Ratted Out

“Fuck! Harder! Harder!” Princess Katherine yelled, assured that the stone walls of her room would drown out her cries of pleasure. Her gentleman of the evening eagerly obliged, picking up the pace of his thrusts as he went deeper, hitting Katherine’s sweet spot. She had made a good choice this evening, with the last few guardsmen she recruited being cocksure of themselves, a trait that Katherine found loathsome. This man had been perfect, both silent and intent on completing his task to the best of his ability. Katherine was sure to call upon his services again!


She cried out as she came a second time, her body shivering in intense orgasmic release. She felt her guard nearing his own end and gently reminded him of the consequences of finishing in this position through labored breaths. The guard reluctantly agreed, pulling out and spilling his seed all over the mattress, even getting a little on his current mistress. Katherine didn’t care at the moment, however, still drunk from post-orgasmic bliss as she was. 


Lawrence made a movement to lie beside her, to kiss her, but as usual, Katherine would have none of it. She simply shushed his lips with a finger, ignoring the stench of his stale breath as she thanked him for his service to the kingdom, promising she would call upon him again. The guard looked a little rejected, but otherwise clothed himself and left her chamber. Not bad, all things considered. She hated when men got clingy, especially after only one fuck! Men were pathetic creatures, but their stiff pricks often proved useful. Still, they could do without being so cocksure of themselves simply from having one! 


Katherine’s stepmother, Margaret, watched from her vantage point in the hall as the disheveled guard left from a corridor nearing her stepdaughter’s chamber. It was the third such guard she’d seen leaving her stepdaughter’s chambers this week alone! The audacity of that girl!


Katherine had made somewhat of a reputation for herself among the castle guards for being a ‘lady of the evening’. At first, Margaret could not believe Katherine was capable of such a thing. But lately, she had her suspicions that her young, fair niece was up to unspeakable acts in the privacy of her chambers. A few weeks of scouting was all it took to confirm her suspicions. Such actions were not proper for a princess!


Margaret was disgusted by the thoughts of her stepdaughter’s exploits. She felt the need to maintain the reputation of their family’s name and honor. Or, at least, that’s what she’d told herself. In truth, she was jealous of the girl. Katherine had her pick of the most attractive guards in the palace, while Margaret herself could never hope to garner their attention, or get the privacy to act on those impulses even if she could! Even her husband had not so much as touched her since the night they’d been wed. Too much of a drunk to even try for a male heir if he could even get it up long enough to put one in her belly!


Though the notion displeased her, Margaret saw but one course of action. She was determined to put an end to her stepdaughter’s activities once and for all, but she had to go about it properly. Simply exposing Katherine would tarnish the family name and earn her husband’s anger. So, she decided her only recourse was to visit the town’s healer, who had a distasteful reputation of her own. The old woman, Edith, was often regarded by the townsfolk as a witch, though she was the only one with healing knowledge among their number. Since any sinful activities were either nonexistent or kept well hidden away, she was allowed to practice her craft in safety. 


Margaret approached the old woman’s shack under cover of darkness, lest she was seen. She didn’t want any trace of her presence to get back to her husband should her plan go array. To her surprise, Edith had already been awaiting her. The old woman immediately held up a glass vial with a clear liquid as though handing it to Margaret, a shocked expression plastered across her face. What was in that glass vial? Surely the old woman could not have known the meaning of her visit?


“Come, my child, is this not what you wanted? Your intent was clear to me the moment I saw you approaching my doorstep. Word from the castle does travel quickly down to us common folk, after all. You want a way to limit your stepdaughter’s promiscuity and keep her chastity intact until such a time that she can be properly wed, do you not?”


“Y-Yes, that’s correct…,” was all that Margaret could reply with. How had the woman deduced the meaning of her presence so easily? Perhaps she was indeed a witch! Still, if she could help Margaret and the kingdom with her problem, who was she to judge? 


“This will not kill or harm Katherine, correct?” Margaret asked, still somewhat suspicious of the vial. She detested her stepdaughter but had no intention of bringing her actual harm. 


“Of course not. Such a thing would be high treason! No, the contents of the vial are simply intended to make her less desirable to the opposite sex. Until such time as she comes of age and finds a proper suitor, of course,” Edith said, a stern look on her face. “It is colorless and odorless. Simply add it to the girl’s drink for it to take effect. You should notice a change in Katherine’s activities within the next few days.”


Edith regarded Margaret as she turned to leave. “It is a simple concoction, one that anyone as well versed in medicine as myself could make. Do not believe everything you hear. It does not take a witch to come up with such elixirs,” she said, to which Margaret only gave a brief reply. Margaret still had her doubts, but they were unimportant at this point. She had to trust that this vial would work, unable to think of other recourse at this point!


Margaret invited her stepdaughter to a feast the next night, along with the castle’s court and honor guards. She had to make it look convincing, after all. She stepped out to add the contents of the vial to the first of Katherine’s drinks, making sure the proper goblet was brought to her stepdaughter. She watched as Katherine downed it right away, seemingly having no ill effects or even bringing her awareness of the concoction that had been added to it. Margret’s plan would work perfectly, assuming the liquid did as it was intended to!


The feast lasted a few hours, as such affairs often did. Katherine found herself fidgeting in her seat, feeling restless and needy. She regarded the present court, seeing who among them would make the best potential suitor for the evening. She’d had relations with most of the men present and naturally had her favorites out of the group. Some she had no desire to sleep with again; though they threatened to expose her secret, she retorted by threatening to have them beheaded, which immediately assured their silence. 


Katherine chose her new favored guard after the feast, feeling rather loose from even the small amount of wine she’d consumed. Still, she was horny as hell and simply asked that he escort her back to her chambers as she was feeling a little wary traveling alone in the dark. It was a reasonable enough request, though Margaret would normally have glared at the girl, knowing full well what her intention was. But tonight, however, she was glad that her stepdaughter’s debauchery was proceeding as predicted, eager to learn what the old woman’s potion would do!


Katherine led her prize back to her chambers, not failing to notice the man’s erect prick under his dress clothes. She was happy she’d picked one with enough stamina to please her even after a few drinks, having no patience for a man who couldn’t meet her desires.


As she walked, she slowly became aware of itchiness under her dress, particularly around her tailbone. It went ignored, however, chalking it up to the wine. It was not often that she partook of the beverage as much as she had tonight. Something about the atmosphere had evidently convinced her to consume a few more goblets this evening.


Guiding the man into her chambers, she giggled like a young girl as she closed and latched the door, leading him across the room and pulling him in for a kiss. Lawrence allowed her to take charge; he had to admit he enjoyed the company of a more dominant woman and appreciated Princess Katherine’s eagerness the last time she’d led him here. He was not one to be left in the dust though, kissing her back and gently playing over her breasts, recalling the way she’d enjoyed the act the last time she’d allowed him into her chambers.


Katherine moaned, relishing the touch of the skillful man, happy that she’d chosen him once more for the night’s festivities. Her crotch was already moist from thoughts of the guard’s stiff prick, and she could hardly wait to have it inside her! She kissed him again, pulling him on top of her as she began to take off his shirt and rubbed at the bristly chest hairs he sported. She had no idea that her own chest was itching with the presence of new hair, brown and soft as it slowly covered every inch of her skin, too impassioned to even feel anything but the urges from her own loins!


Lawrence quickly removed his shirt and went to pull down his pants, kissing and holding Katherine all the while. He was hardly aware that her shoulders were slimming, her arms getting softer as he rubbed them. He closed his eyes, so lost in the erotic sensations that he ignored the strange texture of her lips, or the feeling of her two front teeth getting thicker and broader. He rubbed her silky hair, noticing it was getting softer, but failing to recognize that her ears had rounded and were further up her head than they had been. 


Katherine shucked off her robes, feeling overheated in the warm chamber room. Lawrence was startled by the brown hairs that seemed to adorn her skin and breasts but soon forgot why he was concerned in the haze of lust that befell him. He could hardly recall Katherine looking any more beautiful than she did at that moment!


Katherine gave him a wide grin, showing off her lengthening buck teeth as she pulled him onto the bed, teasing his stiff prick with her nimble fingers. Lawrence moaned in pleasure, loving the feeling of her skilled fingers teasing him to full mast. Suddenly he cried out in pain, looking down to see that he’d been scratched by Katherine’s sharp nails. He saw a speck of blood near the base of his shaft and was about to protest when Katherine’s lips were on his again, and he forgot all about the sight of her bizarre nails or overly pink skin. Even the pain disappeared as he let himself fall back into the erotic sensations!


Katherine was feeling the heat in her loins more intently than she’d ever recalled. Maybe it was simply the wine, but whatever it was, she was overcome with the need to rut! She pulled off her lover’s drawers, cupping his balls as she guided his manhood towards her moist cunt. This time she was careful of her strangely sharpened fingers as she teased his length. The stench of her need was stronger in her nose than it had ever been, but she was too horny to care. She needed to fuck, needed him to spill his seed inside her!


As she pulled him closer, she was briefly aware of how furry her previously bare chest was, and also the presence of several small bumps below her sizable breasts that she was sure was not there before. Ever since the encounter began she’d felt a series of strange sensations, hair growth, soreness in her teeth, and most bizarre of all, something wriggling above her firm ass like a snake. It all made her wonder if something was wrong with her, something that even the several goblets of wine did not account for. 


Yet, she was soon distracted from her thoughts by the sensation of Lawrence inside of her cunt, filling her up with his wonderful prick and teasing her sensitive clit with his skilled rod. She gasped, the sensations of penetration almost orgasmic on their own as she rocked with him, desperate to take him as deep inside her as he could go. It was almost as though his cock grew wider inside her, stretching her and stimulating her in a way she’d never experienced before. In reality, however, it was her shrinking body that was leaving less room in her cunt. However, the feeling was far too exquisite for her to even realize, let alone regret the consequences of the strange changes. 


“Fuck me harder!” She yelled, spurring on her lover as he thrust his hips faster, finding a comfortable rhythm as he kissed her and mashed her ample breasts with his massive hands. He didn’t even care when he found a second lower pair of breasts, more sensitive than the first if his lover’s cries of ecstasy were any indication!


Katherine felt her vaginal walls grip tighter around her fuck toy’s cock as he drove deeper and deeper, filling her up and bringing her to the edge of orgasmic release. A strange desire crept into her mind, one that surprised her nearly enough to become aware of it. She wanted to have her lover fill her up, spill his seed and fertilize her eggs, pump her full of offspring. Such a notion was normally off-putting; she hated children, and would rather die than become pregnant. Yet the more she struggled against the thoughts, the more certain she was this was exactly what she wanted. 


“Finish in me! Fill me…Yes…do it!” Katherine yelled as she felt her shrinking vaginal walls clamp even tighter on her lover’s cock, milking every inch of the throbbing member, feeling every vein and ridge. He would fill her up, give her a new life. She couldn’t imagine needing anything more than that!


Lawrence was, at first, confused by her words. She’d threatened to behead him if he ever allowed himself to finish inside of her, after all. He went to protest, to try and remove his cock before he could cum. But her cunt was so tight, gripping his cock like a glove, sending his balls throbbing and his cock twitching. Unable to resist the need in his body, he picked up the tempo of his thrusts. Katherine was so beautiful, her slightly smaller body and changing features powerfully arousing. He couldn’t hold back if this kept up!


Lawrence’s cock throbbed and shook as he shot several thick spurts of cum into his lover’s quivering cunt. The sensation of being filled, of being bred was too much for Katherine as well, sending her over the edge into a mind-blowing orgasm. Both cried out as their releases overtook them, writhing on the bed as their needs became quelled. A sense of purpose and contentment soon fell over them both. They had successfully mated, ensuring the next generation and the spread of their essence. 


Yet those feelings were soon to fade, replaced by a sense of urgency. They both needed to keep mating, to keep spreading their seed, desiring to share their gift with others. After all, everyone should have to know the joys of their lust! 


Katherine shoved Lawrence off her with her new claws, getting up and grabbing the minimum amount of garments in order to exit her chambers. She did not want to cover her new form, but somewhere in her sex-crazed mind, she realized they were required, at least until she sought out her next mate. She was annoyed at how loose they felt, but she carried on nonetheless, her growing tail wagging back and forth as she opened her chamber doors and stepped out to find another male to fill up her quivering cunt. 


Lawrence too stood up, admiring Katherine’s sexy form but completely uninterested in breeding her once more. He briefly considered where to find another suitable female to mate, then headed towards the brothel outside, his own newly birthed rodent tail sticking out of the back of his pants. He was hardly aware of such changes, however, needing only to stick his thickening cock in another waiting female!


Ten minutes later, Katherine was knocking at the chambers of another of her regular men, a guard named Edward. She heard his muddled groans from inside as he woke up, her vagina becoming moist in anticipation. Her body craved as much cock and cum as it could hold. Tonight her appetite felt insatiable!


Edward opened the door, wondering who would wake him up at such an ungodly hour. What he spied on left him to stare in shock at the sight of his lady in the doorway. She was a full foot shorter than she had been, he was certain. More shocking was that her face was pointy and her teeth were thick and wide, whiskers bristling as she sniffed the air, taking in his masculine scent. Was she some sort of demon? 


He went to close the chamber door in fright when suddenly Katherine was on him, leaping into his arms and kissing him deeply. Edward struggled to get her off him, but as Katherine kissed him, he slowly began losing his inhibitions. He struggled against the invasion of his thoughts but could not hold out long against such an onslaught of lust. What had he been so worried about? The Princess was beautiful; her rounded ears, her lovely snout, her thick tail were powerfully arousing as he groped her firm buttocks and lifted her up, thrusting his hips through his clothes as his cock tented against her moist leaking slit. 


Soon he had his clothes off, pulling her onto the bed and thrusting into her moist open cunt. All notions of foreplay were gone; Katherine’s need to mate had consumed them both. Edward couldn’t believe horny he was, how much he needed to fuck. He felt like a beast in a rut! Katherine was amazingly tight as his modest member plowed her open fully, her firm vaginal walls tightening on his cock. He loved the feeling of rubbing her ample breasts, not at all concerned about the extra pair he felt underneath. Nor did he care about the soft patch of brown fur he felt as he rubbed her groin. 


As before, Katherine was consumed with the need to take this male’s seed, to have him spill inside her, to give her young. Her vaginal walls shrank slightly and quickly brought him to orgasm. Before he could move after the intense release, Katherine was already up, his cum still dripping from her snatch as she made her way out of the room in search of another male. 


So the pattern continued throughout the evening, Katherine calling upon her usual consorts, each willingly taking her to bed after a kiss spread her influence to them. Each time she fucked, she’d lose a little of her humanity. A bit more tail would grow, another swash of fur down her back, an extra pair of nipples, or a loss of height. She was hardly aware of any changes to her body however, her need to rut overwhelmed all her sensations. She felt like an animal in heat, needing males to fill her with seed to prepare her for birthing the next generations. She reveled in the power from those feelings! Yet even all of those males who answered her call were not nearly enough to sate her enormous sexual appetite.


Katherine felt her mind beginning to fog over with each new male she took into her eager cunt. Slowly she felt something was wrong, that her body was somehow different. Yet the haze reassured her that everything was right. She could feel her inch-long, ropey, hairless tail, disgusted as she touched its warm length. She was aware of the fur covering her skin, aware of the sharp claws that adorned her hands and feet. She was aware of how large her teeth and ears were, and how her pink nose began sticking in front of her face, scenting the air for virile males. Yet the cravings in her vagina made it harder to think of any reason why though realizations were wrong.  


As she walked from room to room, seeking new men to satiate the craving in her increasingly furred sex, she could feel her breasts flattening against the brown fur covering her skin. That change hit her hardest of all; she’d been proud of her ample breasts and the effect they had on men. But still, the fog over her mind and the sensations of further breasts forming lower down made it hard for her to hold onto that worry. She was sure she hadn’t had as many breasts before now but she absolutely loved the feel of her males playing over them each time she had a fulfilling fuck.


Meanwhile, Lawrence left his lady’s room in a partially drunken stupor, overcome with the need to rut as strong as Kathrine’s had been. He made his way down to the lower levels outside the castle, towards the brothels he’d sometimes visited. He was still horny as hell and was barely aware of the inch of a hairless tail poking out of his backside. Ignoring the strange sensations, he quickly paid for one of the women he had met with on more than one occasion and got down to business. The woman was so into his passion, she failed to notice the inch-long tail, curved ears, or the white hairs on the man as he came into her again and again.


After paying for the services of several women, Lawrence stumbled out of the brothel, falling on all fours as though drunk. However, it was not the drink that caused him to feel ill. Having spread the potion successfully, his work was done. He quickly began to shrink, his rodent penis becoming massively erect as he fell into his clothes, standing up with clawed hands as his new muzzle sniffed the air, looking for recently changed humans to rut with. He was quickly joined by each of the men that had bedded Katherine that evening, each having sought out other women to bed, each growing claws and tails and fur as they shrank slowly into vermin themselves and scurried about the castle walls. 


Katherine, meanwhile, made her way back into the dining hall after the fifth guard she’d slept with that evening. She was beginning to come out of her lustful stupor somewhat, not really knowing why she had been so needy. She had never craved sex so badly as she had tonight and had never sought out more than one man to satisfy her cravings. She was only three feet tall now, her clothes hanging off her, making her trek uncomfortable. Yet something told her she had one last place to go before…what?


Katherine found herself in the dining hall once more, seeing her stepmother as its only occupant. What was going on? She tried to go to the older woman but she tripped on her loose clothing and fell over onto her knees. There was a sharp pain in her hips as the tiny bones snapped and popped, her spine twisting as more of her lengthening tail sprouted from above her ass. She cried out in pain, but her voice was different, higher, and she squealed as her bones and hips cracked into new shapes. She was aware of how itchy her skin was as more and more of that brown fur crawled over her flesh, covering her back and chest. 


“What’s happening to *squeeeeee* me?!? She yelled, feeling her body shrink and her shoulders rotate forward with a sickening crunch. She felt her breasts moving down on her chest, shrinking, though still fairly large in relation to her changing body. Her face squeezed forward as her eyes popped and reddened. Her nose stretched further out of her face as her whiskers twitched in fear. It was getting so hard to think! All she could focus on were fucking more rats, swelling thick with young. Wait, rats? Didn’t she mean men? She needed to be bred, needed those thick rodent cocks inside her, those massive balls slapping against her backside, making her cum over and over again… 


“You’re getting what you always desired!” Margaret said, the spite in her tone not lost on the soon-to-be rat. Margaret had no idea what the witch’s potion would do, but she hadn’t expected this. Her lustful stepdaughter would spend time as a mere vermin! It was too perfect a punishment!


Katherine was filled with a sudden sense of rage at the realization that her stepmother might have done this to her. Yet she could only moan as she shrank into her clothes, her clawed feet and hands scrabbling against the stone floor as her back hunched further. She felt her tail getting longer and thicker as she grew smaller still, her arms and legs losing their mass as her wrists and ankles stretched longer in relation to her changing body. Her face poked forward even more as her ears expanded atop her head and the last inches of brown fur covered her pink skin.


Her human thoughts were slowly beginning to fade as the billowing clothing filled her field of view. She could see better to either side of her now, her eyes squeezed to the sides of her ratty face, but all she saw was darkness, which comforted the growing rodent part of her brain. It slowly began dawning on the fading part of her mind that she was no longer human and had been cursed to change into a small rodent. She knew she had to fight, that she wasn’t a rat! But it was getting so hard to think, and her nose could detect the sweet scents of virile males nearby, far more interesting than any notions of resistance or changing back into a human.


She continued to shrink, getting smaller and smaller as the scents in her nose grew more and more tantalizing. The sweet scent of her cunt was attracting at least one male as Katherine’s new ears could hear the scribbling of the male’s claws. She braced herself against the fabric of her clothes, trying to ignore the ratty instincts clouding her mind, but they screamed at her to mate, to breed. She was already a rat, already filled with seed. What more could it hurt to give in now? 


Suddenly, she felt the clothing rustle as a male made his way into the pile and sniffed at Katherine’s leaking vagina. The still human part of her was disgusted by the notion of mating but the changing mind she acquired cared little for such nuances. The rat stuck out his pink tongue and licked carefully at the still-dripping pussy she possessed, making Katherine squeak and moan from the stimulation. Then he quickly mounted her, shoving his taut rodent penis furiously inside, wanting to mate her quickly lest they were caught by predators. 


Katherine felt the last vestiges of her humanity swept up by the brutality of the mating act. The feeling of his furry body on top of hers, still slightly smaller while she shrank into the appropriate size, the feeling of his leaking rodent cock, and heavy balls slapping against her backside was enough to make her forget she had ever been human, She squeaked as she came, triggering the male’s own orgasm as he spilled his life-giving seed inside her. 


At last, the tiny rat made her way out of the pile of clothing and away from the bright lights and scents of humans, fleeing to safety with her new mate. Margaret watched the two rats running towards the walls to become hidden inside the castle. She was more than a little stunned by the development. Surely Katherine would change back eventually and would come to her senses. Right?


Yet, as Margaret wandered around the castle, she was surprised to see a number of piles of clothing scattered around, as though their occupants had shrunk out of them, just as Katherine had. What was going on? Indeed her potion had not spread to any others, but what other explanation was there? Yet the more she looked, the fewer people she saw, and the more rats she noticed scurrying away from her presence. There was no way this was her fault, yet she could not deny what she saw with her own eyes. 


Margaret ran about the castle in fright, praying that it was not her folly that had caused this madness. She knew the only chance to restore order was to seek out the witch once more. With the goal in mind, she made her way out of the castle, unaware of the growing tail under her dress or the moist ache in her own crotch that called out to a male rat to satisfy her needs. 




Edith saw lights dancing from the castle even at the late hour and knew her plan had worked perfectly. Soon, half of the palace would be scurrying around its walls while the other half tried desperately to rid themselves of the infestation! The foolish stepmother was not immune to the curse either; she’d been infected the moment she came into contact with the potion. It was the perfect revenge on the castle inhabitants that had kept her confined to the lower levels of their city for fear she might be a witch. She laughed to herself at their folly, how they had never thought to prepare for the possibility that she truly was one!