Grooming Your Horsemanship

Looking down at the vial in his hand, Sebastian finally allowed himself the excitement he had been stifling since the offer to be giving the nanite cocktail. Having not taken a vacation in many years, he had been looking forward to the time off, as much as he loved his job. Though, in this instance, he would be returning to a similar setting as one of his job’s residents rather than their caretaker.


Ever since the advent of nanite-based transformation technology, Sebastian had always wondered what it would be like to live as one of his charges for at least a brief time. A professional horse groomer by trade, he loved working with the animals, spending many hours in their presence by choice, even above and beyond what was required for his job. Being one of the popular animals for interested parties to change into, the notion soon settled in his head that Sebastian would one day save the funds to purchase a nanite program. What he had not expected was for his boss to offer him one such program as a gift, with the time off to use it. Knowing how interested Sebastian was in the prospect, his employer made the excuse that it might make him better at his job to get to know the animals by being one. Sure, he would be placed with others who had been changed like he would be, but they would all be at the whims of equine instincts, so it would still be a relatable experience. 


For one week, Sebastian would live as a shire horse at a hobby farm where those who wished to change could become horses, be cared for, and be given a safe, authentic experience. He would have no way to communicate with them outside of equine endeavors, giving him as authentic an experience as possible. It was exciting to be given the opportunity, and Sebastian couldn’t wait to take his trip!


So here he was, in his own private stall with serum in hand, ready to take the plunge. Taking off his clothes so as not to tear them or injure himself, he was left naked, though hardly something that would bother him over the course of the change. It would take several minutes for him to transform, something that sat well with Sebastian. The prospect of transformation itself was exciting enough that it almost surpassed the experience of being a horse. The notion of how his body would change, the anatomical alterations from primate to equine left him elated and wishing he had hours and not simply minutes to experience it. 


Without further adieu, Sebastian put the injector into his arm, feeling the tingling from the injection that signaled the minute robots were in his system and preparing to do their thing. After what felt like an eternity, the tingling seemed to intensify, and Sebastian was greeted by the sight of blackening skin around the site, followed by an intense prickling of hair growth that spread in a circle over his shoulders and down his lower arm. A sense of elation filled him at that moment; part of him had been honestly nervous that the nanites would not work. But given the sight of actual horse hide forming on his skin, there was no denying the process that was to overtake him, and nothing could make him happier!


Naturally, the sight of horsehide encroaching over his skin had an effect on his cock, the blood flow quickly rising it to full erection. Not that he was bestial, but the notion of owning a horse cock of his own was powerfully arousing. That, and losing his human body to that of a lively equine was its own Aphrodeasic, becoming a form that he spent all his life admiring and one that he was excited to see on himself. 


As though his thoughts were enough to draw the nanites towards his penis, Sebastian could feel the tingling starting over the cock tip, making him pound to full erection at the prospect. It was likely the flow of blood that channeled the nanites towards his maleness, though Sebastian cared little for the reason as it seemed he would be graced with a full horse’s cock as his initial change to equine hood! The amount of blood needed to fuel such a change left the man already a little dizzied. Though it was of little concern with the sensation of his cock head tinging, an increasing black patch spreading over it that signaled its descent into its bestial equivalent. 


It was the foreskin that moved first, thickening across the shaft and peeling the inner flesh down until it formed what had to be the beginning of a sheath large enough to encompass the entire phallus. The skin at the base, in particular, started to thicken and bunch, almost oozing outward and sticking to the skin of Sebastian’s groin before moving upward towards his lean belly. Soon, it connected almost all the way up to the apex of the foreskin, forcing his cock to bob upwards and point towards his face as he stared down with an almost hungry look in his eyes. 


Its skin was soon to alter all the way towards an equine shade, darkening to black as the prickling across it intensified. The entire warm cocoon of flesh was soon covered in equine hair and hide, a still human cock sliding within and sending sensual waves through to his prostate. His own penis was too small to push out of it, though still leaking copious fluids to pool on the inside of his foreskin and making him a little uncomfortable with the stickiness against the inside. That was soon not to remain the case for long as the blood surging into his cock forced it out another inch, and then too, the human tip poking from within its temporary home. Though the head was soon to discolor as well, an inhuman shade that made Sebastian excited and disconcerted in equal measure. No stranger to seeing horse cocks, it was surreal to view one forming on his own body, its girth weighing heavily on his form and bobbing up and down. The oozing precum sprayed lines of sticky fluid over his chest, though Sebastian was remiss to care, even going as far as to finger some up to taste it. Not too different from his human equivalent, though, that was certain to change…


The still-human head of his penis was next to go, its contours flaring outward and circumference expanding to almost double, then triple its former dimensions. The skin was a mottled black and pink, urethra throbbing open and close as it ejected more clear fluid from its form. The pisshole itself widened to match the larger form he was to gain, moving down to the bottom rather than the center that the human him was accustomed to. Bits of skin rose around the rim of the head, forming a crown of sorts that separated the heat from the shaft. Its surface was so much wider than the horse cock he was to grow, in typical equine fashion as he was very familiar with. 


At that, a rush of blood spurred the erectile tissues within to grow, expanding the shaft all the way from the head to the base. It seemed to sag within his sheath, forced outward with the speed of a lance as its length went from a meager human five inches to something akin to eighteen. Shires were massive horses and needed the sexual equipment to match. Though it was nigh impossible for such a penis to exist on a human frame, it seemed the nanites within him were able to make that possible, the epitome of Sebastian’s dream and more than he could ever hope to experience. 


Eager to explore his new flesh while he still maintained the ability to do so, Sebastian gripped at the shaft, sensual waves of pleasure flowing through him and making him moan, voice still human for the moment. It was impossible to get one hand around his shaft now, and he was prompted to use both. Sebastian was elated that he was this big already and had so much growing to do. The simplest touch was enough to send a spurt of precum from the head and down the shaft, getting over his fingers and prompting him to jerk faster. Sebastian could feel the veins twitching under the skin, pumping blood through every inch and crevasse to make his shaft as large as it could be, impossibly taut for his still human form. 


Clearly needed to fuel such a mammoth shaft, Sebastian could tell that his balls were the next thing to alter, swelling with semen until they were almost uncomfortable against his fleshy sack. The itching from his sheath soon spread down towards his ballsack, covering it with a fine layer of velvety fur and prompting him to reach down and rub the skin. Far warmer than he was expecting, Sebastian eagerly massaged the skin, cupping himself as the testicles within swelled to fuel the size of the penis he was soon to possess. Though it was hardly the first time, his job occasionally requiring him to hold horse tackle, it was amazing the weight of them were on his frame, almost heavy as he prepared to feel them expel their equine load for the first time. 


By this point, there was little left to distinguish his penis from that of the stallions he was used to grooming as part of his career. The mottled, black and pink flesh was warm, a medial ring of flesh meeting his touch as his much smaller hands jerked him off. It was amazing to feel from his own perspective, the energy in his body just barely able to keep him stable before the oncoming release. Thankfully the nanites provided enough fuel that he could enjoy the erection without passing out from the repurposing of blood. He was allowed to finger his furry sheath, cup his testicles, and rub his shaft with aid from the fluids leaking from his pisshead as he prepared to blow a stallion-sized load while still possessing a mostly human body. What man could ever dream of more?


With his body growing and his orgasm on the horizon, an idea came to mind, something that would be unique and that he could only experience during this middle stage of change. Cock head so close to his lips, it would be an easy task for him to reach down his still-human lips and lick the tip. What would it taste like? He had sampled his own fluids before, of course, but never with the semen of a champion stallion in his balls! With orgasm so close, he desperately wanted to try and see what his efforts would bring!


The sheer amount of sticky fluids was almost overwhelming, and so far, it was simply his precum leaking from his cock as he stroked over his horse sex with reckless abandon. Sebastian needed to cum, the force of blood in his penis making his mind fuzzy and desperate for orgasm. The arousal from the changes to his anatomy and the desperation for his release was all-consuming, and Sebastian couldn’t imagine being able to hold back for much longer. And he didn’t want to, not with the release to come and the rest of the changes to follow. He wanted nothing more than to experience an orgasmic explosion and to taste the force of stallion cream that his changing body could produce. 


Though his lips were hardly large enough to get around the tip, his tongue managed to rub the fringes of his head, giving a layer of pleasure to his cock that surpassed any oral he had gotten in the past. For who could know what a man wanted on his cock better than that man himself? His tongue traced over his cockhead with expert precision, making him moan and grunt as he stroked himself off. Both hands were needed to get around such a mammoth member, though his motions were made easier with the copious fluids his member was leaking. It was getting harder and harder to think through the force of pleasure. But as the tension built and his end started to near, Sebastian felt no need to hold back, the bestial ecstasy at his fingertips as he prepared to explode with equine release!


With that, Sebastian’s body went into orgasm, his balls vibrating and cock throbbing as his seminal fluids were forcibly ejected into his waiting mouth. The force of cum that erupted from his penis was far more than the man was prepared for. What would normally be a burst of semen erupted like a geyser, spraying him in the face with sticky fluids. Some of it got into his mouth, and Sebastian tried his best to lap them up, though it was far more than he could have managed. Hands eventually fell from his penis, the power of his release so great that he could not hold onto it properly. Semen sprayed everywhere over his naked body, though he was hardly in a position to care, given the amount of sweat and state of his growing body as it prepared to change further. 


Sebastian, in his sexual excitement to be turning into a horse, downed the pungent fluid greedily, the rank flavor and thickness not at all bothersome. It was a sign, a truth of the process overcoming him, and something that could only happen in the midst of change. And, not an act he could partake in once he was a horse, a unique, one-off pleasure that he would carry with him going forward. 


As though the infusion of cum was a catalyst for further changes, Sebastian could feel his belly swelling as though he’d consumed a massive meal. Stretch marks moved across the flesh like eels, fueling blood flow as the skin within packed up with dozens of pounds of meat and muscle. Eventually, the size of his stomach was enough to keep his cock from pointing toward his head any longer, though it was hardly to be an inconvenience for the new equine him. 


A peculiar ache in his backside prompted Sebastian to reach back, the motion awkward by how much his guts had grown. Still, his hands were able to impress upon a bump twitching as he felt around it. Skin warm, it soon continued to poke its way through, his spine swelling into it as the bones broke apart and reformed new linkages needed for the inhuman appendage. Soon, it was several inches long, and if Sebastian tried, he could feel it moving, surprisingly flexible though mostly up and down in a straight line or side to side if he focused on it. 


Eventually, the surface of the protrusion started to itch with the growth of hairs, their consistency much coarser than what coated his arm, belly, and penis. Though Sebastian was used to the texture of horse tail hair, it was bizarre to feel his fingers playing over his own growth, the hairs not only warm to the touch but sent a pleasant tingle through his body, as though he enjoyed being petted. The base of his tail was an especially erogenous zone, making him moan as he touched it. It caused his tail to move reflexively, and Sebastian giggled as his tail hairs tickled the back of his legs, a curious sensation now that he had the tail to feel it. 


Though it went largely unnoticed until now, the horse hide that had started over his upper arm had moved down over the back of his hand, and up his already muscled shoulder. The itching was getting intense over his upper body, playing over his pecs and down towards his belly. Even as his horsecock started to retreat back into his new home, fur covered the bare skin around his sheath and groin. Sebastian was keen to rub his skin just in front of the wave, eager to birth it into being. Itching on his wrists and ankles became particularly prevalent, and Sebastian was in time to see a series of thick white hairs bursting from them, pooling around his fingers and toes. Far longer than the rest of his brown coat, Sebastian was delighted to own his own set of equine fetlocks, looking rather fetching on his features, in Sebastian’s opinion!


As the horsehide spread over his hips and legs, Sebastian became aware of a thickening of his anus, the orifice tinging as his ass cheeks receded and forced his rectum to move higher on his frame. Anus thick, meaty, and likely black now, he could feel his horse tail tickle over its contours, making him giggle a little from the sensual sensations. The rectal skin ran all the way down to his balls, while the skin of widening hips spread out into a horse’s ass that was rather large on his features currently but soon to be proportional to the size of the draft beast he was soon to become. Sebastian was elated!


Having a horse’s ass on his posterior made Sebastian powerfully aroused, and even after such a potent orgasm, his cock was sliding outside of his sheath once more, bumping against a barreling belly and slapping sensually as the tip started to leak once more. Eagerly, Sebastian tried rubbing it again, hoping that he might get another round out of himself. Though by now, a tingling numbness started to play over his fingers, their tips losing sensation and the fingers themselves stiffening. Realizing that he likely did not have enough time to bring himself to completion, Sebastian let his cock hang there, thinking of more equine ways he could enjoy orgasm once the process concluded. For now, he focused on the changes to his hands, wondering what it would be like to possess horse hooves and excited to see the anatomical alterations. 


First was the cracking of the digits around the center, shrinking before his eyes as they reduced to the palms of his hands. Soon, the ability to move them was robbed him, scary for the moment had he not prepared himself for the reality that he would not have them for the duration of his stint as a horse. Only their nubs remained, though even those were taken from him, the bones of their structure dissolved to nothing by the nanites, perhaps used by them for fuel if that was the method of their activity. 


The one singular digit of each hand was not idle, thickened from the base, and cracking forth with muscle and tendons. Their mobility was largely robbed him, not as many joints as Sebastian was used to. Former wrists made up his new hocks as the rest of his palms shrank, and the base of his middle digits took up the slack. The tips of each were swelling like water in a balloon, though it was largely the formation of hardened black keratin, former nails spreading across the surface and forcing covered crescents to form at the tips in preparation for the hooves he would soon possess. The tips of his numb fingers pushed down into the forming hooves, various layers within separating blood and tissues from protective coverings. Their bottoms started to curve inward, forming the inner structures of hooves such as the frog, parts Sebastian was intimately familiar with from his work. It was fascinating turning his arms around to view their bottoms, something not accessible to a true horse, their anatomy not allowing such a level of articulation. 


Such anatomy was soon to be his own, given that his torso was continuing to grow and eventually swell large enough to engulf his upper arms. The crunching bones of his shoulders, pushing them forward as his chest barreled, make them sink into the skin down to his elbows, preventing him from moving them around in the way the human him was used to. Though, he was very familiar with the abilities of equine bodies, one that would soon be his as his belly continued to expand. His heart, lungs, stomach, and all of his internal organs swelled to match equine equivalents, ones particularly large for the breed he was to become. Ribs, too, cracked and expanded to make room for the newer, large organs needed for his equine body to function. Though, with the nanites with their current capabilities, there was no chance of his unwanted demise until the changes were finished and he was the shire horse of his dreams. 


The flattened sloshing hips, in tandem with his top-heavy body, made it increasingly difficult for him to remain standing, though Sebastian no longer wanted to, eager to be made the horse he desired to be. Lowering himself carefully, his newly formed hooves touched the dirty floor, barely feeling the surface under them and easily able to hold his much larger weight. His arms, though thicker with bone, were as thin as his human ones had been, though possessed far more muscle as was needed for him to walk in his new body. Their length increased to match the size of his backside, which was in a current state of alteration towards his final form as well. 


Hips set in place, Sebastian could almost perceive his pelvis rotating, snapping painlessly apart and shifting the bones within for a quadrupedal stance. A lengthening spine, complete with extra linkages made more room for his belly and thicker bones for the stallion body he was to possess. His thighs were massive, flattened, and worked into the flanks of his body like the back end of the horse he was to become. Thinning calves and lengthened heels ended up giving him a more nuanced stance, and Sebastian allowed himself to really feel his weight as he literally added on hundreds of pounds of muscles in mere minutes, all part of the nanite’s process. 


With his stretched heels came an alteration to his stance, Sebastian leaning forward a little while his back legs stretched into their final configuration. Soon, he was resting on the tip of his toes, the weight of his body enough to greatly pain him had he not an equine’s body. Though it was hardly an inconvenience with the thickness of the keratin, his hind legs already changing toward their equine equivalents. Toes twitched one more time before they were pulled into his heel, and the middle toes were already sturdy and thick enough that it was a non-issue for him to support the weight of his backside. Like his front hooves, Sebastian could hardly feel the ground underneath them, though was amazed by the stabilizing stature of his equine body as the meat and muscle swelled all over, making him a far larger beast than anything he could have expected from a formerly well built human frame. 


Though he was not the full size of the stallion that he would be, Sebastian’s body was largely altered towards the equine form that he would wear for the next week. Given that, he was left with a relatively human head sat upon a horse’s body, something that sat awkwardly on his features and that he wished would change. Of course, he was not to wait long for that occurrence, the now-familiar tingling of change starting over his head, thickening his neck with a series of bulging veins and swelling of meat and muscle. A larger spine stretched against the bones within, adding vertebrae and linkages needed to support an equine head. No sooner than spreading skin allowed room for a shire’s internal neck structures than the horsehide covering his body swept up it. 


To add to the intense itching, a series of coarse hairs akin to the ones of his tail erupted from the center of his back. They tickled the skin and made it twitch, bringing Sebastian’s attention to the fact that his skin could reflexively twitch now, likely a deterrent against biting insects. Still, the tickling against his skin grew more intense as a mane grew down all the way to his shoulder blades, spreading up towards the hair on his head. Continued prickling made Sebastian aware that his own hair was bursting from its follicles, thickening and changing in texture to match the black mane that had formed over the back of his neck.


Not to leave the rest of his head unchanged, the nanites saw it fit to alter his ears next, pointing the tips and causing them to stretch out an inch and then several more, raising above his head and itching with the growth of velvety brown hairs. Sebastian wished he could rub them, though there was nothing to be done for it now that he possessed hooves. All attention went to his ears as the edges curved in on themselves, canals widening and hairs erupting over the insides. Twitching muscles at their bases made them suddenly move, and Sebastian felt himself exploring them reflexively, swaying them this way and that. Suddenly, he was aware of the sound of the breeze, the creaking of the barn around him, and even the horses out in the field, far away as they were. They were amazing, their abilities difficult for a still human brain to properly process!


Though it was hardly the last thing to change, Sebastian eager for his equine visage and excited for the pulls and tugs that signaled he was to grow a muzzle. Firstly, his beard started to alter, itching as human hair made way for horsehide, spreading up the side of his face like sideburns before touching the horsehair encroaching over his neck. Soon, every inch of skin was covered with horsehair, the itching prompting Sebastian to shake his head a little, hooves unable to scratch. Oh, well. He was at least thankful for the skin and toucher hide that would keep the biting insects at bay!


Wet pops and cracks resonated through his jaw as it started to get larger, soon big enough to see out of the corner of his eye and growing beyond that. The bones continued to stretch, muscle and skin expanding to be able to keep up and not injure his body. With it, a slight numbing resonated from his gums, and Sebastian figured they were thickening and turning splotchy, making room for equine dentures. The distance between his front teeth started to widen as his canines dissolved into mush and his incisors widened, yellow enamel forming on their outsides as the molars expanded in the back, ready for his new diet. Whiskers peppered the edges of his lips as they turned black and rubbery, thick in relation to his mouth and almost prehensile, possessing far more flexibility than humanity imaginable. 


With the formation of his muzzle came the alterations to his nose, nostrils flaring and merging with the upper part of his lips. With a massive rostrum, breathing was much easier, and the increased space for hairs and mucus drank in scent molecules the likes of which the human him was not prepared for. Breathing in deeply, the barnyard scents that were background to the human him seemed to increase a hundredfold, particles within telling him more information about the horses that he was prepared for. There were multiple horses of different breeds present, ones that he had no name for, as of yet unable to equate sight with smell. There were other odors as well, ones of sweat and humans and equipment and things he had no name for. Sebastian wanted to spend more time trying to figure things out when the rest of the horses returned, matching scents to sights as he grew accustomed to equine life.  


Though it was not to be so easy a task as his eye sockets started to expand, and his eyeballs with them. The increased size and the sliding position across his head made him increasingly aware of the contours of the room, the space increasing around his muzzle and allowing him to see around to his flanks. But then it was too wide and started to blur in some places, with his muzzle and the area beyond it the only part that was clear. Colors were washed out as well, reds and greens gone from his sight, much to his chagrin. Oh, well. It was a small price to pay for enhanced senses and the excitement of being a horse in full. 


With the shifting of his skull and his cranial bones compressing on his brain, Sebastian found himself wondering how much of himself could be stored within the nanite program that was finalizing his shape for the week. Though he was assured that he would keep himself and be in full control of his body, he would possess the natural ability to operate his equine form as would a horse of about four years, a stallion in his prime. And, as his skull sloped and his brain took his equine state, the stirrings of instincts were minute, something to reflect on with differing needs and wants than a human but currently not too far removed from his human ones. 


With that, the change was done, Sebastian having put on almost two thousand pounds of fat and muscle. He felt heavy, powerful, standing there in the room and taking in everything from an equine perspective. Things were much smaller than the human him was used to, and walking around made him aware of just how heavy he was. Though his body was weighty, the power he possessed allowed him to move with ease, as though a giant walking on tiptoes. It took some time to get used to the eyesight and the change in perspective, but even with limited vision, he was able to walk comfortably around his stall. Instincts were present in his mind as well, though they were largely quiet at the moment, given he was in a horse’s haven. He didn’t mind the enclosed space and relished that it smelled like his own kind. It was easy to relax and rest, exactly what he had been hoping for when turning into a horse. 


Sebastian spent the rest of the day acclimatizing to his equine body. Though part of him wanted to go out and greet the other changed equines, he was a little shy and wanted to get used to his body before meeting them properly. There was little to do before evening, though night would come soon, and the process of change had left him rather fatigued. So, he figured it was in his best interest to settle down in his stall before it was time to sleep for the night. In the morning, he could get out and experience a day in the life of a horse. 


Hunger was at the forefront of his thoughts at the moment, massive stomach grumbling with the need to be filled. The nanite’s process took lots of energy, and Sebastian hardly had any awareness of where it was derived. An intense hunger was a mild consequence given the immense changes to his form. Though hay was not the most palatable thing to the human mind, to his horse’s inclinations, it seemed to be exactly the thing he was craving to satiate his hunger. Walking over to the dinner that had been left for him, he lowered his massive head, thankful that the bale was at the right height for him. Reaching down to bite into the bale, Sebastian was quickly reminded of his pliable lips and was impressed by the sheer amount of hay he could lift in one go. Massive molars quickly mushed his food into slurry, and he was able to eat at a relaxed, if not rapid pace, enough to eventually quell the hunger pangs, or at least keep them at bay for the fatigue to catch up with him. 


Intense thirst soon followed, and Sebastian was thankful clean water was also provided in a massive trough. Not quite sure how to drink, even after spending so much time around the animals, Sebastian stuck his head in the water, trying to lap it up like a dog. Though such was not enough to down sufficient quantities, he soon found that his massive muzzle allowed him to suck up water like a straw, licking and sucking in equal measure to drink his fill. He did have to cough a little, too much water going down the wrong hole, but he eventually managed it, the water clean and refreshing, even though it was room temperature. 


With that, Sebastian felt the need to sleep, wondering if he should get down on his belly to do so. In the end, he figured that his new body would be sufficiently skilled to do so, with instinct and motor control provided by the nanites. It took only a little struggle to roll over, and no pain was felt from the clumsy endeavor. Though he didn’t have much time to reflect on how weird it felt to move like that, fatigue getting to him. Part of him wondered if the nanites had anything to do with it, some needing to recharge before replicating through his systems to replace themselves. Sleep was deep, though snoring and gas woke him up several times, Sebastian was not surprised that his body was as flatulent as most of the horses he worked with. 


Waking up the next morning, the scents and sounds of other horses greeted his nose immediately, some more prominent and others more interesting to his changed nose. Most of the horses were waking now, eating or relieving themselves as horses were want to do. The scents, though pungent, were not too far from what he was used to, though their intensity was greater than he was ready to take. Still, there was something to be said for the underlying scents behind the waste, odors of health, vigor, and sex, almost more than what he could have expected to experience from a horse’s perspective. 


With that came the need to relieve his own bowels, something Sebastian was nervous and curious about in equal measure. Unsurprisingly, the intensity soon increased to the point where his tail raised and his sphincter relaxed, forcing him to drop his load with little control. Several large drops of manure softly hit the floor, Sebastian feeling a little disgust over the act, though was used to the sight from all his time spent around the animals. Horse’s digestive habits were far more frequent than anything humans did, and it was all par for the course for the vacation he’d chosen. More waste was expelled than even he was used to, as befit a beast of his stature. The stench was stronger to his nose, much like with the other horses, though some nuances about it left him strangely relaxed. It was an odor that spoke of him, akin to this horsey musk and something he could do only in a safe place. Relaxed as he was, his penis soon slid from his sheath, his bladder prompting release. Like a hose, his member unleashed his urine, splattering under his massive bulk in a way that was a little messy. Though there was nothing to be done about it. Besides, there were scents of humans faintly in the stable to let him know that the beasts were cared for, possibly groomed like he was used to doing as part of his own work. 


After pulling up several large mouthfuls of hay to sate his hunger, followed by muzzle fulls of water for good measure, Sebastian made his way out into the yard, wondering what to do with his first day as a horse. Figuring there was little to do but to eat and graze, much as horses did, Sebastian was somewhat surprised to see a variety of toys, large balls, jumps for show horses, a long, rounded track, fields with plows and other equipment, and a variety of other things that made up the various facets of equine life. Though Sebastian had read up about the resort, he wasn’t really expecting so much opportunity to explore so much about what his body could do. Being a shire, his excitement to try the heavy equipment was at the forefront of his thoughts. He was a massive, powerful beast, and he wanted to try his strength out in the most equine way possible. 


Making his way over to the gear, Sebastian looked down at the plow, wondering exactly how he was supposed to hitch himself up. Just then, a couple of adult men came out from inside the barn, chatting about some movie franchise Sebastian wasn’t familiar with. Noticing the new beast in the yard, the pair came up, looking him over like a show horse, which wasn’t too surprising, given the attitudes and actions of horse people. What he was not expecting was to be asked if he wanted to be hitched to the plow and pull for the day, and Sebastian nodded his head, a decidedly-unequine-like gesture that was well received all the same.


With that, Sebastian stood there like an obedient horse and allowed to be hitched to the equipment. One of the men got on his back and guided him toward the fields beyond. Sebastian moved at a comfortable pace, finding little inconvenience to the weight of the thing he was pulling. Knowing that the human him could not hope to make such equipment budge, Sebastian felt a certain sense of pride with the power that his body seemed to possess. It was hardly a struggle to move all the way to the field, down the line guided by his handler. Even the myriad of biting insects and the sweat and heat from the day were of little consequence. Though his anus and eyes were sensitive spots, large lashes allowed him to blink them away, even if they did come right back. The dull haze over his mind as he performed the work made it hard to focus on them for too long, especially during those periods when he was stopped to eat from a feed bag. The flavors of various grains and oats were more than he was expecting, taste buds evidently altered to find such tastes delectable, almost as much as any rich, spiced foods the human him had experienced!


Day being at its zenith, there was something else Sebastian longed to do, had been eager to tend to since yesterday’s phenomenal orgasm. He knew semen collection stations were set up for the stallions, he had passed them in the barn on his way to transform. Greatly did he want to test out the virility of his stallion body, cock coming out of his sheath at the thought. There was little in the way stopping him; none of the other horses were in the barn at the present time, though that shouldn’t have been a deterrent, even if all the horses were all human. Horses cared little for modesty, after all. 


Walking into the room with the breeding stalls, a peculiar scent wafted into his nose, one present in some of the horses though not nearly as pungent as in this particular room. It was one of the odors that his still-human intellect had not yet comprehended yet. Sebastian started to understand what it was, cock sliding out of his sheath and equine instincts coming to the forefront of his thoughts. Either way, Sebastian was sure that he wanted more of it!


Walking to one of the larger stands, meant for a horse the size of his breed, Sebastian regarded it for a few moments before leaping up, bracing his front hooves on the stand and trying to aim his taut cock for something to wrap around it. The moment that he did was the moment that his nose was hit with a tantalizing aroma, one he was starting to realize was a mare in heat. Something to give him extra incentive, though Sebastion hardly needed it in his sexual excitement. Still, his cock was as turgid as a flagpole as he found the head of the collection tube, popping in and feeling it clench down on his rod, likely what a mare would feel like. The inside was heated, and Sebastian found it rather comfortable as he started to thrust, allowing the equine instincts to take over and getting into the rut.


Sebastian was all stallion as he thrust forward, the breeding stand rocking underneath him as he did so. It wasn’t usual for a stallion to be able to get on the stand by himself, though he was as secure as he could be, allowing himself to rut as much as he needed. It was pure equine bliss to feel his eighteen-inch rod being stimulated from base to head, leaking copious fluids down into the collection tube. Sebastian felt he was leaking pints of precum from his mammoth testicles, though it was but a drop in the bucket for what was to come. Though his previous display had been impressive, Sebastian was sure that his fully-formed testicles would blow far more horse spunk, and feeling it exit his shaft would be amazing. He couldn’t wait to experience the inevitable end, humping like a desperate beast and reveling in the power and vitality in his body. 


He would not have to wait long, driven by equine lusts and desires as his balls tensed and he continued to rut with reckless abandon. Sebastian could hardly resist the urge to reach down with incisors to bite something, though nothing on the stand was present to sate that instinct. Still, as close as he was, there was no need for him to hold back, and Sebastian let himself go, feeling sperm buzz through his fire hose with such force that his cock was almost prompted to exit the stand. He could feel it spattering around the head, likely flowing down into the tube for whatever purpose it held. Frothy with sweat, Sebastian stood there, skin flicking with contentment at the pleasure his new body gave him. It was far more intense, primal, and instinctually satisfying than anything in human memory, and Sebastian was in heaven!


Fatigue washing over him, Sebastian came back to a clean stall, straw strewn to make a bed for him. There was a large enough horse blanket for him, one that his muzzle could pull over his body and provide a modicum of comfort. After feeding and drinking, he got down, hearing the sounds of humans entering the building and raising his ears to see what they would do. When one of the other horses was asked if they wanted grooming services, a nicker of yes made Sebastian excited. He was likely going to be offered the same treatment he himself gave horses, and he was excited to receive it from the other end this time!


When the men came around to him, Sebastian nodded yes as well, standing up and shaking the blanket off him as his sweaty, musky body odor hung heavily in his nose. Hose and bucket with soap and warm water were applied liberally, and Sebastian liked the smell, even as it covered his own body odors. It was nice to get the attention, the sticky sensation of sweat and other things washed from his body before he was brushed. The grooming felt amazing, brushing even more so as they tended to his mane and tail with care. Hooves were cleaned underneath, Sebastian not aware of all the things he had stepped him with some embarrassment. Even his sheath was attended to prevent the semen he’d ejected from building up. Though he considered their work not as thorough as his own, perhaps, it was nice to get a feel from the horse’s perspective on where the sweet spots were, and he made note to keep that in mind when he returned to his own job next week. The grooming had been powerfully relaxing, and Sebastian was quick to lie back down, falling asleep almost immediately. 


Waking the next morning, Sebastian went about what was to become his morning routine, wondering what he should do with this next day of equine existence. Part of him wanted to pull the cart again, perhaps visiting the breeding stand afterward once more. Though, he was more inclined to take the day off, as it were, maybe grazing in the fields and letting his mind wander. It was surprisingly easy for him to spend a day letting the stallion instincts take over, the day passing quickly and without boredom, much to his relief. 


A scent from nearby caught his nose as Sebastian exited the barn, one that immediately brought his cock to attention and his memory to the breeding stands. Thinking that it might have been another stallion just coming off the stands, he was not expecting to see the backside of a mare just outside the barn, looking back at him and whickering excitedly. Her tail was waving, aroma of heat wafting into his nose and making his cock leak from the invitation. So that there could be no uncertainty about her intention, she blinked her eyes, lightly stomping her hooves and dofting her insistence. 


Sebastian couldn’t quite understand what was going on. This mare, once human like him, was in heat and offering her sex for an eager stallion. Why she chose him, Sebastian had no idea. Sebastian had no idea that the residents were so promiscuous with each other. But then, why not? They were horses, after all, and they had needs. And, this mare was clearly offering, backing up into him and almost touching his nose with her wet, moist folds. Sebastian couldn’t help but be curious as to what the experience might feel like!


Breathing into her heady, teardrop-shaped cunt lips, Sebastian felt his lips pull back, drinking in her offering like the finest wine. Scent made up so much of the equine experience, and mating was no different. It spoke of her heat, her own power, and her desire. The flavor, as well, was sublime, leaking hormones that spoke to Sebastian’s stallion desires. Even a squirt of urine did not deter his advances, a natural reflexive act spilling her hormonal need to his senses. 


Eventually, he pulled back, allowing equine instinct to take over as he raised up on hindlegs, looking to mount the mare. Though she was rather smaller than he was, he felt she would likely be able to hold his weight for the time it would take for him to finish. Any concern for her comfort or well-being, however, was soon erased as equine lust took over, and Sebastian felt his hooves clenching on her flanks, looking for her wet folds with his seeking cock head. Though he was desperate, his inexperienced form had trouble finding the mark, rubbing precum against her backside and teats, swollen and leathery against the sensitive equine cock head. Though with some effort from the mare, human intelligence prevailed, and Sebastian felt his cockhead popping into her folds, head flaring as he buried his shaft to the hilt. Letting her get used to its size and enjoying the sensations against his cock, Sebastian could not hold back against desires and started to hump with abandon. 


Thoughts waned as Sebastian fell into his rut, breeding the mare with the passion of a full-blooded stallion. It was hard to focus on anything other than the feeling of her cunt lips around his cock, the scent of her sweat and heat, and the feeling of her heartbeat through his chest against her back. The pleasure of mating was all-consuming to the point that the rest of the world whited out, his senses all-encompassed by the act. The human parts of his mind found himself wondering if she was enjoying it as much as he was, though it was hard to hold on to even those concerns with the lust that was overwhelming his being. 


Naturally, it took little time for Sebastian to reach his end, the tension rising to a crescendo as his balls slapped rhythmically against the mare’s backside and udder. Feeling that same urge to reach down and nip her shoulders, Sebastian let out a muffled whinny, holding onto the skin and keeping her effectively in place as he spilled his seed. A minor part of his mind hoped that she was not harmed by the action, though his stallion mind was interested in covering his mare more than her comfort, and the present pleasure of oncoming orgasm was enough to prevent him from letting go. Eyes flickering back and muzzle opening with a loud whinny, Sebastian came, spilling his semen into her womb and feeling the muscles clamp down harder on his cock than anything he thought possible. 


Mind dizzied, Sebastian got down off the mare, mind awash in hormones and pleasure radiating through his body. There was something about the act that left him stunned, having mated and feeling like he was king of the world. Though he felt an equine bond with the mare, his humanity tried to move past that, knowing that it was a casual hook-up in the equine world and that she likely had several suitors. A thought came to his mind, even as he was compelled to reach up and lip her own lips, grooming her back and muzzling her as his instincts dictated. Was she to become pregnant from the mating? Who was she in the real world? Did she come here to live an equine life or for a week of fun like him? Did it matter when they were both horses and giving into the instincts that had been given them? And, most of all, would he see her again, offering her abused cunt for his girthy penis once more?


Eventually, there would come a time when he needed to return to his human form, the nanites designed and programmed for him to only be part of the yard for a week. Part of him wanted to come back here, as a human this time, perhaps to volunteer to look after the animals. Or, maybe work his way into saving up to come back as another breed of horse. Because, despite the strangeness of equine life from the horse’s point of view, there was nothing Sebastian wanted more than to experience it all over again…