“Come on man, it will be fine!” Adam exclaimed as he skimmed through the worn book in his hands. 


“Fuck, fine,” I whined, not bothering to keep the annoyance out of my voice. 


I’d much rather be spending the evening drinking, listening to music, and getting caught up with my buddy. I didn’t spend five hours on a bus to visit him just to watch a silly magic ritual! It was supposed to be a fun weekend, a needed reprieve after a bad breakup. I knew Adam had been into what I called magic recently, even so much as to consider it a religion. I tried to be supportive and show interest in his hobby, like a good friend. But to spend the better part of my first night hanging with him to watch him perform a ritual? That felt a little too far, even for me. 


The whole thing made me a little uncomfortable, having been raised Catholic. But it was supposed to be a simple spell to grant him a spirit guide, an animal to channel his abilities for future magic practices. I figured it couldn’t hurt, not really, so I went along with it. It wasn’t like magic was real, after all. 


It was an agonizing few hours of watching Adam set up a few runes and checking his pronunciation over keywords. He said he wanted to get everything accurate. I started drinking without him, of course. I wasn’t going to watch him the whole time sober! 


At last, Adam told me he was ready and asked me to be quiet while he prepared his rites. Adam started chanting in a language I couldn’t recognize and I kept my eyes closed, out of respect for his beliefs. 


Yet the more he chanted, the more I started to feel anxious. There was a strange energy in the air, an almost palpable sensation that made me feel heavy. It was preceded by a pungent odor, one that reminded me of a barn. 


I opened my mouth to speak but all that came out was an asinine bray. Adam too let out an equine sound and immediately covered his mouth, likely feeling as shocked as I was. What the hell…? 


All of a sudden I was hit with what I can only describe as a bolt of energy, making me jump out of the chair in fright. “Was it supposed to do that!?” I yelled, thankful my voice was my own again. It was a little louder than I intended. Adam lived alone in the house, at least. 


“Umm, that’s never happened before,” Adam said, with a hint of trepidation in his voice that scared me a bit more than I would like to admit. 


I took another swig of my drink, trying to rid myself of the tingling sensation and the memory of what transpired. I saw Adam rubbing his arms too and offered him my drink, which seemed to help calm his nerves somewhat.  


We ordered in afterwords, trying to get our minds off the bizarre experience by talking about mundane things like games and movies. It seemed to work, for the most part. I was more than a little buzzed at this point and it seemed that Adam was on his way to catching up. 


Yet as we ate our pizza and downed our rum and coke, a strange scent entered my nose. It had familiar undertones, almost like sweaty dudes after a sports game. Yet for some reason, it had attracted my attention, and not in disgust as I might have expected. I had to be recalling my memories of the notes wrong. There was no way I’d enjoy the scent of perspiring stinking guys!


“Hey man, is that a new cologne?” I asked, drinking in the scent a bit more. I found it rather embarrassing to say that I had a bit of a boner by that point. I excused myself and headed into the bathroom, willing my cock to go down. Fuck, this was awkward! I knew I hadn’t gotten off in a while but this was ridiculous! 


My erection hadn’t gone away even after a few moments, no matter how hard I tried. I figured what the hell. I couldn’t hear Adam from here and he probably wasn’t worried if I was gone for a few minutes. I pulled out my cock, surprised at the size of the erection in my hands. I was normally only about 5 inches but the thick meat I was sporting seemed…larger than that. A lot larger. 


Even the slightest touch sent shivers down my spine. A few strokes made me gasp as I started leaking all over my hand. I couldn’t believe how needy I was! My penis was already rock hard and my balls were starting to churn with the expected release before I’d even started. I barely had time to grab some tissues!


“AHHHAAAWWW!” I yelled, shooting a thick load into the tissue as tremors of orgasmic release spread over my body. I was embarrassed by the orgasm noise I made, but I hadn’t been able to hold it in. 


To my shame, I had blown my load right through the tissue and onto the toilet seat. The entire room stank of my sweat and lust. Curiously, the scent reminded me a little of the one that had my attention from the other room. I cleaned up as best I could but couldn’t quite rid my nostrils of the stench, much to my chagrin.


As I headed back to the kitchen, that same aroma hit me once more and I realized with some surprise that Adam had touched himself as I had. I could practically smell the cum in the air! I found Adam staring straight ahead, seemingly lost in thought and unaware I was even in the room. I happened to notice his own nose sniffing the air. Surely it wasn’t his own musk he was smelling? I doubted it was me. I was certain that I’d cleaned myself thoroughly in the bathroom. 


To my shame, I realized that I was sporting wood once more. What was turning me on so much? Surely I wasn’t this pent up. And there was nothing else in the room with, save my buddy. I’d never been gay for Adam, or any other man for that matter. Yet I couldn’t seem to will my cock down despite just having nutted not 10 minutes ago. And the worst part was that I couldn’t help but notice the boner in Adam’s pants!


I quickly poured myself a drink, hoping the booze would help reduce my need somewhat. Adam followed suit, making his a bit stronger than mine. We went down to the basement and put some tunes on, taking long swings of our drinks. After a few moments, the lust seemed to die down and we resumed our previous conversation. I was finally able to relax again. 


To his credit, Adam didn’t talk about the occult stuff anymore. It was really nice, having a normal conversation and getting caught up with him. 


I was starting to get more than a little buzzed from my excessive drinking. For the first time in a long time, I was truly decompressed. I let myself sprawl out on his couch, giggling a little like a fool. 


I caught Adam staring at me, his brown eyes gazing up and down my prone form. Wait, weren’t they green before now? I must have been mistaken. Either way, I realized I enjoyed the attention. There was a hunger in his eyes that was unmistakable, and it made me feel wanted for the first time in a long time. 


“Like what you see?” I said, teasing in my voice. I was joking. At least I had been intending it as a joke. 


“So what if I do?” Adam shot back, defensively. I was startled by the words. Hadn’t he known it was all in fun?


“Hey dude, it’s all good!” I said, trying to lighten the mood. 


I got up, intending to punch him on the arm as we used to do in high school. I made a show of waving my hips as I strutted towards him, to make him feel even more embarrassed. Yet as I did that smell from earlier hit me full force. I found myself stunned by the fragrance. My nose started flaring, drinking it in. It was getting me hard again, despite the buzz I was feeling. In fact, I felt my cock get remarkably tight in my undies. It was almost painful. I’d never been that big, had I?


Before I realized it, Adam had stood up, his slightly taller body glancing down at me. I gazed into his brown eyes, noticing only the hunger from before. All of a sudden his lips were on mine and he was kissing me. I should have pushed him off. Yet the taste of his lips was surprisingly good. My thoughts of disgust and confusion were quickly washed away, lost in the taste and scent of my buddy. 


Yet after a few minutes, my senses returned to me. I broke the kiss and stared at him, seeing that lusty haze still present. It was so sexy…but I couldn’t, could I?


“No…I’m not…” I tried to moan, but that smolder in combination with his musk slowly eroded any resistance I thought I still had. Before I knew what was happening he was kissing me once more, and this time I was kissing him back. My tongue entered his mouth, entwining with his own. I could taste his boozy breath but it only left me needing more. 


I could feel his strong arms exploring my slender body and I shivered from his touch. Before I knew what was happening he was pulling my shirt up over my head, breaking the kiss only long enough to get it off. His muscular arms were on my chest now, and I blushed in embarrassment from how hairy it was. I hadn’t shaved in a while, not having any relations since my break up. It was way more than I thought I had this morning but Adam didn’t seem to mind. He ran his hands over the hair on my chest, my stomach, and my back with gusto. 


Yet even through the lusty haze of our make-out, I was filled with intrusive thoughts. My cock screamed out for release but it was more than that. My ass cried out with the notion of being fucked. The hell was wrong with me? I’d never had an inkling to take anything up the ass before, certainly not another man’s cock. But the more I made out with my best friend of seven years, the more the idea seemed to cement in my mind. 


I broke the kiss, staring pleadingly into my friend’s eyes. But my gaze was met with confusion. “Were your eyes always brown?” He asked, sounding a little puzzled. I could feel my face scrunch up with a look of confusion. I’d always had hazy blue eyes. Why were both of our eyes brown now?


I searched Adam’s face for a moment, distracted by discrepancies I hadn’t noticed before now. His ears seemed more pointed, almost reminded me of an elf’s. His nose was massive and a little black, and his jaw looked a little swollen.


Yet the needs in my ass distracted me from my friend’s odd visage. I pulled off my pants, bending over to show off what I wanted. Yet he hesitated a moment, likely struggling with inner demons of his own, or perhaps wondering if I truly consented. 


“Please…” I moaned, unable to hold back any longer. “I…need… ”


That was all the motivation Adam required. I could hear him undo his belt, his pants falling to the floor, and the wet slapping of his hand against his cock. I gasped a little bit at the thought of what was going to happen. But I needed it. Oh, fuck did I need it. 


After a few moments, I felt warm fluid touching my ass and I shivered. I knew what was coming. I gasped in pain as my friend’s cock plunged into my ass without a second thought. Growling from the shock of being forcefully penetrated without so much as a word, I felt immediately emasculated in the best way. Fuck, Adam was horny! 


As he began his steady thrusts I felt his cock being forced further inside of me, creating a trembling that spread from my prostate to my balls and cock. It was amazing, nearly masking the discomfort from being fucked. 


I grabbed my trembling cock, feeling the shaft leaking all over my hand as I did so. Every touch to my dick was amplified tenfold by the tension in my prostate as I was fucked. I wasn’t going to last long. I was so damn horny and it felt too right!


“Awwww FAAAWWWWWWKKK!” I yelled as my cock shot several thick spurts of rank cum all over my buddy’s floor. I could feel my ass pressing tightly around Adam’s thick penis and heard him cry out as he filled my ass with warm cum. 


After a few moments he pulled out and I yelped from the sudden strain. To my absolute disbelief, I glanced back to see a cock that wasn’t entirely human. The shaft was too flared, the coloring mottled black in some places. It looked more fit for a farm beast, reminding me of how we’d brayed during the ritual from before. But there was no way it had anything to do with it, right? 


Coming down from the orgasmic high I abruptly felt highly ashamed. What had come over me? Did Adam feel the same way? 


I looked at him and he smiled, weakly. “That wawwwss…man, I didn’t…wawwwss that good for you?” He asked. There was something wrong with the deeper baritone of his voice but I couldn’t quite place what it was.


I simply smiled, feeling a sense of relief washing over me. “Yeah…it was…yeah. Gonnawww need some time to process this…” I said before heading back to the bathroom to clean up. Was there something wrong with my own voice? 


As the hot water ran over me I let myself contemplate the situation. I wasn’t gay, I had never been. Then why did it feel so good?


As I reached down to clean the cum out of my ass, I was surprised to feel that my hole seemed to be higher up than I recalled. A quick rub to the area revealed a small protrusion where my spine should have been. I brushed the spot more thoroughly, a patch of coarse hair greeting my touch. What the fuck? 


I quickly got out of the bathroom to try and examine the thing connected to me. Yet as I did I caught my visage in the mirror. I was…fucking hot! My face looked so much like Adam’s. My ears were pointed and my eyes were brown, wider than before, and accented with thick eyebrows! I looked great!


I had completely forgotten about the thing above my ass as I walked towards the guest room where I’d be sleeping. I could still feel it pressing against my pajamas as though eager to be free. Tempted to reach down and pull it out, I was shocked when it seemed to twitch at my prompting. What the hell was it? 


Once again that alluring scent caught my flared nostrils. I walked into the room and looked to see Adam on the bed, that now-familiar lustful look in his eyes. Something was wriggling out of the back of his pants but I didn’t mind. It was likely the same thing that I wanted to tease out of my own backside.


He quickly shucked off his pants and I was on him in an instant. Without really thinking about it, I took his flared mottled cock tip and wrapped my lips around it. The taste was phenomenal. I lapped up his ample pre like a fine wine, licking and sucking as Adam nickered and rubbed the top of my head. I could feel my hair gently sliding off my head but I didn’t mind it at the time, too involved in my oral ritual!


Reaching down to rub his massive balls, I was already feeling the tension rising as his end drew near. I started sucking more fervently, desperate to drink down the sweet offering that his balls were so willing to grant me. Gazing up at his protruding face, I grinned as best I could with a mouthful of cock as he prepared to shoot his load. 


“AAAWWWHHAAAWWW YEEEEAH!” Adam yelled as his thick cock shot into my waiting mouth. I guzzled as much as I could but the sheer quantity blew out of my mouth and soaked my face and chest. I didn’t care though. I needed more!


He gave me a lusty look in his brown eyes as he leaned down to caress me, seeming not to care that my face was covered in his seed. The next thing I knew he was kissing me hard, moving his rough hands down to my own needy shaft…




I awoke early that morning, feeling the warmth of a body beside me. My sleep-addled mind told me it was Marnie, and I reached out to rub her head with my free hand. To my shock, the hair I touched was thin, coarse, and ran down the neck of the person in bed with me. This wasn’t Marnie! I broke up with her weeks ago!


I sat up with a start, looking down at the sleeping visage of my best friend. What was Adam doing in bed with me? Had we…Oh god!


The memory of what we’d done last night returned full force. I wasn’t gay! How could I have done that! I tried to get up, shaking my head from the intrusive thoughts. It had to be a bad dream. Yet the memories were too vivid, too strong. 


I saw Adam stirring beside me as he slowly peered into my eyes. A smile crossed over his face. “Whhhaaaat is it?’ He asked, looking sleepily at me. Then the look in his eyes changed to one of terror as though he too came to the realization of what had transpired. 


“Whaaaaaat did we do?” He asked, giving me a long hard look. There was something very off about his face, yet I couldn’t quite place it. His lips seemed thick and pliable, his teeth large and block-like. And his jaw stuck out like the snout of an animal. That, combined with his hair, his ears, almost reminded me of a donkey!


“You look like a ddoonnnnkkeeehaaawww!” I brayed, before realizing how altered my voice was. I panicked, glancing at the mirror by his bead. My face was fucked! I remembered the hair that had fallen out last night and was shocked by the mohawk of bristly hair that remained. My mouth was swollen and as I bared my teeth I could see they were thick and block-like. And my nose was dark, flared as though drinking in the scents of the room. 


A strong smell entered my nose just then, one that made my cock engorge with blood. I looked down at my penis to see the shaft was flared, thick without a visible head. It started growing longer and thicker as I watched a flap of skin pulling from the head towards the base, growing over the length of my dick like a foreskin. Yet it was quickly pulled back by how hard I was. The thick skin even started spreading from my groin to my belly. My cock didn’t look human anymore!


Before I could react Adam was on my cock, lapping it with his pliable lips. “Noo… Sthawp!” I tried to say but the minute his lips wrapped around my shaft my resistance was robbed from me. 


Now in in a mood of my own, I reached down to rub his face, feeling a series of coarse hair sprouting up under my touch. I was certain that my cock was lengthening, yet somehow it seemed as though Adam’s mouth was keeping pace. No matter how big I was, he could still take in my entire shaft!


I felt my end start to approach and as I opened my mouth to cry out a foul smell entering my nostrils. My breath stank! But no sooner had I started to bray than Adam’s muzzle slid off my cock. A thin stream of precum ran from his mouth to my cock head as Adam smiled that goofy smile.


He gave me a lustful gaze as he turned around, exposing his very naked and needy backside. I stared in horror at the sight of a ropey jackass tail hanging out above his spine, covering his puckered black anus. It looked like the backside of a donkey! We were turning into donkeys! Whatever he did in his ritual last night was causing an impossible transformation, slowly robbing us of our human forms!


Yet the smells eeking from his musky backside made me lose my focus. Why did it matter again? Adam was on his knees, staring back at me expectantly as he exposed his massive throbbing puckered anus. He clearly wanted me to fuck him. And he deserved nothing less for leaving me hanging!


I reached down with my mouth to lap at the sweaty backside of my friend. As I did so I could feel my nose expanding against his asshole. I knew I should have been scared. But my more prominent nose only let me better drink in his need. I reached out my tongue, lapping at the object of my desire, knowing I needed to moisten it for my entry. But his anus was so cavernous, I needn’t have bothered. 


“FAAWWWCCCKKK ME!” Adam brayed as he shoved his ass in my face. I was more than happy to oblige his request. I climbed up on his back, guiding my thick flared cock into his expansive pucker. I was half tempted just to hump his hairy ass, I needed to cum so badly! 


Finally, my massive taut cock met its mark and I pushed in, grunting in pleasure as his warm cavern engulfed me like a glove. I placed one hand on his back to steady myself while the other reached down to rub the leaking shaft of my buddy. I couldn’t help but notice my fingers were a little stiff, but it didn’t slow me down.  


“SOOO…GOOOOD…” Adam moaned, as though he had taken cock for the entirety of his sexual awakening. I was sure he had been straight but I couldn’t seem to confirm those thoughts. Whenever I tried to think the mind blanking ecstasy of fucking my friend overrode my sensibilities. Nothing else mattered than his vice-like grip on my cock!


“I’M GONNA CAAAWWWWWWUMM!” I brayed as my throbbing dick shot load after load of donkey cream into Adam’s hungry asshole. My mind backed out for a moment from the pleasure. Nothing I recalled had ever felt so good!


The engorged cock under my other hand wasn’t fated to last much longer either. I felt it throbbing wildly and could smell a blast of spunk hit the bed as Adam came with me. His ass shook uncontrollably over my cock and made me shoot a little more inside him. 


I pulled out slowly, feeling my cock floating away from the sheer quantity of donkey jism I had unlaoded. I shuddered and whickered a little as the residual twinges of my release flowed through me. The cock pulling out of my buddy’s ass was not the one I remembered. It looked like a donkey’s dick!


“Wwhhaaat are we doing?” I asked, surprised by my actions.


“I don’t know, but it was haaaawwwwttt!” Adam said, cum leaking from his ass. He got up then, presumably to clean his ass from the sex. As he did, I was hit with another whiff of his musky scent. The stench reminded me of a farm animal’s sweat. This wasn’t right. But I couldn’t wrap my head around what was happening. It was so hard to think!


I took stock of my body, how massive and muscled I seemed to be. Reaching back I could feel my own foot-long donkey tail swinging above my thick black balls. I was hairy too, covered in thick gray patches that made it hard to see my blackened skin in some places. 


A crash from the kitchen startled me from my reflection. I got up carefully, a bit unsteady with my new anatomy. Adam was in the kitchen, pigging out on some carrots he’d had in his fridge. He was hunched over the floor as the cool air blew over him, barely holding onto the food as he devoured massive bites in one go. 


Hearing me enter, he glanced up before holding out a full carrot in my direction. “Whhaaawwwt one?” He asked, drool running down his rubbery lips and chin. 


I was never one for greens but they looked delicious. My stomach rumbled and before I could stop myself I was at his side, shoving carrots into my face and chewing them down with my thick slab-like teeth. Before I realized it I had eaten an entire stock of carrots, stems, and all. But I was still hungry.


A loud crack of bone and muscle made me turn my attention back to Adam. I watched his back start to shift as he got lower and lower on the ground, even as he continued eating. I caught a glimpse of his heels stretching out, making his four-legged posture more comfortable. It seemed the more he was eating like a donkey, the faster he was changing!


“Adam! STAWWWWPP! You’re a donkeeeehhaaawww!” I brayed loudly, the reality of our situation finally sinking in. We were both becoming donkeys! Gay, horny, bestial donkeys!


Yet, Adam was still changing as I watched. I tried to push him up from the pile of greens he’d spilled but he seemed intent on eating. His hips were sinking into a stomach that was swelling with fat and muscle as still, he ate. The head of lettuce he had been consuming rolled from his hands as the fingers slowly shrank into his lengthening wrists. His elbows had sunken into the sides of his chest while the entire area bulged outward, robbing all the definition of his chest, his abs, and nipples.


He looked up at me with a blank stare, as though he was some common farm beast. As if to confirm my suspicions, his tail raised and he relieved himself right there in front of me. The smell hit my nose and amplified the already prevalent stench of donkey in the kitchen. 


“Adam, Whaaaat are you doeeeehhhaaww!” I said, disgusted by the bestial display. Yet I was unable to keep the equine inflections from my own voice.


“Whhhaaaattt?’ He said through a mouth that was barely human anymore. He seemed to have no qualms about what he’d done. Nor did he mind relieving himself further as his cock unfurled from a steadily lengthening sheath and unloaded all over the floor. 


I could feel comparable changes taking place in my own body despite my protests. My back felt sore and I leaned over as another few inches of donkey tail pushed its way out, the entire length thickening as it moved against my will. I could feel my spine stretching while my heels expanded and made me feel off balance. My shoulders had sunk into the sides of my chest a little, making it troublesome to rotate my arms. Not only was I gay, but I seemed to be turning into a total fucking animal!


A thought suddenly struck me. “The book! Aaaahhhham! The hhhaaaawww! Hhheeeehhhaaaw! Thhhaaa spellbook,” I asked, slowing my words. Those damn donkey inflections were making it impossible to speak!


His ears perked up at that, as though understanding what I meant over the fog of asinine thoughts.  He rose to stand but quickly fell over onto decidedly hoof-like hands. He couldn’t walk like this! 


Slowly, we both crawled our way to the basement, careful of falling down his steep stairs. I found myself distracted by the steady clicking of his feet on the stairs. Peering down, I could tell that Adam’s middle toes were stretched out, the nail on each thick as his other digits retracted into his ankles until he was left with nothing but hooves. 


“Ahhhhhdam! Your hooves!” I tried to say, but Adam just shrugged. “Doooon’t neeehhhaaaaawww shoes nooowww!” He said, the fear of his impending donkey hood seemingly faded. 


I walked over to the book, trying to pick it up with stiff fingers. Yet I couldn’t seem to lift it. I stared down at the digits, realizing that my thumbs were a lot smaller than I expected. The nails on my middle digits were thickening as I watched, covering the surface in hard keratin. My other fingers were dwindling as well, sliding into my lengthening wrists. I groaned as the book fell from my grasp and hit the floor. I couldn’t hold it like this!


“Ahhhdamm! Help meeehhaawwww! Hheeeehhaaaaaww!” I brayed as I struggled to pick it up with hands that were unable to grasp. Adam walked over to me on all fours, picking it up with his hands and turning to the page of the spell he had used. His eyes seemed to focus on the words, as though preparing to say them aloud. But, after a moment, he simply stared licking at the pages, picking them up with his lips as though trying to eat them.


I felt a rumbling in my stomach that let me know my own hunger had not been sated. A fleeting human thought recalled the world beyond this enclosure being lush with foliage. I knew there was something else in here that needed my attention, but none of the smells, save the ones from Adam’s backside, held my attention. 


I walked to the door, trying in vain to work the handle with my new hooves. Adam followed behind me, rising up just enough to grasp the door with his still present thumbs. The door slid open and he fell back on all fours as his middle fingers lengthened and his thumbs and fingers disappeared completely. 


I stepped outside, the flesh air somewhat appealing after the heavy stench of donkey in the house. Yet my own stench was still strong and it made me relax, knowing it was a familiar stink, my stink. 


Adam was already on all fours, nose sniffing the lush lawn as his rubbery lips pulled up thick patches of sod into a still lengthening muzzle. I watched as his tail grew out another inch, a perfect jackass appendage that swept over his legs as his flanks shifted into a fully distended stomach. 


I could feel my own tail getting longer and running over my ass and balls. Before I realized what I was doing it lifted up and I felt my bowels move of their own volition as I too relieved myself. But the smell wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The act left me feeling relaxed and refreshed as I soon went back to grazing, thinking nothing of it again.  


Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the muscles underneath Adam’s blackening hide shift and his form continue to grow, adding fat and muscle. He looked at me with goofy lips as his mouth stretched further and his forehead started to slope. The sight was getting me boned as fuck. He looked perfectly like a jackass and I’d never found him more attractive!


The scent wafting from my buddy’s changing backside was too much to resist. I felt my own hips start to crack and I lowered myself to the ground, leaving my muzzle at level with my buddy’s rump. I knew I wouldn’t walk on two legs again, but I didn’t mind. Why would I want to be so far away from my lover’s donkey pucker!


As I sniffed his ass and balls I could feel my heels stretching, putting me more at ease with my four-legged posture. My toes reduced themselves to nothing while my new hooves thickened out to the width of my leg. My widening hips sank into my flanks while my ass grew massive and even more furry from the spreading wave of donkey fur covering my hide. Yet with the promise of more amazing asinine sex, I couldn’t wait for the changes to complete!


I lapped at my buddy’s lovely offering for a few moments, feeling my muzzle stretching out as I did so. My rubbery lips massaged his hindquarters, making him whinny and bray in excitement. But soon the needs in my donkey cock took precedence and I reared myself upon his back, prodding for his wide-open pucker. With the fucking he had received earlier, it didn’t take me long to hit my mark and his wonderous inner walls opened up to take me inside eagerly. 


As I fucked him, I felt my back continue to expand, my weight increasing as I grew out to my final asinine proportions. I gripped his flanks with my hooves and I pushed deeper and deeper, eager to rut in him and spill my seed. I even clamped down on his neck with my teeth, holding him in place and forcing him to take my seed. In no time at all, I was ready to fill him up and mark him as mine!


“HHHEEEEEHHHHAAAAAWWWW!” I brayed as I unloaded torrents of donkey jizz into his ass a second time that day. Adam was right behind me, spewing donkey cum onto the grass without even having touched himself. I dismounted, feeling the final aches and twinges swelling over my body. There was enough of me left to know that I was a donkey, a simple beast with no drives but to eat and mate. But I didn’t lament the loss of my humanity, not with how good it felt to be an ass!


I didn’t think much after that. I didn’t need to. The fields were lush with grass and my mate was nearby. I was often horny from his scent and he was always willing to take my cock in his bowels or breed my own tail hole when I raised my ropey tail. In those brief moments of lucidity, I realized I was happier now than at any time in my human life. I was perfectly content living in bestial bliss with a handsome ass to call my own. 

An Asinine Ritual