The Watch

Smiling to myself as I exited the building, I waved to the security guard as I made my way to my car and drove off the property. It had been perfect. No one was the wiser that I was now in possession of the most powerful object on earth. Or perhaps beyond. Though, I did intend to return it in time for my morning shift. This was more of an unsanctioned test run. At least, that’s how I justified it to myself. 


It was relatively easy to make it into the lab to grab my prize. I often worked late hours and it was not unusual for me to be the only one in the building. Getting around the security was another matter, but I’d had weeks to plan my mini-heist. A little interruption in the power that prevented the alarms from going off while I carried out the device was all that it took. No one even came to check on me; I was supposed to be here, after all!


I suppose you’re wondering what it was that I would risk my job, my career, and perhaps my freedom from jail if I was only going to take the thing for a single night, returning it before anyone would notice it missing. That is best explained if you knew about the object itself. Our government found the object in the wreckage of what we believe to be a nonterrestrial craft. It was the only piece of technology that survived intact. Various government agencies had spent months and months trying to determine its purpose. Yet none had even gotten the thing to open. 


Our own research group was tasked with trying to figure out with it was without even being told it might have been of otherworldly origin. It took some doing, but we finally got it open. Yet we quickly discovered it was incompatible with all of our technologies. Sequences of code were underlain in the data we’d gathered but we had no way to make heads or tails of it with our current instruments. Our research was shared with a number of experts from other fields in order to determine what it might mean. Yet, thus far, no one had made any headway. 


Finally, the truth of the thing’s origin was told to us, in the hopes that it might expedite the process. Naturally, we were in hysterics. We couldn’t believe we had a piece of alien technology, proof that life existed beyond our planet, and from what we could tell, was much more advanced than our own. It was terrifying, yet it was wonderful in equal measure. 


It was by sheer luck that we stumbled upon the true purpose of the technology. One of our long-term tests was to see if it left a residual radiation effect over the course of several days on a humanoid animal. Thus, it was left in the same chamber as one of the research chimps we kept at our facility. Nothing happened the first couple of days, no sign of illness in the animal, which was a relief for those of us who had already been exposed for extended periods. 


Then one day, the chimp unexpectedly used one of his toys to bring the device within grasping distance of his outstretched fingers. We had no idea our animal would be that inventive and we needed to have the device close to it to be certain of its effects, so you can forgive us for the simple oversight. We were fortunate to have caught it quickly. But, due to the safety protocols in place, it took us several minutes to enter the chamber to retrieve the device from the curious animal. We would all be fired if the chimp broke such an important piece of technology!


The chimp studied the device for a few minutes, holding it, licking it, and finally setting it on its arm near its wrist. That’s when the unthinkable happened. The device started to whir to life, a series of reactions we had never detected in it before. It then implanted itself on the chimp’s wrist, eliciting a surprised hoot from the startled animal. And then, the chimp started changing!


Over the course of several minutes, we watched as the chimp shrank and convulsed from the rapid transformation. His hair began to fall out, dissolving as his skin became covered in a strange series of shorter, more sparse blue hairs. The space above his forehead opened up with a dozen arachnoid-like eyes, each opening and blinking as his own eyes lost their pupils and changed into that same bluish shade. His arms began to grow slimmer, his fingers stretching out longer, only two fingers and a thumb of each hand. What was even more bizarre were the extra pairs that burst out to match his former hands and feet. His entire body shrank, a monkey-like tail bursting out above his ass. His face stretched out, arachnoid pedipalps extending below a monkey’s muzzle that did not belong on any chimp. Even stranger still, the watch seemed to have shrunk to fit the size of his wrist! 


After careful consideration, and donning all the PPE I could find, I volunteered to go in there to interact with the thing. We couldn’t leave it there, after all. Though the thing in the cage was more monkey than an ape, he still exhibited chimp-like behaviors, looking very awkward in his new body as I scrambled to catch it and get the device off him, looking more like a watch than anything now in its current state. I grasped at the device, finding it a bit stuck as the part spider part monkey creature flailed in an obvious panic. But, after a bit of a struggle, a hilarious acrobatics act I’m sure my colleagues wished they could film, I managed to pull off the device from its wrist


To my shock and surprise, the thing started changing back, in an equally disturbing sequence that made me stare in fascination. Within moments, a perfect facsimile of the former chimp stood there, seemingly just as confused as we were. I couldn’t believe what I’d just witnessed. None of us could. 


We spent the better part of the next few days trying to determine what had happened and how. The chimp was no worse for wear, it seemed. A little startled from the development but otherwise fine. We kept a careful eye on him to ensure there were no adverse side effects from his…expedition. Though by all measures he seemed as healthy as he had before he came into contact with the device. 


The device itself was another matter. We weren’t quite sure what to make of it. It seemed the sequences inside were DNA strands, though judging from foreign proteins in the sequence and from what we had learned of the device’s origins, we came to the conclusion that the DNA it contained was nonterrestrial. Each stand was a separate sequence of DNA for an entirely different life form, and there were at least thousands from what we could tell. We had no way to confirm our hypothesis, save for one the obvious method.


None of us were allowed contact with the device at first, fearful that it might activate if we did. Yet several of our research team had touched it after it had been opened and experienced no ill effects. We crafted theories for what might have triggered the device’s activation. Our best guess was that contact with the chimp’s wrist is what activated it, but we had no way to confirm this without further testing. 


After several weeks it was decided that we test the device again, this time attached to the same location on a new ape and seeing what would happen. This time, the chimp became a small grey alien-like creature, not dissimilar to those in classical depictions of extraterrestrials. Again, removing the device, though difficult, triggered a revert in the study specimen. Aside from being a different form, evidently chosen by a method we could not ascertain, the experiment’s conclusion was very much the same. The transformation was slow, taking two to three minutes. The chimp’s mental facilities seemed to be in place even while transformed, and he showed no ill effects after the device was removed, save some obvious disorientation from the whole affair. 


I kept quiet as we carried on our research, acting as professionally as I could. Yet deep down I held a secret that would likely have me removed from the project and thus my only chance of obtaining my life’s dream. I’d always fantasized about the possibility of transforming into another body, another creature, and here was the technology to do so, albeit unknown alien forms, right here before me!


I couldn’t sleep that night, the implications of all that watch could grant me keeping me wide awake. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would be able to turn into another species, let alone an alien species! I was eager to hear what our superiors wanted to have us do with the device, wondering if perhaps we’d ever conduct human trials and if there was a chance for me to volunteer. Someone on the team would have to, after all!


I knew it was a pipe dream. Eventually, the military was likely to take over, and I’d lose all chance of wearing the device myself. And so, with that in mind, I ‘borrowed’ the watch for the evening, eager to test a few of the forms that it offered the wearer. I wasn’t a fool; I’d given it a month before confirming there were no ill effects to the animal after the transformation. The situation was as safe as it could be for me. At least, I determined it was worth the risk for myself. 


I made my way to the site I’d chosen well beforehand, a spot in the woods that was secluded and bordering a lake. There were literally thousands of possibilities of what the device could turn me into, and I had no idea what sort of ecosystem that the alien lifeform I transformed into would require. It was the most variety I could find at a reasonable enough distance from my companies’ facilities. 


I knew I was taking a substantial risk by putting the watch on. And not only to my future career prospects. If something went wrong, if the instincts of the animal were too alien, if the thing I was changed into could not survive on our planet, or if I simply had no way to remove the watch, then I was fucked. Yet I had no idea if it would work without first trying it on. The chicken or the egg, I believe the saying went. 


I took a few deep breaths, my cock already tenting in my pants a little at the prospect of change, real change. It had been a lifelong dream and I couldn’t believe I was about to go through with it! Then I took a device out of my pocket and sat it on my wrist as we had with the test apes. Sure enough, the device lit up and transfigured itself into a watch-like structure that fixed to my arm. A lighting display whirled to life and something briefly flashed on a screen, though I couldn’t make out the shape quite yet. 


At first, I felt nothing. Was it even compatible with human species? It had worked for chimps so I was certain that it would work for humans as well. But as I stood there, a brief surge flowed through my body, like an electric tingle. Looking down I could see the beginnings of bluish lines traveling down along my arm, into my body. I quickly shucked off all my clothes, including my underwear, in anticipation of watching the full change. 


The first thing I noticed was that my skin felt dry. I rubbed my arms a little, feeling a dry, rough sensation, reminding me of a lizard or maybe a frog out of water. I watched the patch of discoloration spread from underneath the watch down my hands as my human epidermis peeled away and the greenish skin underneath began forming scales. I felt my cock tingling from the sight. It was really working!


My hands began to tingle and ache and I watched my fingers stretching out before my eyes. I held them up to the light in time to watch my pinky and ring finger, and middle and index fingers fusing at the sides to form two simple digits. Yet I still retained an opposable thumb, which surprised me. Was I becoming some sort of sentient creature? My nails began to blacken like they’d been bruised, then slowly began to thicken, growing monstrous curved thick claws on each of my remaining fingers. My palms flattened and a thin sheet of skin sprung up in between each of the digits, like a fine layer of webbing. 


The discoloration and subsequent scales spread up my arm towards my elbow, where they became significantly thicker. As the relentless wave of scales spread over me, I realized all my human arm hair was falling out onto the ground. Something began tearing through the skin of my arm, a row of spines that quickly became interconnected with a series of thin webbing as had my fingers. I was definitely becoming some sort of aquatic creature! 


The alien skin spread down my chest and stomach next. As I watched I was pleased to see that I was putting on some muscle tone that had never been part of my physiology before now. Years of 12 hour days sitting at a lab bench left little time for physical improvements. I felt my skin with my new hands, surprised by the lack of tactile sensations in this new form. Still, it was pleasant to see the beginnings of a decent six-pack where I’d never dreamed I’d have one.


My neck thickened significantly, feeling a little out of place even as my shoulders began to broaden to support it. I could feel peculiar lines open up along the ridges forming in my neck that started flapping in and out uncontrollably. Were these gills? I touched them with my webbed fingers, thankful that my new skin was not so easily pierced by my new thick claws. I found to my delight that I could still breathe above water, but clearly, my body was more adapted to aquatic life. I couldn’t wait to jump into the lake to give it a try, hoping the physical aspects of the water would support my biology!


I felt my hair fall away as something spiked and pointed grew up the back of my now bare neck, like the beginnings of another fin. My suspicions were confirmed when I felt the now-familiar sensation of webbing growing between the spines that had formed. I found myself wondering how easily my body would move in the water. It clearly seemed to be well-adapted to aquatic travel, as best as I could ascertain. 


As the scales slowly spread up my face, I felt my stubble falling out to make way for their presence. I wished I had a mirror to view the changes to my face, but hindsight is 20/20, as the saying goes. My jaw began to crack and I was able to see my prognathous jaw in front of my eyes as the entire thing expanded, adorned with sharp pointed teeth. Something sprouted from the top of my head, something long and dangling. I could feel a bulbous growth appear at the end, nearly falling in front of my face. 


I realized my eyesight wasn’t as good, that something was covering the lenses that hadn’t been there before. I blinked a few times, realizing that I had a third flap of skin over my eye, like a nictitating membrane. Something that might help me see underwater, I surmised.


I opened my changing jaw as wide as it could go, felt it stretching impossibly wider as my gums ached and my teeth fell away. Several large, sharp teeth erupted from my gums, while my lips thickened and blackened. It was clear to me that this creature I was becoming was a predator! I wanted to write a report on all the sensations I was about to experience, though I’d certainly lose my career if I were ever to publish it!


I stared at my groin, the only thing that had remained untouched so far. I was still aroused, but as I watched, a slit opened up at the base of my cock, slowly sucking in my still erect member. I shivered, the sensations were alien but not unpleasant. Was I becoming a female? I hadn’t particularly wanted that, but it was a risk I’d taken when I donned the device. Any change was better than none, my excited mind reasoned.  


I shivered as I felt my asshole clenching, moving up towards my balls and crawling up just under the new vent that had formed. My testicles were slowly sucked inside, but I did not feel them dissolve or fade away, Rather, it was a sensation of rearrangement. My asshole merged with the new flesh and I realized on my underside I now sported a reptilian cloaca, a single vent I’d use for all my excretions in this body. I would indeed still be male, though one with internal plumbing as befitted the streamlined form of a swimmer. 


The discoloration spread down my legs now, my calves swelling while my hips grew slimmer. A pair of fins sprouted along my calves as my toes began to swell like my fingers had, fusing into two toes while my large toe rotated back into my ankle. My remaining fused toes grew thick and flattened, that same webbing filling up the spaces between them. I wiggled them a bit, feeling how awkward it was to just be standing there on land. I would need to dive underwater soon! 


An unfamiliar stirring in my crotch soon attracted my attention. In all of the excitement from the changes, I’d forgotten how arousing they had initially been. I rubbed the area around my crotch, trying to see if I could trigger some kind of response. Then I felt it. An internal stirring, something being pressured and pleasured in a way that made my human mind gasp. A long red pointed rod slowly slithered out of the slit in my crotch. I gasped at the sheer length of the thing. It was massive, easily twice the length of my human penis, and still growing! 


I couldn’t help myself. I had to touch it! The sensations of change had been so powerfully erotic that I couldn’t imagine not touching myself with this massive cock I now sported. I took my member in my somewhat sticky webbed hands, feeling them latch on expertly, pulling my cock in and out of my slit without having to grip tightly. It was a bizarre adaptation but certainly not one I’d complain about! 


I growled, a strange heavy baritone coming from my expansive throat as I stroked my rod faster and faster, the sensations of my cock sliding in and out of my vent stimulating my lower half. I couldn’t have imagined it would be like this to touch myself as an alien being. I was getting so close. Almost there…yes!


My entire body shook as thick streams of a yellowed fluid shot from my massive dick, coating the ground in a foul-smelling alien spunk. More seed that I thought I could possibly produce continued to pour out of my cock, forming a noticeable puddle a few feet away from me. The sensations lasted at least twice the length of my human orgasm, and when they finally subsided, I did not feel the usual level of fatigue that came with such a release. Instead, my body felt energized, like I could run a marathon. Or swim an entire lake, I grinned to myself.  


The change was done. I was the first of this alien species to exist on earth, as far as I knew at least. I felt a little weak, dry, craving the moisture of the nearby lake. It was time to go for a swim. I drove into the water, amazed by the level of sensation swimming gave me. My body moved through the water like a bird in the air, effortlessly as the webbing on my hands and feet helped me accelerate. On a whim, I sank as low as I could go and then torpedoed towards to surface. With more energy than a human could muster, I leaped into the air, maybe over ten feet, before tilting my body and dipping back into the water without so much as a ripple. 


I quickly drove to the bottom of the lake, feeling no difference in pressure or temperature as I scaled the jet-black bottom. All of a sudden something blinked to life, a light that illuminated the entire area. Where was it coming from? It took me a moment to realize that the light was coming from me! The glowing bulb at the top of my stock was illuminating the darkness like a light switch on a pitch-black room. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to see. I could spend hours exploring the entire lake bottom!


Yet I had a more insistent need to quell before I continued my underwater exploration. I could feel my cock sliding out of my slit again, clearly aroused by all my activity. My webbed hand quickly brought my firm rigid cock to life as I imagined what it would feel to stroke it underwater. I stoked the tip as I moved along the bottom of the lake. The water added intense pressure on my cock, stimulating every inch, crevice, and ridge. It was even rubbing me from the inside of my slit, my inner testicles, and places inside me that I had no name for. 


I swam and swam, feeling the pleasure rushing over me, my orgasm building with each stroke. My webbed hand stuck tightly to my cock, rubbing in tandem with my careful glides through the murky water. It was cumming…Fuck!


I opened my mouth, but of course, no sound came out as my cock billowed out streams and streams of thick seed into the lake. The pressure built up in my testicles against my body streaming through the water, holding back my seed and extending my orgasm to unbelievable lengths. I shot forward in the water, exhilarated from the fantastic sensations. 


I spent the next while exploring the bottom of the lake, forgetting I’d wanted to choose another form, so caught up in the experience of aquatic life. I did feel somewhat hungry after several concurrent orgasms, making me wonder what this form could eat. My senses burned to life, my eyesight, smell, and something else, an electrical sensor that helped me locate other creatures in the water. Creatures that could be my prey, I quickly ascertained. I swam effortlessly forward, chasing a large fish I assumed was some sort of bass or carp that came into my radar. Opening my massive jaws, I engulfed my meal in one swift motion. It was immensely satisfying, the fish was quickly digested by my alien physiology. 


Suddenly, I felt a tingling that reminded me of the change I’d felt gaining this body. Was I changing back without removing the device? I quickly rose to the surface, not wanting to get caught underwater without the ability to breathe. Just as my head hit the surface I felt my jaw begin to shrink and my head resume its human shape. I was surprised by that; we hadn’t actually tested it enough to know that it had a time limit!


I made my way back to shore as the last of the changes overtook me and I resumed my human form, feeling wet and cold in the moonlight as I dried myself off. I looked at my phone, realizing I’d been the aquatic creature for a couple of hours. If the time stamp held true for concurrent transformations, I had enough time to try one different form before having to head back. 


I placed the device on my wrist once more, seeing the silhouette of another body before the now-familiar tingling entered my body and my change began. This time a green shade began spreading up along my arms as they began to thin significantly. However, this time, instead of becoming dry and scaly, the flesh was rigid and cool, as though the flesh underneath lacked the ability to regulate heat. 


My fingers developed that same discoloration, my pinky disappearing while my fingers grew longer and thinner and lost all definition. I felt the bones in my arms gently snap as though they were breaking, dissolving. Yet even without my skeleton, my arms felt stronger, as though I could lift more than I could with my human arms. If I had to guess, they looked more like vines than human appendages!


I watched the green coloration spread over my shoulders and chest, feeling my shoulders hunch and almost disappear as the changes overtook them. My chest and stomach lacked the definition that they had from my previous form. Instead, they appeared uniform, the skin rigid and thick, more like the texture of a plant than an animal. I tried to touch it, but my fingers lacked the tactile sensations for that. 


In horror, I felt my heart stop, my breathing cease as all my organs shut down, replaced by strange organs I had no name for. It was as though all the mammalian organs, muscles, tissues, even blood were dissolving away as something else took hold inside me. I would have pricked myself if I could, imagining I’d find something akin to tree sap instead of blood. Was I becoming a plant-based creature this time? I found myself wishing that I had paid more attention to my botany classes! I assumed I was taking in carbon dioxide somehow, breathing either through my plant flesh or something else. 


I looked down at my crotch, once again noticing that my junk was fading into my body, my cock and balls sliding inside me, though no hole or slit was present this time. A strange tingling erupted from my legs as they began to split from the tops, forming four distinct limbs that were getting longer and thinner. I was thankful it was painless, though I wasn’t sure if that was because my legs lacked human nerves to detect pain or if the watch itself was dampening the sensations. Either way, I could feel my toes stretching out and swinging widely, like vines searching into the ground for nutrients, though not rooting me to the spot, for which I was thankful. 


Meanwhile, my shoulders were growing massive, bulking up with plant flesh as they extended even over my head. My mouth remained open, though lacking any semblance of teeth or a tongue or anything else I was used to. However, my nose and ears closed, evidently unnecessary for my new physiology. I felt something grow sharp and fleshy growing out of the ends of the shoulder pads, almost like spikes. The whole area grew moist with sticky fluid, and it reminded me of a fly trap. Was I a predator, able to catch prey and slowly digest it over time? 


My eyes grew thick and bulbous, a thick green shade that obscured my vision. It was strange that I could no longer see in conventional terms, but they did allow me to detect light and color at least to a degree. It was surprising that a plant-based life form could see at all!


As near as I could tell, the changes were complete. I was about seven feet tall, though some of that was my vines and my shoulders. It appeared that I was quite agile, actually, my vine limbs able to move me quickly along the ground towards what I assumed was prey. My vines were always seeking, always searching for something I wasn’t quite sure of. I got my answer soon once my vines touched a set of branches protruding out of a tree. I felt the tips fusing, and my entire being flowing into the plant life. I was aware of every part of the tree as if it were my own body! The sensations were amazing; not only could I absorb nutrients from the tree, but I could transfer them as well, though I had none stored to do so at the moment. 


I disengaged for a moment, wanting to return to the sensations later. Instead, I stared down at my former groin, saddened that I lacked the ability to reproduce in this form. Still, I explored my physiology, extending the vines where my fingers once were. To my surprise, I found that it felt good to do so, as though there was something underneath the plant flesh that could…


Reaching out with finger-vines once more, I could feel something build up underneath, not unlike an orgasm, though was scattered between all my vine-like appendages, like I had multiple organs that could ejaculate. I extended them all, feeling the slightest bit of pleasure as my orgasm built. I pushed and pushed and was suddenly regarded with a spray of pollen-like substance that exploded out of my fingers and covered the air in a fine mist. It felt like I had eight cocks exploding at once! Had I just ejaculated in his new form?


I stayed in this form as long as the watch allowed, exploring the surrounding forest. It was amazing to take in the world like this. I couldn’t hear or smell, but I could detect pollen, plant life, knew where everything organic was located in the forest. I had some ability to detect vibrations from the earth as well, which in many ways gave me more information about the world around me, more so than even hearing or smell ever could. And of course, I experimented with fusing to the various forms of plant life, delighting in the subtle intricacies between each. I did not try to capture prey with my fly trap-like shoulders; I knew it could take days to digest something like that and I didn’t have the time to experience the sensations fully as I would have preferred. 


And, of course, as I’m ashamed to admit, I found most of my time taken to stimulate the new junk that my form was blessed with. Having multiple cock-like appendages where my fingers were was way too bizarre, to say the least. But yet it still felt nearly as good to release my pollen into the air as it would to spill my seed. All I had to do was to flex those muscles, feeling the inner stamens pulse out of the vines on my arms, and the slow build-up as my appendages shot out clouds of my reproductive material. I played with my ‘sex organs’ as much as my body would allow, requiring only a brief period to recharge before I was able to ejaculate pollen once more. 


After some time I felt the familiar tingling of the device flowing over me, and my blood, organs, bones, and human flesh soon came back into being. I had been awake all night, experiencing the bodies of two very different creatures, far removed from what I had been as a human. But instead of feeling tired, I was absolutely invigorated by the changes I had undergone. 


I had fulfilled a life’s dream this night. I couldn’t imagine going back to the research lab where I spent all my days without ever being able to change again. But if I didn’t return the watch, I’d lose everything I had in human life, and risk being hunted, or worse, thrown in prison with no way to connect with the watch again in my life. I sighed and loaded my belongings into my car, in order to get myself and the device back to the lab before it was reported missing. It was the only way, I thought. If more experiments were eventually performed on humans, there was a chance that I’d be selected, and once again I could experience the dream of changing forms. But, once more, I could only dream when that day would come…