Ass Out of You, Not Me

“And, so then, the bitch tried to call me out on Twitter, but I shut her down! She blocked me, so that means I win!” Jan declared, Sara laughing at that with the cadence of a high school hanger-on. Though the pair of them were in their late twenties, it was obvious to anyone that knew them they still hadn’t grown out of that phase. There was little need for the pair to grow up, with rich families and seemingly endless resources. Besides, neither cared about perceptions of casual people, feeling above them in terms of stature and physique.


It was that attitude that caused their ill-fated encounter with an untended target, an elderly woman that escaped their notice over their phones and gossip. It was Jan who barreled into her, knocking her prone with an audible smack on the ground. Her purchases were scattered about haphazardly, and she looked up helplessly, a pained expression in her eyes as though struggling to understand what had happened. 


Still on her phone, Jan looked down at the woman with an expression of disgust. “Watch where you’re going!” She said, stepping over the bags so as not to trip or inconvenience herself further. Sara, for her part, carried an expression of concern for the woman, but it was quickly forgotten with her fear of receiving her friend’s disapproval. With no one else around to chastise them for not helping the woman. Jan went to open her mouth to resume their conversation when a gust of wind rushed through her hair, prompting her to turn around. Her eyes fell upon the woman, who had gotten up with some form of inhuman speed. She was glaring at the pair with an ire about her that had both women unnerved. 


“What an ass you are, leaving a woman helpless! Perhaps you should be warier about who you trifle with, though that is a lesson learned too late! And you,” she continued, looking towards Sara, “you are a daft one to follow along so blindly! Or, perhaps draft is an appropriate term…” She said with a bit of a laugh, the energy in the air palatable as she glared with malice and intent. 


Yet, as soon as the laugh left her lips, the static in the air seemed to fade, and the woman was left looking weak and haggard, as though the effort had taken a great deal from her. It was all she had to simply remain standing, not wanting to show weakness but unable to keep up the powerful facade. Her bags were left strewn around her, almost forgotten as she struggled to breathe. Any sympathy the girls might have harbored was gone at that point, left with a laugh over the words. Though the crackle in the air had been somewhat alarming, it was quickly forgotten, something not to be associated with the woman or what they had done to her. In the end, the whole affair was laughed away, a brief interlude to their day to be gossiped about within their circles later on. 


The pair eventually ended up back at Jan’s house, chatting over wine and debating whether or not to go out to a movie that night. In honesty, they had been rather bored as of late, and it was just something to do to kill time. Their brief encounter with the woman that day was long overlooked. An evening of browsing social media and the day’s news was enough to occupy their thoughts, being more relevant than any errant old woman discarded on the street. 


It started in Jan’s stomach, a feeling of bloating or distress that left her powerfully uncomfortable. She, at first, thought it to be the wine, though it was unlikely, given the vintage and newness of the bottle. Nothing else she had consumed could be equated with the cause, and soon she felt that she was in need of a restroom. Yet, no sooner had she gotten up than she reflexively let out a loud fart, one that could not go unnoticed and came with it a rather pungent stench that spoke volumes about the stomach contents of a farm beast and not her own. 


“Gross! What the hell?!” Was Sara’s reply, though not usually so brash in front of her more wealthy friend. Still, there was some precedence for the outburst, given something so sudden and disgusting. 


Yet, soon, the smell faded from her nose, and a distant, far-away look crept across Sara’s features. Jan went to defend herself, but there was something in Sara’s eyes that had her frightened, the expression inhuman. Staring for a few moments, Jan was startled to notice that her friend’s pupils seemed different, more rectangular, and a darker brown where once they had been a dull blue. She, too, let out a pungent bit of gas, though it went unnoticed by the girl as though she lacked the awareness to react to the present. 


Next, a pressure in her backside made Sara moan and bend over. It seemed to be swelling impossibly fast, twice its former size to the point where it looked out of place on her frame. Eventually, her growing hips were straining at the fabric, and it seemed something was sticking from up higher on her backside and pushing against her panties. Jan could hardly comprehend what it was, though disgusted by any notions of what it could possibly be. 


With that pressure seemed to come Sara’s awareness returning, reaching back and feeling from the sheer size of her backside. “What’s happening to meeeiiiiggghhhh!” Came a cry ending in a bestial tone that made her powerfully nervous. Jan, too, was terrified, not knowing what was happening to her friend, the sight defying all their notions of the real world. 


It was then that Jan was reminded that her friend was not the only one undergoing such drastic changes. A heat in her ears started to grow so intense that her hands rose to them, feeling a brush of hair that should not have been present. It was as though short hair was covering their outer surface, while longer, sparse hairs waved from an increasingly curved inner space. The appendages themselves were not in their proper place, far larger and growing still if the sensations ebbing from them were any indication. Turning to look into the patio door in her kitchen, she was greeted by the sight of bestial ears sticking up from her head, growing even longer as she watched with a look of abject terror. 


“Whaaawwwt the fuwwwwck!?” She called out, a deep braying in the tone that left her silent for fear of what she was undergoing. It was obvious that she was sporting some sort of animalistic appendages, the source of them impossible to understand but real and in front of her nonetheless.


A strained cry from Sara brought Jan’s attention towards her friend in time to see what had to be a damp stain on the front of her pants, as though something was leaking from within. For a moment, Jan was inclined to think that her friend had pissed herself, not impossible given the bestial changes that were coming over them. But the leaking seemed to slowly grow more expansive as something from within bubbled up, thickening before her eyes. The longer she stared, the more the sight of the growth reminded the straight woman of one of her past lovers showing some semblance of arousal. But it should have been impossible that her female friend was growing a cock, right…?


With the added strain bulging at the inside of her pants, it was a wonder that Sara was able to keep them on as long as she was. Though she struggled desperately, it was a near-impossible task to remove her pants without damaging them. A resounding tear echoed through the room as she pulled the fragments down over her bulges, both in front and back. Panties being pulled precariously taut as well, Sara still managed to get them down over her thickening tights in time to reveal what both women dreaded in equal measure. Sticking out of what was her former vaginal lips was the start of a penis, feminine slit closing as a lump of flesh plopped its way out. It was clearly erect, piss slit throbbing as strings of clear fluid leaked from it, the obvious source of the stain. 


Yet, rather than being frightened by the presence of the organ, both women quickly found themselves feeling very differently. Sara reached down a hand to stroke the four-inch shaft, teasing down to the base and even groping the flesh where was soon to be male testes. She seemed enamored by the action, moaning and whickering her delight at owning such a thing. Jan, for her part, stared at the phallus with equal parts fascination and desire. She wanted to wrap her lips around it, to suck and taste the leaking fluids. Never had she felt particularly drawn to performing oral on her male lovers, but in the presence of such a bestial phallus, it took her everything she had to resist the impulse!


Yet, the penis was not to remain in its current configuration for long, much to the panic of the two. The skin-colored shaft soon darkened to black in most places, though retained some mottled pink patches. The head formed a crown of sorts, and from the flesh of her groin rose a sheath that moved up her navel towards her belly, hitching up the newly-grown penis with it. The skin was matte black with brown hairs started to pepper the surface as Jan and Sara watched, mesmerized. Though Jan didn’t have a reference for its shape and size immediately, she was certain it belonged to no man and had to be something fit for a farm animal. 


Jan was taken from that realization when the sensation of something poking at her own backside came to the forefront of her awareness. It seemed as though she was developing a grown of her own, a tail if the sight of Sara’s was any indication. The protrusion from her friend’s spine was several inches now, seeming to twitch of its own accord. Eventually, thick straw-like hairs erupted all over its surface, causing Sara to reach back and scratch before crying out from the unexpected contact against her skin. The hairs were enough to touch the back of her bare legs, seeming to tickle the flesh and causing her further irritation. 


It was soon clear to Jan, however, that the same was not to be her fate. The tail sticking out above her ass was longer, thinner, and curled when she tried to move it, leaving her terrified that she could. The same itching was plaguing her growth, centered in the tip, as though forming a tassel. Though it was increasingly evident that Sara was in possession of a horse’s tail, it took Jan a few moments of twitching it to determine what her own growth was becoming. The ropey appendage, in tandem with the bestial braying that erupted from her lips, was indicative that she might be transforming into a jackass!


The realization hit Jan like a ton of bricks. They were becoming animals, ones that they had been called earlier by the old woman. Though such was impossible, save the use of hallucinogens, there was no denying the painful alterations coming over them. Had something they done caused a witch to curse them? It made no fucking sense!


It took Jan a few moments of feeling something struggling on her groin to realize that she was undergoing not only a change in species. Worried about what she might find but sure about it, all the same, Jan pulled down her pants in time to see a nub swelling from where her former clit existed. It was rapidly growing larger, weighty on her sex as a slit formed at the tip and started pulsating open and close like a bizarre form of mouth. It continued to thicken from the base, pushing out two inches and then three. It, too, took on a mottled shade before the skin peeled back and pulled it adjacent to her belly, which itself was starting to distend a little. The newly formed dong dangled heavily on her groin, the weight of it impossible to fathom, not only its presence but the sheer size of the beastly implements. And it was soon to be made far worse as the testicles swelled underneath, filled with virile jackass sperm. 


Jan could hardly believe what was happening. It was the stuff of nightmares, beyond anything that should be possible in the world she knew. Yet there was no denying the donkey cock she now possessed, the spreading of darkening hide over her groin and up a barreling belly. Worse, the panic of their changes caused a sheen of sweat to cross their skin, the stink wafting into widening nostrils and causing both former girls to gag from the redolence. 


“Why is this happeeeeiiiiggghhh?!” Sara tried to call out, but by this time, her lips had widened, teeth thicker and blocky as the contours of her mouth took on a more equine shape. 


A numbness erupting over her own facial features made Jan sure that they were taking on their own jackass qualities. Lips turned rubbery and thickened, teeth blocky and yellowed as she breathed in her sticking jackass breath while resisting the urge to gag. Soon, she could see the brown rubbery lips out of the corners of her eyes, making her wish to close them in any effort to escape the horror of change. 


Yet the pounding pulsations within her loins could not so easily be erased. Her hands were already  reaching precariously close to her groin as though eager to caress her donkey penis. Eyes opening in response to a slick slapping sound, Jan looked over to see that both of Sara’s hands were wrapped around her horse cock, fluids leaking from the tip and rolling down the shaft, coating her hands in the slick juices. Her own equine rectangles were closed at that point, reveling in the pleasure of stroking a penis that was far larger than the amount of blood in her body could manage. Balls quaked as they swelled with seed, Sara’s entire body was trembling from the exertion, sweat dripping from her form and adding more pungent equine stink to the room.


“Wwwhhhaaawwwwwt are you dooeeehhheeehhhaaaeww?!” Jan tried to declare, though the beastly brays made it terrifying to try and speak. There was every chance the next time she tried, Jan would be robbed of human speech altogether. 


It was worse than that, Jan’s skull continuing to crack and grow with change. Bristly hairs erupted across her face like a beard before moving up like sideburns to merge with her well-maintained human hair. It was soon to alter in its own right, the hairs turning coarse and bristling atop her head. It ran down towards the back of her neck and teased the back of her shirt with what had to be the formation of a jackass cross. Her ears twitched in irritation, growing even longer above her head until fully formed. 


Yet, the temptation to take her cock and jerk it was at the forefront of her thoughts, the urge more potent than any lust she had ever known. Donkey ears twitched at the slick slapping of gooey hands on a needy horse member, soft nickers echoing in her ears as Sara got off. The need to join her and empty the weighty testicles still filling with jackass sperm was all-consuming, to the point that Jan found it maddening to stand there in her friend’s presence. 


It was more than simply trying to stem the tide of testosterone that was welling in her veins. The sight of the changing horse woman was powerfully attractive, and Jan was unable to get the view of Sara’s new cock out of her mind. Never one for the male organ, there was no denying its trigger towards her increased arousal. Technically, those thoughts were homosexual the more her own penis pulsated with need, making her blush even through the fur covering her cheeks. Though there was nothing she could do with such an onslaught of lust other than feel herself moving towards the horse’s member with a hungry look in her eye. 


Sara, for her part, was unable to remove her hands from the member dangling there for both of their pleasures. Even the sounds of her massive horse’s ass tearing from her pants, the swishing tail teasing over the meaty horse pucker exposed there, were not enough to deter her ministrations. Her cock was throbbing visibly, getting close to the inevitable end. At the very least, Jen felt she needed to smell it, moving her wide, flared nostrils towards the object of her desires. 


Yet, even with as close as she had gotten, Jan was not expecting to take a faceful of horse cum, Sara erupting with such force that several thick, viscous strands landed on Jan’s ever-growing muzzle. The scent was both repulsive and delectable in equal measure, and a thicker donkey’s tongue reached up to try and lick up the nectar her friend provided her. The taste was tangy, offensive, yet some instinct in her mind forced her to lap at it, saiting her lust just enough as her own cock throbbed from anticipation. 


Lost in the musky scents of horse cum, Jan was hardly aware when her friend reached out with rubbery lips and caressed the flared tip of her donkey cock. Jan brayed reflexively, wanting to tell Sara to stop. She wasn’t bestial and had no inclination of giving into the form and allowing baser instincts to win out. But the wave of pleasure that flowed from her cock was almost more than Jan could bear. It took everything she had to push against the horse’s forming mane and thickening skull, trying to force her way and failing against the insistence of her growing friend. 


“Pleeease staawwwppp!” Jan tried to bray, but even twitching ears could not seem to heed the words as Sara got her rubbery lips around the tip and started to suck with gusto. 


In vain, Jan tried to pound her friend’s thick horse skull with her fingers to get her to stop, though the efforts were weak and barely felt. The pounding of pulsating pleasures was enough to make her knees weak and the efforts lately fruitless. Worse was the fact her fingers suddenly felt stiff, their joints absent as they began to pull into her thickened wrists, leaving room for the middle to form the singular digits of an equine. Numbing keratin nails formed over them, hard hooves not large enough to even make an impact against the horse’s cranium as Sara sucked like a woman possessed. 


With the flavor of horse cum on her lips and the odor of equine musk and need entrenched in her nostrils, there was little chance of her holding back. The tension in her balls was quickly rising to a crescendo, an oncoming equine orgasm threatening to overwhelm her at any moment. It was an all-encompassing sensation, much different from her female equivalent yet eerily similar all the same. The tension in her testicles built past the breaking point, and the shifting of semen within sent her into an eruption of orgasm, eyes whiting out as torrents of donkey cum blew into her friend’s equine maw. It seemed to last an eternity, the sensations of change lost to the release that her friend granted her.  


A series of thick wet crunches were the first thing Jan became aware of as she awoke from sweet orgasmic bliss. The meat and mass of her hips were being forcibly rearranged, and though painless, it was powerfully disconcerting. Against her wishes, she fell over, nose at level with the horse cock her friend was sporting. Still erect, Sara was stroking off once more, though it was obvious that her fingers were changing as well, her grip on her phallus waning with each passing second. It was becoming precarious for her newly developing hooves to hold on, and with a wet slap, the cock head pressed against the ground, Sara whinnying her agony.


“Pleeeeiiiggghhhhhh fuck meeeeiiiggghhhhh!” She declared, turning around and exposing a puckered equine donut the size of which disgusted Jan. Though, to the developing equine parts of her mind, there was nothing more alluring than its presence. 


Jan longed to sniff at it, to stick her now fully formed fourteen inches of donkey cock inside. Though, with her hips in their current configuration, there was little chance of that happening. Her ass was massive, its own equine donut pushing up against her rear and making her bray in frustration. The stitches of her own pants were tearing, balls tumbling out as the rest of her pants fell away, kicked around by feet anf heels that were stretching with each passing moment. Their tips were growing larger, thickened into keratin slabs the likes of which would end up as the bottom of equine hooves, clacking against the floor as she kicked and bucked with her frustrations. 


“I NNNEEEHHHAAAWWWW!” She called out, walking over to her friend’s backside and sniffing under her tail. The stench of equine sweat and occasional flatulence was overpowering, but she couldn’t deny the effect it was having on her cock. Though Sara was still on her back legs for the moment, Jan was still looking for a way to get access to the object of her desire. Sara, for her part, looked around with an expression of need on her equine features. It seemed that the horse woman needed to be anally penetrated as much as Jan wanted to fuck her!


Unable to focus on anything other than sex, Jan quickly scoured the room for something to stand up on, aware of her limited abilities with only hooves and a quadrupedal stance. Though, getting an idea, Sara moved towards the living area, landing on her changing front legs as her horse’s ass tore the rest of the way back out of her pants. They soon fell from her form, leaving only her socks, though those, too, were soon to tear from the pressure of her growing hooves and stretching heels. The force of her fall shook the house from the weight he had put on, hundreds of pounds, and still growing as Sara’s form took on the shape of a horse. 


As Jan got up onto one of the couches, cock leaking all over the fabric, the equine visage of her former from looked back at her, winking with horsey rectangles and showing little of the intelligence from her former friend. Jan was worried that Sara was lost in the beast, that her flared nostrils, compressing cranium, and twitching ears made her look more and more like the horse she was becoming. Her beautifully maintained hair was thick and coarse, a mane running down a stouter neck and bulging veins as she continued to grow into the stallion that she was cursed to become.


The pair of them hardly had any humanity left at this point, and there was little ability to resist the urges welling in their minds. Jan was vaguely aware that sexual acts had accelerated the changes and that fucking her friend might change them all the way. But her cock was so needly, aching, and left her horny in a way that her female existence could hardly manage to rationalize. It was getting harder and harder to think, not with the cock that pressed desperately against the fabric of the couch with the need to be encompassed by the warm, tight equine asshole Sara so willingly offered. At the time, it seemed worth it!


Ass level with the couch and Jan getting used to the shape of her hips, she managed to plant her front hooves against her friend’s flanks, feeling the warm skin against her wrists and arms through the fabric. The shirt was hardly fated to last much longer, given the force of equine flanks pushing from the insides. Jan and Sara were remiss to care, given the insistence of lust they felt towards each other and the intensity of the equine blood flowing through their veins. 


It took some effort to line up her cock with the tight asshole of her best friend, and the leaking tip careened off the horse’s rump a few times before Jan managed to get it there. Without hands to guide her, the task took much longer than it should have, and the changing donkey woman was getting insistent. It gave the fading rational side of her mind a moment to think, to try and get away from the nightmare scenario and contemplate finding even the most remote of possibilities to be changed back. Though the moment that she flared cocktip brushed against the horse’s hole was the moment that Jan felt she could no longer resist. A forward thrust from her taut rod was all she needed to make her way inside the beast, and a bray escaped her lips as her donkey dong found its way inside her friend!


Thrusting was difficult, given that their anatomies were still changing. It seemed as though Sara’s insides were being pumped with meat and muscle the more that she was fucked, though Jan could hardly tell, given the tightness of the horse’s rectum against her cock. The pleasure was more than she was expecting, akin to teasing her clit but far more all-consuming. Precum leaking from the tip, its throbbing girth was impossibly turgid within the horse as they rutted with bestial intensity. Even though she had cum already in the last ten minutes, her maleness was ready to go again with more stamina than she understood males to be capable of. 


Even as she fucked, the notions of disgust, of not wanting to be an animal, were at the forefront of her thoughts. It was revolting to Jan that was in the body of a jackass, steadily being covered in darkening hide and brown fur. But with all the blood being utilized to fuel her donkey cock, it was a wonder she was able to hold onto that notion at all, even for the few moments it would take to pull out and try to think of a plan to reverse the process. 


Worse, the more donkey cock pumped into Sara’s body, the more that horsehide swept over her back, and the larger she grew, nearly picking Jan up off the couch from the sheer size of her horse’s bulk. Her chest ripped through her clothes, rags falling off her and leaving her horsehide naked and exposed. She was sweating heavily, chest heaving as her shoulders compacted, her chest barreled outward, and her belly distended. She was becoming more and more the horse she was doomed to be, and neither could do anything about it as they fucked their way into beasts. 


With that, Jan felt her friend’s body clamp tight on her cock, Sara’s own penis flapping against her belly as she sprayed her horse cum all over the room. The stench hit Jan’s nostrils and made her own equine cock burst inside her backside, getting larger and larger as donkey jism filled Sara up to the brim. The pleasure was all-consuming, causing her to fall out of Sara’s backside with a rush of semen. Her cock and couch were soaked, but in the moment of post-orgasm, it made it difficult to focus on why that was such a bad thing. 


The horse before her, had she not seen the change before her eyes, looked like any other farm beast, save for its place in her home and the rags it wore on its hide. The horse blinked a few times, though there was a hint of fear that placed her human mind in at least some semblance of control over the beast. It was only a small consolidation, however, given the fates that had befallen them and the impossible scenario they had been placed in. Had it really been the old woman that had done this to them? How could they have no such would be punishment for knocking her over accidentally? She had been in the way, not them!


Jan, for her part, was still changing, though there was at least a semblance of humanity left in her visage, enough that she still felt a chance to escape and regain her former body. But with the encroaching hide and stretching face, she realized there was little chance of that happening. She hated this equine body, how bloated and distended her belly was becoming, how gassy they both were and how fat and stubby her new form was. And, worst of all, she’d lost her female sex, swaying donkey cock still erect under her belly. In fact, between bouts of gas, she was aware of clenching in her rectum, one that made her tail raise and off to the side, signaling her need. Despite all that had happened thus far, it seemed she still craved sex, this time on the receiving end!


To her relief, it seemed as though the horse that had become of Sara was trying to resist as well, whickering and stamping her heavy hooves. Her body tried to back up, though with limited space it was impossible to get too far away from the object of her desire. She stood there, nostrils sniffing the sexual scents from the donkey’s rectum, eyes glossed over from need. It was all Jan could do not to beg to be fucked, the ache in her ass almost as all-consuming as anything she had ever felt. And having fallen so many times already, how could she possibly resist now?


What little hoped remained was to be taken from her as her tail, still raised, began to be licked by the much thicker horse tongue. She wasn’t sure how the other animal could manage, stinky as the donkey she had become was. But Sara seemed as compelled as Jan was for their rut and continued licking her friend’s rectum, preparing her for the fucking to come. Each lap forced more of her frame into that of a doney, pushing her face outward and leaving little left of her humanity. Fearful as she was, Jan hardly noticed that her rear was being penetrated, the fat tip of a horse’s cock making its way inside her. Such a mammoth member should have pained her over and over, though, in her current state, Jan was able to take it, if just barely, for the persistent prostate pleasures that were building all the while. 


Closing her eyes, Jan allowed herself to give over to the fucking, loving the anal and prostate stimulation more than any penetrative sex that she had ever experienced as a human. The fact that she was technically gay now from either perspective was lost in the rut, notions of sexuality a distant second to the loss of her humanity and sex. The more her body changed, the more it seemed to settle with the fact that Jan was a donkey, one that preferred the physical pleasures of other male equines. 


Eventually opening her eyes, Jan was terrified to see the contours of the room shifting, growing wider and wider as her eyes were forced to expand and move to the sides of her head, able to take in her surroundings all at once. Worse than that, however, was that the colors of the room were washed out, reds and greens gone permanently as her eyesight altered. It was terrifying to lose so much of herself, her way of viewing the world. And there was no going back, without the ability to confront or even speak to the one that had done this to them. 


There was little left of her human form by the time that orgasm reached Jan’s balls, though in the moment she found herself hard-pressed to care. Her mind whited out, the pleasure pulsating through her form as she came once more, ass being pumped full of equine sperm. The sensation was far more fulfilling than she could have expected, much to her chagrin. She didn’t want this, couldn’t have wanted this. But feeling her fat donkey cock slapping against her belly as it blew all over her fur and the floor was more than she could have ever imagined from her femininity. In the moment, it was almost worth the loss of her humanity to feel just a moment of those carnal pleasures. 


Eventually, Sara pulled out, and Jan went to cry out her insistence to have her ass hilted by that delectable horsecock once more. Yet, the moment that she did was the moment that she realized that only a series of panicked brays escaped her rubbery lips, and no matter how much she tried, the sounds meant nothing to her largely human brain. Even the whickers of her former friend turned draft horse made no sense to her, disparaging her to know that the two could no longer communicate as they had all their lives as humans. 


A wave of disparity fell upon Jan as she realized the changes were over. There was nothing human left reflected in the patio door as she stared into the visage of the donkey she was. The stench of cum and the stickiness against her hide was powerfully uncomfortable, though without hands there was nothing to be done for it. A quick glance at the horse beside her made her certain that Sara was in a similar state, terrified and slightly aroused even as her horse cock slid back into its sheath only partway. 


The sound of a car in her driveway made Jan perk up with excitement. Though the odds of being well-received in their equine states were minimal, there was no way for them to escape alone with their hands turned into hooves. At least they could be let out, not forced to starve like the dumb animals they were. The car seemed rather large, the bouncing of hitches giving Jan the mental image of a horse trailer. Though the odds of such a thing arriving now were so slim as it was…


Though the man that came in was unfamiliar, the effects of his words were absolute. “Alright, boys, time to go! Head out the front door and get up the ramp into the trailer!” He decreed, the words ringing in her ears as though a gospel from God. 


Jan was unable to resist, finding that her compliance was out of her power. Even attempts to bray and pull back had no effect on the phantom hands that seemed to beckon her. The pair were compelled to exit the door, thankfully able to get through with some effort. With that, they were directed to a horse trailer, the scents of hay wafting into their noses and eliciting some hunger pangs. Though she was disgusted with the notion of having to eat nothing but hay, her donkey lips reached down to satiate her hunger though hating the flavor. The horse beside her, too, went to eat, the same mournful expression still persisting in her eyes. 


It was the men’s next words that really sent shivers through her body, making her bemoan her fate. “The madam sends her regards. Her words have weight, after all, as much as all of us, but that’s neither here nor there. I’m sure it’s obvious to the pair of you by now what her words meant for you, and if not, it is too late for the two of you to repent, even if you could speak. She is looking forward to the money your work will generate on her family’s farm for the rest of your longer lives. And, as a bonus, your new proclivities will always be at the forefront of your minds, and you’ll have all the time in the world to enjoy each other’s bodies!”


With that, the trailer door was closed, and both former women were left to lament their fates. Equine eyes exchanged mournful looks, knowing that they were likely to stay this way forever, eating hay, working fields like animals, and worse of all…


The sight of a massive horsecock unfurling from its sheath should have disgusted Jan, should have made her afraid and revolted in equal measure. Yet, with the horse’s hot breath on her ass, Jan couldn’t help but feel her cock slide from its own sheath, thoughts of being fucked and bred making her anus ache and her balls swell with the need to be emptied. And with that, her donkey tail moved up and to the side, expressing her desire to be mated as Sara’s horse cock teased her backdoor, preparing to breed them into their new lives.