Digital Bracelet

“So, are you still down to hit the gym with me?” Rachel asked as both she and Shu headed into the elevator after their day’s work. 


“Yeah, where’s it at again? I want to head home and get changed first,” Shu replied, not all too keen on the idea but still willing to give it a try. He hadn’t spent much time in recent weeks hanging with his best friend, and although a gym wasn’t high on his list of places to visit, he had to admit that his waistline would thank him for regular visits. 


The two of them had been friends for many years, having met on the job and finding several similar interests in movies and other media. Though their friendship was a platonic one, Shu, 28, did harbor a hope that one day it would blossom into something more. Though, he was fine to let things be as they were, shy as he was and worried about any action that might ruin the friendship that they had cultivated. 


Rachel, 27, had brought up the idea that they start heading to the gym together as a way to get into shape. Though she had gone alone in the past, the idea of being harassed by men who did not understand the concept of boundaries was a little abhorrent to her. So, bringing her trusted friend along was one way to avoid such annoying happenstances. She viewed him as a friend, thinking that his preference might lie towards other males even though Shu swore up and down he was straight. Still, it was his discovery to make, though she did tease him about it often, much to the shy man’s embarrassment. 


The location of the membership offer was under the name of ‘the world gym’, though itself under the umbrella of a corporation called ‘Yggdrasill’, a collaboration that the two of them felt was ironic, given its roots in Norse mythology. The membership itself was exclusive, giving Rachel the hope that it was worth the price of admission. Though, being offered a free trial in the mail, after checking the legitimacy of the service through several review sites, certainly didn’t hurt things in the slightest.


Meeting up at the location an hour later, the two of them were greeted at the door by a large red-haired man who introduced himself as Ryu. After the standard forms were filled out, the pair were presented with a device that almost resembled a fitness or step-counting device. Both Shu and Rachel looked at each other with some surprise. Weren’t such things supposed to be expensive? 


Ryu seemed to understand their confusion. “Don’t worry, these are complementary. We call it a ‘Virtual Bracelet’. It’s a little different than anything you’ve likely seen on the market. It’s more of a game, really. A personal trainer to help encourage your scores by training along with you. It reads your heart rate and picks a digital monster companion that suits your workout ability. Trust me, no matter what your workout goals are, this little device will help you meet them!”


Handing the devices over to the pair, Shu and Rachel looked them over for a few moments before deciding that there was no reason not to put them on. Turning on the devices, they were surprised when after only a few moments, the avatar of an anthropomorphic creature appeared on the digital screen, making motions of weight lifting and showing off its muscles. Under the tab that showed ‘Digital Monster’ Shu’s leonine-looking creature was aptly named ‘Leomon’. Rachel’s own avatar was vulpine in nature, sporting the name ‘Renamon’. They were kind of cute, all things considered. 


“Well, I’m not sure if we need these,” Shu replied, not really thinking such an expensive piece was required for a few occasional gym visits. Rachel, not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, was already scrolling to see what different details were present in the options menu. 


“It’s perfectly free, no need to worry! If you decide not to use it, then you can always return it with your membership, if you wish not to continue with us. But, I assure you, even casual workouts will find benefits with the virtual bracelets. Why don’t you give them a try with an on-the-house session with a trainer? Today, that will be myself, of course,” Ryu explained. Shu nodded, Rachel already prepared to go along with his offer. It was better than anything she was expecting from a first visit. A free session with a personal trainer? And to Rachel’s excitement, it seemed as though no one else was present, giving the pair of them run of the place. 


After they had gotten dressed, the two of them were offered a special protein shake, the ingredients of which a ‘trade secret’, and once more on the house. Though both were a little cautious about drinking it, Rachel decided what the hell and downed it in a few gulps. “Not bad,” she commented, prompting Shu to drink down his own. He had to agree with her; the drink was rather tasty, even though such things were exorbitant in cost. Still, he made enough money at his job, he reasoned, and so far the establishment was welcoming enough to make him feel right at home. 


Given the length of time that she had gone without working out, Rachel was happy when Ryu provided a particular workout regiment for the pair to participate in. Shu went along with it as well, eager for the combination of stretches, time on the treadmills, and the lifting machines. Though both friends were tired at first, the more they worked out, the more their efforts seemed to come naturally. By the end of the session, it felt to both as though they had been working out for months!


Heading back to the change room, Shu caught his reflection in the mirror and did a double-take. His slightly chubby frame was clearly larger, though not from fat as he’d often worried about acquiring from his office job. In fact, he seemed more…muscled, the skin under his touch clearly firm and making him feel excited. His arms, his legs, and even his chest seemed to have swelled a little, just enough that Shu could notice. How he had gained so much in such a little time it was impossible to say. But there was no denying the results. It had to be something in the drink!


Getting cleaned up and dressed, Shu met up with Rachel, who he had to admit also seemed slightly different. Though it was hard for him to put his finger on exactly how, dressed as she was, there was something, maybe more fluid in her walk that had him attracted. Though she always warranted his attention in one way or another, the slightly increased build of muscle and the confidence in which she carried it was powerfully attractive. Needless to say, both of them were happy with the initial results of the workout!


Checking his bracelet, Shu was excited to see that the digital avatar of the lion man was grinning at him, flexing as though a show of his strength. There was a gauge above him, one that stayed present even as he clicked through the options. Wondering what it was, Ryu happened to come by to see them out, able to tell that Shu had been exploring the functions on his bracelet. 


“Oh, are you looking at the gauge? It goes up a little bit every time you work out! Once it reaches full, well, you’ll see! I shouldn’t sound so ominous! Rather, it means that you’ll both have reached your workout goals! It’s a sophisticated process, exclusive for members here! State of the art, I assume you!” Ryu said, delighting the two of them. It seemed as though Rachel’s idea to come here really was a good one, after all. Though not the gym experience that Shu had been expecting he was nonetheless happy that he had gone with her today!


Feeling tired after the workout, Shu decided to turn in for the night, after a hot shower and some time for self-exploration. He really had gotten a little bigger since his last workout, and even that first time seemed to give enough of an effect to show on his features. What would happen if he kept it up? ‘The gauge would get full, whatever that means,’ Shu thought to himself. Still, he was excited to see it happen. 


Usually having trouble getting to sleep, due to the stressors of a fast-paced job, Shu passed out rather quickly that night, though his mind was still racing. It took him to a dream state that was more vivid than anything he could have imagined. The dream began with him being sucked through a gateway of sorts like he was being taken into some other world. It was as though his very soul was being transported, though the experience carried with it more excitement than fear at what the journey would bring. 


He found himself standing over a precipice, looking out at the setting sun. He was clearly taller than he had been, his perspective of the world offset by his new size. There was a power in his body, one that defied even what he perceived of himself from the mirror. Though it was not his body, in the dream he was certain that it was really him. The size and strength of his form were something to behold. Shu didn’t even mind the tail, the fur, or the mane of hair, seemingly matching a real-world version of the avatar. Though he couldn’t have known what the beast would look like, much less be able to perceive himself from its point of view, Shu found the form fitting, as if he’d been born into it. 


Yet, he was not alone. Standing beside him, entirely naked, was a real-life version of the fox woman that had been replicated from Rachel’s bracelet. Her yellow fur glistened in the fading sunlight, long fox tail swishing behind her as she, too, enjoyed the setting sun. He admitted her form, though knew instinctively that she was his, as much as he was hers. The two of them were bonded, husband and wife, and the view of the sun was a prelude to the martial bed that they would soon visit in each other’s embrace. 


It was a practiced dance as the two of them explored their bodies, both naked now and clearly enamored with each other. Muzzles were locked in an endless embrace, tasting each other and savoring the lust as their bodies rocked together. Shu, or Leomon, as he now knew himself to be, was powerfully erect, his maleness rocking against his mate as he stroked her breasts, caressing the soft flesh as they made out with vigor. 


Eventually, he carried his love to their bed, where Renamon spread her legs in desire. Leomon settled into position, his eager cocktip teasing the contours of her folds before gently pushing in, immediately hitting her sweet spot in a way that only seasoned lovers could know. Playing his massive paw-like hand over her pert breasts, they kissed once more as Leomon’s member drove in and out of her in a steady rhythm. Lusty as he was for his wife, it took almost no time for him to reach his end, though not before bringing his wife with him, making sure that her pleasure came first, as he always did…


Shu awoke that morning with a raging hard-on the likes of which he could never recall sporting. There was a faint smell of semen in the air, as though he had already ejaculated from a wet dream. The images in the fantasy were so vivid, so powerful, bringing him a peace that was often lost to him in day-to-day life. Having such a powerful body, a loving mate, and an outlet for their enhanced lusts were all that Shu could imagine needing in his own life. Be it the workout, the protein shakes, or the bracelets, Shu had to admit that he was eagerly awaiting what this new facet of his life would bring!


As the days passed, the two of them fell into a training regiment, attending the gym three times a week. After each session, there was a notable increase in size, one that Shu spent many hours admiring. It started with a little definition in his arms, more tone on his body, and a flattening of his pecs and stomach. His shirts no longer pulled around his belly from the slight protruding gut that he had once been ashamed of from having worked many years in an office. His legs, too, were larger, making it a little more troublesome to pull over his custom-fit pants. But it was worth it to be seeing such results in the span of what should have been impossible. And, best of all, the ever-increasing gauge seemed to be inching forward with each passing day, bringing him to where he now hoped was an achievable goal. 


Rachel, too, was noticing the same changes in her body. Always having been on the small side, she was soon elated with the reality that she was getting bigger, adding actual muscle mass that she would have thought unobtainable before today. It, too, started as a tightening around her thighs, belly, and arms. But the new ridges and divots were now firm and as part of her anatomy as anything else. Though her frame remained relatively the same as before, she was clearly fit and thin as a woman that had been working out for years, not one that had been training for only a period of weeks. Yet, even though she was over the moon with the results, part of her was still desperately craving more. 


There were other, subtler changes that it took weeks for Shu to become aware of. It started as a little tugging at the bottoms of his shirt, though went largely unnoticed at first. His decreased gut compensated for a little while, but the stretching of his chest soon made it impossible for him to pull his shirts down all the way. It was as though his torso had been pulled upward a few inches, enough that his work clothing was not ready to handle it. Even had he not measured himself, it was clear that Shu was no longer the 5’6 height that he once was. Still, Shu was remiss to care, even forgetting to tuck his shirt in at work, much to the annoyance of his bosses. Yet he couldn’t help but be excited at the looks of jealousy that he got from his coworkers at the sight of toned abs firm enough to grate cheese on!


Even the rest of his clothing was not spared from the effects of his constant training. His feet seemed larger, not fitting comfortably in his dress shoes. It soon became impossible for him to wear them, and given his new obsession with working out, he didn’t have the time or the funds to replace them. Soon, he took to the practice of wearing his gym shoes to work, despite frequent calls in to the office and threats about repercussions for not adhering to the dress code. Soon, even his gym shoes were ill-equipped to handle the size of his stretching feet, though Ryu was eager to provide him with new ones as part of the package at the gym. His feet were larger not only in width but in length as well, a growth spurt that shouldn’t be possible for anyone out of their teens. Still, any confusion that Shu might have carried was alleviated by talks with Ryu whenever he thought it fit to question things. Ryu really did have all the answers, it seemed!


His slacks, too, were pulled up on his lengthened legs, the cuffs tugging tightly against his thickened calves. Meaty tights made wearing his work pants a chore, but, for the moment, he was able to squeeze into them. He no longer required his belt with how much his waist had grown. And there was an irritating itching against the fabric, as though his body hair was so thick that it was being stifled against the clothing. The sight of an increased treasure trail seemed to confirm his suspicions as he frequently stopped to rub his maleness, convinced it was a consequence of the testosterone in the protein drinks that he consumed twice a day. 


Rachel’s growth, too, made wearing her already form-fitting clothes troublesome. Her height seemed to have increased enough that her slacks pulled up around thickened calves, and it was sheer luck that her dress shirts hung long enough to match her lengthened torso. Bulky shoulders, increased muscle mass, and flattened breasts made her look more like an amazoness than the meek woman she had once been. The result was now that her clothing was form-fitting, showing off every inch of her figure, drawing stares from men and women alike. Yet, she cared not for the attention and focused more on her exercise goals and how efficiently she was achieving them. 


In no time at all, going to the gym on the daily was part of their routine. Finding the workouts tiring at first, both soon found that their increase in stature came with it more stamina than what they would have considered human before now. Their workouts were easy, causing no aches or muscle fatigue even as they pushed themselves to their absolute limits and beyond. Eventually, they went every day, not missing a single workout regiment. Any doubts they ever felt were allayed by Ryu, who simply chalked up their success to consumption of the protein shakes and the regular visits to the gym, which sat well enough that they did not question things any further. 


That was not the only thing motivating their efforts. It was powerfully rewarding to see their partner monsters happy and the gauges getting closer to full. Every workout came with it another bar; though there were several dozen bars to reach, each brought them closer to a target that excited all three. Best yet, there were small animations of their avatars fighting other monsters, stronger ones by the looks of them the more that the two leveled up their own bodies. 


That was not the only consistency in Shu’s life that made him elated to wake every morning. The dreams of that first night were well in his head each and every night. At first, it was simply the amazing sex with the amazoness fox woman, the love of his life. But there were other elements that soon crept in. Images of hunting other monsters for food or sport, training his body to the limits, and exploring an entirely different world, one that defied human understanding, as though one parallel to their own.


Yet, all of that was dwarfed by the amazing sex he had after each full day with the gorgeous yellow fox woman, clearly his mate. His mammoth, human shape penis was made for her wet folds, a puzzle piece slid gently in as he made love with his mate. He knew all of her tender spots, her breasts, and nipples, her back and shoulders, and every inch of her sex as he worked his cock over her, planting one massive paw over her back to hold her as he moved from teasing her contours to playing at the top of her sex and making her cry out his name as they made love. Though his stamina was impressive, eventually he needed to cum, filling her sex with his virile fluids before pulling out and holding her close until dawn. Then, they would repeat their lovemaking before rising to begin their days anew. 


Shu, naturally, found the erotic images powerfully arousing and came each and every time his Leomon avatar from their dreams did. Twice a night was his regular schedule, covering his sheets with copious cum. Cleaning up soon went by the wayside, Shu savoring the scents of his maleness rather than the flowery human ones of soap and chemicals. The odors of his own release and thoughts of his Leomon’s body, mating his love made him masturbate before sleep, and sometimes in the morning, no matter how much his body should have been fatigued by the frequent releases. 


Shu was not the only one that was kept awake by erotic images. Rachel, too, was experiencing the same dreams each night, only she was the fox woman as befit her avatar. She enjoyed her leonine mate, to the point that she saw him to be her perfect partner as much as he felt the same about her. She was hardly a submissive woman, especially in fox form, and their sexual escapades often provided the two a switching dynamic, Rachel taking the lead role in their activities as often as Shu did. The notion that it was Shu did not bother her; she liked her friend well enough, and the attraction seemed to be the natural evolution of their time together. Still, the focus on their training and self-improvement took precedence over taking anything to the bedroom in the waking world. It did not stop her from achieving orgasm several times before sleep, and obviously playing over her sex as she slept in the night in response to the erotic images of the leonine beast from her imaginings. 


Little did they know, Ryu had been watching their progress with interest, knowing full well that the process was having effects far beyond what any mortal human could fathom.  Inside them, the data to ‘complete’ their bodies had been downloaded through their bracelets. Digital data that should have been incompatible with human physiology was allowed to merge through regular consumption of the protein shakes, and the markers they contained within. The more they trained, the more that they consumed, and the more their bodies were being altered on a cellular level to allow digital waves emanating from the bracelets to be stored within their bodies. And the more the gauge filled, the closer they came to the eventual goal…


Eventually, their workouts started competing with their employment to the point that their contracts were terminated. This suited both just fine; several months of a severance package on top of ample savings prevented any immediate financial worries. Though, in truth, the data stored in the virtual bracelet seemed to be affecting their minds, yet, neither was aware of it. The drives to train, the sexual urges they enjoyed each night, and disregard for everything else seemed as natural as anything the two of them had ever believed. 


Then, finally, the time had come. Everything they had been working for was soon to be fulfilled. Though they could not be certain, it did seem that distinct energy was in the air that day, as though they both knew what the visit would entail. The gauges were already so close to completion, and neither had missed one of their training sessions and thus knew they would reach their goals at the same time. 


It was in the middle of that training session when the bracelets beeped with a tone they had never elicited before. Looking down in unison, the pair saw that their gauges were at their maximum. Their monster avatars were grinning at them with an animation that the two of them had not yet seen. It was as though the avatars were looking into them, rather than simply being pixels on a screen. It was strange, yet exhilarating to be regarded in such a way. It almost opened something inside of them the pair that could not be easily understood. 


One unexpected side effect was that their arousal started to grow, memories of the digital beings from another world drawn into their consciousness. Neither could deny the mutual feelings from the elation of the success of the program. Now, they had reached the zenith of their training, and that, in tandem with the sexy well-defined bodies of the other, was a powerful aphrodisiac.


Unable to resist the urges overcoming them, both reached down to expose themselves, needing to alleviate the heat like lust that had them both enamored. Too aroused to even consider taking off his clothes, Shu simply unzipped his pants, pulling his cock from his underwear and leaving it hanging for Rachel to see. The old him would have been terrified by showing something so private in front of his long-time friend, latent feelings of attraction or no. But what he was evolving into was more interesting in showing himself off to his…mate? Was that right? It had to be if the dreams and memories were any indications!


His member had been nothing to write home about, as it were, a modest 5-inches at full attention. But this penis seemed to be larger than that, thicker, too, if such a thing was possible. He hadn’t really noticed any alterations to his penis even with the sheer amount of masturbatory sessions that he’d had over the past few weeks and months. But it was clear to him now, self-conscious as he was, that the member he possessed was much larger than the one he had expected. 


Still, the urges and arousal were great, making it difficult to think about exactly why it was taboo to go through with his desires, especially in the presence of his best friend. He couldn’t jerk off in front of her, no matter how good it felt. She would be disgusted by it, surely. Right?  Yet, didn’t she feel the same way? There was no way she couldn’t, not with how powerfully fulfilling it was to have reached their goal.


Part of Shu’s mind knew that he should try to hold back, at least find somewhere private to pleasure himself. Yet, whenever he tried to resist the urges, a voice in his head told him that it was fine. This woman was his mate, after all, and seeing such a display was her right, her delight. Even though he knew that while she was still his friend, there was a growing part of his mind that was having a harder time differentiating between the waking world and the dream. After all, wasn’t that the goal of completing the gauges? To bring them to a world with more promise than this one? Wait, where had that thought come from?!


Before he had the chance to reflect on it further, the sensation of something on his penis prompted Shu to look down. He was in time to see Rachel on her knees in front of him, looking up with excited eyes. As though it was the most normal thing in the world, she grinned before reaching out to grab his eager erection, teasing her tongue over the tip and slurping up the precum that had leaked from his rod. Shu could do naught but allow her to sink down on his shaft, pleasurable waves rushing through his entire body. 


Rachel, too, was struggling with the internal conflict between the urges in her body and what she recalled was true in the world. Though her mind was starting to see Shu as more than a friend, given their mutual goal and all the time they spent together, she would not have dared to be so forward. Rather, a tantalizing voice in her head was telling her something very different, akin to making the world in her dreams the reality. In it, she was a devoted warrior and mate to this beautiful man, so why shouldn’t she pleasure him, and herself, in their time of need?


It had been some time since she’d partaken in pleasures of the flesh, though in this instance, she did not feel out of practice. Rather, it was an experienced dance, one they performed several times a night after a successful day’s hunt and defending their…huh? There were so many conflicting thoughts and emotions cascading through her mind. Yet, the action she was taking at the moment felt so good, so right that there was no doubt she continue. 


A stray hand made it under her sweat pants as well, teasing the sensitive bulb of flesh as she sucked her lover’s cock with gusto. Its girth was almost too much for her, though Rachel was sure this was a regular action she performed that caused her no pain or discomfort.  It felt natural in her mouth as though she’d gone down on Shu hundreds of times and was pleased to do so. The taste, the texture, and the size were all that she’d come to expect and love. No, wait, that wasn’t quite it. There was something…off about the sensation. As though it could be more, could be better. Like the beast of a man in the dreams that had her touching herself over and over…


Shu, for his part, couldn’t last long against her ministrations. It was as though she went down on him like this all the time, knowing his sweet spots and just the perfect speed and pressure to apply to his prick. It was almost maddening with the need to cum, though Shu wanted to hold back just long enough to prolong their experience, perhaps even make love. Yet, there was some instinct inside of him that knew in his current state he would no longer be ‘one-and-done’, that he possessed the stamina to bring her, and himself, multiple times. 


“Yes, my love…just like…YES!” Shu called out, not worried about using such an intimate expression with his best friend. It felt right to him to call her such a title, his warrior goddess, his mate. There was no stopping the orgasm as he felt his balls churn and his cock shoot a load of cream into her eager mouth. 


Rachel, for her part, found the whole process powerfully arousing, rubbing her clit through her pants the entire time and bringing herself close. Yet her focus was all on her mate’s pleasure at the moment, and she grinned even with cock in her mouth as he gifted her his seed. Rachel swallowed his semen eagerly, happy to please her mate and aroused by the prospect of how good she had done so. The mentality settling in was that he was her king, her mate, and it was her pleasure to satisfy him in any way that he requested of her. 


Eventually, Rachel stood up, grinning as he took her mate in a passionate embrace. The two of them kissed with the familiarity of long-time lovers, entwining their tongues and making out, their loins lit aflame once more. Even Shu’s penis pounded erect at the prospect of her sexy body and perfect form. Rachel, meanwhile, was feeling up his muscles, the tone and size more than she could have ever hoped. 


Eventually, breaking the kiss, Rachel started worshiping the tone across his body with gusto, as though discovering him all over again. In truth, he hardly held a candle to the beast that she longed for at night time, far smaller than the muscled lion-man that matched his avatar. But, deep down, she knew it was him, that they were one in the same and that he would soon achieve the visage from her literal dreams. She was content to rub the contours of his muscles, touching herself with one hand while reaching under his shirt and playing over rippling abs and a perfect six-pack. The feelings of his chiseled perfection were more potent an aphrodisiac than anything she could have imagined!


Yet, as she did so, something felt strange under her touch, as though his skin was heating up. The warmth only encouraged her to continue feeling him up, however, loving the sensations as she played over his maleness. Shu was barely aware of it, thinking that it was simply Rachel’s touch that was making him feel so good. Lost in the reality that he was with the object of his affection, Shu was ignorant that the muscles under his skin were twitching, tearing gently apart and reforming as though he was gaining added mass in mere minutes, the equivalents of which should have been impossible for one of his genetics. 


All over his torso, the warmth seemed to increase, followed by the sensations of muscle tearing and reforming painlessly under the skin. Yet, Shu felt no discomfort, only elation as though he’d just come from a good workout. It wasn’t until the pulsating in his chest pulled his shirt taut, or when the cooler air of the gym played over the lower part of his torso, that Shu realized that there was something different. 


Looking down, Shu was, at first, inclined to think that maybe he simply hadn’t realized that he had gotten so much bigger so quickly. After all, he had been steadily growing ever since they had started coming to the gym. Yet, now, all of his clothes felt tighter, more than even after the latest round of exercises. It was as though the material was shrinking around his body in real-time. It seemed as though Shu was growing, ever so slightly to fill in whatever the shirt could manage. 


Shu couldn’t help but glance over at his love, noticing that she, too, was pulling at her shirt, finding it too small, and struggling to stay comfortable within it. He could see her perfectly formed abs underneath, staring more in admiration rather than in fear for her bizarre changes. She seemed thicker, though perfectly form-fitting within the body that she had acquired through her months of training. Shu found himself getting slightly hard again at the sight, cock tenting in his pants and leaking all over again. 


It was more than just the size of his penis that was causing him discomfort, however. His waist was expanding in circumference, pulling at his belt and the edges of his pants. Swelling thighs, in tandem with bulging calves, were pulling their cuffs up around his ankles, so that even the skin was visible under his socks. The strain was getting to be so bad that they were even starting to fray around the edges.  


Though in the moment, Shu only felt excitement for the size he was acquiring, loving the form that had been granted him by the months of training. He flexed, feeling how tight his sleeves had become, how much his shirt was being pulled up on his frame. Better was the sight of his love rubbing her own exposed skin, growing at the same rate as him. Still, she remained lithe, powerful, rather getting taller from her former 5’3 towards Shu’s own height. He himself must have been over 6’0 now, though Shu found it hard to care with the power and promise that his changing body seemed to grant him. 


It was a strange itching that attracted his attention next, and, rubbing the bare skin of his midriff, Shu was delighted to feel the prickling of what could only be growing body hairs. Never the hairiest of men, Shu’s exploration discovered the beginnings of a treasure trail thickening down towards his groin, and up under his chest and pecs. The strangest thing, rather than the sudden hormonal growth of the hair, was rather that the hairs themselves were a tawny color, far removed from the black hair that topped his head. 


Rachel could only stare at her lover with a sense of reverence, eager to watch the changes happening to him in real-time and feel her own sex grow wet. She was rubbing herself through her jeans, desperate for the orgasm that had been yet denied her. Her sex begged for attention, though the slight of her mate exploring his body was as potent for her arousal as actual penetration. She would wait, masturbating herself to his Adonis of a body and all the pleasure that it could bring her.


Yet, a bizarre itching on her navel soon drew her fingers up to rub against a soft patch of what could only be the start of a pelt. More curious than concerned, Rachel rubbed at the white hairs as though encouraging them to grow. Not the same shade as her partner’s, Rachel was still delighted to feel the prickling wave as her belly button and navel were steadily covered. Eventually, the white hairs crept all the way up between her breasts, which themselves were modest and firm, as befitting her athletic physique. 


Of more interest, however, were the patches of yellow that were lancing their way up the sides of the white patch of belly she possessed. In a slowly spreading wave, they moved to cover her sides and even up to her back, filling in the tightened shirt until it was powerfully uncomfortable. Rachel stretched a little, flexing her shoulders to pull at the stitching. The growth of fur under her form was just another sign of what she was starting to realize was her truth. She needed to be naked, covered in luscious fox fur!


Rachel was soon to get her wish. Though her shirt was far too tight to remove by this point, her growing chest and bulging biceps would make short work of the spandex material. Several tears in the fabric were all the encouragement Rachel needed to flex, tearing off the shirt and leaving her chest bare. Plus, the display had the added bonus of allowing her to show off for her husband, whose thickened erection was a clear indication he was enjoying the show!


For Shu’s part, an itching coming from his modest black hair was enough that he couldn’t fully enjoy what was being offered. He reached up to rub his ruff, surprised at the coarse texture over his normally smooth hair. It seemed to be growing at his touch, spreading down over his head and obscuring his vision for a moment until he wiped it to the side with his other hand. It spread down over his cheeks like sideburns, tickling the back of his neck, and growing so long that it hung around his head. Even his beard was starting to thicken to match the ruff that was running down his cheeks, fully connected as it tickled the front of his neck and left little of his face uncovered. 


Yet Shu simply rubbed at it lovingly, excited about the manly mane of hair that he now seemed to possess. It was a symbol of his newer, more masculine self, a beast of a beard that only the more virile of men could ever contain. Moreover, it resembled the mane of hair that the lion-man avatar and his dream state possessed, making him all the more excited to be changing as he was. It was a sign that he was giving up his humanity for something better, something more, and he was eager to do so, as long as it meant that he could transcend his former limits. 


Looking over, he could see his mate ripping out of her smaller clothes, body still lithe though far more powerful than that of the most proficient female athletics. Yet, it was not the naked form of her firm breasts that had him captivated. Rather, it was the fur, white on her belly and yellow around her sides and back, that made his cock leak into his pants once more. It was obviously fox fur, just like the mate that he’d made love with several times a night in those vivid images from another world. A world bleeding into their own if the changes were any indication. Nothing he could have imagined looked more beautiful than the fox woman that she was clearly becoming, 


Just then, another growth spurt played over them both, nearly making them stumble from the sheer force of it. The muscle under the skin ached as it tore and reformed, nearly bubbling underneath as both added meat and mass faster than possible. Never before had they thought it possible to transform in such a way. Be it the drinks, the bracelets, or a combination of the two, the pair were clearly changing into new forms, ones that matched the avatars in their minds. Yet, it was impossible to feel even a modicum of fear or regret for what was being robbed of them. In fact, to each, it seemed as though the changes were natural, the next part of the process of their training. It felt right in a way that defied understanding, though not something that either thought to question. 


It was becoming easier to accept that the avatars they envisioned in their dreams were truly them, and, in fact, had always been. Hunting, fighting, fucking, and serving…someone fit better into their psyches than anything from the world they thought they lived in. Maybe this world was the dream, and the digital one the true existence, one they embraced as they shifted towards their true forms. 


Both welcomed the changes as fur spread up their chests and necks, itching over their faces as they were soon covered in a fine layer. Shu’s beard was already stretched out into a mane by this juncture, though the rest of his face remained bare for the moment. It was a light brown, almost blond, while the fur covering his chest was the same tawny shade that adorned his chest and torso. It spread over his back as well, though the prickling was getting irritating, enough that he wished to rip through his own workout shirt. It would soon be the case as he continued to grow into the form that was rightfully his!


Rachel’s face, meanwhile, erupted out into several patches of yellowed fur, the white thickening up her chest into a ruff of sorts. It almost seemed like she was growing her own patch of facial hair, the yellow spreading from where she might possess a beard with enough testosterone. Yet the fox fur soon moved up her face, covering around her nose and the slight protrusion as the bones underneath started to alter. It swept up her head, merging with her own medium brown hair as it lightened to yellow. It soon sank into her head, shortened to match the hair encroaching over her form. 


Shu, meanwhile, could feel his ears shifting, the tingling running up to his tips and forcing them upward over his head. One inch, then two, their bases started to twitch, poking out of his mane as their edges became pointed and took in the sounds of their changing bodies. He was more than a little excited to hear the sounds of bones shifting, yet another sign that he was turning into the lion man of his dreams. 


Rachel, too, reached up to feel her own ears growing, their bases thicker than Shu’s but no less lengthy as they rose atop her head, twitching just as nimbly as Shu’s own. Their surface itched as they became coated with a light covering of yellow fox fur. She loved the vulpine visage she carried, though perhaps more exciting was the form of the lion man that Shu was taking on. It made her loins moisten all over again to see his manly mane, his twitching ears, and the muscled form that was steadily overtaking his inadequate humanity. 


Yet, the pleasure of the change was halted for a moment by an ache in Shu’s backside, poking out of his spine and rubbing against the back of his pants. He reached back, the force of its growth not quite enough to burst out. Meaty hands pulled at the waistband of his jeans, tearing them apart to make room for the new appendage. It soon bounced out enough to breathe in the air, twitching eagerly with the new space. The growth itched as the same leonine hairs erupted across the surface, playing especially over the tip as coarse hairs matching the top of his head soon formed. The relatively thin, ropey appendage looked to match what he could only consider a lion’s tail. 


Struggling with her own growth, the force of a fox’s tail pushing its way out of Rachel’s spine was enough that she gasped out with a deeper voice than she was used to. It immediately became itchy as the fur from her back spread over it, making her desire to get it out from her pants as fast as possible. It was far thicker than Shu’s own, though just as flexible, waving in the air as yellow fur covered it all the way to the tip. 


By this point, Rachel’s feet were beginning to ache as her heels stretched, making it impossible to keep them comfortable in her running shoes. The itching of fur was playing down her legs now, thickened thighs tearing at the fabric and exposing yellow fur wherever they came. Her toes felt cramped, as though they were thickening, the nails at the ends poking into points. Two of her toes, however, felt numb, tingling as though former phantoms of their true selves. Tight as they were becoming, Rachel felt it prudent to simply let her feet burst free from the confines, figuring the shoes were forfeit, and not caring about them if she was to obtain what she assumed were paws. 


Rachel would not have to wait long. The clawed tips of her toes pierced the material, while the sides started to burst from the sheer thickness of the toes that remained. The pressure of the heels at the back made the shoe’s material weaken to the point that she could simply kick them off. Rachel was thankful; the white fur covering her foot was getting confined, irritating her and reaffirming the certainty that she no longer needed the footwear. 


Rachel stumbled forward, not used to her new digitigrade stance as the tingling in her paw-feet finally abated. They were wider, able to handle the increased weight of her added muscle while allowing her to remain light and agile on her feet. Rachel tried walking, getting used to the stance as the heel continued to stretch, pulling up her jogging pants and making them look comically out of place atop the paws. Rachel tried to flex the digits, though found they couldn’t articulate as well as she had been hoping. Still, she realized their blunt claws would provide enhanced stability as she walked, ran, or even lept, and the thickening pads on their bottoms would likely allow her to traverse any ground with no pain or inconvenience. Far better than soft human feet, Rachel soon decided. 


Meanwhile, Shu was in the process of gaining his own paws if the tightness in his shoes was any indication. His were even wider, popping the sides and bursting out within seconds of transforming. He could clearly see a puff of tawny fair exposed from the sides and reached down to pull apart the useless things, happy to be rid of them. He was just in time to see the rest of his foot itch with hair growth, and massive, black nails popping away the remnants of weaker human ones. His stance was slightly elevated from the formation of what he figured were paw pads. And the toes, once flexible from his primate heritage, were being pulled inward, firm and largely immobile, though unneeded for his altering digital physiology. He maintained a plantigrade posture, growing weight easier to hold up with the bulking of his calves and thighs, tearing at the jogging pants and threatening to tear them apart if he grew anymore. 


Meanwhile, the tingling soon encroached over Rachel’s bare shoulders, fur running down so the definition was harder to distinguish. Thick, feathery points erupted from the blades of her shoulders, light accents that fit her feminine form rather well. Rachel continued rubbing the luscious coat, as though eager to spread it across her frame. Her unchanged hands could detect the building of her biceps, triceps, and deltoids tearing, expanding, and giving her a layer of lean muscle that enhanced her strength ten-fold. The flexibility in her joints, too, was enhanced, giving her beyond an Olympic athlete level of power and agility. The perfect body of the warrior she envisioned herself to be, Rachel concluded. 


The tinglings of change next played over her lower arms, yellow fur giving in to the white that lay short and crossed down to her fingers, which themselves were layered with the fine coat. Nails thickened and stretched into thick points, sat atop her thumb and two of the four remaining fingers per hand. Perhaps the strangest alteration thus far, however, was the tingling in her middle and pinky fingers before they diminished into nothing, the remaining digits widening to take up their former space. Rachel flexed them a few times, trying to get used to the sensation of only possessing three where once were five. Still, she was certain that if Yggdrasil designed her with only three fingers, then she wouldn’t need-wait, who? 


Shu’s hands were changing at the same time, though he retained a largely human level of articulation in the five digits. Muscles bulged, exposing veins across the underside of his arms as the muscles tore the skin in some places, creating scars before they could be covered over with that fine layer of tawny fur. Forearms were made massive by swelling muscles, nails thickening into blunt claws, though not retractable like what one might expect on a feline. Shu knew aspects of his form resembled a lion, but he was not such a creature. Rather he was Leomon, a proud…wait, how did he come up with that name?


Shu hardly had the time to think about such things with the swelling in his chest and shoulders, pulling his already precariously taut shirt to the breaking point. Wanting to be rid of the confining thing, Shu flexed just slightly, breaking with it a series of tears that made the lion man smile. He felt that a shirt was unbecoming him, and the fabric irritated his furry skin, prompting him to tense his muscles as tightly as he could. The shirt tore down the back, falling from his frame as Shu grabbed it, ripping the rest off as he threw it to the ground to be discarded along with their shoes and Rachel’s shirt. 


Their pants, in tandem, were soon to fall victim to the growth of powerful muscles and widening hips. Rachel’s hips were almost three times that of her calves, giving her a level of feminine curves that made Shu’s cock pound erect, bulging in his underwear as his muscled hips made short work of his own. Shu reached down, tearing his belt with a quick motion as the weak leather snapped under the strain. Shu found himself thinking he could use a much thicker, sturdier belt, but this frail human thing would hardly do for him. His pants fell to the ground as well, unneeded for his form. Though they, too, were insufficient, Shu felt he wanted a  better pair of his own, if not to simply hide the raging maleness sticking out from his groin.


Rachel’s powerful hips made short work of her own pants as strong fingers did away with the rest. She felt content to be naked, not wanting to cover herself and hinder any activity. Golden-yellow fox fur covered her assets, nothing on display save what she would show to her mate. It felt a little odd to have her anus so close to the underside of her tail, and her moist, needy sex hidden by a forest of fur. But it was a worthy tradeoff for the powerful body she was to obtain, warrior that she was. 


However, her attention was currently on her mate’s penis, staring at it with hunger once more even as its tip dripped its juices and her saliva. It was to retain a relatively human shape. it seemed. His normally 5 inches seemed to be swelling out to something closer to 7, a beast of a man to match the rest of his body. Rachel could hardly wait to take that monster inside her, to stimulate her longer sex as she wished!


Shu simply stared as his maleness swelled, thickening in girth and length, pisshead leaking as the shade of his member started to darken. He wasn’t sure what the endgame was, but there was no denying his pride in the size of his phallus, 9 inches now and still altering. His testicles, too, expanded to match the amount of seed that such a monster could produce. It bobbed up and down with eagerness, maintaining its human shape but the dimensions to match the muscled form he now possessed. 


Rachel wanted nothing more than to take that behemoth into her lips, though knew it would be a struggle. Yet, the mental images from the dreams had her taking her lover in all sorts of ways, orally one of her favorites. And, she was not quite the vixen she longed to be, almost, but not yet. It was all she could do to allow the changes to complete on their own, taking her time with her love before beginning their lovemaking in earnest!


Enamored by the sight of his maleless altering, Shu didn’t have time to see that Rachel had come up to him, taking his lips in a passionate embrace. Shu returned the kiss, the first one they had technically shared. Yet, there was no denying the sensation of familiarity that came with the embrace, as though they had been lovers for years. It was a powerful contrast in his mind, even now that his body had been so far altered from his humanity. Yet, it was far easier to give in to the moment, the needs and wants of his body taking over as he kissed Rachel back with love and enthusiasm. 


As Rachel embraced her mate, what she perceived were the final changes started to play over her form. She had been growing taller the entire time, though Shu seemed taller still, which sat right with her mental image of him. But she was not far behind, able to reach up just high enough that the kiss was comfortable. 


A series of soft pops and cracks played over her jaws, pushing out and covered with her yellow fur in equal measure. Her twitching black nose breathed in the heady stink of their bodies, and the thick musk their sexes were producing. Teeth started to form predatory points, though her hazy memory recalled her able to eat a variety of foods based on what was available in the digital world. Wait, digital world? What did that phrase mean? Why did it seem to sit so well with her mind to think there was another world, especially one where she was certain the images from her imaginings took place?


Still, the taste of her lover’s lips, as well as the sensation of her own muzzle pushing forward to give her a fox’s face kept her from those thoughts for too long. Her digivolution was soon to compete, and she relished the change to become…digivolution? Where were these words coming from? The alien impulses and drives were powerfully conflicting in her mind. All she knew was what felt right in the moment. Taking her mate, turning into a vivacious vixen…despite the minor twinges of fear, she couldn’t imagine wanting anything else in the moment!


Somehow, the kiss prompted Shu’s form to swell even larger, the contours of his muscle ripping the skin before it could stretch to keep up. It left areas of scaring, what Shu equated to be the battle scars he would have acclimated from his victories, though they were quickly covered over in leonine fur and became unnoticeable. Still, Shu was only able to revel in the sensations of his mate’s muzzle on his own as she took her three-fingered hands and rubbed his still-growing chest. Shu felt that she loved him, imperfections or no, which made him feel like a real king in bed as their love-making sessions ought to. 


Shu’s own jaw started to crack forward into a muzzle blunter than Rachel’s. Yet, it fit his sharper teeth and flat, coarse tongue nicely. Though he was a predator, a warrior, he was also a gentle soul, using them more for smiling than tearing into prey. He reached out with his tongue to entwine it with his mate’s own as the two of them embraced, cementing the bond that was emerging in their minds, mated as they were to the dreams that they experienced. 


The digital changes were finished as best as the two could tell. Their bodies now matched those that their recollections could relate to. As though in response to their thoughts, the brackets beeped, no longer carrying the digital vestiges of their avatars, but rather with a shining bar that simply read ‘digivolution compete’. Was that where that word had come from, read on the screen in time to match their desires? Both were sure they had not seen it thus far, nor knew what exactly it met. But, it seemed to excite them rather than frighten them that their bodies matched the internal images they seemed to hold of themselves in such reverence. 


Besides, there was a much more pressing need overtaking their bodies, the lusts in their loins having not been properly tended to. Shu reached down with his powerful hands to cup Rachel’s buttocks, lifting her slightly, though she hardly needed the elevation. Still, the motion felt familiar as she lifted her legs, wrapping them around Shu’s thighs as one three-fingered hand reached down to guide her mate’s cock towards her folds. Though the position and actions should have been new to both of them, Rachel felt that she had done this many times before, had imagined so as in the dreams she’d had each night. It was as though a practiced dance, one they had worked out many times before through trial and error, as did all mates at one time or another. But it was one she was both experiencing for the first time as well as returning to all the past pleasures it could grant her. Rachel was elated! 


There was something else in the fringes of her mind that bothered her, even as she felt the fat cock head start to press against her inner thigh towards her moist, glistening sex. The name ‘Rachel’ didn’t seem to fit right to her, was not eliciting the sense of self that it had all those years she had worn it. There was another name for the vixen she was now, a species as much as it was her own name. Rac-Rena-RenaMON? Was that right? Yes, her mind decided, though she needn’t say it out loud. It was known to her as much as to her husband turned lion…Leo…LeoMON? Lion monster? Regardless, that was his name and one he wore as a badge of honor. How was Renamon to deny him that?


“My Leomon…take me…” Renamon moaned, hearing Leomon growl in response as he pushed forward, looking to find the object of his desires. He did not need words to articulate his lusts. His powerful hands and the thrusts of his hips were enough to prompt Renamon to spread her legs just enough that the eager rod struck home. The warmth of the penis inside her made her moan and shudder, her slick fluids taking him inside painlessly despite her body never actually taking a penis of that size inside of her. Yet, in her mind, she had done this hundreds of times, each to the outcome of sending her into multiple orgasms as the two of them made love in earnest. 


Renamon gasped an “Oh, yes, just like that!” as Leomon’s penis found its way into her cervix, holding it there only for a few moments before he started to thrust, gently at first. Though he had technically not made love with her in these current bodies, it was clear that both knew how to use them, whether guided by their instincts or the memories playing over their minds. The more they felt each other’s bodies, the more it was obvious that they were meant to be in the forms they now possessed. 


Though Leomon started out gently, eventually, the needs in his loins took precedence, and his hips started to pound faster reflexively. Part of it was the memories of wild passions that the two of them shared in these bodies. They were warriors and partook in lovemaking with a vigor that matched their abilities in battle. Though part of them wanted to savor their ‘first’ time making love as ‘husband and wife’, part of them felt that they had done so multiple times in another life, one that was bleeding over into their waking existence. There was no need to hold back their pleasures as they reveled in their sexuality and love for each other!


The two found a rhythm as they fucked fiercely, rocking their hips back and forth. Leomon held up Renamon, his cock head slipping in and out of her folds as he got closer and closer to his release. His testicles slapped against her underside, cock teasing her inner folds as Renamon moaned into his muzzle. The pair kissed passionately, eyes closed, and allowed the pleasurable sensations of sex to wash over them in droves. Lost in the moment, all that existed were their bodies, bringing them closer and closer to the blessed climax that both knew would baptize their bond as mates and as digital beings. 


Renamon came first, her inner walls clenching on her mate as the pleasant orgasm washed over her, making her cry out Leomon’s name as she shook violently. Every thrust was a wave of ecstasy flowing all through her body, even to her fingers and toes. Renamon rocked and thrust her hips, desperate to draw all she could from her husband’s penis as she rode the waves of release. Never before had a sexual experience made her feel so alive!


Leomon was not far behind her despite having cum so soon from Renamon’s oral ministrations. Her cunt lips were perfect for stimulating every inch of her penis, and it was getting harder and harder to hold out. Perhaps under other circumstances, he might have been able to bring his love to another orgasm. But, given the intensity of his lover’s inner walls, there was little chance of him holding back. Allowing himself to give in to bestial pleasures, Leomon roared in his mate’s mouth as he came, pumping a thick coating into her cervix and extending Renamon’s own orgasm as she rocked against his penis, taking as much of him inside her as she could. 


Eventually, Leomon felt his strength wane, and he lowered his love, cock sliding out of her with a trail of fluids. She did not mind having him finish inside of her in such a way; both instinctively knew that as digital beings they did not reproduce in such a fashion. There was no harm in enjoying their bodies to the fullest, though Renamon would have more cleaning to do after their frequent romps. 


Both took a moment to admire their new forms, rubbing the fur and the powerful muscles they possessed. They were naked, save for the bracelets they wore, which, somehow, remained on their frames. Both were prompted to look down, the glowing lights catching their attention now that the physical changes were complete. The words were in a different language, though one their changed minds could perceive. “Personality Program Modification Complete’ could be read across the screen, though its meaning was lost to them. They had always been their current selves, a warrior couple of husband and wife, right?


Flashing on the screen, both looked down to see that the words had changed, now reading to their altered minds ‘installed data assets activated’. The screen soon flashed with a glow seeming to play over them both, lighting the room with its energy and sending a tingling sensation across their skin. It wasn’t until the feelings of garments played over their forms that they began to understand what was happening. Like their bodies, it seemed, their preferred clothing was digital, able to be called up as much as the alterations to their…true forms? 


Leomon felt proud, a manly, confident at 7.2 feet tall golden lion-like warrior. His dark pants were flexible, tied with a belt that carried a blue, golden-lined scabbard for his short blade. A series of leather straps ran their way over his left arm, complete with blunt metal knuckles, though Leomon wasn’t sure what they were needed for. His punching power would be as phenomenal as it was without them, though he felt them sit well on his arm. To round out the ensemble, a red-toothed chain formed its way around his massive neck, tight enough that it did not jingle as he moved. It was a brand of a warrior, and Leomon cherished it, a gift from Yggdrasil upon his evolution. 


Renamon, meanwhile, carried a cool, yet passionate demeanor, not caring that she was functionally naked with all the soft yellow and white fox fur that covered her. Her form was more bestial, an anthro vixen with the feminine contours to match. She was only slightly shorter than her counterpart at 6’9, tall, lean, and toned. Yet, she carried an overall feminine look, with short, firm breasts and thick, powerful thighs. The only clothing she naturally wore was a pair of violet gloves over each arm, fingerless for her white-furred fingers. 


Though they knew they were Renamon and Leomon and had always been, the human facades they had once carried were not lost to them. Yet, it felt like another life, a parallel one they had been assigned until they were allowed to resume their true forms. Ones that had been provided by their god, Yggdriasll, for whom they harbored absolute loyalty. That, and a deep affection for their perfect partner, each other, with the libidos to match!


Both were distracted by the sound of the door opening, and a familiar human form walked in, grin on his face. “Perfect, Perfect! All your hard work has paid off, indeed! I knew that you two would complete the program in record time. Yggdrasil has gained two powerful servants this day!” Ryu said, clapping as he did so. It was obvious that he had been expecting their changes and perhaps had a hand in their alterations into their true forms. 


“Who are you?” Leomon asked, knowing in part the answer. He was like them, a digital being and a servant to their god. It was likely he had a true form, as they did, the human one being a facade. It was that Leomon wished to see, able to scent that he was one of them but not sure what body he would take on during the change. 


Ryu seemed to understand exactly what was being asked of him as he pressed a button on his own device. Leomon and Renamon had not seen his own avatar in their dreams. But given the tingling and waves of digital energy playing over his body, the two of them were about to find out the true form of their benefactor yet. 


The change was as slow and gradual for Ryu as it was for them, perhaps as a way to allow them to take in his true form. Holding out his hands, they seemed to be the first thing to alter as the muscles within them writhed, and veins bulged, much as they had on Leomon’s body. The power in the form was obvious, even though the finished size seemed to be less than Leomon’s own. Both could feel the immense energy radiating off him, even in his mostly-human form. It seemed as though his own level was beyond their own, if such a term was accurate. 


The hands themselves continued to change, as the man flexed digits that were thickened to the size of sausages. Blunt, white claws poked through from nails, though they did not look deadly on their own. The skin darkened towards what appeared to be a sickly yellow, though, in reality, it was a series of scales spreading over his form, covering him as the muscles in his upper arms bulged with power that clearly rivaled Leomon’s own. 


The man’s shirt was soon to follow, fading into digital energy as the bracelet glowed with the return to what they both understood was his natural body. It seemed that he didn’t want to tear them, though it likely mattered little if they were digital as were the changes sweeping him. Though he was well built in his human disguise, the flattened pecs, perfect abs, and swollen sides were all accentuated by the power of the form underneath. It seemed as though he was getting taller as well, his chest stretched upward and looking out of place on his body before the rest of it could take its proper form. More fetching yellow scales spread over his form, looking more like firm skin than anything else. 


Pants were next to fall from his frame, exposing his maleness to the two of them. It was likely impossible for him to maintain his composure over such a sensual change, as the two looking digital monsters knew well from their own experiences. His fat, uncut cock started to pound erect, veins throbbing blood through the erectile tissues as it grew from even its already impressive human length. The wide head was already leaking fluids, clearly causing him to resist the temptation to touch himself. To top off the look, the hair on his groin sprang out into a reddish bush that seemed to pepper the contours of his penis and chest like a manly treasure trail.


Thighs and calves swelled and popped, thickening to match the contours of his powerfully muscled torso. He adjusted his stance a few times, though it was obvious he, like Leomon, would remain plantigrade. Toes thickened, four on each foot, until he, too, had largely immotile nubs. What remained of the digits burst forth with massive claws, ones that seemed to dig into the floor for a moment as he got used to having them once more. The powerful feet looked able to support the mountain of muscle that was becoming of the former human man. 


By this point, Ryu was several feet taller than his former humanity, thighs and calves and torso all stretching to accommodate the dragon-man he was. Like his arms and chest, the entirety of his legs and feet were covered in those yellowed scales, smooth enough that it was difficult to tell they were present. Muscles rippled to the point where Ryu teetered on the edge of not being able to move agility, though it was clear he was as much a fighter in body as the two of them. He grinned, cock bobbing up and down as though eager to be resuming his natural shape. 


All that remained of his former human visage was his head, though the thickening red hair at the back seemed to indicate that was soon to change. His jaws cracked forward, teeth the jagged predatory edges that the two might have expected. Green eyes glowed for a moment as the rest of his head pressed out, forehead sloping down into the muzzle so that there was no trace of the rounded human cranium once present. Horns erupted from one side, and then the other, a final one rising from above flared nostrils as the entire surface of his head glowed in tandem with the bracelet. When it dissipated, Ryu was left with a silverly sheen across his skull, a metallic covering that obscured the upper part of his face, jaw, horns, and all. 


Standing in the place of Ryu was what appeared to be a massive, 7.3-foot dragon man, even through the helmet that covered his head. Unlike the two of their sets of clothing, this metallic addition seemed to be more a part of him, or perhaps so preferred that it materialized before the rest of his armor. The sight before them should have been unfamiliar, yet both Renamon and Leomon seemed to sense the man’s name was now ‘Wargreymon’. It was strange seeing him nude like this, save for the helmet he wore. Though they weren’t sure exactly how he should look, it seemed obvious to both of them that he possessed suitable battle armor, which he would use to serve their god. 


“It is my pleasure to show off my true form to you both,” Wargreymon said, eyeing the two of them. “And it shall be my pleasure to show you what it can do. In combat, of course, but…also outside of it…” He said, a sly grin over his features as he beckoned one of them to come forth.


It seemed he was summoning Leomon, at least from his recollections. Leomon had been staring at the dragon-man with a look of interest, and one of lust, if he was honest with himself. Leomon had, for some time, been uncertain if he was bi in his human body. Yet, his digital one seemed to accentuate those potential proclivities, as much as the urges in his body seemed to indicate. 


Pressing the watch reflectively, Leomon’s clothes dissolved into data, leaving him naked and powerfully erect. He walked towards the other male, who looked on with excitement, his thick cock leaking. Turning around, he raised his ass, hips open and showing off his wide-open pucker. It was a clear offering; this more powerful male was submitting to him in a show of conquest between warriors. Leomon was almost as powerfully turned on as he had been when…


Looking over to his wife, his mate, Renamon seemed to carry a cool, judgmental look in her expression. She was not happy with the arrangement, of sharing her husband, it seemed. Yet, part of her knew this was the norm, that Leomon and Wargreymon were fellow warriors and lovers besides. Though there were certain boundaries they did not cross, such as kissing. Yet, it seemed to fit into their proclivities that Leomon have a male lover as well, albeit on occasion. Renamon was at least inclined to at least touch her folds to the sight, getting off by seeing her dominant husband taking the stronger male and making Wargreymon his pervertible bitch. That was the male that she had married, indeed!


Seeing the approval in Renamon’s expression, Leomon allowed himself to give over to lust and rub his thick cockhead over Wargreymon’s eager pucker. It did not seem to take long to leak sufficient fluids to lube up his efforts as Leomon pushed forward, sexual stamina sufficient as he pounded into the rear end of his fuck toy. Leomon didn’t feel the same companionship towards his trainer as he did his love. But, his libido was high, and there was no regret or guilt felt as he felt the tight rectal walls of the other male close around his cock.


Unlike the sex he experienced with his wife, this sexual encounter was all lust and rut, satisfying urges that the two had pent up. It was obvious that Wargreymon was more than eager to take Leomon’s impressive shaft into his tight fuckhole. The sheer quantity of precum leaking from Leomon’s prick was more than enough to keep his cock moist and slick inside his lover, and a sucking sound resonated through the room as they fucked. Leomon could feel his testicles slapping against Wargreymon’s own, building the pressure inside for a third orgasm. Still, with the libido that Leomon had been granted, it took no time to prepare to blow his load inside his lover’s bowels. 


Wargreymon, for his part, was taking cock like a champ, eagerly opening himself for the prostate pounding lion-man was giving him. He stroked his cock at the tempo of his partner’s thrusts, leaking all over his hand as their pleasure increased. Their rhythm was almost practiced, as though they fucked regularly, even if Leomon didn’t have that recollection from his dreams. Still, he craved the contact against his cock, be it ass or cunt, and the sexual being he had become cared not for such things as he gripped the dragon man’s hips to hold himself inside. 


The scent leaking from Renamon’s cunt lips wafted into both of their noses just then, spurring on Leomon as he thrust into his male lover. She had clearly cum once already from her masturbatory efforts, the male on male sexual display a potent attraction for the vixen. Leomon loved the sight of his lithe foxy mate touching herself, and that image was enough to push him just enough over the edge.


“GARRRAAAWWWWW!” Leomon called out, spilling his seed inside his male mate, pumping a decent-sized load despite the multiple releases he had undergone prior. Wargreymon was right behind, thick penis spilling a thick load down the shaft in several spurts. Even Renamon called out in a sultry tone as she came a third time, not holding back at the sight of her husband taking a more powerful being and making him submit. 


After pulling out, Leomon looked down at the device on his wrist, the words written in digital reading ‘Restore program parameters?’ Yet he wished to maintain his nudity for the moment. After all, after two rounds of sex, he was in need of a hot shower. Maybe bring his wife and his male lover in with him, for whatever fun that might bring…


Yet it seemed as though Wargreymon had different ideas. “Come with me,” Wargreymon said, and the two followed curiously, figuring it was time to get cleaned up. There were certainly ample shower facilities in the gym, even for beings the size they had become. 


But instead, they were taken into the back, through an employee door that they had seen only Ryu use before. Following the short hallway into an inner chamber, it was unlike nothing they had ever seen before, in this facility or not. The tinglings of energy from the small room were of a digital nature, that other world much like the bracelets and their own bodies. It was a conduit to that other world, in some sense. One that the newly changed pair held with some reverence. 


Walking towards a stand that looked like a computer terminal, Wargreymon placed his hand on it, beckoning the pair to do the same. Inclined to trust their companion, the two of them did so, an electric tingling flowing over there before a bellowing voice started to echo in their minds.


<Welcome, my generals. Embrace the new bodies you have been granted. You now serve me in mind, body, and soul. I have created you, all digital beings, the one lord over the digital world. My will is absolute, as is your obedience to me.>


The words carried with them as much truth to the pair as the fact they had always been digital beings and were married as husband and wife. Reflexively, the two of them knelt down, saluting the device from which they perceived their A.I. overlord and god was communicating. It seemed right to do that, any last vestiges of doubt swept from their minds as they did as the being commanded, and felt immensely fulfilled to do so.


It seemed that their actions were pleasing to their new ruler. <Rejoice in your new forms, granted absolute power by my servant. Power that you will use to serve my supreme will. Power needed to defeat the invaders from the Digital World. Prepare yourselves in the time you have. Eventually, your time will come…>


Though neither of them knew the name of the voice, the true identity of the being who ruled them now, the words ‘Yggdrasil’ echoed in their minds once more. They had been given immense powers by what they now understood to be their A.I. deity. And, willing their god’s words to ring true, they gave themselves, body and soul, to serve it…




“And that’s the position in its entirety,” Ryu said, finishing giving them the rundown of what they would be expected to do on the gym’s grand opening day. It had been closed for training purposes after the initial duo had been employed as its newest elite trainers. It had taken some time, but they learned to program their bracelets to mimic human forms, different from the ones they once possessed, of course. There could be no traces of their former human lives to carry over in their new service. 


Having given up those former lives, the two took on new names to match their digital selves, now referring to themselves as ‘Leo’ and ‘Rena’. Leo’s human form was that of a 6.5-foot giant, blond with hair that resembled a lion’s mane to match his true nature. Rena’s human form was 6.0, blond with an athletic build. Yet, her cool gaze mirrored the fox woman that she was underneath the facade. 


Their personalities had also altered with their new personas. It was not a case of forgetting their former selves, but, rather, an adaptation of their new identities that sat well with altered proclivities. Leo was like an alpha for the trio, satisfying them both with his boundless stamina and libido. His fighting skills were nothing to scoff at, either. Rena was a loyal warrior for her master, though her love for her husband was absolute. Still, she didn’t much care for Ryu, especially when his cock and ass seduced her husband. She had incorporated a leotard into her digital self, not wanting to expose herself in front of anyone but her husband. It was a carryover from her humanity, and Rena was happy that the digital ‘assets’ could be altered in such a manner to suit her whims. 


Ryu, as it turned out, had never been human. Though his human form was 6.7 giant of a man with red hair and brown skin, he was what was referred to as a ‘Digimon’, a being born out of data from the Digital World. Those bodies granted to the pair by Yggdrasil were based on data of other Digimon, ones that suited the pair well. Though generally a kind and dependable man, a ‘malfunction’ in the transfer gave him a powerful libido, specifically for other males. Though, he considered this an asset, especially after being seduced by Leomon’s pheromones and becoming his sexual beta of sorts. 


As Yggdrasil’s elite employees, they required very little from the human world. Banks were easy to hack for digital beings, after all, providing all the finances they could ever amass to serve Yddriasil’s purposes. They wanted for nothing, living as a married couple in their human facades, their identities as solid as their former human ones had been. Still, human things were far inferior to those aspects of the Digital World, and the two of them only used their money and status as a means to the end of serving their master. 


As Yggdrails’s loyal servants, their mission was threefold. They were to train themselves as warriors for the ‘chosen time’ it talked about frequently. They would train other humans to discover ones, like Leo and Rena, that carried the capacity for being transformed into digital beings like themselves. And finally, they would use their human hybrid forms to create secretions that could be used to materialize other Digimon into the living world. The last part included proteins that were usually collected in the form of body fluids, specifically cum from the men and milk from Rena’s nipples. This was the reason they were so sexual, they eventually concluded. 


Their regiment involving not only digital exploits but physical training in the human world as well. They were expected to become experts in a variety of fighting techniques, all of the styles within the human world. Though the raw data existed within them for these martial arts from their digivolution, there was a precedence for mastering the abilities within the confines of their bodies and the physical abilities they had acquired. Plus, it was a hobby of sorts for the trio, who loved to spar and fight, something that was part of their personality packages but enjoyable nonetheless. 


Naturally, as in their dreams, they were expected to fight in their Digimon forms as well, though were not taken to the ‘Digital World’ as of yet. Though Leomon and Renamon were not by their attributes high-level Digimon, Leo and Rena’s innate talents for training and their suitability for the forms they were given made their prowess exceed warriors that were a level or even two beyond them. In fact, their fighting abilities were close to rivaling that of Wargreymon’s, a fully evolved fighter in his own right. Leomon’s ‘Jūouken’ and Renamon’s ‘Koyousetsu’ attacks were able to far surpass others of their level, allowing equal footing with Wargraymon’s ‘Ultimate’ stage. Therefore, their training together was always of the highest caliber. 


Their first official day at work was spent looking at a variety of recruits for Yggdrasil’s army, though none of the humans that joined the gym initially seemed to match their specifications. Wargraymon’s senses had immediately told him that the pair would be perfect in his service and had thus recruited them with the digital bracelets. Now, they were expected to act as trainers, having gotten used to their bodies on both the human and digital monster sides of things.


After closing time, Renamon finished with her ‘milking’, though she preferred not to call it that. It was a pleasurable sensation, and she was well inclined to serve Yggdrasil in whatever way it demanded. It was something that she could only do, her personal fluid contribution while the males milked their cocks. Sometimes her husband partook, and she allowed it, attributing it to her love of his seminal secretions as she went down on him orally on many occasions. 


Though her former human self might have questioned the milking process, how she was able to produce any without functional mammories due to a lack of reproductive potential, Renamon had no such compulsion to question it. The fluids built up subtly, not like some kind of cow needing release, but rather more akin to her arousal producing a small quantity, enough that could be harvested. For that reason, she often collected before or after her sexual escapades. Though, it was more fruitful for her to do so before, her love preferring to shower with her and take her many times to the point of exhaustion. 


“UGGHHH…” Renamon moaned, unable to control the volume of her voice as she squeezed her nipples and forced fluids to spill from them. The warm liquid, nothing like what she’d ever experienced in her human body, was powerful and sensual, taking a stimulating effort for her to coax from her firm breasts. Feeling it being squeezed out, spilling into the tube she used, was a unique experience that made the bizarre procedure worth it. Of course, it was preferable to have her husband sucking it out from the source, but…


Still, the procedure was arousing, and Renamon walked back into the training room with the certainty that her husband would be able to assist with her sexual needs. Yet, her look of excitement turned to disapproval as she walked in to see Wargreymon sucking Leomon’s dick, his leonine pheromones putting him into beta mode again. Renamon chided him, of course; not only was he monopolizing her husband, but the light in the digital room was going off, signaling that Yggdrasil wished for an update. Wargreymon hesitated for a moment, looking longingly at the delicious cock before him, but then eventually relented to allow space for the couple. 


“Naughty, naughty, almost wasting your load on that usurper,” Renamon said in that sultry tone that made Leomon shiver. 


“You know I have plenty of stamina to go all night, especially if recent memory serves you,” Leomon replied, taking his love in a passionate embrace. Renamon returned the gesture, gripping her lover’s cock with her paw as she pulled it towards her folds, gasping as the tip teased her cunt lips. It took her little time to move into the proper position, taking it inside her and groaning from the sheer size opening her up in just the way that she preferred. 


Their fuck was rough, as befit warriors who lived only for the moment, basking in the pleasures of battle and of the flesh. Leomon held back only with the intention of making his wife cum twice before he filled her womb and stimulated her nipples into orgasm. Though he knew he should be pulling out to collect as much semen as possible, he couldn’t resist unloading in her muzzle or cunt, whatever she desperately required filled. Besides, libido as high as it was, there was little need for him to use all the cum his body could produce, given the excessive quantity!


It took no time for Renamon’s body to be wracked with the powerful twinges of her first orgasm, pent up and needy as she was. Her body shook again and again, eyes rolling back in her head from the sheer force of the orgasm that rocked her. Leomon’s penis did wonderful things to her insides, making it impossible to hold back her lust and enjoyment for her stamina and sexuality. 


Leomon reveled in his ability to accentuate her pleasure, keeping his penis taut inside his mate to allow her to fully enjoy the sensation. But, having been brought so close to the edge, it was all he could do to hold back his pleasure. A few more thrusts…that’s all it would take…Leomon roared as he spilled his load inside his mate, making her cry out too as her second orgasm built. Skilled in love-making as he was, Leomon was able to keep his penis inside of his mate, taut enough before softening that she managed to squeeze by with a second orgasm, the sensation making her shiver as the cum leaked out of her abused sex. 


“Yes…Perfect!” Renamon called out, feeling her sex clench on the firm rid inside her, enjoying every inch within her. His skill was something beyond any human could match, and Leomon knew her body through years of experience that they possessed through their shared memory.


The two came down from their release as Leomon picked up his love and carried her to the bed. They didn’t bother to clean up after their fun, not yet, at least. They would likely go at it again before they slept, and it was fine to lie together until Leomon’s prick rose once more to fill his lover’s loins. Renamon, for her part, loved being filled with his seed, ignoring the discomfort of it leaking into her fur for the warmth and companionship it gave them. 


Though the two usually remained silent, content in the presence of the other, their first day on the job would be tomorrow, giving them a new topic of conversation. “Do you think it will take us long to find prospective humans for digital conversation?” Renamon asked, having not gotten a straight answer from Ryu when it had come up.


“Apparently, they are a rarity, though one might make themselves known through training. Yggdrasil will analyze their data and assign us accordingly. There may also be one in the online data stream, such as we were found,” Leomon replied, in that confident tone that usually made Renamon love him more. Though, now…


“Yes, of course,” Renamon said, sighing. Leomon was reciting rhetoric that they two had been taught. Leomon was truly loyal to a fault. Renamon wanted to know what he thought of the possibility. 


Leomon was a little taken aback by the accusation. “I…well…I think if it is fated, then it shall happen. Were we not fated?” He said with a smile, leaning down to kiss his love. 


“We were indeed, my love,” Renamon replied before returning the kiss. Though she was every bit attracted to Leomon, the Digimon, there was a part of her, the formerly human part, that was glad it was Shu who had changed with her. It could be no one else, would not fit as perfectly with their new lives had it not been Shu. All those weeks and months of training, of preparation, he had been by her side. She had told him so on several occasions, usually to the result of their passionate sex sessions!


“I wonder if they would appear as a pair, or find each other, as we have found each other?” Leomon pondered, wondering what sorts of avatars were out there. Digimon were as varied as any human personality, and there were a variety of monsters they had not seen or could even conceive of. 


“If they are like us, they will find only joy in this life. I think Yggdrasil has a bit of a romantic side,” Renamon said, with a bit of a laugh. It was a funny thought, an all-powerful, all-knowing A.I. being a matchmaker of sorts. 


It was as though Leomon was reading her mind. “If it can match bodies to digital avatars, then why couldn’t it match hearts as well?” Leomon postulated, finding the notion amusing as well. 


“I can’t wait. Though, I do feel bad sparring with new partners. After all, we’ve gotten so good they’d lose all the morale to fight us!” Renamon said, laughing a little. Cocky as it was, she was sure it was true, given their strength. 


“No one can beat us when we are together, my love,” Leomon said, holding his vixen close as they kissed. Renamon knew how corny the line was, of course. Leomon was an awkward romantic at best. His talents of seduction were more…direct. Still, Renamon wouldn’t have him any other way. She knew he meant it down to his core. And, lame as his delivery was, Renamon felt the same way as she kissed him, taking him as her loins lit aflame with passion for the being she loved most. 


With that, the two embraced, kissing in the dark room as they prepared to make love once more. Though they knew their mission would be a long one, that Yggdrasil would take some time to ‘digitize’ the earth, it mattered little. The two of them were happy with their mission, their training, and above all, their perfect partners in each other. No one could match the ecstasy they felt when they were together, either on the battlefield or in the bedroom. And they would have it no other way.