Getting Handsy with your Camp Mate

“Fuck, this is the best!” Alex said, taking a shot and then a bite of his hotdog, looking up at the starry sky. There was not a cloud to be seen, one of the best nights he and his buddy had been out camping all summer. It became a ritual for them to come out a few times a month. This nice spot outside the city had become a refuge of sorts. A nice break from the bullshit of work life and something they came to really enjoy. 


Eli wouldn’t have thought himself much of a camper, but the more he got out to do it, the more he came to really appreciate the times he was able to. Alex, more used to camping and the one who had discovered this particular site in the first place, felt at home in the woods and was happy to bring his buddy along. A huge part of it was always the excessive drinking, which was all par for the course with any wilderness activities, with no need to drive back home that night to allow them to indulge to their heart’s content. 


“You really do pick the best nights to do this, don’t you?” Eli said, taking a swing of one of her own beers. It was a craft, of course, his tastes being rather exquisite, though Alex preferred something a little simpler. Something to do the job, as he saw it. It was one of several things the two of them disagreed on. But the debates were something they enjoyed having, creating memes between the two that sparked a sense of camaraderie. 


“Be right back, gotta go take a piss,” Alex said, getting up and stretching. He had the smaller bladder of the two of them, though there was another reason he was eager to stand. Alex was strangely overly heated, even though the evening was cool and they were a reasonable distance from the fire. Stiff as well, Alex was subtly reminded of a weird spider bite he had incurred the week prior. It had come to nothing, Alex not feeling sick and not wanting to spend the money to get it checked out without insurance. So, he’d left it alone, not finding information about anything poisonous in the area and not exhibiting any symptoms. He had been privy to the sudden aches and pangs over his body, ones he couldn’t quite place another cause of, save the potential bite having lasting effects. And then there were the dreams…


Dreams of men were not the most unusual thing, though they usually weren’t so powerfully vivid as he had been experiencing as of late. And the sexual activities within them were more bestial, more primal than what he was used to. And there was something else in the dream that he could never quite recall, something in the end that made sense then but filled the waking him with such dissonance that he could never quite bring those images to the forefront. Regardless, the end result left him washed in seminal fluids from wet dreams that occurred no matter how much he had masturbated prior! 


Having gotten some distance away to finish taking his piss, the heat assailing him suddenly started to dial itself up to an eleven, making him moan as he set his hand on a tree. Alex was sweating profusely now, shirt damp from the discomfort before Alex was prompted to take it off, flinging it onto the ground with an audible splat. A series of contractions assaulted his slightly chubby belly and made him groan from the aches. He wanted to call out to Eli, though he was some distance away, and Alex couldn’t quite articulate the words. So, he was left to sweat and suffer, gut pains wracking through him as though he was sick. 


Yet, what happened next was beyond anything he could have anticipated, his chubby belly being pulled taut and melting away like butter. It was almost as though the fat was being removed into the sweat pouring from his form, though it was impossible to say for sure. Still, Alex was left with a lean stomach the likes of which could never persist on his physiology. And that was just the tip of the iceberg for the next series of changes to overtake him…


An audible gasp escaped his lips as he looked down, the skin writhing from the movement of muscle underneath, as though building from the fat and altering into new shapes. The muscles were tearing apart, reforming, and building before his very eyes, though none of the processes was as painful as it should have been. With the swelling in his stomach, there was little denying how firm the skin was becoming, leaving him with the start of a perfect six-pack of abs. It was beyond the stature of even some of the most famous male models and had formed on the man’s frame within a matter of moments!


The changes continued up his torso, with abs and pecs flattening and reforming as all the fat seeped from them. Soon, they were left looking like he had been on a strict diet and gym regimen for years. Not only did the changes happen in rapid succession, but they caused an immense pleasure to wash through him as well, making his cock tent in his pants. The ache left him leaking already, and it took everything he had not to reach down and start stroking it, finding the changes alarming, but the sight of them on his frame hot as hell. 


It was then the sound of his buddy’s voice hit his ears, Eli obviously concerned with what was happening to his friend. Alex wanted to call out to him, but the pains in his chest were such that it was difficult to manage. He could only moan, pecs continuing to flatten and increasing beyond the stature his frame could support. Still, he could see Eli’s flashlight beam cutting through the woods, zeroing in on him and lighting up the bare-chested man, whose physique was beyond anything humanly possible. The sight of it was almost enough to leave Eli excited, never one to turn down a hot man. He’d seen his friend shirtless before and was sure he had been a little chubby. But the man before them was hardly of that stature, looking more akin to a bodybuilder!


Yet, the one thing the two of them couldn’t deny was the powerful erection in Alex’s pants, leaking and pressing outward to the point where he couldn’t help but stroke himself off. Eli found himself staring with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, not really sure how to proceed. What the fuck was happening to his friend? More to the point, what could he possibly do to help? He wanted to call in someone, but realistically they were too far out, and it looked like the changes were happening far too fast for that to be a viable option. That, and it didn’t seem like the process was hurting him, right? 


Still, he had to wonder what was doing this, especially as Alex pulled down his pants, bobbing erection hanging there in damp underwear. The member within was surely larger than Alex’s former 6 inches, and it was taking everything he had not to touch himself right then and there. Though the presence of the other man held his lust at bay, at least for a moment. Alex was in heat, both body temperature as well as arousal, standing there functionally naked before peeling his underwear away, as well, showing a cock the envy of most porn stars. Hell, did Eli want to get down and try to suck it!


Groaning in pleasure, it was obvious Alex was growing all over, sweaty skin packing on muscles at impossible speeds. Thighs, glutes, and ass were all larger, muscles tearing and reforming within without the expected aches of a workout. He was lean with a swimmer’s build, all muscle, with the fat removed from his body. The skin continued to ripple as well, as though there was still growth and change to be had. What was the endgame? More to the point, what was causing such a transformation? Surely any pill that could cause this would be hot off the shelves!


It was the sensation of something pushing against the sides of his chest that made Alex moan once more, reaching down to grip his sides from the dull ache playing over him. More than just muscles pushed against the skin, almost as though something within was growing out to the point it wanted to break through. The skin was stretching almost like cling wrap until muscle, tissue, and eventually, skin parted with a wet tearing sound. Something started to break through, lumps almost the size of his arms. Pointed tips were swelling like nodes, expanding straight outward with what seemed to be their own level of muscle and tissue within. It seemed for all the world like Alex was growing what looked to be a second set of limbs!


What should have been an excruciating process seemed not to pain him much, pleasure and exertion plastered on his face as the growths continued to metamorphose. His cock was on fire the entire time, and the growths were likely the only thing distracting him from the masturbation he so eagerly craved. The sensory inputs had to be off the charts to the point where he could not perceive anything else. Twitching growths from the tips of the points started moving within like snakes, taking the forms of what could only be the start of four fingers and a thumb. Cracks and snaps resonated throughout the growths, a particularly loud one being a sign of what seemed to be the formation of an elbow near the center. As the muscles swelled all over each development, it seemed clear with their configuration they were to be the start of another set of arms, as strong and capable as his first ones. By the time they were nearly done, they were completely indistinguishable from his first set, as much as that term itself seemed bizarre to use!


Eventually, the pops and cracks stopped, and Alex was left to rub down his new arms with his old ones, feeling the contours of the muscles and being surprised at the similarities. Flexing his fingers, the sound of joints popping made him surprised, coming to terms with the fact he possessed sixteen fingers and four thumbs. At first, moving one set of fingers triggered the movement of the ones just below them as though they were connected. But as he practiced moving his fingers, it seemed possible to flex them independently, all four as separate entities as though the folds of his brain had readjusted to allow his newly muscled physique to function.


“Dude…” Eli started to say, staring in stunned silence at the extra set of arms Alex possessed. It should have been impossible for them to exist on his anatomy, yet there was no denying what he was seeing before his eyes. Hell, even the underarms of Alex’s sweaty new extensions were coated in the same blond hairs as his original pair!


No sooner had one new pair of arms formed, just below the new ones, than did the same poking of massive lumps against the skin started to form, as though additional shoulder blades had rippled all the way down to the center of his lean chest, making room for another pair of limbs to grow. Having seen it happen once already, Eli was less horrified to witness the formation of fingers on the end of each of them, the snapping at the elbow, or the muscled growths playing over rhythmically. They extended the length of the other appendages, moving at first in tandem and then individually as Alex learned the ins and outs of their movement. By the time it was done, Eli could swear Alex was as used to their placement as though he’d been born with them!


Alex, for his part, was too enraptured by the sensations of change moving over him to really conceptualize what was happening to him. He had some understanding beyond anything that he could tell Eli. Alex had half a mind to ask his friend if he was OK, to make sure Eli wouldn’t run away in fear. However, odd urges were playing over the back of his mind, lust at the forefront. It was all he could do not to reach down and start stroking his cock, especially trying it with one of his new sets of arms. And while one hand was stroking it, he had five others to play over every sensitive part of his body!


Even as a hand reached down to stroke his eager cock, certain memories flooded into his mind, ones of his childhood and family lore that he hadn’t entirely believed before now. He came from a line of lycanthropes, ones that changed from human to wolf man monsters on full moon nights. He’d been told that the gene was recessive in his family, and there was no chance he could change himself or infect others through sex or bite like a full lycanthrope. He would have thought such was bullshit had he seen one of his distant relatives changing before his eyes. Such could have been the catalyst for the alterations to his body now. Though, even if he had somehow had his recessive genes triggered, there was no explaining the extra limbs he now possessed. Nothing he knew about lycanthropy could change anyone in such a way. That was unless something about that spider bite…but that should have been impossible, right?


Stronger than his concern over the changes happening to him was the fear about what would happen to his friend in the woods with him. Everything he knew about the changes indicated that he might lose his mind and become predatory. He couldn’t imagine doing anything to hurt his friend, but if he was to lose his mind to some sort of beast…what control would he really have? There had to be some way to make Eli seem not a threat if the changes were to continue as they were…


Already aroused and in a panic himself, Alex turned around showing his human ass and using one pair of arms to pull apart the cheeks. “Fuck me! Please!” Alex begged, though only part of that was in desperation. A larger part had to do with his own arousal and wanting anal stimulation to get off. He wasn’t usually so eager for sex, and wouldn’t want his first time with Eli to be like this! But what choice did he have? And, at least, he would be doing so with a good friend…


Eli, worried as he was, couldn’t deny the arousal he felt from the sight of the changing man. The idea of physical transformation, as well as the muscled male form, really did it for him, his cock aching painfully within his pants. He was certainly confused by the circumstances, not sure what was happening. But the offering seemed clear to him, and Eli stripped his pants off, wishing he had a condom but figuring it was a moot point in the current circumstance. 


The closer Eli got to the changing man, the more the strange urges seemed to overtake him, as though something in the air was making him lose his inhibitions. Still, there was no denying how he felt, leaning into the changed man and looking toward his many armpits, the sweaty scent wafting into his nostrils and making him horny as hell. With eagerness, Eli moved toward one of those armpits, giving it a proper sniff before reaching out with an eager tongue and inhaling the heady stench. The hearty aroma nearly made him melt, chomping at the bit for the stimulation to his cock that Alex seemed to desire. 


Getting down on the ground, Alex raised his ass, showing off an eager pucker impossibly open and ready to take Eli inside of him. Eli could hardly resist, moving down and pushing in with little effort. Letting his cock settle in his friend’s bowels, Eli moaned reflexively as Alex’s cock pushed against his belly, leaking all over him and exciting Eli beyond anything he could have prepared for. 


With his friend in his bowels, Alex felt at least a modicum of relief, thinking that at least his changed mind would perceive Eli as a mate rather than a snack. But regardless, there was the ever-present fear of what was happening to him or what the end result would be. After all, nothing he could imagine could have so many limbs. He had no knowledge of becoming anything other than a wolf-man, and if that awareness was fleeting. It was beyond his understanding, yet nothing about the changes was rational, so how was he to know?


A strange tingling played over each of his arms, spreading from his shoulders and moving down to his elbows. It was as though the skin was altering, hardening, and stiffening, making movement impossible. Alex wasn’t sure what was happening, but rubbing the skin with a free hand detected a texture beyond his understanding. It was firm and stiff, though created a joint of sorts to allow his elbow the ability to move. Almost like a kind of…armor?


It was soon to be more than that, Alex was quick to learn as the skin spread down toward his fingers. The same hardened joints popped into place at each point of articulation over his fingers. It was firm, black, and alien in texture, though he was thankful it still allowed his finger joints mobility. Though, as the substance spread to the tips of his fingers, it seemed to form sharpened points, the likes of which seemed almost like…claws? Such should have been impossible, though as the same flesh spread over his other arms, it was evident he was changing further into a being he could scarcely envision. 


The same skin seemed to be spreading down his legs as well, indents forming along the surface to trace the muscle underneath. More complex striations ran over his knees, allowing him the proper articulation of the joints. To his shock, his toes suddenly started to stick together, making it impossible for him to move them as the black skin moved down across them in a wave. Soon, only one single digit persisted, and the sight of a pointed tip forming from the base left him stunned. It was sharp, pointed, longer than the digits on his hands or even what his foot could manage. Stretching heels were even more bizarre, soon twice the length of his former ones and almost prompting him to lean up. Still, he was glad to be lying down, being fucked by Eli’s 4-inch cock as the two of them moaned their lust. 


The more he watched the changes overtaking him, the more Alex felt a presence within his mind, as though it was getting hard to think, to rationalize in the now. Alex knew it was inevitable for him to lose himself to the changes, but without a full understanding of what the changes were to entail, he could not fully prepare himself. It was all he could do to hope that the pounding against his prostate would be enough that whatever being he was to become would weather the storm of change!


As the black skin started to play up his ass, Alex could feel a series of slits at the base of his ass allowing his anus to open or tighten with a grip firmer than anything his human rectal clamps could manage. It was fortunate; the changes were almost forcing his friend out of his ass to the point that he would never be able to enter again. But instead, they had the opposite effect, drawing him to where Eli could not pull back until he spilled his seed and became flaccid. 


Skin spreading up his chest now, Alex was rather pleased to know the contours of human muscle were to remain intact, such as they were on his form. Before the skin formed its hard covering, it seemed to push his abs into a more compact shape until the resulting armor became comprised of thick plates. Two of his hands went to rub them, fingers surprisingly dexterous as the smooth skin met his touch. It was not to remain that way for long as a peculiar prickling sensation ran over his body, as though small follicles were spreading up through the now-bare armor. It itched, though not as uncomfortable as he might have expected. Rather, it was soft, playing over his skin in sparse patches and prompting him to rub it into existence. The sensitivity was something he was not expecting, as though the hairs could detect small vibrations in the air with far more ease than human hairs. Soon, it was spreading down the length of his sides, arms, and legs, with the skin of his chest and fingertips largely devoid. And, for now, his head was bare of any hairs as well, at least for the moment…


The reality of his situation was starting to come to the forefront of his being, as impossible as it was. He was being turned into a were-creature for sure, literally being fucked into one with his friend pounding away at his prostate. His cock was tight against Eli’s own to the point that he felt it would blow soon. Though there was little to be done for it, needing the stimulation and hoping the stink of his seed on his friend’s body would mark him as a mate and not a snack. Though he wasn’t exactly sure what his body would be inclined to do once it changed…


Eli, for his part, watched the changes with a mixture of terror and fascination. He was sure that nothing natural could make a man grow extra arms, and the feeling of firm skin against his chubby belly was alien and not at all something he could quite place. And the formation of plate-like abs and pecs were almost like some sort of…but that wasn’t possible, was it? At least as impossible as the extra arms Alex now possessed. Though, with the hair and hard outer covering, was Alex turning into some sort of bug-man? And why did Eli find the notion so damn hot?!


With that, Eli continued to fuck his friend, figuring Alex needed it as much as Eli would in similar circumstances. There was something panicked in Alex’s still-human expression, as though he wasn’t sure what was going on in his head. Against his better judgment, Eli continued to fuck the changing man, breathing deep into the strange animalistic miasma wafting of his form. Some instincts made Eli sure it was the right course of action, and he was able to get back into rhythm, somehow being milked more strongly by rectal muscles that were tightening around his cock. Something about the situation prevented him from cumming, for now, so Eli slid into the sensations, playing hands over the soft hairs that covered Alex’s body. Though the rest of his hair had turned black, save a thin blond line up his happy trail, the blond of his armpits had, for some reason, remained, and Eli buried his nose in it, eager to drink in all the alien masculinity that Alex’s body exuded. 


Alex’s head was changing all the while, the black skin and spider-like fur spreading up in a wave. His own blond hair turned jet black and short-cropped, though mostly fell into the fur around his face. Though his skull remained in much of the same configuration, the cartilaginous tissue of his ears and nose merged into the flesh, and holes persisted in the black skin but little else. And although he was barely aware, minute holes had opened across his sides, taking in air more effectively than just his tiny nostrils alone. Somehow, hearing and smell were improved, though, in the midst of rut and fear of losing himself, Alex was hardly aware. 


Alex, staring forward with the lust of change, suddenly found he couldn’t close his blue eyes, as though the lids had dissolved and left them to state straight ahead. It didn’t seem to discomfort or strain his eyes, as though they were growing to accommodate the state of being. Vision did begin to blur a little, though it was the lenses themselves that were altering rather than the strain of being open that bothered him. It took a few moments for him to realize the world was coming at him from multiple perspectives, as though separate lenses were taking it in. As soon as his vision cleared, however, it split once more, as though his eyes were separating into individual lenses. Soon, he was looking at the world through thousands of those lenses. Alex was barely aware of it, but it seemed his eyes had grown bigger, his new skin allowing his sockets to expand to their final position on his new body. 


Eli, for his part, was well aware Alex’s eyes were now deep red and fearful, though kept the fucking up, perhaps the only thing that might save his life. Besides, Eli had no choice but to stay inside his friend, cock held by a vice by the tight rectal clamp Alex was forcing on him. No stranger to horror movies, Eli was very well aware that the spider monster, for that’s what it seemed Alex was becoming, might bite him and drain him of his fluids and his life. Though there was no escaping at this point, and even if he willed himself down, the erotism of the male before him kept Eli turgid and pumping away at the creature’s rear. 


Still subject to the changes, Alex felt the skin above his eyes start to bubble in several places. Something was forming within before the skin parted, and light suddenly burst into his awareness. It was as though several more eyes were opening up, three more above his first eyes and three more lumps above them. None of them seemed to work the way he expected. New levels of colors and shapes seemed open to him, as though the eyes provided senses unknown to human awareness. It would have been a spectacle if he wasn’t fighting within himself for control over his body, something he was steadily losing…


As the hard chitin and hair started to spread up his face, removing the last vestiges of his humanity, Alex was sure his mind wasn’t far behind. It was a struggle to think with the arachnid instincts he possessed, and easier to try to rationalize the way the world worked from the perspective of his faltering mind. And although Alex was hungry, he did not see the man fucking him as a snack. He was a predator, as much as the spider he had been bitten by. And those primal instincts were such that humanity could not hope to match them. 


The sensation of a still-human cock frotting against Eli’s being, while growing all the while, seemed to come to a head, the length of it growing, almost 12 inches now and thicker than humanly possible. Barely able to pull back enough to see it, Eli was still shocked it reached up to the man’s chest, leaking copious fluids that gave off a peculiar scent, though not an unwelcome one. It seemed to spur on Eli’s arousal even further, and Eli fucked faster, knowing that orgasm would be the only way to get out of the trap. Though for some reason, it seemed not to work, unable to reach release and subsequent freedom. 


Both of them were shocked by the sight of Alex’s cock widening, its tone changing toward light pink, significantly altered from his humanity. The head flattened into the crown, pointed upward towards his chest as fluids continued to leak from it, far thicker than their human equivalents. Massive veins throbbed in the center, and testicles had withdrawn into a slit that had opened along the outer rim of the base. It was oddly inhuman, but the sight of it had both men powerfully aroused, pulsating to the point where it seemed it would release its burden at any moment. 


It seemed Alex no longer needed direct stimulation to reach orgasm, the pulsating pounding of his cock eliciting a high-pitched hiss to escape from his lips. The thick arachnid organ soon let loose with a torrent of sticky, almost web-like spunk, spraying all over both of their chests. The sensation against Eli’s bare skin ached a little, an electric tingle that made him confused. However, he was eager to help his friend along, unable to escape and gripping the base of the shaft to focus the last little drops of spider semen to erupt from his member. 


With the effort of orgasm, Alex lost the last of his humanity in the spider, thinking only of himself as the hybrid beast he had become. The notion to mate, lessening now that he had orgasmed, was still present, though no worthy mate presented himself. The man certainly had potential, though he would not do in his current form. And the spider had just the way to rectify that…


With that, the beast leaned up and bit into Eli’s neck with jaws that were still human, though pointed enough to hold Eli in place. Eli struggled, though could hardly manage to get away, even with the fear of his life. With that, Alex felt something writhing under the skin below his mouth, something that popped out of the soft tissues and started rubbing against Eli’s cheeks, coating them in warm fluids as though in a sort of messy kiss. But the pressure within what could only be arachnid pedipalps built up to the bursting point, and Alex pressed them tightly against Eli’s shoulder before two thick, glistening fangs burst out and penetrated Eli’s skin, pumping him full of venom. 


With the pain of penetration, Eli felt his body stiffen, rigid from the foreign fluids. Before it caused him to pass out, Eli felt his cock spasm and finally shot its load into Alex’s tight asshole. Part of Eli was aware Alex was no longer present in the spider creature, but that seemed not to deter his erection. In a last effort, his cock pumped pent-up jism into the creature’s tight rectum before going limp, body feeling massive fatigue from the release and the bite. 


Knowing that his victim was infected and reflexively understanding it would take some time to work its way through his veins, the spider pushed Eli off, gripping him gently enough that Eli’s limp form would come to no harm. This creature, this body would soon be a mate. But the spider had other needs, making his way into the woods and feeling a new orifice above his ass extend and let loose with a globule of what would soon be woven into a web. He needed to hunt, to form a net to trap his helpless prey, to suck out the fluids and consume his fill…




Memories hazy, Alex awoke to find himself naked and covered with something sticky, thinking that he had maybe ejaculated over himself during sleep. But it was far too wide a spray to be simple seminal fluids, and the texture was all wrong. Almost as though it was some sort of…webbing? Like he was a…but no, that couldn’t be right. Could it?


The more awareness that returned to Alex’s mind, the more certainty he had as to the events of the night. Memories of warnings from his family were all too reminiscent of waking up with no recollections of what occurred the night before. But he wasn’t a Were, at least, not a wolf. His brief recollection was of a cock changing into something more suited to a…it was so pleasurable…especially when Eli…wait, what happened to Eli!?


He needn’t have worried, given the sound of his friend stirring nearby. Eli was lying there, some feet away, stiff as a corpse, though at least breathing. Waiting for a few moments, Alex was relieved when Eli rose, looking confused but no worse for wear. 


Eli, for his part, couldn’t recall either of what happened to the pair last night. Not waking up in his tent was a shock, outside and sore as fuck. But it was more than that, as though something traumatic had happened to them both…like Alex had…wait, why was he standing over him?


Looking at the sight of his friend, Eli had to do a double take. He had seen his friend in the buff before a few times, as guys did. But Eli was sure that Alex’s slightly chubby belly hadn’t been the ripped physique now looking him in the eye. Dude looked like he’d been working out for years, almost making Eli drool. Given his usual inclinations, Eli was remiss for noticing the rather prominent happy trail Alex possessed, as well as the slicked-back blonde hair and the blond bush that persisted under his pits. And, the sight of his rather prominent erection…his friend was hung. Eli had no idea how long he had been before, but Alex had to be at least 9 inches now if that was even his full length!


“Dude…you been working out?” Eli asked, a little stunned and not really knowing what else to say. Surely Alex would get the idea to put clothes back on, but Eli certainly wasn’t going to be the one to remind him! 


Alex, for his part, said nothing, rubbing his bare muscled chest and grinning like a fool. He had been aware of his family’s Were heritage and that after a change, a more muscled visage remained, stunning to the outside world but a sure sign of a first change. And, with his lack of memories of the last night, it was certainly the case that he had experienced such a thing. Though, there were some differences like his blond body hair not feeling quite right. Fur textured, but not like a wolf might. He had felt that before, Alex was certain. Almost like…spider fur? Where did he get that notion from? 


Yet, Alex was hardly to be deterred, not with the confidence he felt in his body. “You like?” Alex simply said, an almost predatory smile on his features as he did so. It was almost as though he wanted to jump Eli right there, and with the sight of his sexy body, Eli might not have been inclined to say no. 


Yet, an ache on his neck had Eli moan for a moment, and pulling down his shirt collar, an odd bump came to the forefront of his awareness. It was as though he had been infected with some sort of bite like the skin had been pierced with…twin fangs? But there were no bite marks…two well-hidden bruises in the spot where such might persist, to be sure. There was a lump all the way between those points, raised and swollen, looking infected….


Alex, for his part, was hardly confused by the sight. Though exact memories did not persist in his mind, the notion of what the bite mark had done to his friend was at the forefront of his thoughts. A smirk crossed his features at that, looking at the healed-over bite mark with a sense of reverence. Maybe by the next full moon, the poor man could be webbed up, Alex’s new form literally banging the humanity from him…