Only In Florida...

“So, are you sure it’s OK for us to chill here?” Brittany asked, taking a sip from her beer and picking up the joint she’d left sitting on the edge of the table in front of her. 


“Oh, absolutely, we aren’t going to be bothered. Uncle Jack’s not getting out of prison for another few months!” James commented, taking a swig of his own mixed drink.


“What the hell did he do again to end up in jail again?” Victoria asked between puffs of her own joint. 


“You wouldn’t even believe it if I told you,” James mentioned, swigging his drink as though getting ready to tell them a rather intriguing story. 


“Well, now you have to tell us!” Kyle said, eyes blazed as he punched his friend in the arm. 


“Alright, well…fuck, it’s going to make one of those ‘Florida man’ stories seem tame by comparison…But he was…well shit, I can’t back out now, can I-He was caught swimming with manatees-”


“That’s not so bad!” Victoria interjected.


“While they were having an orgy. Naked, too,” James said, putting his head down in shame. He knew that all families had their oddballs. And he had it under good authority that hard drugs were involved in this case. But still…


“Oh my fuck, it’s true, here’s the link to the news article!” Brittany said, sending it to their group text so they could see the report. 


“That actually carries jail time?” Kyle asked, and James downed the rest of his drink in one go at that. 


“A least a few months for indecent exposure. Not sure about the…well, other parts…” Jame said, getting up to get another drink. He was wobbly already in the early hours of the evening, though they had started early enough. The four of them were fairly drunk and stoned, able to stay the night out here with nowhere to go for the weekend. James’s uncle’s cabin was rather secluded, out by a swamp, a good place to get away from it all. James had been doing some impromptu housesitting, though his uncle hardly had a leg to stand on when it came to telling him he couldn’t have guests. 


Drink in hand, James came back to the three of them looking suspicious, grinning like they had been talking behind his back. Equal parts curious and concerned, he sat down to the stares of his friends as though they were waiting for him to ask what they had been discussing. 


Still grinning mischievously, Brittany pulled out four vials, each with a clear liquid inside. The sight was familiar; though James had never dabbled, they were the jars for nanite cocktail solutions, ones typically used for medical treatments. On the black market, however, they had the capacity to grant genetic modification, body alterations that could go as far as temporarily changing one’s species. He recalled that Brittany had brought them up at one point or another but had no inkling that she’d actually purchased any. That, and having exactly four was no coincidence…


“Want to try them tonight, guys?” She asked, as though the notion of turning into god knew what was the most normal thing in the world. 


“Dude, where’d you get them?” Victoria quired, more interested than surprised at their presence, as though Brittany had procured some kind of illicit substance for their consumption. In some sense, it was, though not exactly illegal, costly and outside of their price range for an added bit of weekend fun.


“Does it matter?” Brittany replied mysteriously. It was an odd response, but in James’s inebriated state, it honestly mattered very little with the anticipation of what they might get up to with them.


“What’s in them?” Kyle asked, thinking to ask the obvious. 


“Stuff for the swamp,” was the reply, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. 


“Like?” James inquired, getting a little impatient. 


“Let’s see, salamander, frog, gator, and komodo dragon. Anthros. Ok, that last one maybe isn’t quite fit for the swamp, but you get the idea!” Brittany said, and the three of them looked at each other as though questioning the sanity of their friend. Even in their current states, trying more exotic species for their first time under the influence of a nanite-induced change wasn’t the safest endeavor. Yet, with the option in front of them…


”I’ll be the frog,” James said just then, as though it was the obvious pick from the four. Perhaps a bit adventurous from the booze and weed, he was nonetheless stoked to change, to give their weekend some unexpected fun. Besides, word on the street was that the nanite transformations greatly increased libido. Frog wasn’t his first pick, perhaps, but the more he pondered the possibility, the more it seemed to appeal to him. 


“Eww, gross!” Was Victoria’s reply, though James wasn’t sure if it was a case of the entire process being a turn-off or simply his species of choice. 


“What about you?” James asked, ignoring Victoria and turning to Brittany, she being the one that had acquired them in the first place. 


”Gator, of course,” was the reply, and James couldn’t say he blamed her. That was the most obviously appealing out of the choices she’d given them, after all. 


“Which did you want to be?” Brittany asked Kyle, ignoring Victoria’s hesitance and going around the table to see what he would choose. The answer between the two left was obvious, but…


“Salamander,” Kyle responded without missing a beat. 


“Komodo dragon is fine for me,” Victoria said quickly, locking in the choices for the four of them. 


Still, Brittany was a little curious. “Why did you want to be a salamander?” She asked. She figured that not everyone would want to pick one of the species that she had been able to acquire-her sources only having so many obscure species available.


“I just think they are cool!” Kyle said, and Brittany couldn’t help but notice that he had his eye on James before he answered, as though there was another reason he would choose to be an amphibian if his buddy was…


Still, there was something she wanted to bring to the forefront of everyone’s thoughts before she forgot in her inebriated state. “Hey, most of us will have tails once we take these, right? Let’s do that challenge!” She exclaimed, handing out the vials for each person based on what they chose. 


“Oh, the tail-bursting one!” Victoria exclaimed, apparently excited now by the notion, no longer disturbed about the amphibian forms that some of her friends might be taking on. 


“We’ll rip our pants for sure with these!” Kyle exclaimed, evidently excited by the prospect. It was the latest social media excitement, after all, to change and rip through pants with massive changing assess or tails. All of them had seen them, though never figured that was how they would be spending this evening!


“Hey, I don’t…” James started to say, not going to have one in his soon-to-be frog form.


“Ok, same time?” Brittany asked, ignoring him while holding her own to her lips. James figured what the hell, and there was no point complaining about it now that they had made their choices.


“OK!” Said the other three, almost in tandem as they downed the contents of the vials without another thought of the repercussions. 


After a few minutes, the four of them looked around at each other, trying to determine what would change first. None of them had used nanite transformation technology before and were not sure what exactly would happen. Aside from keeping their clothes on, to do the tail burst challenge as Brittany had suggested.  


“Dude, my skin!” Jame called out, putting his hand out to show that the skin was turning greenish brown. It was a patch on the back of his hand that was soon swelling to encompass his hand and arm, spreading at a rather alarming rate. 


“Me too!” Kyle exclaimed, putting out his arm out to show a layer of slick black skin coating it. There were a few red patches in place as well, giving way to his eventual color pattern, though Kyle had no way to know the exact species of salamander he was acquiring the traits of.  


“Mine’s all rough,” Victoria said, putting her own hand out there to show she was developing the pebbly scales of the komodo dragon whose visage she was beginning to take on. 


“Fuck I want to be a gator!” Brittany said, showing that rougher greenish-yellow scales were taking over her hand, running up her arm and forcing her nails out into claws. Thankfully in anthropomorphic form, they wouldn’t shrink into the stubs of actual gator legs, but she was excited to have them develop into a hybrid anatomy nonetheless. 


“Oh fuck, this feels weird,” James remarked, rubbing the slimy skin of the amphibian that he was to become.


“Think I’m growing my tail now!” Victoria said, seemingly eager to be changing now and getting over her initial trepidation. She got up, bending over a little to show the thickening lump pushing at the inside of her sweatpants. 


“I want a tail!” Jame said, seeing all three of them now poking at the backs of their pants as though eager to free to bulges forming within. 


“Then you shouldn’t have picked frog,” Brittany said, rubbing her own growth and acting as though she hadn’t brought a serum that didn’t have a tail out of the four. 


“That was the only one left! Besides, I love the skin, man it’s moist, can’t want to jump in the lake!” James retorted, the skin seeming to be up his entire arm now as his fingertips swelled and a thin sheen of skin rose in between them, like the start of webbing. 


“Damn, it’s so big,” Victoria said, though everyone’s attention was currently on their own changes to find something wrong with what she was saying. If they could look, it would be obvious that she was rubbing the back of her pants, the growth withinnthickening to the point where she figured it would burst through at any moment. 


“It’s tight in here already!” Brittany exclaimed, wagging her ass as the tail within pressed almost painfully against her jeans. 


“Mine is a bit slimy guys, this isn’t working out so well,” Kyle whined, reaching back with an equally slimy hand and getting his newest excretions all over his own pants, unable to pull them down even if he wanted to. Still, as the skin started to spread, it seemed as though that was to be a non-issue for him to get out of them, 


“Well, then I’m going to win! Croc tails for the win!” Brittany declared, clenching her ass and pressing out with a growth that was just now connecting with her mind and able to do so. 


“Don’t underestimate the power of dragon tails!” Victoria declared, and the two of them stood side by side, trying to grow their tails and burst out of their pants, consequences of losing their clothes be damned. 


“James is going to have to film this and tell us who won!” Victoria declared just then, the three of them all growing their tails and leaving their one friend in the dust. 


“Fuck, do I have to?!” James whined, though was already getting his camera out. He, too, was excreting mucus from his hands, though was able to work the phone at least enough to film the sight of his friends struggling with their newest appendages. 


“Fuck, mine’s gonna bust out!” Brittany declared, hers likely to be the thickest tail out of the group. 


“Stop bitching, at least you have one! Damn, these webbed hands look nice, though. And my skin, I need to get it wet!” James said, trying to work the phone with one hand while playing over the frog skin on his chest and neck as it began to balloon. 


“Me too! Fuck, and the colors! I wonder if this is poisoned,” Kyle said, suddenly self conscientious about rubbing his own skin. It wasn’t like he could get poisoned from his own touch, but still…


“My jaw sure would be!” Victoria declared, rubbing her face even though it had not begun to change just yet. She was excited for the venomous bite she might receive, though it would be harmless to those who had injected the nanites. At least, that was what she had read from all known sources. Still…


“Fuck, why are pants so hard to rip out of!?” Brittany declared, feeling an intense tightness in her pants that was not alleviated no matter how much her tail seemed to grow and extend. It seemed as though it wasn’t prepared to burst out no matter how much it grew, rather causing her great discomfort with its presence in her pants. 


“Because they weren’t designed for tails, duh!” Came the response from James, finally happy that he did not have one himself. It seemed that it was not so easy for a tail to rip out of pants, or at least not as easy as the social media videos would have one believe! It was more of an inconvenience rather than something hilarious that would make for a good video. In the end, it simply resulted in a drunk changing trio flailing around as pants grew tighter and tighter around the protrusions. 


“Fuck it! I have to take my pants off!” Victoria declared, obviously deterred by the pain of her komodo tail digging into the leg of her pants and making it powerfully uncomfortable to wear them. 


“Oh well,” Brittany declared, reaching down to take hers off without a modicum of modesty. “At least we get to keep our pants, right?” For her part, it was easier to get them off, tail wagging as soon as it was allowed to do so in the humid air. 


“I can’t, fuck…” Kyle declared then, reaching down and rubbing at himself as soon as his pants had slid off him from a slimming waist. Though the other three didn’t notice exactly where his shortened hand was moving, nor the taut erection teasing the front of his pants as well. 


“Why not?” Brittany asked, ignoring her own arousal as she struggled to get her pants off, the thick tail and shortened fingers of her reptilian form making it a difficult endeavor. 


“Because I’m going to…ohhh…” Kyle moaned, rubbing himself furiously as he seemed to nut in his underwear. Though, with the slick fluids oozing from his skin, it was hard to tell how much was semen and how much was slime!


“Dude!” Victoria called out, aroused herself but at least carrying a hint of modesty about her that prevented her from doing something similar. 


“Can’t say that I blame him,” came the reply from James, and the two girl’s suspicions about their male friend’s inclinations toward each other came to the forefront of their thoughts once more. And both of them shared a look that read ‘about time!’


“Guys, I’m too turned on…” Brittany moaned, getting into it. The tightening pants seemed to pull against her sex as well, in tandem with the properties of the change that made her impossibly horny. 


“Fuck, my tail, it’s going to…aagghhh!” Victoria yelled out as the pressure grew too much, and her tail burst through her pants, the material made of cheaper stuff than her friends. It was a full foot long as this juncture, covered with dry-looking brownish-yellow scales. The same pattern was running over her back and her hands as well, fingertips extending into thick brown claws as befit her species. 


“Damn, that’s a tail!” Kyle exclaimed, his own having slipped out and hung from his backside, rounded at the end up unlike the pointed counterpart his friend seemed to sport. 


“Mine too, wish it could have bust out,” Brittany whined, clearly unhappy that her pants had to be removed, finally sliding down scaly legs. The pattern was coarse and rough, befitting the reptile that her form was based on.


“Tell me about it!” James whined, having already taken off his pants. With the level of intoxication he felt, there was no shame in the erection he sported, knowing that the four of them were going through the same thing. It was why they had taken the serums, after all!


“Shit, the skin is spreading!” Kyle exclaimed though it was hardly enough to distract anyone from viewing their own changes. Taking off his shirt was easier with the slickness of his skin, leaving him naked now, though he was hardly in a position to care, given the salamander skin covering him. 


“Wanna fuck? I’m too horny!” James declared unabashedly, striking himself off with slimy hands and experiencing greater excitement and arousal than he could recall having in a long time. He was eager to get off and still too intoxicated not to hope that one of his friends might be down to help him out. 


“Not with you, I’m not into guys!” Victoria declared, trying not to touch herself lest she insight her male friends into anything she didn’t want to think about. 


“How about girls?” Brittany asked, a coyness to her voice that made Victoria shiver slightly. Brittany did find her friend attractive, after all, though would have never entertained it under normal circumstances…


“Well yeah but…what about you?” Victoria decided to ask, unable to keep the hopefulness out of her voice. 


“I’m down!” Brittany exclaimed, almost too overeager. 


“Let’s change more first,” Victoria suggested, and Brittany nodded, getting up and tearing off the rest of her clothes. Her breasts were already starting to deflate, given her reptilian physiology, though Victoria was still eager to explore her friend, intoxication or not. And, there was something about waiting to change that made it scandalous, that it wasn’t really her partaking in the act, but rather being in another’s body. Just in case things didn’t work out, there wouldn’t be any repercussions, her intoxicated mind reasoned. 


“What about us?” James asked, bi and not wanting to be left out of the fun. 


“Fuck each other, duh!” said Brittany, rubbing her body as though encouraging the scutes to form over her chest. 


“I’m game, man, well, that is if you are…always wanted to be with a guy, if you think you wouldn’t mind touching me… you know, poison skin and all,” Kyle offered, suddenly feeling a little shy about throwing out the idea with his crush. 


“Well, I mean, it won’t bother me…” James said, and his cock bobbed and leaked a bit of fluid, a sign of how much that idea seemed to really do it for him. 


“Out into the swamp?” Kyle said, his skin a little dry and wanting to feel how the water would quell the sensations. 


“Yeah, let’s give the girls the balcony,” James said, moving towards the door awkwardly, his toes thickening and widening, their tips growing thicker and webbing forming between them. 


All the while, both of their skins were altering to their amphibian heritages, spreading over the formerly human covering in a persistent wave. James took off his shirt as well, showing a chubby belly that was coated in a pastel yellow, while his back was a dark, mottled green, more akin to a bullfrog than his former human tones. Kyle could tell that his legs were soon to be covered as well, leaving only his head to be altered from human physiology. 


Kyle, too, was still forming his black salamander skin, red in some spots and giving him an amphibian coating. To his surprise, it seemed he was having an easier time breathing, as though extra air was coming through his skin. It was thinner, for sure, though the heat and humidity were more comfortable, making him sure that he was being given the right body for the habitat. 


“Damn, this webbing is really something, right?” James said, raising his hands so Kyle could get a look at them. It was nice to see him trying to lighten the mood, even though raging erections made it obvious what they both wanted. 


“And fuck, my legs are so powerful, too, I can feel it!” Jame said, clenching his muscles and flexing his thighs. The sight almost made Kyle melt. 


“Mine are just stumpy,” Kyle replied, a little sad that he didn’t have any impressive amphibian features. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to be part salamander? Maybe James would have found the komodo dragon form hotter? Or, maybe one of the girls…


“Don’t worry bud, I still think they’re cute!” James said, rubbing his buddy’s slimy back as the two of them walked barefoot out on the beach and towards the water. They could still see the girls up on the balcony, though they were just inside the door, likely getting up to their own fun. Though right now, both men were far more focused on each other…


“Oh, you think so?” Kyle said and would be blushing if he could, though the slick black skin was filling up his cheeks like a pitcher. 


“I do,” James giggled excitedly like a teenager flirting for the first time. The sound was almost enough to make Kyle melt all over again. 


“Then kiss me, cutie,” Kyle said, and James closed his eyes, moving in to take his buddy in an embrace. 


Yet, the gesture was soon to be hindered by their still-altering physiology. James went to open his mouth, though it was opening too wide, and he opened his eyes to see that it was enlarging his jaw to the point that he could see it in his periphery. It was a little unnerving feeling his teeth turn to mush, not falling away but reduced into little pegs. His maw was expanding relative to his features, making his skull compress just slightly to support its presence on his stature. 


“Damn, my mouth!” James declared, reaching up with a webbed hand to feel it. Though the bone structures of his jaw were still present, they warped beyond human confines, more akin to the amphibian he was becoming. Thankfully, he would retain his current size, a functional humanoid amphibian mix between his DNA and the one injected into his system. 


“Mine too!” Kyle exclaimed, reaching up to feel his own shifting visage as he watched James’s altering as well. Though larger than his own, it was still smaller than James’s, and something about that seemed to sit well with Kyle’s interpretations. 


With the expensive changes to their heads, other alterations went unnoticed for the moment, especially ones that were lower down. With their arousal at its premium, the feelings of their cocks retreating and unfurling into the skin around their groins were barely percieved. But the reality of their alterations was soon to be discovered and could not have been suspected even had they read up on amphibian anatomy beforehand!


James was the first to notice, wanting to take his webbed hand and rub it all over his friend’s member now that it had likely taken an amphibian configuration. Though the sight of what appeared to be nothing made him gasp, changing tongue almost falling out of his mouth. Seeing his friend’s eyes bulge further than even frog anatomy would allow, Kyle looked down to a twin expression of horror.


“Where’s my dick!?” James said first, looking into his friend’s salamander eyes with an expression of terror that was present even on frog features. 


“Where’s mine!?” Kyle echoed. He hadn’t wanted to be female, damn it! He wanted to get off with his sexy male friend, not when the two of them were…


It was soon worse than that, or at least far more bizarre of the pair. Tingling in their rectums soon signaled that the offices were rotating, internal plumbing moving to connect with the skin of their groins. It was something neither of them had been prepared for, though started making sense the more they thought about the forms they were taking on. Though, how could they have known that the changes would take them this far out of their comfort zone?


Yet, it was slowly beginning to dawn on the pair that perhaps a change in sex hadn’t occurred, but rather one to their DNA. “Wait dude, do frogs not have cocks?” James quired, and Kyle stopped panicking as the question sank in. “Wait…I don’t know…they must, right?” Kyle wondered, his mind going in other directions. It would make some semblance of sense, though why their anatomies would alter so much even when their bodies retained some level of human configuration was something neither of them could explain at the moment. 


“Dude, I don’t think they do? I think they just rub their groins together to…you know…?” James said, and Kyle felt himself shiver at that. Though it wasn’t something that would have appealed to him before, since his friend was now a chubby, sexy frog-man…maybe that was something he could try? He certainly wasn’t opposed to going all the way to have some fun. Playing with a cock would have been nice, but hey, when in amphibian Rome…


“Fuck…dude…do you want to…? I know it’s kind of gross, but…fuck my slit is needy…” James said, and Kyle felt he couldn’t say no, trepidation or not. The thought of mating with a cloaca was a little unorthodox, though something that the two of them felt they needed more strongly at the moment than at any time in recent memory.  


“Mine too…” Kyle said and reached out with his much larger mouth to start kissing his lover’s massive maw. Part of him was worried about being eaten alive, smaller head as he had. Though such a thing was silly, he knew, even if their respective animals might have done so in real life. They were still human, if not some hybrid animal men with the libidos to match. 


The kiss was nothing like Kyle would have expected his first to be with his buddy and crush. The taste was a little earthy, and there was some concern that his skin was toxic to his friend. Though James didn’t seem to mind, kissing his friend back. Neither closed their eyes, watching as their skulls compressed and their hair fell away to give them hybrid amphibian heads. It was a wonderful sensation, giving into the attention that their bodies seemed to need. 


Eventually, slimy hands made their way down towards their groins, making both men moan in a deeper baritone than humanly possible. It made sense that their vocal cords would have altered somewhat, though the pair were thankful that they could still speak. Even if their bodies told them all they needed to know about their intentions for each other…


It was James that moved in first, flexible hips making the motions almost comfortable as they started to rotate against his lover’s own. Kyle, too, noticed an increased ability to thrust out his hips and eventually felt his own cloaca touch his lover’s, the contact far more sensual than he could have anticipated. It was as though the thinner skin was far more sensitive than human equivalents, or the serums had that increased effect of their lust. Either way, only a slight grinding against each other’s sex was needed to fill them with the desired pleasure the two of them craved. 


Deep moans echoed down Kyle’s throat as James gave into the pleasure, alien waves of ecstasy flowing over slimy bodies. Muscles were quivering more intently than humanly possible, and the outer elastic edges of their sexes were vibrating in tandem with their shallow rapid thrusts. This triggered something within, organs they had no name for to pulsate and tense in sequence, sending chills through their prostates and preparing them for a release that neither former human could fully comprehend. It came almost too fast, though neither man was in a place to stop it, amphibian copulation much more rapid than anything humans knew. But as with its human counterpart, release came with a rush of fluids, more frothy than human sperm but unmistakable as anything else. It was James that came first, sending sexual fluids into Kyle’s cloaca before his was released into the backwash. The amount was minute in relation to their bodies, but the pleasure was not, shaking their squishy bodies as their gripped each other with pliable hands, reveling in their amphibian orgasms.


“That was…wow…” Kyle moaned, pulling back as semen leaked from their loins. Plops of it fell into the water, though left him feeling full and bloated in all the best ways. 


The orgasmic afterglow was pleasant, distracting momentarily from the slight ache in his skin. Though with the call of the water and the croaks of their much smaller brethren, the prospect of joining them for a dip was not forgotten.


“Wanna go for a swim?” James said aloud, echoing their thoughts. Kyle simply smiled, taking his friend’s slimy hand in his own and guiding them forward. Though the lust from the change had not yet abated, they had all evening to explore their new sexuality. Especially underwater, where the two of them could fuck suspended in the warm swamp water…




Meanwhile, in the living room of James’s uncle’s place, Victoria and Brittany were making out as well, rubbing dry and scaly skin into place over their forms. It was a little difficult for them to continue their lip lock with expanding muzzles and sharpening teeth. Though it was a little messy, Victoria’s tongue long and pointed against Brittany’s fat one, both still found it hot as hell, and scaled, clawed hands were reaching down to tease over leaking slits. Victoria was careful about her sharper claws, though Brittany’s were hardly dull either, shortened and webbed as they had become. 


It was stretching muzzles that really made the contact difficult, Brittany’s growing wide enough that she could almost engulf that of her lover. Their kiss was rather messy, though the pair managed, excited about altered anatomy and exploring the contours of reptilian physiology. There was an added layer of excitement rubbing over skin that was turning scaly and rippling over their former flesh. Victoria’s was pebbly all over, which made rubbing it rather pleasant. Brittany’s, however, was far less uniform, more coarse, and lumpy, particularly in patterns along her back. Not able to rub at it herself, Victoria reached back to explore in her stead, giggling a little as she investigated the new skin. The bumps and ridges along her back were rather pleasant, and it was a once in a lifetime to experience touching gator’s skin, assuming they didn’t decide to change like that again!


The changes to their heads, though largely ignored through their make-out session, were still rather significant in altering their visages. Hair fell away as craniums compressed, though intellects were hardly affected by the process as was programmed into the procedure. Brittany’s eyes, in particular, were getting larger in their sockets, and she blinked, realizing that a new membrane was present that lubricated the eye in a way that had her blinking a few times to get used to it. Eyes were soon yellowed and slitted, giving her a reptilian, menacing appearance that Victoria had to admit was hot as hell!


Victoria’s visage was soon to alter as well, ears swallowed by an expanding cranium and leaving two small holes in their wake. Her own eyes were dark, looking soulless to an outsider by still carrying a gleam of excitement in them that her gator lover seemed to find exhilarating. By this point, both of their tails were long enough to touch the floor, getting longer still and forced to be lifted slightly for support. Their legs, while a little shorter relative to their lengthened trunks and torsos, were still muscled and human-shaped overall, making walking feasible, though awkward. Most noticeable was the deflation of their mammalian breasts, something obviously unneeded to reptilian physiology but was missed nonetheless. 


Eventually, the pair were fully changed, a croc woman and a dragon still kissing with enthusiasm as they explored their changed bodies. Though neither carried feminine assets, it was still certain to their altered nostrils that they were both female and aroused. Nostrils flared as they breathed in their individual aromas, their sexes leaking with anticipation. Even the connections of their sexes with their rotating anuses didn’t deter them. Brittany knew it would happen from past transformation viewings but still found it a little unnerving to be given a single orifice where her sex and anus once were. 


“Not bad, not bad…” Victoria commented, rubbing down her body and exposing the muscled, scaled contours. To her delight, it didn’t seem that her claws pierced the scaled skin, allowing her to explore it to her content. 


Yet, even her excitement for her own form was unparalleled to the lust her friend seemed to give her. Cloaca moist and ready, she reached up to touch Brittany’s chest, feeling a little shy before doing so. With that, Brittany gently took her hand and raised it to her chest, allowing Victoria to rub against the scales and her arousal to grow. It was a sensual touch, felt through the scales and sending shivers to her loins that made both women melt. 


“Damn, the things I would do to you…” Victoria mused, looking over the gator woman with lust as her own dragon loins leaked beads of fluids, thicker nostrils drank in the scents of female musk, making both women desperate for stimulation. 


“And what do you want to do to me?” Brittany teased, loving how the arousal given by the serums and what they seemed to do to her normally slightly prudish friend. At least, that was how she had always perceived Victoria to be. She was not expecting her friend to get down on the floor, flicking her tail and tongue in a crocodilian-like expression of need. Though it was a little unnerving from a human position to eat out a cloaca, there really wasn’t any concern with the nanites in their system. And with the arousal they felt for each other, there was no need to hold back!


Yet, Victoria had something else in mind, something that Brittany was sure to like. Instead of getting down to service her friend’s sex, Victoria instead moved her backside towards Brittany’s snout, placing it over the gator’s smile and in range of her thick tongue. Thankful they were of the same stature now, she moved her lizard tongue towards Brittany’s vaginal lips, flicking it in and out and teasing the moist edges of Brittany’s slick cloaca. A gator’s hiss escaped her muzzle before Victoria dove down on her friend’s sex and began lapping at it like a fine wine. 


The only thing better than tasting her lover’s nectar was the sensation of a thick gator tongue on her own set, the position perfect for her mate’s muzzle to make out with her own cloaca. It was surprisingly sensitive, though its current state was hard to distinguish between her own reptilian needs and the influence of the nanites. Yet, at the moment, it hardly mattered, the lust in her loins that needed to be quelled by a skilled reptilian woman’s tongue.


The two fell into a rhythm, lapping at each other’s lips with tongues that seemed less sensitive to flavors than human equivalents. It was perhaps that which allowed them to lick and suck with such fervor, not at all inconvenienced by the acrid flavors that their newly minted cloacas might produce. Such gave the experience enough longevity that the two of them were prepared to cum and cum again. With lust at a premium, it was nearly impossible to hold back as their sexes quivered and waves of orgasm wracked their bodies, the next on the heels of the last as they tongue fucked each other into oblivion. 


“That was amazing…” Victoria said after getting up and still coming down from the amazing oral sex. Still a little hazy, she found herself wondering if there was something else she could do with her female friend. Perhaps grinding themselves together? Not only that, but their tails were long and thick, weren’t they…?


Yet, before she could think to offer, Brittany was out the door, and Victoria got up to see that she was heading towards the water, where the boys were already out from the shore, splashing around and enjoying the freedom of living in the swamp could give them. There was every chance Brittany wanted to experience the same, to feel the warm water on her scales, and maybe scare the hell out of her male friends as she crept upon them with the stealth of her reptilian brethren. Either way, Victoria had to watch as Brittany sank into the water, nostrils closing as Brittany quietly submerged herself, easily unnoticed by any creatures that might be her prey! Soon, her tail and the top of her head surfaced, and though her skull was rounder against the water than a real gator’s might be, the sight was still menacing, making Victoria happy that she was a powerful predator in her own right. 


A thought occurred to Victoria just then, one none of them had thought to ask before they took the nanite cocktails. “Hey, Brit, when do we turn back? Not that I’m in a hurry to, but-Brit?” She called out, but her friend was underwater, unable to hear her as she enjoyed her new form for however long it was to be hers.