The Rider's Beachfront Resort

Like a vagabond, the Rider came with little fanfare, his mission to help those in need of a new lease on life. Perhaps not in a way they might have envisioned or requested, though that mattered little to him. His tactics, unique as they were, were not part of man’s world. But no one ever remained human enough to witness them in any meaningful way. His touch was felt by those who sought a simpler life, and his purpose was to provide it to them. Other such beings existed, of course, though their paths seldom crossed. Many chose forms to mold their chargers into that which suited their whims, and the Rider was no exception. And he, for his part, had a penchant for equines, their herd mentality, loyalty to one another, and their gentle demeanor most appealing to him. 


One such local he passed in his travels was a beach resort hotel, rustic with eight floors and a rather hefty price tag. It was one that relatively wealthy patrons attended for weekend getaways. However, the location’s popularity was on the decline, and the management was in need of a solution. Though it was an odd occurrence for a man to arrive on a horse and offer aid, Francis, the current manager, felt the compulsion to accept his help and give him access to the facilities so that he might work with the guests and staff to find out their client’s woes and solve them. Francis had no idea why such was the answer, though the moment the man touched his mind, the notion became as obvious as anything he could conceive. Tina, his assistant, was skeptical, though the moment her eyes settled on the Rider’s physique was the moment she, too, welcomed his presence. With that, a notice of his arrival was put out, and all the Rider needed to do was wait to see who came to seek his aid…




“How may I be of service?” The Rider asked the bartender, Sebastian, who had been caught looking out into the crowd. The staff had been informed to assist the Rider with any clients having less than a stellar experience with the hotel. And who overheard more stories of woe than a bartender?


“How about them?” The Rider asked, looking at a trio of middle-aged gentlemen, all balding and clad in the service uniforms of the hotel’s staff. “Do they frequent here often?”


“Just about every night,” Sebastian said, cleaning a glass and looking glum himself. The Rider would have his work cut out for him, he reasoned as he moved toward their table.


“Fancy a drink?” The Rider said to the men, beckoning to Sebastian that the round was on him. He soon found they were shuttle drivers and chauffeurs, ones that had not been tipped or even acknowledged much as of late. Normally, it wouldn’t be such a point of contention, but they weren’t getting as many tips from a resort that people paid good money for, and hotel patrons were starting to visit less and less frequently. So the three of them were in lament, not finding much use for their jobs but not having further prospects lined up. 


“Sure, it will have to be the last one, though! Can’t drive home on too many!” Ralph said, taking off his glasses to wipe them before placing them back on his face


“Can’t afford ’em with the weak tips we’ve been getting!” Hugh retorted. 


“Well, that’s a shame! However, I have a proposal if you’re interested. Want to never worry about tips again? Perhaps increase your driving skills in the process?” The Rider offered, and the three looked at each other, the idea sitting well with them. While it seemed off at first, the more they pondered it, the more something in the man’s words made it make sense. 


“Well, for another round, I’d hear you out!” Dan said, and with that, the Rider filled them with suds, getting them a little tipsy in the process. Horses loved beer, after all, and those three would be large enough to hold their liquor by the time the Rider was done with them. 


“By the time I’m done with you, you’ll think yourselves fit to strut in front of the guests and receive plenty of rewards!” The Rider proclaimed, taking them outside into the yard. 


Where their work cabs were usually parked sat a pull cart, rather large like the sorts of things horses might pull. “Where did this come from?” Ralph asked, perplexed. He was sure they’d come out of the same place they had gone in, right? Ralph wasn’t drunk, not with only two rounds in him. But he couldn’t deny the feeling of something being off, a little tipsy and top-heavy as he stumbled toward the carts with curiosity. Hugh and Dan followed their de facto leader, finding no issue as to why their usual cabs had been moved. 


“Why, it’s there for you! Why don’t you give pulling it a try? I assure you by doing so you’ll be alleviated of your burdens!” The Rider declared, and Ralph gave him a look of confusion. How the hell were even the three of them supposed to pull that


Yet, there was something about the man’s words that had him feeling confident like the Rider could tell no lie and they, in fact, could help pull the cart if only they tried. So, he allowed himself to be hitched to the front of the wagon, wondering why the cart’s straps and bridle were able to fit around him when it was clearly designed for a horse. Looking around, Hugh and Dan had attached themselves as part of his team, leaving Ralph to wonder what it would be like to pull something like this out of their own power. He‘d loved driving all his life and being on this end, essentially as the engine was curious in its own right. 


The Rider got into the coach, taking the reins and preparing to guide them as he might be a team of horses. Though the purpose seemed silly, the excitement the three felt was enough for them to follow the Rider’s commands. So, with some effort, Ralph moved forward, trying not to strain himself too much lest he pull something with his aging body. But, imagine his surprise when not only did the cart move under their own power but without straining himself. 


Still, there was a limit to what they could manage, and the three struggled, pulling in tandem to the best of their abilities. Sweaty and strained as they were, there was no denying the three friends had acquired a vitality that went well beyond even their younger years. It was so satisfying to feel that strong, that sturdy. Better yet, the more they pulled, the more effective their strength seemed to be. Bulging muscles seemed to tug at their clothes, and the wheels turned easily as though the three were made to pull carts in this manner all their life. Something seemed mentally fitting with the efforts as well, more satisfying than driving around whiny guests. 


Yet, the more their clothes were stretched toward the breaking point, the more confused the trio became. Their bodies were bulking out in all the wrong places, making it more obvious wearing clothing was wrong for them. With their growth came a top-heavy body, one not suited for moving forward on trembling legs. The weight was getting too much, and Ralph had to stop, wobbling on precarious legs. The disappointment he felt made him whicker and wish to stomp his feet in frustration. He wanted to pull, damnit! As though sensing his frustrations, the Rider came to his aid once more, taking Ralph’s fingers and rubbing their already stiffening contours. Middle digits were pulled out to the width of their arms, and the thick nails at the tips were rounded into sturdy hooves. For a moment, Ralph felt a wave of panic flow through him, the stiffened hooves not something he wished to own. Where were his fingers?! How was he going to drive with these?


Yet, the Rider bent down, whispering, “Time to get down on all fours where you belong,” Ralph immediately felt calm and relaxed. Without thinking, he allowed himself to lower, cracks and pops resonating through his thickened torso as the position became more comfortable. Any panic he perceived prior was gone, the stance proper for his being and allowed the altered muscles to stabilize on his frame. 


As his frame continued to enlarge, the reins he’d attached to himself grew with him, though he had little awareness of such things, harder to think as it was becoming for him. The fragments of clothes, too, had begun altering into horse tack, shirt became the collar and harness, underwear the hip straps, and hat became the crown and throat latch. Hell. even his glasses had moved to the sides of his head, becoming blinders that allowed Ralph to only focus on his goal. Gone was the urge to pull the cart in competition with his friends. Now it was a simple rhythm he was eager to achieve, a purpose in the act that defied understanding. Though as his neck thickened and his skull started to contract on itself, he no longer harbored concern, thinking in the traditional sense a thing of the past.


The changing man’s ears flicked curiously as the Rider touched his nose, prompting it to push out just slightly, sniffing the sweat of the others. They smelled of herd, the odors speaking to health and vitality, and other things that confused a waning part of his mind. For the horse, identity was now tied to scents and not names. Their bodies were fully changed now, and a sense of curiosity followed as the Rider started to motion for them to trot down the path as though it had been made for them. Their memories had always been of workhorses, having been gelded for the purposes of being cart horses. They were friendly and gentle, eager to work with the Rider and follow his commands as they pulled the cart with the ease of the beasts they were. The Rider felt proud to have made such eager horses. They would serve in their former capacity, only now geared toward a riding stable rather than the useless gas guzzlers they possessed before. Needing only hay and grass to fuel their new purpose and giving nutrients back to the soil with their droppings. Such a more efficient system, in the Rider’s opinion. 


With that, a part of the hotel was altered at their approach, rooms within the end turning into stalls for the rest of his new geldings. They were happy to return to their home, with treats and water awaiting them. Hay replaced carpet, the door became a stall, and the hall part of a walkway now, the first of many changes to allow for the beginnings of a riding school and enough horses to fill it…




“My fucking parents! God! I’m twenty-one, damnit! I don’t care that they paid for the trip. They won’t even let me go see a guy! I wasn’t going to-I just wanted to meet him for drinks! And if they find out I do, they’ll disown me!” Kelly whined, one of the only patrons in the lobby and thus feeling she could be as frustrated as she wanted. 


A shorter young woman with a mousy complexion, Kelly would have been amusing to most onlookers with the temper she was throwing. Having been here over the weekend, Kelly had an online courtship with a man her age that she knew would be at the resort this weekend as well. She wasn’t expecting it to go anywhere, after all. Nothing too physical. But if the opportunity arose…she wouldn’t say no, not necessarily. It would be her first time, and she did really like him. In truth, there was no denying she wanted to at least try her hand to see where things went. But if her parents ever found out she had been with a guy, they would surely bring their ire upon her.


Not that the Rider was the right person to vent these troubles to. He had been chatting with one of the bellhops, Marcel, and happened to hear her conversation in the background. Asking her what was wrong, Kelly was in a state she had no trouble venting to a stranger. But the Rider’s reputation had already been spread throughout the hotel. By the time she recognized her visitor, Kelly had already spilled her story. The Rider only nodded, giving her a knowing smile. Romance was something equines did not content with, not such as humans wasted their time with. He wondered if a stallion could be made of her potential date, though that was not the problem at hand. He could tell, with his magics, that she was in the time of her cycle, something that humans were ignorant of. Again, something that made humans better off as horses, an easy problem to fix by their resident dominant stallion!


Another sense he got was that she was starving, something else humans were so silly about. When hungry, eat, right? Horses had so much more sense about such things, their massive bodies needing constant nourishment. Knowing just the thing she required, the Rider handed her an apple, something to take the edge off what would soon be a mare-sized appetite. She looked at it confused, not really sure what to make of it. But she had been hungry, after all, and figured it wouldn’t hurt to take a bite of it…


Several apples later, and feeling a little bloated, the Rider grinned, knowing her mind was malleable into his whims. “There, there, isn’t that better, now? You can’t have a proper breeding while on an empty stomach!” He said, and Kelly nodded, eager to disobey her parents and make the rendezvous they threatened to disown her over. The fear she felt from her religious family seemed moot in the face of that greater need. Why should Kelly care about anything other than…wait, breeding? No, no, she was just going to…but then what? Wasn’t that the point? Why shouldn’t it be when…?


It was more than that, she realized, as a shiver ran through her loins. It was as if she needed for sex like it was her time if that was the right reason. Rather than the standard lust she felt, this sensation was rather simplistic. It was simply the right time to take things further with her mate, so she would. Mate? She hadn’t seen him in person yet! 


“Why don’t we head out together? We can meet your future stud and see if he’s worthy of you!” The Rider said, and Kelly agreed, following him out into the yard from a door she was sure hadn’t been there before. Still, the fact it was there did not seem to bother her in the slightest. It was hot and stuffy in the lounge, and she longed for the evening air on her bare skin. The clothes on her body, tight as they were becoming, made her uncomfortable to the point she needed to take them off. Though she left them on for now, a bit of shame conflicting with her mind as she stumbled out, feeling a little top-heavy. 


Something else compelled her forward, the notion she was alone and wanted to meet a contemporary. The Rider was a nice companion, sure, but to her altering intellect, he was obviously a master and not an equal. She needed the safety of numbers, the sanctuary of the herd, though her mind was not coming up with the term per se. The fact she was bloated and gassy, belching, and occasion flatulating was not something she was bothered by, knowing that an equine equal would not be disturbed by something as silly as bodily functions. 


“I bet you’ll find him quite the stud! And no time like the present, being in season as you are! You’ll need a good stud to sire your first foal!” The Rider said, and for a moment, Kelly protested. Though the sounds coming from her mouth were a little distorted, she didn’t seem to mind, the Rider nodding in understanding of her hesitance. Kelly wanted to have sex, sure, but she had never wanted kids, never wanted the responsibility. But then again, why not? She would need foals to nurse from her teats, ones enlarging on her chest and starting to move toward her belly and lower. She rubbed them, not caring she was in the presence of the Rider, again, coming to understand he was not the same species. He was there to guide her, and she would follow him eagerly if it meant quelling the needs in her cunt. 


The closer they grew to their eventual rendezvous, the less comfortable she felt in her own clothes. Part of her was sure she had worn them all her life, though she could not determine why. It made much more sense to want her sex on display for a potential suitor, after all. With that, she kicked off her shoes, pitching forward a little on swelling feet. The Rider was there to hold her up, however, and Kelly nickered, happy to have her owner there. Tearing echoed in her twitching ears, the force of her ass and hips enough to do away with the garments. Soon, her new tail was able to swish over her enlarged backside, relaxing her as she grew into a more sensible body. 


Incoming scents from the ocean made her nose flare and her heat grow in its excitement, yet she could not smell a stallion nearby. Where was her suitor? A whinny of panic escaped her rubbery lips, though was quickly silenced. Kelly was in the presence of her owner, after all, and trusted he would guide her toward his goal. And he would surely guide her to a worthy mate…


Sam, meanwhile, looked out toward the beach, checking his phone one more time. By now, he was sure she wasn’t coming and was immensely disappointed in that realization. Not that he had his hopes too high, sadly. Kelly had been an amazing match, and she was old enough to live on her own away from her religious parents. But with their tight leash on her, there was no chance of them meeting, much less consummating anything this weekend. He liked his women a little on the more promiscuous side, not that he’d tell her that!


Turning around to head back to the hotel, Sam was stunned by the sight of a horse being led toward him, not expecting any of the animals to be present at the resort. For a moment he didn’t think too much of it. Yet, a further glance at the animal, however, revealed it wasn’t a horse, or at least not enough of one. It was walking on two legs, though its torso was massive, and its hands were halfway warped into hooves. Its backside was massive, and its face was pressed out into what seemed to be a pseudo muzzle. The more Sam stared, the more it looked like some horrific merge between a human and a horse, and to his dismay, it was walking toward him at a steady clip!


Kelly was changing all the while, fingers stiff and middle toes having stretched out into hooves. She didn’t care that she was massive, knowing she needed to be to take a stallion on her back. The Rider helped her down, and she allowed herself to land on her middle fingers, nails thickening into hooves sturdy enough for her to stand. Nose stretching out further, the scent of a male came to her awareness, and for a moment, Kelly felt excited. Was this to be her male? No. he wasn’t a stallion, he was one of the owners. Then, where was the stud she sought?


“That’s it, girl. Go to him. Trust me…” The Rider suggested, rubbing her massive neck. He had no intention of giving her over the man, not yet. He was not a worthy suitor. A stablehand, perhaps, but his own mount would do Kelly much better. 


With that, Kelly moved forward, eager for the touch of a stallion. The mare’s instincts were strong in her mind, and envisioning the man as a stallion became a powerful attractant. He would be the one to deflower her mare cunt!


“W-what the hell!” Sam called out, taking off across the beach and dropping his phone. He had no idea the former woman was the one he was hoping to meet. Still, he had no intension of being chased by some sort of horse monster.


Kelly snorted, disappointed with the stud she had been promised. Yet, her altering senses did pick up something else in the air, making her sex blossom and exciting her in a way she had never known. Mind diminishing, all she needed was to quell the heat in her loins, to feel her body grow out into what she perceived was proper proportions. And the presence of a dominant stallion seemed to prompt the changes forth and allow her mind to fall into the mare. 


“He’s not the one for you, but my own mount is tried and true at deflowering even the more stubborn of mares. Not that you can understand me anymore, but at this point I think you are more than ready!” The Rider said, and giving her a pat on the rump, the mare moved forward, sniffing the stallion that had come forth as though on his master’s whims. 


The new mare rubbed against the stallion, her scent in the air and bringing his penis to bear. A stud that had sired many fouls in his time as a horse was quick to mount, nipping her on the neck as he passed. Giving her cunt a good sniff and lick, the action prompted her to piss a little, though she had long since lost modesty over such things. The weight of him on her back was uncomfortable, though welcome as her sex opened up truly and she took his massive cock within. Her own sex clenched his rod with desperation, feeling it filling up her with a generous load of semen, one that would ensure her heat would be quelled and her foal would be birthed in eleven months’ time. 


“Ah, young love,” the Rider mused, eager to see his charge welcoming another to the herd. It wasn’t the beach rendezvous she had been expecting, but mare she was, Kelly could not understand such concepts now. And, surely that was a much better fate for her, solving her problems in the process. 


Then there was the problem of the man, the one who had witnessed her changes. He was not the stallion she had sought, that was obvious. What to do with him? Waving a hand, the Rider extended his magics a little more forcefully, halting the man and exposing his outer layer of thoughts, wondering what to mold. His lust, perhaps? However, the Rider was not inclined to let him get what he wanted in the end so easily. 


Sam wanted to move, to run from the monstrosity that had been more woman than horse when first he’d laid eyes on her. But something held him fast as she moved toward him, another stallion and a man in tow. The huge animal stopped, whickering and snorting as she regarded the man with rectangular eyes, the sight of which betrayed no humanity. By the time she reached him, Sam was sure that he’d imagined the changes and had just seen a real horse.


Though he was nervous about being in the presence of such an imposing animal, the horse seemed gentle enough. Reaching up to touch her, something about her presence made him relax, as though he had been waiting for her. But any such reflections were lost as he started to rub the mare’s nose, laughing as she reached out with her lips and started licking his face. Yet, her next move was to shock the poor man, the mare pulling away and leaving him to delight over the coarse texture of her fur. Just as suddenly, she looked down at his crotch, breathing a heavy blast of warm breath on his groin and making him shiver. Though the action was reflexive, it had the effect of transferring the Rider’s magic toward him, influencing him to become the stallion she’d so greedily wanted. 


Stunned for a moment, Sam backed away, the warmth in his crotch starting to intensify. To his dismay, the heat seeped into his cock, bringing him a surprising erection. Wanting to put his hands over it to hide it from the man watching them, Sam’s eyes settled on the mare, and a surprisingly mobile nose started sniffing and twitching in her direction. The scent of the horse was randy, if not offensive. Yet, there was something else in her aroma that made him grow even more erect. As embarrassed as he should have been by her presence, Sam found himself moving toward her backside, sniffing with a nose visible in front of his face. He felt larger and bloated, but that was ignored with how enamored he was with the sight of the mare, finding her more beautiful than he had ever found a horse before. 


The Rider smiled, seeing how fast the would-be stud was getting into it. Normally, he liked to take his time, allowing the mind to change toward more equine inclinations before the body took shape to meet those desires. But the man had been horny and wanted to take a woman to his bed, regardless of what he told himself otherwise. It made the perfect catalyst for his change, and he would make the first of many studs for the Rider’s new stable enterprise. 


By this point, Sam was behind the mare, watching as her tail flicked and started to lift and move to the side, exposing a thick, puckered anus and a moist vaginal slit, one that seemed to wink at him with her need. Sam couldn’t help but stare. Part of him was disgusted by what he was witnessing, but another part was fascinated. It wasn’t the sight of it that interested him, even as his face started to widen and his eyes moved to the sides with it, color vision changing as reds and greens seemed to fade from him. It was of little matter, given the overwhelmingly pungent aroma wafting from her, and Sam felt his cock surging in his pants once more, enough to tear at the fabric from its size of it. 


The former human had already slid into equine bliss as she let herself go, not caring that she was about to reflexively fart in the man’s face, her body digesting the apples she had been given. Sam, hit by the pungent stench of equine flatulence, was nearly forced backward, eyes watering in disgust. But the more his nose enlarged, the more his rostrum expanded, and the less the manure-like odor seemed to bother him. Quickly forgetting what had bothered him, he went back to sniffing the mare’s cunt with eagerness. Even as her vagina squelched and a few pungent squirts of urine hit him on the nose and soaked into the hairs that had grown there, Sam was not deterred. A veil of equine lust had settled over his mind and made it impossible to focus on anything else. 


Without thinking, Sam started to lap at her cunt lips, the urine and juices leaking from it rife with pheromones to make his head swim. Lips were numb and rubbery, teeth thick and blotchy, and tongue massive by now. Sam was remiss to care, able to lap at the mare’s cunt enough that shivers ran through her body. Though he wanted more, wanted to mount the mare that he was steadily seeing more of an equal than an animal, he was far too small, cock too minuscule. So he was prompted to continue his oral ministrations, waiting to grow into the stallion of her desires. 


And he was not to wait very long, back legs stretching with lengthening heels and thickening middle toes. The force of his growing hooves was enough to push through his shoes and he was able to rise up, grabbing the horse’s ass and trying to hump through his pants. The pressure in his pants was getting intense, not only from his massive horse’s penis but from the growth of his ass and the thing swishing above it. Cracks and pops were starting to resonate through his form but Sam was largely ignorant of it. His mind was focused on the singular goal, to mate his mare.


With that, the force of his growing bulk tore through his clothing, pushing at the shirt and exposing skin covered with sweaty horse fur. The scent of his musk and hide sent a powerful shiver through his being, forcing his cock to burst through the confines of his pants. The head was inhuman, crowned, black, and mushroom-shaped at the tip. It mattered not what it looked like, but rather only that he needed it implanted within this mare’s cunt. His ass burst through as well, his swishing tail running over a massive anus as his hips and legs swelled, allowing the stallion enough vantage to cover his mate. He was humping her legs now, cock exposed and moving for her sex in a failed display. But at the rate his body was growing it wouldn’t take him long to get there. 


Yet, that was not to be the case. The Rider had other designs in mind for the mare, wanting his own stallion to do the deed of tending to her need. Manifesting a bridle and straps from the man’s clothes, he pulled the stallion back as Sam’s mind manifested fully into that of a stallion. He would let the poor horse mate eventually, of course. But he would not cover his mare, not getting laid tonight as he had hoped. Ah, well. There were truly ups and downs to equine life, being under the whims of human owners who knew best, after all!




“Well, indeed I do! It’s not an uncommon request. There’s no need to worry yourselves over such trivialities,” the Rider said, regarding the duo with the certainty of his claim.  


Later the next day, the Rider had come across the two larger, well-dressed, late-forties women gossiping, talking about their weight and the weight of others in the room. Janet and Maranda had been friends for years, though closer when their husbands were finally divorced from them. The settlements were generous, at least enough to maintain their lavish lifestyles to a degree, though it was a moot point given their lack of men to satisfy those other needs. Both were rather on the large side as a result of their decadence and were desperate for some weight loss options. So far, their fortunes had not yielded acceptable results, and their hope was to meet the Rider to share their woes and perhaps find a new solution. 


“Come with me, I have just the resolution,” the Rider replied, his influence allowing the hypnotic suggestion to take root. Perhaps it was his appearance, reminiscent of one of their previous husbands, giving him that air of trust his influence needed. They would not normally follow such a man, but neither thought anything wrong with the notion at the moment. With that, he led them out of the dining area, toward a door in the hallway, one the duo had not noticed before. With that, the scent of horses and barn hit their noses, making the two of them gag. How they had gotten into a horse barn, they had no idea. But the dofts and whinnies made them sure of the building’s inhabitants. 


“Wait, what? Where are we?” Miranda said, not sure how they had gotten here. In truth, the space behind the bar had already been altered into a stable where many of the Rider’s new charges were housed. Though not everyone was aware of the changes yet, the more he worked his abilities, the more he was able to alter parts of the buildings to suit his needs. 


“I don’t know, but I’d rather not stay,” Janet replied, moving for the door back to the hotel. But where the door had been seemed to be replaced by a wooden wall. There was no gap, no indent that could allow for their escape. They were effectively trapped in the barn, though both were more confused than panicked, still under the Rider’s influence and willing to trust him. 


 Creeping along the wall to the opposite side of the barn, the duo was treated by the sight of a massive pile of apples sitting in a crate. Beyond was a closed barn door, the lights from outside framing its borders. It was only a quick walk, and they could escape from here, questions as to how they’d ended up there forgotten. 


“Now, now, don’t leave before having a snack! There are plenty of apples, and I know you’ve been starving yourselves. You must be terribly hungry!” The Rider said, moving from behind a hay bale and shocking the two women. With his influence, the two were still in a mindset to figure he was present to help them. Still, the two paused, unsure what to make of the words. Neither Janet nor Maranda could avoid thinking about their earlier lamentations. It was healthy food, to be sure. But as part of their diets, such would only be welcomed for so long before bad habits resurfaced. 


“I couldn’t…that’s not the solution. I can only eat so much fruit and veggies before I break and go back to the take-out!” Maranda whined, words sounding tearful. Truthfully, she wanted nothing more than to eat better and lose this damn jiggling belly. It had been years since she’d been in shape, and she was sure it was only getting worse!


“I bet to differ! My process will have you eating your greens for life. And you’ll be a healthy weight to boot, so long as you get your proper exercise. My techniques have a guaranteed success rate, and I think you’ll be satisfied with the results!” The Rider proclaimed, and with that, he picked up one of the apples and handed it to Janet. 


Looking it over for a moment, Janet was sure she wanted to decline. The notion of eating in a barn where horses messed in wasn’t a favorable offer. Yet, no sooner had the apple been handed to her than her stomach rumbled fiercely, and the smell of the fruit slowly became more mouth-watering. Not usually caring for apples, Janet was fixated, almost salivating from the thought of biting into one. Without thinking, she went to take it, biting into it with gusto. Soon, the entire apple was consumed, core thrown to the floor as her belly continued to grumble, one not nearly enough to satisfy her. 


“Go on, go on, there are plenty to go around! Honestly, I think you could use the pounds!” The Rider said the first positive affirmation for their stature the women had been given in years. With that invitation, all trepidation was removed and Maranda, too, took what was offered, biting into the apples as though she had not eaten all day. 


Not needing any further prompting, Janet bit into another apple, and then a third as she haphazardly threw the cores to the floor. A fourth was consumed, Janet barely taking the time to breathe, pausing only to let out a hearty belch that stunned the other woman. But her own hunger soon won out, and Maranda was reaching for seconds and thirds of her own. 


“Excuse me,” Janet said as she burped again, only this time followed by a pungent fart. Janet never would have imagined she could do something so embarrassing in front of her friend. Yet, Maranda seemed not to care, wrinkling her nose for only a moment before she went back to eating her fill. 


“Now, now, no need to be shamed by bodily functions. They are perfectly normal! You should be able to live a life without shame for such things, after all!” The Rider commented, giving Janet another apple, which she devoured greedily without a second thought. She should have been full with one or two, but her surprisingly thicker teeth seemed insatiable, even as her belly barreled and her lips grew rubbery and numb. 


Though part of her wished to struggle against the efforts, she was simply too hungry, Maranda taking her fourth by now. Soon, Maranda was to let out her own loud fart, ass struggling against her pants from its new size. Something stuck up above her spine, waving back and forth as it gained the ability to do so. Strangest still was the puckering of her anus, massive and meaty and making her skin twitch as it rubbed against the fabric of her clothing. Though annoying, it was soon alleviated with the force of growth in her hips, rendering the pressure of her pulled panties moot. Soon, she was feeling the warm air of the barn kissing her backside, far more pleasant as she continued to eat, picking up one apple and then another, even chewing through the cores. 


Though Janet was still powerfully hungry, the realization she had consumed so many apples in such a short time made her somewhat ashamed. Feeling her guts gurgle and her belly expanding made her terrified, thinking that even apples had been enough to make her grow to double and triple her former size. It was the opposite effect she had wanted to see, and that panic raised to the breaking point as she tried to back away from the pile, nearly falling over as she struggled with a pot belly that had pulled her shirt over it. 


“What’s happening to meeeiiiggghhh?!” She called out, surprised her rubbery lips could barely manage to articulate the words in the way she was used to. What was wrong with her voice? Why was she so damn hungry to the point she would gorge herself in such a way? 


Yet, there was no denying she wanted more, that the apples were the best-tasting thing she had in her life. Her equine lips were almost watering with the urge to taste more, and her groaning belly was tearing at the fringes of her shirt and it grew to allow her to eat more. The conflict in her mind was powerful, unsure whether to keep eating and growing or to try to resist. Regardless she was vaguely aware it was having a rapid effect on her physiology, though she was not fully sure what that meant for her. 


The Rider was there, however, rubbing her hair and encouraging it to tickle down the back of her head into a sort of mane. “Go ahead and eat! It’s OK. You need to put on the weight, after all. Social convention means nothing to a beautiful mare like you,” he complimented, and something within the words resonated with Janet in a way she had not been expecting. Why he had said mare was confusing but…beautiful? She hadn’t been called that in quite some time, and the realization sent a pleasant shiver through her body. If she was becoming beautiful, if it was these apples doing it to her, she needed to eat more!


“But…myyeeeiiigghhh figure!” She managed to moan out, mind in a state of flux and not sure where her concerns should lie. By now, her tail was swishing over a backside that was steadily tearing its way out of her clothing. The rags fell to the ground like waste, discarded from the form she now possessed. She did not mind the warm air on her skin or puckered anus, however, the skin itching with the peppering of horse hair. Even her panic over her weight was soon to abate, her mental struggle in its death throes as the pleasure from eating and growing could no longer be denied. 


“It’s OK. You need horse-size proportions, after all. And you’re nowhere near done!” The Rider encouraged, rubbing the back of her neck and causing more fur to grow. The man’s touch was comforting, and his words spoke truth to the point he had Janet doubting herself.


With the next apple, however, Janet felt her bloating belly push her forward to the point she could hardly stand. Guts gurgling, her tail lifted reflexively, and she let out another series of equine flatulence, the smell more akin to manure than anything she should have been able to produce. She was hardly able to care, fixated on not wanting to fall over on her hands and be unable to hold herself up. Seeing this, however, the Rider came over to her, rubbing her hands as he held another apple to her lips and allowed her to bite into its flesh. 


With that, the Rider’s hands started to work their way over the fingers, pushing them inside her wrists and working out the center digits from which new hooves grew. Panic flooded Janet’s mind as her equine hooves hit the floor. Not for the loss of her hands, her way of interacting with the human world. It was the rationalization she could no longer grasp those delectable apples her stomach craved. Yet, that was soon to be allayed the moment wider eyes caught sight of Maranda down on all fours, lifting apples with massive lips and devouring them just as easily as before. Trying it herself, Janet found her numb, rubbery lips were easily able to  grip the apples, and massive, slab-like dentures biting through to the core and grinding molars turning the remnants into a slurry. The wet cracks and snaps of her jaw enlarging gave her a wider mouth, only serving to make it easier to eat, and Janet welcomed the ongoing changes


Lost in her feeding frenzy, Janet hardly noticed the stench of waste as the wet plop of horse manure hit the floor behind her. Looking over, it seemed that Maranda had her tail raised and was in the middle of taking a very horse-sized dump. The pungent smell made her nauseous for a moment until it started to settle in her equine nostrils. Rather than being repulsed by the act, Janet simply kept eating, enjoying the relief to the tension building in her body and thankful she had room for more!


Soon, the cracks and pops of her massive frame ceased, and the constant readjustment of her stance was no longer necessary. Janet finally felt full, though more than that, powerful and satiated in a way she had never known. Memories of human life were replaced with youth as a colt, then a broodmare, though she had not birthed any foals of her own. Though more important was the myriad of flavors that burst over her tongue, the taste of the apples still on her breath. Yet, she was not too full to receive what she recalled was her favorite treat, the scent of a sugar cube in the Rider’s hands making her sniff and move her head in that direction. Seeking lips wrapped around the cubes with eagerness, the flavor burning into her mouth. She loved the treats and most of all, the lack of worry about overindulgence. Wait, worry? The moment concern over what she was eating entered her mind it fled, the last remnants of human thought gone forever. 


The sounds of an insistent snort in the stalls brought the Rider’s attention to the stallion he’d changed last night. The poor beast had been allowed to taste a mare’s estrus but nothing more. Figuring he would allow the horse his due, the Rider brought him out, and the fromer human lapped at the offering the mare’s tail gave him. With that, it took little time for him to rear up and cover his mare, whining and slapping his sex in and out as the formerly vain woman was given a mate, one suited for her new physique. 


The sound of a door opening brought with it the bartender Sebastian from the side where the entrance was still able to be accessed. The Rider concluded he had made his way through the one-sided door, likely wondering what had happened to the women and worried about their safety. Surely, he was used to watching out for the women who came into his bar, making sure they did not leave with anyone unseasonable. A noble goal, certainly, though the Rider had no use for free thinkers. Wondering if the other mare needed a stallion, the man’s intentions seemed too pure for that. He wanted to care for them, and the Rider had purpose for employees at the resort as well.


Sebastian, holding his nose, was stunned to find he was in a stable, two horses at the end and the sounds of several more in the stalls beyond. They stank to high heaven, the pungent odor of fresh horse shit obvious from the source behind the mares. “What the-where the fuck did these horses come from?!” He declared, shiny shoes trying not to step in the muck as he wandered around, wondering if the women from before were in here somewhere.


The sight of the Rider caught his attention, and he started to move toward him, the likely source of the women’s absence. Yet, the Rider simply regarded him for a moment, grin on his face as he decided on the man’s fate. “Hey, you, what did you…oohhh…” Sebastian muttered, thoughts starting to fade as his mind came to understand what was going on. The mares were his charges, he had looked after them for as long as he could remember. Images of bartending and high-class clientele were replaced with barns and shovels and horses. Best of all, contentment settled in his mind, as though caring for these massive animals was the most rewarding thing in his life. Shovel now in his dirty, sweaty hands, Sebastian moved toward the piles of manure, shoveling shit out of the way as the mares stood there, rubbing against him as they would with an old friend. 


Eventually, full for the moment, the Rider guided his newest mares to their stalls, his influence changing further parts of hotel to increase his stables. It was growing with each new convert, allowing them plenty of hay, water, and supplies to keep them well tended to. A few of the staff would need to remain human, to make sure their equine charges were well-kept. But as for the rest, well, the world would do with more horses, after all!




“The fucking pool is closed for cleaning?! For the fucking money we paid!?” Greg bellowed. Jan worried about her husband making a scene again. She was going to hear about it from her sister again; the woman was not at all a fan of her brother-in-law. It was a wonder that Julie and Harrison had bothered to come along with them, especially after the last time they had gone on a vacation together. But the two couples were here now, and, so far, it hadn’t been too much of a catastrophe. That was until the pool…


“It’s just a fucking pool! Get off it!” Harrison called out, balancing a bottle of beer on his belly as he sat there, his thin wife trying her best not to say anything. The two men, though usually amicable, were not the best of friends while drinking, something they both partook in spades during such trips. Much to the chagrin of their wives, though there was little to be done for it. 


They were not the only ones lounging by the pool area, the day warm and the breeze refreshing. The smell of something akin to manure bothered some of the patrons as though the hotel was in the proximity of a farm operation. Yet, anyone who went to complain about it did not return, and nothing was thought of their absence again. Eventually, the rest found the distant smells more tolerable, some even recalling they’d seen some stables against the building and wondered if it was worth asking for riding lessons later in the day.


Sensing his abilities would be of use, the Rider was soon standing behind the gathered people, much to their collective surprise. “I see you’ve found our watering hole for the horses. It’s still too dirty, though, and we haven’t had the time to get it cleaned up. We’ve been considering asking for some help, though we don’t want to bother the guests…”


By this point, the Rider’s influence had grown enough that even his mere suggestions were enough to sway those eager for a swim, planting the idea in their minds that doing so would be to their benefit. The moment the Rider’s words were uttered was the moment inhibitions were lowered to the point those gathered welcomed the idea. “Why don’t we help out? We can all go swimming afterward,” Jan offered, and Julie nodded, motioning for her husband to get up. He did so, not out of her prompting but of some desire to join these people. It was strange, but as he did so, a sweep net appeared in his hands, and he made his way to the pool, cleaning some of the algae while others used their own similar cleaning implements. No one had any idea where they had acquired such things, but it did not matter with their desire to help the herd. 


With that, the twenty or so people gathered started to work in synch, moving, cleaning, lifting, and preparing what was slowly, magically turning from a pool into a pond. Soon, even grass was playing over their bare feet instead of the concrete they had gotten used to. It was ignored with the sense of comradery they felt for each other, something that relaxed each and every participant. Greg was even standing guard to make sure no one came to disturb their work.


The sound of her husband farting should have pissed Jan off, but with her focus only on her goal, she couldn’t bring herself to care. Nor did it bother her that her own sandals were snapped apart, nearly knocking her over by the formation of a single thick nailed digit where her toes once sat. She was a mare in her prime, in her heart with her mate and stallion, and…wait, what? She was…her husband was…a hell of a stallion if his massive ass and thick gut were any indication.


Soon, the air was filled with the pungent odors of sweat and equine flatulence as each of the workers filled out all over, swimsuits tearing for bulky equine hides. Tails swished over still human legs as their wiry hair lengthened, and soon, many of the would-be horses were on all fours. Lips pulled back around massive yellowed dentures, pulling up grass and swallowing before their muzzles had grown to full length. Some were trying to balance precariously on stretched heels and still-forming hooves before they inevitably fell over, their thickened middle fingers soon enough to support their even bulging weight. 


Greg’s anger at the pool’s state had abated with any other human thoughts as his ears twitched and he stood on guard. He would drink from the water, his expanding belly and rubbery lips growing drier and needing to quench the thirst of a stallion of his stature. But not until his expanding nose made sure there were no threats to his herd. Beyond the smells of humans and other horses, there was nothing to threaten his command over the herd, and he allowed himself to fall onto stiffening middle fingers, contentedly whickering as his body grew into its proper stature. 


The water, too, was changing, any remnants of chlorine soon gone so that it was safe for the growing herd to drink from. Many of the still-changing horses got down on their hands and knees to drink, asses swelling, and hips snapping to make the positions more comfortable. Some struggled with their bodies before front legs grew to match hind ones, but it was soon to be remedied as the herd grew into the bodies they were likely to wear for the rest of their lives.


With that, heads continued to expand into proper muzzles, skulls compressing on brains and removing pesky human thoughts. Any concerns about husbands, petty fights, poor marriages, and ire toward each other were lost in the flood of equine instincts and newly created memories of having grown up as the horses they were becoming. The Rider was happy to witness this; human thoughts were so unnecessary, so troublesome. Horses had enough intelligence to be trained, to be of service, and to function within their social groups. A much more fulfilling existence, in the Rider’s opinion. He had already helped so many find a new purpose and would soon come to aid the rest on the resort as his powers grew, and their reach with them…




The sounds of equine whinnies caught George’s attention as he looked out at the herd of horses all drinking, mating, or grazing around the lush grass that had spread over the poolside. He was dead sure that had not been the case the last time he looked out at the pristine pool area, devoid of grass and horses besides. Yet, upon further inspection, it was the sight of the hybrids by the pool, people with massive assess and fingers at the end of horse’s legs that really made him scared. Equine heads on human bodies groomed each other as they burst out of clothes, swishing tails moving over massive assess and clops of hooves as they fell over on all fours while the ground itself turned to lush grass. The sight was frightening in and of itself, something that should have been impossible though there was no denying what he was seeing before his very eyes. Calling room service, George had no idea what he would say. At the very least, he wanted a different room. Surely, there was something in the water here that was causing him to hallucinate!


Yet, as Marcel the bellhop knocked on the door to show him to another room, George opened it to the smell of hay, dust, and manure, making George want to retch. He was clearly in a horse barn, not a hotel hallway. Not sure how he had gotten here, George wanted to go back inside and shut and lock the door. Not that it was easy to hold onto his fear, for some reason. Either way, George never really cared for the animals, finding them smelly and imposing. Surely, he was high as fuck, even as the bellhop’s clothes started to change, and he became little more than a dirty, sweaty stable hand, shovel in hand and looking ready to clean up after the horses here. 


Not able to bring himself to panic, George’s widened eyes soon dulled into equine rectangles as his growing muzzle pushed them to the sides. Flared nostrils drank in the room with some eagerness, the scents of hay eliciting hunger, the odors of manure telling him about the health of his herd mates. Clothes ripping, body putting on over a thousand pounds of bulk, he soon fell to the floor on his massive hooves, human thoughts fading into those of another hungry horse as he started to chew the nearby hay while his caretaker went to tend to him. Marcel hadn’t thought anything wrong with the scenario, mind already drawn into the act of servitude with his position. He was easily malleable, and the Rider’s influence was enough to change him by this point. It was only a matter of time before the Rider’s dream of a beachside riding resort would soon come to fruition…




The sudden overabundance of horses at the resort did not go unnoticed, at least at first. Yet, a part of the minds of the patrons had slowly begun to change by this point, thinking they had gone to a riding camp instead of a luxury hotel. Why some who were never equestrians or privy to the animals at all would be in such a place, they had no idea. But soon, those thoughts of concern turned to more equine endeavors, such as grazing, mating, and herd mates. 


Some of the rooms themselves joined the stalls already formed from the former building, carpets turning into hay as their occupants fell to the floor, clothes ripping out of massive bodies. Food in the rooms turned to apples and carrots, the doors became swinging stalls, and cries of panic soon turned to equine whickers. Many of the staff, already in service to the patrons, were to lose their proper suits for dirty farm clothes, shoveling shit, hauling hay, and preparing a variety of equine enrichment for their charges. By now, there were far more horses than humans, though none had thought to question it. Some hundred new equines had been created, and their caretakers would live here full-time in their service. And the rest of the world would be none the wiser for their absence!


Francis, the hotel manager, had been getting calls all day, complaining of barnyard smells, the sounds of horses, or the lack of staff to tend to their needs. Thinking them to be prank calls of sorts, the sheer volume in the last hour or so made him concerned that some sort of malady had befallen the establishment. There were no farms or horses for miles, no way that such equestrian endeavors would come here. And yet…


Eventually, paperwork done, he and his assistant Tina moved from the main office to the lobby, when the smell of horses hit them both at once. The sight before them was beyond anything they could have been prepared for. Where the lobby should have been was covered with hay, a stable with a massive area for horses to wander freely. There were dozens of the animals present, some eating, some simply standing around, and most grotesque of all, some stallions that were attempting to cover mares. Other stallions were squaring off, preparing to challenge each other for the right to mount. It was so bizarre, beyond his ability to comprehend that Francis thought he had woken up from some bizarre dream or the like. 


It was soon to be far worse as beyond the contented horses, Francis saw some former humans were in the middle of a monstrous transformation. Some horses had fingers at the end of hooves, asses still confined in pants, or shoes and socks being shaken from hind hooves. It did leave the man to wonder…but it should have been impossible, right? Yet, there was no denying the sight of what had to be people becoming horses before him. As impossible as it was, there was little in the way of possible sources for such hallucinations, let alone an explanation for their cause. 


A startled whicker came from beside him, and Francis looked over in time to see Tina’s lips swelling, pulling back into a decidedly equine gesture that exposed yellowed dentures and splotchy gums. A tearing sound echoed from the back of her blouse as her ass swelled beyond its confines, a tail swishing over her enlarged hindquarters. Despite the horror of the sight, there was no denying that her head was expanding, eyes widening, and ears twitching as she tried to rub the mane that was once short-cropped hair. It was for naught as her shoulders rotated forward, and a single digit engulfed the rest as her new hooves took hold, never to touch anything again. 


Francis wanted to run, to escape the same fate for himself. Yet, the sound of footsteps coming toward him made him pause, finding a familiar man was still present despite the circus of horrors around him. Yet, the man only grinned, coming to rest a finger on the manager’s head, eliminating his thoughts and fears for the situation. With the Rider’s influence, a new set of memories and experiences were soon to replace them…


“Shouldn’t you be getting back to work? Your hotel is soon to receive a much-needed increase of patronage,” the Rider said, and with that, Francis found himself moving back to his office, thinking all was right in the world and that there was much work for him to get his hotel up and running. The Rider grinned, the last of the hotel staff given new purpose with his magics. There was so much to prepare for the resort to be turned over to equestrian endeavors, and he would stay for a while longer to oversee it. But for now, it was time to rest and enjoy the fruits of his labor, and the gift of equine hood he had granted all those at this former beachfront resort.