Getting Back On Your Feet

Burned out beyond belief from the long trip, Sierra got out of the cab, tipping him the bare minimum. She did not have the money to do so properly, and that fact carried more shame than she had felt in quite some time. There was a time not long ago when she would have paid double for a cab to take her anywhere, but such was a frivolity she no longer had. All her money, status, and position were taken from her in the past few months, and she was reduced to spending her last savings on a trip out to the boonies, where her parents begrudgingly took her in. At least she had them; friends all seemed to disappear in her moment of need, something she realized she might not have truly possessed after all. 


Of course, Sierra loathed the idea of coming to her hometown after so many years. There was little other option, having nowhere else to go with her unemployment running out and rent as high as it was. No surprise, her parents, too, lamented the idea. Though, perhaps worse, they seemed to have expected it, and did offer to give her her old room back for as long as it took her to get back on her feet. Living so far away from the city made such prospects slim, but at least she didn’t have to work minimum wage at one of the town’s only dozen or so establishments.


Worse than the fact she had to move back in with her parents was the fact that her rather prim and proper appearance, something she took great pride in, would have to go by the wayside. She lacked both funds for her care products and stores in the vicinity that sold them. Sierra would have to make due, she supposed, with whatever cheap products were present in the one grocery store in town. She was literally going back to her high school days of having to rough it, and Sierra hated the prospect! 


Adding to her ails was that it was the middle of winter, not only cold but covered with layers of snow. She hated the stuff, having to shovel it just to get her parent’s car to leave that cursed house. She hated the prospect of having to stay here during the worst months of the year, literally trapped at the whims of the weather. She was used to the cold, thankfully, and still had the garb in her closet to weather the worst of it, for however long the season seemed to linger in her small hometown. At least there would be a chance for her to get back to the city in spring when jobs were more numerous, but she would have to endure this frozen hell for the time being. 


Looking for wherever she could grab in town for her self-care routine, Sierra stumbled upon her favorite boutique, one that she hadn’t visited since her youth. It wasn’t out of the way, and since she was not in a hurry to walk to her parent’s place, she decided it was worthwhile to stop and have a look. It didn’t have much, local wares and hand-crafted goods, mostly. But she had loved visiting there as a child, and it was a single light in an otherwise gloomy season she had to look forward to. 


The bell chimed as the door opened sounding the same as it had when she was a child. It was a rather delightful call back as she walked in, seeing no one immediately inside. Figuring there would eventually be someone to greet her, Sierra looked around, taking in a familiar smell that spoke to her childhood. Though the layout was changed as much as she would have expected, it still contained the same atmosphere as it had all those years before. It even managed to capture a sense of peace she was not expecting to feel from anywhere else in town. 


There was one glaring thing in the center of the room that had clearly not been there before, however, its presence almost made her unnerved. A massive wooden carving of an ape-man, or what she expected was a sasquatch or a bigfoot, sat with nothing adorning it. It seemed to have no place there, though rather than being entirely jarring, there was something about it that brought back memories from her youth, a story she had once heard…


“Ah, you’ve taken an interest in our protector,” came a voice, and Sierra looked over to see an older woman, someone she didn’t immediately recognize. It was a small town, and she wasn’t the owner that had been her since her youth, but it was hard to say, given Sierra had been away for almost ten years. 


“Yeah, I think I remember something about it…my parents thought they were crazy,” Sierra said, feeling a little ashamed as she uttered the words. It wasn’t her place to judge. She didn’t want to make a bad impression, thinking she would be recognized if she was to return here in the ensuing weeks. 


“Oh, it’s no worries at all! You’re the Trent’s daughter, aren’t you?” The woman inquired, and Sierra nodded, now recognizing the woman, though forgetting her name. Small towns were tricky in that regard, especially after years of living in the city and perceiving everyone as a background character. 


“Yes, I’m back for a few months…” Sierra replied, feeling a little ashamed at the words. She didn’t really want to get into the details, though, with how small the town was, it wouldn’t take long for rumors to spread. Still, she wasn’t going to put the words in their mouths herself. 


“In that case, why don’t you take this?” the woman offered, moving behind the counter and producing a totem, something that Sierra was not eager to receive. It was a smaller carving of the statue in the middle of the store, something that was ugly by her standards and not something she wanted to be seen with. However, the woman seemed to be insistent, and, eventually, Sierra relented, taking it and putting it in her pocket, preparing to forget about it as soon as she was home. 


With that, Seiriaa figured it was time to head to her parent’s place, unable to reasonably put it off any longer. The cold was a little abrasive, and she lamented the poor insulation in her family home, knowing she would need many layers of blankets in order to feel comfortable. Better than out of the street, she supposed, though it was the fault of her lavish lifestyle for not saving when she had the chance. And now she was paying for it as the ultimate humiliation.  At least the walk was only fifteen minutes from the center of town, though, in her mind, it might as well have taken a thousand years. 


“Finally decided to show your face, eh?” Larry, her father spat at her, not bothering to look up at the door as Sierra entered. She was definitely not prepared for a fight so soon. Yet, for the moment, she saw it best to hold her tongue, figuring there would be plenty of time for fights in the ensuing weeks and months. 


“Honey, so nice to see you! Come in, sit down!” Her mother said, obviously a bit more amicable to her daughter’s presence. Sierra held her skepticism, though at least it was warm in the main room, and she allowed herself to sit there if only for that.


The awkwardness hung in the air like a haze as she sat there, sipping coffee and waiting for her mother to finish with dinner. Figuring she would at least offer to help, her father, with a quick “don’t bother,” made her a little annoyed, bringing her all the closer to coming to blows that night. It was something she wanted to avoid, and figured she would head up to her room as quickly as possible, after being asked to do the dishes with her father’s typical gruffness. She did her best to suppress a groan, wondering why in the hell her parents hadn’t bothered to move into the modern world and bought a dishwasher. Worse, why her father was being so cold, she had no idea. Sure, she had not left in the best of circumstances, but that was years ago. Had he been holding a grudge this entire time? It certainly sounded like her father, she eventually reasoned. 


Pissed off from getting her manicured hands wrinkled from the dishwater, Sierra trudged up to her room fuming. Still, she was left shivering the moment she made it up the stairs, just as chilly as she remembered, more so for lack of being accustomed to it. At least the blankets on her bed were thick, but it was to be little relief, not having to use so many since her youth. It was almost too heavy for her to sleep, though eventually, she did, even her rage not enough to keep her awake. It was absolutely exhausting with all the stress in recent days. Thankfully, even the creaking of the settling house was reminiscent of the sounds from her youth that she had fallen asleep to hundreds of times, making things much easier.


Not thinking she would recall her dreams from that night, they seemed to burn into her mind to the point all her current troubles were washed away. Had she the choice for their destination, she would be back at her law firm, her life, and her comforts. Yet, it seemed she was in the exact opposite scenario, lost in the woods around her small town in the cold and snow. Though she was not out of her element, as she was soon to discover…


Without shoes, the cold ground should have pained her, but the size of her feet and the callouses upon them made walking over snow as natural as anything she had done before. Her thick, muscular body was hardly hindered by the cold, as though she belonged out there. She was an apex being in her element, to the point she was nearly aroused by her simple existence. It was enough she needed to reach down and touch her sex, as covered with fur as it was. Yet, it was the stench from her feet that really did it for her, smelling them as she bent over and rubbed herself with reverence. She was quick to cum from her efforts, waves of orgasm playing over her as she bent all the way down to caress her toes. She lovingly stroked them, glad to see hairs peppering their backs as they grew and changed to take on their true form…


Despite herself, Sierra felt wet and aroused as she awoke, as though the dreams were enough to bleed into the waking world. The smell of her sweat and sex was strong in her nose and she was almost inclined to gag. But there was no denying how horny she was that she didn’t think she could manage to resist. Doing so in her childhood home seemed offputting, though where else did she have the privacy to do such a thing? And she wasn’t going to get to be here with a man, regardless. So then why not have some time to enjoy herself…?


It was unnerving to pull back the covers and see what had become of her sex, much to her shock. The hair growing around her groin looked as though she had not shaved it meticulously before moving back out to the boonies. The texture was a little off-putting as well, though the moment she went to touch herself, Sierra felt her lust raging, the pleasure almost more than she could bear. Her sex seemed more sensitive than at any time she could recall, or perhaps it had been too long since she had taken some time for herself. Despite the hair or the smell or the strange dreams, it didn’t take her long to cum, stifling a moan as she did so, not wanting to wake her parents with such frivolity.


Finally able to think straight, Sierra moved to the bathroom, wanting to shave and remove the smell from her body. She was sure it had something to do with the country air, or perhaps her depressed state as of late. Still, it was a little relief for her disheveled state, more of a mess than she had ever allowed herself to become. Her hair looked like she had walked through a tornado and then a mudslide, straw-like and split. She was hairy, too, and not just over her groin, with excess hair that did not belong on her body. Her legs, her arms, and even her belly had grown what she could only consider a pelt. It was far more than she ever recalled seeing on herself, to the point she wondered if her hormones were out of whack. 


It was impossible to suppress a sigh as she realized the hours it would take to shave everything away. And she tried to, though in the end figured there was little point, knowing no one would see it if she hid it away. Besides, with only one bathroom in the house, there was little time for her to do her hair, brush her teeth, get dressed, and deal with her mess as best she could before she made her way downstairs. 


“Did you sleep well in your old bed?” Her mother asked, somewhat chipper. Sierra simply forced a smile, still dealing with the itching under her fully covered body. It made her want to scratch, though she didn’t want to debase herself any further as she sat down at the table. There was no denying she felt powerfully out of place in a situation she had not belonged in since she was a teen. 


“It was fine,” she muttered, trying to keep her voice neutral but realizing such was likely impossible. 


“You’re lucky we kept it for you,” came her dad’s gruff opinion, no less than what she was expecting. But there was still something stinging in the words, from a man she once considered someone who cared about her. Not anymore, obviously. She had no interest in staying long enough to patch things up, something that even the ensuing months would be insufficient to do. 


“Are there any jobs in town?” She asked, trying to change the subject.


“Don’t worry about jobs, honey, until after the holidays,” her mom said, and with that, she figured her father would make a comment about telling her to get to work as soon as she could. But nothing came of it, and Sierra felt herself relax just a little at that. She didn’t want to reapply at her old haunts of her teen years, and they likely wouldn’t be busy after Christmas, but it was of little concern if her parents weren’t pressing her directly, at least. 


Still, she decided to browse her options anyway, spending the afternoon with her laptop plugged into the ethernet cable. She had no wireless access in the house and was glad that her parents even sprung to get internet at all. What should have taken minutes was spread over hours to the point it was almost maddening. Nothing new was posted in the city she’d lived in, only places she had regularly sent resumes to for weeks with no response. Even an exploration of the town’s online job postings showed so little she figured she was the only one in town who even looked. Other than teens applying for their first jobs at grocery stores and the like, there was nothing for business-savvy people like her.


All the while, the itching against her skin was growing steadily maddening, and she was sure to have to properly shave soon, as long as it would likely take. Perhaps worse, a strange body odor had befallen her, rank and musty as though she had not bathed in some time. Sierra decided to chalk that up to sleeping against aged sheets. In the end, she had no choice but to tend to her discomforts, not wanting her parents to know but needing the bathroom all the same. So, she simply said she was going to take a bath before dinner, something her father responded to with a gruff “OK.” It took forever to warm the water, and there was no plug-in for her razor, making the task take an eternity.


Something else came to her attention as she tried desperately to clear the forest over her legs. It was as though her feet were larger, the toes more flexible as much as she could discern. It was a little unnerving, never being one for looking at her feet. But she couldn’t deny her interest in them now, to the point that it seemed to cause her some arousal. Even though she had cum earlier that day, it was obvious she needed another session, Sierra feeling more aroused than at any point she could recall. It was almost maddening enough that she couldn’t imagine a more potent stimulus!


Without thinking, Sierra found herself reaching down to rub her feet, their surface more sensitive than she’d ever recalled. It was as though an electric prickling was covering them, getting more and more insistent as she rubbed them frantically. Her efforts seemed to channel the electrical signals toward her crotch, making her moist despite herself. Without thinking, her other hand reached to stimulate her sex, making her moan and tremble in a way that defied her recollections.


With the care she took with rubbing her foot, it took little time for her to reach orgasm, stifling a moan once more in case the sound echoed through the house. The scent of her sex was a little more pungent than she was used to. However, it was hardly a deterrent to her efforts as more hairs peppered the back of her foot at her touch. It irritation made her twitch her toes as she rubbed her sex, loving their new flexibility. Had she the thought to measure them, Sierra might have noticed they were getting longer against the porcelain of the tub, though it was impossible for her to tell through the overabundance of sensitivity. By this point, the hairs were so thick it was hard to see the skin, even as it continued to inch outward as if expanding at her persistent touch. Yet, the pleasure they provided made it impossible to focus beyond current pleasures, Sierra sure she could cum again in quick succession. 


It wasn’t until the itching spread up her shaved feet that Sierra realized something was really wrong. The hairs were growing back against previously shaved skin as though being cut was a minor inconvenience. It was disconcerting feeling the itching returning in spades, Sierra was sure she needed to scratch her legs raw and bloody to relieve the irritation. That alone was enough for her to stop touching herself, standing up and twitching a little from the irritation. Was touching herself making the hair grow worse? What the hell was happening?!


Even with the bizarre nature of the changes, Sierra was still inclined to redo her hair in a vain attempt to make it presentable before leaving the bathroom. Yet, doing so was a struggle, her hair feeling like straw and tangled to the point that many of the prongs of her comb were pulled off to be thrown to the ground. There was little she could do with it in the end, even with a shower and what products she was able to bring with her. Her hairdresser would have a fit at her for bringing hair in that condition, and charge her a small fortune to fix it. All Sierra could do, in the end, was to tie it back, the elastic pulling painfully against her scalp.


It was embarrassing to head down with her hair in such a state, though thankful her parents didn’t make any comments. The persistent itching continued playing over her legs, as though all the hair she had shaved off thus far had grown back with a vengeance. Her father did cast a sideways glance at her, though it seemed a caring grin crossed his face, more approving than at any time she recalled seeing in her adult life. It sent a brief feeling of warmth through her, though it was quickly stifled, not only from his past ire but from the persistent itching making her overheated. With the way she was twitching, they surely saw something was wrong with her, but why weren’t they saying anything!?


Eventually, Sierra declared she was going for a walk, the only thing she could think of to ease the burning over her body. Getting dressed was a little challenging, especially since her shoes seemed several sizes too tight. There was no explanation for the adult woman to have expanding feet, and she lamented that reality, seeing as she couldn’t simply go out to her favorite boutique and buy a reasonable new pair. And with funds as they were, she simply figured she would have to make do, managing to get them on but only barely.


Not only were her shoes troublesome to put on, but the rest of her clothing seemed far too small for her, making her struggle to zip up her jacket. Still, she managed, heading out into the cold and finally feeling some relief. Even the intense itching seemed to diminish as she entered the winter air, her walking gait a little restrictive but hardly hindering her progress. With some excitement, Sierra headed behind her house into the woods enjoying the familiar scenery from her childhood as she did so. Even though she should have been rather out of shape, Sierra was able to cross the plowed trail as though she had been hiking for years. Hell, if she had known the cool air would feel so good, she would have found a place to go hiking from the city!


Still, the itching didn’t totally abate, nor did the irritation of her tight clothes around her body. Her jacket, in particular, was getting too restrictive for her to walk at the rate her energy seemed to speak to. Given the heat growing to the point she was sweating under the jacket, Sierra felt she could go without it, taking it off without ripping it, but only just. Rather than make her sick, the cold air was wonderful on her skin and she threw it to the side of the trail, figuring she could pick it up later. 


To her dismay, Sierra found her exposed skin was covered with damp, sweaty hair, even more than she’d seen after her earlier shower. It filled her nose with her own, heady stench that would, under normal circumstances, make her wish to retch. Yet, there was something about the scent that had the opposite effect on her body, making her crotch moist and tempting her to touch herself here and now. She could hardly do so in the middle of nowhere, but there urge was there all the same. She resisted it for now, reveling in the cooling effect of the air on her skin and wishing to be relieved of the irritation entirely.


Yet, the more she walked, the more her heady stench burned into her nose, ance eventually, her hand found its way down into her pants, rubbing her clit through the fabric. It seemed far more sensitive than before, Sierra so aroused she was hardly able to resist orgasm. It took an almost embarrassingly short amount of time to reach release, and she called out into the forest, in a deeper voice that almost did not sound like her at all. But there was no denying how much pleasure it brought her, entire body shivering with the need to be touched again and again. 


As though her orgasm had caused her to perspire despite the biting cold, the stink wafting off her body seemed dialed up to eleven. Yet, strangely, it didn’t seem to bother her too much, even the stink perforating from her feet, objectively its greatest source. The pungent smell brought her attention to a tightness within that should have caused them to burst from her boots. The material was rather sturdy, and there was little chance of them breaking. But with as taught as they felt around her massive feet, there was no chance of her getting them off no matter how much she tugged on them. 


Yet, to her surprise, a sudden surge of growth ran through her feet, pushing the boots to the breaking point and beyond. Sierra yelped, though not out of pain as the massive toes burst through the bindings of the boots, rendering them as useless as slippers in the cold. Rather than being bothered by the temperature, however, the air seemed to alleviate the discomfort now that she was able to twitch her toes and relish their freedom from confinement. With no regard for the expensive footwear, Sierra tore them from her frame, socks and all, to be tossed into the woods and found with the spring, 


To her surprise, the sight of such massive, flexible digits, as well as the stench wafting from them really seemed to do it for her, igniting her lust to its apex. One hand teasing her sex through her pants, Sierra reached down to caress the hairs over her feet, as though encouraging more of them to grow. They were already thick enough to obscure the skin in some places, though rather than be terrified by the changes, she longed to rub them into place, making their contours expand and her toes twitch. The sensation of their growth was almost orgasmic on its own!


Yet, eventually coming down off the heels of a cascade of orgasms, Sierra was left to feel immense shame. In her lust, she did not realize what she had done to herself or the consequences for her body. She was massive now, powerfully uncomfortable in her clothes, and stifling from heat even without her jacket. Her skin seemed largely resistant to the cold, though thick patches of fur were working their way over her as well, making it even more comfortable. And her changed feet were completely unhindered by the cold, the snow actually feeling good on her toes as she walked. 


Despite being unable to hide her growth, hair, or perhaps worse of all, her smell, there was little Sierra could think to do but make her way back to the house. Even though the odor appealed to her, Sierra was aware of how much she stank, even in the cold air. The hairs were so thick in some places, particularly on the backs of her feet, that she almost mistook it for fur. And then there was the muscle she’d added on, making wearing any clothing she had impossible. Her strength was far beyond expectation as well, something she found out the hard way after almost accidentally ripping the door off the hinges as she entered the house. 


Thankful her father was in the kitchen at the back of the house, a distant comment about her rancid stench filled Sierra with shame. Not wanting to be seen like this, she figured there was little time to get upstairs before her father investigated the source of the smell. The stairs creaked from her weight, making Sierra aware of just how much she’d grown in so short a time. Still, she ascended them quickly, moving to the bathroom and slamming the door hard enough to shake the house. Immediately turning on the water, she instantly recoiled, hating the feeling of it on her skin. The dissonance between her desire to be clean and her distaste for having water on her skin was maddening. She couldn’t rid herself of the stink like this!


And that was the least of her worries. Even if she could eliminate the stink from her body, there was nothing humanly possible to revert her muscles back to their previous state. She was far beyond the stature of most female bodybuilders, hell, even many men! As she knew from personal experience, shaving would not rid herself of the hair, leaving her to remain covered as it steadily thickened over her skin. Hell, the overall look reminded her more of a missing link than anything human female. Without knowing the cause of such bizarre changes, there was little she could think of to reverse them. And what the hell could physically change a woman into…this?!


And then, there was the shape of her feet. They were massive even in relation to her muscled body, sticking out and almost reminding her of blunted snowshoes. Her big toe, in particular, had pulled back on her foot somewhat, not too removed from her humanity but distinctive as it was. Still, the more she stared, the more their fur-like hairy coat seemed to call to her, and Sierra had to resist the urge to touch them, thinking such would be enough for her to cum again. Her sex should have been strained by this point, but the changes seemed to be giving her a libido beyond anything she had known. Or could even handle it, as her lust started to rise from rubbing her stinky feet alone. And as the moments passed, the reasons not to play with these new assets became further and further away…


Though she had just touched them a short time ago while out on the trail, their sensitivity seemed to have been dialed up beyond human experience. It was enough that she could hardly resist rubbing them as she touched her sex in tandem. The smell, though repugnant, turned her on more than anything had a right to, and she rubbed her clit with abandon, the flesh seemingly firmer and more capable of taking the abuse she required. The scent of her own sex mixed with the stench of her body odor, a powerful aphrodisiac if there ever was one. Despite her confusion over the changes, Sierra could hardly bring herself away from masturbation, even as the itching of hair increased over her legs and belly. Hell, it even seemed as though her feet were swelling from her efforts, though it was hard to tell, happening in real-time as it was. Not that she had the time or desire to grab a measuring tape, given the effect their growth had on her libido. She needed to touch herself, extra hair and larger feet be damned!


With the sheer arousal, she felt from her new assets, it was no wonder she came quickly, shivers running through her body to the point it seemed to stem further waves of change and growth. A steady ache persisted over her body largely centered in her muscles as they rapidly expanded and pushed at the skin. Hell, it seemed like even her breasts were swelling with fat and tissues, even growing sparse hair in their own right. The force of growth nearly pulled her skin taut as the tissues expanded beneath, leaving Sierra worried they might tear. Her body managed to stay stable throughout, and Sierra enjoyed the erotism of her stature growing, shaking in orgasm once more, barely able to stifle her bliss. There was no denying it was perhaps something she could have prevented had she not indulged so readily. But even her lust as of late could not explain what was happening to her. No process she knew of could add so much hair, so much muscle, hell, make her feet so damn big! Unless she was under some sort of curse, but then…was she? Her mind played back to the night before when she had been given that totem from the woman at the shop, the only thing out of place since she’d come back home. It made very little sense that being given a totem could do this, but it was as best a guess as anything else. 


As much as she wanted to find the woman, it would not do her well to walk out naked, even if the cold did little against her body in its current state. Moving quickly to the bedroom, unable to stifle the noise of her bulk against the floor boards, Sierra went through her entire wardrobe, managing to find some stretchy pajamas that barely covered her groin. Nothing could fit on her feet, of course, and she was thankful the nightgown was able to reach as far as it could. Her massive breasts were in the way, but she would have to make due, she reasoned. It was powerfully itchy against her skin, but there was no other choice but to move forward, nearly tripping down the stairs with her massive feet. With the heavy thud of her footfalls, there was no way she was getting out of there unscene, or unnoticed from her smell, but that was a separate problem.


Much to her chagrin, the sound of her mother from the other room caught her attention as she pulled open the door, gently this time so as not to break it. “She really is ripe, isn’t she? I hope this is it,” her mother commented, something that Sierra would have stopped to hear had she not been so ashamed of her form. Yet, the words made a bizarre sort of sense, as though her smell was not something unexpected. Did her parents know something she didn’t?


Yet, it was her father’s voice that firmed her resolve to leave. “Shush. It’s for the best, and she’s better off as the protector. Doesn’t matter how she smells. She won’t be coming back after this,” he remarked, taking a loud sip of his coffee. 


With that, Sierra resisted the urge to slam the door, or go back in there and threaten the man with her new strength. Instead, the words sparked that competitive edge that had compelled her to leave town and find success in the business world, to begin with. So her father thought she was better off as a massive, smelly animal woman? She would make sure to find out what had caused this, reverse it, and walk back into her parent’s house every inch of the prim and proper businesswoman she prided herself on being. Then, she would use them as a stepping stone until she could afford to move back to the city and the life she had worked hard for. 


Still, something kept troubling her as she made her way into the night, finally feeling cool and relaxed after being in the stuffy house. As grotesque as the changes should have been, it was hard to deny the pleasure they brought. She was powerfully strong beyond measure, so much so that no man could threaten her. And more to the point, it felt simply orgasmic to possess this body, to play with her feet, and her sex, which had been on fire ever since the changes had started. Such physical pleasures were unknown to her before and were certainly something she relished since last night. Would it all be so bad if she was forced to change further, or even keep this form going forward…? 


No. She had her whole life ahead of her. She was better than this town, with its strange superstitions. The fact that her parents seemed to know something was not lost on her either, as though they were in on it. It was almost as unnerving as the changes themselves, but Sierra decided to put it out of her mind for now. She would not be used as a guinea pig, not be robbed of her humanity when everything else was already out of her reach. Unbothered by the cold, Sierra headed out into the night, needing to figure out what was changing her, and, hopefully, reverse it. She would make it on her own terms, like the determined woman she was!


Thankfully, there was hardly anyone around town, much less anyone looking in her direction even as she moved around in the shadows as best she could. Part of her found herself wondering if the whole town was in on it, that the sight of a massive partly changed sasquatch woman wouldn’t invoke the normal fear or ire. That end result was the only thing she could come up with to explain what was happening to her. It had been a sasquatch depicted as the totem, and if that was the source of her changes, that form might be their eventual goal. 


As though the old woman was waiting for her, Sierra found her standing outside her shop, chilled by the evening air but doing her best to weather it. Figuring now was her chance and not caring who was around, Sierra towered over her, doing her best to appear menacing. 


“Ah, yes, I knew you would seek me out. I have to say, I’m rather impressed it’s coming along so well!” She said a light in her eye that left Sierra unnerved. So, it was true! 


“What do you mean?’ Sierra grunted, ignoring the guttural quality in her tone that was a sign of further change. 


“Why, you’re becoming our protector, of course!” The woman exclaimed, as though delighted she was messing with Sierra’s life and humanity. “We haven’t had one in many years, and our town’s prosperity has decreased as a result. You see, the protection was not only physical but for our prosperity, a vessel from which we receive blessings from the spirit world. Simply having your presence here will bring back those glory days!” She declared a hint of madness there that made Sierra concerned. She would have to be insane, given she was willing to turn a woman into a monster out of myth! 


“The change is jarring, I can imagine, but it’s also designed to be…pleasurable, as I’ve understood it,” the woman continued Sierra listening with rapt attention before deciding to act. “It’s to help you acclimate to your new life and to make it better than the one you are leaving behind. You don’t need to speak, and you’re free to enjoy your body as you will. I imagine it will only take you a few more times, which is by design,” the woman explained, and Sierra felt her rage begin to burn. Who was she, or in fact, any of the residents of her childhood town to turn her into a fucking monster? No matter how good it made her feel…


Part of her was sure she couldn’t want to be this creature, and certainly not at the behest of a town she had come to despise. It was the place she had worked so hard to escape, after all, this place that held her back all these years. But then again, the changes were nearly orgasmic, giving her a powerfully sexual body, the appeal of which surpassed even the limited success she’d found after leaving. And was that other world so amazing when it had left her in the dust after all her hard work and dedication? Left to return to the beginning and with nothing to show for it. At least with this body…Was there any point not to give in and relish the raw sexuality of her new purpose?


It didn’t escape her notice that her massive feet were still growing, tingling, itching, as though beckoning for her attention. So enamored by the prospect, Sierra could hardly bring herself to care that she was still in the presence of the older woman, her need quickly becoming too great. Reaching down with some eagerness, Sierra relished having somewhat larger hands before rubbing her feet with reverence. The contact was enough to alleviate some of the itching, even as it prompted more hair to grow, giving her a carpet of ape-like fur. It should have terrified her that she was changing more at her own prompting, but in the moment of ecstasy, she could hardly be faulted for reveling in the pleasure!


As the toes continued to expand and pop with newly acquired flexibility, Sierra was eager to reach down and rub in between them, experiencing the caress against their sensitive contours. It was as though her mere touch was causing them to grow, yet it simply felt too good for her to stop. It was sublime feeling them digging into the snow, more of their stink wafting into her nose and turning her on beyond her wildest imaginings. Lost in the lovely feeling of playing with her feet, Sierra was hardly aware she was continuing to change, beyond what further pleasure it gave her. Between the sensations of her legs lengthening, thickening thighs and hips bulging against increasingly hairy skin, it was a wonder she didn’t simply cum from that alone!


Of course, such growth could not be contained in her night clothes, Sierra feeling them tightening around her chest and pulling up past her groin now. It grew to the point that simply flexing was enough to tear the back of it off her frame. Left bare, Sierra began rapidly bulking up with muscle, enough she could see it writhing under the skin had she not been so covered with fur. Formerly meek and underused arms had become massive and bulky, swelling with muscle beyond any mortal human, or even ape. She was steadily growing, stomach stretching, legs lengthening, and stature towering over the woman, close to the size of the statue itself. And growing larger still, if the continued tingling warmth was any indication!


To her surprise, her breasts were expanding larger than her form might comfortably handle, voluptuous and firm, even if the rest of her was functionally becoming a beast. Rubbing them sent sensual shivers through her being, though it paled in compassion to the feeling of rubbing her enlarged feet. Naturally, her human hair was not to be spared, running down over her neck and shoulders looking like an unkempt mane. The follicles lengthed and stretched, their consistency far removed from her humanity and getting tangled around itself. It was ragged, straw-like, beyond anything she could ever hope to tame again as she had lovingly cared for all her life. But it mattered little with how much it accented the mat of hair that was lancing from every pore, giving her a shaggy carpet beyond anything humanly possible, a more suitable pelt for living in the winter wilds.


Digging her toes further into the melting snow, Sierra reveled in the changes overtaking her humanity, even as her skull started to crack and devolve into a more bestial form. Her canines sharpened as her jaw protruded slightly, a flattening nose increasing her olfactory senses significantly. With an increased brow line and a thick line of hair over her cheeks, Sierra really did look more like the missing link than a human woman. Yet, there was little regard left for her humanity, only focused on the singular goal of orgasmic release and all the promise her bestial body provided. 


“HHHGGGGHHHH!” The new beast bellowed, feeling her sex going into orgasm and rocking her entire body with release. Such was so powerful that nothing else mattered in the moment of primal pleasures. Sierra was left writhing there, settling back in the snow and relishing all the power and raw sexuality she now possessed. 


Yet, the presence of her persecutor soon brought her back to the reality of what was done to her. The woman, for her part, seemed not to mind being in the presence of a masturbating beast, rather pleased that the change was done and the town had its protector. Having been robbed of all she once cherished against her will, Sierra’s rage rapidly grew beyond anything she had felt before. Something deep within her changed psyche made her wish to punish the woman for her curse. Anger rapidly reaching its apex, there was little Sierra could do but let it out through wanton destruction. 


Of course, her first inclination was to attack the woman directly, but the moment she tried to move, she found herself frozen. It was as though the mere thought of harming her caused the curse to cease her movement, though, without her human voice, Sierra had no way to ask. In a desperate bid to change herself back, Sierra broke into the building, blinded by rage as she ripped the massive totem from its place on the floor, throwing it through the window and smashing it against the ground. For a moment, she was sure she could feel its magic swirling over her like a fantasy tale. But nothing happened. It was a sign she was stuck like this, in the form of a beast, albeit a powerful and sexy one. And, for better or worse, this was her lot in life now.


Giving no further thought to the old woman, Sierra took off into the woods at a rapid pace. Rage ebbing, she couldn’t help but relish the power in her legs, the snow between her feet, and how warm she was even in the dead of night. With her perception of reverence for her new strength, lust started to return once more, still not sated after so much self-pleasure. As the lights of the town started to turn out, and the full moon rose to guide her, Sierra saw no reason not to enjoy herself. Though her mind was still her own, there was something else more bestial, more primal within her that sat as an equal to her former humanity. And there was no denying, as her fear for her humanity, her job, and her life began fading, her love for her stench, her feet, and her form had risen to the point there was no ability to resist…




It was some weeks later, in the dead of winter as Sierra’s mother looked out into the woods, something she always did before going to bed. She knew her daughter was out there, closer than ever, and destined to reside there for the rest of her life. There was some solace in the fact that Sierra had been given purpose beyond her failed career in a world she did not belong. She was an apex being in her world, hide and fur immune to the guns and bullets. Any that opposed her, or the town, would be quickly torn asunder. She would serve as a worthy protector, bridging the gap between the village she had grown up in and the worlds beyond. The gift of her strength and the good fortune the magic instilled would give back for years of nurture, and in her mother’s mind, there was no greater pride she could take in that. 


Little did her mother know, Sierra’s new life went well beyond the simple purpose of protecting and patrolling. Even after the change, lust was at the forefront of her existence, easily stamping out any regret for her new lot in life. The persistent stink of her body was as powerful as the most pungent of perfume to the point it often peaked her arousal. Her favored way to begin her self-care was to tend to her feet, something that served as an erogenous zone beyond any fetish she had come to know. Several times a day was the norm for her masturbatory efforts, her new body an outlet for her perceived pleasures. Not a bad life, giving her both purpose and delight beyond anything her past could manage. All former aspirations and regret faded as did her form into the woods and human perception, until she was needed once again…