A Visit to a Nanite Fantasy Transformation Parlor

Sniffing the sopping cunt of the beast before him, Julian felt his horse cock coming to full erection, flared tip leaking at the prospect of all she was offering. His wife Lucy, currently a pegasus mare, whickered her need, flared her nose, and flapped her wings as her tail raised up and to the side. There was no denying the urgency of her mare’s heat, one that Julian’s pegasus stallion body was willing to quell by raising his body over her and finding his mark… 


Not since their honeymoon had Julian felt this much raw, animalistic lust towards his wife. Though they were in the body of pegasi, for the moment, the sensations were just as visceral as anything he had ever felt in human form. He was sure that, given his wife’s current stance, she was feeling it just as much as he was. The idea of turning into animals and giving into bestial needs to rut was foreign to them before today. But now, in the midst of the act, Julian couldn’t imagine needing anything else more desperately. 


It had only been some twenty minutes ago when Julian and Lucy had gazed up at the relatively modern-looking sign, looking out of place on a street that was otherwise all decrepit buildings and those cash loan places that always seemed to spring up overnight. It was an out-of-the-way local for such a relatively new franchise chain of transformation fantasy parlors. The location was large, an old warehouse of a gutted apartment complex or the like. It would need to be, should the clientele be inclined to change in ways that required the space. 


It was Lucy who had initially broached the subject of trying out such a parlor when one of her girlfriends had recommended it after a trip with her wife. Though knowledge of recreational nanite technology use was widely known, its expense made it a luxury item of sorts, and not one Lucy had ever thought to indulge in. 


But, in recent months, a more affordable option became available in the form of the nanite transformation fantasy parlors. These locations, though limited in the scope of the programs they could provide, offered patrons a cheaper alternative than purchasing programs for private use. Having heard great things from her friend’s experience, and wondering what it would be like to feel their bodies changed, Lucy eventually convinced her husband to book an appointment for a visit as a sort of mini-vacation. It had taken some saving, but they eventually managed to scrape by enough funds for the process, and today was the day. 


Walking into the strange building with more than a hint of trepidation, Julian and Lucy looked around a room that appeared far more modern than its exterior would have implied. It was something out of science fiction, immaculate, and glowing with futuristic tech. A single woman stood behind a counter, smiling as she looked down to bring up something on a laptop. 


“Mr. and Mrs. Garson? For 1:00?” She asked, still smiling. “Just sit tight and I’ll grab you a pad. Or, do you already know what programs you want to try?”


Julian looked to Lucy with uncertainty. “We’ll take a pad,” she requested, her husband nodding. 


Though they knew that the transformation programs would be generic, neither of them was prepared to see the wide variety of forms they could take. The first page was almost all animal-based forms, with even options in species and breed for some. The idea of being an animal, even for a little while, was daunting now that they were here. Worse for their uncertainty was the massive list of hybrid forms available, some more recognizable, and some they had no idea what they would even look like, creatures from various fictions and the sort. 


Given the massive amount of possibilities and the limited amount of time to choose, neither had any inclinations about what they wanted to become. They had talked prior about wanting to change, of course. But now that the moment was here, it was almost impossible to pick. The married couple looked at each other with some confusion, eventually turning back to the woman, whose name tag read ‘Rebecca’. 


“Do you have any recommendations? Anything that’s really popular?” Julian asked, Lucy nodding her approval at the question. 


“If you like, I can get you a list of popular options,” Rebecca said, smiling. “Since we can only take one group of clients at the time, you have me all to yourself, so you speak. You can even have me model some forms if you like,” she said, with a little glint in her eye that made the pair assume she was more than a little excited at the prospect. 


In the end, the couple decided to have her come up with a program schedule for them, based on what other clients frequently did. After being given a set of nanite bodysuits to change into, the pair followed Rebecca into what appeared to be the main area, a gym of sorts though largely empty. “The main area can be programmed with a variety of equipment and objects, though not all who come in here use them. Sometimes, the most fun can be had to enjoy your new bodies as they are. Or, with each other’s,” she added, with that same knowing smirk. 


Neither of the pair was abashed by the implication. After all, many people came here with the express intent of having sex in many different forms. The two of them, though at first a little unsure about the notion of sexual intercourse in changed bodies, were nonetheless eager to try it out now that the idea had been implanted into their heads. 


Knowing time was short, both decided to jump into the first change. It was a combination of sorts; it would allow them both the chance to fly as well as to be ‘hung like a horse’ as Julian had put it. Lucy certainly wasn’t in a position to say no when he worded it like that!


Activating the programs, Julian was surprised to suddenly feel a thick tail sprout from his backside, swishing its long hairs over his suddenly naked rump. His swelling ass made him lower down onto hands that were fusing into a single nailed hoof. From his new vantage, he could see his wife’s face cracking out into a facsimile of a horse’s muzzle, pulling her lips back to expose yellowed, blocky teeth. Her own body was steadily expanding, putting in hundreds of pounds of muscle as she changed into a mare.


Yet, the two of them were not fully horses, not exactly. After their equine bodies swelled out to their proper proportions, an alien sensation erupted from former shoulder blades, as though something within was pressing outwards. The new limbs swelled up with muscle and mass as they burst out with a flurry of feathers. Though the beings they were based off did not exist in nature, their bodies would somehow be granted the ability of flight with these new wings.


However, the sexual needs in their bodies were no different than the equines that they were based on, and, per their approval, Rebecca had programmed their nanites to make sure that Lucy would be in heat. Lucy certainly felt the lust swelling in her loins, urging her to take the stallion’s dick that she could see growing from Julian’s groin. And Julian, feeling a horse’s cock between his legs, swelling over a foot long, was more than happy to put it to good use like the stud he was!


Julian wasn’t sure how to properly mount his wife turned mare, though she seemed to be in the proper stance if Julian’s intuition was correct. Still, the instincts in his mind were strong, and he had been told that the nanites would give him a mental blueprint on how to use the body he was in.


<Hurry up and put it in! I can’t stand this heat!> Lucy called out, making Julian even more eager at her earnestness. The fact that he could hear her in his head was almost lost, something they were told about beforehand but not something he was quite ready to experience. 


Julian reared up, his wings unfurling and pushing him forward. Allowing the equine instincts to take over, his flared cock head touched the moist flesh of Lucy’s vagina and pushed in, making his wife nicker and snort from the forced entry. Both soon found that her folds were more than capable of taking even a cock as girthy as what Julian now possessed, and the two settled into a rhythm, more akin to mating horses than any lovemaking during their married life. 


And there Julian found himself, hose-sized cock deep in his mare wife’s cunt as he bred her in a way that only animals experienced. <Fuck honey! So tight!> He cried, trying out the thought speech that he possessed for himself. 


<So thick…so big!> Came Lucy’s response, clearly satisfied with their new anatomies. 


It didn’t take Julian long to feel the pressure building in his testicles as they slapped wetly against his love’s backside. His cock moved in and out, almost to the hilt each time as he fucked with what he expected was the experience of a seasoned stallion. Every inch of his mammoth penis was being stimulated by Lucy’s mare vagina. She took him all the way to the base, her insides clearly meant for a stallion the girth that the nanites had granted them. 


<Oh yes, so close…give it to me honey…don’t stop…right there! OH YESSS!> Lucy’s mental yell echoed in their heads as she came, her elastic walls tightly gripped onto her husband’s girthy cock. Her entire body seemed to quake, sending the resonating vibrations through into Julian’s form. 


Under the influence of so much pleasure, it did not take much for him to feel the resistance slipping from his form. Part of him wanted to try holding back to see if he could give his wife another orgasm, something that he usually prided himself in. But, given the instincts in his stallion’s body, there seemed to be little chance of that. And why should he? He was an animal in body, now, right? When in Rome!


<Oh fuck! I can’t hold it! YEAAAHHH!> Julian yelled out, echoing his wife’s sentiment as his cock spasmed and he blew a stallion-sized load into his love’s womb. Without fear of repercussions like pregnancy, the two of them could really go at it like animals!


The next half an hour was spent exploring the abilities of their equine bodies. Naturally, they were lots of running and prancing, learning the strength in their forms and experiencing their boundless energy. But. there was something else that the two of them found unique to the experience, the chance to fly. Though it should have been impossible for them to make their heavy bodies sky-worthy, the moment that their wings flapped was the moment that they took to the air, chasing each other as nimbly as they had run after each other on the ground! 


The two of them considered another mating session, but a warning from Rebecca dissuaded them for now. “You’re free to stay pegasi if you want to, no pressure. But if you want to space out the time with the other suggestions I have, then it’s time to change back!” Rebecca called out to the reluctant pair.


In the end, they decided to revert, wondering what else would be in store for them. Rebecca simply asked if they enjoyed the experience, to which both gave a resounding “Yes!”


“Now, sometimes people want to try more exotic forms. Creatures that can only exist in fantasy. Not unlike the pegasi, mind you. But, I think I have just the perfect thing for you!” Rebecca said as she loaded the next program for the pair to try. 


Not wanting to miss the changes, Julian went first, excited by the black fur that was starting to spread over his hands and arms. The reduction of his fingers and the growth of blunt nails made him think he was becoming some sort of canine. 


Yet, he was not expecting the sensation of two new growths to burst from his back, akin to the wings he had formed before. These were more muscled, thicker, whip-like appendages whose ends erupted into fin-like protrusions, each with a series of deadly blades. A third set of bestial legs and the formation of a muzzle with sharp teeth gave Julian the mental image of one of the monsters he’d fought against while playing D&D in his youth. What was it called? A displacer beast? 


Though his new senses had been amplified to a predatory level, Julian’s only interest at the moment was watching his wife change, not knowing what to expect. Though they were told that the two forms would be anatomically compatible, otherwise they had no idea what they were being turned into. Part of the fun, Lucy had agreed. Julian wasn’t sure he shared the same level of exploration but it was too late for him to back out now. 


Her own hands grew black fur and contracted into canine paws, shoulders rotating forward and legs cracking to put her on all fours. For a few moments, Julian was certain that she would be undergoing the same change, or at least something similar. But, her body was far bulkier than his was, as though she was putting on a significant amount of muscle in comparison. Shoulders rippled, fur covered her like a wave as a tail exploded from her spine. She lacked the extra arms and tentacles of his displacer beast form, further proof that she was being given another transformation entirely. 


The alterations to her head started out normal enough, or at least as much as growing a wolf’s snout, pointed ears, black fur, a wet nose, and sharpened teeth could allow. But, it was the sight of her head splitting down the center that really freaked out the poor man. Though Lucy didn’t complain of pain, he could see the lupine features bunch up in an expression of surprise as both halves started to fill in, leaving what looked like two separate heads. The same happened once more to the right head, and soon, Lucy was left with three identical heads, the obvious visage of a Cerberus!


<Wow, I didn’t know they could make changes like that!> Julian exclaimed, before allowing himself the chance to try out the tendrils. They carried with them a wide range of flexibility, and he soon delighted that he could move the like whips, striking the ground in front of him and expending the blades on the tips with what he assumed would be deadly precision, though not with the nanite’s obvious restrictions. 


Lucy followed suit, roaring with one head, then two, and finally all three in unison. <Wow, it’s…like having three different perspectives? I don’t know how else to explain it! I can see from all three heads at once, but they are all still me in there, you know?> Lucy commented, making Julian a little curious. And he thought the tendrils and extra legs were extreme!


Afterward, the two of them decided to run around the vast room, trying out the limits of their new bodies. <Wow, I can actually run on all these legs without tripping. This is something!> Julian declared, though his extra limbs only made him slightly faster than his wife, who quickly came up behind him, nipping on his tail as though they were in a playful chase. Two of the heads snapped their jaws in mock play, trying to grab the tail. The third barked happily, sounding more like a dog than the beast Lucy had become. 


Naturally, the suggestion of having sex soon came up, memories of their stint as pegasi fresh in their minds. Though they were different species, their canine physiologies should at least be compatible. Both were certainly starting to feel aroused at the notion of what sex would feel like as a canine?


Expecting to feel a red rocket cock sliding out of a canine sheath, Julian was suddenly made aware of a moistening in his loins, followed by an intense heat that did not relent. Curious, he looked back with newfound flexibility as the sight of his wife made him almost jump. Between her legs was the red rocket cock that Julian had imagined on his own body. Then, did that mean that he had a…? 


As though reading their minds, Rebecca came up to them, a smile on her face. “That wasn’t a mistake, I’m afraid. In addition to forms that have multiple extremities and heads, many of our patrons like having sex in opposite gendered bodies. I’m sure your marriage will survive Mr. Garson on the receiving end, no?” She asked, that now-familiar sly smile on her features. 


<I…well, I am feeling a…I guess we could try it…> Julian muttered, not as adverse to the idea as he thought he would be. If anything, he was aroused by the notion of taking a cock as girthy as his wife’s. It certainly made the burning in his loins more intense, more urgent than anything Julian had felt before. Was this some sort of heat? Either way, he needed to try and relive it. And, there were no repercussions like pregnancy with the nanites, right? 


<If you’re sure honey, I’d be down to show you the other side!> Lucy said, her tone indicating that she wanted it as bad as he did. 


Raising his tail and firming his stance, Julian let his instincts take over, the nanite cocktail that comprised his instincts knowing just how best to receive the proper pleasure from mating. His haunches raised, tail up and to the side, he looked back at the beast whose body his wife inhabited, feeling a mixture of anticipation and dread. What if his body couldn’t take such a penis? Lucy was massive, after all!


He needn’t have worried. Eager to provide her husband a taste of the other sex, Lucy lowered two of her heads and started lapping at his cunt lips with gust, taking turns with two thick canine tongues. A growl escaped Julian’s muzzle, one that was echoed by Lucy’s third head as her thick cock slapped against her eager belly. 


After what felt like an eternity, the twin tongues ceased their work, and Lucy moved forward, her massive stature not needed to mount the shorter beast, hunched over as he was. It took no time for even her inexperienced penis to find Julian’s wet, sopping target. The tip was rather large, pushing in forcibly and opening up Julian’s new cunt lips in a way that defied understanding. It was as though his bestial body was made for it, a sexual being as much as the pegasus that he’d been not an hour ago. Julian felt his body squirm, trying to take as much as that wonderful rod inside of him as possible. Though it was far longer than anything he should be able to support, Julian’s vagina and cervix were able to take it, as though it was a puzzle piece that belonged there. 


<Oh, this is perfect honey! You’re…fuck…really good at this!> Julian moaned, feeling his wife start to thrust with insistence into his femininity. Lucy, too, seemed to be running on bestial instincts, finding her target with her new anatomy as expertly as though they had done this dance many times. It was something entirely different to be along for the ride as their bodies allowed them to give in to a pleasure that defined all understanding. They were perfectly matched for each other, even with the clear differences in their anatomy!


<You’re really tight honey…we need to do this more often…> Lucy moaned, getting into it. Julian’s eager cunt lips squeezed expertly against her cock, feeling every inch and ridge of her canine member bringing him closer and closer to what he perceived to be his first female orgasm!


<Oh…I think I’m gonna…is that what…oh fuck!> Julian moaned out, feeling the onset of female release taking him far faster than he was ready for. It started as a quelling of the heat in his loins, a warmth that spread outward inside his female sex. But then it grew more intense, making his legs quiver and weaken as he prepared to experience release unlike anything he had known in his 34 years as being male!


<Oh…here it comes…oh god!> Julian cried out, the vibrations making him pulsate around the rod inside of him as his entire body felt the flow of female orgasm. It was far more enveloping than its male counterpart. The waves of release intensified before making him come down slowly from the event until the peaks slowly started building again. Though there was a minor refractory period, it was nothing like cumming as a man, and he felt that with enough stimulation, he could orgasm again, as taxing as it might be on his body. 


He would not get the chance, his wife not far behind. In his eagerness to allow himself to fall into the pleasures of femininity, he had barely been aware of what it was doing to his wife’s cock. Before he knew what was happening, his wife’s phallus was pulsating inside of him, making him aware that she was about to experience her own release.


A persistent pressure began playing over his backside, and Julian felt himself reflexively tense, not prepared for what was to come as something even thicker than the cock inside of him tried to force its way through. A small sliver of Julian’s recollection pictured the large bulge at the base of her member, what must have been what was trying to enter his femininity now. Not one to be deterred by any potential discomfort at this juncture, Julian did his best to try and force himself open, eager to take all his wife had to offer. 


To his delight, the force of the knot that was seeking entry almost sent him into another orgasm as Lucy pushed the rest of the way in. Having already felt filled up, Julian was surprised that his female body could take such a thing inside of him, apparently elastic enough to fully indulge in the wishes of his lover. 


Julian was scarcely aware of the hot breath on the back of his neck before sharp fangs dug into the skin, eliciting a surprised yelp from the prone beast. Julian expected a flash of pain to pierce his body, but, instead, he felt little more than the pressure of penetration. It was as though his skin was made of sturdier stuff, easily able to take a little love nip. Julian rolled his eyes up in time to see that it was her middle head that was holding on to his neck. Her other two heads soon lowered down, licking at his snout lovingly with both tongues in tandem. 


Lucy was all beast in her need to hold her mate in place as her end drew near. The sensation sent Julian into overload, making his sex spasm to take the full girth of the knot, filling him impossibly fill and providing him with more ecstasy than he’d ever conceived possible. 


<Ohh…this is it…it’s going to blow…all at once…so big…fuck!> Lucy called out as her slapping balls prepared to relieve her of their burden. 


Julian had a sudden thought. Did he really want to be creamed by his wife? Then again, he had done the same to her, right? And, besides, his body seemed to crave that sensation to the point of making him beg. 


<Yes! Fill me up! Make me yours!> Julian called out, allowing himself to get into the moment as the pounding in his cervix started to intensify and Lucy prepared to blow her load.  


With the ferocity of a beast, Lucy allowed herself her release, exploding inside her husband with all the pent-up sperm that had filled her expanded balls. The two heads on either side burst out with a chorus of lupine howls in unison, while the one attached to his neck held on with the intent to keep him in place while she emptied her testicles. Julian was filled with an impossible quantity of semen, almost enough that the backwash leaked out of his vagina. It was more than he could have expected to make love with his wife, not only as magical beings but ones of the opposite gender. 


The force was such that Julian came again, the fabled second orgasm that he had denied his wife while she was in equine form. He shook around the object of his desire, feeling the now-familiar waves washing over him and making him cry out in lust and release. Never before had cumming so soon after an initial release felt so absolutely amazing!


Julian wanted to reach back and clean the semen that was leaking from his womb. To his shock and dismay, the knot that had entered him seemed stuck no matter how much he pulled on it. <Hey, watch it! Not so rough!> Lucy said, and Julian growled slightly, partly in annoyance and partly in disapproval at himself for causing his wife discomfort. 


Still, tied as he was to his love, Julian had to admit that the presence of the knot was really doing it for him. Though he was starting to come down from the orgasmic build-up, the aftershocks were very comfortable, making him drool a little from the pleasure. His own cock would have been pained from the extensive use. He wondered how Lucy was fairing but at the moment was too engrossed in the minor post-orgasmic tremors to ask!


By the time that the two of them had parted, it was time for the next change. Julian was a little disappointed that they didn’t have time for another round but decided to go along with it, wanting to get the most of their money. 


“Well, for your next change…a lot of clients go for something more ‘exotic’, nowadays. I have something to match that type of selection if you’d like. Shall we get started?” Rebecca offered, bringing the pad over to the pair. 


“I’m feeling a little tired after that. Mind if I just watch?” Lucy asked, making Julian feel nervous. He could tell that his wife was a little overwhelmed by the notion of becoming something more exotic than a Cerberus or a pegasus. Truth be told, Julian didn’t have much of an inclination to change in that manner, either. But, not wanting to look weak in front of his wife, he agreed to allow Rebecca to inject him for the next series of changes.  


“Now, I should let you know, that this is one of the strangest transformations possible. You’re gonna break down into a swam, your entire body made up of the individual parts, in this case, wasps. You can choose to be a different swarm if you want, but wasps are the most motile of the choices we have at our disposal. Are you alright for me to begin?” She asked leaving Julian to stare at her, incredulously. 


He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The nanite technology could do amazing things, but it was impossible that he could be broken down into hundreds of parts to make up a swarm. Such things couldn’t happen, not something he could live through, at least. But then again, the nanites couldn’t allow him to be killed with their usage. They couldn’t stop the aging process or make anyone immortal, of course. But they couldn’t be used to kill anyone, either. What did Julian really have to lose by giving it a try?


“Besides, I can absolutely guarantee that all of the subjects that have tried it loved it. It’s one of the most popular repeat requests,” Rebecca finished, flashing her knowing grin.


“Umm…yeah…I’m not really sure. Aren’t there easier forms for us to be turned into? For a first-timer?” Julian asked, evidently not a fan of turning into a swarm of something. 


“Here. Why don’t I show you what it’s like, and you can decide for yourself what you think? I assure you, it’s perfectly safe and rather quite enjoyable,” the woman said, injecting herself before Julian could make a counter. 


Julian had no idea what he had been expecting when she’d offered to transform herself, but he was not prepared for the sight of her fingers falling off, collecting on the floor to soon be joined by chunks of her hands. The process looked like it should have been painful, but there was no pained expression on his face, no blood as more parts of her began to fall from her features. To his horror, there seemed to be a pleased expression on her face, like she was enjoying it. 


Eventually, her legs gave out, and the remains of her body fell over onto the pile, writhing before they seemed to break down and disintegrate. The parts that remained were dime-sized and started shimmering with the growth of what looked like gossamer wings. Several writhing limbs seemed to protrude from the pieces, though it was hard to tell from the difference in their perspective. Not eager to get close, it took Julian a few moments to realize that the individual pieces were rising up, a distinct buzzing sound emanating from each one as they took flight. 


<Well, what do you think? Swarms are all the rage these days!> Rebecca said as all of her wasp parts rose at once, hovering and moving in synch. Both Julian and Lucy stared in horror at the hoard of wasps, wondering when they would inevitably descend upon them. Sweat raced down their skin, terrified at the implication. How much control could Rebecca possibly have of such a swarm, even with the nanites?


Unable to look away, the two of them were treated to a show of the wasps taking various shapes, moving all of the individuals in unison as they even tried to make caricatures of their faces, to the disgust of the onlookers. Yet. the more that Julian viewed the artistic nature of the change, the more he seemed to develop a queer sense of interest. What would it be like to move like that, if he actually allowed himself to change into a similar swarm…?


It was as though Rebecca was reading his thoughts. <It’s like moving an arm or leg, but you have several hundred of them at once to work with. Think of it like having hundreds of joints and both being able to move them individually or separately. And, if one of them ‘dies’ then it’s hardly a hindrance to the whole. Of course, the nanites keep you in charge of all of them, and will replace any damaged or missing pieces!>


Julian nodded all the while, now seemingly eager to try the change. Lucy, though holding her tongue for the moment, could not hide her expression of distaste. After all, she had never really liked bugs, and Julian was sure she was allergic to bee stings.


After she had changed back, of course, Julian gave Rebecca the go head to inject him, especially before he lost his nerve. He knew there was every chance he would back out if he gave it a second thought. And, there was something about the way the woman promoted it that made Julian curious. There were, after all, many ways that one could be transformed, right? 


The tingling of change was far different than the previous two experiences he had undergone. Julian was shocked when his hands literally started to fall off in clumps, fingers stiffened and dislocating as though they were never meant to be there in the first place. Though, perhaps the oddest sensation was that he was still aware of each of the digits, as though there was now just an air of empty space between them and not that they had simply detached from his being!


Further chunks were falling from his arms now, and the tingling had, by this point, spread into his chest and belly. Pieces of his stomach were falling away to collect on the floor, exposing muscle and bone and organs that made Lucy cry out in fright. Julian wanted to call out, too, but his lips were already gone, falling off in small pieces to add to the pile. Though watching it happen to Rebecca was one thing, having it happen to him was an entirely different experience! 


But, like before, the process caused no pain, no blood to flow from the wounds, or any other discomfort, really, other than the strange tingling. It was akin to having the pieces of his body become numb, falling asleep and plopping to the floor, separate from his body but still a part of it. Given the lack of feeling from the process, Julian was hardly inconvenienced when his legs gave out and he toppled over, accelerating the process of decomposition that his physical form was undergoing. 


By this juncture, most of his body had broken apart into more segments than Julian could even count. His vision went blank for a few moments as his face broke down, leaving him without worldly senses. His eyes, nose, ears, and even brain were divided up into the different parts of his form, each uniform in size. Though his senses were functionally non-existent, Julian was still aware of each of his segments, as though through some static force or otherwise unannounced sixth sense that the nanites imbued him with. 


He couldn’t hear if there was a response, lacking ears, but he could certainly speak and felt inclined to narrate the experience, if only so as to reassure his wife. 


<I’m still all here, honey. Just…there, and there, and there…> Julian commented, by way of jest. He was sure that his words were received by groans at the bad humor attempt but didn’t feel deterred. He wasn’t scared, not really. But it helped him to inject an air of confidence. 


It was a series of tingles to the backside of each segment that had Julian startled. <What…whoa…wings?> Julian surmised, though had little way to be sure without eyes. Still, the sensation of pairs of gossamer wings rising from each segment, and the formation of an abdomen and head were not lost to his awareness. 


Soon, the development of new eyes allowed him to see what was happening to each of his bodies, though from literally hundreds of perspectives. A slight tingling could be felt on the sides of the middle segments as new legs poked through, twitching with their many segmented potentials. Two new growths formed above the compound eyes, twitching this way and that with sensory inputs beyond what Julian could comprehend. It was one thing to be experimenting with the body of a bug, but something else entirely to experience the world of hundreds of bugs at once!


Julian felt each of his wasp parts rise at once, the power of his wings under nanite control allowing them to move in unison. Julian tried to move to the left, each of the hundreds of wasps moving as one unit. He began experimenting, moving this way and that, trying to see what the parts could do. It was like each segment had an invisible string attaching them all, though the analogy wasn’t entirely apt. If he focused on one of them individually, he could move it separately, like it was a different bug from him entirely. As though to test the limits of his abilities, Julian forced his swarm to disperse, moving to every corner of the room without any ill towards his internal well-being.  It was bizarre, to say the least!


Though he could not hear in the traditional sense, Rebecca’s nanite suit could project her mental voice just as easily as when she was in another form. <I see you’re enjoying it! Take the time and get used to the different ways your body can move. Have some fun with it! Though, I do have a suggestion…> She said, a sly tone that made Julian curious. 


<Oh?> Julian inquired, starting to become excited as to how Rebecca could suggest enhancing their experience. 


<Well, once you get used to moving as a swarm, why don’t you try posing over your wife’s body for a picture? It shouldn’t take you long to get used to moving that way. The nanites do all the work, after all!> Rebecca said in their heads.


<I…fine…> Lucy said in their heads, though obviously being reluctant. Still, Julian took that as an invitation as he spied her multi-colored form with his compound eyes. 


The actual act of landing on her form was easy, once he learned the art of manipulating each of his parts separately. It was hardly a chore for him to light all over her, though his presence on her body made her shiver. He could feel her skin under each of his hundreds of pairs of limbs and wanted to move to evade her potential swats as the skin twitched uncontrolled at his presence. 


<All right, say cheese!> Rebecca said, and took out her phone, as best as Julian could perceive she was doing. The flash of light came to each of his eyes in a wide spectrum, dizzying if not for the nanites. Still, the range and even colors of the flash were fascinating in their own right, far different than what his human senses could perceive. And to experience such beauty from literally hundreds of angles was breathtaking, to say the least!


The change back was, in some ways, more bizarre than the initial breakdown. Each of his wasps was compelled to form a single mass, not in a human shape as Julian might have initially imagined. They rather reformed into the bits of flesh and meat that would eventually remake Julian’s body. It was a bit of a shock feeling his senses go dark as each wasp body part dissolved, though Julian was thankful that he didn’t have wasp fingers before the changes reverted him!


Julian was able to suddenly stand after an invisible force moved his body parts upward, melding them together with seamless precision. It was a bit disconcerting to have arms and legs that he could not move, akin to sleep paralysis. But, soon, with enough of his body reformed, Julian felt the familiar tingle that signaled he was back in control of his facilities. Julian shook his extremities a few times, making sure he really had them once more after being a swarm. 


As best as he could tell from the clock, the pair had time for one more transformation. Julian opted to give his wife the chance to pick a change, though he doubted that she’d come up with anything more interesting than a swarm of wasps! He was fine being human for the moment, needing a break after being so many bodies at once. 


“Now, Mrs. Garson, I have another few exotic forms that one could try if you’re interested. I always love the sight of boyfriends and husbands when their partners become something massive and grotesque. Why don’t you give it a go? Have some fun?” Rebecca suggested with a wink that made Lucy feel a little more adventurous. When in Rome and all that, right? And, besides, Julian had really seemed to like being a swarm…


Julian couldn’t possibly conceive of what would scare him after he’d been a swarm of wasps. But, curious as he was, Julian waited as Lucy and Rebecca walked some distance away to likely discuss their options. Lucy, at first, had a smile on her face; the sly expression made Julian sure that she wanted some sort of revenge for the wasp fiasco. 


Yet, after they had talked about it for a few moments, the look on his wife’s face as she returned was one of pure horror. Though she allowed herself to be injected with the nanites and started to change, he could tell from her expression that she loathed the idea of becoming whatever it was that Rebecca had in store for her. 


The first change was the loss of her arms and legs. <Ohhh, I feel weird…gross…> Lucy moaned as her limbs slow retracted into her form and she allowed herself to get down on her ass. A wriggling at her spine denoted the formation of a tail, allowing her a sense of balance as she continued to change. It was soon the length of her body, growing more insistently with sharp ridges and sturdy skin. All in all, it gave her a serpentine form. 


Yet, nothing could have prepared him for the sight of her face peeling backward from her lips, pulling the fleshy flaps away, and effectively tearing at the rest of her head to grow them. Eyes, ears, hair, nothing remained within the massive maw and the four sections that were tugged far past the circumference of her trunk-like form. Each became surrounded by serrated teeth, easily able to rend the flesh of anything they brushed against. 


Though horrific, they paled in comparison to the sight of her tongue extending from her maw, soon trunk-like in size. Yet it was the splitting of the growth into three wet tendrils, ones that started flailing with a flexibility far beyond the former muscle, that truly instilled terror into Julian. Each seemed to draw into a maw filled with razor teeth the likes of which would tear into flesh like a blender. 


Lucy was all trunk and tail now, though her body was as thick as a redwood tree. She was easily able to reach the massive ceiling with her head and was still growing larger if the ripples in her pale armor were any indication. Julian hardly had the perception to know how much she had left to reach the final size of the Lovecraftian horror she had become. 


“This is a neolith from dungeons and dragons lore,” Rebecca explained. “One of our lessor requested creatures, though something very capable of instilling horror for those who are fans! I never get tired of seeing it in the flesh. Or even being it!” She finished, a knowing grin on her features. 


Julian could only stare in stunned silence as the alien creature continued to grow to impossible proportions, towering over the two of them. It was a grotesque monstrosity beyond anything that he had ever expected to see in the real world. It made him shiver to look up into its soulless face as the serpentine body moved towards him, tongues licking at his flesh and leaving him covered in viscous slime. Thick trails of saliva were oozing off its teeth, dripping to the floor and glistening in the brightly lit room. He knew it was Lucy in there, and that she could not hurt him. Still… 


“H-how is it, honey?” Julian asked, tepidly. 


<Honestly, I still can’t get over not having arms or legs. And I can’t see you or even smell you… but I can feel your vibrations. It’s almost better than sight. Like, even if you’re standing still your body is still vibrating enough that I know where you are. So I can do this,> Lucy finished, reaching out with her tongues once more and licking him from head to toe. The reek of the slime made Julian stiff from fear. If that was the idea, then Lucy had certainly succeeded!


<Ummm…there’s one other thing…I’m starting to get hungry. Like, really hungry. I didn’t know this body needed to eat so badly…> Lucy mused, as though grinning down at him. <And you’re looking like the perfect size for a small snack sweetie…>


“Well, of course, if you’re hungry, so then why not eat him?” Rebecca chimed in, stunning Julian. She couldn’t be serious, could she…? 


Yet, Rebecca carried on like it was the most normal notion in the world. “Lots of our clients enjoy hunting each other while transformed! Don’t worry about your husband’s safety, the nanites will reconstitute you no matter what happens in here!”


Julian couldn’t believe what he was hearing. There was no way people engaged in such acts, was there? Yet, his wife wasn’t saying anything, just grinning down at him in that horrific way without eyes that made Julian sweat.


Instead of taking him against his will, as she could easily do, a playful voice echoed in his mind. <Come on, please? It won’t even hurt…Rebecca’s even tried it before!> Lucy said, and it was then that Julian began to understand what it was they were discussing prior. 


Normally, Julian would have never entertained the idea of being eaten, and wouldn’t have expected Lucy to do the same. But, he had just been deconstructed into a swarm of bugs, right? And, he had enjoyed the sensation. Hell, he even wanted to experience it again, like a tick that wouldn’t be satisfied otherwise. 


“Y-yeah…go ahead….it won’t hurt, right?” Julian said, curious, yet afraid. Even though knowing it was safe, like a roller coaster there was no way to shake the fear until it actually happened. 


“Can I at least change firs-” Julian started to say, but before he could finish, one of the three tongues reached out and grabbed his leg, lifting him up and letting him hang in the air. Julian wanted to run, to try and free his leg and escape. Though knowing it was pointless, he did just that, beating on her tendrils and trying to grip the slimy flesh. Though, given the texture of the slime and the power of the beast, he was sure that his efforts were in vain. 


Left dangling like a tasty morsel on a fork, Julian was helpless to do anything as he was raised over the drooling, glistening maw of his wife-turned monster. He could see that she was flexing her teeth in and out, as though a prelude for what was to come. It was almost as though she was teasing him, raising him up and down in order to better marinade him in his own juices, as it were. 


<The fear just makes you taste better!> Rebecca said to both as Julian literally felt his sweat dripping into the maw of the massive beast. He struggled once more, trying to resist the temptation to fight back or scream. But, there was little recourse than to cry out in fright as he was suddenly dropped several feet into Lucy’s waiting maw. 


Bracing himself for the inevitable pain, Julian could indeed feel the teeth digging into his skin, rending him apart as though his flesh was made of paper. But, it wasn’t painful, at least. It happened much faster than dissolving as a swarm. He was literally ripped up into minute pieces in mere seconds, the remnants whittled down and dissolved by whatever salivary glands the creature possessed. 


At that point, however, Julian lacked the ability to feel anything, even the digestive juices that were dissolving him down to base cell blocks and proteins. Naturally, they would do nothing to nanite technology, and his own consciousness was allowed to exist in their vast program, backed up unless all of the nanites that comprised him were destroyed. And that was impossible given it was nanites that created the internal environment of the creature in the first place!


Despite the bizarre nature of the situation, there was something almost peaceful about the whole ordeal. He was essentially existing in nothingness, not able to sense anything around him.  It was like a void of sorts, something akin to being in the womb only with all of his memories intact. He allowed himself to drift in cyberspace, knowing that it would take some time for the nanite program to reboot him outside the creature that Lucy had become. 


<Honey, are you all right in there? You sure were tasty!> Lucy commented, though less concerned about his well-being and seemingly more content with the meal. 


<Yeah…it’s…really nice…peaceful…going to relax now, honey…> Julian replied, content to feel this way for the time that he had it. Hell, it was good enough being digested and existing in cyberspace that he was almost willing to do it again if the chance came up!




Standing back in the lobby, Julian could tell that his wife was almost glowing with excitement. Evidently, her culinary delights had her more enthused than she could have ever expected. And, Julian had to admit, it hadn’t been that bad. Maybe not his favorite part of the entire afternoon. But certainly not the worst thing that he had experienced. 


“So, how did you enjoy yourselves?” Rebecca asked, noticing the smiles on both of them. Nanite transformation wasn’t for everyone, but most of those who came in to try it would hardly prudish enough not to find something for them to enjoy. And these two had gone all out for their first excursion! 


“It was…tasty,” Lucy said with a grin, looking at her husband in expectation. Yet, Julian had his own ideas and was not surprised to notice that his wife was not expecting the mischievous grin on his features. Fear and disgust, perhaps, but surely not that. 


“Tasty, was it? I’ll have to take a taste of you myself next time,” he said with a crazed expression in his eyes. Lucy couldn’t help but feel that twinge of nervousness. Surely, it would be safe enough for her to try, right?

