Always Meet Your Idols

As happy as Derick was to get off the plane after such a long flight, now that it was time, the trepidation that had been plaguing him the past few weeks returned full force. He had barely slept, barely eaten, and was a nervous wreck, hardly in a fit state to meet his online friends for the first time. He could only hope the pair wouldn’t judge him too harshly for his disheveled state post-flight. Yet, there was no denying his excitement, not just for visiting London for the first time but meeting his once idols and now friends in person. He couldn’t imagine fucking it up now!


It had been a strange journey to get to know the two men, James and Zach, especially since he had been a fan of their music for such a long time. The two were once part of a boyband that had since broken up, though maintained an active online fan club. Derick had been a member since it had first formed, and the fact it was run by only two of the former members wasn’t a deterrent at all. It seemed the other men in the group hadn’t gotten along so well, but James and Zach had stayed good friends and were happy to chat with fans. Hell, if Derick didn’t know better, he might have assumed the two of them might be a couple, but he would never have the courage to ask. Still, it seemed the two of them lived together, as much as they had hinted at. 


Having regular chats with the pair had been a dream, one that Derick did his best not to squander by appearing too overeager or desperate. Yet, the longer he talked to them, the more their chats went from question-and-answer type conversations to something more organic that touched on their daily lives, hobbies, and experiences. In time, a true friendship seemed to grow, one that Derick would never hope to cultivate with people he considered celebrities. Yet, the two men were so down to earth, so relatable that as Derick got to know them, he found himself thankful for the friendship.


Eventually, it grew to the point that the pair talked about wanting to meet Derick in real life, as difficult as it would be since they lived across the globe. But the more they discussed it, the more they managed to work out some plans, and several months later, the day had come. The two offered to put him up for the duration of his stay and act as tour guides for everything he might want to see during his first trip abroad. It had taken some time to save for the trip, but Derick had managed it, talking often about their first meeting with much anticipation. Hell, such came with a little bit of teasing as well, perhaps of a sexual nature. He couldn’t be sure and didn’t want to assume,  but the sexual tension between the two was almost palpable, giving credence to the notion they might be a couple. And perhaps one willing to play with other men outside the relationship from time to time. Again, Derick didn’t want to get his hopes up. Still, if the opportunity arose, he certainly wouldn’t say no… 


Having followed their career for years, Derick needed no sign to locate his friends, seeing them waiting off to the side of baggage claim. Immediately, they raced over to him, embracing him in a tight hug and leaving Derick elated. It was all he could do not to feel a little aroused at their contact, but such would have been too much in the middle of the airport. Still, the hug went on a little longer than he figured it might, not that he was complaining. It took him some moments to realize they were not just hugging him, but rubbing their faces against him, something that filled him with confusion. Opening his eyes, it seemed the two of them were overtly…sniffing him? It seemed a little bizarre, and Derick was immediately self-conscious about it. Yet, eventually, they pulled back, grins on their faces as they took his bags, barraging him with dozens of questions about his flight and their plans for him over the next couple of days. In the end, the strange action was quickly forgotten, and Derick allowed himself to experience his excitement as they headed out into the street. 


Still, not everything went as Derick had hoped. Not that it wasn’t fully unexpected, but his guides were recognized a couple of times as they walked. Most were likely old fans, name-dropping them in the hopes of getting their attention. The two were cordial enough about it, even allowing fans to take selfies and have things signed. Derick couldn’t help but feel a little out of place, perhaps even jealous, though he didn’t want to make a scene over such. Seeing the look on his face, Zach was quick to come up to him, putting an arm on his shoulder and apologizing. It happened from time to time, after all, and Derick felt himself relax at that. It wasn’t like all the fans got personal tours of London, after all!


After getting him settled in their apartment and having a light lunch, the pair took Derick on a quick tour of the surrounding few blocks. It wasn’t much, as tired as Derick was from his flight. But the people were friendly and James and Zach were eager guides, happy to point out their favorite delights. It wasn’t the scenery that had Derick’s attention, however. He was all but convinced the pair were a couple with the way they poked and jabbed at each other, rubbed each other’s shoulders, and occasionally locked hands when they thought no one was looking. Derick was happy for them, though it was impossible to fully suppress a pang of disappointment. Not that he would ever have a chance with a celebratory, after all. And he had come here with a hint that they might like a third for their fun, something that seemed ever so slightly more possible given their sexualities. 


“Mmmm, I love an American accent,” said a woman’s voice, and Derick reflexively turned around as a young woman walked passed, giving him a nod and wink. Not realizing he had been talking so loudly while chatting away with his guides, Derick felt his blood run cold. He was gay, with zero interest in girls, but his boyish good looks often got him unwanted attention from the opposite sex. And now was the worst timing, hoping that his friends didn’t notice and that it could be played off. Yet, the feeling of strong hands on his shoulders shocked him, both men pulling him away. The action was almost enough to cause him to trip, and looking up at them, his hosts were staring daggers at the woman. Her teasing expression quickly soured at that, and she turned around, walking faster and likely chastising herself for saying something so silly. 


Looking back to his friends to ask about it, the sight of their faces nearly made Derick do a double take. Something seemed off, though it took him a moment to really figure out what he was staring at. Longer canines, perhaps? And were their eyes always green like that? Yet, blinking for a moment, Derick didn’t see anything wrong any longer, thinking that he had been imagining things. Still, the embarrassment over the situation did not leave his mind, and Derick felt he had to apologize. 


“Sorry. I don’t like women, but I get hit on more than I’d like. I think maybe this time it was because I was with two really hot guys,” he went to admit, though blushed furiously the moment the words were out of his mouth. While they had flirted more subtly online, this was the first time he had said something so overt, and in person, no less! How was he possibly going to live this down?!


Yet, rather than seeming awkward about his words, both men gave each other a knowing stare, taking his hands in theirs and pulling him forward. They didn’t say anything on the matter, rather took him to some of their favorite boutiques and asked him to pick out anything he liked. It was a bit overwhelming to be gifted such lavish things, fancy clothing and accessories, and other trinkets that caught his fancy. Surely, his friends were well off from their band days, but to shower him with presents was almost too much. Yet, the pair was insistent on constantly reassuring him, and Derick allowed them to do so, excited for where their day would take them.


Garbed in some of his new gifts, another woman seemed to give him a sideways glance as they passed. Too late, Derick met her gaze, thinking she was fixated on the two pop stars he was with. Though holding hands as they were, it was clear they were off limits, leaving their handsome charge as a potential target. Once more, Derick felt immense shame, even if he had not done anything to draw her attention. Looking back to James to apologize, James told him not to worry about it, and such was not the first time either of them had attracted unwanted attention from women. Still, that same greenish shade seemed present in his eyes for a moment, and Derick figured there was no mistaking it this time. And that drew rather deep-seated thoughts, ones that raised his excitement in a way that should have been silly. And yet…


Ever since he could remember, Derick had been a fan of werewolves and werewolf media. Such an interest turned sexual later in life, a metaphor of a beast bursting through a human facade meshing well with his own budding sexuality. He did not share this with most people, though he was guilty of often imagining hot men changing into hotter beasts. Such media was plentiful out there for him to enjoy, after all. And James and Zach were certainly among those he’d love to see furry and bestial. Surely, he was imagining the sharpened canines, longer nails, and above all the shift in eye color. But now with the idea firmly entrenched in his mind, Derick planned to revisit it often, especially when tending to his rather frequent arousal. 


Eventually, the trio returned to their flat, Zach locking the door with a grin. Immediately, the two took each other’s hands before kissing deeply, pulling each other close as they made out with fervor. It looked like two lovers reconvening after some time apart, tender and passionate and intimate in a way that Derick had never known. Despite himself, Derick grew erect with no way to hide the obvious bulge in his pants. As the two men eventually broke their embrace, they each turned to Derick, hungry grins on their faces. Derick couldn’t help but blush, not only from their gaze. Yet, the two only exchanged knowing glances, before James pulled out his phone. 


“Dinner? I know a few great places I’ll bet you’ll love,” he teased, and Derick almost wanted to put his hand in front of his pants. But there was no hiding how he felt, and all he could do was hope his friends were into the idea. At least Derick had a harder time doubting that with the way they kept sending each other sly glances…


After the long day, Derick found he was pretty hungry, and was happy when dinner arrived soon after. To his surprise, the amount of food the two men had ordered went far beyond what he thought they could eat, especially with how well-toned their bodies were. Derick didn’t want to stare too much, but the sight of them eating looked more akin to ravenous beasts than two hot celebrities. It didn’t take long for them to be finished, while Derick had barely touched his. Zach asked him, “Is it good?” to which Derick replied yes and started to eat again. Yet, his thoughts were elsewhere, and was perhaps more intrigued than disgusted by how they ate. Almost like they were animals, actual werewolves in disguise. That notion sat well with him, no matter how silly it was.


After washing up, James and Zach returned to the living area, sitting across from Derick and holding hands. It seemed it was all they could do not to pounce on each other, and Derick felt his own anticipation rising. He had no idea what was to come next, and no way to voice what he had in mind. It was far too embarrassing, and if he was being honest with himself, he wasn’t sure how he would feel even if they did offer. Surely, the performance anxiety would be too much for him to get into things, even if-


“So, what did you want to do now?” Zach asked, a little coyly as the two regarded him with some interest. The predatory nature of their gaze was not lost on him, making Derick all the more nervous and excited. In truth, he had imagined this moment for as long as he’d gotten to know his idols, perhaps even before. But now that the time was here, he was left speechless. All he could do was his best not to screw things up, regardless of what the men had in mind for him.


“Maybe this will help you get some ideas,” Zach said, getting up and moving to the couch where Derick sat. Zach moved too fast for Derick to anticipate, and before he knew what was happening, Zach took him in a passionate embrace. So taken aback, Derick could only sit there stunned for a few moments, before getting up the courage to kiss him back. Zach was an expert, the physical sensations beyond anything out of his wildest imaginings. All Derick could do was fall into the moment, the world fading around him as his arousal grew. He was almost leaking in his pants, the man’s lovely scent filling him with incredible need. Surely, this couldn’t be happening, yet there was no denying everything his body was telling him!


After what felt like an eternity, Zach broke the kiss, gazing down at the young man with some anticipation. To Derick’s excitement, it seemed Zach was just as hard, an obvious bulge in his pants that was well beyond impressive. The things Derick would do with that bulge if he could…and given the state of things, there was every chance his fantasies might come true!


“Did that give you any ideas?” Zach asked lustfully. It was all Derick could do not to get up and kiss him back, and perhaps more. Yet, a hint of regret crossed his mind as his gaze fell toward James across from them.


“Aren’t you both a…couple?” Derick asked, trying not to make himself sound silly. It was obvious they were on the up about any activities in front of each other. But there was something to be said for the verbal confirmation, and Derick waited to get a better understanding of the situation. 


“Oh, we are,” Zach replied, walking back over to James and taking him in an equally passionate kiss. Rather than feel jealous, Derick felt turned on beyond belief at the sight.


After several moments, the two broke the kiss, and James took over. “We are, well, a bit more open,” he explained, reaching down to grope his lover’s crotch, which was also leaking precum.


“Just for the right third, though,” Zach explained, and Derick felt himself shivering at that. Of course, he wished to be that one, but how were they so sure? If this didn’t go well, then what would happen? But there was no denying the twinge of excitement as well. After all, they had gotten this far with him, even helping him with a trip overseas. His face flushed, Derick feeling warm and aroused. And he was certainly eager for whatever the pair were offering, come hell or high water…


To Derick’s surprise, the pair paused their exploration of each other, instead raising their noses and sniffing the air. It reminded him of when they’d picked him up earlier that day, and Derick couldn’t help but reflect on his interest from earlier, back to lycanthropes. It was silly, just a fun fantasy and nothing more. And yet the sight of these two hot men sniffing the air, like horny dogs, left Derick unable to think about anything else. It made him hard as hell, as tempting as it was to touch himself. But with the promise of pleasure to come, all Derick could do was wait for what was offered. 


Yet, their next words carried a bit of confusion. “And what do you think of us in person?” James asked the question carrying more weight than Derick was expecting. 


“I mean…I love your work…I always have…” Derick replied, instantly embarrassed as he did so. Of course, he thought they were hot as hell and had wished for this day to come for months now. And now that it was here, was that all he could say to them?!


“Just our work?” Zach teased, and Derick felt himself blushing at that. 


“I bet there’s more than that…” James replied, getting up as though preparing to go to him. It was all Derick could do not to nut right then and there! 


“Shall we try again and see how you like it?” Zach offered, and Derick felt himself nearly melt at that. He couldn’t even speak, simply sitting there flushed and eager for what was to come. 


This time it was James to approached him, moving more slowly as though coming in for a kiss. It was slower, more sensual, and Derick was able to respond in kind, moving in and pulling James a little closer. It was sublime, just as good as Zach’s touch but unique on its own. The fact he was being sought after by not only one man but two left him feeling on cloud nine. And it seemed they were looking to share, perhaps having a wider goal in mind that surpassed anything Derick was expecting. Regardless, Derick felt his lust growing to new heights, wanting to finish even if it would ruin their later fun… 


Much too soon, James broke the kiss, Zach having moved beside him and putting his arm around his waist. “I think he smells like he’s into it, honey,” James whispered huskily, and the two shared a quick kiss, making Derick squirm. 


Soon, much to his surprise, the two started huffing and sniffing aggressively, more like animals as they pulled at each other’s clothes and started to scratch their skin. Such was too much for Derick to imagine joining in, unless he was to turn into a werewolf, of course. There was that thought again, but there were so many minor things about their actions that kept the image fresh in his mind. And before he could stop himself, Derick blurted out, “Damn, it’s hot watching you make out like animals!”


The moment the words were out of his mouth, Derick blushed hard, hoping to all hope they would ignore the statement. However, against his worst fears, the two paused, turning to him with hungry expressions in their eyes. “Oh, like animals, you say? What if we were sniffing each other like animals? How would that make you feel?” Zach asked lustily, baring down on the prone man and making him privy to the lovely scent of the man’s sweat. It was all Derick could do not to reach down and rub at his groin, needing to get off. The sexual tension was palpable in the air and Derick felt that if the teasing kept up like this, he might literally melt. 


Sensing this, his two benefactors moved in for the kill, so to speak. James was on him too, moving to whisper in his ears. “If you think we’re like animals, I bet you’d also think we’d want to sniff you,” he breathed huskily, and all Derick could do was reply with a quiet, “Yes…”


“And where would you like us to smell you?” Zach added, moving down to Derick’s other ear. Derick couldn’t know what they had in mind, but the teasing alone was raising his need beyond anything he could imagine.


“Everywhere…” Derick replied, the words coming out on impulse, hoping it wasn’t the wrong thing to say. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…”


“Maybe you’d like to find out…” Came Zach’s reply, and Derick felt a shiver running through his entire body. With that, he moved down the length of Derick’s neck, sniffing and even licking. On the other side, James did the same thing, both working down his neck and shoulders and breathing in deeply of his scent. 


Derick had no choice but to move to touch himself, unable to resist. Yet, gentle hands took his in their own, preventing him from the release he so desperately craved. Derick was left to whimper, “Oh yes…just like werewolves would…” his mind lost in the fantasy of such. In the heat of the moment, he couldn’t imagine anything better, as though both men could read his mind and were responding to his every whim. 


Yet, what he was not expecting was for both men to stand up again. They looked down at him with quizzical expressions rather than the lust they had carried on with. “And what if we were…are you into that?” James asked, and Derick felt his concern rising once more. 


“That would be hot…” Derick confessed, not sure what else to say. There was no point hiding things at this stage, after all. They had seemed into the play, and if Derick gave them even an inch of his interest, they might take it all the way. The more he reflected on it, the more Derick found himself aroused by the idea. It was all he could do not to imagine them changing, shifting into horny beasts. Not the bloodthirsty monsters that would rip him to shreds, of course, but beings with that power and instead using it to tease and fuck him…nothing in all his fantasies could equate to that particular image!


“That’s interesting…you say you like werewolves?” James asked, regarding Zach with a smirk. 


“We figured you did…that’s why we started teasing you in the first place,” Zach added, Derrick somewhat surprised. How they had discerned all this was impressive, but so long as they were willing to play along, Derick was prepared for what would surely be the best sexual experience in his life!


“What about foxes?” James asked, rather abruptly, making Derick squint a little. Where had that come from?


“Foxes?” He asked, wondering if he meant Were foxes or something else. It hadn’t occurred to him before, werewolves being the norm. But the species was hardly the primary facet of his interest, especially one so physically close and canine!


“Oh yes, there are all kinds of Weres out there…including foxes…” Zach added that same sly grin on his features. 


“Foxes would be amazing…” Derick muttered, now able to shift his mental image of his friends becoming foxes rather than wolves. He wasn’t sure why that was their animal of choice, but given their leaner body types, it did seem to fit them more. 


“And how amazing would you find that…?” James questioned, reaching down and pulling up Derick’s shirt before teasing a finger through his sparse treasure trail. It was all Derick could do not to beg for more, his erection spurting out a thick wad of precum. 


“Oh god…” Derick moaned, unable to utter any coherent words. 


Yet, the next thing to happen went far beyond anything Derick could have anticipated. “Maybe you’re in luck,” Zach remarked, pulling James in close as the two of them breathed deeply. All the pretense of sexual teasing was gone, and the two started to look rather serious. Nervous, perhaps, but Derick couldn’t bring himself to think of a reason why. Surely, they had to be kidding, doing a tease with him, but then why were they suddenly…?


The flash of green in their eyes made Derick do a double take. It reminded him all the more of what he’d thought he’d seen today, what he’d played off as a trick of the mind. Yet, this time, it was far more of a flash to greet his eyes as he stared in wonder at what was happening. Both men’s eyes were glowing, reflecting off the lamp light in the room as they shone emerald. It was haunting, though just as much as the sight of their canines lengthening, sticking out from gums that were suddenly black and a little puffy. Derick found the sight terrifying, yet there was something heart racing, too, knowing they had no intention to hurt him. Both men had made their desires clear, after all. And if they were truly what they seemed to be, Derick could think of no better experience than all they potentially had to offer. 


“It’s Ok to be a little scared,” James said, moving closer once more. “But your arousal smells much stronger, and that’s all I needed to know.”


Derick felt himself vibrating with anticipation, and it was all he could do not to beg them to have their way with him. Yet, he was surprised to see their features softening, both men sitting on either side of him with serious expressions. Derick felt himself worry for just a moment, not sure what it was they wanted to say. Was all that lead-up, including the reveal, for nothing? No, that couldn’t be it. Derick felt himself prepare for whatever they needed him to know, likely a prelude to their Were heritage. And in that, he could make an informed choice for whatever was to come. Too late, the lore that came with werewolves crossed his mind, and any intimacy might have consequences Derick would have to mull over. Even if he thought he already knew the answer…


“Do you believe in soul mates or lifelong bonds?” Zach asked him suddenly, and Derick found himself taken aback by the question.


“I’m not sure what you mean,” Derick replied, not sure what else to say to that. The notion seemed more like fantasy than anything. It was odd, though not as much as the fact his crushes might be Were foxes. So Derick was inclined to sit back and listen as the pair continued. 


“We do. It’s part of Were heritage,” James took over. “We tend to bond with our mates, needing that connection before having sex.” 


“It goes deeper than that, though,” Zach added. “We have a pretty good sense when someone might be a proper soulmate. Through words, acts, and other cues that most people don’t pick up on. It’s really smell though that confirms it. And you smell…well, it’s not uncommon for Were foxes to have a few mates,” Zach let that last bit hang. 


“That’s why we wanted to meet you in person,” James continued. “We had a feeling and talked about it a lot with each other. Being our fan was a good start but there was something more about you that made us curious. We’ve been bonded since before the band, but we had to keep it on the down-low. Couldn’t be gay in the public eye and all that. Would have alienated all the female fans! But now that it’s done…we always talked about having a third mate. Hoping we would meet the right man. And in talking to you, we both agreed it would be a good fit.”


“We couldn’t tell you right away, of course,” Zach chimed in. “Besides being too forward, you probably wouldn’t believe we were Were foxes. Even with as hot as you would have found it,” he finished, adding a smirk that sent another shiver through Derick’s being.


At this point, all he could do was continue to listen with rapt attention. The idea of being soul-bonded to someone was daunting, to say the least. It was certainly way more than a simple weekend of fun! And yet…he had idolized these men and thought about them during many of his waking hours for years now. It had gradually been turning deeper, to the point Derick couldn’t imagine not having them in his life. It might not be soul bonding, not like the two were talking about. But wasn’t that sort of the same thing? Honestly, it was all a little much to wrap his head around. All he could do was follow his heart, and hope things would work out for the best in the end. 


Of course, that was assuming he’d passed the bar, after all. As obvious as the implication was, Derick had to hear it from their mouths. Before he could ask, James was there to clarify. “We tend to get a good feel for whether someone is a compatible soul mate by smell. And your scent certainly hits all the right buttons, doesn’t it, honey?” He commented, before moving to kiss his lover. Zach responded in kind, though the kiss didn’t last long, as though they didn’t want to keep Derick waiting. 


The more Derick reflected on it, the more their words started to make sense. He loved these men, both of them, and wanted deep within his heart to get to know them better. It went beyond idolization, beyond even friendship or jealousy. He didn’t know what to think about their statement, that they were looking for a third soulmate and that Derick fit the bill. A strong part of him felt he wished he was worthy, as much as they seemed to imply they already thought so. And the idea of exploring such made him shiver through and through.


Of course, there was one obvious hindrance, one that Derick had a feeling could be rectified. If he wanted it to…not that he understood anything about real live Weres. But if it worked the way he thought it did…could he really bring himself to say no? All he could do was state the obvious and see what the pair of potential lovers had to say. 


“But I’m not a Were fox…” Derick said softly. If he was right…that might be easily fixed. And then there would be no going back. But would he want to? Could he ever forgive himself if he said no?


“We can fix that. A little bite is all it takes,” James confirmed. Derick felt his heart leap at the possibility. It scared and excited in equal measure, and all he could do was wait for their explanation. 


“We would never force you. That wouldn’t be fair. And there’s no rush. You have the whole trip. But if you say yes, well, then we’ll have a hard time letting you go,” Zach explained, though that last part came with a hint of the teasing Derick was coming to love. 


“Sorry for dumping all this in you on day one,” James apologized. “Were foxes tend to move quickly when we think we’ve found a soulmate. You were too perfect not to ask right away!” 


Derick reflected on that, recalling how deeply they’d sniffed him at the airport. Surely, they would have known then and had been thinking about it all day. An eternity by their standards, it seemed. He had to believe they were sure, regardless of whatever criteria they had used to determine it. And that came with its own set of problems. If he was being honest with himself, Derick should have felt things were moving too fast. And the idea of physical change, while tempting, came with it a whole slew of other issues, and would literally turn his life upside down. But with the very real promise of having everything he could ever want being offered to him…how could he possibly say no now?


“I…I want…please, bite me!” Derick cried out, the desperation in his voice not lost. In truth, he was terrified about what was to come and wanted to go through with it before he lost his nerve. Every fiber of his being told him that he wanted this, needed this. It would change his life forever, in ways that went beyond his understanding. A part of him knew he needed to take the time to learn all the ins and outs before making his decision. But in his heart of hearts, Derick knew there was no point in waiting. He would never forgive himself if he said no, and with that, there was no time like the present!


Both Were foxes looked down at him, as though searching for any hint of regret or hesitation. Yet, it seemed they quickly determined he was resolute, and both allowed their canines to push out slowly, extending to what he assumed was their full length. Derick braced himself, not looking forward to the pain but thinking it to be necessary. He did his best to stem his nervousness as both men moved to either side of his neck, their green eyes glowing in anticipation. And with that, they started licking at the skin, as though preparing Derick for what was to come. The twin pinpricks of pain made Derick wince despite himself. There was no denying the discomfort, and it was all he could do to stay still as his would-be lovers nipped his skin, licking the wounds with their tongues to prevent them from bleeding. The ache was over soon, and the Were foxes were thorough with their tongues so that no blood remained. And with that, they pulled back, grinning down at him with sexy fangs and glowing green eyes. 


Derick looked up at them expectantly, as though waiting for them to explain what would happen. He had no idea how it all worked, almost wishing he had asked first. But it was too late now, and all he could do was sit there, sure the two Were foxes would guide him through what was to come next. Naturally, the thought left him hard as hell, though Derick couldn’t begin to fully comprehend what he had to look forward to. Hell, he didn’t even know how his penis might change, thinking the notion of a bestial cock was more appealing than he’d ever properly considered. 


Yet, as the moments ticked past, Derick was left to wait there, wondering when he would notice something different. Other than the fading tingling over his neck and his persistent arousal, nothing seemed to be happening. Maybe whatever made one a Were took some time to infect him? Would he get sick, body trying to reject their gift? Would it take some time until he could transform or could he change instantly? Was it OK for him to ask, or should he wait until James and Zach told him what to…


Seeing the confused expression on Derick’s face, the two handsome men started to giggle, as though in on some joke he didn’t get. “Are you waiting for the change to start?” James asked, and Derick went to say something, though paused, unsure what to think about the humor in their expressions. 


“Well, you’ll need more than a bite!” Zach giggled, trying not to laugh out loud as he did so. Derick felt his heart sink as the words started to register. Did that mean he couldn’t be changed at all? Was it some kind of cruel joke? Surely, they couldn’t…


“Sorry, sorry!” James exclaimed, seeing the doubt and worry crossing Derick’s features. “He just means a bite won’t transfer enough of our fluids. It was a tease, we couldn’t just help but make an excuse to mark you first!’”


Derick felt a shudder of relief running through him. The thought it had all been a joke was more than he could bear with the promise of everything he stood to gain. Thinking they were marking him as one of their own was sweet in its own way, and Derick was unable to suppress a blush. Still, that did lead to the question of what was needed to change him, or if such was even possible to begin with. 


“What do you have to do to make me a Were fox?’ Derick asked with that same hint of desperation in his voice. He would have done all the men asked of him and more for the chance to be like them, he was certain.


And it seemed that the best-case scenario was exactly what they had in mind for him. “You need to take our cum, of course,” James explained, and Derick felt himself flush with arousal. He was almost inclined to pinch himself to see if he was dreaming. But the reality was the two wanted to take him at once, and it was all he could do not to strip for them right there. 


James and Zach allowed him time to prepare, Derick wanting to make sure he cleaned himself perfectly for them. He was a bottom at heart and wanted to beg them to take him at the same time. Goal in mind, he likely took too long cleaning himself out. In truth, he wanted to savor this moment, every thought, every emotion as though it were the first day of the rest of his life. After today, his life would be changed forever, and it was all he could do to make sure he was properly prepared for the best night he could ever imagine. 


Walking back to the main room, Derick shuddered, shy and embarrassed about his nudity. It was not enough to prevent his arousal, however. He felt a little shamed about his maleness in front of two beings who, even through their pants, were obviously well more endowed. But the hungry expressions on their faces were all he needed to regain his confidence. Especially as their own cocks throbbed in confinement, leaking in their pants enough that even Derick could smell. What would it be like to smell them with fox senses? Derick couldn’t even imagine, but he was sure to find out soon!


Without waiting, James pulled down his pants, leaving him in his underwear only a moment before removing them, too. The size of his meat was more than Derick had been expecting, even in his human form. It was intimidating to think about taking such inside of him, but Derick hoped he would be able to manage. He had toys of a certain size, of course, but it was a far cry from the real thing staring him in the face. Yet, he was more determined than ever before to make a good impression on his new friends turned lovers, and he stared with a hungry look of his own. 


“Want to explore, Darlin’?” James offered, and Derick felt himself shiver from the term of endearment. 


“I’d love to, Handsome,” Derick replied, hoping the term stuck. It seemed to make the man smile, at least. With that, Derick got down on his knees, staring at the impressive cock bobbing in front of his face. It was not the first time he had gone down on another man, of course, but in his mind, it felt more of an audition of sorts. One that he had already passed, Derick did well to remind himself. Everything moving forward was simply for the pleasure of it, and even if he made a mistake, surely, they wouldn’t cast him out!


With that, Derick reached down to fondle the man’s balls, something that prompted James to moan. The heady scent of musk hit him all at once, making Derick drool. Without waiting, he moved to lick the tip, tasting the salty pre, and swallowing as much as he was able. His crush was leaking rather copiously, and it was all Derick had to keep up, lapping and sucking at the head. The subtle moans from his lover assured Derick he was doing an exemplary job. While a part of him was worried about what Zach would be up to during their teasing, he figured each would have their turn with him in time. 


“Yeah…that’s really good Darlin’. You’re really getting into it…” James moaned, reaching down to hold Derick’s head. He wasn’t sure he could deep-throat a cock of that size, but he was at least eager to rub his lips over the tip and head. Working up a rhythm, Derick continued to please the man, making him leak a little too much for Derick to swallow. But Derick wasn’t inclined to cease his efforts unless he was told to do otherwise!


“Mrrfff…that’s so good Darlin’ …makes me want to change…did you want to take a break and see it?” James offered, and Derick felt his ass wiggle in excitement. A part of him hoped their animal cocks would be larger and more impressive than even their humanity. Derick couldn’t wait to see and do his best to pleasure it before he was taken in tandem by his new lovers. 


“Yes…” Derick managed to moan, though James wasn’t inclined to wait for his approval. A surge of blood made his rod flare, and Derick was taken aback by the speed of it. It seemed to add several inches in the span of moments, the skin turning red with throbbing veins as blood fueled his erection and its change. His foreskin, or what had become of it, had deepened greatly, pulled downward as his head tapered to a point, leaking its copious fluids. Perhaps best of all was the sight of the base expanding, almost twice the size of his girth and becoming a swollen bulb. Derick couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have it inside of him…


For now, Derrick was enamored by the sight of the hairs peppering his pulled-back foreskin as well as his groin. They were short, white, and thick enough that it was soon harder to see the skin. It amazed Derick to think James could control the change to this degree, though was more fascinated by the sight of it happening before his eyes. It was beyond his expectations, and Derick could only shiver in anticipation. Curious, he moved to lick at the tip once more, finding the flavor somewhat more intense. He could hardly wait to play with it properly, though had an important question first…


“Is tasting you enough to start it?” Derick thought to ask. Not that he would stop there, of course. But his understanding of the process was so vague that he couldn’t help but wonder when he had cemented the bond or when he would start to change. As much as he wanted to let his lovers take charge, it was almost maddening to have to wait to find out!


“Don’t you want to do more than just taste?” James teased, and with that, Derick felt his trepidation fly out the window. Without waiting, he moved to wrap his lips around the tip, feeling the moist, warm member tease the roof of his mouth. It was hard for him to take more than the tip, and he was more than a little nervous that he wouldn’t be able to manage it all. But he was determined to try, and with some effort, he was able to get his mouth around the head. With that, he moved down the shaft a little, bobbing up and down in an effort to establish a rhythm. 


Lost in the act as he was, Derick was remiss for not noticing that Zach had moved behind him, reaching to rub his back with tender, firm hands. “Why don’t you stretch out a little bit for me, Angel,” he whispered, and Derick felt himself shudder from the term of endearment. It seemed both men had been prepared for this, and the implication was more than he could bear. Of course, he was quick to stretch himself out, arching his back to allow the maximum access he was sure Zach was asking. 


Yet, there was a certain degree of intimidation that came with their actions, especially as Derick struggled to take more of James in his mouth. If Zach’s shaft was to change in the same way, Derick didn’t think he could take it all. Yet, even if it hurt a little, there was no denying how badly he wanted it, hoping the eventual change would make it easier for him. As excited as he was to please both men at the same time, Derick was sure they wouldn’t ask anything of him that was too painful. And even if it started that way…surely it would be the most amazing thing he had ever experienced by the end!


As though reading his mind, Zach was quick to say, “It might be a little tight the first time, Angel, but I’m sure you’ll love it soon. I’ll be as gentle as I can.” He then reached down to lube his cock before sticking a finger into Derick’s asshole. It was pleasant, making him pull off the vulpine cock before him and thrust his ass back. Zach’s finger was gentle, moving in and out to get him prepped and ready. But the waiting was starting to make him antsy, and before too long, Derick went to call out, “Fuck me, Baby!” Once more, he hoped the term of endearment would stick. It felt somewhat right to him, and, apparently, to Zach, as well, who took out his finger in preparation for the main event. 


In moments, Derick could feel the tip of Zach’s still-human cock teasing his butt hole. Even with as prepared as he was, the size was rather impressive, more so than any man he’d ever taken. Derick took a moment to look back and see what he was dealing with, finding it was almost the same size as James’s member in its human state. At the notion it would turn into a vulpine cock within him, Derick let himself take it, shivering with anticipation. The pressure was a little much for him, even with his experience, but Derick was not in a place to complain, unable to wait for what was to come. 


Before he could even think to speak, James’s fox erection was presented to him once more, and Derick moved to take it in his mouth. The idea of being spit-roasted by two fox men was the most erotic thing he had ever experienced, and with men that he hoped he would be able to fall in love with, no less. He was determined to make the best of every second, every sensation as his mouth moved to encompass James’s cock. The taste, as before, was thick and heady, though it quickly grew on him as Derick did his best to start sucking. He wanted more than anything to take his new lover’s load, to please the man and make him cum. But more than that, he wanted it for himself, more turned on than he had ever been in a submissive state. If that was to be his place with these men, to be their bottom, he would eagerly embrace that role and all that it meant for his new life!


Even over the flavor of precum and the size of the cock he was working to suck, the pressure in his bowels was not forgotten. Zach seemed to settle his way within him, hilting him all the way to the base. It was a little much, especially as the pressure started to build. “I’m trying to let it happen slowly but…you’re so tight, Angel…fuck… I need to change…” Zach moaned, and Derick wanted to tell him to let it happen as it would. Yet, all he could do was moan through the cock in his mouth. He didn’t want to let go of James but tried his best to let Zach know how much he needed it. Being at the handsome men’s whims was powerfully exciting, and his own cock was already leaking, the pressure in his prostate almost enough to make him nut right there!


Yet, the pressure soon built a little faster than Derick was ready for, opening him up to the point he was sure he could feel every inch of Zach’s throbbing veins. Trying to focus on what shape it was taking within him, Derick found such impossible, especially with how fast it seemed to be growing. But the most exciting aspect was the sensation of something even larger seeking entry. Given the state of James’s cock in his mouth, Derick was sure Zach was attempting to knot him. As elastic and relaxed as his anus was, he didn’t think he could take something the size of a Were fox knot within him, at least not easily. Yet, he wanted nothing more than to be stuck to the man and used as his fuck toy until he unloaded his infectious semen. As Zach’s thrusts became more insistent, Derick was sure it was inevitable!


With a yelp of pain, Derick felt the canine member being shoved deep within, catching within his rectal clamp and leaving him stuck. “Oh…oh fuck Angel…so good…” Zach moaned as he rubbed Derick’s back. He was almost sure the nails scratching him were a little sharper than he was expecting, but that mattered little. It hurt, but it was a good pain, and Zach was inclined to stay there a moment, allowing Derick to get used to it. That, and perhaps to slow his own release, though Derick was fine with whatever Zach had in store for him. And it wouldn’t be long now…


All the while, Derick continued to suck, reaching out to rub the soft fur along James’s groin. It was pleasant to the touch and made Derick all the more excited to think he might soon be covered in his own pelt. But now that his other lover was firmly implanted within his bowels, Derick used all his focus on the lovely vulpine cock within his mouth. The hands rubbing his hair were persistent, encouraging Derick to suck with fervor. James’s throbbing cock, as best he could tell, was beginning to spasm, and James’s cute whines were louder now. Derick was determined, not wanting to stop until James erupted down his throat. “Mmmmm…just like that Darlin’…you’re going to bring me…then you’ll be all ours…oh fuck…”


Derick could feel his own cock pounding, though his pleasure felt secondary to bringing his two new lovers. The sensation of soft fur against his ass cheeks was not unnoticed, Zach barely to control his changes and growing his own vulpine pelt. Derick did his best to split his focus between both men, clenching his ass cheeks and taking as much of the man’s fox cock as he dared. Sensing his intent, the two men let themselves go, ready to let loose and claim him as their own. Nothing else Derick had ever desired in life could hold a candle to this moment, and he was determined to do his best!


“Oh, Darlin’ …you’re so good at this…I can’t…oh fuck…” James moaned, taking Derick’s face in his hands and bracing himself. With the size of the penis in his mouth, Derick could barely contain it. With a rush, he felt thick wads of cum gushing down his throat until the vulpine cock was forcibly ejected from his mouth. The rest of his seed ended up spraying over Derick’s face. Despite the warm goo covering him, he couldn’t help but giggle a little bit, having experienced what had only been a dream hours ago.


“It’s permanent now, Darlin’. You’re one of us. No going back,” James teased, though there was only anticipation left on Derick’s features. He was still a little pained with the size of the cock in his bowels, though he was determined, his own penis rock hard under him. Yet, he wouldn’t touch himself, not until his new mates were finished with him. And if he really was infected, and would change to be like them…it felt more akin to a dream than the reality that was to be his life going forward. 


While the force of Zach’s cock in his bowels hurt, the ache was welcome. It perfectly pushed his prostate button and left him close to the edge without touching himself. It seemed impossible such a thing could sit comfortably within him, at least not without permanent damage. Surely, his rectum would have to become larger and more elastic to take a vulpine knot. If it meant he could easily take either of his lovers inside of him, Derick was eager to welcome it!


“I think the change is starting, Darlin’,” James confirmed, standing up and giving Derick a once-over. Derick could barely contain his lust, leaking onto the ground and making a mess. He figured there wasn’t much point in worrying over it, not that he could control it. He was sure they would all be making a mess by the end of it, and the smell of their lovemaking only served to increase his arousal. Part of him was almost sure that at this rate, he might cum hands-free!


Before he realized it, James had returned with a warm cloth to wipe the cum from his face. His foxy paw was tender, and Derick couldn’t help but marvel over the beast he was becoming. He wanted to be the same, wanted to change into a fox covered with lovely fur as well. Zach’s belly fur was so soft and warm against his skin, and Derick shivered as Zach slapped his ass, careful of his claws as he did so. All Derick could do was moan, wanting to take the other fox’s cum within him and be marked as theirs forever. And it wouldn’t be long now… 


Though he was slow to realize it, Derick could feel his treasure trail and chest itching, wanting to scratch but unable to do so in his current position. A shiver of excitement ran through him, thinking it might be the start of his fur. What would it look like? While red foxes were likely the most common morphs, there were a variety of other coat colors he might soon possess. Derick couldn’t wait to see what his own fur would bring!


Yet, he wasn’t able to focus on that for too long, with the pressure in his bowels reaching its breaking point. Zach was about to finish in him, and Derick couldn’t imagine wanting anything more. “Cum in me, Baby, make me yours!” Derick called out his desire. He could feel his anus relenting that final bit, allowing his new love to take him and make him their mate and love. Regardless of what it meant for his future, Derick wanted it more than anything and called out incoherently as Zach knotted him, taking the final step.


“Fuck yes, Angel…so good…gonna cum!” Zach called out, Derick able to feel his cock spasming wildly within his bowels. Such was nearly enough to make him nut along with him, but of more importance was taking his new love inside him, being filled with warm fox cum, and sealing their bond. The force of Zach’s orgasm was enough that Derick’s sensitive insides could perceive the sheer quantity of cum that was being unloaded within him. The fact he was able to take it was a testament to his skill as a bottom, and even the knot opening him up fully no longer pained him as much as he assumed it might. But the fact it seemed to pleasure Zach so much really did it for him. Derick was eager to brace himself, rectal muscles squeezing on the Were fox’s knot to milk him dry of everything he had.


Claws rubbing his back, Derick was hardly aware that the scratches were healing rapidly, or that the itch against his skin was from more than just Zach’s paws. “It’s starting, Angel,” Zach said, gently playing his paws over the space above his ass. While Derick was happy to feel his touch, he was even more elated to learn the changes were starting in earnest. It drew his attention to the itching over his chest and belly, and to his delight, Derick could perceive that he was truly growing a fox’s fur coat!


As though reading his mind, James was back with a mirror, aiming it toward Derick’s back. It was a little shocking to see that rather than reddish fur, his back was peppered with patches of black. It was an interesting morph, though if he was being honest with himself, Derick would have been happy with anything. The chance to be a Were fox and connect with his new mates went beyond his deepest desires. Every moment of the process was sure to be amazing!


“You already look amazing, Darlin’ and you’re about to look even better,” James remarked, leaning down to give Derick a kiss. Closing his eyes, Derick moved into it, loving the taste of the man’s breath. The sensation of James’ face pressing out, lips turning gummy against his own caused Derick to shiver all over again. It made him all the more excited to experience his own changes!


Derick would not have to wait long, feeling his face twitching from the contact. He had no idea if the changes could be triggered that way, though was still elated to feel his mouth twitching, pushing out and allowing his gums to extend. With that, a slight sharpening of his teeth prompted him to run his tongue over them, loving their gradual transition into hybrid shapes. Yet, he didn’t have as much time to explore as James’s tongue pressed inward, the pair of them french kissing as Derick allowed himself to get into it. He wasn’t sure, but it seemed the tongue was more canine, flattened and longer, and really able to get in there. It was bizarre, though as his own tongue started to flatten, Derick felt he was better able to understand its abilities and began Frenching his lover in kind. It felt natural, and all the better as Zach remained knotted within his bowels. Rubbing his back lovingly as though encouraging more fur to grow, Zach started to thrust again, making Derick tremble. It was amazing he could have so much stamina, and Derick couldn’t wait to change himself!


By now, Derick could feel his lips becoming gummy, and a peculiar ache in his jaw. It was as though the bones were pressing against his face, forcing the muscles and skin to wrap around it. The result was an increasing gum line and with it a slight pushing against his lover’s face. It didn’t hurt, thankfully, though the slow growth was bizarre enough that every inch left him curious. Sensing his lover’s confusion, James eventually broke the kiss, getting up and aiming at the mirror so that Derick could see. It was a little frightening to witness his face slightly distended, looking out of place on his mostly human features. Yet, there was something awe-inspiring about the black, gummy lips, pointed teeth, and canine tongue that he was steadily developing. As he watched, pepperings of fur poked from his upper lip, teasing around a blackening nose. Reflexively, he went to lick at it with his tongue, finding it was a little too large for his mouth. It was embarrassing, though James simply giggled, reaching down and giving him another kiss.  


Pulling back, James braced himself for a moment as his face started to transform at a much more rapid pace. The cracks and pops were barely audible as his jaw jutted out, teeth sharpened, and his canine tongue wrapped around his sharper teeth. Derick watched James’s seamless transformation, nose darkening as his partial muzzle perfectly matched the contours of his face. Similarly, his beard thickened along with his sideburns, coarse stubble replaced with soft brown fox fur. It was handsome as hell, especially as his new pelt moved to encompass his hair, giving him a head covered with fur. His ability to change was so flawless, it was enviable, and Derick could only hope to match it one day!


Itching across his own face made him want to raise his hands, though he was still inclined to hold up his increasingly vulpine lover embedded in his bowels. James was there to help, rubbing his shaven skin as hair regrew before reforming into fox fur. It was likely black, and James lovingly traced it up around his sideburns. Playfully brushing the man’s hair, Derick could feel it changing as well, shortening into black fur with silvery highlights as his eyes followed its progression. He had to admit, it was hauntingly beautiful, and James moved in to kiss him once more. The touch of the man’s paw hands over his fur was sublime, and his husky whisper sent shivers through his body. “You make such a sexy fox, Darlin’.”


All the while, Zach had been making love to his rear, though at the moment his thrusts were starting to intensify, as though his end was nearing once more. Reflexively, Derick felt himself pushing back against it, his body eager to take his seed. Zach had been gentle, and caring as he kept the same pace, as though allowing his balls to be milked before pulling out. Derick was a little surprised he could come again, but as the tension against his prostate grew, Derick was delighted with the sensation of warm fox cum filling his bowels. Zach could only moan his release, scratching against the fur over Derick’s back as guard fur sprouted over the soft vulpine undercoat. The idea that Zach could stay within him for this long, pumping him full of cum multiple times was more than he could bear, and Derick felt his cock approaching release, hands-free!


Yet, he was brought from his warm contentment by an ache in his spine as it pushed against the skin. Soon, it formed a small protrusion, one that Zach was eager to rub into being. “You’re getting your tail, Angel,” Zach smirked, and Derick moaned with a series of uncontrolled yips as Zach’s firm paw pads rubbed the base of it. It was a powerfully sensual spot and made the uncomfortable uncoupling of his tailbone pleasurable. The steady growth sent electrical tingles through his spine, feeling inch after inch being added as the bones acquired more linkages. Derick grunted through his partially extended muzzle, feeling the growth swell with fat and muscle. It was bizarre to perceive the weight of it, though no stranger than when his focus made it twitch of his own volition. Having a brand new appendage might have been the most delightful part of the change thus far!


“That’s a handsome tail, Angel. You make such a cute subby fox,” Zach teased, rubbing the base of it as he continued to thrust before his knot gave way. “I’m gonna love making you raise it for us,” he giggled, making Derick’s body shiver in anticipation. That would be something he would be more than happy to do for them both going forward, the fulfillment of every deep-seated fantasy. 


With his elation rising, it was almost enough to distract him from the itching of black fur covering its surface. It seemed the skin was eager to sprout its fur, as though it was his natural state of being. As much as Derick squirmed with discomfort, Zach’s paw was there to rub it for him, easing the discomfort and prompting him to wag it. The action, while strange, felt oddly satisfying, a strange way to express his election yet fitting all the same.


It seemed their tag team was hardly done, as no sooner did Zach tease his tail into existence than James was back to kiss him once more. This time, his black sniffing nose caught Derick’s own, and he giggled a little from the sensation of cool, moist skin against his human one. The damp sensation soon spread, and Derick could perceive his nose expanding, slits naturally splitting the sides as he breathed in. A shiver passed through him then, able to smell so much more strongly. Pausing to draw a deep breath, Derick’s eyes fluttered, the odor of cum and fox so much more pungent than anything he had ever experienced. They smelled so similar now, and Derick couldn’t help but feel a sense of companionship with the other two Were foxes. It was as though he was marked by them, owned by them now, and nothing he had ever desired in this life could match the bliss of such a truth!


The itching of fur continued to encroach over his face, making his nose twitch as he worked his new whiskers into being. Scrunching his face made his eyes water, Derick closed them despite his desire to witness his reflection. Yet, he was surprised to open them, viewing the room with a clarity that surpassed his expectations. Their greenish glow reflected in the mirror was a little alarming, but the more he observed it, the more he found the sight appealing. It was oddly handsome, matching that haunting gaze of his lovers. And his increased visual acuity didn’t hurt things, either!


Moving down to kiss him once more, James was careful to counter his aggressive thrusts as Zach prepared to cum in Derick a third time. It was amazing being filled with his warm seed, Derick literally becoming a vessel for his new lover’s pleasure. More than that, the frantic fucking seemed to be prompting Derick’s own muzzle to push out, audibly popping with bone extensions and muscle growth. As much as he loved kissing James’s fully formed muzzle, he needed to pause for a moment, trying to open and close his jaw to readjust for it. The effect sent a crack resonating through his skull as well, sloping somewhat though keeping a rather hybrid state. It was pleasant to look at, especially with how handsome he found James’s own. The Were fox simply grinned down at his new lover, and allowed fox fur to spread over his form.


Perhaps the strangest change to his head was that of his stretching ears. It was delightful to watch them shifting with his altering skull, moving toward the top of his head, though not as high as on a real fox. It seemed they were just as flexible, however, and as muscle swelled under them, Derick felt them twitching slightly, before attempting to rotate them to their limits. They itched, of course, as the backs became coated with black fur, with more silver streaks than the rest of his coat. Long, sparse hairs grew within the canals, tickling the insides and making him yip in a decidedly fox-like manner. It took him some moments to realize it, but his hearing was vastly improved, though he remained largely ignorant of the world outside. It was the heavy breathing from his lovers, as well as their rapid heartbeats, that drew his attention, confirming they were still eager and willing to go!


A wet pop signaled that Zach’s knot was finally spent, and Derick felt his body shiver from the lack of penetration. He had been in that position for so long, it was almost uncomfortable to leave it. Worse, however, was the sensation of cum leaking into his fur, thick globs of it from how much the Were fox had ejaculated into him. Derick balanced for a moment, feeling the itching of fur over his skin and the swelling of muscle that he hadn’t realized was part of his form now. The discomfort in his anus was enough that Derick felt his tail swish over it a few times, finding it bizarre that he had one. Looking back, he was not expecting Zach to have returned with a damp cloth, reaching down to wipe his lover’s rear. Yet, he seemed more eager to play with Derick’s tail, gripping it and making the changing man yip once more in a decidedly fox-like way. Zach giggled a little as he said, “You’re too fun to tease, Angel.”


Taking a quick moment to clean himself in the bathroom, Derick felt his stance wobble a little, not simply from being sore after the fucking. As though the change was accelerating, Derick felt warm all over, fox fur erupting over his chest and down his legs now. He reveled in the soft texture, loving the guard hairs that covered his softer undercoat as he explored his new pelt. Zach and James did the same, sniffing and teasing their new lover the moment he returned. To his delight, Derick finally caught sight of Zach’s own vulpine coat, blond with white over his belly. Catching his gaze, Zach moved to rub it, squeezing the expanding muscle underneath. The man was handsome as a human, but there was something more attractive about his fox self, especially as Derick caught sight of his wagging fox tail. It grew far faster than Derick’s own, as though Zach wanted to catch up. His control over the change was remarkable, something Derick hoped to learn as part of his new life. 


“How do you want to finish, Darlin’? We can do it any way you want,” James offered, moving in to kiss Derick tenderly on the nose. As sore and abused as his ass and mouth were, there was only one way Derick wanted to take it. He would bottom for these men no matter what, wishing to be their sex servant and getting off only at their whims. Such was his sexual pleasure, and even if he hadn’t yet gotten off, he was sure it would be the best release of his life when it was finally time!


Without a word, Derick moved toward the couch, getting on his back this time though cautious of his new tail, not wanting to crush it. There was a part of him that couldn’t help but wag it, as inhuman as such an act was. His abused, reddened pucker was on display, and while his groin and cock were largely human thus far, he figured that would only be for a short time. Surely, he would not be denied possessing a lovely fox cock like that his new lovers sported!


This time it was James to move down toward his ass, though first stopping at his feet. Derick was quick to notice that James’s own had altered, and he was gracefully able to walk around on thin paw pads, looking no different than what an animal might sport. As alarming as it was to see them change that much, Derick was eager to allow it, feeling James’s pads rubbing the bare skin. He couldn’t help but let out a moan, higher pitched with his changed muzzle. James’s touch was sublime, the grip firm and tugging sensually against his toes. Working them over from their bases, Derick was delighted to feel a tingling warmth, as though the skin was thickening under his touch. The moment he was done, James moved to show off his work, thick pads having taken place at the bottom of four of them. Derick tried to twitch them with some expectation, though was a little shocked that he no longer possessed the ability to do so. 


“Don’t worry, Darlin’, it’s all part of the process,” James assured him, and Derick allowed him to do his work. Four toes remained as they shifted, shortened, and pulled into the base of his foot. The cracks and pops of such were a little jarring, settling his toes into blunted nubs that did not function like human toes. Thickening skin between kept them stationary, and Derick felt there was some satisfaction in that, their purpose obvious. As James’s clawed hands molded them into shape, Derick allowed the base of his foot to swell, its surface taking its own spade-shaped pad. 


Most intriguing of all, the nails at the ends were compelled to thicken into their cuticles, pushing out into blunt claws. Hearing Zach’s own clicking against the floor intrigued him, and Derick delighted in how it might sound to possess his own. His big toes, however, were devoid of both claws and change, and it didn’t take him to look at James’s own to know he was to lose them. James was there to help with the bizarre tingling as they were pushed up his heels, and the heels themselves stretched longer than his current foot. He figured it might be difficult to relearn to walk, though James and Zach seemed to be managing well enough. For a moment, phantom tingles played through his new paws, Derrick missing his toes and wanting to twitch them. If it was normal for a Were creature, however, Derick was eager to let it happen, especially as James went to work over the other foot. Being teased in such a sensual and gradual way was perfect for him, and Derick was delighted as his legs stretched and added a few inches to his height.  


Derick hardly had time to enjoy his new paws before James crawled onto him, close enough to kiss his muzzle. Yet, his true goal was much lower, and James worked his way down to Derick’s abused pucker, careful of Derick’s tail. It seemed to be a position he was familiar with as James worked his cock in, and Derick grunted, though not from discomfort. It felt amazing, and his pucker was clearly stretched and open from Zach’s previous use. Perhaps more foxy, too, as the changes to his musculature made their way up his thighs and hips. It seemed James was not inclined to knot him just yet, keeping things more gradual and sensual for this round of lovemaking.


With that, the pair made out, Zach joining after giving his vulpine cock a reprieve. Derick loved playing his fingers through their fox fur, and Zach and James teased over any bare patches of skin to encourage Derick’s own pelt to grow. To his surprise, both fox men moved their paws over Derick’s chest in tandem, teasing his nipples and making the changing man squirm. Derick couldn’t help but let out a vulpine yip as they were massaged through the fur, evidently an erogenous zone. What he could not be expecting was for both men to move their hands lower, eliciting the same points of pleasure as Derick whined out from the sensitivity. It seemed Derick was in the process of developing more nipples down the line, and delighted as each man played over them perfectly.  His growls of pleasure were rather cute, even to his own ears, and Derick couldn’t help but squirm from their expert touch. Part of him wanted to tease their nipples in turn, though they weren’t about to allow him a moment as they worked his vulpine nipples into existence. 


Hands flailing as they were, the sensation of something nicking James’s skin shocked him for a moment as James yipped out. Face flushing in guilt, Derick raised his hand in time to witness his nails getting thicker, not sharp, per se, but enough that he worried he’d hurt his lover. Seeing the concern on his face, James simply grinned with his foxy muzzle, raising his arm to show the cut healing rapidly through the fur. Derick was fascinated to think how fast they could heal, though realized it made a lot of sense. After all, if their bodies could change from one animal into another, surely small scratches on the skin would be nothing to recover from, and were likely pretty common during sex!


Kissing him quickly, James pulled back, allowing Derick to watch his hands changing. The size of his fingers didn’t alter like his toes had, for which Derick was thankful. But the same pads were quick to form, making it hard for him to feel in the way he was used to. It was a worthwhile trade-off, he figured, and the sensation of his lover’s paw pads against his body was sublime. He enjoyed the spade-shaped pattern as it took place over the skin of his palm, any bare spaces itching as fur grew in. As his arms cracked with bone alteration and muscle growth, Derick was left to wonder how powerful he had become. Not too much, he figured, though he was certainly athletic, something his body had been lacking in his humanity. Yet, in the heat of the moment, all he could think of was how that might lend to his sexual enhancement, and how long the three of them could really go! 


It was Zach kissing him now, having allowed the changes to grant him a vulpine visage as well. Derick couldn’t get over how handsome they looked in their fox forms, far better than he could have imagined. While he was new to the changes and this form, Derick was slowly starting to realize the differences between the pair of them. Their scents were nuanced, both arousing and fascinating in their own ways. Sniffing the air as Zach backed up, allowing him to do so, Derrick took a moment to truly understand what it meant to possess such an acute nose. Even in the short time he’d had it, Derick could tell the differences in his lovers’ human and fox scents. They were present all over the room, though mostly wafting off their bodies. Against his prompting, Derick felt his tail wagging, hitting James in the leg as James continued to gently make love to him. He wanted to take all the time in the world to learn their odors, feeling his cock leaking at the prospect.


“You like what you smell, Angel?” Zach teased, and Derick shivered at that. “You smell so fucking good, Baby,” Derick replied, finally able to articulate better through his new muzzle. 


Having tasted James already, Derick felt a stirring in his loins at the idea of sampling Zach as well. It would surely be unique to his vulpine senses, the nuances of which were something that made him curious. His whine of need as Derick reached out to gently tug Zach’s red rocket was all the encouragement the blond Were fox needed. “Aw, you want to taste me, Angel? Can’t quite speak? You don’t need to, Angel, just enjoy it,” he teased, giving the newly changed Were fox a kiss as he got into a comfortable position for Derick to suck him off. 


Already, he found the scent and flavor was better than it had been to his human senses as Derick licked the oozing cock tip. Not that his own flavor was better than James’s, of course, but his vulpine senses savored the secretions, making his cock throb. It was amazing to wrap his tongue around the tip, something he appreciated better as a canine. The pressure was obviously welcome as Zach yipped his lust, leaking into Derick’s muzzle and lighting his taste buds on fire. And it was but a prelude to taking it all the way into his muzzle, wondering if he could take a knot the size Zach was sporting but eager to try!


Yet, there was something else left to change, Derick’s own pleasure left to the wayside thus far. His cock, while rock hard, seemed to surge with a surprising growth, one that made him whine from the pleasure. He was getting longer, the erectile tissue expanding and pushing it further against his furry belly. Leaking like a facet now, the gentle fucking he was receiving caused it to bob against his lean muscle. And as much as he wanted to focus on the cock being pulled into his muzzle, James saw it fit to bring his attention to his changing member. His gentle touch prompted Derick to look down, Zach pulling back with a string of pre-cum so they could both watch the final changes. 


While it still had some room to grow to match a fox’s member, Derick was more fascinated with the change in shade as it started to redden. Veins rapidly crept under the surface though were quickly obscured by the discoloration. It seemed he was no longer to possess a distinguishable head, the cleft flattening into the rest of the shaft while the tip stretched pointed. It was leaking furiously now, watching it change more of a powerful turn-on than anything he could imagine. It was strange viewing his foreskin peeling from the shaft, something that James’s firm fingers were eager to explore. It was powerfully sensual, not only the shaft itself but the foreskin as well. James was eager to pull it down all the way, fingering him all the while. To his shock, Derick was sure James’s fingers were teasing his prostate through the skin, though he couldn’t be sure. Either way, the sensation was almost orgasmic on its own!


While it was bizarre to feel a peppering of hair over the surface of his foreskin, all Derick needed to do was check his lovers’ own, seeing their sheaths peppered with white fur. The force of his cock’s growth left his sheath largely bunched around his groin, unable to cover his penis any longer. An intense heat seemed to draw parts of it against the skin of his groin, hitching up his cock a little more like the animal he was becoming. Best of all was the itching of groin hair, regrowing from his shaved space as it blossomed out into part of his vulpine pelt. It was even softer than the rest, and Derick was delighted when James saw it fit to pat it down, making Derick groan his vulpine cadence. 


As his cock continued to lengthen, its most impressive feature soon made itself known. Growling all the while, Derick was delighted to feel his base swell, engorging almost impossibly large against his sheath. It was massive, and impressive even when compared to his lovers’ own. James was quick to finger it, squeezing in all the right spots and making the changing man squirm. “Just let it happen, Darlin’, it’s your turn, now,” he whispered huskily. Moving to thrust more aggressively, Derick felt the pressure in his prostate grow past the breaking point. It was a wonder he hadn’t cum already, and all it took was a squeeze and stroke to make him teeter over the edge.


“Be a good boy and cum,” Zach moved down and whispered in Derick’s ear before going in for a kiss. The contact was too much for him to handle as Derick’s body spasmed uncontrolled. The pleasure was more than he could bear, Derick whiting out from the intensity. His mind was awash in scents, sounds, and tactile sensations as his new vulpine cum was squeezed from his member. Its pungent aroma filled his nose, and Derick reveled in the warmth on his groin and chest as he painted it with white semen. It seemed like his furry testicles had an endless reservoir to unload, and by the time he was done, the changed fox was left panting. It was the best release of his life, yet as he lay there, struggling, there was no denying he was hardly done for the night!


Groin covered with cum, Derick was slowly becoming aware the changes were done with him, that he was a Were fox in full. Yet, like the good sub he was, Derick could hardly focus on his own pleasure with his mate’s penises to tend to. Once more, he moved to lick Zach’s tip, tongue quickly lapping at the leaking fluids like a tasty treat. More forcibly than Derick was expecting, Zach moved to push his cock into his muzzle, and he coughed a little, unused to the size. While his muzzle was wide, the fox’s knot was wider, and it was all Derick could do to manage the whole thing. Still, he was determined, wrapping his tongue around it and sucking it to the best of his ability. Gummy lips seemed eager to please, and Zach moaned like a fox, rubbing Derick’s fur tenderly all the while. 


Much to his surprise, Derick felt his cock coming to arousal once more, while James worked to gently caress the shaft. Even off the heels of the last orgasm, it seemed Derick was ready to go again, fox stamina better than he could have anticipated. He was overheated, wanting to pant but absorbed with working to suck on the knotted cock within his muzzle. It was impressive, given how much semen Zach had already implanted in his bowels, that he could even go again. But its throbbing length was a sign he was close, and Derick was eager to suck him off to taste cum with a fox’s tongue for the first time!


Of the trio, it seemed James was unable to hold back first, given he had been steadily fucking his lover’s ass the entire time. Relaxed and calm as he was from the orgasm, Derick was easily able to take the fox’s knot, and the moment it popped within him, James started thrusting frantically. Derick wanted to call out to him, “Cum in me, Handsome!” but could not do so with the cock he was eagerly deepthroating. It seemed he needed no encouragement, however, taking his pleasure from his new sub. With an incoherent growl, James let loose, filling Derick’s bowels and making both foxes shiver. It was even better now that he was a fox, the knot tight but not painfully so. 


The warmth of James’s cum was sublime, and the knot within him pushed his own pleasure to the breaking point as well. His firm paw started teasing Derick’s length slightly faster, and it was all the fox had not to squirm under the contact. Leaking all over his length and groin, Derick was able to ignore the sticky sensation of drying semen with the prospect of adding more to it. This time, James worked his fingers up the length of the shaft, firmly gripping the tip and allowing the pressure to build. As he prepared to go over the edge, Derick shifted all his focus on caressing the knot in his muzzle, not wanting to accidentally bite down on it. His efforts seemed to be the catalyst of the blond fox’s release, holding firmly onto Derick’s muzzle as he unleashed his load. The force of it was enough to spray the roof of Derick’s mouth, and while salty and pungent, Derick had well prepared for it. The flavor was musty, yet spoke of the other fox’s essence, sharing similarities to his own scent. Yet, with his own release threatening to overwhelm him, Derick could only allow himself to fall into the rapture of orgasm. 


Once more spraying his chest with white fox cum, Derick wriggled on the couch, feeling loved and cherished more than at any point in his life. Having a fox still knotted within him extended the afterglow far longer than he would have thought possible. Better yet, James was eager to nuzzle him, rubbing the man’s chest and belly. Zach, too, was balanced on the edge of the couch, making out with his lover and encouraging the newly minted fox to lean into it. Never before had he experienced such companionship, Derick feeling his mind becoming hazy as though he was in a dream. A part of him worried he might wake, back in America and be robbed of all the promise his new state might have dropped in his furry lap. But the sounds of his lovers’ heartbeats and the scent of their foxy musk were all he needed to know that it was real.


Tired as he was, there was a certain building of energy that allowed Derick to get up, ass a little sore and muzzle tight as he opened and closed it. It was fascinating to feel the width it could operate, cum-soaked fox tongue licking around his gummy lips and nose. However, the moment he tried to stand, he nearly keeled over, not used to the digitigrade posture that came with his vulpine heritage. Zach and James were there to support him, and Derick smiled at their muzzles, truly able to compare them for the first time. He was a little smaller than they were, and his black coat was a contrast to their lighter brown and blond morphs. But that suited him well to be the smallest of the trio, having the two of them holding him up as he took his first tentative steps around the apartment. 


Eventually, he was able to move gracefully on his digitigrade fox paws, loving the agility and strength his body seemed to possess. He was powerful, and fast, and there was a part of him sure that if he got down on all fours, he would be able to move somewhat swiftly as well. Not quite wanting to try that just yet, Derick made his way to the mirror instead, looking at his handsome visage. He loved the real-world contrast between his dreams and the reality of being part canine. He couldn’t help but admire himself, and despite having cum twice already, the sight sent a shiver through his loins. Curious, he reached in to finger his sheath, loving the warmth of having his cock cocooned in such a thing. It was powerfully pleasant, especially as the red tip started to poke from the surface, leaking already. 


Focused on his penis, Derick was a little surprised to feel something teasing under his tail, yelping out as a cool, moist nose started goosing his ass. It was oddly comfortable, even though Derick felt it was a little strange how fascinated Zach seemed to be with his backside, huffing deeply of his scent. Surely, he scented strongly of cum and fox musk, but as he recalled, there were likely some special canine scent glands that might appeal to their enhanced olfactory abilities. The action made him curious, and when James came up, bending over with his tail raised, Derick couldn’t resist the temptation to get down on his knees, partaking of his potent canine essence. The odor was heavenly, his mind committing a myriad of scent molecules to memory. Health, vitality, and above all, a sense of companionship, of pack mates that made him erect all over again. 


The goosing against his ass soon ceased, and Derick felt concerned for a moment before it was quickly replaced with the moist, pointed tip of a fox cock. “Sorry, Angel, you smelled too good and I couldn’t resist,” Zach remarked, and all Derick could do was push his backside toward it, grunting and sniffing at James as he was. Though he should have been exhausted from their myriad of sexual exploits, his cock was once more brought to bear, and Derick could only yip his excitement about being fucked as many times as his lovers could manage. 


Lost in the scent of sex and sexual pleasure, Derick lost track of how many times he had been taken and had cum in turn. Embedded in his bowels, James and Zach took turns, evidently more aroused with their new mate than even their vulpine stamina could account for. Derick, too, had much to give, being fingered or sucked off with fox cock in his bowels until he was left a quivering, dripping mess. Eventually, the fatigue was so much that he simply passed out, his furry lovers curling up in a ball in their bed. None saw it fit to clean up, given how sore and pained their fun made them. And to their sniffing noses, musk, sex, and cum were the sweatiest perfume, allowing all three to pass out without issue. 


It felt like an eternity later when Derick woke, the scent of musk and sex in his nose assuring him it was not a dream. He was stiff and sore, a little disappointed that his body was in its human form. Still, even now he was leaner, stronger, his body delightfully more toned than it had been. He was noticeably hairier, too, especially around his groin and treasure trail. Much to his delight, the hair was darker, black with silvery streaks that spoke of his new vulpine heritage. It took him a few moments to realize it, but the scents in the air were more pungent and spoke distinctly of which fox they belonged to. And while he was not inclined to touch himself after last night’s romp, it was obvious even in his flaccid state that his penis was a few inches longer, and would clearly grow the next time he took on his foxy form. 


Even covered with sticky dried fluids and smelling of sex, Derick hardly felt embarrassed as he got up, looking for something to wear. In the end, he figured there was little point, in need of a shower beside. The gurgling in his belly could not be ignored, Derrick hungrier than at any point in his life. No wonder he had seen Zach and James eating so much the day before! Even over their heady musk, the scent of meat frying in the main room made his mouth water, and Derick walked out, greeted by both of his lovers clad in their night clothes. 


“Morning, Darlin’. Looking good! The fox suits you,” James declared as he walked over to plant a passionate kiss on Derick’s lips. “Thanks, handsome,” Derick replied, feeling his term of endearment was something that would settle quite well. Zach was in the middle of cooking them breakfast, and Derick once more started to drool, the scents almost enough for him to gorge himself like a beast. 


“Down, boy. There’s plenty here! We know how much you need to eat after the first night of the change, Angel,” Zach teased, and Derick sat down at the table, not caring he was naked. 


It seemed to take forever, but the food was ready, and Derick dove in with the tenacity of a ravenous animal. His lovers teased him a bit, but Derick could hardly bring himself to be bothered. Even being talked down to like an animal was powerfully attractive, part of him now as much as it was for his lovers. And if Derick was being honest, neither of his boyfriends was much better with their table manners. Wait, was boyfriends the right term? There would be time for the semantics later, he figured, especially if what they said about pair bonding was true. He certainly wanted to be, even now that he had some time to think about what it might mean for his life going forward. 


There was plenty for them to do, of course, after a shower which the three of them partook in together. Now that he was able to think past his lust and hunger, the two thought it important to bring up the more pertinent topics. What would he do now that he was a mated fox with them? Where would he live, and how would that affect his life and future going forward? Those were the biggest questions and things Derick had to take time to consider even as he enjoyed his week with them. But regardless of what the future held, Derick was sure he wanted it to be with his two new lovers, the fulfillment of every fantasy and something he desired more than anything to make his reality…




It was some weeks after what Derick had considered the best night of his life. Though if he was being honest with himself, every day since becoming a Were fox was an amazing journey, learning his new body and discovering his life with his new lovers. While he was only supposed to be there a week, he was already working on getting the paperwork settled for proper immigration. It would be a long process, and they would have to fudge their relationship status, triples not officially recognized by law. But he could technically stay here several months before he had to go home, and James and Zach had a fair amount of wealth to help the process. It had been hard to explain to his loved ones back home why he wanted to live in the UK now, but he figured they would eventually come around. He didn’t need his job for financial stability anymore, and his stuff could eventually be shipped. All in all, Derick was confident in his choice to stay and live with his lovers, unable to imagine parting with them for a long period of time. James and Zach assured him they would have it no other way!


Naturally, his new life had involved copious amounts of sex, in all sorts of scenarios and positions. His new form made him powerfully horny, and James and Zach were more than happy to help him scratch all those new itches. More than that, he was starting to learn about his new lovers on a personal and romantic level as well. Cuddling, sleeping together, and enjoying both new and shared hobbies were all part of the budding relationship he enjoyed with them. While it was still early, he felt powerfully protective of them, likely an instinct that had to do with his Were side. Even if he didn’t yet feel bonded with them on a spiritual level, as they had attested to, Derick felt the early stages of their relationship seemed healthy from a human standpoint as well. There was no jealousy between the three of them, only love and companionship, something that felt to be building with each day. Even if packing up his life and moving countries was a drastic step, Derick felt it was the right one and had no regrets. 


This night, both foxes had assured him, would be one of the most special. It was the night of the full moon, and while stereotypes about Were beasts changing under its light were largely fiction, it did have an effect on their bodies and libido. Their animal sides were more active as well, and James implied that it was almost painful for them not to change. From experience, the pair knew it wasn’t the best idea to remain indoors on full moon nights, especially for someone newly changed like Derick. And with that, the three of them drove out into the countryside, to a secluded spot James and Zach liked to share. While Derick was worried, having been practicing shifting but not the most apt at it, there was also a sense of excitement as well, a chance to explore this new side of him with his lovers to supervise him. 


The moment they got out of the car, Derick was hit with a plethora of smells, things that made his enhanced senses light up like a Christmas tree. He wished he had his tail to wag, though that would come soon enough. Against his inclinations, Derick started sniffing, human senses inferior but still enhanced from his previous life. And the more he did, the more his cock grew aroused, almost to the point of changing already. 


“Down boy. There’s lots of time for that. Just let it happen,” Zach said, teasingly. Rubbing Derick’s back was not quite enough to deter his interest, however, and Derick started to move forward, eyes closed and breathing in nature truly for the first time. In some respects, he felt he was in heaven!


Sniffing as he was, Derick had to resist the urge to get down on all fours and really take in the myriad of things that caught his attention. Various stimuli, such as animal odors, plants, detritus, and a variety of things he had no name for caught his attention. Derick felt the tingling of change coming for him and kicked off his shoes and socks before his feet could start to shift. As awkward as he found it to walk on padded feet, having paws made more sense on the forest floor, and he allowed it to happen. Similarly, his hands altered into their partially paw-like state, and Derick got down on all fours, the stance more comfortable than he expected. Yet, it felt more natural being in the woods, and as his spine stretched and his legs thinned with firm muscle, Derrick could only wiggle in anticipation. 


About to take his clothes off, the scent of something in the bush immediately caught his attention, forcing his ears to stretch and twitch in the direction. Though he hadn’t been aware of it, his nose had fully altered as well, and the scent of something delectable caused him to rush forward. Derick took off, not really sure what he was doing but too invested to stop. From a distance, he could hear Zach call out, “There’s a rabbit! Get it, Angel!”


Derick heard the words, of course, but was mostly focused on following his instincts. Branches and forest debris scratched his skin, but it quickly healed over, and fox fur was soon to take its place. The changes were coming perhaps faster than they ever had during sex, but if Derick had thought to reflect back, his lovers could change just as rapidly if they needed to. And in the moment, Derick’s mind told his body it needed to be covered with fur, it needed its lean, vulpine muscle and altered structure to better run across the forest floor. It needed its tail to help keep his balance as he tore through the underbrush. And above all, it needed a muzzle, for his face to push out, fangs to bite into his prey and a wider rostrum to track its scent before he moved in for the kill…


The sight of the rabbit in front of him caused him to leap forward, though, in his hybrid state, Derick was hard-pressed to stick the landing. Hitting the ground hard, Derick’s last glimpse of the rabbit saw it dashing into a small burrow and out of reach. Awkwardly standing up, Derick realized the fault in his tactic. Still covered in clothing and largely human, there was little he could do but balance awkwardly on feet paws, looking a little dejected. “Aww, that’s OK Darlin’, you’ll get one later!” James promised, taking Derick in a kiss. Derick felt his neck prickling at that, his body itching with fur growth. A cursory glance toward the moon made him shiver, forcing his body to transform as he bulked up and his bones started to pop.


“Just let it happen, Angel,” Zach cautioned once more, his own beard expanding out into a coat of fox fur. He was already getting larger, and as best as Derick could tell, erect as well. Getting down on his hands and knees, Derick was quick to crawl over, sniffing and licking at the man’s pants. While he loved tasting both his lovers, there was something unique about exploring each in turn. Derick was eager to nuzzle the fox’s bulge, licking up the length and teasing his knot to full inflation. Focused as he was, it didn’t take long for it to become painfully confined in Zach’s pants. Pulling down the zipper, Derick was eager to get in and sniff, taking in the heady scent of his lover’s musk. He couldn’t help but lap at the tip poking up through his underwear, and Zach hardly bothered to pull it out and save its fluids from coating his clothing.


Feeling his teeth sharpening and his tongue widening, Derick worked his way down into his lover’s underwear, prompting more cock to slide into his growing muzzle. There was a novelty to teasing Zach’s sheath into existence, canine tongue pushing it down as Derick managed to take more fox cock into his expanding jaw. Derick was itching all over at this point, feeling a tenting in both the back and front of his pants. The changes were rapidly progressing under the moon’s guidance, yet all Derick could focus on was the building of lust through his being. It was as though its golden rays were altering him into his preferred form, and he could only embrace his new self into being as the transformation came for him. 


The sensation of a cool, damp nose on his backside nearly made him yelp out, though by this point Derick was used to it. It prompted his spine to stretch, newly formed tail smacking James playfully in the muzzle as he continued to pull his pants down. Rather than feeling the cooling evening air over his backside, Derick felt his entire body heating up, fur growing all over. Hips altering, the sensation of his lover’s nose goosing his anus was powerfully erotic. He was excited when James ripped off the rest of his clothes with no regard for their conservation. Lover naked, James soon went back to sniffing Derick’s backside, and Derick felt himself tense, eager to take his lover within. 


Equally eager to deep-throat Zach’s cock before it changed, Derick moved his growing muzzle over it and felt it pressing toward his pallet. At the same moment, James’s human cock worked its way into his cleaned pucker, feeling a little smaller for his foxy backside but that was soon to change. It was amazing, James and Zach getting into position with their cocks at both of Derick’s ends. As their muzzles grew, the two of them kissed while leaning over Derick’s furry black back and began a gentle thurst from both ends. In his sex-starved mind, Derick couldn’t imagine a more perfect scenario, how the three made a perfect pack. They were tender and caring yet eager to explore the wild, animalistic sexual desires that came with being Weres.


Soon, the changes came to conclusion, none of them having any ability to hold back under the moon’s glow and their growing lust. Being spit-roasted from both ends, Derick felt his own end nearing, yet would not allow himself the pleasure of climax until both of his lovers had reached their release. Such was not to take long, three foxes in rut requiring little stimulation, especially with all the practice he had been getting as of late. James was soon to knot him, the pressure of his bulb enough to fill Derick with that pleasant vulpine warmth. That prompted Derick to wrap his tongue tightly around Zach’s own knot, making the blond fox yip and spill his load into Derick’s eager throat. Both foxes panting atop him, Derick finally allowed his hand to reach for his own red rocket, a few simple squeezes enough for him to paint the forest floor with his essence. There was something primal, and passionate about rutting under the moon’s brilliant glow, and the three of them remained tied together for a few blissful moments, endorphins flooding their systems and reaffirming their bonds. 


The moment James’s knot broke free, Derick’s senses lit up, as though wanting to chase and hunt through the woods once more. That familiar sound from before was present again, a light brushing in the undergrowth that stirred some vulpine instinct within him. Not caring about the cum leaking from his ass, Derick crept low, finding it much faster to move now that his changes were done. His padded fingers were much more silent, and even the most skittish prey animals needed to eat, regardless of the dangers out there. This time, Derick’s determination was such that nothing else met his focus until he was sure he could pounce on the unsuspecting rabbit before it had time to run. 


Before he knew what had happened, strong canine jaws had gripped the rabbit’s body, paws grabbing it and forcing its neck into position. A human part of him might have felt a semblance of regret as they snapped its neck to take its life. But such was the way of a hunter, and his fox instincts were delighted in the kill. The taste of meat and blood on his tongue was sublime, and as he stopped, panting, the forms of his grinning lovers were all the affirmation he needed. “Good job, Darlin’! You got him!” James praised him, and Derick couldn’t help but feel his tail wag. 


Soon, the three Were foxes stood over Derick’s kill, each wagging their tails as well. Any shame Derick might have harbored over his hunt was lost as he shared his kill with his lovers. Without cooking it, the trio split the rabbit, each getting a taste of the meat. It wasn’t bad, Derick had to admit, and he felt better to know from James that there was no chance of getting sick from eating it raw. Besides, Derick was starving and was delighted when Zach moved to lick some of the blood from his fur. Derick went to respond in kind, though as Zach pulled back his gums a little, Derick was inclined to lick at them for a moment. It was a semblance of a kiss but something different as best he could tell. Part of him was aware it was akin to submissiveness, which sat perfectly with his inclinations. And James was quick to join him, Derick licking at both their muzzles to cement his place in their hierarchy.


Belly full for the moment, another scent took Derick’s attention, one poking from the sheath on James’s groin. Having cum already, it was a wonder they could go again so soon. Yet, as much as Zach and James had suggested, the light of the full moon above seemed to spur their energy beyond what they could have expected. Soon, James was at full mast, and Derick was eager to deepthroat it, having tasted Zach and wanting now to have his time with James. Being part of a trio felt right to him, receiving love for both his partners that surpassed his expectations. And with the scents of their erections in his vulpine nostrils, Derick was sure they would once more be able to go all night under the light of the full moon…