Wide grin on his face, the Candy Maker looked out at the gathered guests with a true feeling of elation. Holding a contest for the townspeople to win a chance to visit his candy factory had been a stroke of genius and something that had been relatively coveted. Business was already booming and was only to get better as his new factory went into operation. He planned it to be a staple for jobs and prosperity in their relatively small town, shipping their products across the country. In truth, the Candy Maker was simply happy to allow the greatest number of people possible to taste his confections. But a tidy profit wouldn’t be turned down, either. And the first matter of business was to show off his new facilities, gathering hype and intrigue about the factory which no one had been allowed to see before now.
The twenty people gathered below had each come bearing a ticket found within the wrapper of a special series of chocolate bars. All present were of an adult age, even as much as his products were consumed by all ages. But his new factory would not be the place for children, at least for now. While it may have seemed odd to advertise it as such, none of the current guests seemed to be complaining, having gone out of their way to obtain their tickets in some cases.
“Welcome, welcome to my world of wonders!” The Candy Maker exclaimed, dancing across the stage as he gestured to the room at large. He was always a bit of a showman, but it seemed his antics weren’t quite landing with the crowd this time. That was OK, however. The Candy Maker’s act was often for his own amusement as well as any who might enjoy it. And he was sure that by the end of the day, they would all come to see things from his perspective, one way or the other!
“Now, within these walls is the world’s foremost in candy manufacturing technology. Each delicious treat is hand-crafted with the most premium and fresh ingredients and made to order to the tasteful fancy of all who indulge. My process is sure to revolutionize the candy industry, and even if you don’t find my words exciting now, by the time you leave here today, I can guarantee you’ll be mesmerized beyond belief. Your visit here will be a cornerstone of my operation, and I can’t wait to show you just how you’ll help to do that!
Even the Candy Maker had to admit it was a little disappointing to see such a dulled-eyed gathering of winners. After all they had done to win the tickets, surely the promise of his wonderful imagination and ingenuity would at least spark a twinkle of excitement in their eyes. Oh well. It didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, he knew all too well. By the time the tour was out, the Candy Maker had it under good authority that they would come to see things from his perspective. They would understand all the potential the factory had to manufacture world-class confectionaries. And to be part of that process themselves, aiding each individual operation to get off the ground.
“Now, you’ll all be divided into five groups of four with one of our staff to guide you! We have five unique sections to the factory for your inspection, and will likely have more to show off in the near future. Just think! You’ll be the first outsiders to see each part of the factory in action, a true privilege! You might love it so much you’ll never want to leave! And not just for the sweet treats, though I do think they’ll be the main attraction for most! We will be hiring soon, and the chance to get in on the ground floor of such an enterprise is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, not one to squander! Do keep that in mind!” The Candy Maker proclaimed, and with that, each winner broke off into their respective groups and was led through a different door around the main floor.
What they also did not see was the gleam in the Candy Maker’s eyes as each was escorted away. It would be the last time they would leave the establishment, as much as they did not know what they had volunteered themselves up for. It didn’t matter, he supposed. By the time they explored his operations and what wonders awaited them in their chosen room, they would forget all experiences beyond their new position. It was sure to be one of whimsy and wonder, and purely born of the Candy Maker’s imagination…
To be honest, I didn’t have any idea of what I had been expecting, heading into the first room on the tour. Maybe pristine equipment, uniformed workers moving in sync on an assembly line to create whatever confection the Candy Maker had planned for this space within the factory. But none of that was present in the vast, open space, save for along the far wall, where my eyes settled on a series of spools, looking more suited for stringing wool or shearing sheep. They were comically colored as well, a testament to the man’s eccentricity. Hardly the full factory tour I had lulled myself into thinking I had won!
Perhaps the most dramatic thing about the room lay over the floor, so foreign to my eyes that I hadn’t noticed it at first. It was covered from wall to wall with what I could only assume was grass, of all sorts of colors I could recognize and some I didn’t think I had a name for. It was almost enough to overwhelm the senses, and a quick glance at my three companions saw them gazing around the room with equal expressions of confusion and awe. I didn’t think I could stay in here too long, impressed but perplexed in equal measure. Still, I was not in time to see the guide leaving the room, closing the door behind him. It hardly mattered, the four of us were distracted by moving around the room and feeling the grass playing over our legs. In some places, it was up to our knees!
Out of the corner of my eye, I was surprised to see James, the other guy with us, bending down. He was pulling up some of the grass, giving it a curious sniff. “Smells like candy,” he remarked, before popping it into his mouth and chewing eagerly.
“Ewww, what are you doing?” His companion Brianna asked, disgust crossing her features.
“What, I’m hungry! I was sure this place would offer us candy to snack on, but there’s only grass!” James retorted, before reaching down to grab another large handful. “Tastes pretty good, too,” he commented between bites. It must have, with the way he was scarfing it down!
“What does it taste like?” I asked, curious. I didn’t think it was here for eating, there was no way. People couldn’t just grow candy like grass, right? And yet…
“It’s just candy! And there’s so much here!” James called out and proceeded to get down on his hands and knees, pulling up mouthfuls in his eagerness to eat. Brianna had already followed suit, leaving me and the other woman in our group, Kimma, to watch with some unease. Yet, I could see her sniffing after a few moments, as though detecting a sweet scent that made her salivate. Soon, I was sure the same scent had reached my own nose, sweet and sugary and drawing me down to pull up my own mouthful.
Kimma took the initiative, reaching down and pulling up a handful before chewing. The sight of her eyes lighting up was all the incentive I needed before I raised a handful in front of my mouth. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Kimma’s hair starting to change color, lightening from brown toward a different shade. And I couldn’t be sure without turning around, but it seemed like it was growing longer, looking perhaps more wiry and curled than her straight hair had been. Yet, I couldn’t bring myself to look directly at her, even with my concerns. After all, the scent of sweet grass in my hands was so enticing, and I couldn’t imagine not taking a bite now that it was so close…
The flavor in my mouth was like nothing I could have prepared for, exploding on my tongue and filling me with a pleasant tingling that ran through my body. It was like nothing I had tasted before, rich and sweet and powerfully exotic. I just couldn’t help but take another bite! There was a small part of me that wanted to savor the flavor, feeling it melt on my tongue as I chewed. But it was just too damn intoxicating that all I could do was reach down to grab another handful, biting into it and swallowing like my life depended on it.
All around me, my three cohorts were doing the same thing, perhaps more intently. James was still down on his hands and knees, Brianna beside him as they each pulled up mouthful after mouthful. Kimma, too, seemed eager to join them, and the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. After all, the candy grass tasted so amazing, and it had awakened my taste buds beyond anything I could have prepared for. That, and getting down closer to it seemed way more efficient than standing as I lowered myself to join them…
Still, a nagging thread had me turn my gaze back to Kimma, even as I reached out to grab my next handful. I hadn’t been imagining things when Kimma’s hair seemed to be rapidly curling, like paper in a fire. It was growing longer, too, down around her cheeks and neck and bobbing in front of her face. And the color had shifted from brown, looking more akin to a shade of pink. I couldn’t be sure, though it seemed perhaps she had started eating a patch of grass that same color. It didn’t matter now, each of us pulling up whatever grass was nearest us. That should have been my clue to stop eating, that the candied grass was somehow doing something to each of us. Yet, I couldn’t bring myself to cease even if I was dragged forcefully away. It was clearly addictive, beyond simple sugar as I was assaulted with a barrage of flavors with every bite. Even if it was altering us in some way, it certainly seemed worth it at the moment!
Without stopping from chewing, my gaze turned to the other two, not surprised to see the same puffy curls growing from their own heads. Rather than the pink shade Kimma sported, James was adorned with brilliant green wool where his hair had been, while Brianna’s own had become a golden yellow. A tingling atop my head seemed to sign it was altering in a similar manner. I couldn’t see it, of course, until it started bobbing in front of my eyes. As tempted as I was to reach up and touch it, both my hands were currently occupied with ripping up mouthfuls of grass. If I was being honest with myself, the colors around me were so vibrant that I felt almost honored to have hair that matched any one of their shades!
Still, the itching of hair growth was starting to get annoying, playing from their follicles over my head and spreading down to tease my forehead, cheeks, and neck. I could even perceive it crawling up from my chest and back, curling around itself and making it hard to see the skin. Like the rest of my friends, my wool matched a color from the grass, blue in my case. The color was rather fetching, I had to admit. The notion of being covered with it wasn’t the worst thing if it meant I could look more like the wonderful grass. The only thing that bothered me was the constant itching!
As more wool continued to cover my body, the heat soon grew to the point I needed to take my shirt off. Yet, my hands were currently occupied with stuffing my face, and there was no chance to pull it off. Besides, my fingers were starting to feel a little stiff, having difficulty gripping. Two of them were noticeably thicker, though the others seemed to be retracting quickly. The notion terrified me, though only because it was harder to lift up the mouthfuls of grass I desired. Yet, with the sight of James reaching down with his mouth to pull up the grass directly, I suddenly calmed down, attempting to do the same myself. In some ways, lowering my head and ripping grass with my mouth felt even better. More of that sublime taste teased my senses as I chewed up mouthful after mouthful. Best yet, my altering hands seemed better able to hold me up as I did so!
The same sensation of stiffness seemed to play over my toes, and I did my best to kick away my shoes to rid myself of the discomfort. With my thinner heels, it was easy, and I braced my stance, feeling my larger middle toes holding me up. I still felt my stance was awkward, though, after a series of uncomfortable pops within my hips, the position seemed to work better. A few cracks in my neck were all it took for me to easily bend down and pull up mouthful after mouthful of candy grass. It was more than I could imagine to continue eating to my heart’s content. I just couldn’t get enough!
Hearing a rather surprising cry, I vaguely raised my head to glance up at James, who seemed to have stopped eating. With some interest, he had moved around behind Kimma, who was still distracted with her meal. Her gaze caught mine for a moment, and I was a little shocked to see something off about her now-pink eyes. The pupils were larger, rectangular, and looked almost haunting on her features. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to stare much longer, given what James was up to. Getting right behind her ass, James stuck his head in the back of her pants, taking what appeared to be a big huff from her backside. As I stared with some confusion, he began reaching out with his mouth to pull at her pants and panties. His hands were eagerly removing his own clothes, exposing his stained underwear. Something should have bothered me about the sight, though I was preoccupied with reaching down and pulling up another mouthful of tasty grass.
Still, I was able to maintain minimal focus on James as what remained of his fingers pulled out his flopping erection. At this point, his mouth had successfully removed Kimma’s pants, James was hit with a whiff of feminine nectar as her ass sat open. The effect seemed to force his erection to extend further than humanly as much as I could perceive. As much as I didn’t want to pry, the shade of it appeared to be altering before my eyes. The tip looked pointed, inhuman as it started to leak. Soon, a sheath of skin seemed to pull its way toward James’s groin, hitching his cock against his belly. His intent was obvious, and Kimma seemed content to allow whatever James desired from her!
Yet, the longer I watched, the more the sight seemed natural. Even beyond the scent of delicious grass, I caught a hint of heavy musk which sent a surge of arousal through my own loins. Of course, James would want to mate with a scent that potent, and Kimma’s body obviously needed it just as badly. Her new tail was raised, and even as she continued to eat, her hips pushed back in his direction. It was all the incentive he needed to get up over her back and spear for her hindquarters with his altered cock. While he seemed to struggle a little, eventually, his penis hit the mark. He pushed in, as though fucking was the most important thing in the world. And the sound that came out of his lips, odd as it was, suddenly made more sense to me than anything I had heard in recent memory.
The ringing of his bleats sent a shiver of arousal through my loins, and it was all I could do to try and pull out my own member. Such was nearly impossible with my hoof hands, but I tried, bleating my frustration as I did so. Yet, the growth in my hindquarters made it possible to tug at my taunt pants, and with some effort, I was able to expose my penis. The sight of my cock getting thinner, longer, and reaching outward with its pointed tip quickly drew my attention. Its length was aching, and enamored by the sight of James mating, I couldn’t imagine needing anything more for myself!
The sound of another bleat had me turning in the direction of Brianna, who had been eating nearby the whole time. Her own face, however, looked very different than I was expecting. As I watched, her jaw continued to push out, the skin turning black as her flared nostrils merged with her upper lips. Her ears, too, started to inch upward from the golden wool that had replaced her hair. They were long, pointed, and twitched eagerly as James and Kimma continued to bleat their lust. Yet, above all, the scent wafting from her changing body had me all the more intoxicated. I wanted her in the worst way, and by the pheromones she was putting off, I knew she would be receptive!
As though responding to my desires, I could feel my pants sliding the rest of the way off and discovered an ability to wag something I didn’t know was above my ass. It felt right, however, sitting over my anus and nearly touching the bottom of my swaying balls. I couldn’t help but love the feeling of them, though they only served to remind me of their need to be used. The scent of Brianna’s cunt was calling me, and even as she turned to regard me with a sheep’s face, I couldn’t help but laugh. My own voice came out as a bleat, though it mattered little with the ache in my cock so insistent. It made more sense as I thought about it that I would sound like a sheep and that she would…we had always been…need!
With the insistence coming from my member, all I could do was move to her exposed backside, taking a sniff of her feminine offering. It seemed my face was pushing closer toward her, popping out with a steady crack as my nostrils breathed in more of her stink. The odor soon turned more pungent as a stream of warm fluid hit me in the nose, clearly her piss. Yet, the scent and taste of it on my lips were divine. It was laced with her pheromones, and indicative of her need to breed. And who was I, as a virile male, to deny her?
With some effort, I managed to get on her back, reaching over her wool-covered skin with my unruly hooves. It didn’t escape my recollections that my grip had once been superior to this, but it mattered so little in my moment of need. I was able to find my place on her back regardless, and soon, my leaking cock head was rubbing against her moist, dripping folds. The moment my cock tip teased it, her sex opened like a flower to accept my length. With all the force of a needy animal, I pushed my way in, bleating my intention!
The tight grip against my cock was so great I could barely think, and I thrust without regard for the rest of the world. Nothing else mattered in my moment of lust, the tension of my member growing greater and greater with each pump. I was vaguely aware my mouth was more visible in front of my face, though my flared nostrils simply further drank in the musk from sex and spurred on my mating. Twitching ears detected the frantic bleats from my fellows, the other male finally pulling from his mate. His name escaped me, unable to recall what…did he have a name? Did he need one? Did I? All that mattered was mate…breed…feed…graze…
My pumping member exploded in my mate just then, causing my body to writhe in a moment of orgasmic bliss. As soon as it was over, I felt myself getting down, feeling the cum leaking from my cock tip as it slid back into its sheath. Taking another sniff and lick of her sex, a feeling of satisfaction washed over me, as though I had achieved it all. Only the sensation of my eyes watering, the world shifting in shade could distract me from my release. A fleeting part of me might have expected the world to be covered in dull shades of gray. Yet, I could not have expected how brilliant the room had become, the grass alight with a million colors. And the smell…it was even better than I recalled, prompting me to lower my head eagerly to pull up my next mouthful. There was so much for all my herd to graze on, we could eat to our heart’s content…nothing else mattered, save for when it was time to mate…or be sheared, or course…
Of all the things I thought I might see in an up-and-coming candy factory, I couldn’t have imagined walking into a room full of what I could only assume were milking machines. The four-pronged tubes at the ends of the machines were a dead giveaway. And yet, their purpose, as simplistic as it should have been, currently eluded me. After all, where there were milking machines, shouldn’t there be cows? The place was pristine as best as I could tell, the four of us spread around the room to take it all in. That, and what would a candy maker need with his own herd of cattle? Surely, not to make chocolate milk!
“Why have so many machines?” I asked, stupidly, thinking aloud.
“For the cows, of course!” Exclaimed the guide, and Abbie snorted at that.
“Yeah, Luke, come on! Don’t you know they need them for chocolate milk? That comes with brown cows, of course!” She teased, smacking me on the arm a little. I gave her a sideways stare, moving toward the other side of the room with some curiosity. There had to be more on the tour than just this, right?!
“Ah, I see you have a mind for candy making!” The guide replied, in that matter-of-fact way that made us all confused. He had to be joking, but why was he being so deadpan about it?
With that, everyone wandered around, looking at the machines with mostly expressions of boredom. The guide, meanwhile, had ducked into a backroom with an ‘employees only’ sign. Did he really think we needed that much time to look at a room with just milking machines? That, and the stalls set up on either side of the rows, where cattle might be expected to stand and feed while being milked. But wouldn’t it make sense to get their milk from a local farm? Were the cows coming later? And wouldn’t it be a little messy to have livestock in the middle of a candy factory?
“I hope the rest of the factory makes more sense,” Sam remarked, wandering around to the other side. There were about twenty of the machines in all, in rows of five. It seemed like such a waste of space, in my opinion. Was the rest of the factory so crazy in design?
“At least the tour is free,” I added, though, in truth, even a free tour felt like a waste of time. Unless we got sorted into the weird group, at least!
“I hope there are free samples,” Micha remarked as Abbie chastised him. Though, in truth, I found myself hoping for the same. At least that would make it worthwhile!
“I hope it’s not cattle feed,” Sam remarked, which drew a laugh from all of us.
As though he’d heard us talking, the tour guide quickly returned, carrying a tray of various drinks. They looked thick, almost like milkshakes, two brown, like chocolate, and two pink, presumably strawberry. Inclined more for chocolate myself, I reached for one, Sam coming beside me to take a chocolate one as well. Abbie and Micha did the same, and we lifted them in a sign of cheers before sipping from the straws. The taste was divine, like nothing I had experienced before, and I was quick to drink it all down with a series of loud sucks through the straw. It seemed my friends were in much the same mindset, downing their own rather rapidly. A couple of hearty belches made me laugh, the rest of them obviously enjoying them as much as I did. Damn, the company would make a killing with these, I was sure!
“I hope you enjoy our specialized formula! It’s made here in-house!” The guide explained, and it was all I had not to ask him if we were going to see how. But he was off before I had a chance to, taking our empty glasses to the backroom.
“This is what I’m talking about. That definitely hit the spot!” Micha said before burping again, much to his embarrassment.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind having mooooooore,” Abbie said, before stopping herself. I was inclined to chuckle at the cow-like inflection she had used, though was a little surprised about the expression on her face. She had been doing it on purpose, right?
Yet, as the four of us wandered around, waiting for the guide to return, I was slowly aware of a gurgling in my guts. I had to assume the milkshake wasn’t sitting well. It had been a little rich, I realized, and I was a little thankful we hadn’t been offered any more to drink. I couldn’t imagine if I had two, or had even mixed a taste of one with the other. As it was, I figured I would need to go to the bathroom soon!
“Man, I dooooon’t feel goooooood!” Micha commented, reaching down to hold his stomach. Abbie was doing the same, and it didn’t escape my notice that their stomachs seemed a little distended, as though bloating from within. The speed of which was a little alarming, more so that the same seemed to be happening to my own. The skin under my shirt was warm, expanding at my touch as a series of lines crossed underneath, the texture a little disturbing.
“What was in thoooooose milkshakes?” I moaned, a little startled at the moo that came from my own lips. It was clearly not something we were doing of our own violation. Then, what the hell was going on?
The sight of something twitching in Abbie’s pants left me stunned for a moment as I tried to rationalize what I was looking at. My mouth went to open, though I stopped myself as I considered the possibilities, some less sanitary than others. Yet, I was not expecting the sight of a pink growth pushing out from under her skirt, twitching a little as it continued to extend. The skin itself looked to be pink, though it was obviously starting to pepper with pink hairs of its own. The tip, too, looked to be sporting a tuft of darker pink hair, appearing more like a tassel than anything.
“What’s happening tooooo yoooooou?” I tried to ask, but the bovine inflections in my voice were almost overpowering. Before I could react, however, the sensation of something pushing at my spine caused me some alarm. Soon, it formed a noticeable lump that started poking at the back of my pants, crawling over the waistband and twitching of its own accord. With some trepidation, I reached back to feel the warm appendage, eventually mustering the courage to look back and see it was brown rather than the pink that Abbie possessed now. It was bizarre, reminding me that I had the chocolate shake. Abbie had a strawberry one…was that the cause of my own growth?
My concern seemed not to be shared among the rest of us, much to my surprise. Micha and Sam now sported their own tails, pink and brown respectively, swishing back and forth as though they belonged there. Yet, rather than afraid, they seemed unaware, not even reaching back to grab them as I had. In fact, the distant, vacant expressions seemed to indicate they were fixated on something else. Their noses were sniffing vigorously, and as I watched, they seemed to be expanding, large on their features and drinking in a scent that I couldn’t detect. Strangest still, their hair seemed to be parting just slightly, a pair of bony growths making themselves known.
I stared, transfixed, as their growing tails sat above massive, swelling assess, pulling at their pants and tearing them from the back. Tails raised a little, showing off swelling asses, their anuses brown and pink respectively. Their genitals, too, seemed to be altering, Micha’s testicles swelling as he adjusted his stance. No matter how much their skin itched from the growth of fur, or their clothes tore from their bodies, whatever they were fixated on seemed to take precedence. It was all they could do to stumble forward in search of it, licking their lips.
Hearing a loud moo from the other side of the room, my glance shifted toward Abbie, who had finally discovered her own pink tail. Her nose, too, was bulbous, sniffing the air as her backside continued to extend. Stranger still, her adventurous fingers moved to tease above her groin, seeming to find something she was eager to expose. I would normally have been a little alarmed to see her sex, but the sight of it left me unable to look away. It was on full display, swollen and leaking, and leaving me somewhat disturbed. But the ballooning growth just above it was like nothing a human should possess. It took me a few moments to realize her breasts had deflated, that it was likely her nipples had been relocated to this massive growth. And as it pushed more of the fabric away, I couldn’t deny it looked all the more like an udder, like the ones the machines in the room were designed to accommodate…
“OOOOOOHH…what is this…” Abbie moaned, the sound coming out more like a moo than her human voice. It was impossible to believe I was seeing her pleasure herself in front of all of us. Yet, her forming udder seemed to be a sensual spot that she could hardly resist. Still, she struggled, her fingers seeming a little stiffer from the effort. As terrified as the sight made me, I couldn’t bring myself to turn away!
Hearing a deeper bellow coming from the others, my attention soon turned back to Sam and Micha, the latter who was dealing with a different problem with his groin. His penis was erect, difficult to see over his widening backside, and pucked asshole. But that was soon not to be the case as the foreskin pulled back and hitched his member toward his barreling belly. What eventually emerged was red and pointed, more like a beast than anything I could imagine. And with the heft of the thing, it seemed he was hell-bent on using it. The rags of his pants were soon to fall from his backside, a massive pink tail swishing over his puckered anus and mammoth testicles. As his feet thinned and his shoes and socks slipped off, it was obvious to me he would be comfortable walking on all fours in moments.
As disturbing as the sight should have made me, I couldn’t manage to tear my eyes away. Much to my chagrin, my own member soon reached erection, pushing against my pants even as they started to tent from the growth of my ass. Damn, I hadn’t even noticed it happening! It seemed my own changes were a little slower, though they were coming all the while. My ass was fat, my tail swishing in agitation as my hips swelled well beyond what my pants could manage. I tried to call out, but only a bovine moo escaped my lips, and I was suddenly aware of how rubbery my lips had become. I wanted to reach up to touch them, though in my nervousness I couldn’t bring myself to move.
Instead, my focus returned to my friends, all in their own various stages of change. Micha and Sam were changing faster now, bellies barreling and putting immense strain on their shirts. With a loud cry, Micha stumbled forward, his face starting to swell to match what I assumed had become of my own. It looked awkward for him to walk, though he managed it, struggling with his top-heavy body. I could tell by the strained expression that he was resisting the urge to touch himself, and I couldn’t help but conclude he was considering his soon-to-be lack of hands. Yet, something else seemed to have his attention, and that’s when my own gaze moved toward Abbie. She had her backside pointed toward him, having given up her quest to touch her udder. The reason was obvious, her stance was so wide and her fingers needed to hold her posture on all fours. They were largely frozen stiff by this point, with thickened nails on two of them that allowed her to hold her weight. And while her head looked comically out of place on her bovine body, it was already starting to swell, turning my friend into what looked like a pink cow!
It seemed Abbie was either oblivious to the changes or that her focus was elsewhere. Her flared nostrils seemed fixed on a scent as Micha had been. As he fell onto all fours, his nostrils sought out her backside, drinking in her aroma. With that, her tail raised of its own volition, and she released a rather pungent stream of piss, some of it getting on his nose. Such was hardly a deterrent, Micha moving with the intent to lap at her cunt lips. The sight should have disturbed me, sickening to see my friends reduced to cattle. Yet, as I stared, my fascination soon turned to something else that shamed and excited me all at once. I was jealous, and I wanted more than anything to be…
A loud rip suddenly tore my pants away, exposing my brown-furred backside and my embarrassingly small balls and cock, still in their human state. As though awakened by the touch of air, the gurgling in my guts returned with a vengeance, forcing me to belch and taste the rather rank flavor of bile. Worse was the gas within my bowels, and as my tail raised in reflex, I became aware of another need. Before I knew what was happening, my puckered asshole was pushing out several large clumps of cow manure, the scent of which was enough to make me gag. Stumbling forward, my chest rapidly barreled, forcing me down on my hands, making it impossible to balance.
Lower down to the floor now, my nose started sniffing out another scent that it quickly honed in on. In its urgency, the embarrassment of shitting myself was largely forgotten. It was a musky, heady aroma that sent my loins aflame. As much as I wanted to touch myself, there was no way to reach up and grasp my cock, causing me to moo my frustrations. Yet, as though unseen hands were reaching to grip my penis, I suddenly went into release. The orgasm was exquisite, leaving me trembling in a way that defied my humanity. And yet, felt strangely empty…
It was nearly impossible to turn my neck as the rest of my torso barreled to match that of my friends. Yet, the sensation of my penis being tugged backward toward my soiled pucker was easy to discern. I was confused for a moment, wondering if it was being repurposed into a sheath like I had seen happen to Micha. Yet, the damp sensation of my drying semen was soon joined by soaking wetness that grew as my cock head seemed to be pulling apart. What little of my shaft I could sense was being tugged from either end, and a cool, moist sensation ran within me, deeper than I could imagine. The weight of my diminished testicles was barely perceived as they were pulled within me, repurposed into something I could hardly fathom. It was the large, gaping cow cunt I was sure I possessed that took priority. That was my only conclusion after staring at Abbie’s own before Micha’s massive bull bulk obscured it from view.
As pertinent as the change in my sex was, something else soon came to my attention, a swelling in my nipples that made me long to rub them. They were swelling at a rather alarming rate, feeling almost heavy as they were tugged toward the empty space of my groin. Part of me understood what was happening, though it was hard to fully comprehend with my thoughts so hazy. It wasn’t my sex, even as urgent as the needs within had become. But the ballooning sack around my former nipples felt natural, right, especially as the nipples began to split and four teats took their place. As the mass of fat and tissue continued to swell, the weight of it made me moo in my contentment. Of course, I longed to have it emptied, to be milked and satisfied in the short term. But once I was bred, the fluid within would nurture the new life that I wanted so desperately to be implanted into me…
As shocked as I should have been by my change in sex, I couldn’t deny how aroused I was. Strangest was how much I longed for the same thing Abbie was about to receive. The ache in my cunt was all-consuming to the point all I could was bellow my lust, trying to attract a male. My humanity, my maleness, nothing mattered in the moment of heat. I delighted in any changes that would make me more attractive to a potential bull. My hands cramping, my fingers stretching with a keratin nail, and my shoulders rotating forward were all welcome. In a similar fashion, my toes started to extend, heels thinned as I kicked off my shoes, glad to be rid of them. With hips set in their proper quadrupedal state, all I could do was wait with excitement for a bull to take me up on my offering.
Yet, it was not Micha to find an interest in me, currently lapping at his once lover’s cunt lips. Rather, a bestial cry came from the other of our number, and I quickly turned my head to Sam, the sight of her making me drool. Where her cunt surely persisted once had closed up, and a pouch of furry skin was bobbing up and down against her stretched belly. Of more note was the mammoth, swaying testicles that seemed to be dropping from the closed remnants of her cunt lips. They were swelling with bull semen, and I hoped to all hope she intended to use me to unload them. Of course, she needed a member to do so, and as I stared, licking my lips, a red, pointed shaft began to work its way from her sheath. Almost as long as her chest now, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be filled by such a thing. Nothing else mattered in my moment of lust!
Sniffing the air and stamping her hooves as she was, it was all I could do to turn my brown body around and raise my tail in hopes she took notice. Her smell was intoxicating, making my loins leak and my stance firm. Her former identity mattered little, as did mine, even if a part of my mind figured I needed to hold onto that. All I required was her cock, wanting her massive brown body to mate me and fill me with her semen. Wait, his semen, I was starting to realize. Anything that came before was a drop in the ocean to my need, and I bellowed, hoping that my scent spurred him into action.
It seemed his interest had been piqued as he moved toward me, massive face pushing out and thick tongue licking his lips and nose in anticipation. My own head was starting to shift, horns heavy and ears twitching as they took in the sounds of our brethren breeding at the other end of the room. As best I could perceive, there was nothing about them that denoted their bodies as anything but a bull and cow. But it was my bull’s hooves clopping on the floor that excited me most, and the feeling of his warm breath on my nethers had me shivering with anticipation. Against my inclinations, I felt my bladder let go in front of his face, though Sam seemed only more inclined to lick at me. My cunt lips were quivering at the prospect now, and it was all I could do to moo my frustration, needing the penetration in the worst way!
The heavy weight of the bull on my back was bliss, feeling his hooves scrambling for a hold against my broadening flanks. A part of me worried I was too fat, though it was soon erased with the reality that I needed to be to take such a beast and bear his offspring. More than anything, I wanted to feel his slick red member within me, lowing and bucking back against him. And my wet, soping cunt lips were more than eager to open and take him within me. It was all I could do not to white out from the pleasure of it, and that was simply from the initial penetration!
It seemed the moment the bull’s slick cock entered me, my body exploded with growth, far more than my frame should be able to bear. It was as though the cow was being fucked into me, my neck thickening and my head expanding as I bellowed my lust. Each inch pounded into me was such bliss, and the larger I grew, the sexier I felt for him. I wanted nothing more than to be taken and bred, the soft cracks and pops of my swelling body ringing in my curled, twitching ears. Brown fur coated my sweaty frame, and I was glad to feel my face expanding, nostrils drinking in his potent musk and making my cunt quiver. I could fit all he was inside me, rocking with him, and sure at any minute, he would fill me with life-giving seed…
As my skull enlarged, it seemed the myriad of thoughts in my mind continued to simplify, and the notion initially caused me to panic. Who was this bull fucking me? Did they have a name? Weren’t they…who? Who was I? My name was…I was…cow…needed breeding…needed bull…needed…
“MOOOOOOOOO!” I bellowed as my twitching walls went into release. Waves of pleasure cascaded through my cunt as the walls wrapped against the bull cock still plowing me. A tensing within his rod was all I needed to know I’d done my duty as he held me fast, spilling his semen within. So virile was my suitor that his seed flowed back against my cervix, dripping out of my cunt and leaving me to tremble in the afterglow.
As I stood there swishing my tail over my cum-stained cunt, a certain sense of satisfaction rolled over me, as though I had achieved it all. I had taken a male’s semen, and my womb would soon swell with new life. I had been marked and bred and was part of his herd now. Yet, there was something missing, a pressure within that was growing past the point I could easily tolerate. I needed to be emptied, to feel the mass underneath me drained of its fluids. And without the ability to touch myself, all I could do was frantically moo my frustration!
No sooner had I done so than a comforting scent wafted into my nose, and my wide-angled vision was greeted by the sight of a man stepping forward, a grin on his face. “Let’s get you hooked up now, girl,” he said, though the words meant little to me. I was happy to follow him, especially as a panel opened behind the wall and unloaded a pile of sweet-smelling hay. I trotted forward, eager to stick my muzzle in and start to eat. The only thing more perfect would be to feel the tension underneath me alleviated. And as four metal pumps were applied to my udders, any fleeting thoughts beyond the now were erased, only the promise of a life of ease and contentment waiting for me…
“I hope no one’s allergic!” Our guide declared, opening the door to a room that smelled vaguely of nuts. I shook my head thinking it might have been best for them to ask before we had entered. Oh well, it was too late now!
“We’d have to be nuts to be on this tour…” Nick muttered, and I couldn’t help but chuckle at that. He was a good buddy of mine, and I was glad he was here to liven things up.
It really did seem like a waste of time, and if I had anything better to do, I would do it. But our town had so little going on, and there was something to be said for the novelty of seeing something so few were privy to. Even if a candy factory tour should have been mundane, the fact that only twenty people were being given a preview set the town into a frenzy to find tickets. The anticipation was palatable, and the more I figured it wasn’t worth worrying about, the more excitement around me seemed to grow. By the time I unexpectedly won my ticket, offers were starting to come in for thousands of dollars to purchase it from me. Yet, with such a demand, I found myself wondering what I was giving up by not going. But now that the day had come and we were in the factory, well…
“Before we start the tour, would you like some premium samples?” The woman offered and produced a canister of the largest, more succulent nuts I had ever seen. “Just one for now, there’s a whole factory to explore and treats to be had!” She explained, and each of us grabbed one before popping it into our mouth. The flavor was a little bland, earthy, and slightly more sour than I’d been expecting. Nick had the same expression, before commenting, “No, these guys are nuts to think they can sell these!”
“Well, if those aren’t to your fancy, I’m sure there will be something here that might suit your tastes,” the guide simply said, guiding us through the short hallway to another door. She opened it rather forcefully, as though eager to show us what was inside.
I was not expecting to enter a room with a vast array of nuts, all varieties I could think of, and several that looked rather strange to me. All looked ready to eat, be they raw, salted, or sweet. The only thing that looked off was that they weren’t in a safe storage area or the like, sitting open with no coverings or protections. It was rather impressive, I had to admit, and assumed it was for our benefit. All I could do was wonder if we were able to take free samples! The smell was amazing, too, a sweet scent that left me unable to resist digging into the nearest jar for a handful. The treat we had just been given could hardly hold a candle to the feast before me!
Before I could move forward, however, a sudden tightening in my pants left me to pause. They were very tight not only around the waist but all over, as though I had put on a pair too small. I wanted to snack, and in fact, felt a gurgling in my guts that nearly made me salivate. But if I was getting larger…would it really be a good idea to partake? Damn, I was going to have to lose some pounds after this tour! Still, it wouldn’t do me good to win a trip to a candy factory if I wasn’t able to indulge in the candy!
Looking around for the guide to explain, my gaze settled on Lauren, who I’d talked to for a few minutes before starting the tour. I could hear her chewing, perhaps more loudly than I’d been expecting. It was the sight of her popping one nut into her mouth, then another, cheeks puffy from the amount of them, that had my attention. Even the nuts that lined her mouth weren’t enough to hide the massive bucked teeth she possessed, orange and almost too large for her mouth. She looked at me, confused, before taking a nut from her mouth and using her thick incisors to rapidly cut into it before swallowing and moving another nut into position. The sight was enough to make me nervous, though it was the dozen or so thick hairs that erupted from her nose that really scared me. Were those whiskers? What the hell was going on here?
I wanted to call out to Lauren, but a strange trumpet sound had replaced my voice, making me raise my hands to my lips in terror. The texture was strange, a little leathery, though it was hardly the most concerning thing with everything going on around us. My gaze quickly followed Lauren’s own, leading over to Nick, who was doing very much the same by stuffing nuts into his mouth. Yet, the gleam in Lauren’s darkening eyes was more akin to lust, especially as I followed them toward Nick’s junk. While I would normally be disgusted by such a thing, I couldn’t help but watch as his maleness swelled in real time, looking almost heavy in his underwear. Blush on his face, Nick’s hands soon went to the back of his pants, where something else started to push its way through. For a moment, I figured it might burst out the back, though, to some alarm, they were getting baggier around him, as though he was shrinking!
Nick was wild-eyed now, in a literal sense as they started to expand on his features. The whites of his eyes soon darkened to brown, almost black as his nose twitched. Several dozen hairs burst from the sides, like whiskers, and as his mouth widened, it seemed he had the same orange incisors that Lorren possessed. The more I stared, the more I couldn’t help but think he looked like a rat! Except, that wasn’t quite it…As his pants loosened around him, they soon fell off to expose a swath of reddish-brown fur and a sizable fluffy red tail. As shamed as he was, Nick couldn’t help but reach back to touch it, fingers playing over what had to be a squirrel’s tail! If Lorren’s changes were anything like his, it seemed there was a chance we all might be turning into squirrels…
Regardless of the outcome, my own swelling and bloated body left me terrified for my fate. Yet, the sound of a bestial trumpet caused me to turn toward Courtney, surprised I hadn’t thought of her in all this. Whatever she was becoming was hardly a squirrel. She was so much larger than her human self, ears massive and flapping in the air as she reached for another handful of nuts. It seemed she was so lost in eating that her changes went unnoticed! Going to call out to her, my own voice sounded horribly warped, unable to articulate any meaningful words. She ignored me, however, more focused on eating and oblivious to the changes rippling through her growing body.
The more she ate, the harder it seemed for her to pull up handfuls of nuts, as though her fingers were becoming stunted. It seemed the changes had a solution for her, however, as her nose slowly began to unravel from her face. It seemed impossibly large for her features, and Courtney began waving it around, confused as to how she had gotten it. Yet, the moment it dipped into the barrel of nuts, it seemed she was able to pick up several at once with its flexible tip. Without waiting, she shoved her new trunk in her mouth, chewing and swallowing while simultaneously reaching for another trunkful. The sight of her changing body dredged up some mental image. However, with such animalistic features on a mostly human face, it took me a moment to come up with the word. And it was getting harder to think, besides…
Eating seemed to be accelerating the changes as I watched, Courtney’s clothing precariously tight and starting to tear all over. Any exposed patches of skin turned ashen and wrinkled, looking sundried and losing any sense of humanity. Her massive ass, barrelling chest, and even her column-sized feet were starting to burst from her shoes, rendering her naked. Yet, most alarming of all, the sight of her backside expanding gave me pause. It was not only the sight of her exposed, puckered anus, but especially the tail that had sprouted and was swaying above it. The sight of the changing woman was shocking, though the more I stared, the more something about the sight seemed familiar to me. It was as though she was turning into…what, an elephant? Yet, the more I reflected on it, the more it made some bizarre sort of sense. Elephants liked peanuts, after all, and didn’t we have an unlimited supply?
Another trumpet escaped my lips as a surge of growth ran through my own form. I had been largely unaware of it, but my body was pressing precariously tight against my clothing. There was no time to get it off as my shirt ripped down my back, exposing the same gray skin that adorned Courtney’s own. My ass was growing even faster, bursting out the back of my pants and leaving my own puckered anus exposed to the air. However, I could hardly bring myself to worry about that with the sensation of the growth out of my spine. The moment I felt its hairy tip touch my backside, I yelped out, wanting to run away and try to save myself from the changes. Yet, I quickly fell over, catching myself on hands that were thicker and sturdier than I was expecting.
In vain, I tried to open my mouth once more, but the force of muscle pulling from my nose gave me pause. It didn’t hurt, not exactly, but it was alarming to see it being tugged from my face, feeling heavy as it grew. A surge of sensation ran through my head, strangest of all the ability to move it as I focused. It was largely unwieldy, waving back and forth without intent. Soon, it was longer than my previous height, though I was far from that size already, and growing still. Gray and wrinkling, I was shocked by the level of articulation it possessed, especially at the tip as both sides easily closed on each other. No wonder Courtney could flex it so easily!
What I was not expecting, even with my larger, veiny ears, was for Courtney to approach, or for her to reach out with her own truck and touch mine. The contact was delightful, especially as I became aware of all the sensitive hairs it seemed to possess. More than that, I found myself craving more, wanting to rub against hers as best I could. The range of motion it possessed was beyond compare, and with some effort, I was able to wrap mine in hers, a gesture of companionship that made me wonder if there was anything wrong in the first place. It was nice being with her, massive body making mine feel more natural. Even as my toes and fingers began to compress, I could find no fault in what was happening. It made sense for the digits to swell and stick together as the nails thickened and spongy tissue held up our weight. All it did now was make me happier I was so big!
Out of the corner of my eye, I was aware of my former friends, shrinking as much as we were growing. They had shed their clothing by now, though at under half their previous height, they would have clearly fallen out of them. Lauren had pounced on Nick, and the pair were wrestling with some level of energy that defied their humanity. Wait, humanity? That didn’t make any sense, not as I looked at the two squirrels aggressively playing with each other. Why would they want to be anything else?
It was harder for my eyes to track the smaller creatures, shrinking all the while as their tails reached the backs of their necks. Reddish fur covered their bodies, and the squeaks of frustration carried no notes of words I could understand. Of most significance, however, was the sizable erection that one of them sported, rubbing its fluids over the other. Wait, didn’t they have names? While I could still think or was aware that I could, certain things were starting to make less sense the more I contemplated them. In the end, I figured, if I couldn’t recall it, it probably didn’t matter, right? It was harder to focus anyway, given the gurgling in my stomach that demanded food. I couldn’t even recall the last time I had eaten, I was so hungry!
Having watched the female and doing as she did, my flexible trunk reached out and picked up several nuts at once. Eagerly, it pushed them into my v-shaped mouth as I chewed with teeth that didn’t quite feel right. It didn’t matter, however, especially with how simply divine they tasted. I couldn’t recall anything being this good! Well, I couldn’t quite recall anything before now, but that didn’t matter, did it? Not with how good these nuts tasted! My teeth, strange as they felt, soon got in the way, especially as two of them pushed outward, leaving it to hang open and drool as I got used to it. The weight of them was annoying, especially as they pressed out into what looked like tusks. Yet, as they extended past my trunk, I couldn’t help but feel a point of pride in them. I was a massive, powerful male, and while I hadn’t paid attention to my penis, the thought of using it caused it to engorge, heavy under my massive frame…
My goal was firmly etched in my head, especially as I watched the shrinking squirrels getting into position. As best I could tell, the female was initiating the act, leaping over the male and allowing his penis to rub all over her fur. Ears twitching, she pushed him down, taking him inside her as he squeaked his lust. The two of them rutted like that rapidly, shrinking even further as they took on the proper form of squirrels. That thought left me a little confused once more, but as the male pulled off, cock leaking, the sight of them seemed to settle well in my mind. And they were hardly done, the female running away and the male chasing in some rather well-orchestrated mating ritual.
The sound of the door opening caused me to turn around, forgetting briefly about my attempt to mount. Not that it mattered with my size and dominance, easily able to flatten any human who challenged me. But my instincts were not inclined to do so, rather happy to see the human who would likely restock our nuts. As hung as my penis was, it could wait if this woman had any treats with her!
“Welcome to the team! We’ve needed some world-class nut tasters to make sure our work is of the highest quality and you’ve all gotten the job! Might want to make sure we remove the transformative agents first though, lest we overrun the town with elephants!” Said the guide.
While I was still able to understand the words, at least somewhat, they didn’t matter to me as I moved behind my eventual mate. I could smell her heat, and even if they were far removed from us, I was reminded of the two small rodents who were vigorously fucking on the ground. I would do the same with my mate as well, smelling she was obviously ready. Yet, the ache in my belly came first, so large and so empty. There was some hay being brought in, I could smell it, and part of me figured that would be a far more satisfying meal. But this crate of nuts in front of me just tasted so good…and I could eat as much as I wanted…
Wandering into a surprisingly wide room, the smell of hay and the faint odor of chickens left me a little confused. It wasn’t quite offensive, not at all like I would have expected. Yet, it was obvious from looking around a room with several coops and pens that it was meant to house farm animals. I had to do a double take, not really understanding what I was seeing. Not only should there be no animals on site, but the room was obviously prepared for a large number. Couldn’t the Candy Maker take trips to the grocery store?
“Where are all the chickens?” Jon, another of our group asked, as silly as it was. “Yeah, why have all the coops otherwise?” Ellie added as though disappointed. I had to admit, I shared the sentiment. What was the point of all this, anyway?
“Oh, they are coming soon. I wouldn’t worry,” the guide explained, moving toward the other side of the room. “Here’s some chocolate eggs to tie you over. Enjoy! I need to check in with something, but I’ll be right back to help you get settled in!”
With that, the four of us took a chocolate each, unwrapping it and biting down as he exited the room. I had to admit, they were amazing, as much as I was expecting from a candy factory. Still, the man’s last words should have resonated with me, concerned to hear him help us ‘settle in’. The more I reflected on it, however, the more confused I became. Surely, he meant to get us settled into the tour, but hadn’t we already started?
Chocolate devoured, the four of us simply stood around, not really sure what was going on. “Anyone know any good jokes?” Deanna asked, though none of us had an immediate response. It was awkward being left there, waiting for something to happen and wondering what the hell this whole tour would bring. And feeling more so the longer the moments ticked passed!
“I wish I could come bawwwkkk with something!” I responded though something was off about the sound of my words. Quickly, I drew my hands to my lips, a little concerned. I hadn’t intended to make a sound like that, as silly as it would be in the current circumstances. And yet…
“Aww, are you feeling a little chicken? Baawwwkkk!” Jon teased, though his voice was decidedly human and intentional.
“Aww, looking for a new place to live? I bet the Candy Maker will let you cluck in tightly here!” Deanna did the same, her own voice just as fine.
“What are we bawwwwgggaawwwing here?” Ellie asked, though she, too, was confused at the sound coming from her mouth. It seemed likely she wasn’t trying to tease me, instead sounding rather worried. What the hell was wrong with us?
I couldn’t deny the concern I felt as I checked around the room, looking for the door. There was a part of me who didn’t want to speak, just in case I started randomly clucking once more. What was in that candy, anyway? I was starting to sweat, looking around the room with some nervousness. Somehow, the room seemed a little larger, making me dizzy. Was I maybe poisoned? Was this what being poisoned was like? With no way to know, all I could do was start shivering, feeling like I was crawling out of my skin.
“Whhhaaatggaaawwwkks going bawwwwggaaakkk?” I tried to mutter, though any attempts to talk were soon rendered moot. I couldn’t even speak anymore, sounding more like a chicken. What the hell could have done this to me?!
“What’s that smell?” Jon asked, moving toward me with some curiosity. I immediately felt a hint of shame at the words, thinking that my sweaty body was somehow pungent to his nose. Yet, Jon approached me like a man possessed, a strange gleam in his eyes that made me disturbed. I wanted to pull back, yet there was something about his presence that almost felt comforting. I even allowed him to touch me as he played his fingers gently over my body. It made little sense, especially as he reached down to pull up my shirt, and moved to unbuckle my pants. Instinctively, I knew I should stop him, but there was something about his touch that was so…soothing. So long as he was here, it would be ok…
“Baaaggaawww?” I tried to ask, though I forgot I could no longer speak. It didn’t matter, Jon getting down as I kicked my shoes off. I was confused as to why he wanted my clothes off, leaving me functionally naked save for my underwear. Yet, as he did, a strange sensation played from my loins, as though I was starting to feel a sort of anticipation. I was happy to allow him to do his work so long as he was satisfied…
The pain of something erupting from my backside alarmed me as I felt around, several long protrusions sticking out above my ass. Seeking fingers brushed over something like a strange bump out of my tailbone. One that was itching with some sort of feathery growths that was…wait, was it actually feathers? The moment the thought crossed my mind, my entire body started to itch fiercely, erupting into thousands of pointed barbs that blossomed into a pelt of dirty white feathers. The intense prickling was irritating me, making me whine in that decidedly avian tone that left me scared. Yet, Jon was there for me, having taken off his shirt and started rubbing his body against me. Even the brief touch of his skin was enough to help me ignore the irritation. Soon my chest, back, and thighs were covered in feathers, making me wonder if I was becoming some sort of bird. A chicken, most likely, if my speech was any indication. No matter how terrified I was, however, there was no denying how Jon’s presence was relaxing me, and I allowed myself to shiver and shrink, come what may.
A cursory glance told me Deanna and Ellie were doing the same, Ellie naked and shivering as Deanna rubbed against her body. She, too, was becoming coated in feathers, and a persistent clucking sound was a sign she could no longer speak, either. Yet, she stood there, shrinking as we were and content that Deanna’s hands were rubbing her itchy body. The fact we had such eager caretakers was powerfully comforting, and as my body quivered and shrank, I was glad they were here to guide us. There would be no way I’d be able to manage without Jon!
Yet, instead of feathers, it seemed Deanna’s skin was erupting with an unnatural blue shade, covering her body in a wave like a fur coat. Stranger still, her nose was scrunched, turning dark navy as it merged with the skin of her upper lip. She twitched it slightly, a series of whiskers popping from it as she bobbed up and down with anticipation. Perhaps strangest of all was her twitching ears, rapidly growing long above her blue-furred head. It was hard for her to get her clothes off with them in the way, but she managed. Her naked torso was without visible breasts, though had several new nipples running down her increasingly furry chest.
Looking at Jon, his smile caught my eye as his teeth expanded, becoming bucked and orange. Like Deanna, his own split lip erupted with a flurry of whiskers, pink fur growing over him in contrast to her strange blue coat. He hadn’t thought to remove his own clothes, though the pair of us seemed to be shrinking, eliminating the need. There was a part of me that wanted to reach down and pull mine back on, even if I was getting too small for them. Yet, the moment I attempted it, my stiffening fingers seemed to merge together, forming a single bare growth that I could only wave wildly. The tips of new feathers quickly erupted from its surface, and as my shoulders cracked and bones shifted, I felt them reflexively tucking against my fatter, feathery body. I had wings for hands now, and all I could do was flap them uselessly, not even able to fly!
A sudden tension within my groin caused me to cluck out my irritation, and before I knew it, my cock had gotten hard. I had no idea what was causing it, but in the moment all I could feel was the frustration at not being able to get off. Before I knew what was happening, however, the pressure in my prostate grew far beyond the point I could manage. With a few quick squirts, my feathered groin was covered with semen, though the release was hardly pleasurable. It made me feel oddly empty as I clucked my frustration, hating the coating of cum that had covered me. Some of it had collected on my penis, causing it to shrink even further, and my testicles along with it. I couldn’t look down past my barreling belly, but as best I could tell, I no longer possessed my maleness, leaving little more than a slit in its place. What the hell was going on?
Looking at Ellie, it seemed she was clucking with her own release, though her seeking fingers had only moments to rub her sex before they, too, were reduced to flightless wings. She was frustrated, hopping up and down on thinning, yellow-scaled legs. Deanna had already gotten out of her clothes, hips and ass massive as she kicked away her shoes. While her feet had started off human, their rapidly stretching heels gave way to something that looked akin to snowshoes. With toes reducing into padless nubs, and blunt claws forming at the ends, I couldn’t help but equate them to rabbit feet. The sight of her blunt muzzle pushing out, complete with the same bucked teeth, implied she was going rabbit all the way, albeit a blue one. With her new paws, she was eager to rub at Ellie’s changing body, allowing feathers to grow up her back and her hair to fall out before a red comb pushed from the bare skin.
The touch of paws against my own head caused me to relax for a moment as Jon rubbed at my hair and allowed feathers to sprout. I couldn’t help but lean into it, allowing my own comb to form. As much as I wanted to touch it, it was nice having Jon there to take care of my needs, his rabbit paws helping me to keep calm. Even as I shrank, bones cracking and chest barreling, I found it harder and harder to find fault with what was going on. Surely, if Jon stayed by me, everything would be alright…
I was especially thankful for his presence as the pressure in my groin started to intensify. I clucked out my panic as I lowered my backside, doing my best to alleviate the discomfort. For a moment, I thought I might have to relieve myself, and my anus was clenching tightly, as though preparing to do just that. However, it was not only my ass hole to ache but the moist slit where my junk had been. It was as though it was moving, my insides wrapping around each other in order to merge into a single opening. No matter how I racked my brains, I could not fathom what was happening, nor what was causing me the internal discomfort. As obvious as it should have been…
Bending down, I was made aware of how thin my legs had become, and how strange the toes felt. They were longer, and stiff, and I winced for a moment as claws burst from the tips of them. Yet, they allowed me to hunch over, my fused orifice clenching and unclenching in rapid succession. The pressure was almost painful, yet, the more that Jon rubbed my belly, the more relaxed I felt. It caused the spasming within my opening to intensify, oozing slick fluids as something started to crown the surface. Wanting to void it above all else, I allowed myself to push, my body working of its own accord. Soon, it reached the halfway point, and all I could do was cluck as it slid all the way out. Despite the obvious source of the discomfort, I was still shocked to get up and see that I had laid a chicken egg!
Looking to Jon for support, I was a little surprised to discover he was bent over, a small tail poking out of his pink-furred backside. Nose twitching, he seemed a little uncomfortable as his feet rapidly extended, toes shrinking and covering with more pink fur. It was obvious that he was becoming a rabbit as much as I was a chicken. And he didn’t seem to mind, even as the remnants of his human cock pulled into his body, leaving only a moist slit that he rubbed for a moment before coming to comfort me once more. It seemed he was a female as much as I was, but with the strain I had gone through to lay, it was harder to think about the ramifications of such.
Curious, I looked over to Deanna and Ellie, both nearly transformed. Ellie had obviously laid an egg of her own, contentment crossing her human features as Deanna hopped away, only to return with a basket. As carefully as she could, Deanna lifted the egg and placed it inside, before reaching up to rub her head. Ellie’s gaze caught mine, and for a brief moment, the two of us held some understanding of our fate. I hated to admit it had felt pretty good, and there was a part of me eager to lay an egg again. Yet, I couldn’t help but feel a strong concern over the sight of Deanna rubbing her head. It caused Ellie’s mouth to press out into a beak as her teeth were subsumed. As her eyes darkened to yellow, all the intelligence and understanding seemed to fade, and she began to cluck wildly before getting down and pecking at the floor for scraps.
I hardly had time to concern myself with the implications as Jon reflexively reached up to rub my face as well. A part of me was worried about what that might do, yet given his careful caress through my changes I couldn’t bring myself to resist. Trying to open my mouth, it was a little alarming to feel it pushing out into a beak, replacing my lips and dissolving my teeth. I allowed his touch to force my face forward, my skull sloping and my thoughts becoming jumbled. There was a small, fleeting part of me that wanted to panic, thinking I was about to lose everything I was, who I had been. As my eyes enlarged, changing color it was almost impossible for me to-
Yet, at that moment, a light seemed to go off in my head, and all concerns, worries, and thoughts were erased. Blinking a few times, any fragments of the past were removed and tossed away as unnecessary. There was a caretaker here, and I was able to relax as I waddled over toward a nest where I would settle. The other one like me followed, and I didn’t mind her presence, either. The pressure inside was getting stronger, and I needed to push the discomfort away. I didn’t care about them once they had been voided, not needing to sit on them or anything. Best of all, I had a caretaker to rub my belly, helping relax my egg-laying before she took it away for me…
There was a part of me that couldn’t help but feel honored that the Candy Maker himself was leading our tour group. He was quite the showman, down to his elaborate garb, and something about that made me curious to follow him. I couldn’t say why, but it was easy to assume he would give the most in-depth tour of anyone else he had hired. And I was eager to learn all the secrets he had to share!
“You’re a really lucky group, indeed! This is the part of the factory where we produce our chocolate products! Did you know that our ingredients are safe even for a variety of allergies and ailments? Even animals allergic to chocolate, like dogs, are safe to eat it as well! The health benefits of cocoa are well known, after all, so who would we be to deny them that?” He declared, and as strange as I found that, who was I to argue that dogs didn’t deserve it, either?
With that, the four of us each picked a different flavor from the dozen or so chocolates that had been laid out for us. I had been hoping we would get free samples, and the vibrant flavor of the chocolate burned into my mouth, making me salivate for more. It didn’t matter if dogs could eat it, so long as I could, too!
“Is it Ok for me to take another?” I asked, feeling my taste buds explode. It was more than I could bear to wait, my ass shaking against my own accord. It was strange, as though something was supposed to be there but I couldn’t for the life of me place what it was. In the end, I figured, it didn’t matter. I was simply too excited to have another treat!
“Why, of course! Take as many as you like! I’m glad you’re developing a taste for them,” the Candy Maker smirked, and with that, I bit in eagerly, barely chewing before I swallowed. The others around me were doing the same, and even if I felt a little ashamed for gorging myself, I simply couldn’t bring myself to stop!
Eventually, I looked up and noticed Taylor looking at us with an expression of confusion on his face. “You guys get some on your faces? Or are we all brown nosing the Candy Maker today?” He asked, and the two girls giggled, reaching up and rubbing their own noses with some confusion.
Now that he mentioned it, a damp sensation seemed to have played over my own nose, and reaching up, I was a little shocked to discover the rough, moist skin that met my fingers. Surely it hadn’t felt that way before, right? Without thinking, I suddenly sneezed, not caring that it was in the direction of the bowl of chocolates. Breathing in, I was shocked to discover a plethora of scents, things that had escaped my notice before now. The chocolates had a deep, rich aroma of their own, of course, but beyond that, other odors attracted my attention. As clean and pristine as the room was, there was a series of rather pungent fragrances, ones that seemed to fascinate me. Were they…coming off us?
It seemed to be the case as the girls started moving toward each other, poking at their skin and clothes with black noses. They were sniffling furiously, playing their noses over each other’s bodies as though it was the most natural thing in the world. And in my mind, it was, as much as the scents exploding into my awareness could tell me. I was eager to join them, sniffing their clothes and hands as my racing thoughts tried to make sense of what I was detecting. More overt things, like their individual bodily odors, were obvious to me, as were their clothes and the chocolates they had eaten. But there were a myriad of things beneath the surface that caught my attention as well. The scents of other people they had interacted with, things they had touched, and even their breakfast were things I was slowly beginning to determine!
The sound of the Candy Maker’s voice caught my ears just then, and I was slow to realize that he had been talking the entire time. It didn’t really matter, given my focus on my goal. As fun as it was to sniff each other, the odors of food soon came to take priority. Leah had moved toward the sweets first, not bothering to use her hands as a longer tongue reached out and lapped at several at once. Taylor and Amber were inclined to do the same, evidently finding the action more efficient. And I was eager to join them, slobbering with a longer tongue that craved more of that taste…
Yet, the sight of something moving in their pants made me pause for a moment, as though they had accidentally relieved themselves. From their smell, it was clearly not the case as their backsides continued twitching, reminding me of my attempts to shake my ass earlier. The bulges were continuing to grow, threatening to reach over the tops of their pants. While it should have terrified me, especially since something began to twitch in my own pants, their actions rather wafted an alluring scent into my nose, leaving me curious. As good as they had smelled from a distance, the aromas emanating from their asses were intoxicating. Hell, they drew me forward more than the chocolate itself. They were simply too damn tempting!
Walking around to sniff their butts, I nearly tripped over my shoes, as though they did not fit. Reflexively kicking them away, I was a little shocked to discover that my feet were much smaller, and I couldn’t twitch my toes as much as I figured I should be able to. It didn’t matter, however, my mind was more fixated on the scents wafting from my friend’s backsides. They, too, seemed to be struggling with their shoes as though their feet were too small. Fixated on eating, it was hard for them to determine if anything was wrong, even as their spines stretched and their pants fell down. The sight of decidedly canine tails wagged eagerly to be free. Though it should have alarmed me, all I could do was stick my nose underneath them, eager to sniff their butts and discover all the information they could provide me!
Focused on moving from butt to butt and drinking deep of their various odors, I had not heard the Candy Maker approaching before his hand was on my shoulder. I backed up, feeling rather stunned as he started rubbing the back of my ears. I hadn’t been aware of it, but my ears felt a little too large, and their edges had become so flimsy they fell over on each other. Yet, as the man rubbed their velvety soft edges, all I could do was whine, the pleasure too much. I hadn’t realized it was such a sensitive spot for me, but the more he rubbed, the more I figured it was something I should beg for! And I tried to, though instead of words, a rather struggled bark came out, leaving me confused. I might have thought to reflect on it further, though the touch was so good that I was even kicking my leg. Hell, even the growth out of my own spine seemed to twitch in accord!
Soon, my thinner waist forced my pants to slide from me, yet, I was simply happy to be free of them and for my new tail to wag unobstructed. I simply couldn’t help but be elated that I had one! That, and the constant itching bothering me started to ease without the pressure of my clothes in the way. Sure, the itching seemed to get worse the more I stood there, goosing Amber’s rear as though it was the most attractive thing in the world. I wanted to rub at it, though was confused when my fingers reported what had to be fur. While it was short and a little stiff, the more I explored it, the further it seemed to be spreading over my own skin. Wait, didn’t I always have fur?
Yet, the smells from my friend’s backsides were so potent that I had a hard time focusing on anything else. Getting down, my shorter legs and arms seemed better suited for the position and I was happy for the balance as I sniffed with vigor. Moving from Amber to Taylor to Leah, I breathed in their musky odors, unconsciously committing all that pertinent information to memory. Their own bodies were covered in fur by now, and swinging tails were batting me in the face all the while as I did so. Eventually, they stopped eating, getting down and looking at me with dull, brown eyes and slightly longer faces. At the sight of them, my own face started to press out, though, despite the change in my field of view, I could hardly bring myself to worry. After all, it seemed to enhance my sense of smell tenfold, and I took to work sniffing, learning their bodies all over again.
By now, I was remiss for not noticing the bowls of chocolate were far from me, and that I had shrunk significantly. Amber, too, seemed to be on my level, her dull eyes and floppy ears a mirror for my own. In fact, had I not been smelling her the entire time, I realized I might have had a hard time determining who was who! Taylor and Leah were different than us, though still possessed muzzles and pointed ears and long, curled tails. Their own fur coats were long and fluffy, and their taller sizes made sniffing them a little more troublesome. But I was still eager to get up in there, drinking in the odor of their anal glands and allowing my own tail to raise as they dug in, too. All the itching, aches of bone and muscle shifting, and dysphoria in having shrunk down were forgotten from the plethora of canine scents to stimulate my senses. In the moment, nothing else mattered!
Soon, another strange, alluring scent caught my attention, something that only Leah and Amber seemed to be exuding. It sent a shiver through my loins, something I had not experienced in some time. As though my penis was wrapped in a warm flap of skin, I could feel it engorging, nearly touching the floor as it leaked in anticipation. It took me a few moments to realize what it was that had me so interested, that the females were in heat and aroused. As strange as a part of me found the scenario, it was difficult for me to find fault in the notion that I should mount and breed. Leah was a little too tall for me, and besides, Taylor was already there, licking her leaking cunt. He took only a moment before getting up on her back, gripping with diminishing fingers, and pushing in as his husky balls started slapping wildly.
Amber, however, was more to my size, seeming to be the same breed as me. The realization was a little strange, something I could tell by smell but something that meant less to me now. Thoughts such as those were fleeing by this point, but it mattered little with her desire and my ability to reciprocate. I went to get up on her back, noticing my fingers didn’t work the way I was expecting. They were far too short, stubby, and had thick claws at the ends that I couldn’t recall possessing before. It barely hindered me, however, as I got on her back, gripped her sides, and poked for her slit with my smaller cock. The moment I was in, I started to thrust, feeling the strange twinges of change finally abating. And as my swollen knot slipped into her eager folds, any thoughts of the future, worries or concerns faded from my head like the sperm from my cock as I fell into canine bliss…
Wide grin on his face, the Candy Maker reached into a bin beside him, grabbing four collars to place over his new charges. Not that he would risk poisoning any dogs with his creations, ensuring beforehand they would all be safe. But having some dogs to taste-test them directly was paramount, their specifically modified taste buds attuned to any discrepancies in the mixtures. They would remain the breeds of dogs they had become, and he would take the tainted treats to the back, to be used should he require more testers. Someday, certainly, with the need to expand his operations. But that was neither here nor there, and he had a factory to open.
First, however, was to tend to the pairs of dogs, the males whining as they tried unsuccessfully to pull their knots from their bitches. With wagging tails, it seemed there was nothing left of their human thoughts, as was the intended outcome. Such memories were unneeded for their lives, of course, their purpose only to taste-test and play and mate to keep them satisfied and content. Walking over to the pair of knotted beagles, he petted their hands, muttering, “Good dogs!” as the two sniffed and licked him. Readily allowing their collars to be applied, the Candy Maker moved to his pair of huskies next, petting them as they panted before the male finally popped out. Sniffing his mate’s cunt one more time, the new husky allowed his master to apply his collar, wagging his tail and following the man in hopes to be given another delicious treat…
All in all, the opening day was a total success.
The Candy Maker had a grand time giving his speeches to the public, much to the cheers of both the press and townsfolk. The grand opening had gathered a rather sizable crowd, one that was sure to stir up much-needed publicity. His confections had already been scheduled to ship to stores the country over, and several hundred new employees had started their careers in the past few weeks. While it was a modest operation for now, it was just the start of his new venture, and the initial projections looked very promising! Not that the Candy Maker cared for such things, rather finding money as a means to an end. His goal was to ship his confections to the world over someday, as well as employ many capable people to serve in his various capacities.
While the early tour had been a successful venture in drawing up excitement, the identities of those who had gone on the tour were largely forgotten. Such was the consequence of his magic. Once his new employees were repurposed, their time in the human world ceased to exist in the minds of those around them. Not that they cared about such things any longer, as he well knew. They were all happy in their new roles, and well treated for the new forms they had been given. After all, he needed their specific talents for his enterprise, and to treat them any less would be a disgrace to the company!
Still, it was just the beginning of what he had planned, and given that his grand opening offered free samples, he was sure to find some more worthy candidates. After all, his goal was to branch out, to build more franchises the county over. And the most eager to taste his wares made the most loyal and productive employees in their new positions, whatever form and species those entailed. It was often best to allow potential recruits to find their way to those rooms that might best employ their talents…
Jill and Sophia were among the first focus groups, and as they made their way past the front doors to taste the transformative chocolates, their fates were sealed. It only took a few bites for their ears to expand, likely itching with the growth of hair over the surface. From the expressions on their faces, it was obvious they greatly enjoyed the treats, and the Candy Marker knew how important it was to produce chocolate that a variety of species could partake in. Even with their looks of confusion over spreading fur and growing ears, it was harder to focus on anything than tasting the sweet treats they had been so eagerly offered.
“Not to worry! Doesn’t the chocolate taste amazing? Sometimes the perfect treats can bring out the best in you!” The Candy Maker declared, and with that, the two girls went back to testing the various chocolate delights.
It seemed they were moving from treat to treat with a more animalistic intent now, their ears long and floppy and able to move slightly. As he had hoped, it seemed the pair found it harder to think about anything else, much less the loss of their humanity and former existence. Jill’s ears were long and oval, more fit for the chocolate milk-producing cow she would soon become. Her body was already starting to pull more tightly at her clothing now, not that she would need them in her new position. Sophia, it seemed, would become a canine tester, her hair turning white with the distinct spots of a Dalmatian.
“That’s it girls, dig in! You can eat as much as you want…all you have to do is work for me…” The Candy Maker reassured them, and what remained of their human minds were inclined to nod a little before they went back to eating. They were happy to change, their bodies assuming the form of their desires to take on the perfect positions for his workforce…