An Even Greater Treasure

With some trepidation, I braced myself before entering the dark cavern’s opening, waning light outside doing little to keep it illuminated. Still, if the rumors were true, it would be well worth the risk for me to check it out. They had to be, I told myself, and not for the first time in recent days. I had to admit I needed them to be, more so than anything I recalled in recent memory. 


An adventurer of sorts, exploring places such as unmarked caves was hardly new to me. Especially having grown up on the streets, a commoner that used both street and wilderness smarts to survive. Even from a younger age, I was always able to make a quick buck when I needed to. Eventually, I became an adventurer for hire, putting my skills to good use. The crazy shit I’d seen could fill a book, though I wasn’t much of a linguist. It was the adventuring itself that made me coin, for as long as I was still able to do it. And now, a good haul all to myself was what I really needed, something to retire with. And that was to be my goal with this current expedition. 


This particular cave was rumored to contain a massive pile of treasure, as much as anyone in the neighboring townships had ever seen. Though it was a generally silly claim that I’d come across more than a few times on my travels, this one had some merit. The fact that no one had returned from investigating it was a little disconcerting, but it was hardly the first time I’d heard those words as well. But, in this case…even those that went in to search for their cohorts were not seen again. So, it was a dead zone of sorts, one that carried a myriad of rumors and superstitions. The perfect place for me to find treasure. 


The one rumor that stood above all others was the presence of a dragon, not unheard of in these parts, don’t get me wrong. Not something that I ever wanted to mess with myself. Some people had their reasons for wanting to confront such beasts, for the glory, for the fame, for the money, those sorts of things. All good reasons, but ultimately futile when your life was likely to be forfeit. So, generally, I was content to let others do the heavy lifting, like slaying the dragons. If I could get in a steal the treasure in the interim, I certainly would!


And this seemed to be the case, at least as far as I could tell. No dragon had been seen in the years since the cave was considered cursed. No taken livestock, no scratch marks, scorched earth, notta. Dragons were evil, vile creatures, in my opinion. And without the obvious signs of one, chances were, they were dead. Or, at least, the cave was vacant. A low enough chance to encounter one that it was worth the risk for me to venture in alone. 


Admittedly, I had a little bit of a rush to get a haul big enough to retire on. Life around the county wasn’t the most…hospitable for people with my particular skill sets, as of late. To put it bluntly, a new dictator had taken up residence in a nearby kingdom and was intent on conquering the nearby cities in a bid to bring them into his benevolent rule. One of high taxes, public beatings, frequent searches and raids, and mandatory conscription. Not my ideal retirement spot. And not one I could get away from without a fair amount of coin. 


So here I was, about to take the literal plunge into the unknown and a cave that hadn’t been explored in some time. Honestly, I was a little nervous for the fact that no one else seemed to have the same idea. Traps, curses, and superstitions were all things I had dealt with before. I get that it wasn’t everyone’s safe space, but it was a little unnerving that I hadn’t heard of anyone else checking what should have been an easy haul. The rumors surrounding it wouldn’t keep everyone out, right? But, it still seemed suspect that I was the only one. Oh well. All I could really do was keep my wits about me. The repercussions of failure, for me at least, were not acceptable. 


Even with my light source, the cave was massive and dark, and in scaling downward, I nearly died more than once. Added to the fact that I stopped every few moments to check for traps and other obstacles, my descent was taking a far longer time than I had hoped. To my dismay, there were more than a few skeletal remains around the cave, and some of them were clearly humanoid. Without the presence of traps, it seemed unlikely that they had died from something set in place in the cave. That being the case, who, or what did away with my contemporaries? I hoped I could get to the bottom of it before my body was added to the piles of bones strewn around the cavern. 


Eventually, I found it. A larger area within the cave, one that could house a dragon or other such being, and hopefully its hoard. It was rank down here, though I was used to some unsavory smells in my time, so I was able to breathe through my mouth. Still, the heavy air played over my mind, and it was hard to focus as I looked around the chamber with my torch to find…a whole lot of nothing. Great. I would have no choice but to go further into the cave to look for my treasure. 


The one saving grace was that there didn’t seem to be any dragon down here, no scorch marks, no scratches, no…nothing. Well, there were the bodies, but even those were few and far between, as though they had been eaten and their bones left to scatter as a deterrent to anyone that might try to take the treasure in the cave. But none recent. Had maybe others been scared of the bodies? Or was there something else…?


It was the sight of the bones present further down that made me truly terrified. They were human, or looked like it, with clothes strewn around that were more modern than the ones of the unfortunate souls toward the front of the cave. Though their arms started in normal human fashion, their fingers were longer and gnarled like they were forced to grow rapidly. And the shape of their skulls was all wrong, mandibles pushed outward into facilities of a snout. Even if I hadn’t seen my fair share of skulls in my time, it would be obvious that something was wrong with them. It was almost like they were…


Doing my best to ignore them, I moved deeper into the cave, at least twenty minutes or so away from the last of them. It was then I saw it. The bones of a beast, one that had not persisted down here for some time, at least. Given that the bones were picked clean, they had to have been here for hundreds of years, in line with the rumors of curses and terrors. It takes a long time for a creature the size of a dragon, or wyvern, as I was able to tell from the structure of the bones and lack of front arms, to decompose like that. 


Yet, it was the sight beyond those wyvern bones that soon drew my attention. Glittering in the light of my torch, a pile of gold, precious jewels, artifacts, and things I had no immediate name for sat in piles as far as I could see, though in fairness, was limited by the light from my torch. It was beyond anything I could have fathomed, almost intoxicating with the level of wealth that I might possess with just a pocketful. And with its wyvern dead, it was all there for me, no obvious repercussions for taking what should be my share. 


Moving over and pulling out my satchel, I eyed the hoard with greed, wondering what would be the best for the weight of it to take with my first run. With no obvious traps, I could come and go as I pleased, taking as much as I could carry and buying my way to freedom. Hell, with only a fraction of this wealth, I could buy my own private island, one where I would never be bothered again! Of course, I planned to invite as many attractive women as I could manage…I would have the rest of my life to arrange such affairs once I had taken my share of this hoard!


Yet, the moment my hands came in contact with the gold was the moment that a burning sensation pulsated through my being, as though I had placed my hand directly into a fire. Even letting go of the gold piece had no effect on lessening the pain as I yelled out, gripping my hand in a desperate bid to alleviate the ache. I was left holding my hand, not wanting to touch the skin lest the treasure had been coated with some sort of acid or curse. With that, I considered cutting off the hand, but I didn’t have enough first aid supplies to stem the bleeding from such a severe wound. Hopefully, it would not come to that!


As much as I didn’t want to look down to see what wounds had been inflicted on my hand, I needed to know. Yet, the sight that greeted me was more than I could have expected. The orange and red coloration spreading from my fingers was bizarre and not indicative of any ailment I was aware of. It didn’t seem like my fingers were melting or anything of the like. But the human skin tone was changing towards something bright and confusing, pain abating as the orange and red patterns spread over them and up my wrists. 


The agony was soon to return, however. A series of aches and cracks resonated through my fingers as they started to twitch uncontrolled. It was as though the bones were preparing to burst through the skin, though the skin wrapped around them was able to keep up, if only just. I tried to move them, though seemed to be robbed of the ability as they doubled their length, becoming essentially unruly. Bizarrely long on my features, I was forced to stare as the aches of growth betrayed an unexpected fate. 


It was when a sheen on the skin started to spread from the base between each finger, running quickly between each and sticking them together all the way up top the fingertips, that I started to get the idea. It almost looked like some sort of webbing was adhering them together, and trying to pull at it with the other hand, against my better judgment, did not yield the webbing. In fact, it hurt! Soon, the translucent orange skin started to thicken near the consistency of my fingers, which for their own part were still stretching as long as my arms were now. It seemed almost like they were… but was that possible!?


Yet, there was no denying the results as pain raced through my fingers. Sharpened points burst bloodily from the tips, the trickling of blood barely noticed against the backdrop of orange and red skin covering me. The claws were massive, looking strangely out of place against the rest of my form. Though, more closely now, they resembled the wings of a wyvern…


With that, a cold shiver ran through me, recalling the bodies I’d seen on the way in. Their bones were altered, inhuman, or unlike any other race I had seen. It was almost as though they were in the midst of change from one species to another, perhaps from humanoid form to that of a dragon. The foreign features were all too reminiscent of the dragon’s skeleton that sat beside its hoard. And the likely cause of their death, why only their bones remained in the cave. Why no one had ever left with the treasure. They had all been changed, altered like I was being. And none of them had survived the process…


I didn’t know why it was happening or what was the exact cause, but it seemed to be occurring to my other hand as well, the fingers quivering and growing without any ability for me to control it. I was left to watch as the same webbing fused the fingers together, the digits expanding and making it almost impossible for me to keep them too closely together. The sheer size of my hands, now a facsimile of wings, were massive against the backdrop of my body. Had they not been so light, I would be hindered and unable to move! Not that I could fly with them, mind, but as they continued to tingle and grow, they went far beyond what my body could manage. Unless I were to change further…


There was likely only one cause of the changes that were overcoming me, as beyond their understanding as they were to me. There had to have been a curse on the treasure, one the deceased dragon had left to, what? Leave the victim to be turned into a wyvern like them to take over the hoard? But then, why had it killed all those who came before me? Was there a way to get out of here with my life, if not with my humanity? Not that I wanted to be a greedy wyvern, but I certainly didn’t want to die!


Not really sure what to do, the only thing I could come up with was to let the change happen without making an attempt to escape. None of the corpses were near the hoard itself, as though everyone who had been afflicted by the curse had tried to get away before they inevitably perished. Surely, the same would beset me should I try to get away. So, not wanting to add myself to the piles of bones, I stayed still, waiting for what would come. Maybe if I allowed it to happen as it would, accepted the change…I braced myself for would could be the last moments of my life!


I wouldn’t have to wait long. A pain in my backside made me want to reach back and rub it, though my new wings were useless for such things. I looked back, trying to catch a glimpse of what was growing though figuring out what it was all the same. I was forced to feel the sensation of a protrusion sliding from my tailbone, moving about my britches and rubbing against my legs. It was soon heavy on my backside, hanging out and moving toward the ground as it formed a pointed spade-like shape at the tip. I had a fucking wyvern’s tail sticking out of my backside! And if I focused on it, I found, to my surprise, I could move the damned thing, twitching it in irritation at the tingling of red and orange skin spreading over it.


The urge to flee was powerful, I had to admit, not wanting to stand there and turn into a greedy beast. But, knowing that otherwise would be the death of me, I stood there, allowing the changes to overtake me, wondering what part of my humanity would be robbed from me next. There was little I could do at the moment but feel my body changing, mutating beyond any spell or curse could conjure. Was that why I hadn’t heard of such a process before? It mattered little with the steady encroaching of scales up my expanding arms or over my back, painful rips of what had to be spikes popping out of my back and causing trickles of blood to run over the spread of scales. 


The aches of change were burning into my muscles now, making them expand and grow almost painfully against the skin. I was terrified for a moment, thinking this would be the death of me, finally. Growing wings and a tail were one thing, but, surely there was no chance of my surviving the muscles growing, tearing at the skin before my internal organs were crushed by the sheer size of them. If the scale of my wings was to be any indication, I was to be a massive beast if the curse ran its course. No wonder no one survived, and even standing here and accepting my fate was not enough to save my life!


Yet, the more I seemed to grow, the more something unexpected seemed to happen, leaving me powerfully confused. It was as though intrusive thoughts were trying to wriggle their way into my mind. It started as a stray awareness, thinking it wouldn’t be so bad to be the size of a dragon. After all, the dragon seemed to have died of old age down here, not a weapon to be found on its person. And didn’t dragons live hundreds of years? Not to mention the huge hoard of gold that would be all mine! It had been left for whoever changed successfully into a facsimile of its former owner, right? I had to let that be me!


Yet, the moment that realization crossed my mind was the moment I knew I needed to shake my head from the intrusive thoughts. No, I wouldn’t lose myself like this! I couldn’t let it all end as I turned into some sort of beast, little better than an animal. I had dreams, goals, and ambitions! Well, OK, my dreams were to own an island and fill it with beautiful women, but such was almost in my grasp! And after a lifetime of exploring and adventuring, didn’t I deserve a haul like this former dragon had left behind? 


No matter how much I tried to hold onto my mental fortitude for my humanity, the intrusive thoughts kept welling up. Worse, it was harder and harder for me to hold onto why I didn’t want to think that way. Surely, women were amazing, but…wouldn’t this hoard make me more attractive to the opposite sex? And I couldn’t carry, much less take care of such a hoard with my meek human body. I needed wings, a tail, a massive draconic body with which to…NONONONO! I couldn’t allow this to simply happen!


It was the persistent tingling of change that broke me from my trance. The burning in my muscles seemed to be making me larger, straining against the clothes on my back as though threatening to tear through them at any moment. With my hands in their current state, there was no chance of getting them off safely. Part of me was worried about losing them to the changes, their expense not lost to me. Though there was little to be done for it, not when the body I was growing into couldn’t maintain it. Besides, the treasure before me dwarfed the price of a thousand such garments. And it was all mine, no man or dragon here to challenge my right to it!


With that realization came a surge of growth, enough to tear the shirt from my back. It was powerfully uncomfortable for me to feel, though there was nothing to be done for it with my lack of hands. The rips and tears felt more freeing than the loss of such things should. The spreading scales would provide much better coverage than any human rags. Their loss was only indicative of how large I was becoming, and how much larger I had to grow. And all the power that came with such size would be mine!


As my shirt ripped across the back, its rags fell towards the floor, to be discarded among the treasure that was to become mine. Exposed skin shone brightly in the waning light of my torch, enough that I was able to see my changes as well as my hoard beyond. It was largely in that same pattern of red and orange, gleaming scales I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in. They were small, interlocking, looking as smooth as a snake’s, though I had no way to touch or feel them. Though my hairless belly was presently devoid of them, the skin soon parted for much larger scutes, a lighter orange than the rest of my covering. The definition of my lean belly, my chest, my pecs, all of it, merged and flattened into a single expanse of flesh, the scales patterned evenly between them all the way down to my tail. My groin, for all its meticulous shaving, still sported some hair in recent days. It was quick to fall out, powerful scutes left in their wake. Part of me worried about my maleness, though I had no ability to rip off my pants and look for the moment. I would be remiss for wishing to still be covered in tan skin when lovely scales were so much firmer a covering!


With the tingling over my privates came an arousal that was unprecedented. It felt so good to change, the pain of such was now gone with my acceptance and even eagerness to experience the process. I wanted more…I wanted…no, I couldn’t! I shouldn’t! My island! My women! My treasure…yes…my treasure…fit for a powerful wyvern like me…and fuck did that notion turn me on! My cock was at full attention in my britches now, and I couldn’t imagine wanting anything more than to get off with its new form. What did a dragon’s genitalia look like? I was so eager to find out! Not that I would have cared about such things before today, but it was harder and harder not to think that my changes were lovely and that I wanted more!


Yet, it was not my member to change next, but rather the ache of my feet brought to my attention. It was not the pain of the changes themselves, my toes only tingled slightly as the process began. But rather it was the pressure against my boots, increasing rapidly as the bones in my toes cracked and started flexing impossibly. For a moment, I was concerned my feet would be crushed within the leather, but the knowledge swelling within my mind knew better. The power within my body would not allow my growing draconic talons to be injured in any way!


Soon, the pressure in my feet grew to the breaking point, the bindings of my boots not able to withstand my talons. Unlike the loss of my hands, I didn’t mind my feet turning draconic, rather relishing the changes to come. This time, I was delighted as black talons burst out through my toes, or at least three of them, breaking through the front and removing the remnants of the leather as I twitched them. I was only left with three, the other two of each foot cracking away into my feet. Heels stretched wide, pulling back the rest of my boot and leaving the balls of my feet to rest on the dirty cave floor. And though it was getting harder and harder to hold my stance, I pitched forward, holding my wings out and stepping forward to get into my new posture. It felt more comfortable to stand like this, my widening body better balanced now.


Naturally, my pants were soon to shred, muscles in my thighs and calves far too large for them anymore. Part of me was understandably afraid; after all, more than half my humanity was gone by this point. But. with the pleasure from the changes and the growing part of my psyche that craved them, there was no denying the impact of the transformation itself. I was so far robbed of my humanity, yet I felt no ill, no sign that I was destined for death from the process. None of the skeletons looked as altered as mine did, meaning I was further along in the change. Then, did that mean not only would I survive, but be the ruler of the massive hoard before me? It would be all mine, mine, a hoard worthy of the beast I was to become. Yes, I wanted it…needed it…needed to change!


At that, a surge of growth raced through my body, as though my will to grow and change was enough to spur on the process. I was getting bigger, stronger, the rest of my clothing tearing apart and falling to the floor like the other poor unfortunate souls that had come here before. But unlike them, I was fine, more than fine, in fact. I was healthy, powerful, and changing without any physical repossessions. I was allowed to grow and transform into a beast worthy of the hoard before me. No, that was incorrect. This hoard, gold, and jewels would be worthy of me.


With that, my cock was at full mast, still human but harder than I could ever recall. As a man who enjoyed carnal pleasures, I was no stranger to my personal needs. My only lament at the moment was the lack of hands to deal with my erection. My ass was getting bigger, and it was soon to lose its confinement within my undergarments. With that, the ache against my member was almost too much to bear. But it was the only stimulation I could grant it, and I thrust against the fabric, rubbing the sensitive cock and willing my throbbing balls to unload their burden. Though my expanding hips and waist made short work of the material, my orgasm was not to be denied, and I called out my lust as my spasming, still-human cock blew its load, coating the torn fabric with semen.


I couldn’t help but feel my voice was deeper as I moaned, and I was a little ashamed of the action. There was nothing for it, given how lusty I was and how powerful I was to become. Why should I be ashamed of what my body was capable of? I was a beast in its lair, a cave filled with a lifetime of treasures passed from one wyvern to another. And I would have the rest of my life to amass even more, a wyvern at the peak of his power and hundreds of years of life! The entire province would be mine, new King be damned. I would be the king of the foolish mortals!


All the while, I was getting massive, the rush of draconic desire fueling the growth of my muscles. Chest barreling, I could almost feel the bones within cracking and reknitting, expanding painlessly within me. Such should have killed me, and indeed had likely killed all those that came here before me. But what did that matter what had happened to them? I was alive and thriving, my body more robust than I could have ever imagined. I would survive this. I would be a wyvern, I would own this treasure and add to it with my newly formed influence! None would challenge me!


Even the gurgling of my insides was not enough to hinder my health, even as they readjusted within me for my larger physiology. My anus, clenching eagerly from the stimulation, was situated under my tail now as my insides readjusted. My chest continued to barrel, feeling top heavy, though not enough to obstruct my ability to stand. I started to understand how my body would achieve flight, the bones within hollowing out and leaving me almost as light as I had been as a human. The strength in my frame was nothing to scoff at, being literally rebuilt into the ultimate being. I was being reborn, forged into something beyond even my wildest dreams. Screw an island of women! I could take whatever I wanted with this power!


As my arms thinned relatively to my chest, though became stronger than their human counterparts, I could feel the now-familiar swelling of skin overtaking my undergarments, now devoid of human hair. Like the rest of my form, I cared not for their loss, wanting to be adorned with the brilliant scales peppering my flesh. Webbing began forming down my armpit, connecting my elbow to my flanks as it ran all the way to my former hands. The connection did little to deter my excitement of the changes, and I extended my wings all the way, expanding them over my hoard, and flapping them slightly, realizing that with some effort I could lift myself off the ground if I so chose. I was being gifted the power of flight, and although I could not do so within the confines of this cave, the ability would soon be mine!


At this point, my body seemed to have expanded impossibly large from my former humanity, towering over the bones of the former wyvern and clearly what would be my new stature. All that remained human was my head, looking comically out of place on my body, still its human size. Once more, such growth of my cranium should have killed me, but given the changes that had overtaken me thus far, I would be fine to become the beast I craved to be. My head was not to remain out of place for long, and I longed to have the reptilian visage I desired to complete my transition. All human hesitation was long since robbed from me, and I cared not for human things, not with the promise of stature that awaited me. With that, I gleefully allowed my neck to pop and stretch, extending one-third the length of my torso as the vertebrae within broke painlessly apart and reformed, new muscles and joints allowing a range of motion beyond anything humanly possible. Scutes ran along the front, and lovely red and orange patterned scales up the sides and back, combined with the spines rising from each ridge left only my human head to go. I was so close…


The tingling of change started with my hair of all things, the short brown follicles lengthening into a wiry mane of sorts. To my surprise, the now black mane ran all the way down my neck to my shoulders, strange against the backdrop of my scales but nonetheless fetching. I was fine with any alterations that made me closer to the wyvern I longed to be. Even the itching of my own beard growing out into vibrant reddish accents was not lost, and I found myself loving the accents, eagerly awaiting the changes to come. 


Wondering what my muzzle would look like when the changes were finished with me, I excitedly realized that I would not have to wait much longer. A series of wet pops burst through my lower jaw, pushing it out into a rather unfetching underbite, though my upper jaw was soon to join it. It was bizarre seeing my mouth in front of my eyes, though par for the course for my new existence. It continued to press out as the base of my jaw and cheeks swelled to match the contours of my new neck. Like daggers, serrated fangs burst from my gums, bleeding onto a tongue steadily becoming longer and more sensitive. The metallic taste of blood sat well with me, even as the wounds closed and my new dentures sat thick in my mouth. Though, not for long, as my lips curled back and drool fell from my lips. I was becoming a ferocious beast, indeed!


As the scales spread over my face, my nostrils flared, breathing in a heady reptilian musk I hadn’t known was present over my hide. It relaxed my mind somewhat to know this was my place, smelling of me. Even as the nostrils stretched to the front of my muzzle and fused with the skin of my former upper lips, another odor burned into my nose, beyond the stale dead air of the cave. As my rostrum expanded into my snount, the fragrance grew more and more pronounced, more delectable to my senses. It was coming from the hoard, a metallic scent, but one that my senses craved. Gold, jewels, and artifacts that had been robbed of their human stink. They smelled of me, now. They were mine.


It was then the full implication of the changes hit me, my skull compressing around my brain even as my cranium expanded. I was losing myself, my humanity to this being. And I enjoyed it! Yet, even as the human me tried to crawl up from the miasma that was becoming of my mind, I found my urge to be myself again waning. Whether it be a spell or curse or whatever made me feel this way, there was no denying how much I truly liked it, the power and form I was being granted. The need to fight was distant, as though a dream calling from the undertow in my mind. One that I was content to let fade…


Instead, I eagerly waited to experience the final changes to my visage, growing into the wyvern form I wished to wear forever. Thickened scales took shape above the former bridge of my nose, running all the way toward forward-facing eyes. A pain in my skull left me to wince for only a moment as something erupted from my temples, becoming deep red backward-facing horns that ran over either side of my hair. My ears erupted into three long spines, webbing forming between them as they bloodlessly took on an alternate configuration. I was sure my hearing was more acute, though no sounds carried down to my cave, save my heavy breathing and the occasional resonating crack through my body to signal my increased girth. 


For the most part, the changes had finished with me by this point. To my dismay, my penis, still human, looked comically out of place on my groin. My testicles were hairless, hanging there like grapes as my cock ached, leaking what had to be the remnants of human sperm. Soon, they were pulled within a forming slit, though no less bulbous as a wet sucking sound resounded from their subsumption. They seemed to grow even larger inside my anatomy, if possible, as before a male of my stature. As hard as my shaft was, however, it was still its regular tan color, not the magnificent penis of the wyvern I had become. But, like the rest of my form, that was soon to change…


The pulsating in my shaft became more violent as the skin started to redden and separate in some places, as though making room for what was to come. There was no need for a foreskin, which was pulled back towards my groin, retracting to expand my reptilian slit. But I knew reflexively that I was not to be changing genders. It was a reptilian opening, one to keep my cock protected when not in use. Though at the moment, it was the furthest thing from my being, knowing how aroused my new form had made me!


The entire shaft continued to inch outward, red now as thick ridges formed along the underside, pulsating with growth as veins fueled the mass. Always a shower when it came to bedroom affairs, I was still impressed with the size being added in rapid succession, inches to both the length and even the circumference as it continued to take on a more beastly appearance. It was thicker than a horse’s cock, the glans merging with the head and leaving a pointed tip oozing rivulets of precum from my need and lust. The thing was so mighty, it hung heavily on my groin, mastching the internal testicles I possessed. It was massive, even for my size, and growing still!


Yet, there was one problem, as obvious as the wings that had taken over my hands when the changes had first started. There was no way to touch myself with such unruly things, and even attempts to do so were quickly rendered moot. It was all I could do not to roar my frustrations. My cock was not flexible enough to slap against my belly with how rounded it was on my anatomy. How was I supposed to pleasure myself like this? It was the ultimate tease to be in such a horny, powerful body but so easily denied the pleasures of the flesh. That is, unless…


The idea came to me as I looked down at my shaft, tongue licking the corners of my former lips and giving me some indication of how far it extended from my muzzle. More to the point, my neck was long and flexible enough that I could reach all the way to the girthy rod if I was so inclined. And why wouldn’t I be? The human me was fond of earthly pleasure in all forms, and even if I lacked the ability to go down on myself, I had certainly imagined doing it. And, to be honest, even though I preferred lady folk, the touch of a man got me through many a storm when the occasion called for it. Experienced as I was, there was nothing repulsive about taking my maleness inside my muzzle, a far better form of pleasure than I could even imagine!


The moment my lips touched the tip of my cock was the moment I hissed in ecstasy, shocked at how sensitive I was. It was beyond any touch from a woman or man had brought me, making me dive on my shaft with enthusiasm. Though I expected the leaking of draconic fluids to be a little distasteful, I cared little with how aroused the action made me. As I wrapped my tongue around the organ, I found that, to my delight, the taste was rather pleasant, thick, and musky, but amicable with my new taste buds. With that in mind, I was even willing to take a faceful of my cum!


To my delight, the more I sucked, the more my cock seemed to grow, if such a thing was possible. It seemed to flare in my muzzle, making me work more of it over my newly minted wyvern-hood. The ridges played over my pallet, flexible tongue reaching around and wrapping over the shaft as I used my muzzle to suck myself off. The sensation, though uncomfortable from the sheer size of my member, was beyond my fathoming, growing better and better with each passing moment. Even the introduction of a massive knot forcing my lips apart was not enough to deter me, and I continued sucking, desperate for the pleasure I craved. The pleasure that was so rightly mine!


The force of my orgasm hit me all at once, the pulsating of my penis rapidly growing in intensity to the point I could no longer hold it. Beast that I was, there was no desire to hold back, no need to limit myself from the pleasure I desired. I had the rest of a much longer life to delight in my flesh, to enjoy all being a wyvern had to offer. My power…my wings…my hoard…can’t hold it!


“RRROOOAAAARRRRR!” I growled into my cock as I came, torrents of draconic jism spewing from my cockhead and coating the inside of my muzzle with draconic stink. Though, I found I rather like the flavor, rank as it was. It was surprisingly tangy, enough that I was able to lap it down without any trouble as my testicular load spilled down my gullet. Better yet were the waves of bliss cascading through my form, more than I could manage to handle as I continued to growl my reverence over the release. 


Coming down from such an orgasmic high left me dizzy, though a bit gassy in ways that I could not describe. It was as though a belch was rising within me, something I simply had to let out. Bracing myself, I felt an eruption of air rise from my gorge, and reflexively, I opened my muzzle wide as a burst of flame lit up the room. How my innards were able to handle such a thing without harm, I had no idea. Though in the moment I could only excitedly delight in the ability to breathe flame, part of my draconic heritage that I readily welcomed. 


With that, my eyes started to water, though extra lids soon wiped away the fluids. I thought I was having a reaction to the heat from the flame I had unleashed, but it was rather that my eyes were shifting, the irises slitted, and the color turning that same orange and red that matched my scales. Or, at least I assumed, though either way, I now possessed draconic vision, the last vestiges of humanity swept away. 


By now, the fire from my torch had gone out, but I did not need to see to know my surroundings. Opening my mouth elicited another burst of fire, and the entire chamber was opened up to me, showing a hoard vastly larger than I had been expecting. But it could always be bigger, of course. And now, I had the power and ability to make it so…


But first things first. The unsightly former master of the cave would not do. The human bones, certainly, as a sign for all that might steal my wealth and the consequences of entering my domain. But I had no need for the hoard’s former owner. A burst of flame, hot as it was, was sufficient to even melt dragon bones with the amount of pressure I put on it. It was soon reduced to a pile of dust and debris, the scorch marks and heat from my flame making me oddly comforted to know they were part of my domain. 


Yet, as much as I wanted to stay within the confines of my cave, exploring what it had to offer and counting my coin, that would have to wait. I was an apex being, and the world needed to know it. A powerful dragon ruler would be far better at keeping the meek humans in line than the life of the unassuming human I once was. It was time for me to fly and make my claim on the land!