I've Got You Under My Skin

Exhausted, Gabe almost fell through the door on his way inside, trying to resist the urge to slam it behind him. Work had been terrible lately. His retail job was hell, and thus far his efforts to find further employment had proved fruitless. Gabe wanted to remain calm, he knew his roommate Jason had job troubles as well and he didn’t wanna add to his burdens. Instead, he made his way to their fridge, thankful his job at least provided enough spare money for booze. Pouring and mixing his drink, he took a deep gulp, savoring the light burn as his body relaxed.


As he downed the beverage, his eyes fell upon a stack of mail on the kitchen table. Among several envelopes that likely denoted bills, he spied an oddly shaped package. Picking it up, he could see it was addressed to him. It was a small container, the material stretched into the shape of a wolf’s head.


“Thanks for grabbing the mail, dude,” Gabe called, lifting up the package to look for the return address, wondering who could have sent it.


“No problem dude looks like a package came for you!” Jason called out in reply from his room.


Jason took another sip of his own rum and coke as he clicked away on his computer, blowing away zombies in the new game he’d bought. It might have been a bit early for him, but the way his job had been treating him lately, the booze was the only decent reprieve he was granted. The slight buzz was already calming him down slightly as he focused on the game, his own shitty day fading from his mind.


Gabe examined the package closely, unable to find anything to indicate its origin. “Huh, no idea who it’s from,” he said aloud, trying to pry apart the sturdy box. The material felt strange in his hands, surprisingly thick for the size of the container.


At last, with a wet pop, the box came open, nearly startling Gabe into dropping it. He stared blankly at the bizarre-looking substance within. It almost appeared like some sort of gel or cream, light brown in color. He looked for an inside label, something to give him a clue as to what it was or who had sent it. Nothing. He scooped up some in his hands, surprised at the smooth texture.


“Hey, what the…” he began as the entire container’s contents were sucked up into his hand. The area it touched felt suddenly warm, as though he’d had a bad reaction. He tried to shake it off, but the material clung stubbornly. Panicking, Gabe grasped at it with his other hand, relieved when it seemed to detach in his left hand. The relief quickly faded when he noticed the substance had simply come apart, clinging to his right hand just as it had to his left. In terror, he watched as the mass seemed to liquefy, numbing his hands as it began to flow over his fingers and palms.


Meanwhile, Jason continued his game, unaware of the situation in their main room. The last of the zombies dispatched and the safe room located, he took a swig of his drink, realizing it was nearly empty.  He finished it off and looked around for his booze to pour another drink while he waited for the next map to load.


“Ah crap,” he muttered as he realized he’d left his booze in the fridge. He got up, unprepared for the sight that greeted him as he walked into their kitchen, Gabe staring at his arms in horror.


“Jason! What the fuck?!” Gabe yelled, showing Jason his hands, which were steadily becoming covered with the strange substance. Everywhere the brown material touched, he could feel his skin burn and melt, as though the strange fluid was seeping into every pore, every crevice. His skin felt numb, losing sensation as he was overrun by the foreign invader. In horror, he watched as the goo seemed to reshape his fingers, creating points looking for all the world like the sharp claws of an animal. Worse, his hands seemed to have expanded, thick pads on his palms that were steadily beginning to reshape.


Jason looked on in awe as he watched the strange brown latex-looking substance creeping up Gabe’s arms. It clung tightly to his skin as it reached his shoulders, oozing under his shirt. “What the shit is that stuff!? What’s happening to your arms!?” He shouted, recoiling in horror and bracing himself on the doorway. He could swear he saw Gabe’s arms bulging out, almost as though gaining muscle mass as the substance continued to cover him.


Gabe could do nothing as the substance burned its way across his flesh. “Help! It hurts…” Gabe moaned as he felt it soaking over his chest and back, causing him extreme discomfort. His muscles grew and rippled under his shirt, stretching the taut fabric and tearing it apart in places. He stared down at his hands, the claws-like growths now black, the brown substance solidifying, creating patterns that remind him of…fur?


“Fuck…don’t touch it…it’ll spread to you…but call 911…I’m burning up!” Gabe yelled, the agony of the change overtaking him as he fell to his knees.


“Oh fuck, hold on…just gotta find my phone!” Jason shouted. He gazed on, frozen in fear as Gabe doubled over, his chest expanding with muscle as the shiny brown latex began to show through the tears in his shirt.  It covered him steadily, making him look more and more like some type of monster. The latex crawled slowly up his neck and started to spread to his face before Jason turned to run into his room, desperately looking around for his phone. “Fuck, fuck, where’d I put it!?”


“Ughhhh…!” Gabe moaned as the latex slowly spread across his body. He felt it crawling down his shorts, below his underwear, and entering his most private of places. “It’s spreading… help!” Gabe cried as his cock began to burn, the brown substance engulfing his member, pounding him erect. Slowly, steadily, the pain and heat in his body began to subside as his member grew and stretched, engulfed in latex, changing its shape. He started to stand up, a baffled expression in his eyes as the changes began to feel…good…


“Jason it…what’s happening…why does it feel…” his voice trailed off as the pleasure cascaded through his body.


Meanwhile, Jason was searching on his desk, and under it, Gabe’s cries of panic from the other room pushing his sense of urgency. “Just hold on, Gabe!  I just gotta find my phone, it’s gonna be alright!”


Jason hoped Gabe didn’t hear the doubt in his voice. He had no idea what that stuff was, or how any rescue services could help, but he had to do something. The phone was nowhere to be found on the desk or under his bed as he searched frantically.”Fuck, where is it!?”


“J-Jason…!” Gabe cried, fear in his voice. He was terrified of what was happening to him, scared of what he was becoming. A stretching waist pulled painfully at the edges of his jeans. The latex had pressed into his tailbone, straining it against the ends of his underwear. Worse, he felt his cock oozing, wondering if it was pre or if the substance had seeped into his member, changing his fluids along with the rest of him. Still, it made him whimper, a growing need in his crotch becoming increasingly harder to ignore. He wanted to touch himself, but more than that, he wanted…what?


“Jason…” he called once again, wanting to see his friend, to know he was nearby as the substance spread up his neck. At this rate, Gabe knew he didn’t have much longer now before his frame was fully covered.


Hearing Gabe calling his name, Jason frantically searched his bed, still unable to find his phone. He threw down the covers in frustration before making his way back to the kitchen, wanting to check in on his roommate. “Are you okay, Gabe!? I’m still looking for my phone, but I can’t find it! Where’s your ph-”  He stopped mid-sentence at the sight of Gabe’s latest changes. The latex had oozed down his legs, and he watched as Gabe’s leg muscles grew along with his chest. His jeans had started to tear just like his shirt, shiny brown skin showing through. The substance seemed to be reshaping his legs, his bones creaking as his ankles stretched back.


Meanwhile, Gabe’s face started to ache as the latex slowly oozed upwards, pulling his jaw as it slowly cracked forward into a muzzle. The substance changed to black on his nose and lips as it crept further up. His entire body was growing, audible cracks of muscle and bone as the substance covered him, leaving no human skin remaining. It had nearly covered him now, and was converting him into a…what?


The last thing Jason noticed was Gabe’s huge cock bulge tented tightly in his stretching jeans. Jason shook his head, trying to ignore the image and what it meant to focus on helping his friend. “G- Gabe… are you alright?  W- we’re gonna fix this!”


“Jason…I…” Gabe began as he felt the substance ooze over his face and mouth, stretching it out until he could see his nose in front of his face. It continued to blacken as his mind was suddenly overcome with new impulses. He could smell his sweat and fear as well as Jason’s, but there was something else…almost like… 


The sight of Gabe’s sharp teeth, his long lupine muzzle, and muscled furry body gave away his fate. “G- Gabe…you look like a werewolf!” Jason shouted, taking a step back as the latex finished covering Gabe’s feet, reshaping them into big canine paws adorned with black claws. Gabe’s clothes continued to burst at the seams as his muscles grew, the strange fur pattern solidifying in the latex as something pushed out at the back of his pants.


Gabe cried out as the ooze began to seep into his skull, reshaping his ears and causing his cranium to slope downwards. Yet, none of that was as bizarre as the series of alien thoughts penetrating his mind. His blood went cold as his entire form focused on a certain scent from the room, one that made his latex cock throb and ache in his barely confining boxers.


“Jason…fuck…it’s in my brain…I-I feel…” Gabe struggled, putting his hands on his head in agony.


“Gabe, what’s happening now!? Are you okay!? Gabe!” Jason called out, concerned and terrified in equal measure. 


“Jason…run…it’s in m-my head,” Gabe moaned, writhing on the floor as the latex began to solidify around his body, making his canine features more pronounced.  


Jason’s face went pale with fear. “R- run?  What do you mean…Gabe?” He took a step back as he watched Gabe grow and change, clutching his head as if trying to fight off some urge. Yet, Gabe was in the way of the front door, so Jason couldn’t get out without going past him.


All the while, Gabe felt his muscles surge, his body gaining hair as the substance took form. His tailbone ached as it finally burst through the seat of his pants, wolf tail wagging in freedom. An already tattered shirt tore apart at the seams, falling useless onto the floor with his shredded jeans and snapped undies. Now, he was entirely naked, clad only in the once viscous brown substance, now looking very much as real as his skin had been, save for the brilliant sheen it possessed. Most noticeable of all, there was an ache in his crotch, an overwhelming need to cum. It was more than simply that, however. The change had invaded his mind. He knew what the substance was, what it wanted. It was alive, as much as he was, and it had only one goal. To procreate, to spread itself, and make more.


At that realization, his canine cock throbbed, fluid oozing from the tip. He could touch himself but knew instinctively that would fail to satisfy his needs. He needed to feel his cock inside something…and Jason was the closest living thing in the room…


At the prospect of a potential ‘victim’, Gabe’s senses went into overdrive. He never had feelings of lust towards his roommate before, but the substance’s effects on his form were screaming at him, telling him Jason would be a wonderful mate. His thick scent, the way his clothes covered his lean body, his long luscious hair. Gabe could never remember feeling so attracted to anyone. And yet…he knew the moment he touched Jason, the latex would spread and cover him, change him into a form much like himself. Gabe couldn’t let that happen. Could he?


Still, the sensations assaulting his mind were overwhelming, and Gabe closed his eyes, trying to shut out the voices inside his head. His new senses, however, were not so easily silenced. His nose cried with the erotic scent wafting off Jason’s body. He had to have him, to mate him and make him one with his new flesh.


“No!” He yelled sharply, trying to lift the veil of lust that had covered his mind. It was of little use. He could no more hold back the need to fuck than he could the need to breathe.


The pain of the transformation dying down, Gabe began to enjoy the feeling of his new thick muscles, loved how sharp his senses were. He was powerful, free, and hornier than he’d ever been. Gabe opened his now yellowed eyes, catching a glance of his new form in the reflection in the window. He looked…beautiful, all the world like a shiny brown werewolf, a beast from his wildest fantasies. The sight of himself sent another surge of arousal through his body, reminding him of the urgency in his loins, the need to cum and to mate his roommate. He shuddered, smelling the fear in Jason’s sweat, reminding him that Jason didn’t want to be a beast like him. Yet, Gabe had resisted at first, right? Then, surely…


The more he fought, the more pleasure he felt pulsing through his frame, new muscles easily moving under his skin, giving him a power he’d never fathomed as a human. He cried one last time, a single tear for his lost humanity trailing down his shiny face. He didn’t want to turn Jason against his will, but he needed to, he couldn’t resist much longer.


“Jason…I’m sorry but…it feels too good…and I want…I grrr…need!” He growled, face settled on Jason’s scared form as Gabe slowly began to move closer of his body’s own accord.


“Fuck…” Jason muttered as he turned to run into his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Desperately, he searched under the bed for his phone, his only lifeline to the outside world. Would Gabe have attacked him, killed him, eaten him? He had to call for help.


Jason heard Gabe growling from outside and searched frantically, breathing faster in terror as he threw everything out from under his bed, desperate for his phone. “Fuck fuck, where is it!?” He yelled, scanning the floor, looking under his chair, by his end table, everywhere he could think of but to no avail.  


“Fuck, this is like something out of a crappy horror movie!” Jason yelled as he ran to the window of their second-story apartment. He wondered if he should jump, risk injury over whatever the beast would do to him once it broke through. Though he would still be at the creature’s mercy if he did, only injured beyond belief and unable to defend himself. 


Gabe, meanwhile, raised his clawed fist to the door, preparing to strike down the last barrier between him and his goal. He paused momentarily, as though a small sliver of his humanity could tell this was wrong, that he shouldn’t pursue Jason, allow him to escape. No. He was so strong, so powerful, so horny! Wouldn’t Jason want this too? How could he deny his friend such a gift?


Gabe pounded on the door, the wooden frame exploding into splinters as his canine form bounded into the room, baring down upon his prone frightened roommate. Jason tried to break out the window, to jump, escape to freedom but Gabe’s new form was far too fast. In one swift motion, he leaped atop Jason, knocking him roughly to the floor, causing a yelp of pain as he hit hard. Gabe could smell blood, but it was no matter. Soon Jason’s wound would be completely healed as Gabe bestowed his gift upon him.


Gabe licked his lips, shiny form glowing in the fading daylight from the window as he sniffed and licked Jason’s neck, loving the thick musky scent of his fear. However, he still needed to change it, to make it more suitable to his needs. Gabe smiled down at his prey, the scent of fear wafting in his latex nostrils. A tiny part of him screamed, this was his friend and he didn’t want this. Does that really matter? A voice inside him whispered sweetly. How much happier was Gabe with this sexy powerful body? He couldn’t rob Jason of the same opportunity. Jason simply didn’t understand yet. He would though, soon.


Jason struggled to push Gabe away, arms still slightly weak from the shock. Even with all his might, he couldn’t budge the thick muscular canine arms an inch. He squirmed uncomfortably from Gabe’s tongue on his neck, hating the heat from their closeness. “Gabe, please stop!  L-let me go, this isn’t you! I’m your friend!”


Though Gabe was gripping onto his prey tightly, nothing was happening, at least not the same thing that had happened to Gabe when he’d opened the package. Contact with the substance through the latex skin didn’t change Jason, didn’t stretch over his form, as though no longer contagious. But that was no matter. Gabe knew there was another way to change him, another way to spread his gift to his friend. One that suited his new mentality much more.


“You’re not going anywhere, Jason,” he growled, a thick guttural sound that made his friend tremble in fear. “You’re going to stay right here and service my needs. Yes…I need you, Jason…” he growled, reaching down and licking his roommate on the side of his neck.


Frightened, Jason looked into his former roommate’s face with wide eyes, not knowing what he meant but certain it couldn’t be good. “S- Service your needs? What do you mean? If- If I help you, will you let me go?” He asked as his voice trembled in fear.  


Frantically, Jason looked around the floor to see if there was anything he could use to knock the beast off and get away. Nothing within reach that could do any damage to Gabe’s new muscled form. He desperately tugged at Gabe’s latex, fur-patterned arms, still trying to pull him off in vain.


“Of course…you’ll be free to go…but I doubt you’ll want to…” Gabe said, no longer surprised with the words coming out of his mouth or the steady confidence of his tone. All human notions of morality were washed away in a sea of his need, his desire to corrupt and spread his gift. Gabe removed his grip quickly, placing a heavy paw on Jason’s chest, careful not to dig in too much. He knew the damage would heal but part of him still cared for his friend’s safety. His need to infect came not out of a place of malice. He needed to fuck, to be sure, but he also knew how good it would feel to Jason to change, become like him. He was bestowing a great gift, after all.


With his other clawed hand, Gabe tore at the confining jeans, exposing Jason’s red briefs. The scents from within were erotic to his nose as he lowered his muzzle to lick at Jason’s flaccid member trapped within. “What…of course, I wanna g- hey!” He let out a yelp and squirmed under Gabe’s paw as Gabe tore Jason’s jeans away. 


He gasped as he felt Gabe’s warm tongue licking his crotch through his boxer briefs. “H- hey, what are you doing Gabe!? S- stop licking down there!” 


Jason struggled against his former roommate’s heavy paw as the licks sent a twitch through his cock, as though making him slightly aroused. Oh god, I can’t get hard to this, he thought, still scared and confused, yet not understanding why Gabe was licking at his boxer briefs.


Gabe could smell a delicious scent wafting up from his roommate’s cock, smiling at the feeling of it stirring under his ministrations. But the taste wasn’t enough. He had other desires, his need strong. With a sudden motion, Gabe ripped the briefs off with a snap, causing Jason to gasp in pain. Gabe then lowered his muzzle further, trailing it over the prone man’s balls before reaching his true target. He licked rapidly, causing Jason to shudder from the invasion of saliva in his most private of places.


Jason squirmed as he felt Gabe licking his balls and asshole, warm tongue on his rim sending shivers through his body. “G- Gabe ss- stop it! Wh- why are you licking me there?  That’s really gay!” He groaned out, thinking it was some kind of wolf thing. At least Gabe wasn’t hurting him. But, still…


Jason grunted with relief as Gabe backed away but then gasped at the sight of his huge, leaking canine cock bobbing up and down from his groin. The red, latex member was throbbing as Gabe moved it closer to his asshole and suddenly realized what Gabe was doing.


 “N- no! Stop, please! Don’t do this! Gabe, listen to me! This isn’t you! Let me go!” Jason pleaded as he grasped the heavy paw, squirming and struggling to get away to no avail.


“This IS me Jason…and I need you,” Gabe growled, lowering his cock towards its delicious moist target. He pressed the hard tip against Jason’s hole, rivulets of infections pre already leaking inside.


“In a few moments, it will be you too. Don’t you want to feel powerful, complete like me? You’ll never have to hit the gym again,” the beast chuckled as he thrust his cock forward, penetrating his would-be mate’s hole by force.


“Wh- what are you talking about…complete like you? Wait- you mean you’re gonna… turn me into a wolf thing? N- no I don’t want- Ack!” He gasped as Gabe’s cock penetrated his opening, stretching painfully as a warm substance shot inside. Jason’s insides began to heat up and his skin burned strangely as the canine rocket throbbed in him.


“Fff- fuuuck! No, no, please, take it out! It hurts! Please stop!” Jason cried out, though it was largely in vain at this juncture. 


“Just let it happen,” Gabe hissed, voice deep and thick with lust as he pounded away, fulfilling a powerful biological directive, to mate, to infect another, to have his way with the still terrified human.


“Feel it coursing through your veins…” Gabe growled, recalling how terrified he’d been of his changes, how he longed to better enjoy them in retrospect. The least he could do was encourage Jason. Gabe grunted, thrusting more slowly as he spied a trail of latex spreading from his would-be lover’s butt cheeks, slowly encroaching over his skin, leaving a layer of greyish latex fur in its wake.


Jason whimpered as he felt Gabe’s shaft thrusting in and out, making his face burn red as he was forcibly fucked by the big latex wolf. In defiance, he pounded Gabe’s chest, seemingly with no effect. Nothing seemed to phase the massive werewolf as Gabe continued to thrust, all the while causing Jason’s insides to burn. Jason felt a strange pulling sensation as gray latex spread over his ass, as if the latex was stretching him bigger, ass slowly growing around Gabe’s lupine cock. As the changes spread, the pain in his ass began to diminish, though he still struggled frantically to escape, lest he end up like Gabe.


“Please Gabe stop! I- aaagh fuck…I don’t want this!” Jason groaned as the substance spread down his thighs and up to his waist. It burned everywhere it touched, fusing with his skin and changing color, darkening to black at his sides and back, and brightening to white on his belly and inner thighs. Eventually, Jason stopped his useless flailing and lifted his shirt to see it crawling up his chest slowly. He watched in horror as white latex covered his balls, making them swell as a latex sheath oozed up his cock. As the latex slowly covered his shaft his cock surged hard, suddenly fully erect and burning as the substance covering his cock darkened to red.


“Nooooo m- make it stop…please Gabe stop! I don’t want- agh…don’t want to be a-a wolf thing!” Jason whimpered as his cock changed, stretching and swelling larger, the tip becoming pointed as the base bulged out into a canine knot. The burning in his cock slowly faded to pleasure as white latex pre leaked from the tip. Suddenly his cock spurted the substance onto his upper chest, a part that was previously still unchanged.


“Nooo, fff- fuck!” Jason groaned as he struggled to will his cock to stop throbbing, trying to resist accelerating the change.


Gabe watched his soon-to-be canine companion hungrily, thrusting slowly in and out as the latex substance stretched and melded with his skin. Jason’s moans of panic and fear only spurred on his efforts. He had to make him right, to make him whole as Gabe now was. He watched as Jason writhed and moaned, latex skin burning across his chest. It slid over his nipples as he shivered, the sensations somewhat erotic, though Jason still tried to resist. The skin spread down his legs, muscle bulging as the latex stretched his heel backward, giving him a future digitigrade stance like his wolfish lover’s. Jason cried in frustration as the latex burned down his feet, covering them in canine paw pads as it formed sharp claws and stunted his toes.


Lustily, Gabe licked his lips at the sight of Jason’s pre running down that slick canine rod he now sported. He lowered his muzzle, lapping up Jason’s canine offering like a fine wine. After having his fill, Gabe then raised his muzzle, settling down over Jason’s neck, tenderly licking him as he spread more latex over Jason’s body, further corrupting him into a humanoid canine. Jason whined as the substance burned on his neck, whimpering as it began to spread over his chin and up to his face, condemning him to a bestial fate like Gabe.


All the while, the latex over his chest allowed it to gain mass, becoming more muscular and defined, abs and pecs perfectly outlined though his body was still lean. His shirt grew tighter as his spine arched, Jason groaning as something grew from the base, the beginnings of a tail covered in black latex. Worse of all, with each thrust of Gabe’s cock, the feeling against his prostate slowly became more pleasurable. It was so hard to resist, making him want to give in. He had to stop it somehow! There had to be a way…he couldn’t just let this happen, let himself become a beast. Through struggle as he did, Jason couldn’t get away, unable to even touch the latex lest it spread to his hands.


“Ooooh, fff- fuck…Gabe please…stop this…hhnngg…just let me go…has to be a way…to reverse this…maybe something on the packag- gah! No, no, no, fffmmff-”


Just then, Jason closed his mouth as white latex flowed over his lips, feeling it spread to his shoulders and seep down his arms. It hit his nose, and he gasped as it entered him, flowing into his open mouth as he struggled in protest.


“Ack noo! Errff!” he groaned as he felt his jaw crack, the substance stretching it forward as it flowed further up his morphing face.


The ever-changing scent of Jason’s body spurred Gabe on, thrusting deeper and harder as the latex pup took shape underneath him. He removed his hand from Jason’s now white chest, knowing he had no more energy to fight. Then, he grabbed Jason’s still human hand roughly, bringing it to Jason’s still leaking canine member. Jason recoiled in horror, still human mind struggling against the change. He was not fast enough to avoid the stain of pre on his hand as the latex spread, covering his nails and developing canine claws at his fingertips.


“Fuck Jason…just give in…be my first beast…take my seed! Take it!” Gabe growled, the sight of his almost changed friend causing intense pressure in his loins.


“Gabe please…we’re not gay…aaahhnnn…we’re not beasts, w- we’re human! We have to reverse…th- mmmffff- ff- fuuuuck…why does it feel s- so good? Have to…stop…”


Jason groaned as his tail grew longer with each thrust, arm muscles growing, and shirt starting to tear from the strain of the spreading corruption. It flowed up past his eyes and covered his ears, tugging them up the sides of his head and making them more pointed. His jaw was pulled forward, stretching slowly into a muzzle as his nose and lips turned black. 


Worst of all, he felt a burning in his head as Gabe’s scent filled his senses, making his cock throb and spurt onto his changing arm. That’s the smell of my alpha…my lover…the unbelievably sexy wolf pounding his cock into me…I need to submit to him…let him take m- No no no! What were these thoughts? Why was he thinking this!? The substance had spread to his brain like it had Gabe. Jason had to fight, he was human, damnit!  


“Noooo stop this please…get it out…oooohh…out…of my head…” He groaned as he struggled weakly, Gabe’s thrusting member sending waves of intense pleasure through his nearly changed body. Jason closed his eyes, trying to shut out the voices in his head telling him how good it was, how good it could be to submit….


Gabe licked his lips as Jason closed his eyes in struggle. He remembered the sensation all too well. In mere moments Jason would come to truly accept his gift. He watched as the latex spread down Jason’s other hand, changing and warping it into a canine shape to match his other.


There was only one thing left to do now. To spill his seed, to rut in his changing friend, and lock in the beautiful canine form with his cum. Gabe growled, thrusts uncontrolled as he felt his end coming…so close now… 


Jason opened his eyes as he looked up at his lupine master, one eye blue and the other gold. He moaned as the substance solidified, becoming new fur-patterned latex skin. Somehow Jason knew he was now a dog, and he must submit to this more dominant and powerful canine, his new lover, new master. No no, I can’t, have to resist, this isn’t me, it’s this latex making me think this…But it felt so good to submit, to feel Gabe’s cock grinding in and out of him, to watch Gabe’s sexy form as he mated.


“Oooh, Gabe…it feels so good…wanna feel you…cum in- no no have to fight…isn’t me… ooooohhh,” Jason  moaned out as he gripped his cock, waves of pleasure flowing through him, making him need to stroke….to cum…”Can’t do it…have to…rrrresist…”


“Let it go, pup…you look so beautiful like this…my obedient pup…now take my cock…take my seed inside you…submit!” Gabe yelled, thrusting harder as he pushed his canine knot against his new lover’s stretching tail hole, shoving violently to seek entry.


They watched as the last bits of humanity faded, the final stretches of skin were covered with beautiful black and white latex, creating a perfect humanoid dog as befitting Jason’s personality. Gabe moaned and growled as he felt his cock spasm deep within his canine lover, his seed about to spill as they were tied together.


Jason groaned as he squeezed his shaft, cock pulsing and leaking pre all over his paws.  “Nnn- nooo…this isn’t m- me…have to…stop…oooooh.”


A dwindling part of him knew he needed to resist, needed to fight Gabe off, find a way to change back. If he gave in now, he would never want to be human again…but was that so bad? When it felt this good to be a dog? To please his wolven master…no, not master…yes, his master. Why should he resist this?  It was amazing. He was a powerful beast with a perfect, sexy master to pleasure. It felt right to be like this, to submit…


The last bit of resistance faded as Jason stroked his new canine shaft, moaning as Gabe throbbed and leaked in his ass, pushing his eager lupine knot into Jason’s willing hole. He reached up and gripped Gabe’s side as he spread his legs wide, wanting to feel that canine knot pop inside him. “Yes, Gabe…master…ooooh it feels amazing…you’re so big…wanna feel your knot in me…feel you cum inside me…”


“Mrrfff…fuck can’t hold…AWWWRRRROOOOOO!” Gabe howled, torrents of infected cum shooting deep inside his canine lover. His entire body shook in orgasmic bliss. Everything felt good, felt right. Jason was as he should be, locked into the form of a beautiful latex husky collie mix. He allowed himself to let go, enjoy the sensation of releasing his load deep inside his packmate. Gabe had fulfilled a powerful directive, he had every right to be pleased with himself. He relaxed, waiting for the sensation of his former roommate to clamp down on his cock as he enjoyed his own release.


Jason shivered with pleasure as he felt Gabe shoot throb after throb of warm cum deep into him. Clamping his ass hard on the thick wolf cock, he stroked himself faster and harder, feeling his orgasm getting near. He breathed in Gabe’s scent deep, gazing at the beautiful, strong, wolven body. “Mrrfff so…hnnngg…close…I’m gonna c- mmfff AAARRRRROOOOOOO!!” He howled as he finally came, body spasming as he shot ropes of thick cum onto their chests. 


Enjoying the most intense orgasm of his life, Jason stroked his cock furiously, feeling Gabe throb inside him as he squirmed and moaned and howled. Finally, he settled back down panting, relaxing with Gabe tied inside him. “Th- that was amazing Gabe…never felt anything… like it…”


Gabe smiled down at his new creation, filled with contentment at a satisfactory job. He felt immense pride at bringing his former roommate over to his new way of thinking, feeling how much Jason loved the power and freedom his new latex form provided. Gabe reached his muzzle down and kissed Jason’s own softly, enjoying the warmth and post-coital bliss from having just mated. He remained tied to his new lover for a long while, a few exploratory pulls met with strong resistance each time. That suited him just fine. Jason was his first, the first of many, his new mind reasoned, and it was fair they got to spend time in each other’s embrace before continuing their work. No matter how much they spread the latex, Jason would always be his favorite, his true mate.


Jason huffed as Gabe leaned down to kiss him, blushing softly as he leaned up into the kiss, pressing his lips against Gabe’s and wrapping his arms around him. He pressed his body against his new lover, loving the feeling of being snuggled up in Gabe’s warmth and letting out little moans every time Gabe tugged his swollen knot.  It felt wonderful being tied to the sexy werewolf, having been changed into a powerful latex beast like him. Soon they would find others to change, but for now, being wrapped up in Gabe’s embrace was perfect.


Finally, after a long while, Gabe felt his knot soften, and he pulled out, a bit begrudgingly. He offered a paw to his prone compatriot. Jason took Gabe’s paw and stood on his canine feet, testing out his new digitigrade stance for the first time. He smiled at Gabe and pressed his lips to Gabe’s for another quick kiss, excited to spread their gift and fulfill their directive. 


Gabe smiled at his canine lover, making his way to the door. The apartment complex was rife with the scents of unchanged humans, each he knew would be eager to accept their gift and join their soon-to-grow pack. He took Jason’s hand as he pulled him out the door, eager to have Jason take his first mate, perhaps fuck him from behind as the cries of a new inductee became moans of pleasure and contentment…