Sometimes You Don't Remember Your First Time

Taking a shot of cheap bourbon, Eli looked up at the night sky, giggling a little as his buddy seemed to cough from his own shot. The click of their glasses together was pleasant, securing their camaraderie together, something they always did when they hung out. Eli was a little better at holding his liquor than his buddy, who was slapping his chest a little, trying to make sure it went down properly. Though Eli tried not to chuckle, a little worried his buddy would choke and not wanting him to, especially since they were in Chris’s apartment.  


It was a little unusual for them to be here and not at Chris’s camp for the night, enjoying the moon and the warm evening air. They had spent many summer nights there, enjoying each other’s company and the overindulgence in booze. And, under normal circumstances, they would be spending a night like this there. The last time they had gone was not the idyllic evening the pair enjoyed so often. Never seeing much in the way of animals while out there, save the occasional fox, the two of them were shocked to hear the footfalls of something large moving through the brush eerily close to Chris’s camp. Chris had grabbed the rifle in case of a bear, though it was likely unnecessary, their would-be assailant more likely a deer. 


But, the creature that emerged from the woods was…well, that was the thing. The two of them didn’t reliably recall anything after that. Save for a beast with red eyes, something that jumped them…though, it always hurt when the pair tried to remember exactly what happened. Discussions about the matter often turned to drink in an effort to escape the memories of that night. 


Needless to say, neither of them was inclined to go back to the camp that evening, even though the sky was clear and the moon was full. Looking around the camp that morning revealed massive canine tracks, ones that proved whatever had encroached upon their campsite had not been a booze-induced hallucination. Though the tracks looked like they belonged to a wolf, they were far too large for any tracks they had researched online. It was enough that Chris only went back by daylight, and Eli did not accompany him on those trips any longer. 


Naturally, no other sightings of the beast persisted, and there was no further evidence of its presence, its tracks soon washed away by rain. The pair had joked about werewolves; after all, it had been a full moon the night they were drinking and partying. Though both men were fascinated with werewolf lore, neither believed such was possible in the real world. Still, something lingered at the backs of their minds, though it went unspoken for fear the other would mark it as silly. Not that it was an entirely unwelcome outcome, mind, but something they both knew would be impossible, despite their inclinations otherwise. 


This night, exactly a month after the incident, Eli thought it prudent to spend the evening with his buddy. Though it was a weekday, and Eli figured Chris would be busy, he nonetheless decided to have his friend over, as though the pair were nervous or afraid to be alone. So they were watching a movie on Chris’s PS5 when the pair became suddenly aware of the moonlight pouring in from the window, the settling sun giving room to the oncoming moon. It was something the duo usually looked at with reverence, though this night, it carried a hint of trepidation. Unfounded, mind, but something neither could get off their minds. That nervousness only grew as the moonlight flooded in, drawing their attention from the film and toward the glowing orb in the sky. 


Still, neither could be prepared for a sudden flash of heat to assault their forms as though they had been placed in front of a brilliant flame or convection oven. It started burning over them in waves, forcing thick torrents of sweat to burst from their pores, soaking them all over. The heat made wearing clothing impossible, and both men groaned, ripping at their clothes in desperation to try and remove them. Pants and belts were sturdier, though shirts with weaker material were wrenched apart and thrown to the ground until both men were left clad in only their underwear. Soon, even those were discarded, leaving both of them naked and powerfully embarrassed about the sights of each other in such a state. 


Still, there was nothing they could do about it, given the burning playing over them, no better even with their coverings discarded. Both were panting, bodies doing everything they could to relieve the intense burning. Even the copious sweat did little to quell the flames, and it soon felt like they couldn’t excrete anymore. They were both drenched in salty fluids, with nothing to be done about the fire licking at their skin, leaving them to fall to their knees and writhe in unexpected agony. 


Already ashamed of their uncontrolled nudity, neither man was ready for the heat to seep into their groins, burning into their cocks and forcing them to full erection. Though nothing about the situation should have been innately arousing, there was no denying the fire in their loins, cocks coming to full erection and pounding with the blood necessary for fuel such turgid girths. Eli wanted to move his 4-inch cut member out of sight of his friend’s 5.5, but with the pain of change, there was little he could do to hide himself away. 


With their members at full attention, the pain of heat and searing flesh was held at bay by the minute tremors of pleasure such erections were causing. It was a small consolation given the aches still assailing them, though both focused on that slight edging to keep the oncoming agony at bay. With that, it was painfully tempting to stroke themselves off, though neither man could imagine doing so in this context.


Soon, the aches returned ten-fold, and Eli, even in his shame, could hardly hold back the urge to touch himself. Not caring he was in the presence of his friend, Eli reached down, desperate for any reprieve from the agony playing over his body. Yet, the moment he did so was the moment the pain started to center in his fingers, and Eli looked down, shocked at the cracks resonating through the digits. Violently shaking, it seemed as though the joints were popping within, bursting apart and pushing against the skin until the fingers themselves were longer, more spindly. Looking out of place on his hands, it seemed like they were somehow changing…getting bigger?


The pain soon started to center on the tips of his fingers, and Eli cried out from the ache of something bursting through from underneath, popping away the nails with a spray of warm blood. Shocked to the core, Eli was left to stare at the sight of gnarled, sharpened points protruding forth, reaching the width of his fingers and curving the length of their tips. They soon seemed fully formed, almost heavy at the end of each digit. It looked like…did he now possess a set of lupine claws?


Chris, too, was crying out his own pain, blood dripping from his fingers and onto the carpet as new nails burst through. His digits were still cracking, expanding larger than his hands could support. His palms seemed to be swelling as well, the muscle writhing under the skin as blood was pumped in and out at an expedited rate. The skin on his palms was thickening, the coarse flesh turning black and swelling into what looked like some semblance of paw pads. The tips of his fingers, too, were swollen and black, hands looking like a horrid mixture of canine features. Almost as though they were really changing into lycanthropes…


It was then their gazes met, and the duo stared at each other with expressions of shock and awe. It seemed the conclusion of their fates was as clear as the alterations to their hands. Though both thought they were joking, it seemed they really had been attacked by such a beast out of their wildest dreams and most fearful imaginations. And now, they were cursed to become such beasts themselves, the consequences of such they could only scarcely imagine. Thinking such things existed in the real world was one thing, but to be undergoing it themselves was something beyond fathoming!


Such a change should have been unfathomably painful, leaving both men writhing on the floor. And largely, it was, forcing them onto their knees and overwhelmed by the waves of misery. Yet, contrasting waves of pleasure poking from their pricks seemed to leave both men powerfully confused. A transformation at this scale should hardly have been pleasurable, much less bringing their cocks to bear. But the more their bodies heated up, the more pleasure lanced from their loins, causing them conflicting waves of pain and ecstasy. Though Eli would have always imagined such a process would be enjoyable, never would he imagine his mental machinations would translate to the real world and allow him a modicum of reprieve from an otherwise agonizing process. And at the moment, he would do almost everything to relieve it for even a second!


By now, the changes seemed to be seeping into their feet. The same cracks and pops forced their toes to twitch and shrink into the bases of the foot. Unlike their hands, the toes went all the way toward a bestial equivalent, diminishing down to stunted nubs filled in on both sides by a thick webbing of skin. The same sharp agony of claws piercing the tips shot through their forms, leaving them to fall to their new paw hands and stretch out their legs for any iota of reprieve. Toes mostly remained uniform, save the large ones that were shrinking the length of their heels, still possessing a sharpened nail like a canine dewclaw. The same pads started to form from toe tips and the bases of their feet, not something the duo could see but something that was certainly felt. 


The bases of their feet continued to swell, their heels there thinning, stretching upwards as they were forced onto the balls of their feet. A series of moans escaped both of their lips as heels stretched twice, three times humanly possible. It would be nigh impossible to get up on them, though the pains lancing through their forms was such that standing was not feasible regardless. They were therefore forced to stay down on the floor, wanting to crawl to the door in perhaps an attempt to escape but not knowing what good that would do for them. 


The hairs on their legs, damp from sweat and fluids, started to lance upward as though weeds growing after heavy rain. Powerful itching played over their bodies, hairs expanding within the follicles and pushing them open for what had to be lupine hairs making their way through. The itching was limited to their legs for the moment and was not all-encompassing, playing over only areas already covered with hair with no new hairs growing, at least for the moment. That was likely to change as the gradual process took their humanity away. The idea of being covered with a coat of fur was unfathomable, though inevitable, given the progression of changes. 


The relentless shift was moving through their legs now, cracks and pops echoing in their ears. The muscle within pressed painfully through the skin until it was almost ripped apart from the excess force. Calves and even thighs were rippling all over, making both men groan and try to stretch their legs to alleviate the aches. At least it was a dull throb compared to the ones that had robbed their hands and feet from them. Soon, their stature was large enough that it looked almost out of place against the backdrop of still human bodies. 


Yet, the more they changed, the more their throbbing cocks seemed to ache for contact, though neither of them would have much success touching themselves with lupine grips. Still, it was impossible not to thrust their hips just a little, enough that bobbing erections got the ever-so-slight stimulation against their bellies. Both were left panting from tongues that seemed a little too large for their mouths. They hung comically out of still-human lips, though providing with them a blessed sort of coolness that alleviated the heat assailing them. 


Their minds were hazy at this point, trying to white out to avoid the pain but equally aroused at the same time. It was as though the lust was seeping into their very beings, making it impossible for them to think about anything else. The need to get off was simply too great, beyond even what their sensibilities told them about doing such things with each other. No strangers to sex with men, it was still something the two of them had never explored with each other and certainly nothing they would want to do in such circumstances. But with the changes and the lust that seemed to burn in their minds and bodies, there was little chance to hold back their needs. 


Unable to help himself, Eli moved behind his friend, cock leaking furiously with the need to get off. The two shared only a brief glance to know what they both mutually needed. The look of lust and need burning in Chris’s eyes was almost palatable, and all it took was a nod to give Eli the permission he required. With little fanfare, Eli took his cock in his rough hand, having enough sense not to grip it too tight with a hybrid lupine paw. With the sheer amount of fluid leaking from his member, it took little lubrication to prepare Chris’s hole, enough to push the head in and set his penis within Christ’s bowels. Beastly need clouded his thoughts as he thrust with intent, caring only about his own pleasure and preparing to get off by any means necessary. 


Chris, too, wanted nothing more than to feel his friend’s intrusion, thrusting his ass and hips back against it. His rear was changing, hairs lancing from the skin on his ass and hips, the cheeks parting to expose his pucker more fully to the point Eli’s 4-inch penis was almost pushed out. But before he could be expelled, Eli felt his prick lancing forward, opening his friend up in a mixture of pain and pleasure. The sheer will for him to fuck his friend was enough to keep him inside, as though triggering the next series of changes. 


Cock throbbing against tight rectal muscles, Eli reflexively reached down to grip Chris’s still-human penis with his lupine paw. He was sure the coarse skin was rough against Chris’s rod, but he cared not, desiring the increased tension against his own rod from the rectal stimulation. Still, the wolven grip on his cock seemed to increase Chris’s sexual excitement to the point of knowing he would cum soon and receive his only moment of beastly bliss. Either way, Chris himself seemed not to mind, pushing back against him and growling as though wanting more. 


The more Eli stroked, the more he became aware of the changing sensation within Chris’s penis, as though his efforts were pulling the man’s foreskin towards the base of his prick. It was like the outer skin was peeling downward, its surface connecting with the bare skin of his groin and hitching his cock towards his belly, making Eli’s grip on it much easier. His skin was warm and soft as it became peppered with what he knew to be dark brown hairs, matching the ones that had covered his legs. But Eli was eager to peel it away, leaving him with the warm, reddening flesh of what would soon be a lupine rod. The same hairs were lancing from Chris’s groin now, and even Eli’s altered hand could detect the soft hairs peppering the skin. 


Now finished forming, the sheath itself appeared to be flexible enough to take in Chris’s entire cock. Though even the 5.5-inch erection he possessed was not enough to stay within the confines of the sheath as it immediately peeled back the flesh, leaving his member to be stroked off by Eli’s lupine hand. A series of muffled groans from his friend was enough for Eli to know his efforts were well received, both in his ass and on his cock!


A strange slipping sensation was almost enough for Eli to slide out of his friend’s rump, as though his own cut foreskin was growing back and popping out of Chris’s tight hole. It, too, started covering it with its own coat of soft black hairs, though they were damp from the fluids leaking into Chris’s pucker, even as it was pulled all the way out to merge with Eli’s groin. His crotch, too, started to coat with its own black fur-like hair, itching as it became fully covered. 


The changes to their legs, meanwhile, seemed to be speeding up, muscles tearing and reforming and sending sharp aches through their frames. Eli had to adjust his stance several times in order to stay within his friend. Chris could easily hold the weight of the transforming man on his back, eventually pushing his back tight against Eli’s chest, the sweaty hairs starting to lance forward as though in response. The skin of their legs finally erupted with a flurry of lupine hairs, brown on Chris’s and midnight black on Eli’s. An intense itching was almost enough to make them stop, though it was only surpassed by the ache in their cocks, the last bastion of desperation in avoiding the pain and discomfort from the changes. 


Eager to feel the lupine hairs growing in, Eli’s other hand, free now that Chris was supporting his body, started playing over Chris’s chest, rubbing the fur into place. It rose over his treasure trail, the sparse human hairs lancing outward against Eli’s touch like dandelions rising toward the sun. Soon the hair was to spread beyond that, thickening into the beginnings of a brown lupine pelt, covering the skin to the point where Eli could barely feel it. Though the skin was drenched in sweat, it seemed Chris could not produce anymore. Eli was hardly deterred by the moist sensation against his rough hands. Rather, he was more eager to rub his fur into existence, his sexual delight to do as he humped away in a consistent rhythm. He couldn’t deny how hot his friend would look covered in a lupine pelt!


Seeking hands eventually made their way to Chris’s pits, the wiry hairs thick and soft under his touch. The coarse pelt, drenched in sweat, prompted Eli to take his hand from under his friend’s chest and brought them to his mouth, where a seeking, lupine tongue sampled the fluids and drank them in, the salty musk raising his arousal to new heights. With that, Eli was prompted to reach down, spine stretching and belly thinning enough he could nip the nape of Chris’s neck, human teeth not enough to put him in his place, though the gesture was hardly lost on them. 


“So GGGRRRROOD…” Chris managed to moan, voice deeper as he gasped, the changes resonating through his chest. Eli, too, growled a beastly cadence, muttering into Chris’s neck as he continued to nip and bite, almost lovingly as his spine continued to expand in time with his insistent thrusts. 


Lowering himself down again, it was obvious Chris was dealing with a similar change in stature from a lengthening spine. Eli, too, could tell that his friend’s back was stretching, and the nub of an odd bump was pressing against Eli’s furry groin. The same lump started to form on Eli’s own rear, and a seeking hand reached back to feel it, delighting in the size of the thing pushing its way out. It hurt, of course, the aches of the bones popping apart and growing, pulling in fuel from who knew where. It continued to push out, faster now at the same tempo as Eli’s thrusts of tension and relaxation. Eli was trying to keep his rhythm up, wanting to relieve himself of the ache of his spine growing, starting to wag back and forth with the eagerness to do so. A prickling started playing over it, making him growl once more as thousands of lupine hairs coated its surface, running all the way up to the base and moving to merge with the coat over his ass and groin. 


The next set of changes was far from discomforting, however, Eli feeling his 4-inch cock start to extend, nearly doubling his size and more, stretching out Chris’s insides to the point of almost pain. The member he had been stroking all the while, too, moved from 5.5 inches toward something almost akin to his own. Though they could not see it, Eli was sure his member was lipstick red, pointed at the tip as much as he could feel Chris’s becoming. A strange stiffening from within their shafts dialed up their lust to new heights, and the term ‘baculum’ came to mind, though Eli could hardly bring himself to care about such things with how horny the process was making him. 


An itching in Eli’s chest was enough to tell him his own chest hair was thickening, prickling around his nipples and playing over his treasure trail. Thinking the same would be happening to his mate, Eli reached down, teasing Chris’s nipples and making the fur grow around them. He was sure they were light brown, though cared little in his lusts. Better yet was when similar bumps started to grow under his touch, as though more nipples were sprouting along Chris’s chest and toward his thinning stomach. Eli was eager to tease them all, making the wolf man groan his pleasure and tighten the rectal clamp against Eli’s cock. Eli couldn’t wait till he grew his own, eager to experience the same pleasures as his mate. 


Though cracks of aches and tail growth still assailed them, it was nice feeling the tickling of hairs turning to fur before dozens more covered the skin, giving them lovely lupine pelts. Chris’s chest was soon covered, and Eli lowered himself, wanting the feeling of hair against his own as his coat completed itself. His own nipples were tickled by the fur, and he lovingly growled in a lupine tone as the rest of his new sensitive nubs grew in.


The contrasting pleasure against the pain of chests started to crack and barrel outward hit them. The pain should have been immense, yet the cracks of ribs forcing his chest outward were rather pleasant at this point, lust at the forefront and drowning out the pain. Eli was sure he could feel his organs shifting as well in a process that should have killed him over and over. Though whatever force was changing him seemed intent on keeping him alive. The altering organs to make him more of a predatory beast was not detrimental to his own health as his chest swelled and left his skeleton in a relatively hybrid state. 


By this point, a fur coat completely covered Chris’s chest. Eli reached down to grip Chris’s still-growing tail, tugging at it in a way that should have been painful, though only creating an ache that dulled the changes coursing through his being. It was a good pain, one that spoke of their sexual prowess and the power their soon-to-be bestial forms granted. With that, Eli’s paw hand stroked off Chris’s mostly wolf-cock with reverence before Chris finally reached with his own, the power in his arms and torso enough to balance even Eli’s weight with one hand. Yet, before Eli lost the grip on Chris’s cock, his hand felt the formation of what had to be a canine knot, bulbous at the base and twice the size of the shaft it sat below. The knowledge it was present made Eli aware of the swelling in his own member, a pleasant sensation he could feel hindering his in and out thrusting within the man’s tight rear. With a beastly growl, Eli pushed himself all the way in, a wet pop signaling that Chris’s pucker was open and ready for all the wolf had to offer.


At that, the haze fell from their minds, despite the utter rapture they both felt from the intense knotting. Terrified that he was turning into a beast against his will, Eli tried to pull out, realizing that he was stuck and his efforts were hurting them. The force of his attempts was almost enough to make Eli cum right then and there! Though he maintained somehow, as though the changes would not let him cum until the process was completed. 


“RRRRAAAATTT THE RRRRRUUUCCCKKK!” Chris tried to call out, voice cracking as his own chest started to barrel with a series of painful pops. It was clearly a bestial growl and made it unlikely he would be able to articulate any further words. Eli felt he could understand the words, though they mattered little to the beasts they were becoming. 


Yet, despite the terror they felt from their lycanthropic states, both men were still incredibly horny. The contrasting waves of pain and pleasure were almost too much to hold onto their humanity. Though rather than be terrified, Eli was filled with the expected lust from the realization he was a werewolf, was changing and making his friend change through penetrative sex. It was everything he wanted and more to fuck his way through a real-life transformation! 


With that certainty, Eli needed to reach down and tell his friend what he really thought before his voice was robbed from him as well. Nipping Chris’s ear, Eli uttered the last words he would speak of the night. “RRRucking hell, RRRou RRRook RRRot!” With that, his voice nearly unrecognizable, Eli could only growl lustily. He no longer needed words to articulate his lusts, the beasts they were becoming beings of body language as much as vocalization. 


By this point, fur had covered the soon-to-be wolves from the head down, though their beards were starting to lance out into the formation of a wolven equivalent. Both were looking at each other, panting from the heat and lust building beyond the breaking point. Despite any fear of the changes and what they meant for the two of them going forward, it was impossible to deny how badly they needed to rut and give into the sexually charged beings they were becoming. In desperation and heat from the changes, Chris pushed back against Eli’s knot as though encouraging his continued incursion. Eli, getting the hint, started thrusting again, their balls slapping together as he took what he needed from his friend. 


With that, only their heads persisted in any human form, but that was not to last. Pressure started to fill their faces, making it obvious what was about to happen. The changes to their chests and lower bodies were agonizing in their own right, and faces pushing into muzzles were almost excruciatingly so. Jaws started to push up just slightly, enough that eye teeth could lengthen, sticking out of their mouths as noses were scrunched up toward the front of their muzzles. Though the pain was intense, the consistent sensations of sex were enough to keep them from succumbing to the torture of this final stretch of the change. 


After what seemed like hours of eternal agony, the pain finally ceased, whether it be the changes ending or their ability to feel them dampened by lust. Fur covered their necks and cheeks, while ears burned as they stretched into lupine points. Faces were relatively human, save the blunt snouts, and it was obvious their human hair, though changing into a more wolven texture, was remaining in some semblance of its natural state. But with the pain subsided, it seemed the changes were largely complete. Chris looked over his shoulder at Eli, relief on his features that his mind was intact, he was still himself, and the two of them could enjoy the rest of their descent into lupine lust. In fact, it almost appeared like Chris was grinning, fangs almost too large for his mouth in their current state. 


Yet, the pleasured grin was soon replaced with a look of horror as the pain started to burn into his mind, as though his cognizance was being rewritten. Every effort to maintain his sense of self was fought with the sheer force of the beast that lay beneath the surface. It was a predator lying in wait, taking its time before reducing Chris to his baser instincts. The pain soon burned into his head with a vengeance, muzzle beginning to push out further. Part of him wanted to submerge himself within the wolf, if only for a reprieve from the pain assailing him. A sloping skull, compressing cranium, and shifting ears signaled the end of the changes as best as he could tell. Though at the moment, Chris only wanted to fall into the beast, the bliss allowing him the peace he so eagerly desired…


Chris was still staring at the changing wolf fucking his rectum as his eyes blinked a few times, as though the humanity in them was fading fast. Eventually, an inhuman growl escaped his lips as he blinked a few more times, familiar brown fading into the amber hue of a beast. For all intents and purposes, Chris was now a wolf, nothing left of his humanity as his ass clenched on the wolf inside him, as though desperate to take Eli with him. 


Eli only had a moment to fear for his own humanity before the same pain burrowed into his mind, suddenly understanding the same thing was happening to him. Yet, even as the agony started to pierce his skull, he was aware the wolf was giving him an almost anticipatory look, as though understanding Eli’s eventual descent and waiting for it. Eli hardly had the wherewithal to comprehend it any longer with the extreme pain burning into his head. Certain that his muzzle was to extend outward, Eli wanted to close his eyes, doing everything he could to escape the situation. But his efforts were for naught. Eyes bulged open and watered from the force of his mouth opening, the skin tearing as the bones reforged. Cracks echoed in the apartment as his muzzle met the contours of his friend’s, nose forced to the end of his muzzle and drinking in the pungent musk, reeking of sweat and rut and wolf. 


With such potent stimuli, it was a wonder he could hold onto a semblance of his human self. And Eli didn’t want to, terrified about the beast he was and wanting to let himself go to avoid the pain of change. It was more fulfilling to his fantasies to allow the beast to take over, enough of him aware of what he was and what he had become to enjoy. But that was not to be as even that was taken from him, swirling down the drain of his humanity as the clarity of the beast took over. 


The beast that was formerly Eli growled, finding himself embedded in the rear of a mate and thrusting insistently with needs to breed. Wanting to show this other wolf his dominance, he bit down on the shoulder of the beast with a spray of blood, making sure to hold him in place. The action was not intended to damage him, the wolf knowing it would heal over. He simply wanted to hold his mate down while he spilled his load, making sure to coat the insides of his mate’s rear with wolf cum!


With that, the dominant wolf felt his knot clench and let loose a spray of semen, filling the other beast’s bowels with warm wolf jism, the backflow only stifled by the size of the wolf’s knot. The forceful pounding against his prostate, in tandem with the assertive bite, was enough to make the bottom wolf’s knot spasm and explode all over his belly and the floor, the release making him howl. Any semblance of the beings they were, safe from the offensive scents of humans that persisted, were lost with the lupine release and stretch of semen that pervaded their very beings. 


With that, the two beasts lay there, enjoying their burden. Though the places reeked of them and their essence, something alien about their surroundings left them powerfully confused. They would need to escape this place of human smells and uncomfortable confines. Now that their sexual needs were satisfied, they would need to sate the other requirements of their bodies as a rumbling hunger made itself known. They needed to burst out into the night, to claim the world as their domain, as was their right. But first, knot embedded in the other wolf’s rear as it was, there was some precedence to rut away the semen in their balls, fucking and howling until their final release…




Yawning, Eli woke up, lying in his bed and feeling a rather strange taste in his mouth. He was sore, too, back stiff and making him roll over to alleviate the ache. Rubbing his belly reflexively, Eli was surprised to notice he was rather full, as though he’d eaten a large meal the night before. But he couldn’t quite recall what…what had happened to him last night, anyway? It was all such a blur…


The night a month ago at Chris’s camp came to mind then. Reaching up, Eli rubbed the familiar sensation of bite marks on his shoulder, knowing that Chris had a corresponding mark on his own like they were bitten by some kind of beast out of folklore. It was silly, he knew. But the idea they had been attacked by a bonafide werewolf hadn’t been lost on them. And, rubbing his lips, the taste started to come to mind, one that reminded him of…blood? Rubbing his lips, the texture of dry, cracked blood spotted on his hand made him wonder if maybe, just maybe, the month after such a bite…


The sound of a toilet flushing made Eli look up, realizing for the first time he was not in his own room but what looked to be Chris’s. Chris walked in just then, naked as the day he was born and sporting a rather fetching erection. Eli hadn’t seen his friend completely buff, but he had to admit the 6.5-inch erection bobbing from Chris’s groin was rather attractive on the built man. It was more than that. Eli was sure that his buddy’s form wasn’t lithe and muscled, in fact carrying with it a rather sizable paunch. There was nothing of that on his lean, muscled form, more akin to a swimmer’s build, though with far more body hair. All in all, Eli found him rather hot!


The changed sight of the man caused Eli to look down at his own form, shocked to the point of nearly gasping. His sizable belly, too, was gone, coated with a ton of body hair and lean with hard-packed muscle. Matching his friend’s, Eli was surprised to feel his own cock coming to arousal, 7 inches hardly the 4 he possessed before today. Yet, no matter how much he tried to find fault with the sight of himself, Eli couldn’t shake the notion what he looked like now was fundamentally right about his physique. As though he was meant to look this way…


The day passed rather uneventfully, though Eli had the compulsion to stay over at this friend’s place, not wanting to be away from the other man for whatever reason he could not quite place. Chris was happy for the company, and with nothing else to do that day, they passed it with video games, movies, and whatever else they could to take their minds off the unspoken reality of what might have happened in the interim. There were flashes throughout of sex and fur and teeth and bestial intensity, proving the one thought neither of them was quite ready to voice yet…


The knowledge that the moon was about to rise hit the two of them like a ton of bricks, both getting up without a word and stripping down to the buff. As though knowing with certainty what was to happen, their cocks rose to attention, growing toward what they were coming to understand were their lupine lengths. With the lust hitting them full force, Chris pounced on his friend, grinding their cocks together and leaking profusely onto their fingers. Lips met in a passionate embrace, hunger in their mouths as they rubbed their cocks together with anticipation of what was to come. 


Soon, the needs in his ass came to the forefront, and this time it was Eli to get down on all fours, raising his rear in the air for Chris’s inspection. Chris wasted no time lubing Eli’s asshole with his leaking pre-cum, before pushing in unceremoniously. Eli welcomed the pain of penetration, however, opening his ass up and allowing himself to be fucked into the onset of what he understood to be change. A feral grin crossed Chris’s face as he pushed into the hilt, leaning in and whispering into Eli’s ears, “My turn.”


The change seemed to play over the two of them much faster, as best they could tell, though lost in the amazing sex and the animalistic need to rut, it was impossible to say. Be it their awareness of the change this time or the second time they had done so, the changes did not hurt as much as they recalled them being prior. Hands only shook for a few moments before bloody nails burst out. The same nails burst from their toes, the shifting stances from stretching heels all but an inconvenience as Chris made his way back into Eli’s rump. Tails tore from backsides, wagging back and forth as soon as they were able. Fur sprouted from the tips and moved over their skin in waves, sweaty hairs rising as their brethren took place around them to give them their respective black and brown coats. And, best of all, cocks grew the two inches to reach their lupine lengths, bloodred and pushing through furry sheaths and quaking balls, with knots swelling and keeping them impossibly rigid. 


This time, however, as Eli got down and Chris started to fuck him with gusto, it seemed his mind was gone long before the changes to his skull. He was snarling, scratching Eli’s rapidly healing skin, biting down, and leaving red marks that were powerfully erotic to the point he was tempted to fade into bestial bliss himself. It was easier to allow his mind to go as his face pushed out, nose and ears drinking in the room as amber eyes regarded the world from the point of view of an apex predator. 


And with that, the former human felt his bowels being opened as thick spurts of wolf cum filled him up. The sensation was enough for him to blow his own load, needing to cum and howl and release his pent-up seed. Allowing himself to sit there and wait for their burdens to recharge, the hunger in his gullet brought forth images of prey, of the night before, and all things were theirs to claim when their cocks eventually softened…