The Watch Pt 2

I couldn’t believe this was finally happening. All my patience, planning, and preparation had finally paid off. I was once again about to don the device that had granted my wildest dreams. 


I had been a little depressed the past few months, staring longingly at the object from a distance. The alien device with the combined DNA of thousands of possibly extra-terrestrial species. We had no way of knowing how their DNA was collected or if they came from one world or from many. We had no way to know who had built the device. What we did know was that when activated by coming into contact with one’s wrist, it had the ability to temporarily change the wearer into one of the myriads of creatures contained within its circuits. 


I had stolen the device for one night some months ago to test its abilities. When I donned it I was turned into two alien creatures, one an amphibian and one a plant-based organism. It had been the best night of my life. I had always longed to transform into a different body and here was a device made with that singular purpose in mind!


Yet, I dared not try and take it again, lest I be caught and fired. Security had been increased since my attempt, though for unrelated reasons. Although I worked on our project studying the device, it was just out of arm’s reach, both literally and figuratively. 


We had learned very little as a group about the inner workings of the device over the past few months. I had discerned far more during my brief excursion but could not tell anyone. For example, the device had a time limit of about two hours. The device did not radically alter the mental facilities of the wearer. And the device seemed to heighten the arousal of the participant. Well, that last part was hard to tell. I had always been powerfully aroused by the idea of transformation, so perhaps the lust was in my own mind. 


We did, however, learn a few things that even I had not discovered. For example, the device only worked on primate species, like chimps, that shared a close relation to humans. It failed to activate on a variety of species, including canines, felines, and even marine mammals. Also, there was apparently no way to select the species. We got a random alien species each time, from insects to creatures that seemed to be made out of elemental materials. After one such alien burned down a good portion of our building’s east wing, we decided it was unsafe to use chimps as test species. 


And so, I, along with the rest of our staff, was relegated to simple data entry while the device sat in storage. It was no secret that my mood decreased over a very short period of time. I did my best to hide it, but it was hard getting through my day, knowing my life’s dream was just out of reach. 


But all that changed when we were granted approval to begin human trials. The higher-ups were determined to learn as much as they could and it was paramount that someone in our organization would be one of those to change. Naturally, I’d put my name forward, and passed all the needed physical and psychological profiles. I’d never been in the best shape but I think being an alien those first times helped improve my physique.


So there I was, in an artificial habitat, awaiting access to the object of my greatest desires. I was clad in only undergarments to protect my modesty, at least until I’d changed. It was exciting, it was terrifying, all at the same time. What was I to become this time?


The chamber I was in had been set up to replicate a number of habitats. It was a massive space in the facility, the combination of a few separate gyms and storage rooms that had been slowly turned into this research structure since the discovery of transformative technology. There was a massive race track around the edges along with various fake trees and climbing gear was strewn around to test the physical capabilities of whatever form I’d become. In the middle was a fair-sized swimming pool, lest the body was exclusively aquatic.


The atmospheric composition could be quickly changed lest earth’s natural atmosphere prove lethal to whatever being I was to become. This was the greatest concern, though as of yet none of the chimps had turned into species that were unable to cope with the conditions on earth. Perhaps it was a symptom of whatever method was used to acquire this DNA database, or perhaps it was simply a coincidence of the dozen forms that we’d seen thus far. 


I would be trying two different forms, assuming all things went well. I was certain they would, having been two forms already myself. But, I allowed my team all the safeguards they deemed necessary for this ‘first’ human trial. It was time-consuming, but the wait only served to enhance my excitement and lust. I was going to change once more! It was everything I’d ever wanted since that first night.


“Everything good on your end, Colin?” I was asked through an intercom. I simply smiled and nodded my head. I felt my cock tent in my undergarments at the thought. I was thankful the test animals had shown signs of masturbatory behaviors when changing. It made me excited that I could ‘give in’ to the urges my human mind would get from the changes and not be too ashamed. 


At last, the device was placed into the chamber with me, and I picked it up and placed it on my wrist as I had done that night all those months ago. As before, the device whirled to life and transformed into a watch that clamped itself to my wrists. The images on the watch flashed too quickly for me to make out the form before the device shot out the now-familiar twinge that indicated the alien’s DNA was surging through my form.


An orange shade began spreading across my skin as all my hair fell out around the area. The skin began to bubble and thicken, and as I touched it, I quickly realized how hard it was, almost like armor.  I stared in fascination as the orange skin began to spread down my hand and the bones snapped as my fingers shortened. My thumbs were the greatest affected. They retracted up my arm as the bones and muscle snapped and the retreating digits slid up my wrists and into my hands, leaving nothing but a dewclaw. 


I stared as the fingers on both hands grew shorter while my nails grew longer and thicker. The claws were not as sharp as I might have expected, but powerful nonetheless. My fingers were so short I could barely move them as my entire hand grew as thick and large as a dinner plate. They looked like massive canine paws!


“How are you feeling?” one of my colleagues asked over the intercom. I realized it would be a little strange if I wasn’t shocked by the sensations. Any sane person would be traumatized by such a thing, after all.  


“It’s…umm…it’s alright,” I replied, somewhat lamely. “The sensations are running through my body. It’s…strange, to say the least,” I added, hoping to appease them somewhat. I had no idea how they would expect someone ‘normal’ to react to such a transformation. I just stared dutifully at the changes to make a record and focus on the task I’d been given. 


I watched as the changes spread up my arms, the same thick armor-like skin forming as the muscles in my arms grew thick and massive. I could feel my shoulders sloping forward as my chest began to thicken and bulge outwards. My forearms thickened with more of the hardy orange skin as the patterns began forming scaled plates like heavy armor. There was a light covering of orange fur spreading along the skin as well, I noticed. I could feel my belly grow flat as my spine began to expand and I hunched over, expecting to soon end up on all fours. I did not seem to possess a tail or anything of the sort, though the changes were not yet complete so it was difficult to say. 


My legs followed suit, my toes shrinking and my toenails becoming that same thickening, hardened flesh. My four toes grew thick and short while my big toe shrank and crawled up my foot as my thumbs had.  My heels stretched out while my feet grew wider and the soles became calloused with that hard orange flesh. My hips snapped and fell into the flanks of my flattening stomach and I fell forward onto the floor of the chamber.


It was hard not to grin as I found myself growing excited. Being a werewolf had always been an early fantasy of mine. This wasn’t quite the same but it was still close. I felt my body growing larger as my shoulders sank into the flesh of my chest and my neck started to thicken a little. I was becoming a massive beast indeed!


My hips had expanded beyond the limits of my modest coverings and with a snap, they came off my expanding frame. I felt a little embarrassed as my cock began to spring to life underneath me. I couldn’t help it. My new body was so damn sexy! I could feel a bit of skin growing over my cock as the tip began to grow more pointed. I desperately wanted to look at it but I couldn’t see it from this angle.


I could feel my balls retreating into my groin somewhat, likely becoming protected in my hide, much as the aquatic form I had taken on had become. Likewise, the sheath covering my reddening cock began attaching to my flattened stomach, likely to safeguard it during normal functioning. Yet I could still feel it getting longer and sliding out of its new form, growing far beyond the length of my normal human penis. I figured it needed to be that long for the species’ mating. 


Lost in the familiar shapes of the body I was growing into, I found myself curious as to the convergent evolution of life forms on other planets. Surely we couldn’t be genetically related, but as far as I knew my changing features did in many ways resemble the body structures of earth’s canines. It would be an experience all on its own to become one of these creatures on the alien planet of its origin. But of course, we lacked the technology for that. 


I could feel my neck expanding in relation to the rest of my body, getting massive as the contours of my face began to stretch along with my neck. That same thick orange skin and light fuzz grew all over my neck, completing the look. A few long slits open up along the edges of my neck, something that almost felt like gills. But wait, that couldn’t be right, could it? I had no other aquatic features. Could this form breathe underwater? However, the slits began filling with air as my own nose closed up. It was a massive rush of air all at once from the three slits on either side of my head. It was like breathing through three separate massive noses!


It was more than that, however. My sense of smell exploded in my mind, easily a hundredfold from what I’d been used to as a human. I shook my head a few times, trying to grow accustomed to the sensory overload I was experiencing. I could smell everything! The scents of all the techs who had been in here, all the dust and machinery, and especially the scents coming off my clothes. I realized in embarrassment that the most alluring scent to my new body was the one wafting off my changing cock!


At last, the changes reached my face. My nose had already begun to dissolve into my face as the orange skin and fur crawled up the rest of my head. I could feel my jaw crack forward as my mouth grew bigger and my gasping maw grew wider, thicker. I could see my lips blackening and thickening as my teeth grew massive, thick slabs likely for crushing and grinding. My tongue grew fat in my mouth, matching the size of my ever-growing jaw. My teeth continued to bulge out, sticking out of my growing lips almost like a mini pair of tusks. My hair fell away, replaced by my thick carapace and light orange fuzz 


By now, my ears had dissolved into tiny holes at either side of my head. Yet even without external appendages, my hearing had never been better. In fact, as I focused, I realized I could hear conversations occurring outside my habitat, curious discussions of my transformation. With a bit of embarrassment, I realized that I was being mocked about my rather animalistic erection. Oh well. Such things would soon be irrelevant once I got to please myself the way my new body craved. 


All of a sudden, my eyes went dark, my eyelids closing over them and sealing the space up as the entire structure dissolved away. I nearly cried out from the shock. I couldn’t see at all! I shook my head wildly, frightened by the sudden onset of sensory deprivation. Why was the creature blind? I heard voices on the intercom but I was too terrified of what had happened. I was a creature of sight and to have that suddenly robbed from me was bone-chilling!


As I flailed about I realized that my gill slits were opening and closing in rapid succession. I stood still, letting my body take in its surroundings. I couldn’t see, but the scents and sounds that made up the room were coming in so much more clear than before. I recalled instances of sensory deprivation where individuals deprived of one sense experienced a drastic increase in the others to compensate. That’s not what was happening here, not exactly anyway. It was as though my body was never meant to perceive the world through sight.


The change was done. I was a massive beast, easily the size of a rhino, though covered in wiry orange hair and a body more reminiscent of a canine, some kind of wild mutt, or something. I easily weighted tons now. I felt powerful, stronger, and faster than even the other alien forms I’d experienced thus far. 


My cock was demanding attention all this time. The sensations emanating from my crotch were most insistent, and I could hardly resist the scent as I sat down on my ass and raised my hind leg to expose my throbbing canine member. Bending my head a little, I wondered if I could actually attend to my leaking cock in such a fashion. Did my form have the ability to suck myself off? And, more to the point, could I actually do such a thing? From the cravings in my cock, it seemed as though the decision was about to be taken out of my paws. I lowered my head, scenting how close I was getting to my prize. 


“Colin, are you alright? What are you doing?” My colleagues asked me on the intercom. I took a brief moment to nod in acknowledgment, lacking the ability to speak in any meaningful way. But it was all I could do to hold back from the demanding pressure in my crotch. 


I reached down with my massive jaws, sniffing the leaking tip so close to my muzzle. Mt tongue stretched out experimentally to taste it, the sensation sending shivers of pleasure through my massive frame. I’d never felt anything like this, and it was amazing! 


My tongue wrapped it around the tip as I brought it closer and closer to my surprisingly pliable lips. I began to pull my cock back and forth rhythmically, a little off-put by the flavor, though I soon became accustomed to it. 


I can’t say that the sensations were better than the sexual encounters I had in my other alien forms. They were different, to be sure. But each form had its own exquisite pleasures unique to it. To each body, the sexual release was both necessary and amazing in its own right. Part of me looked forward to the other forms I would eventually experience but mostly I was currently enraptured in the body I had in the here and now. 


I sucked and pulled on my massive rod, stimulating the entirety of my shaft and feeling my massive balls throbbing within their protective covering. I was somewhat interested in the fact that my shaft did not contain a canine knot or bulge at the base. I was soon far too enamored by the intense sensations welling up in my cock to care, however. 


I wasn’t going to last much longer, and I didn’t want to. I grunted and growled as I felt my cock shoot spurt after spurt of thick spunk deep into my waiting maw. I was put off by the taste a little at first, but the sensation of pleasure soon overrode any disgust I had from the flavor. Besides, it wasn’t that bad, and the sensation of fully emptying my massive balls was immensely satisfying. 


To my chagrin, I heard groans of disgust on the intercom from my colleagues but I paid them little mind. None of them had been in the form I was in. None of them had the right to judge my need. For all we knew, each of these aliens was hypersexual in their own bodies. Though more likely, the change did elicit a feeling of arousal from simply experiencing a new shape. 


Shortly after I came down from my mammoth orgasm, my superiors decided it was time to begin the series of tests that had been ordered. I nodded, my needs quelled for the moment. First, someone came down to take a sample of my blood. I stood still, my instincts not bothered by the presence of another creature that close to me. 


We then began a series of trials to learn the extent of my new physiology. I was given a choice of meals and was immediately drawn to meat, as I expected. I greedily devoured the flesh provided me, though my body was not nearly satisfied by such a low quantity. My team came through for me and came back with a mountain of raw meat which I devoured in mere moments, finally full and content. 


Next came the tests of my physical abilities. My body felt restless like it wanted to run, to explode with power. I wiggled my ass, judging the distance as I leaped into the air, my massive nails scratching on the 30ft edges of the habitat, startling all the onlookers. The look on their faces would be priceless if I could still see! 


We had nothing to test my strength here, nothing that could fully withstand the power I felt in my body, at least. I was sure I could rip out the walls if I wanted to and break out of here. But. despite the urge to show off my strength, I thought better of it. The wanton destruction wasn’t really necessary, after all. I decided to run instead, taking off across the edges of the habitat at lightning speeds. I’m sure the research team was shocked by the speed at which I moved. In their defense, so was I. I must have run for 45 minutes straight before I was instructed to cease for other tests.  


The most interesting aspect of my new body was my ability to ‘see’ using a combination of my new senses. The area was lit up to me in a vivid map of scent and smells. I began scenting, trying to identify every particle of my surroundings. Some smaller samples of meat were quickly hidden around the habitat, and we made it a game of sorts to see how fast I could find them. I found every one of them, naturally. Some scent containers were also placed, some with nearly sterile outer cases, and yet again I was able to track them. 


Before I could be informed on the next round of testing a familiar tingle in my body indicated my time was up. I figured it was time to show them what I’d already known as I stood there and waited to change back. After a few minutes, I was very human and very naked in the middle of the chamber with the device at my feet. I covered myself and waved up at the onlookers, my face blushing red. I was healthy enough for someone in my 30’s but nothing particularly impressive. There was a bench with some clothes near the entrance but I figured there was no need as I was planning to quickly change again. 


The familiar voice on the intercom asked “Ready to go again?” I gave a shaky ‘thumbs up’ as I carefully bent down to retrieve the device. I’m sure that no one on the team cared about seeing my nudity. I didn’t have any pride left after my earlier sexual display. 


I once again donned the device as it wrapped around my arm like a watch and clicked on. An image of an alien creature sped by too fast for my mind to process. This time I swore I could see something bipedal but it was impossible to tell before the device whirled to life and began my next transformation. 


This time a sheen of light blue skin began crawling up my arm towards my elbow, the entire diameter of my arm thinning, though no less powerful than it had been. As the changing skin reached my elbow I felt the bones jutting out into a jagged edge, almost like a sort of blade. I could tell it wasn’t very sharp already, and I doubted it was useful as a weapon. 


The blue skin continued up my arm and across my shoulders as they, too, began to thin. I could feel muscle underneath, but it was lithe, streamlined. The same musculature began to spread down across my chest and stomach, as my body thinned and flattened. 


My fingers grew out slightly, that same blue flesh covering them as my nails began to darken and thicken, extending into what looked like claws. They weren’t exactly sharp, and much like my elbows, I doubted they had any purpose towards defense or hunting. My pinky and ring fingers began to fuse together, as did my middle and index fingers. I flexed my new digits experimentally, feeling a wide range of motion from my fingers. I assumed I was becoming some sort of sentient creature this time, which excited me. 


The blue skin continued to spread down my chest as my streamlined body formed powerful tightly packed muscles. My skin felt smooth, save for the thin muscle underneath. They were vibrating with anticipation, almost as though they didn’t like to stand still. The more I changed, the more…hyper I felt. Weren’t there things I could be doing? It was strange, the changes hadn’t moved up to my head yet and already I could feel the stirrings of need from my body. It wasn’t instinct. It was as though my very physiology refused to sit still!


I felt my spine extend as something wriggled at the base. I craned my neck to look back at what appeared to be a lengthening tail. It was thicker at the base as it stretched out, longer than my torso and still growing! It was the first time I’d ever experienced what it felt like to have a tail. I excitedly wagged it back and forth, watching as the blue skin spread down to the pointed tip and thick black rings of the same smooth skin formed down the length. I had five such rings in total adorning my massive tail.


Hunched over a little from the feeling of the massive tail behind me, I began to get a mental image of the body I was developing. I almost looked a little like an artist’s rendition of a velociraptor, though I wasn’t exactly a predator, not really. And the form lacked any other distinctive features, like clawed feet or feathers or a predatory snout. Again, I marveled at the level of convergent evolution that these alien forms seemed to share with earth creatures. 


The smooth bluish skin spread down my legs as tightly packed muscle formed over my limbs. Like my elbows, my knees seemed to extend outwards a little, pointing before bending at an unnatural angle. I could feel my heels begin to stretch back, giving me a digitigrade stance that I was already somewhat accustomed to from previous forms. I could feel my feet thinning and my nails stretching out into claws similar to my feet. The skin spread down my limbs and pooled over my feet, covering me in smooth flesh. 


Something strange began to ooze out of the soles of my feet. I lifted my foot to see a grayish substance spreading and hardening as it grew out of my flesh. Now, this was new. I’d never seen anything like this in anything organic on earth. The gray flesh quickly hardened and rounded until I could swear it was a perfect facsimile of a wheel. Looking down I could see that it was totally fused to my foot. What was strange was that joints and tendons had formed bearings and support around this new structure. Could it actually move on its own? Did this alien race use these for locomotion? 


I nearly fell over as the same gray flesh began to form under my other foot. To my surprise, my massive tail gave me balance. I laughed at the mental image. My entire body was streamlined, made for rapid movement. I looked like a biological inline skater!


At last, my head began to change, the blue skin crawling up my face and causing all my hair to fall out. My lips grew black and my eyes widened. Its mouth, this time, wasn’t that dissimilar from my own mouth, was in some ways was a relief. My skull began to elongate and taper to a point, that same streamlined pattern that I had come to be familiar with from the rest of my physique. I didn’t have any external ears, but my earholes were still present, and I felt no noticeable loss in hearing this time. I had no tapered nose, but I could still breathe from the holes in my skin. 


I felt a strange tingling above my massive eyes, like a new slit or membrane forming. It was as though I had an odd bit of muscle that I could voluntary flex. Moving the muscle, I was stunned to feel something akin to a glass visor slide down over my massive eyes. I reached up to touch it, feeling it was warm, organic, a part of my changed body. To my delight, I discovered that I could retract and expand it at will. I wondered if it was some sort of protection for my eyes when moving at high speeds.


Once again, the changes elicited a twinge of arousal that caused my cock to slide out of my internal anatomy. My literal blue balls had retracted into a slit under my crotch, as my thin, tapering cock stretched slowly out. It was a lighter blue than the rest of me. But what I could not get over was the sheer length! It was well over twelve inches and still creeping longer. I figured that was as long as it could be with its relatively thin shaft. I realized it would have to be this long to properly mate with this body.  It was long, hard, and leaking a strange colored fluid, though the scent wasn’t offensive, at least. 


My brain was buzzing as the changes began to conclude. My thoughts were racing, but at a degree I could perceive. It was difficult to describe. I was thinking, moving, and talking much faster than a human, but as the changes solidified over my form it felt almost normal to be operating at that level. I couldn’t sit still. I needed to move. Well, first after attending to my primary demanding need, of course. 


I took my surprisingly dexterous fingers and began stroking my length. I came a few moments later, but to me, it felt like an eternity. I hadn’t realized it but my hand was moving so fast across my member that I was quickly spurred into orgasm. The quantity wasn’t too much, but my greater sensory awareness allowed the pleasure to slowly wash over me. And just like that, it was over, and I was ready to…what? I felt I had so much to do but had no idea where to start!


I realized my lips and tongue felt almost as they had when they were human. Could I try speaking directly to my colleagues this time? I found, to my surprise, that I could, in fact, speak in this form. I spoke fast, but I could understand the words coming out of my mouth as English. Yet I did not hear a reply. I again asked if they could understand me, and I heard a buzz of static from the intercom, then, nothing. No, wait. There was a drone of a long baritone note. What were they doing? Were they trying to test the limits of my auditory abilities? 


No, that wasn’t it. I began to realize that it was not only my body that was built for speed. It seemed likely that all of my sensory inputs were receiving information far faster than an average human. Everything else seemed slow around me. I watched the readout on a wall clock close slowly, painstakingly ticking past, making minutes seem like hours. I wondered if I’d be able to compensate if I tried. But would that be the best use of my time? I could always report back once I’d changed, after all. 


I decided to put my new abilities to the test. I began running around the track, moving as fast as I could, my neural connections knowing how to use my body. It felt as though I was simply moving at a normal pace. But as I ran I noticed that the track was quickly worn from my wheels, as if they’d been exposed to a massive force. Had I been running that fast? 


Looking around I could see that was not the only destruction that I had caused. All of the trees seemed blown over, tilted as if they had been hit with a hurricane. I had been running fast enough to generate a wind funnel! Later I would find out that I was a mere blur running back and forth, and that they’d wanted to shut down the habitat. I was likely too fast for whatever protocol they had in place anyways. 


Wanting to record as much data as I could for my colleagues, I went to the computer terminal in the far wall, once again amazed by the manual dexterity I possessed. I began typing, imputing all of the data I had on my body. Looking at the clock, it had only taken a fraction of a second. Curious, I wondered for a moment what else I might be able to accomplish with this speed.  


I began logging into the database and proceeded with my workload for the coming few weeks. I was able to get into my account easily enough, only having to bypass several layers of security before being accessing my profile from this terminal. I hadn’t realized it, but my mind had been thinking in overdrive as well. The answers to many of the problems my team had been working on came to me in an instant, and my flying fingers were only halted by the painfully slow processing speed of the computer. 


Soon the two hours were up, and my body resumed its normal human shape. The first thing I became aware of is how painfully slow I was. It was like lead weights had been attached to my legs instead of the wheel-like ball bearings, and I dragged myself painfully up to the chamber door, embarrassed by my slow stature. 


After being applauded for my efforts, I was then rushed into decontamination to be assessed. After several hours to determine there were no ill effects, I was allowed to leave. I, of course, knew better, that there would be no ill effects, but couldn’t say otherwise. No one needed to know about my previous transformations, especially if I wanted to experience more. 


I went home to my bed that night to rest from my amazing day. I tried to sleep but my mind was racing will millions of questions. Not like my tenure as the accelerated creature, of course, but fast enough that I had trouble sorting everything out. 


Would I be able to don the watch again? I felt my cock leaking from the thought. Surely they would have me wear it again as I’d shown them a successful day of researching. Content with that knowledge, I was quickly lulled into blissful sleep, dreaming of the other alien forms that I would soon wear for just a brief amount of time that the watch could bless me with…