Stretching Your Expectations

Exhausted from a long day, Colin nearly stumbled into his landing, barely remembering to check his mail as he did so. Not that he’d been expecting anything, having been a while since he’d treated himself. Always one to air on the kinky side of bedroom affairs, Colin’s proclivities often required very specific toys to enjoy himself. Such time was a luxury lately, and, to be honest, he likely deserved something new. Something to give him some anticipation of coming home to see what fun awaited him in the mail. 


By sheer coincidence, it seemed as though something of that sort was waiting for him, the box looking to be from his usual online sex store. Having been certain he hadn’t ordered anything of his own volition, Colin opened it cautiously, wondering what the hell it could be. More to the point, he had no idea who could have sent it to him, no one offline knowing his interests save for finding his internet history. It was a little alarming, though in the end, curiosity won out and he was prompted to open the box and see what had been gifted him. 


Carefully cutting at the tape, Colin was not expecting to open up the box and pull out a large, rubber suit, the kind that he often had his characters depicted in commissioned artwork. It looked to be a little too small for his frame, even if it was technically meant to stretch. The thought of putting it on made him erect in his pants to the point of leaking, to be sure. But to own such a thing…and to be gifted it, no less! Colin was quick to look around the box for any sort of card or note to say who the sender was, yet none were present. Then where had it come from?


Even more shocking was that as he pulled it out, it seemed more and more obvious that it was a custom piece, based on his canine sona. Grey and white, it even had the signature paw pad tattoo on his upper arm that was part of the look. It was exactly as he would have ordered for himself had he been inclined to. As it stood, there was little chance anyone would get him such an obviously expensive piece, let alone one tailored to his customizations. It begged the question of whether he had been gifted something amazingly specific or whether he was being played with as some sort of sick joke. Which one it was, he couldn’t say, but there was no denying that the more he stared at the suit, the more his arousal grew, to the point that he was tempted to put it on, no matter where it had come from or who had made it for him. 


Yet, to his horror, no sooner than he’d pulled the suit out of the box, the entire thing started to heat up so much that Colin dropped it, hearing it hit the floor with an audible splat. It was shocking to see it start to literally melt, as though it was reacting to the air itself. Colin was inclined to step back, not sure what was happening but not wanting to touch the stuff. Still, he soon found his efforts were for naught as the goo started to writhe and roil the moment the suit was dissolved. Part of Colin was inclined to run, but a larger facet was curious as to what was happening. Surely, it would be impossible to clean up and would render his damage deposit forfeited, but such was of little concern when he could hardly understand what it was he was staring at. 


Without warning, something started to stir within the puddle, forming a protrusion of sorts, one that rapidly reached Colin’s exposed leg. He hardly had time to pull away before it wrapped itself around him, holding him fast even though it possessed no obvious base to fasten him to. With a surprised yelp, Colin cried out, at first wanting to pull away the tendril with his hands. But as two more shot from the puddle, gripping his other leg and waist, Colin felt sure that such was futile and might mean whatever was happening might entrap his hands, as well.


The warmth of what he was starting to perceive as liquid latex crawled up his legs, wrapping around them before beginning to burrow itself under his pants. The touch of the liquid latex against his skin shocked him before Colin realized that his pants were literally dissolving, being eaten away by the substance as it continued to sink into his skin. Colin was worried it might burn his skin away, though the sensation was warm, almost pleasant, and made him relax enough that he didn’t bother to struggle against the restraint. It seemed to relax its grip on him as a response, and Colin took a deep breath, not wanting the process to be painful, whatever it was happening to him. 


As the liquid latex made contact with his skin, it started to spread in an even pool up his legs, coating every bare inch. It seemed as though parts of the substance were burrowing within the very cracks between skin layers, burrowing into his legs and thighs and making it part of his skin. Colin was sure that any effort to remove it would cause the latex to cover him faster, though it seemed inevitable nonetheless. 


As though the initial tendrils were limited, Colin observed the fluid on the floor diminishing, more of it being pulled over his body in a spreading gray flood. It had moved over his feet now, the fluid covering his toes and leaving only a sticky connection between them that prevented their mobility. It was nearly up to his waist as well and had his pants not fully dissolved, Colin was sure they would have fallen off, the latex plying over his tights and ass as it started to move up his back, merging with the skin with every inch it gained. 


Panicked, Colin reflexively tried to grab at it before it touched his member, though forgot in his folly that it might connect with his hand. Colin tried in vain to pull it away, but the part of it touching his hand came with it, gripping his hand like a blob as it continued to spread over him. Colin had the bizarre notion that it was perhaps alive somehow but had no way to verify as he was stuck there, legs unable to move while the rest of the latex pulled over him. Though the scenario was somewhat familiar to him, given his interest in such fiction, it was an entirely different experience undergoing it in real-time. His captor was crawling up his belly now, Colin without any ability to take his shirt off before it came in contact with the substance and was dissolved. He wanted to lament the loss of his clothes, though it was more likely he was losing more than that with the way it was burrowing into his skin. And despite himself, the notion of being covered by a living suit of latex was not as terrifying as it might be to most people…


Before the latex had reached his crotch, Colin felt himself pounding erect, flushing red from the exposure. As though the fluid latex was honing in on his sex, a tendril moved to wrap around it, making him moan from the sensual contact. Though it started off gray as the rest of the suit, the coloring of his member shifted to a brilliant red, almost akin to that of a canine, the form his fursona was based on. Such should have occurred to him instantly, though Colin could only think of the pleasure pulsating through his member as the latex skin clung to it. It was powerfully embarrassing to be aroused by such a thing, but Colin could only allow himself to give in the pleasure, wanting to forget the horror of the change and the repercussions of such on his future.


Soon, there was little visible of his former member, the red flesh making up his rod now and pulsating pleasantly as it fused with the skin. It was entirely red, veins rippling under the skin and fueling the growth of his rod beyond anything he had seen on his own form. The shape was altering as well, the tip pointing with a bulb where the head once was. A gentle throbbing flowed through it as the girth of his member doubled, tripled, and swelled from the base toward a knot the envy of anything his commissioned art might imply. In his moment of lust, Colin couldn’t imagine anything being more arousing than possessing a canine phallus, and all he wanted to do was allow the latex to envelop him so he might touch himself over and over!


Moving over the skin of his chest, Colin was slowly made aware of the effect of the latex as it merged with his skin, possibly down to the cellular level. That had to be the case as the warmth seemed to burrow into the very tissues of his muscles. His thighs, calves, and even his feet were expanding, rippling with muscle that had not previously persisted in his lean form. It continued burrowing into his skin and swelling the muscles underneath to the point they could burst through the skin had it not already taken on an elastic quality to match the latex consuming his flesh. Rather than pain him, the merger was almost comfortable, as though a facet of such a change he had fantasized about.


Though much of the former suit was in flux, liquid, and gooey as it continued to merge with his skin, the initial point of contact was starting to stretch and solidity, the consistency altering with the total fusion to his skin. The effect was to reshape his toes from within, pushing his heels upward and giving him a digitigrade posture. His toes, too, though fused, left him with stubby digits, barely motile though not needed as such for his new body. With thick pads underneath them, Colin was sure they were being given a canine configuration, much as the suit had been designed for before it had literally melted. The firming of the latex skin continued to work its way up his thighs and calves, swelling them with bulk beyond his wildest dreams. Even the threat of further change was hardly deterrent enough for him to resist, instead wondering what the final result of the process would bring him. 


Perhaps the strangest change stemmed from his backside, the area right above his spine as more of the fluid latex started to accumulate there. It started as a bump he wished to reach back and touch, though was stunned to turn around and observe the beginnings of what looked for all the world like some sort of tail. Focusing on it, Colin was delighted when it started to wag of its own accord, as much a part of him as his arms and legs. He’d always wanted one, and any fear over the process was not enough to keep him from wagging it, reaching back and caressing it in reverence of possessing it now. 


As the latex wrapped its way around his upper arms and down his hands, Colin relaxed himself, no longer rejecting the fusion between his human skin and the alien substance. It glopped around his hands for a moment, though he figured it would soon reform his fingers into powerful digits, much as his toes at been. More exciting was what it would likely do to his upper arms and chest, giving him a physique beyond anything humanly possible. As much as he wouldn’t want this to happen to him in real life, Colin was there for it now, wanting to see the end result and marvel at a process that was only thought of in his dreams. 


With his body nearly completely coated in liquid latex, Colin allowed himself to feel the former suit crawling up his neck and spreading over his face, before taking a deep breath as his mouth was enveloped. The force of the fluid kept his mouth shut, and left him unable to speak, though there was no one around to hear him regardless. In his mind, it was worth it, the latex not enough to prevent him from breathing even as it covered his nose and mouth. Colin was even able to relax as the latex spread over his hair and skull as his entire body was completely engulfed. Still, his entire focus was on his lower body, the latex playing tight over his belly and accentuating his six-pack and thick pecs. In equal fashion, the latex tugged tightly over his upper arms, swelling biceps, triceps, and deltoids several times the size of his former humanity. Even his hands felt powerful, Colin clenching them a few times to feel his muscles bulging delightfully.


The final changes to his head were perhaps the most jarring of all, though Colin did his best to brace himself for them, figuring the end result would be more than worth it. It seemed as though the warm semi-fluid was working its way into his jawline, extending it outward into what he could only assume was the start of a muzzle. As the fluid latex worked its way into his mouth, his tongue and teeth were taken along with his nose as his face was pushed outward. More latex collected on his ears, pushing them upward into a canine configuration. Though he could not open his eyes, Colin was sure they, too, were being modified, and his vision would likely be rendered into something far superior to his humanity, as much as the other changes seemed to be enhancing his features beyond peak performance.


Eventually, the sheen of latex over his eyes began to part, and Colin opened them to a world of more acuity than he could even imagine. His vision had to be well beyond 20/20, colors intact and the world coming into focus in a way that defied his imagings. And that was hardly the only sense being enhanced, Colin breathing deep and filling his rostrum with scents that only a canine would be able to detect. His own sweat and musk were at the forefront, though his latex body gave off a particular odor as well. It was pleasant, making him leak even more as his body was pulled into what he assumed would be its proper configuration, the powerful body out of his wildest dreams. 


Yet, it was the sight of the body he now possessed that really gave him intrigue. The changes seemed to have concluded as much as he could tell, his body shiny and glistening with gray latex. Reaching up to rub his arms with curious paw hands, Colin was surprised to experience a rather fur-like texture over the skin, the pattern almost embedded in the latex itself. It wasn’t soft, not exactly, bizarre though hardly the strangest thing to have happened to him. What really struck him was how much his body now resembled his fursona, down to the black paw shape on his shoulder, embedded in the latex as though it was meant to be there. It really was like something that had been intended for him, as impossible as the whole scenario was. 


Curious, Colin made his way to the bathroom, really getting a feeling for how large he was now, not only in height but in muscle mass. There was no denying how the muscles were bulging under the skin, rippling and accentuating the gray latex rather well. Rubbing them lovingly, Colin was shocked at how real they felt, to the point that he was sure his strength had been increased ten-fold or more. Never being much for the gym, Colin could only imagine how much he could lift if he was so inclined. Surely, it would be the envy of even the most dedicated bodybuilders! As strange as it was to possess such a body, Colin couldn’t deny how much he loved it, to the point he wasn’t sure he would even want to change back if he could. Wait, was this permanent? Colin had no basis to know, though he was willing to go with it if it meant it was not part of some dream. 


The sight of his lupine visage looking back at him in the mirror carried with it its own allure, far more handsome than his meek humanity. His wide muzzle, pointed ears, and brilliant blue eyes were hot as hell, and moving them just slightly as his reflection stared back made him certain they were part of him now. With the reality of what had happened to him, Colin couldn’t help but feel aroused at the sight, his cock erect the entire time though never quite at its apex. But the more aroused he became, the more engorged his penis grew, to the point it was almost heavy on his frame. But even the amount of blood it required was not enough to dizzy him as he reached down to rub himself, unprepared for the pleasures that it might bring. 


The texture of his penis, while warm, was a little bizarre, even against his padded paw hands. It had an almost rubbery texture to it, something more the consistency of the original latex suit rather than the rest of his body. It felt rather pleasant as he took a few moments to get used to its size, the perfect member for a latex being, something that existed only in his fantasies. And the more he focused on it, the more engorged it seemed to become, as though his will was forcing it beyond what even a physique like his was able to manage. 


Soon, it was almost too large, as though his efforts were pulling it longer, stretching it out like it was made of, well, rubber. It did seem a little longer and thinner, and experimentally Colin let it go, feeling it snap back into position as though it had not been stretched out at all. Best was perhaps that none of the arousal he experienced was lost as he pulled out his cock once more, curious as to what it might feel like. It was as though it was made of some sort of organic rubber, as much a part of his human body but still pliable in ways that defied his understanding of physics. And given the state his body was in, Colin felt there were no repercussions for experimenting with the limits to see what he could do. 


Concentrating on the expanse of muscles in his chest, Colin did his best to flex them, pushing them to the limits and beyond. Yet, rather than tightening as they normally would, his muscles started to part the latex skin, his elastic dermis expanding to keep up as they bulged out beyond the contours of his body. Curious now, he focused on everything he had, watching as his muscles swelled to beyond twice their already massive stature. They were impossibly gargantuan, the skin stretched beyond what he figured was the breaking point. But his new latex body was made of sterner stuff, and he felt no ill from his efforts, wondering how much further he could comfortably expand if he was to test the limits of his ability. It was almost akin to something out of a cartoon, the perfect facsimile of what Colin always had imagined such a body to be capable of.


Allowing himself to relax, Colin felt his body reflectively return to its previous, although rather buff stature nonetheless. As best he could tell, there were no permanent repercussions from his stretching, as though his new latex body was capable of defying what he knew about physics and biology. Though with the implication of what he could do with these new abilities, there was no hesitation in giving them a try, wanting to see how far he could take them.


First, his fingers extended, Colin pushing outward with his will and feeling the digits moving stretching impossibly far, without any pain, or tensing of muscles or joints. It was a little jarring, not sure what his body was made of to be able to stretch like this. But soon, inch after inch of his body was stretched without seeming to stain him at all. Eventually, he retracted them, not yet inclined to test the limits of his abilities, and satisfied they were able to meet his expectations and even go beyond.


Moving his attention to the rest of his body, Colin first tried extending his chest, not only puffing it out but raising it several feet, lifting his head to the point of hitting the ceiling, though little came of it, his new body not prone to feel pain as his humanity had been. Allowing it to settle back to normal, Colin then extended his legs, reaching out and walking in an awkward stance with legs longer than his body could allow. It was literally similar to a comic book hero’s abilities, though impossible to fully fathom in real life. As weird as he felt it, Colin couldn’t deny how fascinating it was, beyond his wildest imaginings. And hardly to the most exciting thing he was to perform…


His erection at its apex all the while, Colin was eager to pull on it, stretching it like putty in front of him while dislocating his arm to bring it further outward. To his delight, none of the sensitivity of his penis was removed, rather accentuated by the increased space within his rubbery shaft. It was nearly orgasmic on its own to feel his erection extending at impossible angles, though hardly enough to stem his arousal. The further he stretched it, the more he could notice thick outlines of veins and ridges over his dick, further fueling whatever constituted erectile tissue through his new penis. 


Curious, Colin reached with his tongue, reflecting on a fantasy he never would have thought possible before today. Like the rest of his body, it was able to extend far outside of his mouth, moving toward the tip of his leaking cock as he began to caress the tip. The taste was rather pleasant, and the pressure on his penis was more sensual than anything he could have anticipated. Yet, this was just the tip of the iceberg, Colin was sure. Between the flexibility of his tongue and his penis, there had to be more ways to pleasure himself than what he could come up with on the surface. Still, there was nothing wrong with the basics, as much as stretching his cock and tongue to suck himself off could be considered as such!


Wrapping his thick tongue around his penis, Colin focused his efforts on making his penis as stiff as possible, while stretching his tongue all the way toward the knot at the base, gripping it firmly. Best of all, none of his tongue’s taste buds were stifled as his cock throbbed against it, and he squeezed, perfectly able to feel the throbbing of his tightening organ. The flavor was sublime, and Colin was only motivated to squeeze even harder, wanting to get off as quickly as possible. Curious as to how large his release could be, Colin even allowed his testicles to swell almost weighty on his frame. It was not only the size of them that had impressed him, but the churning within was a sign they were full of as much cum as such orbs could contain. Colin wanted nothing more than to blow his load for the first time with his new, elastic physiology, and there was nothing to stop him!


Thinking of other ways to accentuate his pleasure, Colin reached out with a single finger, aiming it toward his protruding pucker. It was easy to force his hips out of the way, raising his tail and exposing his ass so there was no way he could miss as he shoved his finger within. It was not quite large enough to fill his opening but Colin was able to expand his finger and his ass just enough to get the maximum pleasure. His prostate was just as sensitive as before, and he fingered fucked himself as much as he could before bringing himself to orgasm. Though, with his finger in his ass and his tongue wrapped around his cock, there was not much he could do to hold back for long…


With a guttural howl, Colin felt himself going into orgasm, the fluids more latex in consistency though much the same flavor of semen as he might have expected. Still, the quantity was almost too much for him, spilling all over the now pristine floor where his latex suit had melted in the first place. His orgasm seemed to go on for ages, more semen spilling from his massive balls than he could even contemplate. His cock, his prostate, and even his tongue were on fire, the stimulation almost too much for his human mind to bear. Yet, he managed it, allowing himself to ride the waves of orgasmic high as he finally finished, panting as his tongue was allowed to pull back into his mouth. 


To his surprise, and somewhat delight,  it was obvious his refractory period was not that of a normal human’s, his testicle filled to the brim with semen. Swelling his muscles once more with the intent to rub at them, Colin couldn’t help but burn erect once more and wonder how best to bring himself to release next. The scent of his latex seed was ripe in his nostrils and only served to raise his lusts to new heights. And there was no reason he could think of not to indulge in all of his fantasies, considering the best way to experiment once more…


With the pleasant tingling in his rectum from his finger fucking, Colin soon decided his new course of action. Surely, his cock could be used to fuck his own ass, though there was some question of whether it might kink if he tried it. Still, there was no reason not to as Colin focused his penis on extending, trying to curve it around underneath his perineum and reaching for the puckered hole behind. It fit easily within his tight rectum, and Colin worked it even longer so that it would nearly touch his prostate. Soon, it had swollen so large that he could see a bump within his belly, though his new physiology was no worse for wear. And, given the ability to increase and decrease his cock’s size at will Colin allowed that to be the means to fuck himself, not needing to thrust his hips as he took his pleasure from himself. 


As much turned on by his physique as he was by the self-serving ass fucking, Colin traced his massive hands over the valleys and mountains of muscle he now possessed. Every inch was firm, thick, and meaty beyond his wildest imaginings. Figuring pushing on them should have come with a rubbery feedback while forcing his muscles out, it seemed the mass really was filled in with thick meat and tissue, as much as his new body allowed. Focusing on his own muscles to keep them firm while leaving his erection malleable as he fucked his ass with ease was no trouble for his new form. Eagerly, Colin took his pleasure in doing so, once more bringing his end to the forefront and not caring to hold back.


Another all-consuming orgasm wracked his body, muscles trembling as his mammoth testicles shook and filled his rear to the brim. The squelching of his cock against the copious fluids was pure bliss, leaving Colin without any ability to control himself as his cock slid out of his rear with a rush of semen. His backside, as much as his chest before, was coated with latex semen, but it was hardly discomforting with the heady scent in the air of his maleness. It seemed to take his mind an eternity to come back to reality, but the truth of what his body now was and all the potential it possessed could not be denied. 


The question of whether or not he would be stuck like this worried him for a moment, though it was a distant concern, the repercussions be damned. Yet, the more he reflected on his human form, the more his rubbery body seemed to heat up, a tugging sensation pulling on his insides leaving him powerfully confused. Still focusing on his former human body, he was shocked when a wave of human skin appeared over him, pulling in the latex as though it had never persisted on his frame. Even his confusion was not enough to stop the process as his body quickly reverted, the latex seeming to burrow itself deep into his skin and exposing the human that he once was. 


Perhaps not quite the human he had been, Colin was quick to realize. His formerly lanky body was clearly buffer than it had been before, though it hardly held a candle to the strength his latex body could manage. This new level of muscle seemed possible, if not far removed, from what his former physique could support with years of training and diligence. It was more than that, Colin slow to realize he was a bit taller as well, enough to notice the difference within the mirror but slight enough that it would go unnoticed by those in the real world, Colin able to play it off as a faulty memory. It was a nice change, all in all, to experience what his humanity could have been had he the means to reach it. Obviously, it was his mental image of his ideal self, something that Colin figured suited him well now that he was able to look over it in the mirror. 


Even though Colin had returned to a relatively human form, he was certain the latex was there just under the skin, part of him now and able to change him on command. The human covering he currently possessed was as much a product of his latex body as any of the changes he had made to himself thus far. And, while he was not ready to experience it again just yet, he was sure he could revert to his latex canine form at will, having it erupt over his skin in an instant or wrap around him slowly and sensually as much as he wished to experience the change over and over again. Even the unknown source of the gift could not dissuade him from using it to the fullest. No concern over the repercussions of such entered his mind, rather only the potential applications as he pondered what all these alterations meant for him. At the top of his list was imagining the myriad of ways his rubbery, stretchy body could pleasure himself as he relished the new body he had been generously granted.