Rock'a'doodle Moo

With a bit of trepidation, Goldie Pheasant walked around the building, trying to determine if she was indeed in the right place.  There was no sign, no indication that the building was a nightclub as best as her brief scour could ascertain.  It couldn’t have been a very good club if there were no advertisements there, right?  But, then again, didn’t some clubs cater to such specific clientele that they were hidden from the commoners, an exclusive location that raked in millions?  Which would be the better outcome?


An up-and-coming club singer, Goldie found that her previous place of employment was no longer the ideal environment to continue to work her trade.  Having been sent here by her agent to audition for a new club, Goldie was eager to leave her past job in her rearview mirror.  This new club promised her stable hours, proper treatment befitting a woman like her, and a sizable share of the night’s income.  How could she say no?


Looking at her phone once more, she confirmed it was the right address.  Yet, there wasn’t so much as a door to indicate that she was at a club, let alone any kind of inhabited building.


Goldie shivered, thankful she’d thought to at least wear a jacket.  Her revealing show outfit did not protect her against the chilly autumn breeze.  She didn’t like driving all the way out here in her performing uniform, but she wanted to make a good impression by showing off her ‘assets’ to her potential employers from the get-go.  It didn’t hurt that she was drop-dead gorgeous by her own standards, a short beak, short vibrant tail features, bombshell blond hair, and legs that went on for days.  Even those that did not care for ‘anthros’ had turned heads every time that she passed by their tables in a show.  She was sure that a good part of it was in her looks, and not as much in her talent, but she didn’t care, so long as she got the job and the tips kept flowing in!


Her main clothing, a skin-tight, black bodysuit with transparent pink ruffles running along the upper edge of the leg holes, barely covering her breasts, sat over a thin material nylon top.  Pink opera gloves ran all the way to her elbows, matching the light purple nylon top and leggings that ran all the way down to her small bow-tipped black heels.  A thin black choker adorned her neck, and her hair was done up with a purple ruffled hairpiece with 3 faux feathers coming out of the top.  A pair of purple earrings completed the ensemble.  It was her best stage outfit, in Goldie’s opinion, though hardly the only things she owned.  Still, a steady paycheck would help her enhance her wardrobe, and with it, her stage presence.  She really needed this job interview to go well!


Still looking for the door, Goldie was not expecting to hear the sounds of the stone start to move, or a man coming out, giving her a once over in that way that men always seemed to do.


“Excuse me, sir?  I’m looking for the, oh, my, I’m so sorry.  I don’t have the name of your establishment?  I’m just such a scatterbrain,” Goldie said, feeling embarrassed.  Thankful, not for the first time, that she lacked the ability to blush, Goldie looked expectantly at the man, hoping he would get the hint and help her out.


“Establishment?  This ain’t no ‘establishment’!  Especially not for a dame like you.  Hey- what, there’s some chick out- Ok, fine, I’ll send her down,” the man said, responding mid-sentence to a voice from deep in the building that Goldie could not make out.


Feeling some sense of relief, if not just from the reprieve from the cold, Goldie followed the man down a steep set of stairs, to some underground part of the building that Goldie had not been expecting.  The pungent stench of cleaning chemicals was the first thing that hit her nose as surveyed the space, resembling nothing like the stage or club that she had been expecting.  Instead was a series of wide chairs, set in front of several massive screens that were all turned off.  For the life of her, Goldie couldn’t determine exactly what kind of room it was, though she was given the impression that it might be something to watch performances or a backroom to view security footage of the club.  That had to be it, right?


A rather well-suited man walked up to her, dismissing the first man with a wave.  “I’m sorry, miss…?”


“Goldie, sir.  Goldie Pheasant.  I’m here for the stage job?” she asked, a little hesitantly.  She was starting to get less and less confident about her presence here, despite whatever it would do to her chances to get the job.


“I’m sorry, miss, but this isn’t a presentation establishment.  If you’ve been sent here, this is the wrong location.  Not to worry, though.  It is something that has happened in the past.  A wrong letter or a number on the address that’s had some poor unfortunate souls come across our doors.  It’s not your fault, dear.”


Goldie felt her heart sink at that.  Not only had she gotten dressed up to come out here, but she had wasted an entire day at the wrong place, and had quit her job beforehand to take the position here.  With rent and bills looming, she needed to make sure she landed a job, lest she find herself singing out on the streets.


Clearly seeing her dismay, the man came up to her, putting a hand on her shoulder before offering to take her coat and then guiding her towards one of the chairs in the corner.  Goldie was used to unwelcome contact from men, and left it there, trying not to flinch just in case the man had something positive in mind for her.


“There, there, miss.  Don’t look so down.  We may not have a full-time job for you here, but your trip doesn’t have to be wasted.  We do a lot of… market research here.  Have our customers watch videos and the like to see what works and what doesn’t.  These are paid positions, you see.  And since you came all the way out here, why don’t we offer you an hour of work?  It pays well, too, you just have to sit and watch one of our videos, and tell us what you think about it afterward!”


Goldie almost felt her heart leap at the words.  It wouldn’t be a waste at all, and afterward, she could call her agent and chew him out for giving her the wrong address.  Hopefully, her career could still be salvaged later on.  But, for right now, easy money was just what she needed!


“Thank you, sir!  I’d love to help out!  Just tell me where you want me!” Goldie said, unable to keep the excitement and relief out of her voice.  This was exactly the break she needed, after all, and she was the type that tended to wear her heart on her sleeve.  Had she not been offered the position so quickly, then she might have started crying right then and there!


“Alright miss, all you have to do is sit down and watch the video.  It’s nothing too long, and we’ll be back after it’s over.  Just sit there for the entire video and enjoy!” the man said as he and the doormen left into a side room.


Goldie felt a little trepidation with being left alone, though quickly assured herself that it could be worse.  Getting settled in a chair that, thankfully, had a back that was suited for her tail feathers.  Goldie then braced herself forward, looking at the blank screen and waiting for the movie to start playing.


She was a little shocked when the screen blipped on, yet did not start to play anything.  Still, Goldie sat there, not wanting to miss a moment of the film when it did start, lest she not get the desperately required payment.


It started as a swirling dot in the center of the screen, a white circle that started to move back and forth.  It was a little dizzying, making it hard for Goldie to continue to focus on it.  Yet, she diligently did what was told of her, worried that if she did not follow the video then her time would be wasted.


Soon, a voice started up, playing gently over the swirling point as it continued its steady pace.  “Imagine yourself in a sunlit field.  The warmth beating down on your bare skin, the grass lush and green, not another person for miles.  You are standing there in the center, feeling the grass tickle your belly.  You are content and peaceful, like nothing that you have ever experienced.  You are at peace…” the voice ended, leaving Goldie confused.


No stranger to wild open spaces, Goldie did as the video told, staring at the screen and trying to mentally put herself into that position.  It was a little weird, she thought, in particular the line about the grass touching her belly.  She wasn’t that short, even at 5’0.  Unless it was a field of wheat or corn, it was impossible for her to be drowned in it.


The voice continued, repeating the same words in a monotonous tone that made Goldie a little annoyed.  A third time made her start to regret what she was doing.  How many times did she need to hear the same lines over and over?


Yet, her eyes were still fixed on the center dot as it continued to move in that steady circular motion that forced her gaze without being able to pull back.  She knew that she was supposed to watch, that it was part of the contract that she’d made.  But, the more that she stared, the harder that Goldie found it harder to look away, as though the sight of the swirling dot had her enraptured.


The dot was moving further now, forming a white line against the black background that slowly swirled outward, as though reaching towards the edges of the screen.  It seemed that the white swirls were stretching on into infinity, making it harder for her to look away, even if she was inclined to.  The image was familiar, yet had her so enraptured that it was difficult to focus on where she had seen it before.


It was getting harder and harder for her to focus on her external worries as she sat in the chair, watching the swirl going round and round.  The same words played on loop, creating a buzzing of some sort, though successful in drowning out rational thought.  All concerns of money, of jobs and singing, were forgotten in her intense focus on the swirling void and all the words that were being spoken.


It took a few moments for her to realize that the words had changed.  “…You feel the grass swishing on your udder, the sun on your hide, and your tail swishing against your backside.  The grass smells divine, making your stomach gurgle and your lips move to chew.  There’s nothing to concern you.  You have not a care in the world.  There is plenty of lush, green grass for you to eat as much as you could ever want.  You are a cow, content and happy on a warm summer day in a lush green field…”


The words filled her head, making Goldie a little confused.  What was it talking about?  Why was it… a cow?  That wasn’t right.  She wasn’t… but the scene did seem nice… not to be a cow… she didn’t like them, having lived on a farm… but… it was easy to imagine the picturesque day the voice was reminding her of.  The warm sun on her skin, the smell of fresh grass, feeling hungry and able to eat her fill…


Goldie was hardly aware of it, but her tongue was moving across her beak, rubbing the rounded contours as her mouth moved back and forth like in a motion of chewing.  Following the directions of the voice, she was imagining eating, having as much food as she could ever want.  It was harder to think of anything else but grazing, now that the words had eliminated all of her cares and worries.  After all, with thoughts of money troubles, career, and even men out of her mind, what more was there than to eat?


“Yes… that’s it… you’re a cow now… a hungry cow… in a field full of grass… all you need to do his chew and swallow… feed those stomachs… you love being a cow, don’t you… not a care in the world but to chew and eat green grass… such bliss…”


The words, strange as they were, started to have an effect on Goldie’s mind, one that she had not been expecting but not one that she could resist, lost in the swirling spiral as she was.  Subconsciously, she started pretending to chew, as though she really was eating at the grass.  She could easily imagine herself down on all fours, grazing by pulling up clumps in pliable lips, thick, flattened teeth grinding the stalks into a slurry as she greedily swallowed and prepared to lift up more to satisfy the needs in her gullet.


Unbeknownst to Goldie, however, was that her beak really was starting to soften, the keratin-like tissue running like putty as they were pulled around her mouth.  The nostrils in her beak started to push forward, moving across the fleshy former beak as they widened towards the surface.  Soon each nostril was larger than her nose had been, though the flesh was being pulled into her head, merging seamlessly as it took on the same consistency and became skin.


Forming a set of lips, the new fleshy appendages started to thicken, almost rubbery in texture and far larger than her mouth should have been able to support.  A series of light pops in her jaw, however, made sufficient room so that the comically oversized lips were allowed to sit easily on her form.  Goldie continued to smack her lips, unaware of even the sight of them in her periphery as she continued to stare into the void that was the swirling circle on the screen in front of her.  The soothing words, the hypnotic state, and the idea of showing tasty green grass did it for her in a way that no experience could hope to meet.


Even as she chewed her imagined cud, gums started to stretch around protruding dentures, omnivorous anthro teeth reshaping and pushing desperately for space.  Though the ache against her gums should have taken her from the ever-present hypnosis, the chewing actions were actually expanding the skin with each motion.  Her jaw cracked another inch, expanding the gumline as thicker incisors and flattened molars took shape.  Though they were not nearly the dimensions of her perceived cattle self, they were far from the teeth she’d had when she’d entered.  A wider, thicker tongue player over them, as though grasping at invisible grass or hay.


Lost in chewing fictitious cud, the change in the words went unnoticed the first few repetitions.  Yet, soon the droning tone moved into her mind, giving her the next set of instructions to follow to ‘feel good’, as the words commanded her.  “Doesn’t it feel good to give in and graze?  That’s it.  Imagine yourself in the field, all the grass you could ever eat.  Now swish that tail.  Feel it running over your backside.  So long, so thick, so nice…”


A tingling in her tailbone seemed to correlate with her awareness of the new monotonous phrase.  It was as though the flesh around the bones started to thicken, ooze, become rubbery, extending in front of her tail feathers.  One of the feathers was loosed from its socket, popping painlessly and gliding down to the floor.  Another followed close behind, the pushing of bone removing space for them on her anatomy.


Soon, the bones at the base of her tail had separated, forming distinct lumps that were forced up through the new muscle of the stagnant mass.  Each formed the additional vertebrae needed to lift the tail up in the back of the chair, swishing over it as if it was her bare backside like the voice was suggesting.  The force prompted another feather to break free, followed by a couple more as the appendage grew even larger from the base of her backside.


Eventually, each of the feathers was soon to fall out, painlessly collecting on the floor under her chair.  The growth, however, continued to extend outward, the new flesh pooling out of her backside nearly the same length as her tail feathers had once been.  The skin was bare, though was soon peppered with a series of pinpricks that denoted the growth of a series of white hairs.  A slight itch ran over the tip as a tuft of fur sprouted there causing the last feather to fall.


It was the sensation of something touching the backside of the chair that was nearly enough to draw her from her hypnotic state.  Up until now, Goldie remained far too ignorant of the words or the effect they were having on her.  At first, there was some worry about not getting the pay that she was promised by not following the man’s instructions.  But, without the money worries that had plagued her, she was watching the video of her own accord, simply enjoying how content the actions were making her.


Still, that bizarre twitching was enough for her to break contact with the screen enough that she was able to reach around and feel for whatever it was that was pressing against the chair.  Though she could not see from her vantage, seeking fingers came across something long and warm, like a ropey appendage of some kind.  It made her shudder to feel that the thing was attached to her, as best she could tell.  It was almost as though…


“Why do you wish to leave the field?  Everything you need is here.  The warm sun, the grass… all your worries, gone.  Come back to the field.  Like the good cow you are…” the voice said, as though self-aware that she had turned around.


As tempting and as alluring as the voice was, something about it had Goldie worried.  Something was not right with this whole affair.  She had been… a cow?  That wasn’t right.  She was a singer, rather attractive, even by her own standards.  She couldn’t be a cow, nor entertain the notion of being one.  It was absurd!  Yet, the voice had been so soothing, after all.  It had been nice not to have any worries.  So much so that the notion almost made her want to go back into that world, if only because it was one that didn’t carry the same concerns.  The one where she munched on grass, swished her tail…


Something was clearly wrong with the whole ordeal.  Why would any video make her wish to be a cow?  But then, why wouldn’t she want to be a cow?  Cows had no worries, after all, not the way that Goldie did.  It had been nice, even if bizarre.  And she had been told to watch the video and give her opinion.  Her opinion?  How could she have any other opinion than the video was pure bliss?  Even the bizarre sensations from her backside and her lips didn’t deter her from the peace that the words provided her.  So much so that she allowed herself to turn back to the video and see what it offered her…


“That’s it… that’s a good cow… the perfect cow… and you love being a cow… it’s so wonderful to be a cow… eating grass, swishing that tail… and that thick, bulbous udder… swishing in the grass, being tickled… so full… so heavy… but you know it will soon be milked… you crave that sensation, don’t you?  Of your udder being touched, played with…


Part of Goldie’s mind, the minute part of her psyche that was hesitant about the whole situation, was aghast at the notion of owning an udder.  A massive, sagging sack of flesh between her legs, weighing her down and being filled with milk.  Needing to be touched and handled to get rid of the discomfort?  No thanks!


Yet, as the words repeated themselves, Goldie found that retreating part of her mind harder and harder to hold onto.  After all, the voice focused more on the vices of having an udder, not the images that had plagued her mind.  Having an udder was something to be cherished, relished, as best as her mind could tell.  The words made it seem so nice… having it hanging heavily off her frame, having it dripping milk at the touch of another… why was she so hesitant when everything else the voice told her had been so peaceful…?


As the words being played over and over sank in, a tingling in Goldie’s chest brought her hands up to the spot, rubbing her own feminine assets with curiosity.  Though they weren’t really a major erogenous zone, Goldie found the idea of having an udder rather appealing, even arousing.  She started to rub herself through her black bodysuit, barely aware that the pleasure was starting to diminish and that the familiar mounds of flesh were sinking into the feathers of her chest, the areolas diminishing to nothing and leaving the skin bare.  Still, even through the fabric of the bodysuit’s cups, the sensation was enough to prompt her exploration.


Goldie reached her hand lower, rubbing through the fabric at the skin around her belly that was slowly starting to swell.  It was as though something was forming within, stretching the flesh taunt and separating the feathers in some places.  Soon, it grew even more intense, as though new fat and tissues were starting to form within.  The growth was forced impossibly large, stretching the skin and forcing veins to run through it to supply the necessary blood to allow support of the thing.  Goldie was aware of an uncomfortable tightness in her clothing, though did not have the wherewithal to try and remove it in her current state.


The clothing, form-fitting as it was, was hardly fated to remain unscathed in the presence of such a growth.  The swelling bulge pushed the black body upward in an attempt to find adequate space for itself.  But with the tight stitching around the base, it was soon to strain too much at the seams as they started to come undone and pop down the back, alleviating the budding pressure.  Yet, Goldie only continued to caress the swelling frantically, in an attempt to touch it directly.  Her changing body seemed to crave the contact more than she was able to admit or even handle!


Even her panties were pulled taut, the fabric not nearly enough to support the weight of such a growth.  It could barely stand up to a particularly large meal, not that Goldie ever indulged in such things.  The fabric swelled around the growth, until it, too, was pulled beyond the breaking point, snapping the material and allowing the warm, pulsating skin to finally show through.  Goldie almost breathed a sigh of relief when the thing surged forth, its growth now unhindered by frail fabric as more of her shirt was torn free.


Soon, the bulbous expansion just below her belly had grown the width of her chest and was growing still, weighing heavily on her body.  It was starting to get hard for her to even sit in the chair with the mass of oozing flesh that was continuing to swell.  Yet, with her eyes on the swirling lines on the screen, it became impossible to pull herself away, left only able to rub the spongy tissue and feel the warmth of the flesh and the veins forming over it.


The more that she rubbed, the more that her fingers were drawn towards four distinctive points, almost like nipples in their own right that were sticking out from the mass in parallel points.  They swelled and became turgid from the fleshy sack that now hung from the expanded space between her belly and her sex.  Though the entire surface of the growth was sensitive, these new nipples were far more tantalizing to her tactile abilities, making her moan in a deeper baritone than Goldie has ever elicited.


“That’s it… fondle that udder… it feels good, doesn’t it?  To have a massive, needy sack of flesh… so warm… so sensitive… so… arousing…”


Goldie was hardly aware of the words now, fondling herself as she was.  Seemingly eager to give in to the exquisite sensations, there was no need for her to listen to the drone any longer.  She was more than happy to fondle her udder, rubbing the teats and causing the flesh to swell under her touch.  It was covered with minute soft hairs now, not the feathers that had fallen out of the swollen flesh, either to the floor or sat uncomfortably inside her still tearing clothing.  But there was little concern by the changes, not with how pleasurable the whole experience was.


Goldie was squirming in her seat now, the arousal starting to get more and more intense.  She couldn’t reach down to touch herself, not with the massive new growths in the way.  But the sensitivity in her teats was almost orgasmic on its own, sending micro tremors into her loins and stimulating the insides of her sex in waves.  All that she could do to accentuate her pleasure was to rub against the seat, stimulating the outside of her sex against the fabric of her tightened slacks and soaking her panties and through to the chair with her juices.


“That’s it… such a good cow… you love being a big, full cow… that udder is so large now, so full… you need to be milked, don’t you… feel those teats being squeezed, coaxing milk from that expansive udder… so full… so bloated… you need relief, don’t you… squeeze those teats… milk those mammoth mammaries…


This time, Goldie did make out the words, at least to the degree that she could in her trance-like state.  It was more the sensations in her increasingly bloated udder that were prompting her to listen to the hypnotic voice.  Her udder was starting to feel uncomfortable, leaving her bloated and belching to try and alleviate the irritation.  But the only thing that seemed to help was the pressure against her teats, and the fluid sensation that was starting to swell through the bulbous flesh.  It was almost as though she was readjusting the fluids within her, getting ready to…


To Goldie’s delight, something warm and wet touched her gloved hands, leaking from the mammary tissue and soaking through to her clothes and down the udder.  The sensation from the fluids leaving felt amazing; not orgasmic as touching her teats, but stimulating in a different way, one that spoke to the eventual relief of the pressure that was steadily building the entire time.  She loved the feeling of being milked, even though her udder was massive and it was hard for her shoulders to reach down and actually do the deed properly.  Having someone else do it for her would be preferable, though at the moment, the touch of her own hand was sufficient.


Goldie was squirming in her chair all the while, trying to get the most out of the arousal as milk started to pool within her torn clothing and on the chair around her from the leaking teats.  Her sex was on fire, and though she longed to touch it, the sensations from her udder took precedence.  She was still rather full, though the leaking milk helped the pressure to subside somewhat, enough that she was able to find relief.  It was getting harder to think about anything else with the milk dripping onto her gloves, soaking through her clothes, and running down the fleshy sack as she continued to rub her teats raw as though it was the only thing in the world that mattered.


“Yes…  Just a cow… never a human being… just a large, fat cow… being milked… eating grass… not a care in the world… all your needs being taken care of… like a big, fat cow… you’ve never known anything else… never wanted anything else… just let yourself be a cow… down on all fours, four strong legs with hooves at the end up hold up your body… no effort at all… just a peaceful cow, down on all fours where you belong…


Feeling the pressure in her udder start to abate slightly, Goldie allowed herself to bring her still-functional hands from her udder, clenching stiffening fingers from the effort of the milking actions.  Again, part of her was surprised that she had done so herself.  She was a cow, she didn’t need to milk herself… she couldn’t…


Yet, it was harder to question such things with her eyes focused only on the swirling screen and the words that played over her mind like a mantra.  A similar swelling started to play from her belly, pushing her udder downwards as the muscle and fat in her stomach started to expand exponentially.  Her torn bodysuit was pulled upward, the fabric stretched over the tight material until they began to audibly rip and pop one by one.  The clothing started tearing from the base, pulled over panties and udder as the soaked fabric prepared to meet its demise.


It was the swelling in her hips that did away with the base of her bodysuit, pushing it up and off her form and exposing hosiery that were being stretched outward.  The bones of her hips had expanded easily twice their former size and larger, the tips of them pushing through the skin and taking the ruffles with them as with a snap, they parted and landed on the chair.  Though Goldie was hardly aware of it, staring at the screen as she was, the bones of her pelvis had torn apart and shifted, pushing her tail further back as her body leaned forward, the rearranging of her lower parts making it impossible for her to stand upright should she try to get off the chair.  Still, Goldie cared little, the hypnotic words giving her the impression that she was supposed to be on all fours regardless!


The same soreness of shifting seeped into her shoulders now, causing the blades to start to expand and flatten into her chest.  The increased pressure was all it took for her nylon top to tear, popping at the collar and ripping along the back from the force of her barreling chest.  Though she felt it was wrong for her to be milking herself, Goldie no longer possessed the ability to do so with her shoulders locked in place as they were.  Her arms could only move backward and forwards as her shoulders reshaped to give her further support for a quadrupedal stance that she now possessed.  Though not yet free of her neck, the thickened flesh made her small choker precariously tight, so much so that it was a struggle to breathe.  Though, she had no inclination to take it off, lost in self-pleasure as she was.


Chest bare of her former breasts, her shifting sternum pushed the remaining flesh to barrel outward, spurred on in its growth by an expanding rib cage.  Her shoulders and arms were pushed further from each other as her chest continued to barrel, making room for the larger bones that would soon make up her bovine body.  It soon matched the circumference of her still-ballooning belly, growing all the while and making her arms and head start to seem alarmingly out of place on a torso that was halfway on its way of transformation into a cow.


The words from the speaker changed slightly then, enough that had Goldie any awareness of it, she might have realized it was an instruction to the next part of her body to change.  “Now, chew your cud… feel it sliding down your throat… and up again… you’ll chew your meals more than once now, but you don’t mind that… chew your cud… so relaxing… be the cow you are…


It was a gurgling in her internal organs that had Goldie opening her mouth and belching several times, the alterations in gas volume needing to be expelled before she took in more air to compensate for the larger body she found herself in possession of.  Though she was unaware of it, lost in the fantasy of being a cow in the field, her organs were expanding, her stomachs splinting and fragmenting into four distinct segments that were soon each larger than her former avian anatomy had been.  Her gizzard was completely gone, streamlined into an esophagus befit for a more mammalian physiology.  Her heart, intestines, and lungs all swelled to take every inch that her expanding chest gave her, altering to bovine proportions as the changes steadily granted Goldie the body that her mind told her she needed.


The force of the chest expansion did away with the remnants of her bodysuit, tearing it up to the peak and ripping the stitches from the seams with the force of her growth.  It slid down her expansive back, falling over the feathers that still adorned her thickened skin.  Though, with the rate of expansion, there were now many places that were made up of just pale dermis where her feathers could no longer keep up.  Soon, the remnant tan feathers were to fall out, pooling on the floor with the remains of her dress, shirt, and panties.  The peppering of millions of hairs poking from the skin made her squirm in the chair once more, though it was far tighter as her body outgrew the proportions that the chair was meant to contain.  It was starting to buckle now, liable to break at any moment as Goldie continued to grow.


The ache of her lust did not abate fully, however, and Goldie was forced to squirm slightly to try and hold onto those orgasmic sensations that were denied her after the pressure to her udder had abated.  Yet, with her body so large, she could hardly move as she struggled to squeeze any ounce of pleasure from the experience as she could.


A strange swelling in her vagina prompted a bovine-like moo to escape Goldie’s lips.  It was as though the orifice was expanding, rubbing against the chair as it did so until it passed the opening where her naked tail flopped lazily behind her.  Her ass, which was significantly larger than her former anatomy, was touching the top of the chair now, making the changing woman twitch with what little room she had in frustration.  Her larger vagina and anus, though more sensitive, could not be reached in her current state, which was infinitely frustrating.


Her attempts at self-pleasure almost drew Goldie away from the screen and to think about the changes afflicting her.  But, the words that came next immediately calmed her down.  Not abating her lust in the slightest, but rather refocusing the rampant sexual energy and placating the cow-woman to the point of giving in once more.


“You’re a cow, and have always been.  You love being a cow.  You don’t touch yourself as a cow.  You don’t have hands, of course.  You have wonderful hooves to support your weight.  You love being a cow.  Your sexual needs are taken care of by bulls.  You need to be mated and bred, taken and used to birth calves.  That’s your purpose now, and nothing you have ever known is more fulfilling…”


The words did instill a sense of calm in the changing cow-woman, beyond anything that she had been expecting.  Of course, she couldn’t touch herself in the state that she was in.  But that was OK, wasn’t it?  She just needed a big, strong bull to fill her with seed.  She would be fucked and bred and impregnated with a calf, and then milked frequently by her handlers to her own pleasure.  Just like a good cow…


A good cow that didn’t need hands and feet, she quickly accepted.  The limitations of not being able to touch herself were quickly alleviated with that simple realization.  She didn’t need to touch herself, not when she would be presented with a bull to breed her and give her all the satisfaction that she craved.


Naturally, those thoughts translated to the lack of requiring hands to function.  That mentality seemed to force two of the digits on each hand to elongate, the nails at the base thickening the width of the longer digit and pushing them both outward.  The bones at the tip swelled impossibly large into the nail, the start of cloven bovine hooves as two of the fingers started to push back around her palms from the growth of the primary hooves, forming thick nails of their own.  Though the opera gloves she wore tried to strain with the effort of the growth, they were soon torn apart, unable to support the growing hooved digits.  Stretching wrists pulled her thumbs with them, and Goldie tried reflexively moving them once more before they sank into the flesh.


Her feet were soon to go as well, two of the middle toes thickening into cloven bovine hooves and pressing insistently against her high heels.  It was the heels pressing at the backs that eventually popped them off, relatively undamaged as her thinning legs kicked them away, trying to deal with the discomfort while her feet stretched longer.  She would effectively be walking on the soles of her feet, a digitigrade stance, though her fattened body was still stuck in the chair as its edges tightened around her.


Goldie’s still mostly humanoid face continued to stare into the swirling white line, the words about not having hands and feet removed any panic.  The weighty hooves, rather than making her fearful for such a drastic loss, made her content that she was more the cow that the words told her that she wanted to be; needed to be.  It sat right to her to have such hooves to hold up her fattening body.


Now, the words were to change again, this time completing the alterations to her form.  Though, by this juncture, Goldie’s hypnotized state and generalized diminishing intellect made it easier and easier for her to give in and feel that she was the cow she dreamed to be.  She hardly noticed the words changing, dumbed down as she was, but there was just enough there to spur on her final alterations.


“Yes, that’s it.  Just a cow now… just eating grass… grazing in a field full of lush green… no cares in the world… your massive jaw… heavy horns… thick nose, flicking ears… just a cow… a perfect cow… waiting to be milked and bred…”


The first thing to happen was that her luscious blond hair loosed from the follicles, falling out and pooling on the floor with all the excess feathers that had slid off her white and black-furred frame.  It created a tickling sensation that made her shake her head a few times to try and get rid of the excess fibers.  It felt almost a relief to be rid of them, making her bellow in a bovine baritone even as the rest of her face started to tingle with the falling of feathers and the formation of fur.


Two bumps started to form at the sides of her naked temples, forced out into lumps of bone that soon pointed from the skin as they expanded from the base and grew heavy on her head.  Her new, bovine horns were soon accentuated by the growth of her ears, their tips stretching into a pointed, conical shape and the muscles of an expanding jawline forced them to the sides of her head.  The flesh moved her earrings outward, leaving them on her ears as a final, forgotten aspect of her former life.  The ears themselves started to twitch of their own accord, better able to take in the words of the hypnotic voice.


“Yes, that’s it.  Just a cow now… just eating grass… grazing in a field full of lush green… no cares in the world… your massive jaw… heavy horns… thick nose, flicking ears… just a cow… a perfect cow… waiting to be milked and bred…” the words said on repeat.


Goldie’s heavy body continued to squirm and writhe, wanting desperately to finish reshaping to meet the cow’s body she wanted to own.  Her already rubbery mouth started to crack forward, the tongue within thickening and making her run it along larger, flattened grinding teeth.  They would easily make her meal into a swallowable slurry that she craved to consume the more she thought about being a cow and how much that prospect excited her.


Ripples of growth fought through her face as her muzzle pushed out impossibly far, weighing her down before her fattened neck compensated for the additional weight.  Her black choker, which had been painfully tight before now, started to buckle before busting off and falling to the floor with the other discarded clothing.  Her neck was far fatter than anything her clothes could have possibly supported, holding a thickening skull and widening head as her forehead expanded and her muzzle stretched outward.


The force of her increasingly fattening body made it impossible for the chair to hold her weight as the supports buckled and the chair crashed to the floor.  Her bulk and thick hide were sufficient to prevent any pain from the fall, though it did take her eyes off of the video for a moment.  The still-human pupils blinked a few times, in confusion.  She had wanted to be a cow, right?  And she was… but had she always been?  Was that proper?


Flicking ears were drawn to the sounds of a door opening, and her wide nostrils drank in the smells of what seemed to be two humans walking in and towards the remnants of the chair.  The video was turned off, the last of the swirls fading as Goldie blinked her eyes slightly, trying to come to terms with the conflicting memories.  If she was a cow, where was the green grass?  The sun?  The bulls?  All those wonderful things that the video promised were absent, making her back up and panic slightly.


“Looking good girl!  What a good cow!  Good girl!  Let’s get you out into the corral with the rest of the herd.  You’re going to be taken to a good home, girl!” said one of the voices, distracting her from her distress.


Goldie could make out the words, at least somewhat.  But it was almost as if they didn’t matter.  Was that right?  Their meaning was lost on her as she shook her head, trying to come to terms with her surroundings.  The humans, for their part, weren’t threatening.  At least, they didn’t smell that way.  But, Goldie couldn’t bring herself to fully calm down as her mind struggled with its diminished intellect and confusion over the lack of bovine comforts.


Before she realized what was happening, a collar was strapped to her neck and there was a strong pull, one she resisted at first.  It was not the irritation that dismayed her, rather the confusion as to what was going on and what it was she needed.  It didn’t matter to her what the men wanted if she was not being taken to what it was that she wanted!


Still, as she was pulled along, the motions prompted her to move, if for no other reason than to alleviate the discomfort that the tugging gave him.  She moved forward, a larger door opening to make room for her expansive bulk.  Walking was a little difficult, her body wobbling as though she was a newborn calf.  But, she was a full-grown cow, right?  Then why was it such a chore for her to move?


Yet, as she passed another room, a scent wafted into her nose just then, making her legs wobble even more and sending an excited flick through her body and tail.  It was an odor like her own, combined with the heady redolence of sweat and manure and hay that beckoned her forward.  It was the scent of other cows, her delighted mind realized.  Though far from the promise of green grass and vast fields, it was certainly enough to calm her mind and make her feel relaxed.  She walked forward willingly now, wanting to be closer to the smells and the sounds of her bovine brethren.  A diminishing part of her mind realized that they could make the confusion in her mind go away.


“There you go girl, let’s get you in with the other cows now.  It won’t be too long down here.  You came in on just the right day.  You’re all going to be taken to a milking operation!  Got a couple of different bulls for you to choose from, too!  Video makes you mighty horny, so I’ll bet you’ll appreciate their company!” one of the men said, waiting until she was inside and then closing the door, leaving her alone with the other bovines.


The first thing that Goldie realized was that she was, by far, the smallest cow in the room.  Far from being a newborn calf, Goldie felt herself a little irritated by the difference in stature.  She was a cow like the rest of them, was she not?  Still, she moved over to them, rubbing against their hides as her mind struggled for some sort of balance to allow her peace.


The scents in the room were strong, though far more integrated than anything she recalled experiencing.  It was surreal to be here in person, rather than to imagine the scene from the other room that had enamored her with bovine being.  It was starting to become clearer why she was a cow, why she wanted to be a cow.  It was so much more peaceful to be here with cows like her, the scents of their bodies and even waste a great comfort.


The odors of food, though alluring, quickly took a backseat to a heady aroma that was steadily wafting into her bulbous nose.  It was a rank, musky smell, one likely in response to her own lusty stench that was wafting off her backside.  The heat in her loins had subconsciously grown the entire time that she was in the presence of the other cows.  She was only just starting to understand that it was the scents of two massive bulls causing it to rise.  One was sniffing the air while the other seemed content to graze, though likely because some of the other cows stank of what Goldie could only ascertain was his semen.


The realization made her wet all over again at the prospect of what the first bull could offer.  Though the video had not delved deep into the mating act, Goldie’s new instincts were strong, and the notion of taking a bull and easing the ache that had been building in her loins was becoming paramount.  Best yet was that her eyesight, though not as useful in the dimly lit room, could still see that his cock was sliding out of a sheath attached to his belly and slapping up and down as he came towards her.


Goldie had already experienced trouble thinking, especially through the confusion that was pervading her thoughts.  Yet, it became clear that she needed to quell the heat in her loins and take a male to make herself complete.  The idea of mating, of raising a calf, came to the forefront of her thoughts, a need even more prominent than eating, though the latter was a close second.  And this bull, at least to her diminished intellect, would make the perfect suitor, if only for his presence in the here and now.


Goldie’s body reacted to the male’s advances as though she had been a cow her whole life and was experienced taking bulls.  Her tail raised upward, and to the side, showing off her willingness to be mated by exposing the puffy reddened outline of her sex.  It seemed to be dripping with her internal lubrication, making her stamp her feet in an eagerness to take the bull.  What was he waiting for, anyway?!


Yet it was not the bull’s cock that was placed against her back side, lapping at her nethers as though in tease.  It seemed the bull had other ideas as he started tonging her leaking lips, making Goldie moo and bellow her need.  Stamping her hooves, Goldie let out a bellow, feeling her much larger sex being eaten out by the magnificent male behind her.  He had all the finesse of a lover, clearly having not always been a simple beast and relishing her pleasure.


Goldie huffed and mooed gently, body rocking back and forth as the bull kept up his tongue bath on her nethers.  It was far better than any sexual experience her waning mind could conceive of, each caress of her outer lips being teased.  His tongue was even skilled enough to reach further in, though he was more focused on her pleasure than the inevitable mating.  Still, it was not the mating that Goldie’s body craved.  She needed to be filled with calf cream, and she needed it now.


Goldie’s desires were soon to be met as the bull came up behind her, lifting himself up her much-smaller back.  Goldie grunted in a deep baritone; her skeleton still was not the full cow that she craved to be, and the weight of a full bovine beast on her backside was a little too much for the pheasant woman-turned cow.  Still, Goldie still firmed up her stance, desperate for the promised phallus and all that it served to give her and her needs!


Like a catalyst to continued changes, the presence of the bull’s penis rubbing against her backside allowed for the rest of the process to complete itself.  No longer needing the hypnotic words from before, the transformation raced into each of her muscles and skeletal structure, making her almost vibrate with the intense growth that she was undergoing.  Goldie was sure that the pressure of her growth was making things awkward for the bull to keep his place on top of her.  But by this juncture, Goldie was hardly in a position to care any longer.  Her mind, it seemed, already in a lusty haze, was soon to degenerate into the cow that she craved to be.


At first, the touch of his experienced cockhead against her folds was welcome, like a hot poker to warm her from the cold.  It slipped inside her eager folds easily, as though a matching piece that belonged there.  It was long enough to reach well inside her, as bulls were designed to be.  Yet the pleasure soon turned into a raw ache as more of the beast plunged into her depths, the girth of his rod almost too much for the transformed woman’s smaller body.  But, determined as she was, Goldie fought through the aches, allowing the bull to find his proper purchase on her backside and taking her all the way to the hilt.


The male’s frantic, animalistic thrusts were not only rapidly accelerating the growth in Goldie’s body.  Her mind was continuing to dull past the hypnotic state to the point that she no longer had any thoughts to formulate.  The instincts to fuck, to eat, to birth a calf, and to nurse it before being milked became her entire world as the bull rocked back and forth on her growing body, making the former pheasant woman bellow and moo.


By the time that she reached orgasm, there was nothing left inside the cow’s head of the former Goldie, save for vague recollections of another life.  Yet, any time her mind tried to focus on any of them, the hypnotic tones played in her mind, making her wish only to be the cow that she was.  And she was a cow, being taken by a massive bull that was preparing to plant his seed inside of her and fulfill her one true wish in this world.


Thoughts of the future were soon erased by the present sensation of orgasm that rocked her body, starting from inside her vagina and spreading all the way through her sex.  The sensations built and built, creating a series of crashing waves that rocked the cow’s increasingly chubby body.  She mooed her lusts over and over, not caring that her cries were distracting some of the other cows from their feed and she began rocking back and forth slightly, body designed to take what pleasure it could in the act.


Of course, the action of her gripping cervix only served to bring the bull as well, his penis spasming inside her and triggering a series of orgasmic aftershocks.  It wasn’t long until a splash of bull semen flooded her insides, a larger quality than most bulls were capable of producing.  It could have been a factor of the caretaker’s design, a transformed bull made to inseminate his cows with every mating.  But Goldie, or the cow she had become, had no ability to conceptualize such things, lost in post-orgasmic lust as she was.


Eventually, the bull dismounted a much larger cow, semen dripping from her abused cunt.  The cow could feel it plopping behind her, though it mattered little with what she could still feel against her insides.  She knew, by some natural instinct, that she was pregnant, and that she would eventually give birth as her desires dictated.  Contented in that knowledge, she was able to reach down and pull up some of the hay that was strewn around the large room for them to eat.  It was not the lush grass that she had once craved in some distant memory, but it was enough to start to fill up the empty spaces in her stomachs!


Eventually, the sound of another door opening made her ears twitch, and the cow looked up into the bright light of the outside, the sun having come out over the crisp fall day.  Two men came in to start to herd the cattle in the direction of the door, though most were curious about the outside and eager to head out of their own accord.


Goldie no longer had the cognizance to understand the words that were being said.  Though, her bovine ears could still hear them.  “Yup, another washout.  Shame that she couldn’t sing.  She had a nice bod.  N-not that I’m into anthros or anything.  But damn, you know what I mean, right?” said the doorman from earlier.


“Yeah, the agent’s got a shit eye for talent.  Good thing he’s got us to do something with the unhirables.  Shame for her he fucked up, after all.  I don’t think he meant to send her here, even if he did think she was a washout in the biz.  She’s not smart enough to care, anymore, anyway.  At least she’ll be good for the economy as a milk cow.  Yeah, sucks that such a hot chick-ha, get it?  Chick?  Had to be so braindead and unless in front of a stage, but with that fat ass she’ll surely pump out plenty of calves and give milk for days!”


“Yeah, now she’s just a dumb-ah, fuck!” the man yelled out at the sight of Goldie’s raised tail and the piles of manure that were being dumped in the space right where he had stepped.  He pulled back suddenly, shaking his shoe and trying to rid his nose of the pungent mess.


Goldie, or the cow that had become of her, did not care about any of this, however.  Cow in mind as well as body, Goldie finished relieving her bowels, subconsciously swishing her tail to remove the irritation.  Yet, her only thoughts were that her vulva was filled with cum, and her sex was satisfied for the moment as she was led into a truck of her fellows and towards a farming operation and her new life.