The Purrfect way to please your lover

Theo stood naked in his bedroom in anticipation of the change. He had wanted this all his life, and now that the time had finally come, he was understandably nervous. Changing his human body, by altering it to resemble an animal was a drastic undertaking. But he knew that once it was over, things would be well worth the wait!


The formula had only been on the market for a few weeks. Yet even since its early development, Theo had been saving up to acquire it. He’d made a point of hiding it from his on-again, off-again boyfriend. Theo knew the end result would please the vernid, but Owen would tell him no outright if he’d asked. Thus, Theo thought it best to make the change in secret before showing off his new form. It was likely a one-way trip, and he didn’t need Owen talking him out of it, even if Theo was totally convinced of his choice.


The species was all Theo’s decision, although the body type was more in favor of his vernid’s interests. Theo had always been little chubby, and he couldn’t quite lose it in favor of the muscled trim form that Owen would simply adore. And if Theo had to admit, the image wasn’t entirely too far removed from his own interests. 


Theo allowed himself to be distracted by his room, the 70’s aesthetic something he’d prided himself on replicating. The curved, colorful furniture, with swirls of brown, yellow, and oranges. His light green walls adorned with dozens of pictures, both artistic and photographic. The wooden bookshelves ornamented with random trinkets. He’d done his best to keep his more modern amenities hidden to keep up the aesthetic. Still, Theo knew his current admiration was a diversion keeping him from taking the plunge and changing his physical being forever. The room would be here when it was all over. 


Theo regarded his naked human form for the last time in the mirror as he held the vial that would forever change it. There would be no lasting repercussions, of course. Save the sheer amount of paperwork he’d have to fill out to adjust all of his identification to match his new form. It would be troublesome, but Theo knew it would be worth the effort. 


Theo only hesitated a moment before plunging the syringe into his arm. Part of him worried it would hurt, but he knew the formula included a numbing agent. Still, depending on the degree of change, the sensations could be extremely discomforting. Theo was thankful that his own transition wouldn’t be too bizarre, considering how “standard” his chosen form would be compared to other options on the market.   


An odd tingling started flowing over his body as Theo rubbed the warm skin around the injection site. All at once, the light dusting of hairs on his arms fell away, his skin becoming bare as it started to shift towards a more pinkish shade. It was working! Theo looked down to see the discoloration spreading, the flesh feeling a little loose on his arms as it became wrinkled. The tattoo on his arms started to spiral out into a tribal pattern that made him excited. It was something minor he had added to the skin of his new form, a permanent tattoo that required no visit to a parlor.


Theo’s dream body was that of an anthro sphynx cat, though part of him was having second thoughts now that he was going through with it. “I just hope I don’t end up looking like Lord Beerus,” he muttered to himself as his skin continued to wrinkle. Still, a part of his nerdish mind he didn’t want to acknowledge was more than a little excited by the prospect. 


Next, the flesh underneath the skin began to heat up, and rubbing the area reported firmness that hadn’t been there before. Theo could almost see the muscle underneath writhing as it changed before his eyes. Theo smiled. It was as if he’d been performing a vigorous gym regimen for months! Theo was, of course, barred from any sporting events or competitions for his legal use of the drug. He wasn’t the only one to use the serum to bulk up without any effort and provided he stuck to his new diet and exercise, he had a genetic predisposition to stay that way!


The tingling in his stomach brought his attention to the one change that mattered most. He rubbed the flesh, feeling it flattening before his eyes. The flabby gut he despised so much was thinning out, with hard-packed muscle growing underneath. It wasn’t a six-pack, not exactly, but not too far removed. He preferred not to overdo the look! Still, he appreciated how flat his stomach was, how firm it felt under his touch. He played over the firm, flesh, the wonderful tone tantalizing to his fingers! 


A sharp prick to his skin caused his gaze to shifted to the tips of his fingers. A smile played over his lips. Something under the fingers started to snap, and he yelped from the sensation of feline nails pushing out from a joint behind the fingertips. It hurt a little as his new nails broke out and started lengthening, giving him a modest yet still sharp set of feline claws. He played with them as the surface of his fingers formed sheaths that in tandem with his new joints allowed him to retract them all the way from view.


Theo watched in fascination as his other hand took on the same discoloration, and feline claws worked their way out of his fingers. The wrinkled pink skin spread up his arm along with the lovely layer of muscle tone that came with it. Theo ran his fingers over his arms, careful of his new claws as he savored the tactile sensations of new muscle.  


The strange sensations in his body reminded him that the changes were starting to speed up now that the chemical was in his system. His flattening stomach was matched by expanding pecs and pert nipples that ran up to his still rather thin shoulders. Theo’s fingers played up and down the smooth pale flesh as the pinkish shade ran over it. The look was absolutely perfect, everything he ever wanted!


Something started working its way out of his spine, and Theo winced, not expecting the beginnings of his new protrusion. He reached back to feel the growth, a large lumpy thing that filled Theo with excitement. As he fondled the bulge, he could feel his coccyx beginning to unfurl as the bones started to lengthen into the new appendage. It pushed at his skin, forcing it outwards as it began to resemble a proper tail


Theo could feel new electrical signals being rewired and sent to his brain as the muscles and tendons in his tail gained the ability to move it. He could see the pinkish flesh start to naturally curl at the tip as it grew closer and closer to the floor. Theo held the twitching thing in his paw hands, loving how warm it was to his touch. 


He took a few moments to really play with it, exploding all the new connections that had developed. He could rotate it around, flexing the tip up and down even as it swayed. Yet in its natural position, it remained a bit curved, which he appreciated as it was getting to the length that it would drag on the floor otherwise. The level of flexibility of a feline’s tail, even one as thick as this, was only dwarfed by a primate’s. Theo would much rather take its reduced range in exchange for the other feline features he would soon possess!


Distracted by playing with his new butt appendage Theo was hardly aware of the tingling on his nose that signaled the next of his changes. He glanced in the mirror in time to see the bridge of his nose flattened, and the nostrils merged with his skin into a feline triangle. His nostrils twitched, and the scents in the room started to increase in intensity. They were mostly comprised of his own sweat and nervousness, but Theo relaxed as even those became more enjoyable to his sensibilities. 


A tingling in his gums made him raise his lips to see his eye teeth start to lengthen. He smiled, loving the creepy look his extending fangs gave him. Closing his blackening lips, he could see the tips of his new fangs poking out underneath, and he had to admit the look was rather fetching. He could feel a slight discomforting ache as the rest of his teeth started changing, growing shaper to accommodate a diet much higher in protein.


The pale pink flesh started spreading up his neck and face as the skin on his collar bone started to wrinkle. He could feel a tingling on his forehead, and with a bit of a shock, all of his short-cropped human hair started to fall off, dissolving in the air. The sight was a little disturbing, the bald visage not at all what he was accustomed to, but one he could learn to love. At least he didn’t have to try and clean it off his carpet!


The skin of his brow continued to loosen as the pinkish shade overtook him, and Theo raised his paw hand to feel the formation of the distinctive sphynx wrinkles that had drawn him to the body. He watched their unique shapes forming long divots in his head, and he smiled. They really looked lovely, accenting the pinkish hue his skin now sported. They ran all the way up to his bare forehead, which made Theo glad for his baldness. The wrinkles, in tandem with his slightly narrowed facial features, were rather quite attractive. Theo felt a stirring in his loins that seemed to agree with his sentiment. 


Theo stumbled for a moment as his center of balance shifted. He caught himself on the edge of the mirror, careful not to have it topple over and shatter to the ground. Just what Theo needed, the first seven years as a sphynx to have bad luck! He steadied himself as his heels stretched and added a few precious inches to his height while placing him in a permanent digitigrade stance. His calves started throbbing as they reduced in length, proportions that were somewhere in between human and feline. 


A smile crossed his pinkening lips as the muscles in his legs started to swell. He reached down to play his hands over them, enjoying the same firmness that his arms now employed. Again, nothing too extreme, and certainly form-fitting for his body type. He’d seen some of the modifications that others had done, muscles so thick that the recipient could hardly move. But hey, to each their own. 


His hands trailed over his thighs, up to the lovely muscled ass he now possessed. They traveled over to the base of his tail and underneath, where he could feel his pucker thickening and itching as it started to move just a little higher, more exposed on his receding ass cheeks. Soon to be right under his tail, just where he wanted it. All the easier for Owen to access it whenever he desired! 


The pressure in his changing feet drew his attention to his big toes, which were migrating up his extended heels. Unlike the changes to his hands, his feet would nearly match a configuration befitting the cat his form was based on. Thus his big toes were destined for oblivion as they melded with the flesh of his ankle with no trace of skin or bone remaining. Patches of skin thickened at the balls of his foot and on the bottom of each toe, elevating Theo’s stance slightly. His toes ached as the separating bones gave space for new claws to bloom and remain sheathed when not in use. Their length stretched out to grip his carpet, and Theo moaned from how GOOD it felt to scratch with feline claws in tandem with balancing his new posture. 


His eyes watered suddenly, and Theo blinked, trying to resist the urge to rub them with inexperienced fingers. He opened and closed them a few times, shocked by the sensation of moving an extra eyelid that had not been there before. Theo could feel the sockets expanding for eyes larger than his human counterparts, the bones and muscles in his skull rearranging to fit them properly. The shade of his iris changed to green as his pupils grew slits in the light of the room. His human eyes were too inadequate for his new head, but these eyes were much more fitting! Still on the small side, however, but there was a reason for that. Something that Theo had tailored for this new form, and if the latest tingling was any indication, it was one he was about to experience!


Two spots directly above his initial eyes started to itch, and Theo had a difficult time resisting the urge to rub the area. He knew what was coming, and any such contract might be detrimental to his new developing eyes. His vision went fuzzy for a few moments, as though adjusting to the duplication of the optic nerves forming a link from the existing ones. He was vaguing aware of the complex sets of connections required for functioning eyes and wondered if it was really worth it for something purely aesthetic.


Suddenly his vision was clear, and Theo took off his glasses, knowing that he wouldn’t need them anymore. And besides, they didn’t make glasses for literal four-eyed people! Not only were his primary eyes working fine, but he could sense something functional above them, though still blind without eyelids. What he could decern, however, was the room in much more vibrant detail. Everything seemed to jump out at him, all the angles and edges more pronounced. He could see much better than even with his glasses on!


Suddenly Theo felt flaps of skin nearer his forehead open, and he immediately closed them, shocked at the sudden change of perception he was granted. He could clearly see the backs of his forming eyelid pairs, but the split images were very confusing. He needed to give himself a moment before trying again, allowing his brain time to adjust. 


Slowly, he opened them, taking in the room all over again from a new angle. It was almost as though his world was in split-screen, and the duplication was a little disorienting. But as Theo concentrated, he realized that he could see his world in both greater depth and with a wider range, depending on how he focused his eyes. It took a little effort to learn, but as he practiced, it became more natural for him to do so. 


Theo had to see his reflection. With some trepidation, he turned his gaze towards the mirror, taking a moment to prep himself. Would he look as good as he’d been hoping? Glancing back at him were two sets of feline eyes, smaller than the alien orbs that normally comprised a sphinx’s visual ability. At first, he was a little concerned with the way they had turned out, but as he stared, he realized they looked…pretty good. They fit the contours of his changing face rather well, especially as his skull continued to compact and reshape towards the feline visage he’d wear the rest of his days.  


His cock had been at attention the entire time. As his changes reached their climax, so too did Theo want to reach his own. Looking down at his modest human member, he could see the grip of the serum’s influence start its work over his maleness. The cock head slowly merged with the shaft, leaving a tapered point as the red shade started spreading up from the base. He’d opted to not have the typical feline barbs and to keep its relative length the same. Owen always said he liked playing with Theo’s cock the way it was, so Theo was inclined not to alter it…too much, anyway. 


A tingling in his ears distracted him from the lovely sensation of his penis shifting, and he raised his hands to feel them stretching and thinning in his grasp. The thinning ears grew pointed at the ends as they swelled to about 1/4 the size of his head. He gazed in delight at the divots and crevasses that formed in between them. Suddenly, they twitched almost uncontrollably, and with a start, Theo realized he could rotate them back and forth, and even droop them down and bend them in half. He loved the new level of motility they seemed to possess.


Yet even that level of sensation paled in comparison to the needs from his very erect member. He stared hungrily at his aching rod, how much it was leaking and begging him to baptize himself into this new body. Shivering, he stroked the tip with a new paw-hand, delighted by the level of sensitivity that it seemed to provide him. Never before, not even the first time he’d experimented with Owen, had something felt so wonderful on his cock! Theo wanted to close his four eyes to fully revel in the pleasure but knew that his changes were not quite finished, and he did not want to miss a single one. And besides, the sight of his changing frame was a powerful aphrodisiac!


The waves of pleasure were overpowering as he gently worked his shaft up and down, finding a comfortable, gentle rhythm. His other hand played skillfully down the sagging flesh of his ballsack and started to tease lower over his groin and perianal region. Every touch his exploratory fingers gave was such pleasure, enhanced 10-fold by the excitement of learning his body all over again. His gentle paws reached back along his taint, teasing the edges of his anus even as his tail played over his hand. He imagined raising his tail, showing off his pucker to his vernid, waiting for the hunky man to take him…


As he touched himself, he could feel a dull ache in his jaw as it painlessly swelled outward into a blunt feline muzzle. His cheeks puffed out as several pinpricks erupted out of his face, lengthening into his new field of vision. His mouth opened to reveal a wide grin and his new sharp feline teeth. He sneezed as his nose completely flattened, and he drank in the sweaty scents of his form. It felt so good, he couldn’t hold it…


“Ugghhh!” Theo yelled as his balls tensed, and his cock shot several spurts of cum onto his hand and the carpet. Non-cognizant of the mess he was making, Theo closed his eyes and let the waves of orgasmic release wash over him. Never before had he cum so hard, and it was only the beginning of what promised to be an amazing sex life once his vernid saw the changes!


He panted there for a few moments, the last ounces of cum leaking from his cock, before taking a moment to regard his finished form in the mirror. It really was the body of his dreams. His thin facial features complimented his lean body and medium height. His tail swayed lazily behind him as his ears twitched in relaxation. He smiled, bearing all of his teeth and exposing a rough feline tongue. He really was beautiful. It was everything he’d wanted and more. 


Theo knew his life was to be different now. Being part feline did require some major changes. He would barely be able to taste sweet things now, and his diet would need to be mostly meat, which was becoming more pricey as many others took on more carnivorous forms. He wouldn’t be compelled to groom himself, thankfully, as he lacked the hair that most felines enjoyed. Scents and sounds that had evaded his human notice would always stick out, and it would take him some time to get used to how his eyes now saw the world. He could still see better in the dark than most humans, and images appeared sharper, more detailed. Despite efforts to keep as much of his human senses intact, his feline eyesight would always view certain colors a little more washed out than their human equivalents.


Finally finished with his amazing change, Theo decided to clean himself up. His new nose couldn’t eliminate the stench of cum, but that was OK. He liked the idea of his scent being over his place and his stuff. Still, he took a shower, allowing himself to play over his body once more before getting some much-needed sleep. He had a few big days coming up, after all! 




Temporary ID in hand, Theo made reservations for the long bus ride to the city where his loved one lived. He’d done it many times, or at least as many as he could afford with his meager job and what little time off it granted him. Thankfully, part of his savings had been allocated to a long vacation to get used to his new body and to spend time with his vernid. He had it under good authority that Owen could get the time off on a moment’s notice; otherwise, his surprise might be wasted.


He took the time to reflect on the relationship and what Owen meant to him. The vernid was worth taking things to the next level. They’d been on again and off again for the better part of two years. Owen was the one that had helped Theco explore his sexuality for the first time. Though he’d had a few other partners since then, nothing compared to the times he was with Owen. It was what made Theo choose this path in the hopes that it might prove his desire to make a long term relationship work. With the almost 8-hour bus ride to get from one town to another, and with the relentless schedule jobs forced upon them for each of their chosen fields, it was nearly impossible to make something work in the long term. 


As much as he knew Owen felt the same as Theo himself, the vernid was always reluctant to add the label to what they had. Owen’s excuse had always been that he didn’t want to take away a better opportunity somewhere closer. For a long time, Theo’s insecurity made him doubt his worth to be Owen’s steady. But lately, Theo began to realize that it had more to do with the vernid’s own fear of commitment. 


Both were allowed to seek closer lovers, and Theo knew Owen had one of two regular partners, none of them romantic. Theo himself had a fling or two but lately hadn’t felt the interest he once had. The only one that really did it for him was Owen, and Theo got much more pleasure from their skype calls and role-playing sessions than Theo did with his casual lovers. It was time to seek more, and let Owen know that he was determined to make this work if Owen wanted the same. 


Theo felt elated as he stood at the door to his lover’s apartment. He couldn’t wait to show Owen the new him! Theo knocked a few times, waiting for the shout of his lover to beckon him inside. Gathering up his courage, Theo opened the door, calling out his presence as he closed it behind. Theo hoped his voice hadn’t altered too much, and that the vernid’s sensitive ears couldn’t detect the differences in tone. He didn’t want to give away the surprise just yet! 


“What’s with the impromptu visit, Cutebutt?” Owen called out from the living room. The sound of his X-Box could be heard in the background, but on pause, Theo couldn’t be sure what game it was. 


“Got something to show you, Sugarbrain,” Theo said as seductively as he could. He waited in the hall for his vernid to walk out and see Theo’s new face. He felt like taking off his pants right there but decided that was a little too forward. Besides, wouldn’t the night be more fun if they took all the time they needed to truly rediscover themselves? 


Theo was a little nervous as he heard Owen get up with a grunt, telling him to hold his horses. Theo couldn’t tell if Owen was tipped off to his change or not, but still, he held his breath. He was certain that his actions were a little confusing for the vernid, but Owen would figure things out soon enough.


In a few moments, the hunky vernid appeared in the hallway leading to the front door where Owen was standing. He was 6’4, with a build forged with from labor. Yet his long flowing muzzle and slitted eyes accented the look well. His thin, tufted tail wagged back and forth in a sign of confusion. He was covered with a lovely coat of brown with the occasional white stripes, soft fur that Theo loved to rub after a good fuck. He was clad in only boxer shorts, and Theo couldn’t help but notice the bulge he was sporting, likely due to Theo’s unexpected presence. 


Yet the most distinguishing feature about Owen at the moment was his wide eyes at the shock of seeing his lover in a new body. He stood there for a few minutes, his jaw agape as he looked Theo up and down. The realization slowly dawned on him about what Theo had done. Owen knew the former human had been considering such a drastic decision, but for Theo to actually go through with it…


“You sure you did this for you, Cutebutt?” Owen said, finally his tone dead serious. Yet Theo was encouraged by the reaction. Owen didn’t seem angry or disapproving, only concerned for his close friend, worried about how such an important decision might affect Theo’s life going forward. 


“I’m sure, Sugarbrain,” said Theo, feeling emboldened by his lover’s calm demeanor. He wanted to ask if Owen found him sexy, but the bulge in Owen’s underwear was all the confirmation he needed. Quickly, Theo stepped forward, pressing his blunt muzzle to the vernid’s much longer one. The touch was awkward at first; Theo hardly knew how to move his muzzle for a kiss like this, and the lack of skill showed in his slight hesitation. 


Yet Theo wasn’t the only one involved in the act. Owen returned the kiss, much more skilled at muzzle on muzzle contact. Picking him up and cradling his ass, Owen started kissing his sphynx more aggressively, making Theo grow hard in his own pants. He loved it when Owen took charge and dominated him like this, and Owen wasn’t wasting any time!


Theo was carried into the familiar bedroom and gently sat down on the bed before Owen moved to lie on top of Theo and proceeded to continue their make-out session. Theo groaned under his lover’s ministrations as Owen’s seeking hands found new ways to explore the wrinkled pink flesh. Even though the form was new to them both, Owen seemed to find all the right places to tease the sphynx and make Theo nearly beg to be fucked, to take things even further. 


Eventually, they paused, Theo needing to hit the showers after his long bus ride to ensure he was clean and ready for his lover’s penetration. Thankfully, the modifications Theo had performed to the serum made preparing himself for anal much faster. Owen himself had already showered today, and the natural musky odor of his vernid accentuated Theo’s arousal whenever they enjoyed intimacy!


Owen breathed in the sight and smell of his clean lover as Theo walked naked towards him, showing off his muscled lithe frame. Taking the initiative, Theo crawled over his lover’s body, getting on top, and kissing his vernid while stroking the other man’s dick through his underwear. Owen moaned his approval, kissing his sphynx hard and causing sticky fluid to leak from his lover’s exposed member. Theo didn’t realize how good his lover’s musk could be before gaining his increased sense of smell. He began to realize why the vernid was so obsessed with Theo’s scent!


Moving things along in his slow, practiced way, Theo lowered himself down the husky vernid’s body and pulled out his lover’s girthy penis. He loved how thick it was, how difficult it was to take all the way in his mouth. Yet Theo hesitated a moment, wondering how his new jaw would be up to the task. Licking his lips, he slowly slid his mouth over the tip, loving the texture of his lover’s leaking rod. Slowly, careful of his new, sharper teeth, Theo lowered himself on the meaty cock, inching down to get used to its size. 


As expected, once he worked his jaw over it, he found he could indeed take the tasty cock further into his mouth than before. Finally getting accustomed once more to its mass, Theo started slowly working himself up and down in rhythm, using his tongue to tease the cut of Owen’s cockhead and inside his sheath, just the way Theo knew Owen liked. A deep, heady moan was all he needed to indicate he should continue his advances. 


“So good…even better than…before…keep it up Cutebutt…” Owen moaned in reflex. The formally skilled human he’d trained always did an amazing job, but now, the slightly longer muzzle and rough tongue worked his cock over in ways Owen hadn’t imagined possible!


Theo found that his jaw was starting to get a little tired, but he was determined to bring his lover as close to the edge as he dared. After all, while Theo was eager to taste vernid cum with his new senses, he didn’t want to waste his lover’s load by guzzling it greedily! Yet there was still time to work over the lovely dick in his mouth, and Theo was determined to become as acquainted with it as he dared with his new muzzle!


“Getting…close…better stop if you want it…somewhere else…” Owen managed to moan out before Theo lifted his head, precum and drool trailing out of his muzzle. A few more teasing licks to his cockhead made Owen smile as Theo rose up to make out with his lover once more. 


The vernid’s paw was on his lover’s groin, teasing the modest bare-skinned cock while Theo played over Owen’s rows of nipples, making the vernid growl in approval. They made out like that for a few moments, savoring the scent and feel that Theo’s changed form had to offer. It had been some time since they had made out so vigorously before lovemaking in earnest, but with the recent changes, neither wanted to rush such a tender and intimate moment before the main event. 


Yet the ache in Theo’s ass and balls was becoming more insistent, and it was unlikely that he could take much more of the pent up torture. Giving his lover a slow, intimate kiss to signal his readiness, Theo then got off and crawled beside Owen at an angle, allowing him to raise his tail slightly, giving the vernid a preview of what was to come. Theo loved the idea of showing off the goods until his lover could take no more and filled his backside with that lovely cock!


“Mrrff, you spared no expense with that serum, Cutebutt,” Owen said huskily, his voice dripping with lust. 


Theo simply raised his tail a little more, showing off his balls and his gaping anus. It was larger than the human version, but Owen’s cock was more than up for the task of filling it properly. 


“Mrrff, and it’s all yours, Sugarbarin. I belong to you, and you can use me anyway you like,” Theo said, an almost whine in his tone. He needed to be fucked and bred, to wrap his entire being around that magnificent cock and be used and fucked the way he craved ever since first experimenting with his sexuality.


Slowly, the two men moved into position, Theo on the edge of the bed with his hole lined so that Owen could fuck him standing up. Theo winced from the cool fluid being applied generously to his tail hole as Owen prepared him for a comfortable entry. Though with his new gaping anus, Theo wondered how much he even needed lube anymore!


It didn’t take long for Theo’s backdoor to be ready for Owen’s intrusion, likely due to the scents of lust and the wonderful make-out session the two enjoyed. Theo moaned as his lover’s thick cock pressed inside him and grunted from the pleasurable intrusion. Though he was eager for the good fuck Theo gave him, Owen was compassionate enough to let the new sphynx take time to get used to the size of vernid meat inside his changed pucker. 


But to Owen’s delight, Theo gave the signal to get on with it rather rapidly. Theo had been right to increase the diameter of his insides just slightly. Though he was still tight as fuck, the usual pain of being penetrated was far less intense and allowed the proper prostate stimulation to overwhelm him more rapidly. Owen was quick to oblige and started thrusting with reckless abandon, wanting to fill the sphynx with cum and make him cry Owen’s name.


 “What do you want, you little puss? Tell me. Beg for it!” Owen moaned as he felt his balls slapping against the naked sphynx’s backside.


“Yes…please fuck me master…please fill me with your warm cum…make me yours…I need it so bad…” Theo moaned as he savored the sensation of something so thick inside of him. His cock was drooling all over the bedsheets now, but he dared not touch it, not yet. Yet from the pleasure in his prostate, he wondered if he could cum from just the fuck!


“That’s a good kitty…take my cock…take my cum!” Owen roared as his end drew near. The sphynx stank so fucking good, far better than even the human Theo had smelled. He couldn’t hold back, and neither man wanted him to!


With practiced fingers, Owen reached down and took Theo’s cock in his thick paw hands. The sensation always drove Theo wild, but now with his more sensitive cock, his pleasure was amplified beyond his wildest dreams. Theo was going to cum and cum hard, and didn’t want to hold back from taking his vernid along for the ride!


“C-can I cum, master? I can’t hold it…I need to clench on your cock, take your seed inside me…breed me, master, finish in me!” Theo yelled as the pressure in his cock built, and the steady pace of his lover’s hand would bring him at any moment! 


“Cum my pet! Take my seed! Take it all!” Owen roared as his own end drew close. Just a few more thrusts…his slapping balls needed to spill their load!


“I’m cumming master…here I come…cum in me and make me yours!” Theo yelled as his cock throbbed and blew a modest load all over the bedspread. His spasming inner walls gripped the vernid just right and brought him along for the ride!


“AARRRHHH…Theo…I’m cuming!” Owen yelled as he blew his own thick load deep in his sphynx. Both men rocked back and forth, riding the waves of organic release as they trembled with sweat and exertion. 


Afterward, Theo lay there next to his vernid, loving the scent of their sex and the comfortable warm afterglow. He had gone a few months without, waiting for the serum and his next visit with Owen, and it had been well worth it! Very little could compare with the sensation of being taken by the hunky dominant vernid. 


“Hey, Cutebutt, I…” Owen started, as though trying to phrase what was on his mind. The vernid never really did have a way with words. But this seemed important, something that Owen wanted to get right. Were these the words that Theo had been waiting to hear? 


Before he could finish the sentence, however, Theo’s lips were on his in an instant, silencing Owen with a tender kiss. Theo had picked up a trick or two during their lovemaking, and the feelings of their muzzles pressed together were not nearly as awkward as they had started earlier in the evening.


“Don’t talk, Sugarbrain. There’s plenty of time for that in the morning,” Theo said as he snuggled deep in his lover’s arms. He could wait to hear the words that would grant him his deepest desire. But right now, Theo wanted nothing more than to snuggle into his lover’s warm body in the afterglow of amazing sex as the two of them drifted off into sleep.