29 Apr Letting the Attention go to your Heads

Lisa looked down with trepidation at the glass of liquid with her name on the label. It didn’t matter if she had the right one or not; the nanites within were already pre-tailored to her DNA. Anyone else who drank it would be immune to the transformative effects of the millions of tiny machines. It would be a waste, however, to ingest someone else’s dose. Each nanite algorithm was ridiculously expensive, a hobby reserved for the rich. Despite that, programs for all invitees had been purchased in advance by their generous and wealthy hostess!
Feeling a little self-conscious, Lisa gazed around at the several dozen guests in attendance. Gathered were people wearing superhero costumes, sexy, exposed uniforms of a variety of professions, and the typical, horror-themed make-up that denoted them as zombies, vampires, and witches. All in all, it resembled typical Halloween attire.
It didn’t matter what they were wearing this evening. Soon, each guest would each be given a more realistic appearance than any costume they could conceive of. The specifics were kept secret, but given Christina’s proclivities, Lisa was certain that their chosen forms would not be mundane.
Lisa had known Christina since university, already wealthy from a family with old money. She was always generous with her funds, however, treating her inner clique to parties, shopping, and meals. She kept her circle small, however, not wanting to attract ‘friends’ with only material possessions. Lisa found herself thankful to be among those Christina considered a close friend.
Even in her youth, Christina had always harbored peculiar hobbies. One such pastime revolved around a fascination with mythology, beings that did not exist anywhere but in fantasy. That interest was only compounded with the advent of nanite technology. Nanites could be used to safely infiltrate and rewrite DNA strands, thereby curing a whole host of diseases.
Though at first it was used strictly for medical reasons, soon, other applications became evident. Their abilities could be extended much further to alter one’s body temporarily into any form they desired.
Strict regulations were placed on the usage of these machines for purposes other than medical applications. The forms could not match the exact specifications of any other human being to prevent fraud and theft. Limits to inflicting damage or injury to oneself or others were put into place. Even so, the programs could repair any damage to the user or those they came in contact with. And the programs themselves were temporary, designed only to last until the pre-specified time limit, whereby they would convert the user back to their original form and liquify in the body to prevent further use.
Still, the applications of recreational transformative nanites were numerous. It became a hobby of sorts for the rich, to obtain the nanite program of choice to allow them a vacation unlike anything before. To alter their physiology to match any form their minds could conceive was an exciting prospect. Though initially, the process had only been used to enhance human assets, it became apparent there was a market for those who wished to explore life from various facets of the animal kingdom.
With nanite programs available for public purchase, Christina could become all the creatures she’d dreamed about in her childhood. Anything from dragons or griffins or giant insects were all at her fingertips. Christina often regaled her friends with tales of the sensory experiences of delving into all of these forms. She sometimes took weeks of vacation to try out new bodies, each more bizarre than the last.
It came as no surprise when Christina announced she would host a transformation-themed Halloween party, where the attendees could share in the nanite technology that she so often indulged in. Many of her friends who had been invited talked long about the sorts of things they would love to be. But, to their chagrin, the one stipulation to partaking in the party was that the nanite programs would be predetermined by no one but Christina herself.
That was the one thing that scared Lisa most. Any effort to coax the information out of Christina was met only was secrecy. Lisa was assured that she would love it, and it would help her ‘socialize’. Christina’s testimony made the process seem more than a little desirable, but for Lisa to actually undergo it herself was something else entirely! And not knowing the final outcome, even if it would not be harmful, filled the already timid Lisa with extreme apprehension.
The sound of a glass being tapped brought Lisa’s attention to the stage, where her friend was standing in a glorious silvery princess gown. “Welcome, welcome! I trust you’ve all had a chance to grab refreshments? Particularly the one with your name on it? Make sure you got the right one!” She added with a chuckle.
“As you know, each of your drinks was laced with a nanite cocktail. It will, over a few minutes, change you into a form of my choosing. To make things more interesting, your new bodies for the evening will be my little secret. I made sure that each form is tailored to an aspect of your personality that I particularly adore. I can assure you that the forms I picked are more…on the exotic side,” she added with a chuckle. Lisa figured everyone in attendance knew what Christina meant by ‘exotic’.
“And, so I can show off the programs, each one is set to trigger at a different time over the next couple of hours, so you each get a good view of each other’s process of change. Then, the rest of the night is yours to enjoy out in the courtyard!”
Various mutters could be heard from the crowd before Christina silenced them. “Alright, the first ‘victim’ should be starting to change any minute now! Have fun!”
Lisa’s eyes scanned the room, wondering what the first sign of change would be. She kept rubbing her skin, waiting for the tingling that might signal her own transformation. What if she was first? It would be terribly embarrassing to be on full display for everyone to see, especially if no one else had changed so far!
“Hey, I’m first!” Someone shouted, and everyone’s eyes turned to look at a man named Kenneth.
Lisa didn’t know him very well personally but recalled that he had recently gotten into professional boxing. He was massive, body toned from years of working out. Lisa couldn’t imagine him turning into anything but a muscled beast to match his human form. Maybe a minotaur or a dragon?
Yet, to her surprise, the first thing that changed was his hair. Kenneth’s bald visage soon erupted with a brilliant lock of golden hair, running all the way down his back and thickening into a lovely mane. Kenneth ran his fingers through it, a surprised look on his features. What was he becoming?
The mane was soon joined by a long, flowing tail that erupted out of his backside, tearing his superman costume as it started waggling of its own accord. Kenneth reached back to touch it, seemingly delighted to have such a bestial appendage. Lost in reverence over the new tail, he didn’t seem to notice that his ears were twitching, white fur adorning pointed tips as his nose turned black and nostrils flared on his still-human face.
Even before his hands mutated into hooves, or his jaw stretched into a muzzle, Lisa could tell he was on his way to becoming a horse. His flanks, his ass, and his chest were all ballooning out into an equine shape, though far less muscled than what she had expected. In fact, Kenneth’s form seemed to be more elegant than powerful, his long flowing fetlocks, poofy mane, and swishing tail making him rather beautiful.
Lisa was a bit surprised that the body Kenneth was growing into looked like an average horse, if not a majestic one. It wasn’t until something started twitching under the flesh around his shifting shoulders that she realized what was happening. A pair of bones poked their way painlessly through the skin, stretching up over his broadening back. They soon sprouted a series of tiny spines all over their surface as their spreading fibers enveloped his flesh. As they reached their full length and began to flap up and down, it seemed clear that Kenneth owned the wings of a pegasus!
Kenneth continued to change, his body putting on bulk as a white fur coated covered his entire form. Kenneth whinnied and snorted, not able to talk in this body but seemingly very happy with his changed shape. He raised his tail, not even caring that his backside was on full display as he pranced around, clearly proud of his equine form.
After a few moments of showing off his body, Kenneth slowly unfurled his new wings, clearly wanting to explore his physiology. With a mighty flap and a flash of feathers, Kenneth ran forwards, gaining a bit of an updraft as he took to the air. An excited whinny echoed from his lips as he made a tight circle around the room before taking off for the large door towards the courtyard beyond.
Lisa couldn’t help but wonder how even the nanites allowed such a massive beast to fly. No matter how powerful its wings were, the bodyweight of a horse should be far too much for such an action. Perhaps its bones were hollow, its organs expansive. Or maybe the nanites simply allowed the subject to be light enough while still maintaining biological functioning?
Yet she was taken from her self-reflection by the next cry of excitement from those gathered. One of her good friends, Katherine, excitedly rubbed the flesh of her face, revealing a series of soft black hairs that were lancing out of her every pore. She was a model; ever since they had known each other in college, she’d had contracts to appear in magazines to help fund her academic exploits. She had soon turned the hobby into a career, though still kept enough time to regularly reunite with her social circle.
Yet Katherine’s expression of excitement soon turned into confusion as two obvious growths started pulsating from her sides, just below her arms. Reaching down to rub at them, Katherine exposed to all looking that not one, but two sets of growths were struggling to be free from her flesh.
Her confusion quickly turned to horror as, all at once, the four protuberances burst out into wriggling, claw-like appendages. It was clear to all gathered, Katherine included, that the black-furred, claw-tipped growths were becoming new sets of arachnid limbs!
Katherine’s screams echoed in the room as her head started to expand, covered with black hairs that soon enveloped her luscious brown locks. She tried in vain to reach her face once more, but her fingers were fusing, the flesh hardened into two, chitinous points from which thick black claws burst forth. Afraid to cut her skin, she could only lower them in defeat as an audible snap of bone and muscle resounded from the formation of new joints down their entire length.
Her human voice was cut short as two pedipalps burst forth from somewhere inside of her mouth. They started twitching open and closed as two dripping fangs tore from the ends. So distracted by the horrific visage, Lisa was taken unaware as a total of six new lenses began opening and closing in rapid succession across the still-bare skin from where her human forehead once stood. Her own eyes opened in fright as they slowly darkened to red to match the rest of her arachnid eyes.
Mutters echoed through the room as Katherine’s body started to writhe in panic, falling onto the floor as her human legs lost their functionality. Lisa found herself wondering if anyone was going to intervene on the poor woman’s behalf. She clearly wasn’t OK. Shouldn’t Christina stop the process? Surely, this wasn’t humane!
Christina was quick to step up and attempt to calm the crowd. “It’s alright, don’t panic! Katherine can choose to turn back as soon as the change is done! She’s perfectly safe, and so is everyone else!”
The mutters started up again, their words wondering what sort of sick game their friend was playing. Why would she turn the poor woman into some kind of giant spider? Katherine clearly wasn’t happy with the arrangement, still writhing on her back as her ballooning ass started tearing at what remained of her dress.
Lisa couldn’t blame them. She had known Christina for a long time and never thought of her friend as particularly cruel. She didn’t know what to expect from the forms that Christina was giving to her guests. Why would Christina choose to turn her friends into something so grotesque? Kenneth had liked his body well enough, but what if more of the partygoers were turned into horrific creatures beyond their ability to conceptualize?
The mutters from those gathered were not lost on their host. “I’m so sorry, guys! My plan was to take the things I love about each of you and twist them with the nanites! I think maybe my theme was a little too extreme in this case! I’ll apologize for scaring her later!” she cried, seemingly losing her earlier composure.
The mutters did not cease as all those gathered started rubbing their limbs, fearful their own changes were commencing. “Let’s give her a second, everyone! She might hate the change right now but give her a chance to see what she thinks about the new body!”
Lisa wanted to yell at Christina’s lack of action but was too shy to do so. She hoped someone else would speak up. Even for someone who liked the idea of exploring new bodies, the form of a spider seemed too much!
Yet as her eyes fell back on the poor changing woman, Lisa noticed something a little off. Though Katherine had been struggling on her back as the chitinous, hairy armor covered the rest of her skin, she seemed to have stopped writhing. Her legs were now moving in tandem, their tips turning inward towards her body. Her previous panic towards the form she was changing into had abated. Katherine was seemingly making an effort to learn how the new body operated.
Her abdomen had swollen to what Lisa assumed would be its new, proper size. Two pairs of spinnerets formed at the bottom, and to Lisa’s shock, a thick, gooey substance exuded out of the growths. With an impossible speed, the gooey fluid shot forth straight into the air and landed on the ceiling with an audible splat.
With surprising dexterity, each of Katherine’s legs touched the rope and began lifting up her massive body. It seemed as though she was walking backward up the gooey strand, unbothered by either the direction or the height as she did so. Soon, she had reached the ceiling, her fat abdomen hanging effortlessly as she dug her talons into the material and started rapidly skittering towards the far corner near the door.
To everyone’s shock, a mechanical voice echoed in the room, coming from a speaker on the stage that no one had noticed. “Wow! So high! Whoop!” Came the distorted echo, similar to Katherine’s own tone yet distinctive enough to know it wasn’t quite right.
“Umm, forgot to mention, the nanites are hooked into the speaker system! If any of you concentrate enough, you can speak through the computer’s speakers. Though, maybe I’ll just turn it off when you all start changing since we don’t all want to talk over each other!” Christina said sheepishly as she moved to bring up the display on her laptop.
“At least we know she likes it?” Christina said with an awkward laugh as the mutters started to die down a little. Lisa did breathe a sigh of relief. The idea of one of her friends being scarred for life was not something she wanted to be privy to!
“W-Whoot! Me next!” shouted another male voice, and Lisa tried to look at Dennis, a guy who had a crush on Christina in university. She had turned him down gently, and he had gotten married since. Both he and his wife were in attendance tonight.
His wife looked on as Dennis’s hands started to burst forth with thick, brown scaled claws. Instead of being scared, Dennis seemed to stare at the scales in reverence as his thick arms swelled out with muscle. Always a little overweight, even in college, all the fat from his torso started to fade as the patches of skin exposed from his costume became coated in the hard brown scales.
His grin started to widen on his face as his tongue hung eagerly out of it. The tip grew forked as he hissed his excitement. To Lisa’s shock, his grin kept growing, spreading all the way across his pudgy features as it opened to reveal his diminishing dentures. His remaining eye teeth extended all the way down to the bottom of his mouth, dripping with venom. It was clear the gummy, stretched flesh of his upper jaw could compress to hide them when he closed his mouth. Yet, in his excited state, Dennis was clearly eager to show them off.
The contours of his face started to warp as a series of brown and yellow scales erupted all over the pale pudgy flesh. His sparse human hair fell away, scalp covered with the scales he seemed to welcome over his form. His skull expanded and sloped in tandem, giving him a streamlined appearance far more elegant than his double chins had conveyed. His neck thickened, not with the fat he was accustomed to, but with the start of an imposing cobra hood.
The remnants of his costume were torn away as the flesh under the skin rippled and formed new muscle, lithe and streamlined under his armor-like scales. The covering of golden-yellow accented his now perfectly shaped pecs, six-pack abs, and the wonderful lines of muscle tone. Such scalped perfection could never have existed on any human form, least of all the overweight man that Dennis had been!
The computer programmer rubbed his massive clawed hands over his chest as he continued to swell with muscle and meat. Dennis was obviously happy with the contrast from his old form. His wife, too, seemed gleeful with the new development, a wide grin on her features as she played over his assets. Her own hand started to become coated with green scales, the luscious locks atop her head twisting together and stretching down her back.
Dennis, meanwhile, reached down with his new claws to rub at a growth sticking out the back of his pants. He tore them away to reveal a twitching, reptilian tail. Its entire surface became enveloped with golden-brown scales all the way down to its tip as it reached towards the floor. Its base widened just above his ass as the former man’s cheeks receded, and Dennis’s exposed assets rotated towards his torso.
The thickening scutes on his belly quickly covered his modesty, though not enough to prevent the crowd from getting a glimpse. Dennis’s equipment seemed to be both thickened and split down the center, a sign of his reptilian heritage that he was just able to conceal in his reptilian cloaca. Though with his wife’s own serpentine tail forming under her dress, it was likely he wouldn’t be able to do so in private!
His tail was thickening all the while, playing over the floor as it gained girth. It was already twice the length of his legs and growing still as it slithered along behind him. Its mass started to lift him from the ground, obviously unbothered by his weight.
As the tail continued to grow, his legs were clearly weakening. Their toes, muscle, and hair all started to dissolve and melt away, eaten up by the nanites, no longer needed by the form he was becoming. Soon, not even stubs remained as his former pillar-sized human legs were erased. His tail had expanded to the circumference of his torso and now comprised the entirety of his lower half as it continued to lengthen and slither him forwards.
Dennis was now a rather imposing naga, slithering on his new tail as effortlessly as he had walked before. His hands took a moment to play over the contours of his body, enjoying every inch of the muscled form that Christina’s nanite gift had granted him. It was matched only by the serpentine features of his wife as she slithered up next to him, kissing him and entwining her own forked tongue with his. The miniature snakes growing from her head danced in delight as the newly developed medusa moved outside, her naga in tow with clear intent to enjoy their new bodies together.
All over the hall, others started to moan or cry out in excitement as their own nanite programs began to take over. Wings, feathers, fur, legs, and scales sprouted from most in attendance. Though most people seemed excited by the process, some, like Lisa, were a little nervous by the new developments in their bodies.
Lost in her thoughts, Lisa was barely aware of the tingling in her hand that signaled the nanites taking effect. Looking down, she let out a yelp as a patch of black fur erupted from the skin, quickly running the length of her arm and all the way to her fingertips. Momentarily worried about the spider hairs that Katherine had grown, Lisa was somewhat relieved to see that her fingers were reducing, blunt claws forming from the tips as the flesh of her palms swelled into a paw-shaped pattern. It was clear she was becoming a mammal of some kind, likely a canine!
Lisa felt the muscles under her skin warm up with an intensity that should have been painful. Thankfully, the nanite program prevented any agony, even as her arms swelled three times their former size. The black fur only provided a slight itching sensation as it covered her arms and started to spread to her chest.
The muscles and organs in her chest started to swell beyond the confines of her clothes. They threatened to tear away at any moment! Concern flushed her features at the thought of having her naked form exposed. Yet, to her relief, her breasts flattened, fading into her barreling chest as her entire stomach became coated in the coarse black fur. Her nipples were still present, though four of them now adorned her chest, mostly hidden through the fur.
Lisa moaned as a loud crack resonated through her chest. It began to barrel forward, ribs and spine expanding into new shapes. Lisa was thankful that the change was not painful. Yet the sensation of her body mutating was uncomfortably bizarre. How did Christina go through this so often?
Her body was rearranging itself for a quadrupedal stance with flattening shoulder blades and widening hips. Lisa allowed herself to fall forward, her massive paws easily supporting her weight. Splayed hips allowed room for her streamlined stomach to sweep over her enlarging form. Receding ass cheeks made her wince before fur hid anything that might have caused her embarrassment.
Lisa’s stance continued to firm up, the muscles bubbling under the skin almost before it could keep up. She was easily five times her former mass and still growing. Massive meaty thighs sank into her stomach as her heels stretched to compensate. She mourned the loss of her footwear as her new claws broke through the surface, widening front feet swelling into paws adorned with thick blackened paw pads. They felt almost comfortable against the floor in tandem with her front feet. Lisa was now meant to be on all fours!
By now, the only thing remaining human was her head. Gazing around the room revealed that her growing form had attracted the stares of several of the other attendees. Their own extra appendages and skin coverings were a distance second to the petite woman who had grown into a muscled hulking beast. It made Lisa blush through the light fuzz of fur that the nanites were forcing over her face.
“Looking good over there, Lisa!” Christina shouted, making Lisa blush harder. What was she becoming? It was clearly a canine of some kind, but the stance and the size were all wrong for something like a werewolf. So then what…?
Lisa’s face was hilariously small in comparison to her body, sitting atop a thickening neck as the muscles and veins rippled underneath warping flesh. The force of the growth pushed her jaw outward, an audible crack spreading through her entire body. She began salivating profusely as her tongue was forced from her mouth before her growing muzzle could keep up. The sight was embarrassing. Lisa was panting like a dog!
Soon, her lips wrapped around the new extension, taking her nose along from the ride. A slight itch accompanied the growth of her teeth into massive fangs, more numerous than her human counterparts. Her tongue continued to flatten as it hung out of her mouth, though she kept it out now for comfort rather than necessity. The cooling breeze it sent through her body proved a modicum of relief in the stifling room.
Flaring nostrils took in the scents of the room as they expanded, filling the differing shades of her vision. There were so many different smells! Each of the guests had their own unique perfume as they underwent their changes. Lisa sniffed the air audibly, unashamed of her curiosity. It was easy to tell she was the largest being in the room! She could do whatever she wished without question!
Her sloping forehead allowed her muzzle to stretch forth even further as she completed her change. It pulled her ears out of place as her new canine appendages twitched this way and that, taking in the sounds of the room. Excited gasps of “Oh wow”, “It’s happening!”, and “This is so cool!” resonated through the attendees.
As her skull continued to grow, and her human hair melded into the new fur spreading over her form, the words began to change. Phrases like “Is that Lisa?” and “Wow, she’s huge” were uttered by more than a few people. She was clearly attracting the most attention. Though Lisa could no longer blush, she didn’t want to. She found herself filled with pride at the stature of her new body!
As far as Lisa could ascertain, her changes were over. She was bigger than the horse that Kenneth had become, perhaps even larger than an elephant. Lisa resembled a massive wolf or dog, though her muzzle was relatively blunt. A bizarre tingling emanated from her spine, and she let out a surprised canine whine as a stubby tail formed from her coccyx. Lisa would have chuckled if she could; save for her black fur, her stature gave her the mental image of Clifford the Big Red Dog!
Yet Lisa couldn’t shake the feeling she wasn’t quite done. The nanite tingle had not abated, even as her body ceased to grow. In fact, it became more intense around her head, as though the muscles and bones within were twitching excitedly. Her head began to rapidly outgrow the confines of her body, almost double its former size and still swelling. To her absolute shock, all of her senses suddenly shut off, eyes, ears, and even scent, leaving her cut off from the world!
Lisa let out a yelp as her head was pulled apart from the base of her neck. It seemed as though her head was being stretched like putty, pulled apart into three distinct lumps. Thankfully, there was no pain. Lisa had to nonetheless do her best to quell the panic, lest her new body thrashed around the room and crush the other guests.
The more the two new protrusions extended from her head, the more her facial features began to reform. Her eyes blinked open, greeted in her periphery by two black, furry protrusions that matched the contours of her own face. No matter where she looked, the two new growths invaded her vision.
She could plainly see, and feel, three openings forming at the front of each head, one much larger and extending more rapidly. Canine ears started twitching on each side as the tingling of nanites signified the development of additional features. Looking at the two new heads shaping up, it was finally clear what sort of nanite program Christina had used on her.
Yet before she could celebrate, two new sets of senses erupted all at once from both new heads, giving her four new eyes, two more sniffing nostrils, and four twitching ears. It was mind blogging, trying to deal with all of the inputs at once!
To her relief, the nanite program knew how to handle her new form, no matter how bizarre Lisa found it to be relative to her human anatomy. Soon, Lisa settled into seeing the world from three different angles. Nothing escaped her vision as her three heads scanned the room, drinking in the scents that her new minds began to identify as fear.
That wasn’t exactly right; there was no risk of harm to anyone using the nanite programs. Lisa saw it as more of reverence, a respect for the beast she had become. It did not escape her notice that everyone in the room was staring at her monstrous visage now. With the power in her body, maybe for the first time in her life, Lisa realized that she welcomed it.
Now, as her neck widened and her shoulders bulked up to support her new frame, Lisa felt that she was finally finished. Her massive bulk could hardly fit in the room, but it could still make out the massive door into the night when she desired to be free. Yet, that wasn’t what Lisa wanted at the moment. All eyes were on her now, and she wanted to give all those in attendance a show!
Bracing herself with her massive paws, Lisa opened all three of her massive muzzles in unison. With a might howl, the new Cerberus roared from all three maws, sending reverberating echoes through the entire room. Gasps of surprise and shock echoed in response, but they only encouraged Lisa to continue to sound her presence. She was a proud beast and loved the ironic form that had been given to her by her friend!
The room was still ablaze with the sounds of excitement from the party guests, their cries of joy turning into growls, barks, hisses, and whinnies as everyone in attendance converted into their form for the evening. Yet, even with their focus on their own changes, no one in attendance could deny her majesty as Lisa the Cerberus roared and pranced around the room. Her hostess giving the now-confident woman a wink, the Cerberus rushed out into the night, three echoing howls signaling her joy at simple existence!
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