Learning to Follow Your Pride

Sighing, Fernando stared almost longingly at the three male lions, all asleep in the waning late afternoon light. Though it was getting close to closing time at his local zoo, Fernando lingered, wanting to stay to the last possible moment. He loved coming here as often as he could, and of all the exhibits, he loved looking at the lions, even though the cats seldom did anything of interest. It was more out of a sense of yearning than anything, though, thankfully, none of the employees seemed to mind either way.


For the longest time, there were only the three males present in the enclosure. Fernando kept hoping that with each visit, the zoo would be able to get some females for the trio, some companions to help ease their likely needs. Though it was plausible the three of them partook of each other on occasion, he was sure that the presence of a female would be appreciated. Hell, if he could, Fernando would gladly volunteer…


Ever since he could remember, Fernando had been fascinated by the notion of physical transformation. Becoming totally in body a non-human entity. The form of an animal, as unappealing as it might be to most people, would be for Fernando a suitable body and lifestyle, provided that he experienced the change all the way into the new form. Not that his life was particularly bad or anything. It was simply the allure of transformation was too much for him to bear, enough for him to wish to undergo it, even at the risk of losing his humanity. 


Still, life as a zoo lion wouldn’t be so bad, Fernando found himself thinking. All of his needs taken care of, no bills, no responsibility. Save satisfying the sexual needs of his new pride mates, but that was something he would do eagerly if only he had the chance to change and do so!


Though, such physical transformation was, of course, impossible in the real world. So, all Fernando could do was to watch the lions lay around and try his best to imagine what it would be like to be one. And those thoughts, embarrassing as they were, came with a fair amount of arousal. Fernando might try to hide such notions until he could enjoy them on his own later. Though with the absence of anyone else around, Fernando was free to let his thoughts go, imagining himself changing into a lioness and allowing the males to have their way with him. 


Yet, the usual level of arousal that came from thoughts of changing sent a burst of shock through him, his cock suddenly pounding erect. Thankful no one was around, Fernando went to cover it with his hand, brushing it against the tip that was straining within his pants. At even the slightest bit of contact, Fernando moaned, his cock spasming and shooting a thick load of cum into his pants. It was as though he had been pent up for weeks and could only now release on a hair trigger. Never before had he cum so hard in such short a time!


And he wasn’t done yet. Reflexively, Fernando grasped at his cock as he continued to nut, more jism than what should have been possible ejected from his body. It was as though every ounce of semen was being emptied from his testicles all at once. It was powerfully erotic, yet not at all fulling like he usually felt from orgasmic release. It was as though he was still aroused, still needy, if that was somehow possible. 


A strange tingling started to play over the inside of his pants, coated in sticky cream as they were. It was as though his cock had retracted, though Fernando soon found it to be much more than that. If he didn’t know any better, Fernando would say that his cock was pulling inside him, foreskin peeling inward towards his groin. Stranger still, his piss head was tingling intently, as though the opening was spreading downward towards his taint and balls. 


Curious now, Fernando looked down, pants stained with sticky semen that had leaked through. His cock had clearly lost its erection, but it was more than that, as though it was continuing to pull inside of him. Fernando was hardly a shower, but it almost seemed he was losing his maleness entirely. Come hell or high water Fernando needed to pull his pants down right then and there to check the change coming over him. There was no time to get some privacy, and besides, there was no one around to see him, as best he could tell. 


Reaching into his pants, Fernando started rooting around for the familiar sensation of his cockhead, small as it might now be. Yet, his fingers met with a moist, inverted crevasse, as though his cock had been sucked inside of him, piss head peeling apart to make a new opening forming along his groin. Deepening even as he rubbed, the sensitive flesh sent shivers through his body. It was even more sensitive than his cock head, as though the entire organ had pulled apart to make up the lips of something new. Almost like a…


Concerned now, Fernando let his pants fall to the ground, pulling down the elastic band of his underwear to see what had become of his genitals. Gone was the familiar image of his penis, even in its flaccid state. In its place was an opening running down towards his balls, the tingling across them intensifying. To his shock, his fleshy sack, too, started to invert, chills running through his body as his sensitive orbs were pulled inside his sex. It seemed they were being repurposed with a chilling sensation as their contents reduced their scope and pulled further into his anatomy. A female anatomy, Fernando was starting to realize.


One that came with it a powerful sense of arousal, Fernando felt with a shiver. Even as he explored his sex, a moan escaped his lips as pleasurable tremors crept over his groin. Strongest was from a numb at the apex, where the remnants of his cockhead sat after the change had overtaken his genitalia. Despite himself, Fernando found himself rubbing the area, his sex aching with a heat steadily creeping into his psyche.


“Oh, what’s going on…?” Fernando managed to cry out, not caring that he was speaking aloud. It was almost too much for him, this level of heat playing over his loins. It was getting to the point that he couldn’t think of anything else than rubbing at his sex, scrapping for every ounce of pleasure it could grant him. His mind was clear only on the fact that, despite now being the opposite sex, he needed to get off!


Yet, the sensation of something poking at the back of his underwear and shirt soon caught his attention. Fernando reached down, surprised when his fingers met a thin nub seemingly poking from his spine. Even the minor contact against it was enough to send a tingle up his body, and Fernando could almost feel it push out further at his touch as though eager to be born. To Fernando’s delight, it even began to twitch with eagerness, as though excited by this ability to now do so. 


“Wow, I have a tail?!” Fernando called out, unable to keep the elation out of his voice. No one was around to hear him, anyway, though he would be hard-pressed to restrain his excitement even if there was. Even as he groped it, Fernando could tell that it was growing, thickening to almost cover his ass as it twitched and ran down the length of his leg. The tip itched with the formation of a bush of fur, like a tassel, though the rest of the flesh remained bare for now. 


The growth of a tail, in tandem with the change in his sex, only led to one train of thought in Fernando’s mind. He was changing, altering into a form different from the human body he was born into. Something he had always been fascinated with but not something he had ever imagined possible. And, given his recent thoughts and the particular changes that had occurred thus far, Fernando figured there was every chance he was turning into a lioness!


Despite what should have been a horrific experience, to lose one’s species and gender, Fernando could only feel a sense of euphoria. Concerns for his life and future were second to the excitement that he was actually changing into an animal that he held in such high regard, no less. And, should he change more, there was a place for him right there, one with three suitors likely looking for a roommate of his soon-to-be qualifications! 


Fernando’s elation only increased with what he now understood was the tingling of change starting to play over his feet. Not wanting to miss a second, Fernando reached down to undo his shoes, pulling off his socks and leaving him barefoot. He was in time to see the toes retracting, popping as the tendons within started to diminish in size. It was as though they were being taken within his anatomy, leaving only barely movable nubs in their place. Fernando could splay them slightly, though that was the extent of their mobility now that they had transformed into the stubs of feline feet.


“Yes, I’m getting paws!” Fernando yelled, balancing on his feet as his heels started to stretch. The change was painless, only a numbing sensation followed by a pins and needles across the feet like they were asleep. It was a little disorientating needing to adjust his stance several times as his heels lengthened, tips of the toes widening slightly as his smallest toes were sucked into the foot. Still, at the prospect of actually changing, Fernando was willing to undergo whatever discomfort was necessary to continue the most exciting moment of his life. 


“OHHH, I want to be a lioness so bad!” Fernando moaned, staring with rapture as something pricked against the inside of his feet. It should have been painful but was only numbly discomforting to have his human nails popping off to make room for the feline claws working their way out of the skin. The claws were translucent, thin sheets of sheaths pulled out with them from the base. Fernando was elated at the ability to flex them, the internal joints and tendons having parted and reformed to allow their contraction into his feet. In fact, their resting position was to be inside of him, and his efforts allowed them to peel back and forth under the skin, a sensation that left him overjoyed at the feeling of being able to move them in such a fashion. 


By now, the itching of fur was starting to prickle across the backs of his feet, running up his hairy legs and playing over his groin. Without a care in the world, Fernando pulled down his underwear, kicking them off in time to see what could only be golden, tawny hairs rising from the previously shaved spots of his groin. It was powerfully itchy, and Fernando couldn’t help but start to scratch, feeling minute tremors of pleasure flowing into his new feminine sex. To his delight, the more the fur grew, the softer it was, a luscious forest that soon coated his groin and teased his hips and ass.


The itching continued in spades all over his legs, the already quite hairy appendages changing from their normal black hair color to a lioness tawny gold. Each individual hair itched against their follicle before dozens more surrounded them, coating his legs all the way down towards his feet. The same forest was rushing from his already covered feet to meet the lioness fur now covering his ass. By this point, even his chest and back were starting to itch, making him certain it was the precursor to more fur growth. 


“Am I going to get a fur coat?” Fernando couldn’t help but say out loud. He rubbed the areas along his legs where the fur had grown, loving the soft texture. Never before could he have expected to touch lioness fur in such a way, but at the notion that it was soon to be himself, Fernando couldn’t help but feel a rush running through his loins. Fuck, changing was making him even hornier than he could have ever imagined!


“Probably won’t be able to touch it for long, better enjoy it!” Fernando said with a laugh as the fur continued to pepper his chest, running over his lean belly and across his back towards his swishing tail. So, while he still could, Fernando rubbed down his chest, loving the texture and moaning from the aches in his loins that such an action was causing. 


Yet, as he did so, seeking fingers ran across a section of flesh far more sensitive than he could have ever expected. It made him groan before he reached down to rub at the skin once more, detecting twin parallel bumps across his skin. As though a catalyst to further changes, the tissue around the nubs started to swell, forming lumps beyond what could have ever existed on a male body. Their presence, in Fernando’s mind, could only mean one thing.


“Are these my nipples?” Fernando questioned aloud, knowing the answer already. Though, saying the words seemed to make them real. The tissues swelled under his touch, likely further than what would persist on a real lioness, though that would perhaps change once he was pregnant. The notion that he could have cubs, be impregnated by the lions in the pen made him cum almost without touching himself. The sensation was a slow build, burning into his innards where his former prostate once sat. With the contact against his newly formed nipples, it was enough to send him into his first release, tremors of feminine ecstasy flowing over him in waves. 


“Fuck I want breasts….” Fernando moaned, rubbing his own nipples and encouraging them to grow. The contact seemed to have the desired effect, making the tissue swell and increasing the sensitive flesh of his nipples twofold. Every touch was electric, and Fernando felt another orgasm coming on the heels of the first. Mashing his breasts with one hand, his other went down to rub his crotch, desperate for the contact and release. 


Yet, even masturbation could hardly compare with the desires ringing in his head. “I wanna get furrrrcked!” Fernando called out unabashedly. Changing as he was, he wanted the full experience of being a lioness, a female. And, given his proximity to three potential suitors, that was more likely to be the case the more he transformed.


“Rrr…I need to cum! I rrrant to change!” Fernando called out, trying to add a growling lisp to his voice, even though his vocals had not altered yet. Though, the role-play had the desired effect of aiding his descent into an orgasmic release, making him shiver and nearly fall over as he rubbed the nub of flesh that was a human clitoris. The orgasm washed over him like a hurricane, making Fernando feel as though he was rising into the air from the sensations. And, unlike its male counterpart, it wasn’t the last one he was to have before the day was done!


Coming down from his first true female release, Fernando was remiss for not noticing right away that his teeth were aching, the dentures pushing on his gums as they started to grow. Eager to see the changes to his visage, Fernando reached down into his fallen pants to pull out his phone and use it for the last time. There was no point in informing friends or loved ones about the process. Some of his transformation enthusiast friends might appreciate the pictures, but he was a talented photo manipular, and such might be mistaken as his own efforts and not the real thing. Besides, selfish as he was, Fernando could only think about watching the changes through the camera while he still had the hands to do so!


Fumbling with the camera for a few moments in his excitement, Fernando finally managed to get it turned towards him, staring at the altering reflection. Opening his mouth wide, Fernando could tell his teeth were almost too much for his mouth, making him drool a little. Blunt canines pushed the rest of his teeth aside, and more incisors moved to take in the extra space. A wet pop signaled that his jaw was expanding just slightly, enough to make room as his upper jaw started to peel back, forming a part in the center and effectively splitting into two. The skin around his lips blackened, and Fernando tried to close his mouth, unable from the sheer size of his teeth!


That was not to be an issue for long, however, as the series of wet pops pushed his maxilla and mandible bones outward, taking his jaws with him. It stretched forward a few inches on each side before becoming uniform and giving him a predatory grin the likes of which he never could have fathomed on his form. “I’m rreeeally rrrooing to be a rrrioness!” Fernando tried to say, but the words came out guttural, his deformed moth struggling to make them. Yet, Fernando was remiss to care, his crotch leaking simply from the arousal that came with watching his face, his most distinguishing feature altering from human to animal.


Like a sensation of cotton balls being shoved into his mouth, his tongue started to flatten and tingle, drying out and making him feel the need to hack for a moment. He salivated a little more, drooling as his tongue stuck out, flattening and covering with tiny barbs. Curious as the cat he was becoming, Fernando raised a hand to lick the back of his hand with his tongue. The rough sensation made him giggle, even more so when a patch of tawny fur rose in its wake!


Yet, his attention was soon taken towards his nose as the flesh around it turned bright pink, and the nostrils started to flatten. The cartilage within the bridge sank into the skin as his nasal passages widened on the flattened nose. Slits rose from either side, and Fernando breathed deep, drinking in the heat and fluids from his feminine musk. It was almost more than he could bear, making him long to touch himself and cum all over again from the sight of the changes!


Still, he didn’t want to miss a moment of the alterations to his head as pinpricks poked out from around his nose, making him wince and sneeze for a moment as they burst outward. Several dozen in all, Fernando was tempted to reach up and touch them, though figured that they were too sensitive, pricking the skin as they formed. Still, it was a delight to see them accent his pseudo muzzle, a sign of his ongoing changes and the leonine fate that awaited him.


His face was pressing outward all the while, inching forward as his nose grew larger and tear ducts ran all the way to the underside of his eyes. Yet, Fernando’s mind was only on the sound of his voice, eager to hear what to was become of his humanity and enjoy all the changes had to offer. “RRRAAAWWW rrranna rrroar so bad!” He called out, loving the feline cadence to his tone that would be his for the rest of his life if the changes continued. 


Part of him wondered what his life would be like if he changed all the way towards a fully feline fate. Yet, any concerns about being treated like an animal, being mated and filled with cubs, or even losing his sentience were leaves in the wind. He wanted, more than anything, to be fucked and bred and allowed to revel in the sensations of change as long as he could. After all, how often did someone get to experience their lifelong dream, once thought impossible but now occurring before their very eyes?


A tingling at the sides of his head broke him from his reverie. “My ears?” Fernando questioned, feeling them tingle and round, the canals enlarging as thick hairs sprouted from within. The sounds of the animals all around swept into his ears, and, to his surprise, his ears started to twitch, moving in the direction of a distant stimulus. It was elating to feel them move, having the inhuman ability to do so now. 


Yet, the sounds that soon came to his attention were ones of growls and heavy bodies moving, and his eyes followed his ears to the sights of the lions getting up, all three staring at him with interest. Fernando blushed, wondering what the males would think of him. Would they like him? Surely if he was in heat, at the very least!


A shift in the breeze brought with it a distinctive odor, heady and musky and clearly coming from an animal. A trio, the intricacies of their musk enough that nearly made Fernando melt with the anticipation.“Furrrck, I rrran rrrmell the rrrales…” he growled out, the feline tones enough to make his loins leak beads of sexual fluids. The males were virile, perfect suitors, and Fernando, to his embarrassment, wanted to get closer and see what they would do to him!


Yet, the itching of fur and the minute aches of tendons and sinew popping brought his attention down to his hands. “Oh, my rrrrands!” Fernando growled out, realizing that they were the next things to change. 


Dropping his phone, Fernando’s eyes scoured the area, wondering how he would get to the lions. Obviously, it was barred off from guests getting in to see them, and Fernando felt his heart sink at the realization that he might be denied their presence. So close, and yet so far…


Yet, soon, his eyes fell upon a service door, the light having been red before to indicate that it was closed. Now, however, the light was clearly green, and the door appeared slightly ajar. “GGGRROOOTTA get inside…” he growled, making a move to enter captivity. He did not question the good fortune, only eagerly moved towards the lion enclosure and the rest of his life. 


Shucking off his shirt and leaving himself functionally naked, Fernando made his way over to the door, opening it while he still had his hands. It would be the last time he would ever enter or leave a door such as that, but Fernando felt only elation as he passed through the barrier and into the lion’s habitat. 


It was not a moment too soon as the aches and pops from his hands intensified, and Fernando stopped for a moment, wanting to see the loss of his hands and the induction of his new paws. He didn’t have to wait long to feel his fingers twitch uncontrollably as their bones broke and pulled inside his widening palms. Like his toes, little remained of the fingers, save the ability to splay them slightly. Motions to move them triggered the extension of claws, just as long and as deadly as the ones that adorned his feet. Though, he would hardly need them for hunting, fed all of his meals by the zoo now that he was to become one of their attractions!


A sensation of his hind paws against the grass of the habitat made him awkwardly raise his feet in time to see the still-bare skin of his toe tips swelling with pads. The same pads formed from the soles of his feet and coated his palms and fingertips in equal measure. Yet, Fernando was ecstatic about their formation. With more of his humanity taken, the closer he would eventually get to his goal of being an animal!


Just then, the musky scent of the lions hit him, making him want to fall over with lust. At that, the aches of change started to seep into his joints, hips, back, and spine, making sure he would be on all fours soon. Though, at the moment, he wanted nothing more than to be at eye level with the lions approaching him.


I’m going to be one of them…I’m going to be a lioness! Fernando thought, feeling more excitement for his future than at any point he could recall. 


“I rrraaana rrre rrrown on rrrall rrrours!” Fernando called out, voice growling even more as his changes came more rapidly. The scent of the lions and the sight of them sauntering over had him ready to get down and submit, to take them one by one as they cemented his changes and made him a lioness as he yearned to be.  


A series of cracks and pops erupted from his spine as it grew longer, taking on more linkages. Some of that translated to a longer tail, and Fernando swished it over his backside, elated that he had one now. The rest stretched his belly out, flattened as his nipples were pulled down in line with the feline pair he now possessed. 


Knowing that it was going to happen soon anyway, Fernando got down on all fours. Yet, he was eager to do so, greeted by the oncoming lions. Their heady aroma was much stronger down here, the musky odor from their loins drank eagerly with Feranado’s altered nose. The masculine stench sent shivers through his sex, making him leak another bead of his own heady fluids. It seemed as though the positioning of his plumbing was altering as well if the persistent tingling was any indication. Still, he was remiss to care, the fact that his new sex was on display for his three new suitors more appealing to his sensibilities.


It was his hips that changed first, pelvis popped and reformed as his hips widened and his thighs flattened into broadening flanks. Fernando was happy that he was already on all fours, though loved the feeling of his backside raising, claves thinning so that his stature matched on both ends. A barreling chest shoved shoulders into flanks, thickening his neck and pushing his upper arms to merge into his chest. His torso, square-shaped as it was, came with it a certain liquid grace that made him delighted to be a lioness, to enter and change into the body of his desires. 


By now, all three lions were around him, sniffing and moving their tails in what had to be a sign of greeting. Their presence left Fernando wanting to change all the way, almost embarrassed that he still retained a modicum of humanity and wasn’t fully the lioness they craved. Still, he raised his tail, allowing his heady musk to waft into the nostrils of her potential suitors. Wait, her? Was that right? Yes, Fernando started to realize. She might as well accept her new lot in life, especially for the sexual release it had already given her and what it promised to provide her next!


Fernando was more aroused than she had ever been in her life, and it was getting harder and harder to think about anything else. She wanted, more than anything, to quell the heat that had plagued her loins, as though she had gone into a total, bestial heat. Fernando would have it no other way; her perfect fantasy was for her to be taken and bred in lusty lioness fashion. And having her three suitors serve her needs was everything she could have hoped to do at the climax of a change.


Fernando was taken from her reflections as one of the lions started sniffing at her cunt lips, teasing a barbed tongue along them and making her shiver from head to toe. Fernando growled in a leonine cadence that made her body shiver all over, eager to be the lioness she craved. The sensations only increased as the lion licked her intently, making her cunt leak in anticipation of the fucking to come. It was almost too much to bear, making her rise to the edge of the wave of the next release before he even fucked her.


“Yes, please brrrrrrreddd me…” Fernando begged, the ache in her cunt almost more than she could stand. She wanted desperately to be filled with the lion cock that she could see dangling from his underside, eager to breed the female that had ended up unexpectedly in their midst. 

“Warrrrt to brrrre a lioness sooo rrrrad…” Fernando growled, loving how much her voice had changed. The only thing that was better than hearing her voice altering was knowing that she would soon be a lioness, an animal, and fucked into form by the powerful male whose scent made her knees weak.


As the lion at her backside lapped his gusto, Fernando felt the final changes start to encroach over her visage. Seeing her reflection in the plexiglass, she was just in time to watch her muzzle push out further, skull sloping and adding to the overall size of her head. Powerful neck muscles combined with her jaw to give her the bite power of the lioness she longed to be. Her visage was expanding, looking more like a cat with every moment. And she had a front-row seat to the last of her humanity fading away!


One thought did come to the forefront of her mind as she stared at her reflection, and Fernando thought herself remiss for not wanting to try it one last time. “Rrraaarn’t talk…rrrrrooon’t rrreeed trrrrooo grrrrrrreooooowww!” She managed to speak, the words finally degrading into lioness growls. Though, with the scents on the air from her suitors, Fernando was sure she no longer needed to speak to ask them to have their way with her!


One of the last changes to go, the alterations to her skull made room for the increase in ocular space as her human eyes swelled into leonine ovals. The pupils darkened into gold as Fernando blinked a few times, the world seeming more in focus, though missing a few colors. That was ok to her, however, her new sense of smell far more potent and useful for distinguishing important information. 


The last of the changes were to sweep over Fernando’s skull as its sloped shape pulled her ears upward, and her short black hair was swept up in the tawny wave that was steadily eliminating every trace of skin. A pressure on her skull made her fearful for a moment. Would she lose herself to an animal’s mind? It had been worth it at the time to fully experience a change!


Yet, as the moments went on, Fernando realized she was still herself, even as the tingles of change stopped and solidified her lioness form. I’m still myself? I can still think? Fernando wondered, feeling the tinglings of instincts but little else to denote the loss of her sapience. Fernando was elated to know that she would not lose herself, her thoughts would be her own before this first of what she hoped would be many breedings. Best of all, she would be aware of every sensation, able to enjoy it fully as she learned what it truly meant to be a cat in heat with willing males to provide for her!


By this point, the lion was nosing around her back, having sent her into orgasm already with his skilled tongue. The attention given was more than she could have ever expected from an animal. Were these lions once human, too? How she wished she had seen them change, been with them as they formed their barbed cocks and masculine manes. Still, it was a moot point when they were there, mere seconds away from breeding away the last of her humanity and making her a lioness forever!


Still staying in the mating position, Fernando felt the cat get up on her back, planting his paws by her sides as she wriggled her backside up to meet his hips. The lion’s prick teased the edges of his folds, making the changed lioness growl with eagerness. She was about to be fucked, taken the way her sex craved. So close…


I want it so bad…want his cubs…want to be a lioness! She thought, just seconds before the lion’s prick plunged in and lit Fernando’s loins alight. 


Nothing could have prepared Fernando for the sensations of a feline phallus fucking her, pumping in and out with a speed and power unmatched by any human. The pounding against her cervix was more than she could believe, and Fernando bared her teeth, doing her best to take the foreign intrusion. The rough sensations of spines raking against her insides were nearly enough to make her white out. It was powerfully arousing, and Fernando let herself go, feeling every iota of pleasure that her new lioness body could grant


Given the level of stimulation the lion was giving her, there was no chance of her holding back as her loins were wracked with female orgasm. It was as though she could feel her egg leave her womb, sure she was ovulating from the stimulation that the male’s penis was giving her. Though it would likely take multiple days of servicing the males for insemination to happen. Lioness heat would see to that, and Fernando would have it no other way!


With that, Fernando felt her thoughts starting to slip, about to be lost in the intense orgasm that only a lion’s prick could provide. Her body was fully feline, gripping the ground to stabilize herself as she raised her hips to take him as deep as he could go. The lion was slamming her sex like a jackhammer, spikes raking in and out and nearly driving her mad. She was going to cum, and wanted nothing more than the lion to have his way as many times as his prick could provide.


The moment the lion bit down on the fleshy skin on the nape of her neck, holding her in place, was the moment Fernando went into her first penile-induced orgasm. A growl escaped her lips as she came, body wracked with release in a way that defied all male experiences. She whited out, lost in the leonine sensations and bliss her new form and mates could provide her. 


Lost as she was in a cloud of leonine lust, Fernando barely felt the warm splash of semen the male so graciously deposited into her womb. There was a powerful sensation of fulfillment with that realization she could be pregnant. Though such a notion should have been terrifying, Fernando couldn’t help but be elated that she was meeting some powerful biological drive beyond her human understanding. And even without that, there was the knowledge that she would get to partake in the pleasures of lion flesh over and over. They wouldn’t stop until all four of them were properly spent. 


No sooner than the lion on her back jumped off, than one of the other two was on her, sniffing and even licking at the musky offering that Fernando’s body was putting off. He reached out with a rough tongue, the barbs making her growl in pleasure as he prepared her for another round of rough feline mating. He didn’t even seem to be deterred by the other male’s seed in her cunt lips, lapping it up like a creamy treat. 


Yes, please, all of you fuck me! I need it! Fernando thought, raising her tail high and stretching out her backside to expose as much of her cum soaked sex as possible. Though she had taken one lion already, there were two more, and her arousal was at its apex. She wanted those taking spines inside of her, as many times as her three new males could provide before they all passed out in a pile of spent cats!


Fernando did not have to wait long. The male lion pulled back for only a moment before getting up on her back and planting his paws at her sides, thrusting at her cunt. Meeting his efforts like a practiced pair of dancers, Fernando moved his backside into place, taking him inside in an instant. The moment that the lion’s prick penetrated her folds was the moment that her sex went into overdrive, having just been on the precipice of release. The lion’s frantic pounding accentuated the orgasm in a way that defied her understanding. Even coming off the potent release, Fernando could feel the next one coming in on its heels. All it would take would be to have the lion reach down and bite her nape, then thrust into her one final time, cumming and making her cum many times over as she was baptized into lioness life…




Smiling to herself, the zookeeper closed the worn book before her, the energies dying down as her spell completed. The remnants of her magic would linger for a time, prompting their new lioness to mate as many times as possible. Though given the level of enthusiasm their subject seemed to have for her new life and role in the zoo, that was a given. She was certainly a wonderful candidate for transformation, turning out better than the employee could have hoped for.


It was not often that the zoo brought in new animals in this way. It was far better for humans to be changed, to mate and propagate their species with the desire to mate stronger than any animals in the wild. This guaranteed that the females would carry children, and there was a steady supply of new animals for other zoos and even to eventually be released into the wild. A carefully run operation, not wanting to bring down the attention of the wrong authorities but able to sneak a few new converts here and there. 


This one was special, however. He had taken to the change as though he had been expecting it, and, even more so, wanted it. Though he had been caught looking longingly at the lions on several occasions, it was a stroke of luck to catch him so near closing when everyone else had left for the day. The perfect target, truly. And, even better was the fact that he had gone along with it so willingly. Hell, he went as far as to enter the enclosure and mate with the lions of his own accord. It almost made her smile in knowing she had done her job well and that this newest addition would be truly happy with her life in the zoo.