Into The Deep End

Opening the door to the pool room, the two friends were shocked to see that, despite the heat of the day, there was no one else there. They might have thought themselves lucky they’d gotten there before anyone else, but it was already 2:00 PM and it had been scorching hot all week. The community pool was supposed to be open today, as much as they were able to determine. Even if there was no one around to sign them in, no one in the locker room, and no one in the pool area. Still, if it was closed for the day, surely the doors would at least be locked!


“Maybe they all went out for lunch?” Jason asked, not really sure what to think. He was a little nervous to be here if they weren’t supposed to be, not wanting to be caught or kicked out. Then again, couldn’t they just plead ignorance? It was the truth, and besides, he’d been waiting all week not only to meet up with his buddy Colin but to go for a swim, a reprieve from the summer heat.


It seemed Colin was much less concerned about being somewhere they weren’t supposed to be. “Whole place to ourselves? Nice!” He declared, heading over to the deep end and prepared to jump in. Jason wasn’t able to do that, needing to allow his lean body to adjust to the temperature before swimming. Instead, he moved toward the shallow end, dipping a toe in and bracing himself as he slowly climbed in 


As he did so, Jason couldn’t help but notice a series of pool toys lining the wall, looking rather ornate for something a local pool would carry. He thought about grabbing one but figured such was a little silly and decided against it. Still, it seemed strange there were so many, of all sorts of shapes and designs and colors, mostly of aquatic animals. Hell, he figured there was no way so many would be able to fit in the pool at once!


“What, are you a kid or something?” Colin declared, before running to dive into the pool. It had been some time since he’d tried it, and he hit the water with a rather painful-sounding splash. Jason laughed at that, getting into the shallow end and bobbing there, shivering for a moment as he got used to the temperature. 


Yet, he was not expecting Colin to come up beside him, splashing him and making him yelp in discomfort. “Hey!” He cried before another splash of water hit him. Jason eventually tried to fight back, his weaker arms not able to return as much water in retaliation. Still, he was determined, and eventually, the two had worked their way into the deep end, Jason finally getting used to the water. It was a nice reprieve from the heat of the day, and Jason had to admit, it was fun to have the place to themselves. He could feel less guilty about acting silly with his buddy, trying to swim away as Colin contemplated splashing him once more. 


Unable to see all the way to the bottom, Jason was a little surprised to feel something brushing against his foot, hard and smooth like metal. Pulling his foot up, Jason was not expecting the thing to reach up for him, as though reacting to his presence. Jason was suddenly met with a surprising force, as though something had rapidly wrapped around his leg, holding him in place. He wanted to cry out but was suddenly pulled underwater, unable to see Colin’s face as he did so.


Panicked for his life, Jason reached down to try to pull the invasive thing from his leg, figuring he had only moments of air left. Yet, he was shocked to feel the thing relax its grip only to rapidly torpedo its way against his shorts, pushing inside of them and leaving Jason to shiver in fear. Though its purpose was hardly obvious, Jason was shocked when a warm, moist tip teased between his ass cheeks, as though seeking entry. In desperation, Jason tried to surface once more, but the thing at the end of the tendril was far too efficient. Soon, it pushed at his rectum, parting his ass cheeks without resistance. Jason could only panic as the thing inserted inside flawlessly into his anus like some sort of makeshift dildo. He desperately wanted to gasp from the penetration but was afraid for his remaining air as he did so. 


Colin, meanwhile, had only seconds to realize his friend was underwater before a second tendril wrapped its way around his leg and pulled him under as well. The force of it was more than he could bear, bringing him toward the bottom before it relented its grasp. There was no time for him to escape to the surface as he, too, felt it rapidly shove its way into his shorts, questing for his rectum. Reflexively, Colin tried to clench his anus closed, but the red hot poker of the thing’s tip pushed against his rear, not to be denied. At the same time Jason felt his own asshole being penetrated, Colin experienced the warm dildo intruding against his bowels as well, opening them up and inserting itself within. Neither man was gay or had anything up their ass before, and was shocked by the foreign sensation. Powerfully uncomfortable, both men desperately tried to reach down and dislodge the invaders. But they were too firmly entrenched, and the two friends were left at the whim of their unseen assailant, unable to surface or escape their fate. 


Both Colin and Jason were only able to exchange panicked glances, trying once more in vain to dislodge the dildos in their rectums. While their arms could reach down and pull at them, it seemed they were so lodged within their anuses that such would tear them apart if they were able to manage it. And as much as each man wanted to ignore it, the pressure against their prostates from a steady stream of airflow was enough that both had pounded erect under their shorts. The persistent ache strained against their insides, though both men were inclined to continue to pull at their hoses, hoping to dislodge them so they might make it to the surface unscathed.


Even through their struggle, it was obvious they would soon run out of air, their panic making holding their breath impossible. Yet, as a surge of air began to be pumped through the dildos, both men felt their fading breath being replenished, as though they no longer required air from the surface. It seemed to be pumped directly through their anuses, making both men open their mouths in a display of their discomfort. Rather than all the air escaping their mouths, however, it seemed trapped, unable to escape through the water. Soon, more air than possible was being pumped into them, to the point both were left feeling uncomfortably bloated. It was more than either could bear, feeling bellies expanding almost painfully against the skin. But the dildos themselves would not relent, and there was no denying for a moment that each might pop from the force of it!


Yet, as soon as it seemed they had reached the breaking point, Jason could tell that his skin had begun stretching to keep up, though without any pain. Rather than spreading with stretch marks as he might have expected, his skin slowly started to balloon outward, as though being filled by the air within. With curious fingers, Jason rubbed at the surface, expecting it to be tight and warm. He was shocked, however, to feel something rubbery and plastic, a texture that should not have persisted over his form. The more he was being pumped full of air, however, the further the skin seemed to spread, Jason feeling his small belly bloating and expanding beyond anything he thought it could manage. 


Colin, too, was frantically rubbing at his skin, fingers reporting the same rubbery texture as more air was pumped into his body. His lean belly was continuing to steadily bloat as well, and the patches of rubbery skin began to obviously discolor. While the skin around his belly was beginning to shift to an obvious white, his sides were displaying a darkening orange, something that should not have existed on a human body. Yet, it continued to spread further as his skin bloated from the influx of air, black lines forming in patterns within the orange that looked almost akin to stripes. They seemed to swell as his skin acquired an elastic quality to allow the further influx of air. 


The rapid infusion of air forced their human skin to bloat beyond its dimensions, making their arms and legs fatten from the force of it. Stranger still, nothing of their internal structures seemed to halt the progression of air or altered skin. It was as though the meat and muscle underneath were seemingly dissolving from the force of air being pumped into them. Even their organs, lungs, hearts, and blood were being eradicated as though the air was filled with some toxic chemical. And yet, they did not die, or feel any ill from the process. It was as though the air itself was enough for them to retain their life force, as though their bodies no longer required such internal systems. It was beyond bizarre to feel their hearts stop, their lungs cease, and their ability to move weaken as their torsos ballooned to child-like proportions. And yet they were not rendered immobile entirely, none of their ability to think or feel removed from them as though they were becoming some sort of living plastic beings. It went far beyond their understanding of the world, yet its relentless spread was now their reality!


Stranger still was the plastic consistency of their skin as it altered to allow further air to inflate their hollow bodies. They could still move somewhat, though the creases of plastic skin made such a more precarious affair. Soon, their arms and legs looked almost chubby as they expanded with air, making flexing almost impossible. Both men panicked that they could no longer reach down and try to dislodge the dildos within them, even though much of their arm strength had been robbed from them. Besides, it was obvious the dildos were so firmly lodged within them that pulling them out would be an impossibility. Neither thought they had much chance of survival if they were able to remove them, even as the air threatened to swell them beyond what their bodies could take. All they could do was exchange terrified glances, thankful they would not drown or die but hardly relieved when the eventual goal was unknown. 


Meanwhile, the remnant skin continued to alter its consistency toward something akin to rubber as it expanded to allow more air to fill them. Each could perceive the spreading discoloration, now possessing entirely white bellies as the air steadily smoothed out any wrinkles. Jason’s back was a deep blue with light blue stripes, while Colin’s was cartoonishly orange with black stripes that covered his back, arms, and legs. All of the definition of bellies, chests, and even ribs under the skin had been smoothed over, looking more like they had been manufactured rather than born organic beings. Such should have been painful, but nothing seemed to remain of their bones or muscles to even perceive that. 


Despite the loss of muscles and bones within them, it seemed other areas of their bodies were still slightly motile. As the skin under their shorts converted to rubber and swelled beyond what their clothing could contain, their cocks remained erect, almost making both men wish to rub them. Neither had any inclination to hide their arousal, even if they were somehow able to. And with the soft rips from their tearing shorts that caused them to float toward the surface, both were left naked, forced to stare as their erections pushed toward their bellies, far longer than humanly possible. The colors, too, were rather bizarre, Jason’s a shade of blue while Colin’s started to darken rapidly to black. Cock heads were absorbed within the shafts as air was pumped within their members, making them as large and bloated as the rest of them. Yet, it seemed their members were somehow as sensitive as ever, even leaking a strange, viscous fluid, thicker than cum but no less as sensual as it oozed from the tips.


Even that pleasure was hardly a reprieve as the swelling within their hips and legs forced the skin to touch tightly together as though they might pop. Yet, neither man was ready for the skin to actually knit together, still sensitive enough they could feel it rubbing against the other side with a squeaking sound before the two halves merged. It was as though their former limbs were meant to be one as more air was pumped within them, furthering the bizarre changes. The chubby, wrinkled skin soon smoothed out from their groins and flattened all the way toward their feet. While they were largely immobile, the two could feel air seeping into their toes, flattening them out and forcing the digits to meld together. It was hard to look down as the air expanded their necks and left them stiff, though from looking at each other’s changes, the sight of their former feet drew familiar imagery. For all intents and purposes, they looked like fins!


Eventually, the merger moved all the way to their flattened feet, and the whole bloated structure indeed looked more akin to a tail than their former legs. Any wrinkles or bumps soon smoothed out as air continued to fill them, leaving both with taut fins made of rubbery skin. As their bodies brushed against each other with a bouncing sensation and the squeaking of rubber on rubber, neither could deny the notion they were more akin to the pool toys they’d seen at the side of the pool. Such was impossible, but as the dildos in their rectums continued to pump them full of air, there was little denying such might be their fate. It was horrific to conclude that while they had thought the pool was vacant, the myriad of toys might have been the ultimate fate of all the other pool-goers as well.


As their feet finished forming fins and their tails fully bloated, both former men found, much to their delight, that their tails could still move somewhat. It wasn’t sufficient to escape the dildos in their rectums, especially after sensing they had inserted a plug of sorts. An image of an air stopper came to mind as it rotated their rectums toward the underside of their merged legs. With its presence, the pleasure against their penises seemed to extend beyond their understanding. Even as their ability to fight against the dildo’s intrusion faded, neither was sure they even wanted to anymore, allowing the changes to conclude as they would. It was almost pleasant to feel their bodies filled with air, their insides dissolved away to inflate like the pool toys they were becoming. 


The formation of something akin to a slit seemed to settle under their loins, tapering off at the base of their members. If the air filling their penises was to deflate, both were under the assumption they could fit perfectly within the slits. Though with lust burning through their bodies, there was little chance of that until they reached their conclusion. The pressure in their cocks continued to grow, to the point they were twice the size of their humanity. There was little left of their human shape, so full now they were left to bob up and down against their will. Their rubbery dongs started slapping against equally rubbery bellies in a pleasant rhythm, creating a hollow echoing of a pool toy on a pool toy. Feeling them slapping against their bellies was oddly sensual, making both men wish to moan if they were still able. Strangest still was that their tips seemed to be leaking a little into the water, through what fluid remained in their bodies to allow such, neither had any idea.


Despite all the changes thus far, neither man was prepared for the sensation of their members starting to split from the tip, the rubbery skin parting seamlessly without allowing any air to leak. The partition forced their cocks to move away from each other a little, spreading all the way to the base where they connected to the inside of their new slits. Their size was disproportional to their pool toy bodies, more akin to shark cocks if anything about the changes made any sense. Jason was a little surprised to see Colin’s chubby arms reaching down to rub at his while they still possessed the ability, a grin plastered on his face as he did so. Jason couldn’t imagine any part of the change being this pleasurable, but there was no denying the urges in his own dicks to get off. 


By this point, their bellies were impossibly bloated, flattened, and turgid leaving both men wondering how much more they might expand. Yet, the sensation of something rising from their backs gave them pause, the excess air flooding them the moment it was able. As much as their skin shouldn’t have been able to perceive such, the tingling of a new growth spread down toward the base of their tail, and almost toward their fattened necks. Without being able to see them, it took the pair a few moments to realize their bodies were sporting a pair of dorsal fins, giving some sense of their changes. In addition to becoming pool toys, it seemed they were being robbed of their human forms as well, something aquatic and shark-like if they could be sure.


That was hardly the only growth to stem from their backs, this time in the form of firm rubber protrusions that seemed to extend from the area of their former shoulders. The weight of them was noticeable, giving them what had to be handles, something no living being possessed.  And yet, there was no denying how good it felt, air filling their sensitive members to the point of popping if they weren’t able to reach orgasm soon. 


More air caused their chubby arms to swell now, the fingers filling out and starting to press firmly against their neighbors. Having felt it happen through their feet, it was obvious their immobile digits would fuse into fins in their own right. The stiffening fingers swelled together, becoming pointed toward the edges as the circumference of their arms flattened out and pressed against the sides of their bodies. Remaining relatively thin in comparison to their barrel-like torsos, their fins were left to sit motionless as their bodies continued to expand with air. There was no way to touch their cocks now, leaving them down to flop around as best as they could. The tension in their members was ever-growing, swollen against the dildos within and leaving their faces to clench in an expression of lust. 


Accidentally brushing against each other, Jason was made privy to how sensitive his skin had become as a high-pitched squeak resonated from their rubbing. Even the briefest of touches was enough to bring him a wave of pleasure, and not thinking what he was doing, Jason moved to rub against Colin’s squeaky body. The sound almost as much as the sensation did it for him, and Jason found himself rubbing frantically for whatever contact he could get. Colin did the same, eager for the pleasure of another’s touch in contrast to the otherwise horrific situation. Thoughts of their sexualities mattered little in the moment of lust, and both former men moved to angle their cocks against each other in a bid to frot them together. The plastic on plastic squeaking was divine, and the two allowed themselves to thrust, no longer trying to escape when such was futile. There was no reason not to give themselves over to the sensations, perhaps the last of such they might experience if things were to continue. 


With little other place to go, the air inflating them moved into their necks, ballooning them outward to the size of their barreled torsos. Looking at each other while their eyes were still able to move, both men were able to perceive a painted-on spread of what looked like gill slits forming over them. It was their swelling heads that made them alarmed now, any remnant hair loosening to float away and dissolve. The force of their widening necks seemed to push their faces forward, a few subtle pops signaling the dissolution of their muscles and bones, leaving little but hollow space to fill with air. Even as their brains shut down and everything was dissolved away, neither man lost consciousness, slaves within their new bodies as they swelled to their final forms. 


Mouths agape, Jason was sure that air should have been leaking from their heads all the while. It was obvious their ears were already diminishing within, shutting off to the water. Their nostrils, too, soon closed, though the rubbery skin seemed to form indentations where they once sat. As the bridge merged with the tip of his face, Jason found it was expanding wider than he thought possible, even in relation to his body. Cheeks, foreheads, and chins were all flattened and contoured as their heads bulged and swelled with the influx of air. It was enough to draw their rubbery skin taut as the texture of any remaining flesh was forever altered to pool toy-quality rubber. 


Their lips were slow to peel back, the rubbery texture quickly covering them along with their gums and teeth. To their horror, it seemed their teeth had flattened into cartoonish triangles, merging together and leaving their throats closed entirely, even if the air could manage to escape regardless. With that, their larger jaws were fused shut, each set of teeth perfectly symmetrical like the toys they were becoming. Jason could no longer feel his tongue or gums behind them, his mouth now as empty as the rest of his body. And as much as it didn’t hurt him to grin, his mouth was forced upward in a smile of sorts, one that could never close. 


The only thing remaining of their humanity was their eyes, which started to tingle against the force of the changes. Flattening into their faces, Jason was startled to realize he could no longer close them, staring forever forward and meeting Colin’s gaze. His vision was perhaps better underwater, if that mattered, though they could barely rotate their eyes, stuck looking in the direction their faces were pointed. Jason found they weren’t entirely painted on, able to scrunch the rubber above them just slightly. Both he and Colin regarded each other, Colin’s eyes now amber while Jason’s were bright blue. Their efforts for pleasure had halted for a moment, with the disparity from the final alterations to their faces so alarming. But now that they were done…


With a resounding pop, both men could feel the dildos within their rears come loose, pulled through a panel they had not seen before. It seemed to leave the seal of an air plug where their ass holes had been, though neither man had much in the ability to judge such things. To Jason’s surprise, there was a hole nestled down there as well, one that did not leak any air though akin to his anus all the same. With some effort, he found he was able to clench it a little, feeling it pushing against the space of his slit and up through his cocks. It seemed such was largely unnecessary for his new body, but there was no denying how much he relished in it. If only he was able to feel something inside him once more…


However, the two of them were quickly reminded of the mobility in their tails, and fleeting thoughts of holding onto their humanity and sexuality quickly turned to physical pursuits. The sensitivity of their rubbery, plastic bodies was far more than they were expecting, and Colin started once more aggressively rubbing against Jason’s flesh, making Jason squirm from the contact. It was like an electric tingling was running across his skin, and only the squeaking against another pool toy could bring him the release he so desperately craved. Everything seemed to center in his loins, twin shark cocks oozing strange fluids in the water, as though in anticipation of what was to come.


Jason could hardly understand what had come over Colin as the other shark pool toy moved into position, rubbing his own two cocks against Jason’s belly. It was pure elation, more so as the cocks rubbed against his own, a steady squeaking from the contact rising his lust. Despite not having any testicles or a prostate, Jason’s nethers were awash in the physical sensation, squinting his eyes somewhat in his lust. And he was happy to let Colin take charge, having nothing else to do post-change than to enjoy what their new bodies were capable of.


Thinking their flexibility was relatively limited, Jason was surprised when Colin swam downward, angling his body toward the base of Jason’s rubbery hemi penis. A particular throbbing below his twin cocks left Jason to roll his eyes back, wondering what it would be like to feel it penetrated. He had never held such desires before now, and would never have entertained the notion of anal penetration. But in the heat of the moment, Jason was certain he wanted to experience it, feeling something the size of Colin’s twin shark cocks within him. Come hell or high water, he needed to feel it!


Colin, too, was of one mind, wanting to have his way with his friend. It seemed highly unlikely he could manage to get both his cocks within such a tiny hole. But his body obviously craved it, and drawn to it as he was, all Colin needed to do was to lower himself and push upward, his shark cocks rubbing against Jason’s own. Jason kept himself still, eyes seeing from this angle the painted grin on Colin’s features, before he shoved himself upward, each cock in tandem pushing inside the tiny hole. The pressure against his members was sublime, and all Colin could do was give himself over to it regardless of Jason’s comfort. 


Every fiber of his being squirmed as Colin forced his way inside, opening Jason up in a way that defied his understanding of his own anatomy. It seemed his new slit should barely be able to take the tip of even one cock, yet the further Colin forced his way inside, the more it seemed Jason had to give. It opened him up beyond measure, almost bulging against his rubbery belly as Colin took place within him. Though part of him was worried the force within would pop him, it only caused a pleasant squeaking, leaving him to wish to moan his lust. Their rubbery bodies shook together, the squeak of plastic on plastic resonating through the pool and making both eager to finish. Little mattered in the moment of lust, Jason feeling his cocks rubbing between his belly and Colin’s, the two rocking their bodies together as best they could.


Unsure what sort of fluid existed within their mostly hollow bodies, Colin could nonetheless feel something oozing from his members and into Jason’s tight hole. It didn’t matter, nothing he’d ever felt wrapped around his cocks could possibly match the pleasure he felt now. He, too, worried his members might pop from the pressure against them. But his pool toy body was obviously made of sterner material. It seemed whatever force had changed them prevented him from damage while he reached his end. 


More than anything, Colin wished to call out, even in a rubbery, squeaky tone as he claimed his friend. But with his face frozen in an ever-present grin, all he could do was enjoy the squeaking against each other, more and more frequently as the two grew closer to release. It seemed impossible their pleasure should be so great, surpassing any human equivalent. Yet, there was no reason to resist as his squeaking cocks unloaded into Jason’s hole. The friction was exquisite and left him to rock back and forth, mind fluttering in release. He had no understanding of the fluids he was releasing, only that he needed to do so and that the release seemed even worth the loss of his body for what this form could grant him. 


It seemed impossible Jason could take such a force, let alone the torrent of cum that seemed to squeeze from Colin’s engorged cocks. Yet, he did, their presence triggering something akin to prostate pleasure. It soon became too much and Jason was left feeling his own cocks going into orgasm, pumping viscous fluids into the water. He had no idea what it was, unlike jism though sensual nonetheless. It was beyond amazing to feel it being ejaculated from his cocks, Jason rubbing them frantically against Colin’s rubbery belly. The pleasure was almost beyond what he could handle, fluid running harmlessly off his body as Jason writhed with release. 


It took the pair some time before coming down from their orgasm, surfacing, and finding their eyesight was thankfully the same in the air. There was no sign of the dildos that had changed them, much less whoever had put them there in the first place. But the pile of pool toys was a sign they had been busy. Their eyes all moved ever so slightly, appearing painted-on but still motile as they regarded the two newest additions to their number. Rather than coming to greet them, however, none of the toys bothered to move, and both former men were under the impression they were still reveling in the afterglow of their own orgasms. There was something powerfully peaceful about being a mostly inanimate object, with nothing to do but to sit in a pile of their fellows until their lusts triggered further copulation. Such would likely prompt them to jump back into the water and rut with each other or those who had changed as well. For now, at least, the pair was eager to join the pile along the wall, savoring the serenity that came with such bodies. Though there was every chance they would be soon joined by others, anyone else daring to jump into the deep end before being fucked and changed into pool toys themselves…