The Fleshlight (Pt2)

Getting his purchases put away, Colin allowed himself to take a deep breath, finally able to relax after some weeks of tension. Not that he had any metric for how long he could own an alien object without having to worry about being arrested and having it and himself taken away. But now was as good a time frame as any to think he might be safe. And with that, he was free to use the watch or rather fleshlight to his heart’s content. With a week off work for just that purpose, Colin would use the excuse of going on a camping trip to test some new, likely alien bodies. He was planning to find something off the grid, so remote he would never be seen. And then he would have all the time in the world to enjoy whatever alien form was bestowed on him and all the sexual prowess that came with it!

It had been some months since he’d found the watch-like object with an hourglass symbol in the center. It sat in the middle of a small creator, as though it had fallen from on high. To his delight, upon activation, it seemed to change form to whatever the user desired, in his case, a sex toy. Whenever he applied it, the device changed his cock, and the rest of him, into what he could only assume was an alien being, with strange physiologies to match. As best he could tell, there were no long-term repercussions to using the fleshlight and changing his body, but it had only been a few months, and he was not inclined to check into a clinic and confirm things. Why it took the shape of a fleshlight for him, Colin couldn’t be sure. Maybe it said something about him that might have made him uncomfortable. But he was willing to embrace it, given the pleasure he felt from his use. After all, why bother fight what didn’t matter?

It took many hours for him to get to his destination, later into the afternoon before he was able to set up his tent. The temptation to don the fleshlight right away was almost all-consuming, but he managed to resist, waiting for the oncoming night to hide away his changes. Part of him hoped his first form would be something able to function at night but in the grand scheme of things it didn’t really matter. He would be aroused by whatever the changes brought him, exploring a new body that likely didn’t exist on the planet or perhaps the solar system as he knew it. 

Sun finally setting, Colin got naked, reaching down to touch the hourglass symbol, prompting the device to do its work. Part of him worried that it might not function, that perhaps he had waited too long. Yet, without missing a beat, the watch started to glow and began changing shape into what he desired. Long, cylindrical, with a hole in one end lined with a soft, fleshy material, perfectly shaped for his human penis. It was all he could do to repress his lust, shivering the moment he pressed it against his dick. Turgid as hell, Colin felt his cock sliding in, wishing to hump away his needs. Yet, as the device moved to cover his cock, it began to change again, this time turning blue as it moved to envelop his penis. The texture was warm, and organic, and sent a shiver through his entire body. It would become part of him for the duration of the change, making his cock more sensitive than anything he had known in his humanity. And something he would relish throughout the change and the rest of the night! 

As best he could tell, what remained of his penis was long, tapered, and pencil thin, his groin hair falling away and a blue shade spreading down toward his legs. With a shudder, he could feel a slit opening below his penis and sucking in his testicles, leaving him to moan. Concerned for only a moment, Colin could feel them taking their new place within him, swelling comfortably as his cock remained turgid, waiting for the rest of the changes to come. It made sense for many forms, he figured, to have internal junk. And rubbing the area was enough for him to know they were still present, perhaps even more sensitive as they filled with alien semen. 

The now familiar tingling of change started to play over his feet, and Colin moved to flex them, surprised that two per foot were beginning to merge. His big toes twitched in their death throes as they were pulled back toward his stretched heels. Such was hardly alarming given his previous two changes, though it was fascinating to experience nonetheless. The two that remained were pointed, with something akin to claws replacing his nails, though relatively blunted. He twitched them experimentally, watching as the same blue shade of his dick spread over them. Heels were slow to stretch, much thinner than what he figured his body would be able to support. That was likely to change and Colin welcomed the chance to discover what this new body’s proportions would be. 

A strange swelling from the bottoms of his feet left him confused as he raised them to examine their alterations. It seemed like a black, cancerous growth was swelling from their base, circular and rounded as it took over the entire surface. Like nothing he had seen before on a terrestrial organism, Colin found he had some struggle balancing as a rounded ball protruded from his other foot, as well. As they continued to expand, Colin could reflexively feel his toes wrapping around them, supporting them as though they were now his true feet. They appeared more mechanical than organic, but such made sense given the manufactured nature of the fleshlight. Still, as he tried to balance his weight on these new ball joints, Colin was surprised and elated to realize they were fully mobile. The rounded spheres almost seemed like wheels as he tried skating forward. It was awkward for the moment, though surely to become easier once the change concluded.

As he expected, his legs followed suit, hips thinning, compressing as his body shrank. They seemed almost impossibly thin even for his reducing stature, and Colin was worried for a moment that they might break from being fragile. Still, it was obvious there was muscle present as well, pulled tautly over the bones as his waist slimmed down impossibly small by human standards. His chest, while possessing a more streamlined form without the obvious indents of muscle he was used to, was still firm, and powerful as best he could tell. A brief gurgling in his torso was a sign of rapid alterations within, his heart racing though not out of fear as he might have expected. Rather, there was a tension within, as though he hated to stay still, that he needed to move. It was clear whatever he was turning into was made for speed, perhaps specialized beyond anything that could function in nature as he knew it!

Rubbing his body curiously, Colin could tell his fingers were becoming slimmer as well, two of them merging together like his toes. Thankfully, he retained his thumbs, though they became much leaner with pointed claws as he went to flex them. The changes seemed to have robbed him of some of their functioning, which, while annoying, was something that left him curious. He could still open and close them somewhat and figured they retained sufficient flexibility to operate human equipment if needed. Shoulders compacting, his arms quickly lost most of their fat and mass, becoming as lean as his legs though just as powerful. While not likely to win an arm wrestling contest, it was likely they could be used in synch with the rest of his body for rapid acceleration. 

By now, much of the hair on his body, including his head, had begun to fall away, likely giving him a more streamlined and aerodynamic body type. The firm blue skin had spread over his body now, save for his head and neck. Pressure in his spine caused the bones within to push out into a tail, one he was eager to rub into existence. It was largely stationary like a pole to be used for balance while he moved around on his wheels. If he focused on it, Colin found out he could move it in broad strokes from the base, and delighted in doing so. He relished how its base merged with his lower torso, anus sat below and gave him powerfully streamlined anatomy. 

A stretching within his skull left him to reach up to play over it, and Colin was thankful his fingers still carried a sense of touch. Rubbing the skin, it started to turn black, shiny, and smooth as it surrounded the back of his skull. Not sure how long it was going to be, Colin was a little surprised to discover it spreading down his sideburns, moving over his chin and even neck. Moving down his chin like a pointed goatee, Colin could almost see it in front of his vision, creating a long pointed crest like nothing that existed on earth. As the smooth, solid black skin connected the top and bottom halves of his sideburns, Colin was given the mental image of a helmet of sorts, the top of which had moved down between his eyes and left very little of the blue-shaded skin remaining visible. 

The tingling over his facial features left him curious, and Colin struggled to look in the mirror he’d set up to greet his new visage. Yet, the moment he did so, Colin felt something loosening in the top of his head plate, sliding over his eyes and mouth. While panicked for a moment, Colin could still make out the world around him, through the screen as though a shield or visor. It took him a moment to realize it was not mechanical but rather biological, and if he focused on it, Colin could make it rise again, folding into a flap of skin at the base. It was a fascinating sensation, one that took a little effort to operate but something that felt natural the more he explored its abilities.

With his visor lifted, Colin was able to take stock of the changes to his face, a little shocked by what greeted him. It was not the most alarming visage, rather plain in comparison to what his humanity had given up. Black lines made up his thinned lips and ran around his eyes, which were a jarring emerald compared to the blue of his skin or the black of his visor. It was hauntingly alien in a way that his previous forms had lacked, yet there was something rather attractive about that all the same. It was something he could work with, Colin was honestly happy he had changed and was eager to experience a new body and the sexual arousal that came with it!

As best he could tell, the changes were over, giving him an overall reptilian visage. His forward-leaning body drew some semblance of a velociraptor, but like nothing that had ever existed on Earth. The armor over his head was a little surprising, especially as it seemed to be part of his anatomy. Still, there was little time for him to reflect on it as his cock ached for contact, and Colin did not hold back before gripping the base and stroking off. To his surprise, the motions came rapidly, yet Colin was not in the mindset to hold back. Much too quickly, he came, barely aware of the orgasmic onset before he released. As fast as he was jerking off, he was surprised he hadn’t chaffed or burned the skin! 

Much to his delight, it seemed within moments he was ready to go again. Yet, while the pleasure had been enjoyable, there was an intense energy in his body that needed to be expelled. Cumming from his cock could wait with the speed his body could operate, and he was more than a little excited to give his new abilities a try. Moving forward was akin to skating, and Colin found with no effort he could move far faster than humanly possible. It was a little frightening, but as he experimented with his body, it was obvious it was built for more speed than he could have anticipated. Soon, he allowed himself to go faster, feeling gradually more comfortable at greater speeds. It seemed the accelerated motions prompted the visor to lower reflexively, and with that, he took off, unable to fathom the speed he was able to reach. His body was surprisingly aerodynamic and wind-resistant, hardly inconvenienced as he raced forward. Rapid reaction times made maneuvering through the maze of trees and debris a breeze. As he let himself go into the instincts of his body, there was no risk of injuring himself, even with his relatively fragile body. 

Eventually, he stopped, finding himself out of the woods and in front of a lake, one that had to be several miles from where he had started. It would have taken him days of driving, yet when he had started moving full speed, he arrived in only minutes, implying he was moving several hundred miles an hour. Given the wide open space and variety of terrains, however, Colin could only think of all the ways to test his new body. Now comfortable with his abilities, Colin took off as fast as he figured he could go, reaching his top speed in mere seconds. As best he could perceive, time seemed to stand still around him, as though he was entering some alternate dimension of speed. Such realization made it easy for him to stop and turn on a dime, tearing back and forth along the canyon. With some effort, he found he could reach out and manipulate objects, putting things out of place in a way that he figured someone watching would not be able to perceive. A part of him wanted someone to witness his display, asking what it looked like from an outsider’s perspective. Yet, who could he trust to not only keep his secret but share in the eagerness to change as he did?

Recalling the abilities of speedster superheroes, Colin took off across the water, finding it was as simple as running across the ground. Similarly, he was able to run straight up the mountains, as though gravity had no claim over his speed. It was amazing he could functionally occupy the entire space all at once, without any ill to his energy. He could stop himself as quickly as he sped up, and his body was designed so that no chaffing or pain came from his efforts. Part of him wondered if this alien species was sapient and donned clothing in their society. However, it seemed his body was no worse for wear being nude, and he decided to go with it. 

It seemed that as much as he had not been expecting it, his thinly layered muscles were quite powerful. Of course, they were needed for the speed he possessed but apparently had more practical purposes he was eager to explore. With some effort, he found he was able to move on one leg and kick with the other, the force of it powerful as it was rapid. And the razor claws at the end of his toes were surely dangerous in their own right! Feeling the power in his legs, Colin felt compelled to jump straight in the air, realizing with some surprise he was able to reach much farther than he had expected. Even from his place at the bottom of the canyon, he could scale to the top in a couple of jumps. The power in his body was amazing, indeed!

Pausing for a moment, Colin found himself caught in his thoughts, wondering how best to experiment with his body. It took him some time, but as he reflected on his situation, it seemed the world around him was still slowed down, like when he had been moving. Were perhaps his thoughts so much faster, too? What could he do with that?

Rapidly making his way back to his campsite, Colin removed his laptop, trying carefully to work it with his alien hands before attempting it at the speed he figured he was capable of. Even though he was worried that he might damage it, Colin felt his mind going thousands of miles a minute. While there was no way for him to connect with the internet, the speed at which his thoughts moved seemed to create pathways of thought that were impossible before now. It was not hyper-intelligence or anything of the like, simply his thoughts became so focused and rapid in succession that he was able to construct millions of possible outcomes. That was enough for him to bounce a signal off a satellite and go online, a feat impossible for him before but something he achieved within moments. There is no denying the time spent as this alien existed outside his human experience, and he was eager to discover all that could mean!

Reaching for something from his bag as he worked, Colin was a little surprised to feel his tail doing so out of reflex. With some effort, he was delighted to discover he could hold objects with the curved tip, though didn’t quite have the experience to operate it in tandem with his hands. Maybe if he had more time…there were certainly many applications to a body this fast, at least before he learned of any drawbacks.

One such drawback was to come full circle as his mind raced with the possibilities. As quickly as he had gotten online, his fingers moved to hack into sites that went far beyond his ability before now. Breaking complex combinations seemed to be a breeze as fast as his fingers were able to keep up with his mind. It took him only moments of real-time to think of how to use it, wondering what government sites might carry information about his fleshlight or any sightings of him in alien form. They were harder to access than he had been expecting, but with the speed of his fingers moving, he was able to input every possible combination within mere moments. And that meant all he had to do was…

The sound of his laptop sparking and the screen going dark caused him to pause, feeling frustrated that his efforts had broken the device. It was obvious he didn’t have the technology to manage the speed he could work, and should perhaps have been far more careful. Part of him wanted to repair it, but he would have to run out and replace the parts or purchase a new one. Though given the speed he was able to move, it was possible he could do so without being seen…

The second issue was soon to make itself known, much to his chagrin. Colin hardly had time to lament the destruction of his laptop before the tingling of change started to flow over his body. Colin was left a little shocked, thinking he had only possessed this body for under an hour. Weren’t the changes supposed to last the course of a night? Yet, there was no denying his tail was receding, his body bulking up as his wheels retracted and his visor faded. Within moments, he had returned to his human form, naked and cool in the night air. Disappointed, it took him a few moments to deduce that perhaps the creature’s speed was likely its downfall as well. Everything about the alien seemed to move so fast that even his time spent as one was reduced!

Human once more, Colin didn’t feel as fatigued as he figured he might have expected. Part of him was tempted to spend the rest of the night in another new body if such was possible. Given that the energy of his previous form seemed to carry over, it only took Colin’s cock a moment to come to arousal, enough to once more merge with the fleshlight. The idea of doing so this quickly was a little daunting but he figured there was little chance to discover the device’s limits without testing them. And with that, he moved to lower the fleshlight, connecting it with his cock and pulling it inside once more. 

This time, the shade of the fleshlight turned aquamarine, and Colin was unable to resist the urge to touch it, curious as to the penis he would soon possess. Yet, rather than the expected sensation of pleasure, touching his member caused no reaction. He was confused for a moment, wondering if something was wrong. Yet, the more he traced his hands over his penis, the more his mind likened it to touching a rock or some mineral substance. It was far different than his previous three forms, but so long as it caused him no permanent harm, Colin was fine to allow it to happen as it would! Much too soon, he felt his release flowing through him, as though the last of his human sperm was being ejected all at once. It was pleasant, though hardly as intense as his previous experiences. What remained of his cock was drawn within the substance of his groin, likely to be used later.

Colin was soon distracted as the inorganic skin continued to play over his legs and up his chest, converting the tissue into something almost inorganic. It wasn’t rock, at least like nothing on Earth. A passing thought wondered if he was no longer a carbon-based lifeform if such was in the realm of existence. As his skin continued to alter to that aquamarine shade and thicken all over, Colin could only assume he was no longer a living being by Earth’s standards. He was getting larger all the while, not just in height but mass, likely weighing hundreds of more pounds within the first few moments of the change. And likely to reach well beyond what he could imagine as his body added layers and layers of this silicon-based tissue. 

As his internal structures followed suit, Colin was shocked to discover he was no longer breathing, or that he didn’t even need to. His chest was solid all the way through, not rising and falling as he was accustomed to. Heartbeat, breathing, and even blood flow were seemingly no longer required by this body, and Colin was terrified to wonder how he was still alive like this. It didn’t matter in the end, the change allowed him to live and experience this form with no long-term repercussions. 

While the transformation was rather daunting in terms of physiology, his anatomy remained surprisingly humanoid. He was still a biped, having lost his pinkie fingers but keeping the rest. Yet, as he flexed the digits, what appeared more akin to paw-like depressions formed within the palms, and the ends of the fingers seemed to taper in a semblance of canine claws. The same seemed to happen to his feet, the toes contracting as their tips tapered with pad-shaped indents on the bottom. As he grew, it was obvious his arms were much larger in relation to his body, almost reaching the ground as he flexed them. Such was fruitless, muscle not persisting within his form as Colin was used to. Still, from their size, he had to assume he possessed immense strength well beyond his humanity.

While it should have ached him, the sensation of spikes erupting from above his shoulders was barely an inconvenience. His skin, while not possessing the sensory capabilities he was used to, could still perceive their growth. It was likely he no longer needed to care for things like wounds, or hot and cold. Unable to reach up and touch the spikes, he had to admit they were rather fetching, a natural accent to his body. A similar protrusion worked its way out of the skin above where his ass once was, and reaching back to feel it, Colin had to think it was more akin to a tail than anything he knew. It was strange to think his body was changing in such a way, though he had to admit it matched his sensibilities rather well!

By this time, only his head remained human, though was already altering internally to match the possible silicon creature he had become. The cracks of his bones breaking and muscles being pulled apart were barely felt, rapidly being replaced with the alien material. As his hair fell away, another spike seemed to pop from behind his skull, or at least what had replaced it. A pair of spikes protruded from the top of his head, non-functional but giving him a semblance of pointed ears. His chin, too, jutted outward somewhat, pushing his mouth out until it almost resembled a canine muzzle. While he possessed a facsimile of a pointed nose at its apex, smell was nearly absent. He was still able to hear more acutely, as though his stone-like structure allowed greater resonance of sound waves. Lastly, his narrow eyes turned yellow, though his vision seemed to improve as well, more sensitive to the low light as he explored the new contours of his body. 

As best he could tell, the changes were done with him, and Colin tentatively took a step forward, feeling the massive stature of his body nearly shaking the ground. He was dense, and likely more powerful than even his previously multiarmed self. And the more he focused on himself, the more a trembling within seemed to resonate with him. Part of him wondered if he had greater control over his anatomy, that his new composition was in flux. The prospect was a little daunting, though at least he could feel a semblance of pleasure from within through his efforts. It was as though his cock was still there, hidden away to be used in a much more limited capacity. 

For now, however, it was the fluidity of his new anatomy that held Colin’s interest. If he focused on it, similar spikes as those on his shoulders were able to push out behind without causing any pain to his body. With some effort, he was able to make them smaller, then larger, pulling them within him and extending them again. He didn’t seem able to manipulate those accenting his shoulders, though that was fine in his opinion. It seemed he couldn’t quite manage to adjust his body entirely, rather parts of it to create certain shapes. Like weapons, perhaps? Lifting his hands, his focus was soon able to force the fingers to merge together and point into a blade. Swinging it toward the largest tree he could find, it was easily felled by the force of his blow. Removing it was as simple as focusing on his arm, reverting to its natural four-finger shape as though it was designed to be that way.

With a myriad of ways to use his body, Colin’s focus was somewhat distracted by the ground underneath his feet, as though he was connected to it. While it seemed impossible, either via some mental command or a semblance of himself that had leaked into the ground, certain elements within the earth seemed to respond to his summons. Focusing enough to draw them toward himself, his efforts split the earth and forced the minerals to rise. Focusing on them, Colin found he was able to melt and reform them however he liked. While his imagination was a little limited, he was at least able to fire them into a nearby mountain, leaving sizable indents that left him impressed. 

Pulling them back once more, Colin wondered what his weight limit was, drawing material around his feet and next creating a platform of sorts. Attempting to raise it from the ground, Colin found he could hover somewhat, nothing like when he had flown in a previous form but still rather impressive. Focusing on the ground once more, Colin was able to create large pillars, leaping from one to another without damaging them as he scaled the peak of a mountain with ease. Reaching for the nearest cliff, Colin attempted to reach out with his arms, altering the structure within to extend them far longer than he expected. Grasping the side of the mountain, he was able to rapidly retract them, pulling himself forward at an accelerated pace. His body was amazing, and dangerous, leaving Colin thankful their planet wasn’t invading!

Yet, there was one aspect of his anatomy that kept him curious. Allowing himself to experience a semblance of arousal, Colin finally felt his penis come to bear. He could not have expected his penis to push out like another part of his malleable body, nor to have its natural form appear canine to match the rest of his accents. Pointed at the tip, he was able to subconsciously shift its color toward red as it extended even larger for his current body. The base soon swelled to form a canine knot, though how his new species actually mated was beyond him. It mattered little, he figured as he moved to stroke it off, finding it to be surprisingly sensitive! 

To his delight, with some effect, Colin found he was able to grow his cock larger than he might have expected. It was naturally thick, possessing that canine quality that left him enamored. A part of him wondered if there was something within his own desires that influenced the final form of his body, that perhaps his form was malleable to that degree. It didn’t matter in the end, he figured, taking his massive paw hands to play over it. The more his cock grew, the larger his hands expanded to wrap around it, the growth itself rather pleasant on its own. With his lust rising beyond his ability to stifle, Colin had to wonder for a moment if perhaps his alien cum was toxic to the environment. No longer a carbon-based life form, such could be detrimental. Yet, he was so close already there was nothing he could do to stop himself, and he didn’t want to!

In truth, the amount of fluid ejaculated from his cock was minute, as though a liquid concentrate of his own substrate. Yet, the pleasure itself was enough to rock his body, and Colin nearly felt himself fall over. It seemed even as sturdy as his body was, he could feel enough pleasure to allow himself to shudder. It was interesting to think of any part of his new body as vulnerable, though such pleasures tended to bring down most beings! As an added bonus, the sensation of his spunk being drawn through his feet left him relieved, thinking nothing of his alien essence would remain to soil the earth.

As the sun slowly rose over his campsite, the creature Colin had become waited for the familiar sensation of change to return to his human form so he could rest. Yet, it did not come. Rather than be terrified, however, he was inclined to think like his speedy form, this being defied the normal limits of the fleshlight. He had used it later in the evening, and his inhuman metabolism was not inclined to change back as fast as his previous body. But that was OK. He was eager to greet the dawn with alien eyes, enjoying it for as long as he could before changing back. Finally resting, Colin had already decided he would use the device to the fullest for the time he’d set aside for this vacation…