Releasing Your Inner Bull

It was by sheer chance that Ashley found her way inside a magic shop, not thinking anything of it on the surface but wondering deep down if it was destiny. Of course, there was no chance of anything there being able to quench that inner thirst within her being. It was something she was ashamed to admit to anyone, least of all herself. And as much as a magic shop was only catered to superstition and luck, there was no denying that iota of hope that an impossible dream might be drawn to the surface, finally able to become reality.


At 25, Ashley’s body was the definition of perfection, the envy of every woman, and the draw for every man. With double D breasts, a bubble butt, platinum blond hair, lovely emerald eyes, and a slim build, she had been at the pinnacle of perfection since high school. It was something she had never had to strive for but something that was the case all the same. And as much as her body was held in reverence by society at large, it was always a point of contention for the woman. With it came a certain level of expectation that Ashley had not asked for. Yet, it was something she had signed an invisible contract to appeal to no matter how her own desires contrasted with the reality of her birth. 


With that pressure came a hidden sense of longing, something she was sure would be repulsive to anyone who knew. Nonetheless, it was far more appealing than anything in her human life. The dichotomy of her humanity left her craving to become another being, one the polar opposite of what she had been forced with at birth. A beautiful human woman replaced with a hulking, reeking beast was something that drew her desires, as much as such possibilities were only to be explored on the internet. Even her sex was something she wished to relinquish, desiring to carry the heavy balls and cock of a male beast, one dominant in its own domain. Though such contrast persisted in the animal kingdom in multiple forms, it was the body of a feral bull that drew her desire above all else. Often, it was many the source of sexual exploration when nothing in her human female experience could ever hope to match. 


As much as the fictional scenario appealed to her, Ashley held no delusions about the reality of such never coming to pass. As she parked her car in front of the magic shop, nothing within her thought there was a real chance her deepest desire would ever be matched. But the compulsion was undeniable, and she found herself compelled to enter. Her dream remained somewhere in the back of her mind as she perused the shop’s wares, finding nothing coming close to what she secretly wished to achieve. 


Yet, it seemed as though the shopkeeper had a different definition of what was possible, and his words were enough to send shivers of anticipation through Ashley’s being. “Magic brings the impossible to the rational world, and if you have a particular wish, there is a chance something within my shop can grant it,” he’d said, much to her shock and surprise. As much as she couldn’t possibly voice such a desire, there was something within her that hoped it was true, and the words left her lips without her being able to contain them. “I want to turn into a bull. A massive, smelly, feral bull with a cock to match,” she whispered, ashamed of the words the moment they left her mouth. 


“Such is more common a request than you might expect,” the shopkeeper replied, and Ashley felt herself breathe a sigh of relief. There was something almost sinful about saying it out loud, as though confessing a deep-seated desire only to have it accepted and normalized. Still, there was nothing in heaven or earth that could grant such a wish. Being able to voice it was one thing, but at the end of the day, any notion of her dream becoming reality was fleeting.


“I do stock such magical items for those with transformative desires. Such is rare in your world, as you might imagine, and those who witness it are quick to forget. But it is possible, for a temporary experience or something more long-lasting, depending on your preferences,” he explained, before moving to the back. 


Ashley waited with bated breath for whatever he would return with. She had not been expecting him to brandish what looked like a nose ring that might be used to mark cattle. More alarming perhaps was a rather sizable dildo, one that Ashley was easily able to identify was in the shape of a bull’s penis. She blushed at that, assuming such was fetish gear and couldn’t possess even a modicum of magic. Still, there was certainly some appeal in owning such, and with her stipend, she was sorely tempted to purchase regardless. 


Seeing her interest, Ashley was a little surprised when the shopkeeper seemed to insist on their magical qualities. “Using these items in tandem will result in the desired effect, I should think. Given the more sexual nature of such desires, they are designed to increase your arousal for enjoyment. You are free to partake in general release, of course, which I’m sure you’ll be privy to. But should you mount a member of your new species, be it one of natural birth or someone else who transforms with you, the magic will accept such as a desire to make the form permanent. And I should add it will freely infect anyone who, shall we say, partakes in your form for similar effect. Nothing in terms of judgment from me or this establishment, of course. Obviously, after such, you’ll no longer be a customer or able to share your praises for my items. But such is life, and people with similar desires tend to make their way here, regardless,” the man explained, putting the items on the table for her consideration.


In the end, even the remote possibility of undergoing such a change was enough to make a sale. The items were understandably overpriced, and Ashley was sure she was being ripped off. But there was a part of her that loved even the falsehood, enough to bring her arousal to its apex. Having toys to play out her fantasy was enough to make her wish to use them that night. However, with a long day to come, Ashley decided to turn in early, waiting for the time she could use them properly. 


The next day came with its usual urgency, and Ashley almost forgot she had purchased the transformative items, let alone that she had left them in her car. Getting into work, she was immediately met with a barrage of texts and emails, a workload that would take her the better of the next few days to get through. With the expectation of having to do so before the day’s end, Ashley couldn’t help but allow her thoughts to drift to the toys and what they could mean for her inner desires. What she wouldn’t give to use the items and turn into a massive, horny, stinky bull within the confines of her office. That would surely show everyone how disgusting she was meant to be!


As the day turned toward afternoon and Ashley felt her stress growing toward its apex, the temptation to at least try the items was enough she was inclined to grab them from her car during her late lunch. There was little chance of the shopkeeper’s words holding true, of course. But even the minute possibility of her changing into a bullish form was enough for her to feel excitement. Leaving them in her purse, she went back to her cubicle, unable to work with their presence so close and their possibilities so tempting. 


In the end, the stress of the day and her job at large was enough to make Ashley throw convention out the window. Given there was no one else around, she pulled out the two items, wondering how to use them in tandem. She would be read the riot act if she were caught with such gear on company time. But with her fantasy of changing in the middle of work, her body seemed to work on autopilot. Putting the ring on her finger was easy, thankful she didn’t have to stick it in her nose. But she made sure the coast was clear before reaching down to unzip her pants and lower her panties, sex already moist and leaking with anticipation. Giving the dildo a kiss, she worked it inside her, finding the penetration was rather easy and natural, all things considered. With her exhilaration at its peak, Ashley could not naught but pull her panties to her knees, working the dildo all the way inside of her. Her lust was at its apex, repercussions be damned! 


For a moment, nothing seemed to be happening, and Ashley pulled her chair in, looking less out of place from behind unless someone was looking at her directly. Unable to get her mind from her fantasy, however, Ashley browsed around online, thankful her station had a printer beside it. It didn’t take much searching of animal husbandry sites to find what she was looking for, images and videos of bulls with their cocks out ready to mount their cows. As though her mind was still on auto-pilot, Ashley found several to print out and was eager to start stapling them to the wall of her cubicle. The compulsion felt so right, every action inching not only closer to a violation but to her dream. Maybe if she did, the dildo would begin its work and change her in a way that defied her understanding of reality. At the time, she could imagine wanting nothing more!


It wasn’t until her bowels suddenly relented and she let out a rather loud and surprisingly pungent fart that Ashley had some notion the magic had taken effect. The smell was almost enough to make her gag, though the reality she had done such was more erotic than such had a right to be. It was certainly helped that several people in the stalls around her started to cough and complain about the smell, something more akin to a barn than anything that would be found in her office. Thinking she might be developing a bull’s intestinal structures, Ashley figured there was little time before her body had more to release. There was some precedence for her to get to a bathroom, even if she was to make a mess of things. And, for better or for worse, the smell clung to her, Ashley unable to keep her bowels from grumbling and passing gas. People remained oblivious to the source, but Ashley was almost delighted at the fact they would soon find out if the changes continued!


Finding the washroom empty, Ashley made her way to the largest stall, hoping it would give her sufficient space. The moment she kicked off her sandals and pulled down her blue jeans and white panties, Ashley felt her body letting itself go like the animal she wanted so desperately to be. Her anus had already swelled much larger than its human equivalent, moving upward toward the base of her spine. To her relief, it had pushed her cheeks out of the way as it did so. The skin was puckered, and if Ashley had a moment to reach back and look at it, she might discover the surface was leathery and black. But there was no time for such as her bowels suddenly gave way, and she bent over with a groan, her body acting of its own accord. 


The tension in her bowels grew past the point of no return in an instant, and Ashley was dropping a load of cow manure without any ability to stop herself. As she figured, the stink was far too much for her human nose. It was the inability to control the act that did it for her, and the fact that even her petite body was able to produce so much cow shit made things all the better. She couldn’t help but clench the dildo within her sex, feeling the tension of orgasm starting with the same ferocity as her defecation. Even as her bowels continued to empty, Ashley felt her body going into release, shaking as the final drops of manure fell from her puckered bull’s anus. She had missed the toilet, of course, and was sure some of the splatter had gotten on her clothes or her legs. In her moment of ecstasy, she could hardly bring herself to care. 


Feeling the same tension building in her bladder, Ashley hardly had the time to pull out the dildo before the floodgates gave way. A hit stream of pungent bull piss sprayed from her cunt lips, splattering against the side of the stall and pooling onto the floor. The stink in the bathroom was far worse than any barn, most such locations having hay or other material to soak up the waste. There was something even more appealing that she was defiling a human’s place as she let herself go like an animal, farting as though her rectum still had more to dispose of at a moment’s notice.


The moment the last few drops were drained, Ashley started to rub her nub with reverence, thinking it might be the last time she would do so before the changes took it. If the magic was able to provide her this much, she was sure she would gain the maleness she had always craved. She had already orgasmed once, but sensually rubbing her maleness into existence was a powerfully attractive perspective. Continuing to do so, the pleasure in her pearl seemed to rise far faster than she was expecting. It was heavier, too, swelling rapidly as though her touch was a catalyst. She moaned once more, not caring about who might hear as the flesh of her bulb started to work its way out, parting the skin and preparing to alter. 


Pulling off her red t-shirt, Ashley continued to stroke her sensitive flesh, feeling it swelling far beyond anything her sex could manage. It was an inch long now, and still engorging, almost heavy against her groin as it shifted. It was starting to swell against her folds, the sensitivity of her outer flesh waning as all her pleasure focused itself on her soon-to-be rod. As she rubbed with reverence, the sensation of something descending within her tubes made her grunt from discomfort. Expanding almost too large for her insides, Ashley moved her other hand to tease her opening, wanting desperately to alleviate the discomfort. Her action seemed to fold her outer lips on each other, forming a fleshy sack that filled her with elation. 


It took a few moments for the orbs within to take their shape, falling painfully into her sack. They were massive, hanging almost heavily under her as they grew beyond the proportions of her human body. Yet, their presence was a sign of things to come, and she quickened her place, making her new bullish ball sack sway. Its presence was enough to close up the rest of her slit, but with the now four-inch rod being stroked into existence, Ashley felt she was no longer in need of it. Her new member was long, tapered, and dark pink as it continued to engorge with blood. A sack of skin started to bubble from the remnants of her sex, bunching up as it stuck to the skin of her bare groin. Her perfectly trimmed bush soon erupted with a forest of soft bovine fur, a prelude to what was to cover her entire body. And nothing she could imagine was more erotic!


Hearing the sound of the outer bathroom door open, Ashley felt her blood run cold. Still, there was something almost erotic about being caught in the act, so to speak. Having not bothered to close the door to the stall, Ashley’s changing form was there on full display. As much as it should have shamed her, the fact that it was her best friend Betsy standing there was almost a relief of sorts. She opened her mouth to speak, her lips forming the word “Ashley?”. Yet, she was rapidly hit with a wave of stink, and quickly fled the room, the door swinging behind her. However, the testosterone swelling through her veins made Ashley overly confident and unable to care, as much as she’d always longed to be. 


With that unfounded confidence, Ashley decided it was time for her to head out, wanting to make her fantasy a reality. She had come so far already by using the dildo and leaving it there with her clothes mattered little with the reality she was changing. It had to be a dream, a fantasy, but the stink of her waste, the power in her swaying balls, and the tingling of further change made it impossible to deny her reality. She was a powerful, reeking bull, and it was time to show her office her true self!


Naturally, she could not avoid being seen as she made her way back to her cubicle. A few coworkers screamed at the sight of her, taking off as Ashley continued to stroke her cock all the while. She felt wild and horny, and the prospect of being seen only seemed to accelerate her changes. By now, an ache in her spine was a sign she was growing her bovine tail. It began to swish of its own accord as soon as it was able, raising only for a moment as she let out another pungent fart. Ashley quickly gained control over its motion as it inched its way out of her backside. By now, it was nearly touching the carpet as she entered the wide room where her cubicle sat. It soon raised once again, only this time with the familiar clenching of her bowels as she nonchalantly dropped another rank pile of bull manure. 


Yet, no sooner had she done so than a pressure started in her cock, which was already rather large for her mostly human body. As a surge of blood shot through it, her member grew another inch, leaking fluids from thickening testicles. The notion that acting more like an animal was changing her faster was powerfully attractive, especially if it drew her maleness beyond even bovine proportions. Reaching down to stroke herself off, Ashley could only groan, feeling the sensitivity of her bovine penis increase tenfold. All that remained was her desire to grow into the massive, stinky bull of her desires. As she listened to the disgusted groans of her nearby coworkers, Ashley could only smile, knowing she truly was becoming a beast, one that could easily defile the company she held in such contempt!


Her continued masturbation had a welcome effect on her anatomy as Ashley felt a strange weight on her head. Reaching with her other hand, she was soon to rub a pair of thick, keratin horns parting her skin and scalp. They felt heavy for the moment, though she was able to handle it to some degree, her neck muscles swelling in an effort to hold her head up. By this point, her body was slick with rank sweat, and her testicles were so large they nearly touched the ground. A flared, massive pair of nostrils breathed in her heady stink, cock leaking at the notion of what she was steadily becoming. And she still had so much more to grow!


Ears twitched now as they began to enlarge, the sounds of terror from the office were music to her ears. No one wanted to approach her cubicle, where she was free to view the images of bulls mating she had put up. It was pleasant to perceive her ears moving outward from her head, curving and pointing and covering with a layer of fine, velvety fur. But it was the effect her masturbation had on her cock that really drew her attention over all the other changes. Feeling the tip taper, it positioned itself in a more bestial way, the red length continuing to push further past her bulging gut. All she could imagine being better would be to have a female before her, even if fucking such would damn her to a bovine fate. In the moment of pure ecstasy, Ashley couldn’t imagine wanting anything more!


An ache in her feet made her thankful she had long since discarded her sandals, feeling the toes stiffen as they prepared to shift. She couldn’t move them now, and as two of her smaller toes reduced, the remaining two thickened and pointed downward as her heels continued to stretch. Her well-manicured, blue-polished nails were becoming thick and brown, ugly yet appealing for her all the same. It was hard for her to keep her stance, and Ashley knew she needed to allow things to happen as they would. As the nails thickened to cover their entire surface, she delighted in stomping them, feeling them hold up her increasing bulk. Her only regret was that she had no one to play with them, a hidden fetish that could not be explored in her moment of change.


By this point, it was getting harder for her to grip her cock, belly barreling, and hips starting to shift through her sides. Perhaps the most arousing aspect was the loss of her breasts, their fat and tissue dissolving into the powerful, meaty chest that better befit her form. Her most prized assets by human standards were being erased by the beast she was truly meant to be, and nothing could serve to raise her arousal any further. She was so close, each bestial action adding an inch to her bovine penis. It was surely far larger than any beast in the field by now, the epitome of any of her daydreams. And as she rubbed her cock over the bottom of her desk, viewing the pictures of bovine mating, Ashley found she had little ability to stem her orgasm. It was getting harder and harder to think, and not just from the blood rushing to her mammoth, bovine penis. She longed to embrace her bestial lust, becoming an animal in mind willing to forgo everything to achieve its physical release. 


“What the fuck?!” Someone yelled though Ashley wasn’t inclined to turn her growing head in the direction of the voice. Human concerns were beneath a powerful bull like her, and she would not be deterred from her orgasm. As large as she was growing, she could no longer masturbate in the way humans were used to. But the more she acted like a bull, the more her massive, throbbing red penis slapped against her belly, as though it carried a mind of its own. Already so close to the edge, it took little prompting for her to bellow out a bovine call of release as her balls prepared to blow their burden.




With that, a wild spray of semen blew from her pointed tip, covering her chair, work computer, and desk. The thick stench burned into her larger nostrils, and she bellowed once more, exerting her dominance over everything she had come to loath. It was oddly cathartic, mind awash in pride and pleasure, though it was harder to think about why that was. That was the point, in her fading mind, to live in the now as a massive, stinking bull. Something she was eager to surrender herself to. As the changes played over his body, Ashley could not help but think of himself as male as he always should have been. 


The panicked cries of office staff grew in intensity, though the bull hardly cared. They were so much smaller than he was, after all. There was nothing they could do to him as he took his pleasure from his despoiling acts. Still, he wasn’t sure why it was he needed to soil this place any longer, only that it felt right to him. Once more, his semi-erect penis let loose with a pungent stream of piss, getting all over the computer and posting photos. He cared little about that, however, other than the sense of satisfaction and relief that came with the act. The words being hurled at him, as much as he could tell were, “Get that bull out of here!” “Call animal control!” and, “Where the fuck is Ashley? I’ll have her fucking head!” Still, they meant little to him, like the chattering between lesser beings. 


A rumbling in his belly made him wonder where best to go for food, and his fading intellect recalled that little existed in the building to satisfy his appetite. There were some plants nearby, but walking forward was made difficult by the state of his hands. Shouldn’t they be massive hooves like those on his back legs? He had masturbated with them before, but a virile bull hardly needed such. He would find a herd with cows in season, mating each and filling them with his offspring. Such thoughts sent a surge of growth through his being, muscles bulking up under the skin and forcing his bones to thicken. 


With his shifting pelvis, ballooning belly, and bulging shoulders, he was sure he couldn’t stand erect any longer. That felt right, natural, and something he welcomed as his body continued to enlarge. The gurgling in his guts seemed to denote a swelling in his stomach, something that came with a fair amount of belching and more flatulence as he flicked his tail around. He could feel his organs expanding, meat and bone stretching to accommodate them as they finally settled inside. By now, his expansive weight creaked against the office floor, unable to easily take such a dominant male as he. Every pound added made him prouder, growing into a beast beyond his wildest dreams. 


A thickening in his former fingernails left him wishing to look down, but his meaty neck prevented him from doing so. Still, he could perceive his fingers had stiffened, keratin expanding around them with enough layers to hold even all his muscled weight. He was glad to feel them shrinking, their tips pushing into the nail beds themselves. Palm bones flattened into simplistic shapes to allow his front legs to hold him up as the fat in his upper arms burned away. No care remained for the loss of functional fingers, unneeded for his superior form. 


A peculiar prickling started to play over his skin, every inch slowly covering with hair and hide. Short, coarse black fur follicles burst from every pore, and the bull was thankful for the ability to twitch his skin in some places, allowing him to alleviate some of the irritation. Yet, it was worth it for him to feel the fur over his body, capturing the sweet scent of sweat from his hide. It was rank, pungent, and spoke of his power anf virility. The longer hairs atop his head were eagerly discarded for more blackening hide and fur, until every inch, save for his face, had given way to a bullish coat. 


As his neck continued to swell and provide muscle and support for his head, the final changes to his visage were allowed to complete without discomfort. He relished the feeling of his jaw jutting forward, lips thick and pliable as his teeth turned into massive, grinding molars. His thicker nose drank the rank stench of his waste and musk, and his growing skull allowed his thicker horns to take their proper shape. And while his cranium compressed on his brain, and his intellect diminished, the bull could find little care in that, as though a fading dream. He had discovered his true being, and there was no room for doubt or a fleeting past that mattered nothing to the now. 


The newly changed bull was inclined to trot away from the cubicle and into the office at large, more interested in food than anything else. No human dared stand in his way, though the bull wasn’t interested in their presence. Rather, he was fixated on the scents of some flowers and plants in the room, albeit the few that existed. Pulled them up with his massive lips and chewing them with grinding teeth, the bull found little satisfaction with such small meals. There were a few other pots around, and it only took him one crunch to tear through them in succession. Such was insufficient for him, though he was eager to eat what he could. The words screamed by the humans no longer made sense to him, but none were particularly aggressive, and such would be to their detriment if they pissed him off. Thankfully for them, his current attention was on feeding and establishing himself as a dominant force over a herd of his inferiors!


Much too soon, the bull found little left for him to eat, as much as his massive nose was quick to tell him. Though little remained of his intellect, he was at least able to recall how to get down and out of the building. Moving toward the service elevator, the sight of him scared those people on it into running away, and he managed to stumble on, the device able to hold his weight but only just. He had no idea how to get down, though the elevator seemed to be doing so of the previous rider’s accord. Raising his tail to let out a pungent fart, he felt several plops of bull manure falling from his puckered asshole, enjoying the relief. The smell mattered little to him over the stench of his cum and sweat, marking the space as his. And as the elevator opened and more people scattered, the bull found his cock coming from his sheath, slapping against his belly and spraying fluids over the wall. 


His steady clops echoed in the underground as the massive bull moved toward the front exit. There were a few cars in the way, but their occupants were quick to back up, not sure who would win a battle between their steel and the bull’s bulk. The bull hardly cared for their presence, however, moving outside and swishing his tail with expectation. The scents of fresh grass from the field around him were all he needed as he moved forward with purpose. A small part of him was inclined to trot some distance away, not wanting his meal to be interrupted by meddling humans. He was powerful and fast, however, and it was easy for him to put the office behind him, enough that he would not quickly be found by animal control. When no human scents remained close by, he finally stopped, lowering his massive muzzle to feed. The flavor of grass was divine, and what little remained below the bull’s baser needs slowly glazed over, giving into bestial contentment…




It seemed like a dream when Ashley woke sometime later, finding herself in the parking garage near her car. For a brief moment, she thought all her wonderful fantasies had been a whisper of a dream. Yet, the rank stench of her body was enough for her to know it was real. Her body was filthy, reeking as though she had lived for months in a barn. That was hardly her greatest concern, however. With the weakness she felt in her human form, Ashley was filled with a sense of disappointment. She’d wanted to be a bull for so long, and even the taste of bovine life was enough for her to wish to forsake her humanity forever. And all she needed to do was follow the shopkeeper’s words to do so…


Mysteriously, Ashley discovered her clothes by her car, though they still stank of the bull she had just been, having been soiled in the early stages of the change. As much as she didn’t care for such things, she was able to get them on, knowing they were needed to reach her final goal. Any nearby farm would do, after all, so long as they were in need of a breeding bull. It wouldn’t due for her life to be cut short by joining a herd being raised for their meat! 


Picking up her phone, a series of frantic email notifications gave her further assurance it was time to abandon her humanity. She had been fired from her job, of course, but it was certainly worth it for what she had experienced. Despite several people seeing her in the midst of transformation, the reason for her termination had to do with the bull getting into the office not for her changing into it. It was almost funny to think that with all the cameras in the building, they would think she had somehow guided a bull from outside and left it to enter the offices on her floor without a trace in the recording. But the human mind was a master of self-deception, and even the presence of real magic was evidently easily played off with more natural explanations. 


“Ashley?” Came a familiar voice, and she turned to see the timid form of Betsy standing nearby, a puzzled expression on her face. Ashley would have once been ashamed of being caught in such a state, especially by someone she knew. Yet, much of the bull’s confidence had bled over into her humanity, and the fact that she was filthy and naked bothered her very little. 


“Yeah?” She replied with a bit of a gruff tone, as though Betsy was bothering her. After all, Ashley had to get out of there, find the proper field, and breed herself into bestial oblivion…


“I saw you…turning into a bull, I mean. I don’t know how you did it but…if I could…I’d love to be your cow…” Besty requested, nearly choking on the words as though embarrassed to hear them aloud. Yet, for a powerful bull like Ashley truly was, that type of attitude mattered little. All she needed was a docile cow to take her cum and bare her calves. If Betsy wanted to fill that role, how could she say no?


The mere notion of a willing cow was enough to bring Ashley to arousal, though she was hardly inclined to use her feminine sex any longer. “Good. I need a cow to start my herd. There’s no going back this time, though,” she warned, hoping that was true.


“H-how does it work?” Betsy asked, afraid and excited in equal measure. With her sense of smell still enhanced, Ashley could tell her friend was aroused as well. That excited her beyond measure, wanting to bring a cow into the fold as she permanently adopted her bull persona in body. She might not remember things once she was settled into her bovine life, but that mattered little with the fact she would be going into it with the perfect scenario in mind. 


“I fuck you with my bull cock. I cum, you change too. Once I fuck you again, there’s no going back,” Ashley said simply. There was no more need for complex thoughts now.


“I want it. I want to be big enough to take it,” Betsy responded, and despite the nervousness in her voice, there was resolve as well. Ashley figured she would make the perfect cow, and the ideal scenario for their final change came to mind. While it was still early morning, the office was likely soon to be buzzing with activity. And just like the day before, defiling it in front of her boss was powerfully appealing.


“Here. We do it here. Want to be seen. Want them to know I own you,” she said, as bad an idea as that might be. Then again, if it was permanent, they would simply be taken to a ranch and left to their own devices. She wouldn’t have to worry about anything again, and turning into a bull would be the biggest fuck you to her boss once she came in for the morning. The perfect way to leave her human life forever, cementing the fantasy from every possible angle. 


Moving toward the service elevator, Betsy nearly retched from the smell, Ashley’s literal bull shit having not been cleaned up from the day before. It stank like a barn, though Ashley loved it, thinking this primal animal smell would be part of her forever. She was a little annoyed with Betsy for her disgust, but as her new cow breathed it in, she seemed to grow accustomed to it. In fact, she had even become further aroused, rubbing her sex through her blouse in anticipation. The sight made Ashley horny as hell, but she would not touch herself until it was a bull’s cock that once more hung from her groin. Something that would happen soon, much to her delight!


The two of them made their way through the darkened halls, the stink of her bullish self still present despite efforts to clean. Any reasonable office would have given the team a day off after such an event. However her boss was greedy, and Ashley’s assignments would simply be passed off to others making less pay than her. Another reason she was glad to be rid of this life, and her humanity. Being a bull made far more sense, and as she passed the familiar sights toward her boss’s office, nothing drew up any modicum of regret. 


“Strip. You don’t wear clothes anymore,” Ashley demanded simply, and Betsy did just that, taking off her blouse, socks, and finally, her bra and panties. Her perky breasts were once a point of pride, and she had to giggle internally at the notion they would soon become a massive bulbous udder. Better than being oggled by undeserving men, instead being used and fucked by a powerful, worthy bull, that being her only purpose. 


Before Betsy could inquire about the process, Ashley produced the ring and the dildo, quickly inserting the latter inside her cunt. She was wet and aroused, of course, but she had no desire to ever pleasure herself that way again. Rather, it simply sat within her, lips massaging it of their own accord. It was as though they were working its magic into her, and Ashley could feel the familiar tingle as a sign it was working. One last time, and then she would be the bull of her dreams, with no going back and no regrets. 


Once more, a gurgling in her guts made itself known as an early sign of change. Without regard for Betsy’s presence, she let out a rather loud fart, smelling more of manure than anything a human could elicit. Betsy backed up a little, nose stinging. “Get used to it. It’s part of you now,” Ashley stated, and Betsy stopped, moving to stroke her sex once more.


Ashley continued to enjoy her insides changing, and the uncontrolled bodily functions that came with them. Her body was bloated from her grassy meal, and as her anus puckered and grew fat on her backside, she was sure her body would take a dump of its own accord. After a few more pungent bouts of flatulence, she did just that, defecating over her boss’s carpet without ability to control her bowels. As the dildo slid from her cunt lips, her bladder went into release, pissing for the last time from that angle. 


With that, Ashley felt the now-familiar sensation of her nub swelling as did her ovaries from within. It seemed to be happening a little faster this time, though Ashley felt firm in her desire. She needed a penis, a massive pair of bull testicles, and was simply willing them into existence. Now, there was no reason not to take her pleasure from the nub that would soon become her cock head. It was the last time she would do so with human hands, rubbing her sex as though encouraging it to grow further. But that mattered little, and she was willing to take her pleasure where she could. After all, there would soon be a virile cow to fuck, the start of her herd and the fulfillment of her fantasies. 


Once more, her former clit expanded outward, adding inch after inch to its overall girth. The skin was dark red, and while it remained relatively thin, it was much longer than anything humanly possible. As the skin of her upper vulva started to push outward into the beginning of a sheath, Ashley could feel her bull penis reaching toward her lean belly, almost touching her breasts. She would be glad to be rid of them soon, her body still perfect by most human metrics, even while covered with filth. Yet, they were not meant to be. Ashley would soon be a powerfully, muscled beast of a bull, far removed from standards of perfection or cleanliness. She would live in the now, free to do whatever her body dictated, and the change would be permanent. 


Rubbing her bullish shaft caused her testicles to slide from her slit as well, taking flesh from her cunt lips to form the basis of her bovine ball sack. She could feel one of her massive orbs sliding from her sex, weighing almost heavily against her groin. Ashley only longed to have the strength to properly hold them up, regardless of how full of bull semen they soon would be. The second was soon to follow, taking with it her opening as it fell into shape. With the formation of her seminal ducts connected with her penis, Ashley could feel her pointed cock leaking salty fluids, eager to spill her semen and cement her bovine fate. 


The sensation of warm lips on her cock head made her look down in surprise, Betsy evidently unable to restrain herself. Ashley smiled, reaching with one hand to stroke her future cow’s head as she drank down Betsy’s precum. As much as she wanted to fuck her into cow-dom, there would be time enough for that in the end. And it was pleasant to have herself serviced like this, fitting for the beast she was becoming. It was obvious Betsy was straining from both the size of her cock head as well as the rank taste. But as she played with herself at the same time, it was just as evident she wanted it badly, and any doubts would soon be washed away in a spray of bull cum.


With that, Ashley eagerly teased her testicles, sure that it wouldn’t take her long to reach her end. Acting like a bull was changing her faster, tail already starting to push its way out of her backside. Her hips, too, were beginning to enlarge and part, allowing her puckered anus to kiss the air of the room. Better still was that she could tell her testicles were expanding, filling with sperm. The cock in Betsy’s mouth was almost too large for her, but she was determined, knowing what the end result would be. There would be no going back once she did so, but Betsy harbored no regrets in her features as she sucked with gusto, waiting for the bull’s gift. 


Bellowing with thicker vocal cords than humanly possible, Ashley felt her balls churn and blow a thick wad of cum into Betsy’s mouth without regard for her new cow’s comfort. Her hands were there to grip her cow’s head, forcing her to drink down her offering. It was clearly too much for Betsy to bear, and she was soon gagging and sputtering, unable to take the full load and getting some of her face. Yet, a pleased expression soon crossed her features, and within moments, her lips were starting to thicken and fatten, a sign Ashley’s cum was starting to take effect. 


Pulling out, Ashley’s cock slapped against her belly, feeling it starting to bulge a little with fat and muscle. Her backside was already broad, thighs fattening and itching with the formation of fur and bull hide. She had to adjust her stance several times and was thankful her testicles were pulled back toward her anus, which itself made room by sitting under her black tail. Her legs were rapidly bulking up above the knee, while her heels were starting to stretch, making her stance awkward. She would soon be on all hours, however, and was eager to be so. 


Betsy’s changes were coming along steadily as well, her face beginning to push forward as her lips thickened and her teeth seemed to flatten within. Reflexively, she started playing with the chewing motions of her new lips, ears beginning to swell as she acted more like a cow. The stench of her leaking cunt lips had been ever-present, though, to Ashley’s own expanding nostrils, they spoke of a cow in season. Something that turned her on like nothing before, cock bobbing against her fattened belly. She would soon breed this beast, this cow, fuck her into form forever, and then live a life of bovine bliss as her bull…


“What the hell is going on?!” A woman’s voice rang out, though Ashley was hardly inclined to turn and look, rather fixated on her growing cock and the pleasant slapping against her belly. It was a rumbling in her bowels that took precedence, and without a care in the world, she once more raised her tail and dropped a rather sizable cow pie, adding to the rancid stench in the room. It was nearly enough for their boss to vomit, not helped by the fact that the nub of Betsy’s backside raised in unison. A loud, urgent fart was released before she added her own bovine stench to the room, and their former boss fled in disgust. Ashley grinned, sure the woman would never be able to use the office again without recalling the stench of a barn. 


As much as such should have fulfilled Ashley’s deep-seated fantasy, in truth, the bull she was becoming cared little about the human woman or her petty trivialities. The part of her mind that remained human recalled there was no food for them here, and they would eventually have to leave for grazing pastures. Getting down on her hands was surprisingly easy, the tips starting to thicken the moment they touched the floor. She was still top-heavy, in the early stages of change, but she at least did not need to crawl to move toward the freight elevator and outside once more. Besty, however, had some trouble, falling down and causing Ashley to move toward her cow. What she was not expecting was for Besty to reach out a thicker cow tongue and tease the fringes of Ashley’s feet, making the changing bull bellow from the pleasure. It had been a secret kink of her human self, something she would never have expected to experience before the changes took hold. But if her cow was willing to entertain her…no, the bull he was deserved to be worshiped in any way he desired. And what that, he forced his still-functional hands over Besty’s cow head, demanding she serviced him. Besty was more than eager as was her new station in the world, her bovine tongue exquisite against Ashley’s remnant toes. 


To his delight, the warm wetness of Betsy’s oral ministrations over his toes far surpassed any pleasure Ashley could have prepared for. She was adeptly able to work her tongue between each toe, rubbing over the bottom and salivating over the entire surface. Betsy was even willing to work her tongue over one foot and then the other to ensure Ashley’s lust was at its apex. There was some precedence for Ashley to jerk himself off and cum all over his new cow to mark her once more, but he resisted the urge. It was getting harder to think over the pleasure, and Ashley saw little need to rush things as he was serviced to his heart’s content. Even concepts like fetishes were too complex for him to focus on at this point. He was meant only to partake in the now and revel in what was to come now that their bodies were becoming the bovine beasts of their dreams.


Hands rubbing over the thickened horns poking from Betsy’s head, Ashley was barely aware of how his toes were shrinking, the nails expanding over the tips and thickening from the base. Though his growing hooves had no ability to feel a cow’s salivating tongue playing over them, the notion was powerfully erotic on its own. Her tongue slid between the toes themselves, teasing the skin and making him shudder. All he could do was rub her engorging head with his own stiffening hands, eager for them to go the same way as his feet were. He desired to grow larger, to become complete, and his thick bovine cock leaked at the notion. 


All the while, the cow’s head continued to enlarge, neck thickened and muzzle pushed outward as her wet cow tongue sucked the remanent human toes. Her efforts seemed to diminish some of them, pushing them to the back of his heels as the middle two were extended to form the basis of his new hooves. Ashley was eager to shove them within her month, so long as the toes retained a semblance of sensation before their hooves took full form. He didn’t mind the loss of his other toes, the massive bovine hooves far better to stand once the changes took him. A sense of satisfaction came with having them changed at his new cow’s behest, being serviced to become the powerful bull he was always meant to be. It was enough his penis was erect once more, leaking precum over her bovine coat and making him bellow as she serviced her bull. As before, the act seemed to engorge her penis even beyond its normal contours, making him a beast of a bull, testicles full to the brim with virile semen. All he needed was a herd of cows to claim as his own, and he would have his true purpose!


Ashley couldn’t help but admire what his new cow’s efforts were contributing to her own body, as well. It seemed her mentality had largely been lost, a cow’s brain hardly able to hold much in the way of human thought. It mattered little, her existence now being tied to this bull and her purpose to serve him. Ashley watched with some interest as her chest started to barrel, cracks of bone and tearing of muscle giving way to increased girth. Her shoulders rotated forward, front legs taking their position to support her massive girth. In particular, the sight of her breasts inflating, splitting, and migrating toward her groin truly excited the changing bull. She reflexively tried to reach for the soft, squishy flesh, massaging it before human hands finished their transition into her front hooves. A moo of frustration escaped her muzzle, something that rather delighted Ashley. His cow needed tending to, and it was Ashley’s prerogative to fill her with a calf that would suckle on her teats and keep her satisfied. 


Still, for now, Ashley had other needs for her to appease, presenting his other, reeking foot for her inspection. Fur was already covering the back of it, and the two destined-to-be hooves were quick to swell at the cow’s insistence. The sensation of a thick, slimy tongue instantly caused Ashley’s cock to cum over the cow’s head, bones shifting underneath as though the fluid had directly influenced it. The massive brown cow’s eyes carried little of the human as her intelligence waned, leaving only desire and lust like the cow she was. Her bovine tongue was eager to work between Ashley’s toes, scraping away the fragments of blue nail polish and leaving only the trappings of two massive hooves in her wake. They were pristine, and their tips no longer felt the touch of the cow’s tongue. Still, the effect sent shivers through Ashley’s testicles as they engorged even larger. They were almost ready to go again at a moment’s notice, swaying heavily underneath him as he rose, hands barely able to steady himself before realizing their ultimate fate as hooves. 


Thick cracks of bone and slouching of muscles and sinew resonated through the room as the cow’s backside expanded rapidly, eager for the change. Her tail twitched the moment it was able to do so, playing over a puckered cow’s anus already stained with shit. Her leaking cunt oozed fluids beneath it, its contours thick and leathery and wafting her heat in the direction of her bull. Ashley desperately wanted to mount, though knew the two had to leave the office before he, too, was overcome with bovine instincts. It was his role to protect his new herd, after all, and the pair of them ambled to the service elevator, not caring about their own mess. It didn’t take long to get to the bottom, though the elevator did creak from the weight of them, far larger than it was designed to support. Ashley took that as a point of pride, especially as his neck thickened, skull cracking with the start of his horns. He was a massive, muscled bull with nothing to challenge him!


With a sickening crack, Ashley felt his own backside widening, hips forcing him on all fours as he hobbled forward, his cow in tow. It was slow going, their hybrid anatomy not easily able to make it toward the service door. Their expanding backsides were moments away from outgrowing the door, but they managed to make it through. The scents of grass wafted into their widening nostrils and it relaxed them to have a buffet before them. Human things held such little importance as they moved toward their new lives, more easily now as their chests barreled and their spines extended toward their eventual forms. Once more, Ashley was met with the delightful tingling of his beasts being removed, thinking fondly of losing such assets. No human man would want him now, lest they desired to be another of his cows by sucking on his cock!


The stink of their bodies naturally attracted the attention of biting insects, though the tingling over their skin denoted the itching of fur growth to protect their new hides. White fur with splotchy black patches spread over the cow’s body, while Ashley’s body was clad in pure black once more. The fur growth was nearly as irritating as the bites, though once his hide fully formed, Ashley was given a proper reprieve. Things were made even better as his bovine tail grew to full length and flexibility, acting like a switch as he swatted his broadening backside, shooing his assailants. 


Yet, it was the cow before him that had most of his attention, tail playing over her puckered anus and expansive cunt. The scent brought his penis to bear, slapping against his belly in anticipation for the conquest to come. Curious, Ashley drew his expanding nostrils toward his cow’s offering, drinking deep and even reaching out with human lips to caress the outer lips. In response, Ashley could feel his face being forced forward and started lapping with more intent. The cow’s flavor was rank, and musky, yet served to arouse him beyond belief. It truly was an affirmation that bull was the right form for him. He was eager to play the part, face pushing forward and giving his massive tongue a wider window to act. 


As his skull expanded and the muscles within his neck continued to bulge, the compression on his brain made thinking beyond the now difficult. Having experienced the loss of his human self to the bull before, Ashley knew what to expect. Yet, the fact this would be permanent made the process all the more visceral, and Ashley wanted to experience the last moments of his humanity fucking it into the cow before him. It was better that way, and before his hands fully stiffened, Ashley moved to mount his conquest. However, he was not quite fast enough before the cow took a piss, nearly hitting him in the face. The rank stench only served to raise his arousal, however, and he moved forward, struggling to maneuver his changing body as he did so.


It took some painful moments of his cock tip rubbing against her backside before sinking against the leathery folds of the new cow’s cunt. Pushing in, Ashley’s cock was quickly gripped like a vice, firmly massaged as though it was eager to rob him of his cum. At his intrusion, the cow seemed to expand at a rapid pace, swelling to bovine proportions as though the infusion of Ashley’s cock was the final puzzle piece. Her massive udder swayed underneath her, belly barreling as she belched. Eventually, she was able to balance her stance as she took the bull on top of her. Nothing human remained of her body, and Ashley was eager to join her, to fuck herself away into bovine bliss.


Though it seemed to go on forever, eventually, Ashley’s mammoth bull cock finally hilted, and he started to thrust, pleasure burning through his being as his massive flanks started jiggling from the force of it. Every thrust seemed to work more meat and muscle over his frame, making him larger, almost too heavy for the cow underneath him. But it didn’t matter, the cow designed to take it as Ashley thrust with vigor. He wanted more than anything to fuck himself away, head enlarging as his muzzle pushed out with a series of wet cracks. His head continued to expand, pressing against his human thoughts and leaving little of his former life behind. There was simply enough remaining to revel in the moment as after twenty or so thrusts, his massive testicles released and his seed filled the cow’s cunt. All he was, the former beautiful woman, all the concerns, the pressure, obligations, everything was fucked away with the cum from his penis. Soon, a thick backwash flowed from the cow’s cunt, and her womb was filled with virile seed. 


Getting down off her cow, the newly minted bull took a moment to breathe in the cow’s essence, loving the scent of his semen still leaking from her leathery cunt. It was a sign he owned the cow, that she was his property. And the bull was satisfied with this, if not hoping for more cows in the near future. Starving at his was, however, his attention turned to grazing, a vast field allowing them to feed to their heart’s content. And the two took to doing so, using massive, pliable lips to pull patches of sod as their tails whipped at the flurry of flies their cowhides gathered. Occasionally, their tails rose to drop their manure piles, though such went largely unconcerned. And the scents wafting from the fertile cow’s cunt drew the bull to cover her often, cum leaking from her abused cunt and marking her status as the bull’s first conquest. 


Eventually, the pair were picked up by a gathering of humans, throwing ropes around them and encouraging them forward. The bull was a little annoyed, but with the scents of hay and other tasty delights waiting in a trunk, he was eventually persuaded. His cow walked along eagerly as well, cunt dripping his semen from their frequent mating. Even after joining a new herd of several dozen cattle, the two of them stayed together often. The cow was already pregnant and the pair seemed more relaxed in each other’s presence. Stranger still, even though she was no longer in heat, the bull was inclined to cover his cow often, sometimes more than once a day. It was not enough to detract from his virility, however, and introducing him to the others proved his eagerness to satisfy the entire herd in the span of a day. Soon, each cow was swollen with his calves, each producing enough milk to push the productivity of the farm’s operations and erase any questions as to where these unusual cattle had come from…