Finding A Simpler Lifet

Sighing a little, Shaun finally stopped walking, more bored and frustrated than tired. He had been out for a longer walk today than usual, almost several hours in fact, and he wasn’t quite ready to stop yet. In truth, he wouldn’t mind walking until he reached the fringes of humanity, for as good as that would do him. Yet, that was why he was out here, far further than he had walked before with no intention of going back home to his mediocre life just yet. As if he could ever walk away and truly leave it all behind for a simpler life, as much as he might have wished so.


One pleasant thing was when he’d passed a field some twenty minutes back, where a herd of wild horses stood nearby, grazing. Shaun wished he was close enough to maybe pet them, though that was not advisable, not knowing their temperament. Still, he couldn’t help but admire them from afar, loving their beautiful coats, intriguing shapes, and how perfectly he thought their evolutionary design was. Alas, poor as he was, Shaun had never been able to get close to the beautiful creatures and figured he had to settle for seeing them from a distance.


In fact, looking at them for as long as he dared awakened some longing in his heart as though he wished to join them. As bizarre as he found the notion, the lives led by the horses were more appealing to him than his own human experience, to the point that he almost wished he’d be born a horse. Hell. he’d even said it aloud, a wish to be a horse as he stared at the beautiful beasts, swishing their tails without a care in the world. A simpler life, indeed, and something that his heart seemed to crave.


Almost wanting to turn back now so that he could see them one more time, Shaun stopped, wondering if he had gone far enough. There was no honest escape from his life, his mediocre minimum wage job, his mountains of debt, and his lack of time for friends, love interests, and hobbies. Little did he know, his words had not fallen on deaf ears. Though he could not see them, several shapes played over him, looking like swarms of insects in the afternoon light. They were beings that did not belong to this world and spent very little time here, usually to prey upon wayward mortals. But in this instance, his words seemed to spark something within them, wanting to grant his wish in only the hope he did not truly want it and would find some discomfort in its implications. Either way, their natures would be satisfied, and they worked what little influence they had in tandem over Shaun’s body, a heat and irritation ruining through him from an unknown source. 


The heat was enough for him to pause, fanning his shirt and wondering why the walk was getting to him now. He wanted to pull off his sweat-stained shirt, but it was stuck to his skin, and he was sure it would rip if he went to take it off. The smell of his body odor was a little strange as well, more pungent than even the walk could allow for, but Shaun did his best to ignore it. Part of him worried he might be getting sick and wanted to turn back, so far from potential help and even cell phone service. 


Yet, a dull ache in his fingers caused him to almost drop his phone, feeling them stiffen and weaken rapidly. They didn’t hurt per se, though a tingling numbness soon overtook them to the point he was sure he was coming down with a heat stroke. The sensations came over both hands in tandem, as though the fingers were getting smaller as much as he could tell. It seemed the effect did not apply to his middle digits, the fingers slowly swelling and seeming to push what remained of the rest to the sides. It was a little jarring feeling them stiffen further, losing his grip on his phone as it fell to the ground, cracking on a rock as it did so. Yet, Shuan could hardly care as his middle fingers continued to swell while the others pulled in toward his palms so that he could no longer move them if he tried. 


The changes did not stop there, as the tips of his fingers swelled even faster, the nails turning dark before his very eyes. They continued stiffening and strengthening as their joints and tendons persisted within their new mass, albeit growing larger and leaving them ungainly on his form. They were heavier, as well, even as the rest of his fingers and thumbs retracted into his palms to give them the space they seemed to require. Still having little clue of what was happening to his hands, Shaun was left to stare as the now brown nails continued to thicken, curving around the edges as they swelled around the entire surface of his fingers. Looking down, the edges seemed hollow from the bottom, forming integrated patterns the likes of which took a few moments to come to terms with. The thicker they got, the more his fingertips sunk into them, and the more their alien shape on the ends of his arms started to make sense. Soon, the former fingers were as thick as his wrists, leaving nothing left of the other fingers. They almost looked like…horse’s hooves…


With the sight of two fully formed hooves on his arms, feeling heavy and numb, there was only one conclusion he could draw. Be it some celestial force that had heard his wish, or some other entity whose presence he could hardly fathom, he was being changed, losing his humanity, his hands, for horse’s hooves. And that was hardly to be the only change if the same tingling running over the rest of his body was any indication…


As terrified as he was by the notion of being an animal, losing his humanity, there was something almost peaceful about the idea, pleasant, even. It was certainly doing something for him, the numbness settling into his groin and sparking his lust, despite himself. His penis was poking against his pants, and part of him wanted to touch himself, though there was little he could do without his hands. Against his better inclinations, Shaun found himself wondering what it would be like to possess a cock like that of a horse. And that notion alone was enough to bring his cock to bear, almost painfully so to the point he felt he could cream his pants. 


It was not his cock to grow first, but rather a lump at the back as his spine pressed out against his jeans and underwear. It soon became somewhat painfully confined there as it continued to steadily extend, the bones in his spine separating against the skin as meat and muscle wrapped around it. The more he concentrated on it, the more Shaun found he could move it, twitching it back and forth as it gained the ability to do so. With as tight as it was in his clothing, Shaun was able to concentrate hard enough to push it out of the back of his pants, sighing with relief as it did so. Still, it was hardly enough to stifle the itching playing over it, as every inch started to erupt with hair, likely the long, thick strands making up his soon-to-be horse’s tail. 


The tingling of change was soon to settle into his hips and ass, swelling them against the fabric of his jeans to the point he was sure they would burst. They were impossibly wide, several sizes too large for the pants he was wearing, and weakening the fabric so much that the only way to remove them was to burst out of them. It was a little uncomfortable against his growing bulk, getting tighter around him as he grunted from the strain. Still, there was something about the notion that left Shaun elated, knowing he would be rid of the human things for his new body. He was growing a horse’s backside, and he couldn’t be happier!


With the growth of his backside came a puckering of his rear, something that came to his attention as his hips parted slightly and it brushed against the fabric of his underwear. Shaun moaned, the sensation exquisite and leaving him wanting more despite himself. With the tingling came a widening of the skin around his anus, turning leathery and thicker as it rubbed against the back of his pants so Shaun could feel its meaty outline. It was enough for him to push out, eager for more sensation even as his bowels trembled a little. With the need to fart, Shaun let it go willingly, one more pungent than he was expecting. Rather than being embarrassed about it, however, Shaun had to giggle, realizing that if he was really turning into an animal then he wouldn’t have to hold it in, a kind of freedom that was almost welcome.


The notion was more than a little arousing, cock still tenting hard in his pants, though quickly growing beyond its confines and begging for attention. His heart was racing, his body heating up even more as he continued to sweat profusely, that evidently equine scent burning into his nose. It was not the increase in his manhood’s stature that really did it for him, but rather that his member would soon become that of an animal, a sign that he really was changing. And Shaun was there for it! No sooner than the head of his cock touched the air then the tip started to flatten, the skin around the head forming a crown of sorts. His pisshead widened as it continued to engorge, the erectile tissue taking far more blood than Shaun’s body could supply. It caused his head to ache a little, though he was still able to maintain his awareness as the rest of his member continued to warp toward something befitting a farm beast. 


All the while, the circumference of his penis continued to swell, making it weigh almost heavily on his groin, swelling almost impossibly large as it added inch after inch. Shaun wanted to reach down to stroke it, though with fully formed hooves, he was unable to. Still, with the pleasurable sensations his rod gave him, Shaun was not inclined to wish for it to stop, even as more skin was tugged away and exposed a leathery sheath, with a mottled pink and black cock skin underneath. It was almost uncomfortable to feel his former human foreskin pull his member toward his groin, hitching it upward toward his chest. The silky skin of his sheath soon erupted with a coat of fine fur, and Shaun wished he could feel it, though there was nothing he could do to manage it with unruly hooves. Besides, even if he could, he knew it would be a two-hander! Even with that in mind, Shaun reached down with his unwieldy stallion appendages to try and get off. It was impossible to get them to stay against his cock, though Shaun was feeling desperate, humping with all he had against even the brief stimulation. His heart raced faster from the contact, aroused beyond belief that he was changing, and wanting it to continue if only he could feel these amazing sensations lasting.


It was his testicles to swell next, Shaun feeling the skin turning dark and leathery within his underwear. They were soon massive, growing to the size of golf balls as Shaun assumed the human sperm within was being converted to horse semen like the virile stallion he longed to be. They were almost too tight in his underwear from the size of them, and a heady musk burned into his nose, rank sweat from his equine body concentrated in his ballsack. Yet, Shaun loved the stench to the point that he longed to be rid of the clothing and free his equine body. With a resounding rip, his pants tore down the back, exposing horse hair and hide as his swollen hips and bulky thighs did away with the unnecessary human things. A thickening waist burst the belt of his jeans, though Shaun was thankful for it, giving room for his black, leathery testicles to sit comfortably. Likewise, his swelling posterior broke the waistband of his underwear, the useless things popping under his cock and hanging there for a moment before they fell to the ground. He was glad to be rid of them, feeling they did not belong in his form and that naked was his natural state, being something better, something bestial and animalistic. 


Through all of that, Shaun kept his focus on his penis, trying desperately to bring him release. Still, letting out a cry of surprise, Shaun was not expecting the sensation of his tail hairs rubbing against the exposed skin of his leathery anus and balls, or the skin over his back legs before they had time to cover with brown horse hair. It tickled, reminding him of what he now owned and how it marked his further bestial devolution. The sensation of air blowing on his backside left him to whimper excitedly, tail flicking flies from his rear, though his elastic skin was able to twitch in response to them as well. He delighted in the sensations, everything so new and visceral as his body continued to swell. 


With some urgency, Shaun worked to stroke his cock off, unruly with his hooves though not without some desperation. With how unstable his stance was becoming, Shaun was sure he would fall to all fours soon, and he wanted to jerk his cock off before that ability was removed from him. Yet, he was still able to enjoy the force of his belly bulging, rounding as the bones within his spine and ribs pushed out impossibly far. His chest, too, was quick to barrel, and as his sweaty horse hide expanded under his shirt, Shaun wanted nothing more than to be free of it, to feel the air against his naked form just like the animal he was becoming. With a series of wet tears down his back, Shaun could feel his shirt being ripped from his form, falling to the ground and freeing his horsehide to the world. The cracking of bones in his sternum pulled his shoulders within and left his legs stuck below his engorging body, unable to move his human arms toward his cock any longer. Still, the sensation of it slapping against his belly was sublime, cock fully erect and turgid all the while from the process of change.


As his rib cage continued to swell and further distort his top-heavy frame, Shaun felt himself letting out a decidedly equine whicker. His neck was steadily thickening, and his vocal cords seemed to have altered with it. Itching across it and his broadening back drew his attention as thick hairs worked their way from the center even surpassing the length of encroaching horse hide. Soon, the hairs parted to one side as they formed the basis of his mane, even as the short hair over his head warped in consistency to match. Still, Shaun was becoming more excited with the changes and what they promised for his future as more of his cock slapped against his belly, his heart racing faster and causing more blood to further engorge his horse’s penis.


With his hips massive and chest barreling, Shaun was unable to see what was happening to his feet, though the pressure against his shoes made it obvious. At first, the sensation of his toes compressing, middle digits expanding against the inner barrier of his shoes was easily felt, pressing uncomfortably against the inside. But as his middle toe started to swell and the nail thickened over it, dulling the sensations, Shaun was almost unable to perceive it was becoming an equine hoof. Trying to twitch the rest of his toes was in vain as they were pulled within his heel, leaving nothing of their presence like his fingers before them. As the saucer-sized appendages burst their way from the shoe’s stitching, Shaun was left unable to feel the shoes around them, though their firmness against the ground was enough for him to know he was rid of them. Eagerly and with surprising force from his meaty thighs, Shaun kicked them away, glad to be rid of them as he stepped over his discarded clothes in disgust, turgid cock still slapping against his belly as he did so.


With the shifting of his lower legs and the extension of his heels, his legs were granted an equine configuration, and with it, Shaun was left wondering if he should fall over on all fours. With a series of sharp cracks of bone within his pelvis, the decision was made for him as he stumbled forward, holding out his front hooves to catch himself. Only a dull thud resonated through his body as his thighs flattened further, a stretched bit of skin fusing them with his broadening belly. Thinning upper and lower legs allowed him to maintain his weight rather well as his heels stretched further and solidified his stance. Shaun figured he could walk or even run now that his legs were parallel, and was eager to do so once the changes overtook him. His barreled chest sank into a distended belly, one that allowed space for the proper organs of the horse he was becoming. Shaun could only imagine the changes that were going on within him, a larger stomach, heart, lungs, and intestines, amongst others. How his wish was enough to keep him alive, Shaun could scarcely say, but it was a wonderful experience to be changing as such, and he longed to see it to conclusion. 


With his stance set in stone, Shaun was left to thrust forward, cock slapping against his rounded belly and leaking copious fluid from his piss slit, a prelude of what was to come. By this point, little remained of his human form, save for the steady swelling of his body and his comically small human head at the end of his neck. However, it was soon to change. First, the sensation of tingling over his ears made him wish to reach up, skin prickling with the growth of velvety fur as their cartilage expanded and their insides swelled. Muscles at their base allowed them to move at his prompting, and Shaun delighted in their new abilities, rotating them halfway around to take in sounds from all over. The world, the birds and insects, and a myriad of things he could not quite place were made known to him. Shaun allowed himself a moment to enjoy the auditory sensations before the rest of the changes took his face, the sounds from a horse’s perspective beyond anything his human experience could have prepared him for.


Shaun was a little alarmed when his face started to crack forward, jaws stretching as the muscles and tissues swelled under the skin. Shaun was soon to be granted the visage of a stallion, one no different than those that had initially spurred on his desire. And Shuan couldn’t be happier! His jaw continued to extend, cheeks swelling to meet his neck muscles and allowing his mouth to open larger than humanly possible. It seemed impossibly disproportionate against the size of his skull, though bone and muscles were pressing against the skin in an effort to keep up. His jaw cracked ever forward, massive maxilla and mandibles joined to a thickening neck to allow the range of chewing motions that equines enjoyed. It was almost heavy on his neck, though as the muscles built new layers of support, Shaun found it more comfortable as it slowly grew out into an equine shape. 


It was his teeth to alter next, incisors thickened as their edges squared off and the roots pushed into thickened gums, which themselves swelled within his new mouth. The force of them seemed to shove his other teeth out of place, and Shaun panicked for a moment as the intercostal space grew too wide, leaving a massive gap as his jaw stretched out into equine proportions. What remained of massive molars grew thick and slab-like, able to grind his meals into a paste as a thickened tongue sat within his jaw, filling the widening space with equine proportions. Most interestingly of all, however, was the thickening of his lips, forming an almost rubbery consistency as Shaun experimentally pulled them back, finding them far more pliable than humanity possible. 


The force of his muzzle growth took his nose with it as it popped and stretched to fit the rounded contours of his growing face. The skin across his nostrils became peppered with short whiskers as the ends swelled to merge with the skin of his upper lips, pulling over his nasal passages while he played with flaring his lips. They were soon massive, and even the act of breathing was enough for him to draw in a plethora of scents that went beyond his understanding. His own randy odor came to the forefront, but even the former human scent clinging to the torn rags of his clothes was enough to make him aware of what he had eagerly discarded. There was little care for such things with the promise of a new life, and Shaun was happy to let it go, more focused on the variety of odors his increased olfactory space was taking in. It became a game of sorts to try and figure out what specifically he was smelling, but it was largely a facet he would explore in the coming days and weeks. 


All the while, the size of his head was growing well beyond anything he could fathom, forcing his eyes to shift toward the sides to make room for his rostrum. The orbs expanded in their sockets as well, and Shaun blinked them a few times as they watered, adjusting to his new equine vision. Colors were washed out a little with greens and reds made unknown to him as the grass and the trees dulled. Soon, the scope of his vision was too wide to focus as he was used to, though came with the added benefit of reaching all the way around his head, privy to any incoming movement. Not that anything could threaten a beast the size he was now!


As his head forced itself into a final equine configuration, the pressure of his skull seemed to compress on his brain somewhat, though it was largely a phantom feeling. There was a facet of Shaun’s mind that didn’t want it to change, wanting to remember who he was and explore equine life from a human perspective. And whatever force saw fit to change him was apt to grant him that wish, even as the stirring of equine instinct erupted through his brain and allowed him to see the world as both horse and human. The cessation of the tingling changes was a sign he would remain this way, and Shaun delighted in it, happy to be in such a wonderful form and excited for all it would bring. 


His cock, which had remained impossibly erect all the while, leaked insistently with the urge to be stimulated. Even though Shaun lacked human hands, the thrusts of his hips were enough to increase the pressure in his penis to the point of no return. Letting out an equine whicker, nothing human left in the tone, his leathery testicles throbbed intently and his cock head flared before what felt like liters of horse jism was ejaculated from his member, spilling over his chest and belly and clinging to the horse fur that now coated him. An intense pleasure radiated through his form, skin twitching as his orgasm went on a little longer than what he was used to as a human. Something he wanted to enjoy for the rest of his life as his cock started to deflate, and his member was drawn within its warm home, hanging from his belly for the next time it would be needed. 


Delighted by the sensation of possessing an equine body, Shaun took a few moments to explore what he could do, pleased that he had total control over how he moved. Thankfully, he had equine instincts to guide him, and not wanting to waste too much time, Shaun turned around, where hopefully more of his new kind would be waiting. Though it took some time, Shaun was able to make it back to the herd he had stumbled upon that had initiated the wish in the first place. He was thankful they had not moved, staying with their herd mates within the expanse of grassland they had to graze. Still, it was nerve-wracking to be in their presence, and Shaun could only hope he would be accepted as the other stallions sized him up, some asserting dominance as Shuan allowed himself to be put in his place in the hierarchy. Soon, he was grazing side by side with the other equines, allowing their scents to burn into his nose as he learned about them and the world. 


The rest of the afternoon was spent grazing with the herd, his hunger substantial as he ate his fill from the exertion over the changes. The taste of grass, though rather bland, was rather palatable, and part of him was excited to taste hay, vegetables, and sugar, enjoying equine delights with his new sense of taste. All of his time was spent eating, something that sat well with him, relaxing with no other worries than to fill his belly. And fill it he did, the grass plentiful as he walked around, getting used to his new stance. Biting insects were plentiful, but his tail acted as an acceptable swatter, his skin able to twitch against their irritation and a pleasant breeze blowing them away besides.


Soon, a rather persistent gurgling in his bowels started to grow intense, and Shaun was prompted to raise his tail to fart rather frequently, a result of his grassy diet. There was some arousal in the act, something he could control but something he allowed to happen as it needed to. Animals did what they did, and the stench of his flatulence was rather a constant reminder of the beast he was. With that, he could feel his cock sliding out of its sheath, slapping against his belly at the arousal from his oncoming bodily functions. 


The grumblings within his guts soon grew in intensity, and Shaun was sure he would need to take a dump soon, the first of many a herbivore such as himself would need to expel the copious waste from a vegetative diet. There was still some time for him to find some privacy from the herd as he did his business, much like the human him might. But knowing he was an animal, he let himself go where he stood, enjoying the freedom of shitting when necessary and not having to hide it away. Having control over the act, Shaun felt his cock further stiffen as his tail lifted and he relaxed his sphincter muscles in preparation to relieve himself. It was a welcome sensation as his pucker opened and the force of several large clumps of manure fell from his anus, collecting in a pile below his hooves and growing steadily with the sheer quantity his bowels had to expel. The relief was instant, Shuan swishing his tail over his leathery, puckered anus to shoo the flies that were drawn to the stink as he moved away from his mess, content to keep grazing as though nothing had happened. Part of him realized it was far more practical while grazing, and was happy to let himself do so whenever he needed for the rest of his life. 


Soon, a more insistent urge swelled from his bladder, and Shaun felt that, too, was to be relieved where he stood, animals pissing wherever they needed to without care. The act continued his surge of arousal, though not enough to prevent him from urinating, making the experience all the more pleasurable. It was almost sensual to feel his cock sliding from the sheath within, his pisshead pulsating as a heavy stream of pungent urine was forced through it to splash on the ground below. It collected below him in an ever-growing puddle, liters of horse piss as it splatted against the ground and the back of his legs. Shaun was unashamed of the act, however, as natural as for any animal. The freedom, while a little messy, was more than welcome, just one more stress that was absent from his new life and all that it would bring to him. 


No sooner than he finished then his cock came to full erection, and Shaun was left to relish in the sensation, whinnying eagerly as his horse penis slapped against his belly. That, too, was an act that he could perform in front of the other horses, none of them concerned as he thrust his hips faster, thick rod stimulated by his sheath and the force against it from his firm stomach. Soon, the pressure in his leathery testicles grew to the point of no return, and Shaun let himself go, whinnying from sheer ecstasy at the truth of being an animal. Cum sprayed from his cock, body sweaty and awash in sensation as Shaun relished all equine life had to offer. 


Within the ensuing days. Shaun was taken in as one of the herd, moving with them as they patrolled their home range. Shaun was able to settle into equine life easily, getting to know his herd mates through scent and touch. He was comforted to be with them, part of a herd, and bonded in a way that defied his human self. Quite often, Shaun took to masturbating in an equine fashion, aroused by the notion he was an animal now and free to do so at his leisure. There was something about equine life that sat well with his mind, as much a fulfillment of his desires as he could have hoped it to be. Shaun was happy to live this way for the rest of his life, running into the sunset as a wild horse with his herd mates, a simpler existence fulfilling his sexual desires beyond any human goal or dream he could imagine.