Satisfied Customers

They’d stumbled upon the device quite by happenstance. Sam and Dan had been attending biweekly couples counseling in hopes to aid their struggling marriage. The primary issue was simple. The spark that had ignited their passion had been slowly vanishing. Endless hours of work and stress and bills had taken away those aspects that had drawn them together in the first place. Neither had time for the firey lovemaking that had once been the cornerstone of their dating lives. Now it was rare for them to make love more than once a month. 


It was so hard for either to fathom a lifestyle change that could make ends meet and provide the sexual stimulation their marriage so desperately craved. Neither Samantha nor Dan had any desire to end the marriage. But neither could keep going the way things were.


Worse, their therapy was going nowhere. Their counselor was patient and understanding. But it was clear she had noticed the length of their struggle and was becoming increasingly unable to offer a viable solution. They’d discussed seeing another practitioner but quickly shot it down, thinking it ultimately futile. Their hope abated as the weeks wore on. 


That night, they’d left the clinic after one such session, hardly saying a word to each other as they got into Dan’s 6-year-old jeep. A heavy air of defeat hung over them, a resignation that they’d have no choice but to struggle forward on the same path. They were both so tired. So tired of the rat race, of the expectations and turmoil that pulled them further away from the one thing that had been good and pure in their lives. 


To his surprise, a strange shape on the dashboard caught Dan’s eye. It was a device of some kind, in a box addressed to the couple. It hadn’t been there when they’d entered the clinic, they were certain.  Dan picked it up for a closer look. It was small, compact, yet had no discernable buttons or triggers of any kind.


A slip of paper caught his fingers, and Dan examined it carefully before reading it aloud to his wife. ‘To the new owners of this device. A multitude of pleasures await. Through a combination of science and magic, your deepest physical fantasies are now possible. Simply speak your desired change out loud and this device will mold your form to suit what your mind craves most. The change cannot be stopped or altered once it has begun, to lessen the chance of self-injury. The alternations you desire will dissipate after a full day and night have passed, or until your needs have been fully satisifed with your partner. Do enjoy its use while it remains in your possession.’


“What the hell?” Sam responded to the strangely crafted writing. The words made no sense. What kinds of desires was it referring to? Would they get rich just by telling the machine to do so? Though, such claims were clearly bullshit, regardless. 


They went home in silence, the written words fresh on each of their minds. It wasn’t possible, was it? Surely not. But why had they received it in the first place? Who would have left it there for them in plain view, knowing they were desperate for any kind of marital help? 


Just for fun, they played around with it, asking for wealth and riches with no effect. They sighed, feeling silly for even thinking the device was legit for even a second. Such was likely a testament to how much they wished for a solution to their issues, even a fictitious one. 


Still, Dan mulled it over a little more. The instructions implied that perhaps the pleasures it granted stemmed from their sexual desires, whether internal or for each other. Dan made a joking wish for his wife to have larger breasts, a notion that offended her greatly, causing her to leave the room in anger. 


Yet, an insistent tingling in Sam’s breasts made her pause. She stared down at her breasts in shock as the flesh began to balloon outwards. Angrily, she bounded back into the room, demanding he explain the increase of her fairly pert B cup to a double D.


Dan was stunned, yet quickly aroused by the sight of the body his wife now possessed. Sam regarded his erect member with disdain when the perfect revenge came to mind. She grabbed the box off the table in a swift motion, wishing Dan sported a larger cock. He cried out in protest, only to feel the same tingling engulf his already erect member. Quickly unzipping his pants, Dan stared in wonder, modest 5-inch penis expanding, rapidly doubling in size much to his and his wife’s amusement.


Eager and surprisingly horny, Sam grabbed his thick rod, taking it eagerly into her mouth. Dan responded by grabbing her much larger breasts, playing with her nipples as his girthy cock erupted in her mouth. His massive load dripped out past her lips as she smiled, taking as much as she could down her throat. It was all too reminiscent of their early days together, save the foreign assets. They absolutely loved it. 


They came several more times that night until both could take no more, physically spent. At that realization, the changes rescinded, returning them to their previous physiologies. Sam regarded her modest B cup breasts with disappointment while Dan sadly held his flaccid 3-inch shaft. Yet they were both glowing with the excitement from what had transpired, of what potential it held. A universe of possibilities was at their fingertips.


Without a second thought, they grabbed the box again, blurting out their next wishes to be granted. Nothing happened. Disappointed for a moment, they reflected on it, thinking perhaps they misread the instructions. It seemed the device’s energy was spent for the day, or, at least, they were. Still, they were satisfied for the time being. They went to bed together, wrapped in each other’s embrace, sleeping more soundly than they had in months. 


Each night for the next week they spend hours experimenting with the device’s possibilities. Each touch to the machine turned another one of their once-secret fantasies into reality. At first, it was only the familiar growth of male and female parts they’d indulged in. But as the nights went on they became more adventurous in their play. Sensitivity and erogenous zones were amplified tenfold as Sam and Dan exploded night after night in pleasure. It rekindled the passion that they’d so recently lacked, reminiscent of those first times exploring each other as though they were 18 again. They could have each other match all the physical aspects that aroused them, yet maintain the years of intimate knowledge gained with experience. It was all they could have hoped for and more. 


One night Dan popped the question that had been on his mind ever since the device came into their lives, yet had been afraid to voice up until now. “Would you be interested in trying something more…exotic? I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a cock the size of a horse…” 


Sam stared wordlessly at her husband’s absurd suggestion. Was he being serious? Yet the more she dwelt on it, the more the notion excited her. She’d have to make adjustments to herself to take such a thing. But it would still be her husband and wouldn’t count as bestiality. And, with all they had done so far, what was there to lose? So, she finally agreed and went off to perform her pre-session shower routine.


Dan picked up the box, thinking the phrase ‘hung like a horse’ feeling a little nervous as he did so. Could his wife take such a shaft? Yet, the thought of using a thick virile horse shaft to mate his wife was powerfully arousing. His underwear was strained from the thought. 


Just then, an odd tingling overcame him, as though the device’s magic had started to take effect. That was impossible, wasn’t it? He hadn’t made a wish out loud, the usual trigger for the box to work. Yet somehow the effects of the device were spreading thought out his body. Ready to experience the changes, he braced himself, waiting to feel the now familiar blooming of his dick expanding. It never came. Certainly, the tingling was centered on his crotch. Yet nothing pressed against his underwear, nothing signaled the growth of his junk to equine proportions.


Confused, Dan pulled his drawers down, desperate to view the transformation. What he saw filled him with dread. His cock head was shrinking inside him, his groin forming a distinctive slit. His cock head looked like it was shrinking to be nestled in a small crevasse, looking more like his wife’s anatomy than his own.


Despite never having wanted to experience things from the opposite sex, Dan felt he had to touch it. The remnants of his former maleness still sent shivers down his spine at the contact. In some ways, the little nub of flesh was even more sensitive than it had been only moments before as a penis. His slit grew longer, dampening with juices as he barely resisted to urge to further play with his sensitive new organ. It felt wet, moist, needy, the arousal like nothing he’d ever experienced. The need to cum was still there but with it was a deeper desire to be penetrated and filled. He wanted so much to touch his changing flesh, to run his fingers into the moist center and play with the tiny bulb of flesh that held so much promise. 


Yet, Dan quickly became aware the changes weren’t limited to his groin. An insistent itching around his thighs signaled the growth of a fine coat of deep brown hair. He reached down to touch it, shocked at how warm his thigh was, how course the fur was and how rough his skin felt beneath it. A closer examination revealed the leathery skin steadily spreading down his leg and up to his stomach as they both swelled and expanded with muscle. He felt warm all over as his body tingled, mercifully not in pain from the bizarre transformation. 


A sudden ache in his tail bone had him bent over as something above his ass pressed up against the fabric of his underwear. Dan pulled them down all the way, feeling a strange protrusion that certainly hadn’t been there before. The bulge stretched and grew in front of his eyes, itching fiercely as hundreds of coarse hairs broke through the surface of the gooseflesh and raced towards the floor. Within moments he swished his newly grown horse’s tail as its hairs tickled the backs of his leg. They uncomfortably brushed against his blackened anus, which had pushed out slightly as his hips and thighs expanded to match his growing form. 


It just now occurred to him that he was changing into a horse. A full horse, not just a human with equine genitalia. How was that possible? The device was only supposed to grant wishes spoken aloud. He hadn’t asked for this! Had the device somehow read his wants from repeated usage and granted a desire he hadn’t even known he had?!


Still, the sensations coming from his needy mare’s cunt were extraordinary, he had to admit. Everything he’d used the device for these past few weeks paled in comparison. Yet it was not enough to alleviate his panic. He didn’t want to be an animal! And a female too! Were the changes even reversible to this degree?


Just then, Sam came into the room, dropping her towel at the sight of her partially transformed husband thrashing wildly as he continued to grow and change. His hind legs had begun to grow longer, his big toe inflating while the rest shrank vestigially into his upper leg. Meanwhile, his chest began rapidly expanding, barreling out and causing his shoulders to begin rotating forward. His fingers were shrinking up the length of his wrists, with the exception of his middle finger, which had begun to balloon outwards impossibly large. Within moments, the nail on his middle toe had encompassed the width of the solitary digit. It continued rapidly inflating as though having filled with water and quickly approached the diameter of his shifting foreleg. 


“I’m turning into a fucceighinng mare!” Dan yelled, feeling his spine stretch and leaving him hunched over and well on his way to all fours.


A heavy musk hit his nostrils, the rank stench of horse sweat emanating from Dan’s changing body coupled with the scent of his mare’s need threatened to overwhelm them both in the tiny space. 


“I’m gonna be a fuckiighting mare until I cum! I have to stay like this two days otiigthhtwise!” He yelled, each syllable drawing out in a distinctive horse-like whinny. Even in his panic, Dan recalled the prerequisite of the device, how it would reverse him eventually but not after some time passed. Unless, of course, he was sexually satisfied within that time…


By now, his nostrils had expanded, looking out of place on his otherwise human head. His hair was growing past his forehead, thick and heavy. In minutes he’d put on several hundred pounds of muscle and he was clearly still growing.  A sudden snap of his hips signaled that his current four-legged stature was permanent. 


“How did this happen? Did you wish for this?” Sam asked, panic turning slowly to confusion and eventually humor. Despite her husband’s distressed state, she found the entire situation hilarious. There wasn’t likely to be any lasting damage after all. So far, the device had always reversed the changes once they’d finished their fun.


Still, without an answer, she was left to contemplate the situation. Could Dan have actually wanted this? If so, what was she to do? A devilish idea crept into her mind. Initially, she would have thought it repulsive but eventually, the notion excited her. After all, there was only one way to satisfy a mare the size that her husband had transformed into…


Meanwhile, Dan kicked the bed frame in frustration with his newly developed hind hooves. He was so damn horny. Desperately rubbing his hindquarters against the bed frame hoping to bring some comfort to his aching cunt lips yielded no reprieve. Sam laughed at the sight. Dan was so needy and desperate. It was almost comical if she didn’t feel kind of bad for him.


Still, she couldn’t leave him this way. He’d destroy the bedroom in a fit and there was no way to contain a fully-grown mare in such a small space. Sam picked up the device, mulling over the possibilities in her mind. She could only change herself, of course, and thus that left only one logical outcome. The thought of taming his lust, using her own thick member to drive deep into Dan’s new folds was powerfully arousing in ways she hadn’t ever fathomed. What would it be like to have sex from the other end?


In the end, she simply wished in her mind that she be transformed into Dan’s perfect mate, figuring that would be sufficient. At once she felt the familiar tingling in her crotch that signaled the onset of change. This sensation, however, was entirely new to her. Something deep in her loins prepared to enlarge, expand, surge forth from the erotic sight of her husband’s mare vagina. She had no idea why she was so instantly aroused. Perhaps it was a side effect of the device’s wish-granting properties. She had wished for her husband’s greatest desire, likely triggering a mental transition to make her more suited to that task. 


“Whheieeight are you dooeeeinghing?” Dan asked, staring as his wife’s slit oozed fluids and a strange growth surged outward. Her clitoris ballooned out, reminding him of his own transition, though in reverse. He gazed on, fascinated as the tip expanded, a flattened head rapidly taking form. Her slit began to close as a fleshy growth took shape underneath the former human vaginal opening, rapidly expanding to support the girthy shaft.


Her new phallus surged forth, aching to be touched. The sensation left her dizzy as blood raced to fuel the engorged organ, her body as of yet too small to supply such a need. The tip leaked precum copiously, thicker than she’d ever experienced from her husband’s body. Her hips were expanding, better able to support the weight of her changing shaft as it hung awkwardly. A rapidly ballooning stomach barreled outwards, thick with blackening horseflesh. A brief ache in her backside signaled the growth of her horse’s tail. Within moments the connections in her brain had solidified enough that she could move the appendage as though she was born with it, its long thick hair tickling the skin of her blackening anus. 


Soon, a powerful scent filled the room, pungent to Dan’s stretching equine nose. He could smell his wife’s arousal so clearly, overriding every other stimulus. A simultaneous surge in his own groin responded to his wife’s need, his mare cunt dripping onto the carpet floor. His blackened vagina winked with need, opening and closing as it smelled of his heat. He had to have her, have that massive shaft lodged deep in his new folds. Yet, he fought desperately against the sensations. He didn’t want to be on the receiving end for the first time, thinking it was a means to strip away his masculinity. However, the more he tried to resist, a new equine center of his brain desperately craved the contact of his wife’s developing horse shaft on his cunt lips. It was unlikely he’d last long under the onslaught of hormones his changing body produced. 


Sam’s changes came faster than Dan’s, perhaps because she forcibly willed herself to change to meet his needs. She leaned over, falling slowly on all fours as her spine realigned. Her middle digits had bulged outwards, expanding and hardening into new hooves necessary to hold her weight. By now, her massive horse cock brushed the carpet, precum leaking into the fabric. Waves of pleasure radiated from her dick as a warm cocoon began to envelop it. It soon became attached to her heated stallion’s belly, rising her taut member level with that of her husband’s new cunt. Her nostrils expanded, drinking in the scents wafting from Dan’s sopping cunt while her jaw pressed forward, ears crawling up her head as thick hair stretched in-between and down her elongating neck. 


Still, Dan’s own changes were nearing completion. His new hardened horse hooves had expanded to better support the massive weight of his ballooning body. His temples ached as his entire head stretched and groaned, vision blurring as his now large equine eyes were pushed apart by his expanding visage, giving him a view of nearly the entire room. Their irises extended into slits, giving no indication that he had been anything other than the mare that stood in his place. 


“You smell so fueeeeighting good!” Sam cried, voice deepening as her neck expanded to accommodate her changing body. She moved behind him, massive snout blowing hot air into Dan’s mare vagina. The sensation made him quiver in pleasure as his darkened cunt opened and closed, signaling his readiness to breed. 


Dan couldn’t take it anymore. He needed his wife inside him, more powerfully than even air or water. He raised his ass in her face as close as he could, wanting desperately to be mounted, fucked, and bred by the magnificent stallion that had moments ago been his very human and female wife. 


In response, Sam aimed her growing cock tip toward the mare’s fully exposed vulva. Dan lifted his tail, shocked as his body let out a reflexive squint of urine onto the bedroom carpet. Momentarily embarrassed by the unintended action, he quickly felt relieved as his wife’s forehooves pressed against his flanks, gaining a foothold in his body. Firmly in place, she attempted to spear his needy vagina with her massive mottled horse cock. It bounced uselessly off his flanks as she struggled to maneuver her unfamiliar body, leaving both horses frustrated with sexual desire. 


Desperate, Dan pushed into the taut shaft, finally feeling it catch on his underside and lift upwards, penetrating his moist needy flesh and opening him up fully. He cried out, a distinctive horse whinny as every inch of his being curved around the magnificent horse cock that had buried itself deep in his loins. He could feel every vein, every ridge of his wife’s taut member as it entered him. Sam’s heavy horse balls slapped repeatedly against his backside, aiding in the buildup of pleasure. 


He was so close. The onset of his first female organism brought with it so much foreign sensation, yet remained somewhat familiar. It threatened to crash over him like a tidal wave, engulfing every fiber being with the intense sensations welling up from his loins.


“Oh yes, I’m cummmmeigghhhh!” Dan cried, voice heavy and thick as his face steadily pushed out the rest of the way to its final equine length. Waves and waves of pleasure overcame him as his vision whited out from the onslaught of sensation. Every fiber of his being burned with an electric tingle, making him feel more alive, fulfilled. He felt complete, inside and out, in a way he’d never dreamed possible, and the future was suddenly rife with new possibilities. 


As he came down from his orgasmic high, he could feel his wife’s massive horse member begin to pulse and writhe in his cunt, as though begging for its own release. The thought of how much pleasure he gave her, the notion of being filled by such a magnificent shaft, and the lingering feeling from his last orgasm were enough to start bringing him close once more.


Sam could no longer speak, uttering only a series of equine whickers and snorts as her stallion body drew ever closer to climax. The sensations welling up from her horse cock were indescribable. She felt an urgency like never before, to spill her seed in this gorgeous mare’s pussy and claim it as her own. Her massive balls filled as they swelled with thick virile stallion seed, preparing to release their pent-up load.


Finally, the intensity was too much and Sam lost control, thrusting hard into her husband as waves and waves of pleasure stemmed out from her erect horse cock. A flood of semen surged up from her loins and filled Dan’s mare-hood as Sam neighed in triumph at her conquest. Dan, too, was overtaken by his second equine orgasm of the night, body convulsing in ecstasy as both partners whickered and shook from the all-consuming sensations. 


Eventually, Sam shuddered and dismounted, fully the stallion as she nipped at her mate’s neck. Dan loved the sensual feeling of Sam’s warm body against his own and the gentle brush of her lips against his neck. His slit oozed semen, dripping in a puddle behind him on the floor. The sensation left Dan filled, content, and satisfied in a way he’d never thought possible. He stood awash in ecstasy waiting to resume his human form.


It never came. Confused, Dan waited for a few moments to feel the familiar tingling of the device’s magic rescinding. Nothing. 


Still, not too concerned, he allowed himself a moment to feel his new body, really absorb the sensation of being an entirely non-human animal. He was massive, likely small by horse standards but still thick and heavy, especially in the small confining bedroom. He was thankful they lived in a house; the sounds of their lovemaking would surely have disturbed any neighbors in an apartment complex that could easily overhear. 


The sensations rippling across his equine body were amazing. The most intense came from his still oozing mare cunt, providing tremors of pleasure even as thick horse semen dripped from his stretched lips. His hooves felt oddly numb, firmly carrying his massive bulk on the carpeted floor. He had a minor awareness of the softness of the material underneath them, its warmth, but nothing more. He swished his tail a few times, loving the strange appendage, how it felt brushing against his legs and his exposed ass. 


Better yet, he could smell and hear so much stronger than from his human senses. The most relevant odors wafted up from the panting stallion beside him. She had begun pacing the tiny room restlessly, semi-erect member waving back and forth as her hoofbeats softly crinkled the carpet. He could smell his own strong scent, sweat and urine and lust, pungent, though not as offensive to his senses as when he’d been in the midst of transformation. 


He suddenly familiar a rising of lust, the thick scent of their mating awakening another round of arousal. Dan then knew why they remained horses. The device’s magic would only revert them once their lusts had been fully satisfied. With the energy flowing from his recently transformed body, he felt he could go all night. Sam evidently felt the same; her thick horse phallus had already crept back out from its sheath, ready to take the needy mare once more. Dan was more than happy to oblige. He raised his tail, eagerly awaiting the sensation of Sam’s cock filling him once more. 


Sam, while eager to mount her husband turned mare once again, wanted this second session to be more special. It was likely they’d be at each other’s whims for hours to come from equine stamina, and Sam had every intention of teaching her husband the joys of the feminine sex. And perhaps give him some pointers for when we return to our proper genders, she thought, using her massive horse tongue to lick her husband’s cunt with gusto. 


Dan whinnied and pawed at the carpet as his wife’s ministrations sent shock after shock through his sensitive sex. He hadn’t known the sensation of oral could be so phenomenal from the opposite perspective. Yet far too quickly he felt the enticing build-up that signaled the onset of another glorious equine orgasm. She was going to bring him all the way without even fucking him!


He whinnied and neighed in thanks as he came, vision whiting as pulses of orgasmic pleasure shot through his massive bulk. He once again came down from the pleasurable high, eager for more from his new body. Sam was clearly prepared to oblige as Dan once again felt the weight of his wife’s hooves on his flanks. She much more easily lined up her throbbing cock with Dan’s waiting vagina this time. Dan’s eager sex quickly engulfed it, eager to be fucked once more with his powerfully aroused mare’s body.  


Their counselor smiled at the sounds of neighing and whinnies of joy easily heard from outside the house. Another pair of satisfied customers. She planned to tell them the device was of her own design, a way to let couples find true release and revel in each other by allowing their deepest desires and fantasies to come to the surface. After they’d paid for several months of sessions, of course. She still had a business to maintain, after all. And satisfied clients made excellent publicity.