, Aspen felt only mild discomfort from the penetration, enough against his prostate that allowed him to blow his seed as well, stroking his knot at the tail end of his lover’s release.


Eventually, Bahamut’s cock was forced out of Aspen’s ass, cum leaking from him and filling the air with their male stink. Curious, Bahamut reached down and sampled his own fluids from Aspen’s ass, not minding the taste so much as he cleaned his lover up. Aspen moved through the mud toward him, reaching up to lick the dragon’s muzzle in a sign of submission. He preferred it that way, having designed his body in just the right way to support Bahamut’s own physique. And, once they became their true selves permanently, he would be the perfect mate for the lordly dragon, in the form he truly desired. 


Such would have to wait until later. The effects of the nanites were only designed to work that night. That was not to be the last time they would mate that night, the needs in their loins far from being done. Their stamina was enough to allow them to fuck again almost immediately, this time Aspen getting on his lover’s lap and riding his cock with a puffy, stretched anus that had no trouble working its way down over it. And he was eager to ride it again and again until the sun came up, and they were forced to revert, making their way naked and dirty back home to make the necessary preparations to make this life permanent…




The next few days were the most hellish for the pair since learning the change was possible. Though they had the nanite programs in hand to make their forms permanent, there were still things to take care of before they took that final leap. Erasing their existence from public records was not something easy to do, though they wanted to leave no trace of themselves so they would not be sought out after they changed. And with the pills sitting there after each day to tempt them, it was maddening not to throw away their humanity forever at a moment’s notice. But if they were to forfeit their human lives properly, it would take some time before everything was prepared. And each moment they spent in their human shells was madness. 


Even after the change, parts of their minds were still beasts, much to their delight. Aspen didn’t bother pissing the toilet any longer, the canine need to mark his territory at the forefront of his thoughts. Bahamut was quick to pounce on him as much as his humanity would allow him to fuck his friend, even though they had not done so as humans prior to that night. They did not bother to clean up after themselves, soiling their clothes with cum and filth in a last action defiling them. Their sexual stamina was already at a high, and they rutted often, needing to get it out and powerfully excited for when it was time to pop the pills and fuck in their true forms. It took everything they had to perform the required tasks and prepare for their lives to change forever.


That afternoon, the two of them were standing in Bahamut’s living room, having just finished a fuck session, and were moving toward their laptops to finish their work. Lust was palpable in the air, though both knew deep down that any sex they participated in could not hold a candle to the beastly pleasures they had experienced that night. “Fuck…fuck…fuck me properly…” Aspen whined often, missing being opened up with such a cock that it was almost too much for his anatomy. The ache of his anus being barren was more than he could take, wanting to submit over and over to the dragon he knew Bahamut could be. 


Bahamut, too, was agitated, hating the human skin he felt he was supposed to continue wearing. He wanted more than anything to be that hulking beast, to fuck his wolf into submission over and over to the point he was filled with cum. But he couldn’t, not yet. There was still more to do to erase their identities from the human world. But it was harder and harder with each passing moment to recall why that was so important, to the point it was everything he could do not to take what belonged to him. 


At that moment that compulsion burrowed deep into his mind, and he couldn’t resist the urge to grab the pill and down it all at once. Being part of his personality, Bahamut simply did so, knowing it was his to take and deserving it all at once. No regrets entered his mind, growling at his mate as a command to take his own. Aspen, without missing a beat, followed his lover’s lead, swallowing it without any regard for their surroundings. There was no time for them to get out of the house to their new refuge, and neither man could bring themselves to care what got destroyed in the process. This time there was no turning back, and both wanted nothing more than for this transformation to be permanent.


The transformation started the same way it had during their stint in the woods, both feeling a series of tinglings running through their bodies as their muscles began to burn with the beginnings of growth. It was enough to make clothing feel a little bit more snug, shirts rising over bellies, pants digging into waists, and shoes getting a little tighter. Things they had already experienced before but were somehow new at the same time. As before, both were inclined to keep their clothes on, wanting to burst from them in a final spurt to mark them as the beasts they truly were. 


“Fuck…yes…I need it…my ass…my puffy ass!” Aspen called out, clenching his cheeks with the need to be fucked. “Grow…change…my fuck toy…” Was Bahamut’s reply, remembering all the sex they’d had in their forms prior and wanting it more than anything the two of them had ever experienced. This time, their minds were already devolved to the point they saw humanity as a skin to be torn off and shed, revealing their true selves underneath. Any inkling of regret was long since gone, and they had no regard for the consequences of their actions, a small price to pay to not have to wait any longer. 


As though preparing for the time when he would finally change, Aspen was already wearing older clothes, the kind from past labor jobs he longed to be rid of forever. His underpants had not been changed in several days, now off-white with a pattern showing wear and stain. A plaid shirt and blue jeans covered his form, though with the tingling of growth, that would not be the case for long. Another old watch adorned his wrist, and his belt was worn as well in preparation for this day. His off-white socks and shoes would be forfeited soon from the size of his paws and claws. In his mind, Aspen wanted to be ready to change at any time, eager to shred as many relics from his humanity as possible the moment he became his true self. And now that it was time…his cock was all ready to shoot a load in his briefs, the first of many as the squelching of Bahamut staining his own pants yellow with cum made him shiver with anticipation.


Already wearing yellow briefs, the stain of cum was hardly noticed as Bahamut roared a more beastly sound than humanly possible. In his current attire, he possessed white socks, black tracksuit trousers, a black hoodie, sneakers, and a shirt. He, too, wanted to be free from them, to tear out and remove his humanity from himself permanently. It mattered little they were unprepared for the final change now. He would soon be a massive dragon, perhaps bigger than even last time, and he longed to take the form and the world as was his right. 


Aspen, too, wanted to be a beast in body as he was in mind. Already lost in animalistic instincts, it was the pressure against his pants and underwear from the back that was really doing it for him, He could feel his anus starting to pucker and widen to the point it could push against the back of his underwear and was even struggling against his jeans, every sensitive inch being stimulated all at once. It was like a dream come true, something he’d feared was a flight of fancy rather than something he’d experienced before. But now, he could confirm it was real, and he needed to be fucked through the massive, clenching orifice…


No sooner did those thoughts come to mind than Bahamut was on him, rutting his erection through his pants and rubbing against the outline of his protruding pucker. “Yesss…fuck me!” Aspen said, grinding back on the ever-growing cock and wishing to take it inside him. His ass was closer to the final size it would be, or even larger if the modifications they made to the nanite cocktails would allow. His anus would be even puffier, more sensitive, able to take the larger cock that his mate would surely have!


“Take my load, my bitch! Take it!” Bahamut called out, voice booming and shaking the walls as he grabbed Aspen’s shoulders, thrusting into the obvious outline of the hole that Aspen’s thicker pucker was creating. The slick slapping combined with the stretching of fabric and the cracks of bone and muscle shifting as Bahamut grew ever closer, followed by the resounding squelches that signaled his release. Aspen felt the warm fluid touching his rear, yelling out “Nut all over me!” as more and more fluids leaked through their pants and filled the air with their male stink. 


The sensation of drying cum quickly spread over the strip of skin that was pushing from his backside. The soon-furry tip teased Bahamut’s cock as it retracted, though only just as he continued to rub it against Aspen’s pucker, too horny to take off their pants and fuck properly. That was their fantasy, after all, to rip out of their clothes before all the sex they would partake in. Soon, Bahamut was feeling the same pressure in his pants that signaled just that. Elated, Bahamut took a hand and reached back, pulling up his tail and feeling its bulk pushing against the tightening waistband and working the pants down to the point that it might tear them off regardless. 


Their ever-growing bulk continued to put strain on their clothing, pulling up Aspen’s shirt and tightening strongly against Bahamut’s hoodie to the point his bulging arms prepared to tear it from the inside. Aspen, meanwhile, rubbed his belly, feeling the muscles building underneath while his skin was steadily covered in patches of wolf fur. “Fuck…need my fur…” Aspen moaned, rubbing his still-erect cock within his yellow-stained briefs. Bahamut’s own shirt was pulling upward as well, though, for the moment, his black hoodie was blocking the view of the blue scutes he knew were covering his chest. It was exciting to feel their pants becoming impossibly tight around their waists, belts strained, and pants pulled up at the cuffs from the straining and growth.


Perhaps best of all, the strain on their shoes was growing to the point they were likely the next things to go. Both soon-to-beasts felt their toes stretching, their feet expanding and pushing at the bindings of their shoes. The glue and stitching on the outside were quickly stretched to the breaking point, pulling apart with pops and snaps in sequence from the sides and down toward the front. “Fuck…fuck!” Bahamut yelled, stomping the ground and soaking the floor as he tried to throw his shoes against the wall. But it was impossible to get them off without bursting through them, and even kicking them against the wall and shaking their house was not sufficient. A few of the pictures on the wall fell over, crashing to the floor and shattering, something the two of them flicked their ears toward with a sense of excitement. It was elating to hear their human things being destroyed, even if part of them knew that they needed to keep their building pristine so as to not leave a trail. It mattered so little to them at the moment, given their inclinations to despise human things. 


Flexing toes that were soon double their former size, the sounds of glue tearing and stitches popping rang in their ears. With that, the two of them flexed their expanding toes, pushed with the sides of their growing paws, and delighted as every stitch popped and leather was frayed within. Better than that was how their tight, filthy socks started to fray as well, the layers of material parting with a satisfying rip. It was beyond elating to know their tightening shoes would soon be removed and annoying socks would be fractured as the pair grew into their proper forms. 


As much as both wanted to prolong the sensations, that was soon to be impossible as their massive claws pierced the leather, popping them away and meeting the tears from the sides as separate layers burst from a flurry of debris. “Yes…tear…more!” Bahamut called out, stomping his feet and catching his socks on an exposed nail, ripping up the sides to the point it nearly fell off. Their shoes still clung to their feet, though as their feet expanded and their heels stretched more toward a digitigrade stance. 


Struggling with his posture while kicking and stomping with his clawed feet, Aspen found himself falling over, lifting a beefy arm to steady himself. As it did, he fell full force into the computer, knocking it to the ground with a flurry of sparks. “Fuck!” Aspen called out, though the fall and the debris did nothing to injure his skin. Rather, there was some delight in ridding themselves of the human devices, things that carried so much weight for their humanity but meant nothing to their true forms. 


“Fuck this garbage!” Bahamut yelled, voice resonating through the apartment as he moved to kick the remnants of the computer, flattening the plastic and metal and rendering the device useless. Though they still needed to finish erasing their humanity from the internet, there was nothing for it now, and neither of them could muster the energy to care. Part of his sock caught on the corner of something and tore, as did the flap of his shoe, tearing more off his black-scaled foot, much to his delight. 


Aches started resonating down through their arms in tandem, nails tearing off for the bestial claws they longed to possess. Each of them grinned, mouths opened wider than humanly possible as they went to work on their apartment, ripping into the faux leather of couches, tearing bedsheets, throwing plates, and bending metal pans down the center. The acts of wanton destruction made the two of them horny as hell, and soon, they were on each other, Bahamut grabbing his wolf and wrestling him to the floor, rolling around in their mess. The sound of more debris being crushed under their weight was as powerful an aphrodisiac as anything they could conceive of. Soon, frotting together as they were, the two of them unloaded their cocks all over their torn shirts, dirty socks, and stained underwear. It filled the air with their male stink, taking back this space from the reek of their humanity.


As large as they were now, both of them decided it was best to leave, the place having no sentimental value to them. Bursting out of the wooden door with a spray of wood had Bahamut’s hoobie caught on a nail, and a large tear rendered from his back, leaving it in the debris. His shirt, already several sizes too small, was tearing across his expanding chest and exposed blue scutes. The sound was sure to turn heads, but it seemed that no one else was in the immediate area to hear them, not that they cared in their moment of desire. 


Eager to be out of there as well, Aspen followed close behind, bending down to kick at their mailbox and sending it flying across the street on his way. The bending action tore at more of his underwear, stained yellow with the perspiration of the change. Loving the pressure that such actions presenting against his clothing, Aspen bent down, hurling the mailbox against the glass of their apartment. The sounds resonated in his ears, and he looked around, wondering what else he could throw with his new strength. Eyes settled on a tree in their front yard, and reaching down to rip it up, Aspen hurled it into a car across the street. With the power in his legs, he was easily able to jump into the air, landing on another car and bending the metal. His powerful paws felt none of the impact, though his shoes were not able to take the strain, chucks of debris tearing them apart and rending the fabric from his socks. Best of all, the cloying scent of sweat from the exertion clung to him, reeking of him and yellowing what little clothing remained to the point its defilement served to make him cum on his own. 


The sounds of humans screaming, now awake and aware of what they were doing, were not a deterrent on their actions. It was, however, enough to prompt the half-changed pair to flee toward the woods, not wanting the distraction. Still, they took the time to revel in their destructive actions as they did so, much to the disdain of any helpless onlookers. Anything they could smash with powerful forearms, kick with torn shoes and powerful feet, and toss with increased strength was done with such joy. Hell, the pair even attempted to throw a car, a feat the two of them didn’t think they’d be able to perform but something they managed with an impressive effort. It smashed against the size of the building, showering the two in glass and debris, though it had no chance of damaging fur and hide. 


Quickly moving into the forest, the pair were eagerly able to storm through the muck still present from the night before, dirtying their yellowed clothing with brown mud and detritus. More fragments were torn from their bodies as scales and fur moved to cover their forms. Scales were too hard for branches to pierce, and even the cuts and scratches on Aspen’s form were healed over with the speed of the stereotypical lycanthrope. They were truly apex beings in their territory to the point that nothing could slay them. 


“This is boring…” Aspen growled, dirty and reeking but hardly satisfied. He still longed to delight in the destruction of human things, not just their own. It was a small town, but it could be theirs to take if they were so inclined. And the werewolf found himself mulling over that possibility, how he would be like to delight in such. He growled, the pops and snaps of his jaw extending enough to know he would carry the visage of a werewolf for the rest of his days. And he had the rest of a long existence to destroy the human world as much as it had destroyed his desire to be human in it. 


“Yes, my pet, the human world is full of trassssh,” Bahamut hissed before moving backward, his stride increasing as he grew steadily taller. Far beyond even the 15 feet that his prior form had taken, Bahamut was sure he had room to grow, hair falling away and muzzle stretching to match the draconic visage he desired. 


Few people saw the two creatures entering the street on Main before the destruction began. The sight of a car sailing through the air was enough to stun all onlookers and shouts and cries of fear rang out at the sight of the beasts able to perform such tasks with ease. Without any way to protect themselves and being terrified by such monstrosities, it was little wonder they scattered, leaving possessions behind in fear for their lives. The two beasts reveled in their solitude, taking the time to truly delight in the powers their bodies possessed and how easily human things crumbled before their power. 


Some hours later, the two inhuman creatures were alone in the town, having scared any remaining residents. Law enforcement was insufficient to deter their rampage, Bahamut’s skin being impervious to bullets and Aspen’s flesh repairing itself the moment bullets penetrated it. No humans were harmed by the actions of the mostly changed beasts, though either could bring themselves to care. The city was abandoned and was functionally their playground as the two of them reveled in their new strength and in the destruction of all manmade constructs before them. 


Though they were largely fully changed by this point, some of their clothing rags survived the process, filthy and muddied and ruined with sweat and cum. Bahamut still had one sock clinging to his massive ankle, and rags of his shirt sat along his back. Jizz soaked underwear still cling to the underside of his balls, yellowed and stained. Aspen’s had fallen off with the growth of his massive testicles, and with a lupine indifference, he took a piss on them, urine spattering as he marked his territory like the canine he was. 


Hardly tired from all they had done, the two of them went back to amusing themselves with wanton destruction. Aspen ran toward a bench, kicking it and splintering the wood as he did so. Reaching down and throwing a car into another one, he growled, enjoying the sound of the explosion. Being the larger of the two of them, Bahaumt was able to lift two cars at once, a monster out of a horror film as he banged them together before throwing one and then another at the side of an office building. The explosion ran in his ears, briefs tearing as he bent over to lift another car. All that remained of his sock was pulled up his ankle, dirty rags that stank of humanity. He wanted them gone, though figured it would happen in due time, and was not inclined to force the issue. 


His underwear was not fated to last for much longer as well, ripping in several places as he kicked signs, hydrants, and benches. “Fuck yesss…” Bahamut hissed, bending down to lift up a truck, the weight of it much more than the cars he had managed to throw. His huge anus, not as puckered as his lupine lover’s but close, was still thick enough to rip out of his underwear, pushing against the stitching as the elastic finally snapped, and he was left naked, save for the fragments of socks.


Aspen watched his lover with interest, lupine cock at full attention as Bahamut managed to lift the back of the truck, flipping it over with an explosion of gas and debris. It was hot as hell, especially as part of the metal caught on his leg, not enough to injure the dragon’s scales but enough to tear the waning fragments of his sock off. Aspen couldn’t deny his need anymore, and the wake of their destruction in their new forms was enough for him to give in to desire. 


“Fuck me!” Aspen called out, reaching down and pulling his puckered anus out and exposing it for Bahamut’s inspection. 


Rather than take him as he usually would, however, Bahamut had a different idea in mind. He moved quickly behind his lover, tackling him and rolling around in the debris and glass. There was nothing in their destruction that could harm their bodies, and it made a proper love nest of sorts as they prepared for the sex to come. Mostly naked now and grinning, the pair wrestled in the debris of their work, cocks coming to full erection and bobbing against each other. With Aspen’s puffy pucker aching to be penetrated, the notion of bending over for his lover was enough that he nearly got up, not caring if any worthless humans saw them in the midst of rut. But with their position on the ground, Aspen had another idea, and reaching out with his massive paws, he started to rub at the dragon’s massive erection. It elicited a deep moan from his draconic lover, the lupine digits rubbing over the girth of his cock while the pads dug into the spines along the bottom, giving him so much pleasure that it was impossible to hold back. 


The idea firm in his mind by this point, Bahamut reached out with his own draconic paws and started to rub Aspen’s lupine knot, coaxing more of it to come out of his sheath and leak over their feet. Precum was oozing down their members at this point, coating the fragments of sock fibers that were still clinging cloying to his form. Reeking of their maleness, both rods were soon rubbed to the point they spewed their loads in an eruption of cum, falling over scales and fur and leaving them to collapse in their ruination, content and happy in a way that defied their understanding.


As the two beasts cuddled in the wreckage, Aspen felt a single bit of cloth clinging to his foot, a brown, mudstained sock fragment that had been missed. It was filthy, sweaty, and torn from the effects they had made. Annoyed, Aspen growled and stomped it on the ground, wanting the last fragment of his human life to be rid of him. With his effort, the sock snapped off violently, the only thing holding him back from his new life. One of bestial bliss with his draconic lover, no turning back to their humanity as they reveled in bestial bliss…