Femme (Fox) Fetale

“Hey, Jason, almost done in there?!” Gabe called as he adjusted the annoying eye patch in the low-hung hotel mirror. His costume didn’t look too bad, all things considered. He’d been trying to lose weight to make sure the damn thing fit him properly, but Jason had assured him the manufacturer guaranteed it would fit. Thankfully, he was right. 


It was their first time going to Comic-Con, and Gabe had been reluctant at first. He was sure he’d enjoy the atmosphere, but there was something about going without a costume that made him uneasy. After all, he worked all the time, and with student loan debt piling up, he had hardly the resources to procure something worthy of wearing to his first big con. But, Jason had been adamant that he had just the thing. 


Gabe had argued with him about the cost, but, to his surprise, the price tag was reasonable enough for him to say yes. Jason had found a highly realistic costume service, made to order. Almost every character under the sun. Apparently, they were relatively new and the low prices were an incentive for purchase, so the company would gain added publicity. Gabe had hemmed and hawed over what to go as, but finally, they decided to go as Fox and Wolf, from the Star Fox games. Honestly, Gabe thought it was because they’d both been playing too much of the new Smash Bros title. But, whatever the reason for their costume choice, he was pleased with the results.


The costume was surprisingly accurate, down to the last detail. A little too accurate, perhaps. Gabe found himself noticing a sizable hole in the ass of the tight leather pants for his tail. He lacked an appendage custom-made for the costume, and wondered how he was going to cover it up, the only flaw in an otherwise perfect design. It wasn’t too low-hanging, at least.


Gabe was now clad in tight black leather pants and a pair of surprisingly light boots for their appearance, adorned with faux metal spikes and braces above the knee. A form-fitting belt, completed with a holster and fleet insignia kept them on his embarrassingly chubby frame. 


Though the shirt underneath was relatively plain, the jacket was something else. Dark purple, leather, just as form-fitting, but surprisingly comfortable. Honestly, if it were more insulated, it would make an excellent all-purpose jacket. Two thick bracers, complete with fingerless gloves, sat on either arm. The getup came equipped with a bandana and wolf’s signature eye patch. Though after a few minutes of fussing, he decided to leave it off. He could wear it at the con, maybe, but for now, it left him half-blind. Still, when all was said and done, he looked for all the world like a human version of the iconic character Star Wolf. 


The costume was surprisingly comfortable, even as he sat in the room, waiting for Jason to finish getting dressed. Gabe was a bit impatient, he had to admit, but Jason could be a bit over-obsessed with his appearance sometimes. If he looked half as good as Gabe did in his costume, he’d be fine.


Meanwhile, Jason was in the bathroom, getting his own costume ready and thinking how lucky they were that the costumes came in the mail just in time for the con. Neither had the skill to make their own costume, so Jason was really excited when he found a website that sold and shipped costumes for such a good price. The site claimed their costumes were ‘Guaranteed to impress everyone at any event you attend.’ It seemed too good to be true at first, but the pictures and reviews from customers convinced Jason to show it to Gabe. Jason had to admit, he was excited to try on the Star Fox outfit, though he hoped it wasn’t too big on him. He was rather underweight with a pretty thin frame, so most clothes were baggy on him. 


Once Jason had laid out the outfit, he tugged off his own pants, throwing them aside before pulling on the green leather pants that came with the costume. They were a bit big on him, but once he clipped on the brown belt, adorned with the gold fleet symbol and leather holster, it held them up just fine. The costume had come with a fake blaster too, which he was excited to carry around. He noticed a hole in the back of the pants, which he guessed was for a fox tail, if he wanted to go all the way. A tail would have been too much, though. He and Gabe were going for human versions of the characters, since they didn’t want to be misidentified as furries.


Jason slipped on the white and red boots next, which were also a little large, but not enough that it would make it difficult to walk. After pulling off his regular t-shirt, he slipped on the green t-shirt from the costume, pulled the white and blue leather jacket over it, and fastened the red bandana around his neck. Honestly, the jacket and shirt were pretty comfortable, though, unsurprisingly, a little baggy. 


Still, Jason smiled to himself, as he admired the jacket in the mirror. The gray and bright blue, sci-fi-looking jacket collar, and Star Fox fleet patch were great touches. The costume was pretty detailed and accurate. Worth every penny, and more, though he was thankful he had gotten it as cheap as he had. 


Finally, he slipped on the black and red fingerless gloves and tried to fit the metal-looking piece of headgear on his head. It could loosen and tighten, though it still kept squishing his ears a little. After fiddling with it a while, trying unsuccessfully to make it fit comfortably, he decided to take it off for the time being. Maybe he’d wear it to the actual con. Jason looked in the bathroom mirror and grinned at his reflection. It was a great-looking costume, and he figured he looked pretty good in it, all things considered. 


“I’m done!” Jason shouted, as he opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom. He looked Gabe up and down to see how the costume fit, deciding it looked great on him. Jason was becoming more and more pleased with their decision to buy these costumes. 


“Wow, that costume does look pretty good!” Jason said before spreading his arms a little. “What do you think of mine?”


“Not bad, not bad at all!” Gabe said, taking a moment to admire his friend. Jason looked as much like Star Fox as Gabe did Star Wolf. They were gonna rock this con! 


Gabe ran over to grab his phone, wanting to take a few selfies of them in costume before they undressed. Yet a sudden tingling running down his spine made him moan, as though something was itching above his tailbone. He chalked it up to a work injury, as he reached down on the floor for the phone he’d left there earlier to charge.


“Are you alright man?” Jason called out, as he pulled his own phone from his pocket and walked back towards Gabe. Yet he, too, felt a tingling in his own spine and strange itchiness all over his chest and arms. He scratched his chest, hoping he wasn’t allergic to the material in the costume. That would certainly ruin his spirits!


“Yeah, I’m all right, just a little itchy,” Gabe replied, trying to ignore it. “These things don’t leave much to the imagination, do they? I certainly hope some of the women at the con think so!” He added, trying to lighten the mood.


“Haha maybe, you never know!” Jason chuckled, walking back towards Gabe while scratching at his arm. Gabe was fully aware of the near impossibility of the two of them meeting anyone at the con. It wasn’t the space for that, but both Gabe and Jason had been single and down about it for the past few months, so a little hope couldn’t hurt. 


Gabe cautiously rubbed his ass through the leather, feeling something strange poking out against it. Maybe there was a tail under the clothes that he just hadn’t seen? It was more than that though, his whole damn body was starting to itch.


“Hey, Jason? Mind taking a look at my face? I think I might be having a reaction to the costume,” Gabe called, the worry not lost in his voice


“Yeah, sure dude,” Jason replied. “Honestly I’m feeling a bit itchy too. Maybe you could check mine as well?”

Jason slipped his phone into the pocket of the outfit’s green pants, and took a closer look at Gabe’s face. Something seemed off, but he couldn’t quite place it. Maybe Gabe’s face looked a little harrier than just a few moments ago?


“I can’t see a reaction but didn’t you just shave this morning? I swear your beard just grew like two days worth of hair.”


“Yeah, I did…Really?” Gabe asked, just as confused as Jason was. He moved over towards the mirror, shocked to see a five o’clock shadow where his clean-shaven face had once been. 


As Gabe checked himself out in the mirror, Jason glanced down at his arm and he could swear he saw what looked like orangish-brown hairs growing from his skin. “What the hell? What is… This can’t be real. I have to be imagining things,” he said aloud, shocked by the sight.


Gabe didn’t respond, staring at his reflection and opening his mouth to see his teeth looked a little different, sharper, more pointy. The itchiness on Gabe’s arm made him glance at the backs of his hands, seeing his own was covered in greyish hairs. “What the fuck! This isn’t possible!”


Jason, meanwhile, stared in horror, as he watched more orange hair growing on his arms and fingers. Worse, he could feel the skin on his palms changing beneath the fingerless gloves as rough black pads began to form on his palms and fingertips. Formerly translucent fingernails were darkening, as they started to lengthen out of the gloves. 


“Fuck, Gabe something’s happening to me!? I’m growing fur!” He shouted in panic, as he looked up at his friend. 


Gabe was in a similar state, growing grey hair on his face and fingers as well. Worse, Gabe’s jaw looked like it was stretching forward, which sent a corresponding ache through Jason’s own jaw. “Shit, Gabe, what’s happening to us!?”


“I don’t know! How the hell do people grow fucking fur!?” Gabe yelled, staring as Jason’s jaw started to press forward. An ache in his own jaw signaled the same change.


“This is insane!” Jason yelled as he turned back to view his face in the hotel room mirror, though the shocked look in Gabe’s eyes confirmed what he already knew was becoming of it. 


Gabe reached up to rub his face and growled, as his nails nicked the skin painfully. They were thick, dark, long, and sharper, like the claws of an animal. Yet his view soon turned to see his friend’s face stretch out more, his nose beginning to darken, his ears becoming pointier, his orange fur…no way. 


Gabe ran back into the bathroom, knowing he’d see the same shifting features on his own face but needed to perceive it regardless. He was starting to look like a wolf, with his grey beard, lengthening jaw, and darkening nose. Or rather, the Wolf…


Meanwhile, more orange fur was growing on the top half of Jason’s face while white fur poked out from the bottom half around his mouth, nose, and cheeks. His jaw cracked forward further into a muzzle, exposing sharpened, pointed teeth. Ears moved up the side of his head as they, too, became more pointed. His nose changed shape, as it darkened to black like a dog’s nose, and his eyebrows and hair were slowly brightening from their normal black towards a recognizable orange. Was he becoming some kind of animal!? 


He ran to the bathroom to check on Gabe in time to see him in a similar state. More gray fur was growing on his neck and face, with white fur on the lower half, as his nose darkened to black. Somehow his human hair was getting shorter and brightening in color. Gabe was looking more and more like a wolf, and with Jason’s orange fur, he was looking more like a fo- “Wait…”  he said aloud, “No fucking way! Are we…?”


“That’s not possible! This is some kind of Are You Afraid of the Dark shit!” Gabe yelled, as he felt a tugging on his spine. “Fuck, ouch…my…tail?” he yelled as soon as the notion rushed through his thoughts. Reaching down, he indeed felt something long and furry pushing past the hole in his pants. That could only be a…


Gabe couldn’t believe he was turning into a video game character, a partially animal one, at that. He looked in the mirror in disbelief, seeing his facial features turning more lupine. Though, he looked like a person with wolfish features, not really pixelated, which was some relief. Losing his sense of reality along with his physical form would be too bizarre to fathom!


He peered back at Jason, seeing his buddy’s vulpine features more and more clearly. Though Gabe was terrified, he couldn’t stop staring, Jason was kinda…cute with a fox face. Like… 


Gabe blushed in embarrassment, as he realized his cock was pressing against his tight leather pants. He couldn’t be getting a boner from watching his male friend, could he? What was wrong with him?

“This can’t be happening! W- we’re turning into Fox and Wolf!” Jason shouted the obvious, as his face stretched further forward. A tug at the bottom of his spine signaled something pressing against the seat of his pants, more and more insistently. Soon his growing tail tore through his underwear, and poked through the hole in the back of his pants. The tail was covered in orange fur down its length and white at the tip. 


Pulling up his shirt, Jason saw white fur, growing all over his chest as well. The outfit had been slightly baggy before, but his muscles were slowly swelling, allowing his body to become more fit inside the costume. It was as though his altering form was being made specifically for the costume that was adorning him. 


He looked up to see his face in the mirror, not looking exactly like Fox McCloud, but more like an anthropomorphic fox. Jason’s hair was shortening quickly, as it brightened to white, and he whimpered slightly, turning to Gabe for comfort. Gabe’s hair had grown shorter and whiter as well, and his ears were closer to the top of his head as his muzzle extended. Yet, when Jason met Gabe’s gaze, he couldn’t seem to look away. It was like Jason was slowly realizing how handsome Gabe looked like this, like a-


Jason blushed hard and looked down at the sight of his cock getting harder, bulging out his now tight pants. He squeezed his legs together in embarrassment, trying to hide his growing boner. Why was he suddenly attracted to Gabe like this!? He wasn’t gay, what was he thinking!?


Despite Jason’s attempt to hide it, Gabe’s gaze settled on Jason getting hard, too, and turned away in shame. How could the changes be making them horny?! 


Lost in his thoughts, Gabe was shocked to see his nose in front of his face, the tip wide and black as it picked up the aroma of something strange. It was spicy, kinda sweaty, and he found himself liking it. Without thinking, Gabe inhaled deeply. His cock twitched in response and Gabe could feel a drop of precum soak into his undies. He looked back to Jason, his eyes glazed over, his own longer nose sniffing the air. Oh shit… the scent was coming from him! And he was boned, hard as a rock, and tenting his pants tight. Fuck, they had changed so much already. They had to stop it! Gabe didn’t wanna be a horny wolf-man faggot, and he was sure Jason didn’t either, or at least he hadn’t before the changes started. 


“Quick Jason, let’s get this shit off! The clothes have to be doing this to us!”


“Y- yeah, that must be it! We gotta stop this…” Jason groaned as he inhaled a spicy scent that made his cock throb hard. It smelled so good, but why did it make him horny? That’s when he realized it was coming from Gabe, and he blushed like mad when he saw Gabe’s cock was tenting his pants just as much as his own. Fuck, was the change making them gay too!?


Jason realized with certainty he had to get this costume off. Yet, his pants were just too tight with his cock so turgid! Jason undid the belt first, unzipping his pants and pulling them down, careful of his new tail. His cock felt like it had gotten bigger too, uncomfortably tight in his boxer briefs. He pulled down the front of them, letting his rock-hard member bounce out while viewing the orange fur covering his legs. His cock was throbbing and darkening quickly to red, the tip becoming pointed as a furry white sheath enveloped his balls. 


Jason started to pull off his left boot as his eyes caught his reflection once more. His muzzle had reached full length, pointed ears standing on top of his head. Formerly human hair had reduced to a short white strip between his ears, his nose and lips were black and canine. Most alien of all, Jason could see his eyes slowly brightening to green. “Ooooh fuck, we’re almost changed all the way…” 


“Fuck…” Gabe moaned, entranced at the sight of his friend’s bare legs, the orange fur covering them, as Jason struggled to get his clothes off. Gabe couldn’t tear his eyes away as Jason’s throbbing cock stood erect before his eyes. Gabe had to get these clothes off before he needed too badly to fuck him right there! 


Part of his mind couldn’t fathom it, fucking another guy. But his cock was so painfully hard at the thought, leaking thick globs of fluid onto his pants. He pulled them down quickly, tight but not too difficult to get off. He saw what he dreaded, a thick forest of grey fur covering his legs, while his cock was at full mast from the scents in the room. He struggled in his fallen pants, reaching down to remove his boots. They weren’t too difficult to rid himself of, either, though his socks resisted from the thick nails on his feet, pressing against the frail stockings. Yet, he still felt itchiness down his back as fur continued to cover his body, a sign he was still changing. Would he get them off in time?


Meanwhile, Jason was witnessing his toenails becoming claws and pushing against the sock of his exposed foot. The orange fur covered his legs and feet completely now, and his undies were getting uncomfortable with his new tail. He pulled his boxer briefs off, as the base of his cock bulged out into a knot and became completely canine. 


Before he could take off the jacket, however, he caught sight of Gabe with his pants off. His legs were so muscular and sexy, already covered in gray fur, and Jason blushed furiously at the sight of Gabe’s raging hard cock. It was red and canine, like his own, yet even bigger. Jason couldn’t help but think about what it would feel like inside him. Where were those thoughts coming from? He wasn’t gay! He didn’t like guys! Yet Gabe’s handsome face, his full-length muzzle, and short white strip of hair made Jason think how sexy a wolf Gabe had become. Jason’s cock throbbed and leaked, as he watched Gabe’s eyes change color to red. He wanted to touch Gabe, to feel his body, to kiss his…  


“Fuck…what’s wrong with me?” Jason whined aloud, as he shook his head, fighting the intrusive thoughts.


“Gotta…we gotta…get the rest off…fuck…can’t breathe…” Gabe moaned, hyperventilating from the rich musky scent Jason’s nakedness had exposed. The changes weren’t stopping, even though they barely had the costumes on. Gabe could feel his lust rising, now more so than ever at the sight of Jason’s bulging canine cock. He could feel Jason staring at his muscled furry body with green eyes, smelling his musk, nearly tasting it, knowing he needed this as badly as Gabe. Gabe was so fucking horny…he needed to get off…to rut…and Jason looked so sexy…Before he could blink, Gabe was trailing his paw across Jason’s throbbing red cock and making his buddy gasp and moan from the sensation. 


“Jason…I can’t…I’m sorry, you’re just too…” Gabe couldn’t find the words, as he stared into Jason’s changing green eyes, the sight more beautiful than he could have ever imagined.


With Gabe’s rich musky scent filling Jason’s nose, Gabe’s paw touching his cock, and his body so close, Jason couldn’t resist the temptation anymore. “Fuck…Gabe…you’re so…so sexy…” Jason moaned and placed one paw on Gabe’s chest, stroking Gabe’s cock with his other paw before pressing their cocks together. He stared into Gabe’s beautiful red eyes before moving his muzzle closer until their lips brushed together, and kissed him softly. “I don’t know why…but I want you…so bad…”


“Me too…I can’t…It doesn’t matter, does it? If we both want each other so badly…” Gabe replied through their passionate embrace. He ran his claws down the back of Jason’s jacket, pulling him close as he rocked their bodies together. Seeking paws reached down to cup Jason’s ass, the cheeks fitting perfectly in his grasp, as his tail flicked back and forth in anticipation. Jason’s cock was rock hard against his own and Gabe could feel thick streams of precum running down both of their reddened members, as they rocked in unison, the tension in their balls urging them on.


Jason moaned into Gabe’s muzzle as they kissed, loving being felt up by the dominant wolf-man. His cock was already throbbing hard, and leaking against Gabe’s, but the feeling of paws on his ass just made his cock pulse harder. He rolled his hips against Gabe’s as his tail wagged slowly and his tongue slid along Gabe’s. Jason reached his paw higher into Gabe’s shirt, teasing Gabe’s left nipple, as he stroked their cocks slowly with his other paw. It felt so good being pressed against him like this, kissing each other deeply and touching each other intimately. He didn’t care if it was gay anymore, didn’t care that Gabe was a man. He wanted him too badly and even this level of contact felt amazing. 


Eventually, Jason pulled his muzzle back slightly, and whispered against his lips. “Gabe… I need you…ff- fuck me, Gabe…”


At the sound of Jason’s urgency, Gabe gripped Jason’s ass tighter, enough to hold him firm but not enough to hurt him. Gabe wanted to test his new muscle mass, eager to see how strong he was, and make the smaller fox man quiver from the masculine display. He hoisted Jason up, leaving Jason a little stunned, though the fox-man quickly relaxed in Gabe’s arms. The action was effortless, Jason’s new foxy body a feather in his arms, as Gabe leaned his muzzle in for another deep kiss. He could feel Jason’s body squirming from the sensations, as he walked towards the bed, feeling somewhat romantic despite his lusts. Though he had never done this with a girl, Gabe was excited by the idea of carrying his smaller male friend to bed for a proper first time. 


Jason moaned softly into Gabe’s muzzle as Gabe carried him to the bed, holding him tight, as they resumed locking their canine muzzles together in a deep kiss. His cock throbbed against Gabe’s abs, as Gabe sat down on the bed and Jason relaxed into his lap. He could feel Gabe’s slick cock between his ass cheeks, as he spread his legs wider, panting softly, as he thought of what it would feel like to have that cock inside him. 


He couldn’t wait any longer. Jason lifted his ass up a little and reached back to grip Gabe’s cock. Expertly, he lined the tip up with his hole as Gabe’s pre spread between his cheeks to lube him up. “A-are…are you ready?” He moaned, pleading in his voice.


“Oh fuck…I’m more than ready…I’m so hard…I wanna be inside you…” Gabe moaned, rubbing his cock tip against Jason’s moist opening, as it took his cock like a glove. 


There was some resistance; even through his sex-addled mind, he knew that Jason wasn’t used to taking cock, certainly not one the size he now sported. Gabe pushed gently, trying to squeeze inside Jason, careful not to hurt him, but also desperate for the feeling of something engulfing his cock. He stared at Jason’s muzzle, the sexy visage of Star Fox keeping him rock hard, as he kissed Jason’s muzzle once more.


Jason gasped, as he felt Gabe’s cock pushing into his opening, his thick member stretched him painfully at first. But slowly the ache faded to pleasure, as the thick cock teased the fringes of his prostate. Jason pulled back from the kiss, and looked into Gabe’s eyes, his cock pulsing at the sexy view of Star Wolf’s face. 


“Fuck…I’m so horny…I want you inside me…all the way…” Jason moaned loudly. Gabe’s cock slid further into him until Jason’s ass rested on his thick knot. Then Jason gripped Gabe’s shoulders, and started to ride up and down, letting out small moans each time he lowered himself.


Gabe moaned in return, feeling Jason slowly ride up and down his cock, the sensations exquisite. He’d never entered another male, but from the feelings emanating from his throbbing wolf cock, he couldn’t imagine anything better. If it felt this good to fuck another man, to be part wolf with a beautiful fox man riding his cock, then he didn’t care about his humanity or his sexuality. 


Once more, he kissed Jason deeply as the fox’s thick cock leaked onto Gabe’s furry chest and jacket. He helped hold Jason in place with a paw on the back of his jacket and used his other paw to rub Jason’s bobbing cock. He was careful not to hurt Jason with his new claws, but his paw pads kept a firm, yet comfortable grip on Jason’s fox-hood. A steady moan from within Jason’s muzzle was all the encouragement Gabe needed to continue his work.


Jason moaned deeply, as he felt Gabe stroking his cock. His fox member throbbed and leaked onto Gabe’s paw, as Gabe’s wolf cock throbbed hard against Jason’s prostate. He tilted his muzzle to kiss Gabe deeper as Jason moved up and down, their bodies shivering with pleasure. Jason didn’t care that this was gay anymore, or that he had been turned into a fox man. It felt too amazing, riding a sexy wolf man’s cock as Gabe stroked his fox cock in return. He took one paw off Gabe’s shoulder and slipped it under Gabe’s shirt, lifting it up and feeling his abs and pecs, before teasing Gabe’s sensitive nipple once more with the pad on his thumb. 


The pleasure rose to a crescendo, as Jason quickened his pace over Gabe’s thick cock. Jason’s inner walls were a tight vice on his leaking prick as Gabe felt it pressing deeper and deeper. There was something else in the way at the base of his member, something that yearned to be engulfed by those wonderful rectal folds. Gabe growled into Jason’s muzzle, as he shoved his cock with insistent force, no longer caring about being gentle. The animalistic need welled up in his psyche, and told him to breed the smaller male to conclusion.


Jason gasped, as he felt Gabe pushing his knot against his hole insistently. It was so thick, but Jason knew he wanted it inside him, to be bred fully and tied to the larger canine. Jason loosened up, and spread his legs as wide as he could, pushing down hard, as the knot started to squeeze in. Jason broke the kiss to let out a loud gasp as Gabe’s knot finally popped inside him and his tail hole clamped down over it, tying Gabe inside him. The pleasure rose even higher as he pressed against Gabe and tugged up and down with his ass. Jason was leaking like a faucet all over Gabe’s paw and abs as he gasped out. 


“Ooooh fuck…Gabe…your cock…so big…aaahhhnn…!”


“Fuck Jason…soo good…can’t hold it…” Gabe growled, his balls tensing as the feeling of knotting brought him closer to the edge. 


Jason could feel Gabe’s cock pulsing harder inside him, and he knew Gabe’s orgasm was nearing. The stimulation from Gabe’s hand stroking his cock and the feeling of Gabe’s hard, throbbing member inside him were pushing him to the edge, too. 


“Fuck…it’s too much…I’m gonna cum!” Gabe yelled, feeling himself tipping over the edge as his vision whited out from the pleasure shooting through his cock.


“Fff- fuck…it feels amazing…c- can’t hold it either…” Jason panted, barely able to speak, as the pleasure built. Finally, he could feel his balls tensing, and an intense wave of release shot through his body. 


“Aaaahhh G- Gabe…I- I’m gonna c- hhhnnn- OOOOHH! AAAH FUCK…AAAAHHNN AH!” Jason moaned out uncontrollably as he came hard, shooting rope after rope of cum onto Gabe’s chest, as he held onto the wolf tightly and clenched his ass tight on his cock.


Gabe howled as several warm spurts of wolf seed shot into his friend’s tight asshole. He gripped Jason’s back tightly, waves of pleasure crashing over him as the fox rode him expertly, blowing his own load all over their jackets. 


Panting heavily, Gabe breathed deep from the pleasurable exertion, as he stared into Jason’s new green eyes. Gabe let himself be in the moment, the ecstasy cascading through his body as he reveled in the post-orgasmic bliss of breeding his new vulpine mate. 


“Fuck, we aren’t gonna be able to return these all messy,” Gabe said with a laugh as Jason’s seed began to dry on their jackets. The heavy smell lingered in the air and made him a little hard once again, as he slowly pulled his cock out of Jason’s dripping asshole. 


“I guess not,” Jason replied, grabbing a tissue to at least wipe off some of his sticky seed. The thick canine musk lingered though, and it made him throb a little. He watched Gabe’s ass, as Gabe went into the bathroom to clean himself off; his waving tail perfectly accenting his hips and his ass. The sexy sight of his friend made his cock stir once more. At this rate, he wasn’t gonna be able to hold off pouncing on him again. 


“Should I call the company back? See if they can do anything for us?” Jason asked, more out of curiosity than want. He didn’t want to be Fox forever…or did he? He felt so damn sexy, and having Gabe breed him like that was the best experience of his life. He looked in the mirror, cock stirring at the sight of his sexy new muzzle, his firm muscles, and how damn good he looked in the jacket. There was no hurry, was there? 


“Yeah, maybe…but… you don’t have to call them back right now, right?” Gabe asked, stepping back into the room to see Jason admiring himself in the mirror. Jason turned to respond, but Gabe was on him in an instant, taking Jason’s muzzle in his with another passionate kiss…




Gabe was surprised at how much of a success they had at Comic-Con the next day. They were applauded for the level of detail they’d put into the costumes and were invited to a few future furry conventions, though the idea seemed more appealing now that they sported their own fur coats. Everyone wanted their photo with the duo at the convention. They still had no idea what they were going to do afterward, if there was a way to change back or if they were stuck like this. But from the feelings of having sex with his foxy mate, part of Gabe didn’t want to be human again. 


Both Gabe and Jason really got into the roles as they explored the con floor, loving the attention they received. They posed for as many pictures as possible, pretending to hold their classic blasters and be locked in deadly combat, much to the delight of all the convention goers. It really was a treat, and the attention was more than a little welcome!


Yet the entire time, Gabe shared that knowing look with Jason, one that matched lovers better than the friends they had been. It spoke of mutual love and lust for each other. That they knew they’d spend plenty of well-deserved time fucking once the convention was over and they were back in their hotel room…