A Light Through the Fog

Trying to hold back the tears, Trent did his best to gaze through the fog, hoping to find the path back from this unwanted fate. He was sure he had been following the right route through a public park, though a heavy fog had settled to the point that Trent could no longer see the trail before him. By this point, the fog was so thick that even the light on his flashlight was not sufficient to break through the darkness. Even though his phone was at full charge, the battery drained in what seemed like minutes, and the wifi signal seemed robbed from it, leaving him unable to tell what time it was or how long he had been in the fog. 


After saving up for years and waiting for the pandemic to end, Trent was finally ready to take a long-awaited trip to Japan. The friends he had wanted to go with had backed out, though Trent decided he wanted to take the trip himself, and found that he truly enjoyed the scenery and the culture even more so than he’d initially hoped. In fact, he felt so safe that going for a walk during the evening didn’t seem like a bad idea. That was until the fog rolled in…


Part of Trent’s mind went toward legends he had heard of other worlds, of demons, even of the famous suicide forest, something he was nowhere near, as best as he could tell. There should have been nothing to the legends, at least as far as he knew. But the more he wandered around in the dark, the harder it was not to allow those intrusive thoughts to sink in. It really did seem for all intents and purposes that he had stumbled into another world, though it was likely his fear of the whole thing that was allowing his imagination to run wild. 


Yet, the more he wandered around in the fog, the easier it was for him to think he’d truly stumbled into a new plane of existence, one where the trails made no sense. He was sure there were no trees like this around the city where he was staying, let alone in Japan. But with no way to accurately tell even what was right in front of him, Trent was left to wonder what he was really seeing. It could have easily been a trick of the light, something that was starting to fade and made him feel rather concerned. It was one thing not to be able to detect his surroundings through the thickening fog while it was daylight, but at night he would be completely lost. It would be prudent to stay in the spot, trying to sleep until the fog lifted and was able to find his way back. But, truth be told, he was cold, tired, and hungry, and it wouldn’t do him to stay here and sleep when there was every chance he might not wake up. 


“Human … human … poor, poor lost human,” came a voice, and Trent leaped up at that, thinking with some thankfulness that he wasn’t alone. Yet, he couldn’t tell where the voice was coming from, unable to see beyond the fog. If he didn’t know any better, Trent would be sure the voice was coming from inside his own head. Perhaps he was imagining things, but it hadn’t been that long since he’d been out here that he’d start hallucinating, right? 


“Wait, who’s there?” He called out, figuring there was no harm in asking to make sure he wasn’t imagining things.


“Does it matter, human? You’re alone, are you not? Not to fear, I’m here now!” Replied the voice, and Trent found himself looking around frantically for the presence. There was nothing in the immediate area, and he was left to spin around wildly, looking for the source of the voice that seemed to carry with it no form. Hell, he had no idea even what gender the voice was, though such things mattered little in the grand scheme of things.


“Who are you?” He asked again, though the more he reflected on it, the better question might have been what.


“Silly, silly human doesn’t understand at all! Well, you’re in luck! I’m feeling rather generous! I’ll help you to escape from here! This is the domain of the Yokai, and I don’t make the offer to everyone who foolishly stumbles here, but…”


“What are you talking about?” Trent asked, more confused than concerned. The word ‘Yokai’ had some meaning to him, though he couldn’t for the life of him think of what that was. Maybe something from some cartoon or anime?


“Really? You come here and know nothing about the Yokai?” The voice replied, condescending tone not lost. “I could explain it to you, of course, if you wish. Though for even a fraction of the knowledge I might impart, several of your lifetimes would pass, and I would have wasted what, for me, I would perceive as an afternoon. Suffice it to say, they are a group of spirits that exist in realms outside of the ones that you hail from. They…do not carry a fondness for your kind, on the whole. There are a myriad of ways they might interpret such an unwanted intrusion, but if I’m being honest with myself, being lost in a fog is one of the more mundane ones, and I’m sure they’ll tire of it quickly. Or, maybe not, depending on how the mood strikes them. Either way, I wouldn’t want to be you right now,” the voice said, as though Trent’s fate really mattered little to them. 


With that, Trent found himself growing scared. Spirits were one thing, but possibly malevolent ones? Forcing him to get lost in the fog in another world was already punishment enough, but he had no inclination to wait around for what else might find him here. At least this entity, whatever it was, seemed not to harbor ill will toward him if such could be considered accurate. 


The voice was to continue on as though their words were trivial to Trent’s future. “They usually add any wayward humans to their collection, but you seem more lost than most. There is, however, a way out. A light through the fog that will guide you back to where you need to go. You only need to find and follow it!”


Trent felt his heart leap at that, and, to his delight, a light started to glow from within the fog, moving away from him as though telling him where to go. With that, Trent wandered toward it, eager to get out of there and thankful for the help. 


“Thank you, thank you!” Trent gasped as he started moving toward the light, seeing it trailing in the distance as it moved in the likely direction of his salvation. It was moving fast, a little too fast, and Trent had to jog to keep up with it. It wasn’t too much trouble, given the lack of anything else visible through the fog. He was able to keep his eyes on it even as it moved further and further from his sight, as though just fast enough to keep him moving. 


Yet, soon, the light was moving far too fast, and Trent found himself sweating to the point he could no longer keep his pace. He stopped, chastising himself for being out of shape. Catching his breath for a moment, Trent looked up, barely able to see the light in the distance. Hell, even squinting wasn’t enough for him to follow it, and he called out, asking the voice for aid. He didn’t want to, not sure what requesting such a being would do to him, but there was little choice, given he could not make his way out if he couldn’t see the light meant to guide him. 


“What happens if I’m stuck here?” Trent asked the one question on his mind since learning he was trapped in some alternate space of another race’s machinations. 


“Then, well, I’m sorry to say, but you’ll wind up a permanent fixture in this domain, prey to any of the Yokai that come upon you,” the voice said with just a hint of disappointment about the man’s possible fate. Trent felt his heart sink at that. No matter what, he simply couldn’t let that happen!


“But I can’t see the light like this! It’s too far away, and I can’t keep up!” Trent whined, not wanting to piss off the voice but exasperated by the circumstance nonetheless. 


The reply he got was not one he had been expecting. “Why, I can help you see at night! All you need do is ask!” They replied, as though such were easily in their power. 


Not really understanding what such a being could possibly do, Trent was all too eager to take the voice up on their offer. “Yes, please! Thank you!” He said, and all at once, a warmth started to play over him. Already sweaty, Trent was tempted to take his shirt off, though he figured the sweat would make him too cold against the night air to do so and decided it was better left on. 


Eventually, the heat and tingling moved toward his face, and his eyes began to ache as though he had been stung by something. Trent blinked them a few times, unsure what was happening but needing relief from whatever it was regardless. It took a few moments for the watering to cease, Trent not wanting to rub them in fear that it was made worse. But as soon as it did, however, the light in the distance seemed to shine up again, as though it was not as far away as he’d feared. Whatever the being did to his vision, he had found their light again and eagerly moved toward it in hopes of bringing himself the salvation he sought. 


Yet, even his quickened pace and improved vision could not get him closer to the object of his deliverance. It was still moving too fast, and as far away as it was, Trent could not make it out. It persisted here and there, and Trent ran as fast as he could, not caring about the risk of tripping or stumbling as he tried with all his efforts to keep the light within his field of vision. But in the end, it was for naught, and the light once more vanished from his field of view. Trent stopped, not wanting to move in case he was going in the wrong direction. He had no way to tell and sighed as the one hope of escape was robbed from him. 


“Shit, I can’t…it’s too fast…I can’t see it!” Trent lamented, not wanting to ask the voice again but not knowing what else to do. It made no sense for the voice to offer him such a way out and not allow it to stay within his field of vision. But there was nothing to be done for it, and Trent was left alone once more in the dark and the fog, a feeling of dread and despair flooding through his mind. 


It was as though the voice was reading his mind. “Unfortunately, I have no control over the speed at which the light moves. I often forget the speed of mortal beings, and I had hoped for your sake that you could keep up. My sincerest apologies. My power merely allows you the awareness of the beacon, but sadly, I cannot bring it to you. It is an entity beyond my abilities, I’m afraid. However, there are other ways for you to track its movement that do not require it to be in your field of vision,” they said, and Trent felt his hope returning. 


“Please! Can you tell me?” Trent asked, almost begging. He didn’t want to seem desperate, but the voice sounded so kind. It was hard to believe he was inconveniencing the voice in any way by asking for their help. 


“Why, of course! You see, the light is beyond a mere glow as you humans might perceive. It has a distinct odor, one easy for most beings to detect. I understand humans have a poor sense of smell, however. Shall I enhance your sense of smell for you? It is a simple matter for me to do so,” the being offered, and even with as strange as the request was, Trent felt he had no other choice but to say yes. 


The moment the words were out of his mouth, that same heat and tingling played over his face, this time focusing in on his nose. The sensation of its moistening was not lost, and though he didn’t want to touch it, Trent couldn’t help but feel the need to raise his hand to caress its surface. His nostrils were slightly wider in comparison to his face, and the bridge of his nose seemed to be expanding just slightly, pushing his nose toward his lips. That wasn’t all; tracing his fingers over the surface, Trent felt the sides opening up, their contours breathing in smells from the world in ways he couldn’t possibly understand. Everything felt somehow wrong to him, but there was one scent that stood out above all others, one distant that had to be moving. That had to be the one!


Yet, something out of the corner of his periphery made him a little disturbed. His nose was larger, certainly, damp from fluids within. But the sight of something black and rounded left him perplexed. Surely, it hadn’t changed that much, but if Trent crossed his eyes he could certainly tell there was something off. He had to see it further… 


Thinking to take out his phone, Trent saw the battery was nearly dead but enough for him to turn on the camera function. Not really sure what he was expecting, he turned the device toward him, thinking for a moment that a filter might be in use. Yet, the more he stared, the more he came to understand it was his actual face he was gazing at. The nose was the first thing that came to his awareness, as it was in the middle of his face, looking more like something a clown might sport than anything. Though its black surface and slightly pointed tip denoted that of an animal and not something he might be expecting to see on himself. 


But it was the sight of his eyes that really drew his attention, brilliant and green where the pupil was black instead of its previous color. Wide-eyed and frightened, there was no denying those eyes were not his but those of some beast!


“AHHH!” He called out, almost dropping his phone as he realized the alien visage he was staring at was truly him.


“Oh, is something the matter?” The voice called back, and Trent was so startled he dropped the device, hearing it cracking at its contact with the ground and unable to see it even with his animalistic eyes. 


“What’s happening to me!?” Trent called out, not sure what to make of the changes. He had asked for help, not to be turned into some sort of freak!


“Why, I’m simply helping you! You asked for my help, and my power allows me to change parts of your form that might help you to escape! You do want to escape, right? Fear not, the changes cannot persist in your realm, and you simply need to escape to retain your former form!” The voice said, and Trent felt himself calm at that. OK. OK, it looked weird as hell, but it wasn’t something he was forced to stare at all the time. As long as he got out of there, even losing his phone was a small price to pay. And, at least, he could smell what he figured was the direction of the exit light. All he had to do was follow the scent, and his eyes and nose would be restored to him. And then he could put his whole nightmare behind him, just as he’d hoped.


With the scent of the beacon in his nose, Trent moved forward with renewed vigor, hoping to find the object that would aid in his escape. And, for a while, he could, though it had gotten away from him in the end, even with his better night vision and seeking nose. He was about to lament his fate, though recalled the entity’s offer to help him out, and decided perhaps it was prudent to ask. 


“If I need any more changes to help me, are you able to grant them?” Trent asked, a mix of expectation and fear in his voice. 


“Why, of course! And might I make a recommendation? The sounds of this domain are rather low for a human’s hearing. There would be some usefulness to changing your ears as well if you are to successfully escape. All you need do is ask,” replied the voice. 


Trent thought, in the end, that made sense, as much as he didn’t want it to. Having all his senses enhanced in the dark would surely be enough to find the light in the fog that would lead him to salvation. And animal ears were a far cry from losing his eyes or his nose, he decided. Besides, it wouldn’t be forever, just as long as it took him to get out of here. “Please, do it!” Trent said, trying to keep the desperation out of his voice. 


No sooner had the words left his throat than the tingling returned, this time centered in his ears. Trent didn’t want to touch them but figured there was no harm, and curiosity won out in the end. Reaching up, Trent was greeted by the sensation of his ears warming, the itching corresponding with the feeling of soft fur coating them. They were getting larger, their tips pointed as canals widened and formed sparse hairs to catch sounds within. Growing to the top of his head at this point, Trent was a little alarmed when his focus on them allowed them to move just slightly, enough he could confirm they were indeed the ears of an animal. 


Yet, unlike the previous changes, the heat did not dissipate from his form but rather seemed to intensify around his face. It settled into a painless burning within his skull, his jaw, and all around. As though his face was starting to press outward, the muscles and joints popped and cracked, pushing out inch after inch of what Trent could only consider a muzzle. It was terrifying to know such a thing was happening to him, and he held the sides of his jaws in an attempt to cease the changes. But that was not to be the case as his face was pushed forward, taking his nose along for the trip. It soon spread past his periphery, making him cry out with fright. The sound was muddied, as though he could no longer talk in the way he was used to, likely the case with his altered anatomy. 


The changes were hardly to stop there, the heat getting to him and making him wish to sweat. Instead, his tongue lulled out of his mouth to the point he could feel it flattening and rounding at the edges like a dog might possess. It did aid in alleviating the warmth from the changes, though only just. Trent was still overcome with the uncomfortable sensation of his teeth shifting, gums turning black and rubbery, and tongue continuing to grow until his face stopped tingling. By the end of it, Trent was left touching a muzzle the likes of which should not have existed on his face.


It continued to grow worse as Trent felt the fuzz of his beard changing consistency for fur, spreading over his cheeks and up his head like sideburns. His own hair tingled as it altered its consistency, changing more into the short, soft fur spreading to cover his muzzle and the rest of his head. Soon, it swept up to his ears, which were already coated in their own fine layer. Though he no longer had his phone, it seemed none of the human skin was visible under the full head of fur he now possessed. 


Worse of all was the sensation of his skull bones parting, the frontal bone sinking into his muzzle while the rest pushed inward on his brain, making him fear not only for his humanity but for his sense of self. There was every chance he had allowed this being to take everything from him, including his mind, for that of a dumb animal. Yet, as his skull altered and his visage took its new form, Trent was aware not even a threat of foreign instinct existed in his mind. He was still himself, even though his head looked nothing like it had when he had started. He’d just wanted some help improving his senses, but he hadn’t wanted this, damnit!


“YIIIP! YIIIP!” Trent tried to call out but was unable to make any human-sounding noises from his muzzle. He wasn’t sure what the animal sound he was hearing, though it was not a dog or wolf, he was certain. It was hard to make out the shade of the fur; though he could see it, its colors were duller than he felt they should have been. It was as though his color vision had been negatively impacted by the effects of the changes. A fox, maybe? 


“Why do you panic, human? You asked for my aid, did you not? And to better use your new senses, do you not agree that a cranium better suited to interpret them is in your best interests?” The voice said, and Trent felt a shiver running through him. He did not want to change, even knowing it was necessary to escape this place. And even if he could change back once he did…there was no trusting the voice when they were able to take liberties with his requests. But in this deep, what choice did he have? What choice could he make, to begin with?


<I didn’t ask for this!> Trent managed to yell, finally able to understand his words through the canine yips coming from his changed throat. It was bizarre that he was able to interpret such sounds as speech, and as he was soon to learn, he would not be the only one. 


“But you did need it. I’m only here to help, and what I do is in your best interests,” the voice replied, though Trent found he didn’t care for the words. Still, there was little point in arguing with a being that could change him like this. If he pissed them off, surely Trent could be changed in ways that were far worse than this. 


<How much further?> Trent asked eventually after some time had passed. His new nose, much to his chagrin, was able to detect the path of the light, and the sounds it made confirmed his goal. Though it was getting difficult to grow accustomed to what he presumed was a fox’s head, he managed, the senses he now possessed helped guide his way. But he had been walking for what he figured were hours, unable to tell without his phone, the sun, or any other marker for his progress. Already tired, hungry, and cold, Trent was forced to wonder aloud, in his yipping intonation, how much longer he was to wait. 


“You’ve traveled far already. It should only take several more of your nights to reach your goal,” the voice said, and with that, Trent felt his blood run cold. Days!? Had he traveled that far and that long already? And with so far to go as well…


Starving and cold as he was, Trent felt he had to stop, shivering a little through the fog. His face was relatively warm, thankfully, though even his clothes were not enough to keep the cold out. It was sapping his strength, making it seemingly impossible for him to continue. If he just had some warmth…some food…


“Care to ask for help once more? I can at least make you warm,” the voice offered, and without thinking, Trent responded with a <Yes> 


No sooner had he said the word than an itching started from his neck, moving over his chest and playing down his arms and stomach. The itching soon became so intense Trent was prompted to take off his shirt from the irritation, despite the cold plaguing him. Not thinking about anything else, he did just that, leaving him clad only in fox fur as it moved down across his chest, white there and likely orange across his sides and back, though Trent could hardly perceive such with his altered eyes and the darkness of the world around him. To his embarrassment, it seemed to move even lower than that, coating his groin in its own soft pelt. Even his legs and the backs of his feet were itching with their own pelt, and Trent was prompted to take off his pants, keeping on his underwear but only just, still finding it powerfully uncomfortable. 


“There, you see? Isn’t that better?” The voice said, and as much as Trent wanted to lament it, he had to admit that he was at least warm now, even without his clothes. The fox fur did give him a rather comfortable coat, and it was easier for him to move now that he was warm. 


The longer he walked, however, the more obvious it became that he could not move fast enough. Even his fox senses were not sufficient to keep him on the right path with how distant the light was, and without knowing where he was going, he was hopelessly lost. Worst, he was turning more and more into a fox with each wish, and there was every chance he would keep the features forever at this rate. 


With that, he stopped, losing the trail and no longer able to keep going as he was. <I can’t…I’m not fast enough…> Trent yipped, despair in his voice palpable. 


“I can help you with that if you wish. Though, it will change you more. Do you accept?” The voice offered, though Trent figured their motives were dubious at best. Still, what choice did he have? He had no idea of what was beyond the fog, beyond what the voice told him. He had to trust the voice, regardless of the consequences.


<Anything, please…> Trent yipped and instantly regretted the words. 


Immediately, his hands started to tingle even beyond the fur that had peppered them. The digits began to shrink, pulling into his wrists, which themselves were thinning and stretching. Trying to wriggle them was a vain effort as they stiffened completely, snaps and pops echoing loudly in his fox ears as they lost their ability to move as he’d been used to. The same was happening to both hands in tandem, and soon, only nubs remained where he once had functional fingers. Even the motionless stubs were drawn within his hands, stuck together and unable to move at all, leaving them useless for anything but supporting his weight on the ground. 


<Why is this happening!? Not my hands!> Trent yipped, the tingling still persisting to change his hands into nothing more than vulpine paws. 


“You did request the need to run, correct? I admit, it will be the most extensive change for you, but your wish will be granted in the end, and you will be able to run much faster than you can now!” The entity said, keeping their voice neutral, though Trent was sure there was a hint of sadism in there as well. It mattered little as the changes were not to stop there, and Trent was subject to all they would do to him. 


<Stop this! I want my hands back!> Trent called out in panic, raising his hands and seeing the nails start to darken, their tips growing pointed. 


“It’s too late for that now! You wouldn’t ask my gifts to be returned now, would you?” The voice said, and Trent felt that shiver of fear running through him once more. He didn’t want to piss off an entity that could fuck with his anatomy, but he didn’t want to play its game anymore, either. Still, the choice was being taken out of his hands as much as his hands were being taken from him. 


<I don’t want paws!> Trent lamented, watching pads forming from the tips and his nails growing blunt and thicker, proper parts of his new vulpine anatomy. 


“Poor, poor human. I would recommend you simply let it happen. There’s much more to come,” said the voice, and with that, Trent was certain it had malicious intentions for him. 


The tingling of change was soon not to limit itself to his hands. Trent was prompted to adjust his balance so that his numbing feet would not force him to fall over. He managed for a moment, though with thinning calves and stretching heels, it became impossible for him to keep his socks and shoes on, and he kicked them away in despair. Lifting one of his bare feet up, he was treated to the sight of his furry feet thinning, toes cracking in the same way he had seen his hands going. Nails broke the surface of the tips, and he was forced up on thinning balls as the skin on their bottoms thickened into paw pads. The same webbing swelled from between the toes leaving no ability for him to flex them any longer. 


Soon, they were too thin, leaving Trent top-heavy to the point he was balancing trying not to fall over. It was obvious his feet were not made for standing, and Trent was starting to understand what the voice was doing to him. Obviously, an animal was much faster on four legs, and the changes needed to put him down there would be extensive indeed. He didn’t want to be down on all fours and didn’t want to be functionally an animal. Yet, he had wished for it, hadn’t he? And there was little chance of getting out of this situation without getting down on all fours, no matter how much he tried to resist it. 


Though the changes were not painful, thankfully, they were powerfully uncomfortable, and the next ones to overtake him were especially so. The ache in his pelvis prompted him to lean forward slightly as though the bones were shifting within. It became precarious to hold his stance at best, and when his hips started to sway and thin, his stomach skin stretched toward his knees and prepared to trip him. Stubbornly, Trent tried to stay upright, but with the force of his back cracking, spine stretching, and pelvis realigning, there was no chance of him standing, perhaps ever again. Trent let out a panicked yip as he fell forward, reflexively putting his hands out to try and catch himself. Body thinner, it did not hurt him to land on his paws, but he was stunned, afraid of the fall and what it would mean for him going forward. 


With that, Trent was foolishly left to think the changes would leave him alone. But that was not to be the case, Trent realizing at the last possible moment that he would need a fully quadrupedal physiology to run as a fox, something he had foolishly asked for. Cracks and pops rang through his chest as it barreled in some places and thinned in others. His shoulders ached as well, the bones forward facing now, though it was little deterrent for him without his hands. He steeled himself, knowing he would be able to run much faster now that the changes were done with him. And even if he was almost fully changed, it would be worth it if he was finally able to get out of there. 


The moment the tingling changes stopped, Trent was off like a flash, running as much as his body would allow. It was at least double his speed, and the energy he possessed in his changed state was like nothing he had ever known. Even his fatigue and hunger were gone, as though he had never felt them in the first place. Not sure why that would be the case, Trent was hardly in a position to care, running as fast as he could in the direction he was sure he had been heading. 


Yet, after some time, Trent was well aware he wasn’t able to find the path with any of his enhanced senses, and that he had truly lost it. He ran in circles for a few moments, not sure he was going in the right direction and looking for anything that would give him a sign he was close to leaving this otherworldly prison. But no matter how much he tried, Trent could not find any trace of the light, the guidepost for his exit from this infernal realm. How was he supposed to escape without it?


Nose drinking in a strange odor, Trent decided to follow it, not really sure where it would lead but curious all the same. He eventually equated the scent to water, though had no real way to know that was what he was scenting. Still, there was little choice but to follow his nose, so to speak. Trent came upon a pond, strangely out of place in the middle of the fog. Curious, he moved toward it, looking down at the visage staring back at him. It was…there was nothing human left! He was a fox!


Despite knowing he was a fox, and had been changing the entire time, the reality of his situation hit Trent like a brick wall. The nose, the eyes, and even his body were smaller, something he hadn’t realized without a point of reference within the domain he found himself in. It was terribly disconcerting to see himself without his humanity, and had he looked at himself from the outside, he would have not been able to distinguish himself from a real fox. Even without the trademarked tail, and, well, there was another part of himself that had not changed, though he had not concerned himself with his genitals, not able to see much in the dark and figuring the voice wouldn’t care regardless. 


“So, what do you think of your new form? It’s yours now, you know. I did fail to mention that if the changes finish, there is no way to return to your old form. It must have slipped my mind! I think you look much better this way, but I might be biased. Still, even if you escape, this is your form now, and I do hope you enjoy it!” The voice said, and with that, Trent felt his heart sink. No…this couldn’t be…could that mean the voice was one of them all along…then why had he…?


“Well, it might be true you become a full fox if you leave at least, there is something else I have not told you. What you consider a fox in your world resembles the kitsune in ours. If you stay here, welcome the final changes, then you will be like me, a shape changer, too, though this will be your primary form. And a few…other benefits that I think you would best come to understand to experience them first hand…” The voice said, malicious intent replaced by a sly excitement. 


Trent knew deep down there he could not stand to return to the real world as a fox, even if he was able to. He had no reason to believe the word of such a being, what he was understanding was a kitsune. But then again, what would happen if he didn’t take the being’s words at face value? In the end, he truly had no choice in the matter. 


<Then yes…> Trent said, without any regret this time. He resigned himself to his fate, knowing there was really no other choice at all. 


It took a few moments for him to realize that the tingling had returned, this time in an unexpected place. Looking down past his furry chest, Trent was shocked to see his cock coming to arousal to the point he was aching for attention. There should have been no chance of feeling horny with how depressed he was over his fate, but there was no denying the reality of his lust. Worst, perhaps, over the fact his junk was to change, was that he had no way to touch himself with his paws. The lust was maddening!


Yet, the release he sought was soon to come without his further prompting. A series of excited yips escaped his lips as his sex went into orgasm, balls quaking and cock spraying a thick load of spunk onto the fog-laden ground. Waves of pleasure rocked his form, not sized for his tiny body as he shook and shivered and whined his release. It seemed as though his entire testicular contents were being released at once, though such should have been impossible. 


Cock awash in orgasm as it was, Trent was hardly aware that his rod was changing, turning into something far more sensitive and eager than anything he had known from his humanity. Though he could not perceive it well, the shade of his cock head darkened before moving down below his foreskin, which itself was peeling down and coated itself with a fine layer of vulpine fur. Hitching itself to his groin as a sort of sheath, Trent was left to feel it getting longer, head turning pointed and bulb extending from the base and pulling his sheath pleasantly taut over his member. 


For a moment, Trent was sure his balls would deflate from the sheer quantity of sperm he had expelled. Yet, their fuzzy contours soon swelled with cum once more, likely what was to make up his new anatomy. However, it was not the only change to take him over as something seemed to slide open between his balls and anus, a warm moist sensation playing over his loins that made him whine. He wanted to look down to see it but figured he could not in his quadrupedal stance. Then again, he’d seen animals do it. Did that mean he had the flexibility to…?


Without care for whoever might be watching him, Trent got down on his side, moving toward the intoxicating smell wafting from his new opening. He needed to play with it more than anything he could recall, and even the despair he felt over the loss of his humanity was not enough of a deterrent to his pleasure. The moment his tongue played over the moist folds of his sex was the moment he went into orgasm, powerful waves of release almost stronger than what his cock had given him. He dug his tongue into it, savoring the flavors of what had to be a feminine sex, something that should not exist on his form. But none of the changes made any sense, and Trent allowed himself to go with it, feeling his lips quaking with pleasure as the male he had never known prepared to wash over it.


“You see, it’s wonderful, is it not? Gender has no meaning for us. That extends to physical forms as well, though that is something you will learn to accept in time. You will learn to change, and even enter your former realm eventually. But for now, why don’t you enjoy your new self? Time flows differently here, and you have all the time in the world to learn your body before I begin to teach you the ways of your new form. Oops, there’s still one thing missing I’ve not yet granted you! You’ll need it to be one of us, after all…”


This time, Trent didn’t even have to ask as the final tingling of change started over him, this time above his backside and out of his spine. Fox that he was becoming, it was obvious what was growing from there, a stripe of flesh that rapidly covered with the same luscious fox fur he was now used to. The growth started to wag in its eagerness, sending shivers of sensations through his spine. Rather than being frightened by its presence, however, he was delighted to own it, and wagged it excitedly, wafting more of his foxy musk into the air and leaving him to delight in the pleasures of his sex as he lapped with gusto. 


With that, the changes were over as best as Trent could tell. Having had several vaginal orgasms by this point, he moved to play with his penis, lapping at the leaking fluids and nearly ready to cum from his muzzle alone. Thoughts of human things, of his past life, and all he had lost were gone by the wayside as he prepared to blow his load into his muzzle, one of many he would experience over his tenure as a Kitsune. Yet, there was one thing bothering him as he prepared to cum, prostate stimulation quaking over his female sex as well. Trent was not male or female at this point, his being went beyond that. Thinking of themselves as nonbinary was more appropriate, and changing their mental state to match seemed in order as they prepared to cum and cum again…


The elder Kitsune watched their prodigy play with their new assets, remembering what it was like to experience them for the first time. It was a fond memory to relive through the eyes of another, something they had not partaken in for some time. Kitsunes did not procreate as mortal beings did, needing to change one from the mortal realm into their kind. Though it was a process that seldom occurred, this Kitsune thought it a better fate for the former human than many of their Yokai brethren might come up with. 


Though they resembled an adult fox, this new Kitsune was a relative infant, mature but possessing only a single tail as matched one of under a hundred years. With each century that passed in the human world, the new Kitsune would gain another tail, nine in all until they were considered an elder. That gave them plenty of time to play with themselves, and perhaps others as well. Spiritual beings though they were, the Kitsune enjoyed earthly passions as well, and thought it good to experiment with this one to show them the ways of their flesh before truly bringing them into the fold and all that this new life had to offer…