Bull Frontal

“And here’s our herd of bulls! None of em’ were here back when you were a kid, eh, son?!” Henry said with a chuckle as he patted Dylan’s shoulder. 


Dylan groaned. He had not seen his uncle in over 5 years when he had been a teen. At 22, he hardly thought his uncle’s juvenile treatment was warranted. Still, he only had to tolerate it for a few more hours. Then, he would have the entire farm to himself for a week!


When asked to look after the family farm while the household went on vacation, Dylan jumped at the chance. Living most of his life in the city, Dylan spent every summer out on the farm and had grown to love the lifestyle. Even though the work was hard, he found it very rewarding caring for the animals and helping to grow farm-fresh food. And, best of all, he loved the reprieve from busy city life and the chance to have some time to himself!


Having worked on the farm for many years, Dylan was used to the daily grind. These days, the Burns family only had a few chickens on site. They’d once held a herd of cattle in Dylan’s youth, but the requirements of modern milking equipment made it economically non-viable for them to continue to raise herds of beef. 


Dylan was surprised to learn that his uncle had picked up 5 heads of cattle once more, but even more so to learn they were all bulls! He’d asked immediately if they were for beef, assuming they were steer. 


“Nope, boy, these bulls are about as virile as you can get! That’s the whole point! We milk these bulls for a different reason if you get my meaning!” He had said, shaking Dylan’s arm slightly. 


Dylan resisted the urge to groan. Breeding was a common occurrence in farm living, and he’d learned about ‘the birds and the bees’ at a young age. It had never bothered him to see horses or cattle in rut. It was just like any other fact of life that came with this lifestyle. Why did his uncle make it a point to make it the butt of some joke?


“As I said before, dem modern milking machines are too expensive. Can’t afford to get them to work a herd of cattle. But these bulls are easy! We just get them on a breeding stand sprayed with some cow’s pheromones and let them go to work! Artificial insemination is the way of the future, no mess no fuss!” 


“Best part is that with no cows around, the bulls don’t even fight each other! Sometimes they square off a little, but it gives them something to do. They call em’ bachelor herds, and they get ‘milked’ enough that it keeps’ em’ placid.


“Don’t worry about it further, boy! You won’t have to milk them or nothin! They might have some pent-up needs, but one or two times I’ve seen em’ rut with each other. It’s just natural, so we let ’em do it! It doesn’t affect their output!” Henry said, slapping Dylan on the back once more 


“Just let em graze and get’ em back in at night. They are mighty friendly, you’ll see! They won’t hurt you none!” Henry said, looking to pat Dylan on the shoulder once more. Dylan, in his wisdom, had sidestepped to avoid the discomfort. Why didn’t his uncle have a concept of personal space!?


Dylan took the afternoon to get himself settled in while his aunt made them dinner. The place was well stocked with food, much of it fresh from the garden, a special treat for Dylan. Also, his uncle had given him the key to the liquor cabinet, with the promise that Dylan wouldn’t overindulge. It was going to be a wonderfully relaxing time on the farm, a vacation in its own right. 


After dinner, Dylan decided to take a walk around the farm, enjoying the warm evening air. The scent of the farm, though not the most pleasant to some, was relaxing to Dylan, having grown up around it. 


After a brief walk around the property, he found himself moving towards the bullpen, wanting to take a look at his primary charges for the week. They seemed to be grazing some distance away, their tails twitching away flies as they enjoyed their meal. Resting his body on the fence, he took in the four bulls he could see grazing together. One was pure black, a second was roan red, and the remaining two were white with thick patches of brown fur. 


Dylan found himself staring at them intently, loving the look of power from rippling muscles under their thick hides. There had only been one bull on the farm in his youth, who had sired the baby cows that Dylan had the opportunity to help feed. That bull was far too aggressive for him to ever approach. However, if what his uncle said was true, then these bulls were very approachable. Dylan found himself excited to get to know them!


Just then, the sounds of bellowing hit his ears, startling Dylan until he recalled there was a fifth bull in the paddock. The massive beast had snuck up on him, its bulbous muzzle mere inches from Dylan’s hand. He was pure white, though his fur was stained brown in some spots, particularly around his four powerful legs.


“Hey there, big guy! Looks like you are friendly!” Dylan exclaimed in that higher tone he’d always used when talking to animals. 


Excited, he reached out to touch the beast’s nose. The bull responded with a snort and reached up with his thick tongue to lick Dylan’s hand. Dylan giggled; the bull was friendly, and the contact brought him back to his childhood fascination with barnyard animal interactions. It was something that he’d been missing as part of city life. 


Dylan moved closer, allowing the bull to smell and get to know him. Dylan’s fingers traced over the beast’s muzzle, reaching up to scratch behind the ears. The bull continued to lick up Dylan’s arm, rubbing his nose against the fence to encourage Dylan’s welcome ministrations. 


Suddenly, the bull moved his massive head, licking up the side of Dylan’s cheek and eliciting a giggle from the confused man. Hardly the first time such a thing happened, Dylan tried not to laugh as the bull continued to lick his head. He tried to push the needy animal away but had little sway over such a powerful beast.


Dylan quickly learned his folly after the massive bull’s tongue accidentally found its way into Dylan’s open mouth. Dylan tried to back away quickly but not before the bull had thoroughly slobbered over the inside of his mouth!


“Aggghhh, gross!” Dylan cried, though more in amusement than in disgust. Gross stuff happened on the farm, after all. Getting an unwelcome kiss from a bull would hardly be the worst thing to happen to him on this trip!


Dylan was able to pull back, though the bull’s attention had not subsided. Another ten minutes went by and the bull seemed to have no intention of letting him go. Dylan had to admit he felt a kinship with the animal but realized it was getting late. He would have all week to spend time with the bull, once his chores were done. Reluctantly, he made his way back to the house, keeping his eye on the beast as he did so. 


It felt nice to lay in a familiar bed, the one that had been his ever since he’d been young. With a full belly and the cool country air, Dylan had no trouble falling into a deep sleep. He didn’t expect to dream, but images of the bull from the day seemed to pervade his fantasies. He was immediately taken back to the bullpen, petting the white beast while it licked him in response. The sensory experience was exquisite; the warmth and smells were akin to being there in real life!


At first, the dream started as the encounter had in the field. Yet, Dylan was a little disturbed when the animal seemed insistent in his desire for attention, coaxing Dylan over the fence to explore his male body. It was a little more intimate than Dylan was comfortable with. Especially when the bull’s maleness began slowly sliding out of his sheath. It was hardly the first time he’d experienced such a sight. But in this instance, it seemed as though the bull’s penis was getting hard for him. Yet, the dream made him feel strangely content, and in the end, he allowed himself full immersion in the fantasy. 


Awakening that morning, the first thing Dylan noticed was a somewhat familiar smell, one that reeked of his pleasure. Examining himself and the sheets, he found that the dream had made him wet, in more ways than sweat from the country heat. Sheepishly, Dylan took the sheets off, making a note to wash them later. Though it was embarrassing, it had been some time since he’d had a girlfriend or allowed himself to ‘relax’. It was one thing he intended on enjoying with the privacy of the farm to himself! 


After a hearty breakfast, the family was off, having prepared their things for their vacation the night before. Dylan waved them off, feeling excited to have the place to himself. Looking out into the bright, sunny day, he already felt the weight of the world washing from him. He had no other cares than to make sure this one space of land was running properly for the entire week.


His morning chores took the better part of two hours, but Dylan didn’t mind. Collecting eggs, tending to the chickens, watering the garden, harvesting a few veggies, and other general maintenance tasks that had made up the better part of his childhood summers. 


He saved the one task he’d been most excited about for last. Though the bulls had plenty of feed in their stalls, it was time to let them out into the larger paddock, so that he could get inside to muck their stalls and replace their water and feed. 


Dylan felt a hint of anticipation at the thought of seeing the bulls once more, especially the friendly white one. It had been nice to be near such a large, powerful animal, especially one so gentle and well-mannered around a fragile human. Without cows to compete over, it seemed the bulls had a disposition similar to steers!


 Dylan opened the side door of the barn, the familiar scents of hay, sweat, and manure wafting gently from inside. He was accustomed to barnyard smells, and these weren’t particularly pungent to him, any longer. In fact, the barn seemed cleaner than he recalled in his youth.


To Dylan’s surprise, the bulls weren’t sectioned separately from each other, as he might have expected. Instead, they had a shared space, approximately three-fourths of the barn where they could roam free. The rest of the space was strewn with stored hay bales, some workbenches, equipment, and other such commonalities. 


What surprised Dylan most was the state of the bulls. Two of them were feeding side by side, which was bizarre in and of itself. But two more, however, were coupling! A massive black beast was atop his brown-furred brethren, the smaller’s thick bull cock slapping freely against his belly. The black bull seemed as insistent as he would rutting any cow, overcome with the need to breed and spill his seed. 


Dylan had experienced his fair share of viewing animals admit carnal acts but never had he seen two bulls in rut. What surprised him most was how much the two seemed to be enjoying it. Many times, females seemed to resist, especially from how forceful the males often were. Yet, the smaller bull on the bottom seemed to thrust back just as insistently as his mate in his backside. It was evident he was eager to make his throbbing penis cum along with his larger brethren.


Before long, the black bull tensed, thrusting rapidly as he seemed to spill his load. To Dylan’s surprise, the brown bull’s cock started spasming as it, too, blew a load of yellowed jism all over his belly and the hay on the floor. Both animals panted from their intense release, the black bull pulling out of his smaller mate with a flood of cum. 


Dylan watched with rapt attention as the black bull got back down on all fours and started lapping his own cum off his mate’s backside. He was cleaning the other almost tenderly. Both bulls nuzzled each other for a few moments, in a display that Dylan had not seen in all of his years. Were they perhaps a bonded male pair?


Looking over at the two bulls grazing, Dylan was shocked to see that under one of their swishing tails were the remnants of matted fur. It looked like he had received a thorough licking. Drying seminal fluids on the barn floor confirmed his suspicions. It seemed as though the other bulls were also a mated pair! 


His gaze then turned to the fifth bull, the one that had licked him the day before. The massive white beast was standing at the edge of the paddock, eyes locked firmly on the display. The slick sounds of his slapping cock against his belly could now be heard, despite the lack of a mate or any other stimuli to the bull’s member. 


Dylan couldn’t help but sneak a peek underneath the massive, frustrated beast. He was rutting into the air, his massive cock slapping against his belly in a desperate bid to cum. That was a shock in and of itself; Dylan had never seen bovine masturbation. It seemed bizarre that a bull would not only pay attention to the rut of his peers but be turned on by the lewd display alone!


A pang of empathy flooded his thoughts as Dylan watched the poor beast’s need. He wanted to go to him, to get under the animal and stroke that massive cock. The bull was in such agony, such need. He wanted to help out such a beautiful beast, maybe tease the tip, run his hand over the entire length to make sure the beast came… 


Dylan was hardly aware of it, but a thick, soupy miasma of bull musk had swirled into his nostrils. The scent awoke vestiges of the dreams last night, of the mighty beasts and their powerful, sexy bodies. Dylan’s cock was rock hard in his pants now, leaking steadily into his coveralls as lewd images played over his mind. He wanted to service the bull, maybe get down and taste the beast’s musky offering. 


A heavy stomping broke him from his reverie as the bull backed into the barrier, trying in vain to find purchase for his needy cock. What was he thinking?! Dylan shook his head, berating himself for the intrusive thoughts. He didn’t need… he wasn’t… 


Another plan formed in his mind, one far more reasonable than milking the bull himself. There was a breeding stand in the pen used to harvest their seed. Dylan wasn’t sure how to operate it, but he could call and ask his uncle if the bull became too needy. He didn’t need to stroke the bull off himself. And, he didn’t really want to, did he? 


In a bit of a daze, Dylan went to the main door and opened it, allowing the bulls the option to leave. The two that had just mated walked out into the warm sun, while the other two continued to graze for a moment, one raising his tail to perform a messy release. Afterward, the two walked side by side to follow their brethren.


The fifth bull eventually wandered outside as well, though not before moving his massive head in Dylan’s direction. He was almost gazing at Dylan with a human-like expression of knowing, even through his dull, oval bovine eyes. Dylan returned the look, feeling his erection tent in his overalls once more. 


Only when the bull finally left was Dylan able to compose himself. He was alone in the barn for now and was able to complete his chores. Using a wheelbarrow, he gathered up the soiled straw, replaced it with fresh bedding, and made sure the food and water troughs were cleaned and refilled. All in all, it took him the better part of two hours, though the hard work filled Dylan with a sense of satisfaction. 


The heat in the barn was minimized by a series of freshly installed air conditioners, and Dylan decided to wait in here while his sweat cooled his body. It was much hotter outside in the midday sun, and Dylan was alone and not expected to be elsewhere. It was nice to sit on the hay and let the cool air flow over him. 


Dylan’s cock had remained at half-mast the entire time, making it difficult to complete his tasks. He somehow managed, hoping his urges would relent. They didn’t. 


In the end, Dylan realized it didn’t matter if he gave into them here and now. There was no one around to see him, save for the bulls if they came back. A part of his thoughts didn’t find that notion so bad. 


Trying to remove images of homosexual, rutting bulls from his thoughts, Dylan sat down on one of the hay bales, pulling off his coveralls and exposing his undies, already damp from sweat and his fluids. Gently pulling down the elastic, he let his fat, uncut cock flop into the cool air, his five inches at full attention. 


The moment his exploring fingers teased the tip of his penis, a loud moan escaped his lips. Dylan wouldn’t have thought himself so pent up after ejaculating in his sleep, but his balls seemed blue with the need to spill their load! He could almost see how swollen they were, far more than what he’d ever recalled before. 


It did not take much to bring him to full erection as he grasped his shaft, reacquainting himself with its contours as he found his rhythm. Dylan had to admit, something was thrilling about touching himself in the barn like this. It was a place where, normally, someone could walk in on him. It felt almost like he was one of the animals, able to rut whenever he was horny, regardless of who saw him. That sort of freedom, especially what he’d just experienced with the bulls today, was almost enviable. 


Thoughts turned to the beast from this morning, and Dylan felt his cock growing more erect, leaking down his shaft to coat his hand and fuel his efforts. Feeling a little ashamed, Dylan tried to bring his attention to the porn he had watched months prior. Yet, no matter how much he tried to focus, his thoughts drifted to the bulls from this morning, in particular, to the one who had licked him. Even memories of women that he’d found attractive, past college hookups, and the like were not enough to avert his focus from the horny beasts. 


In the end, Dylan allowed himself to give in to the impulses. The image of the bull’s penis simply brought him so much pleasure. And the bulls weren’t in here at present, right? It wasn’t bestiality. Besides, there was something about the way they acted that simply did not match what he knew to be common animalistic behavior. 


An intense itching seemed to sweep over his form, but Dylan attributed it to the sweat from his carnal act. Though in truth, the thick black hairs over his body were growing longer, while new ones lance from the skin. Though centering on his treasure trail, the hairs started to spread outward, giving his belly a bear of an appearance. And, if Dylan had the cognizance to realize, his already large paunch was expanding somewhat, fat swelling under the skin that was brandished with a series of stretch marks. 


The hair was thickest around his groin, which Dylan felt as he worked up and down his shaft. The sensation was rather soft, a contrast to the wiry hairs he expected. Though he had been shaved, the irritating feeling of hair growth did little to hinder his awareness of the ecstasy. He stroked with intense focus, the rest of the world fading out as his pleasure took precedence. 


Despite his earlier orgasm, Dylan was unable to hold back the needs of his member. It felt like his balls held an infinite reservoir of semen waiting to be expelled. They seemed to have expanded, the testicles within almost straining painfully to release their load. A stray thought wondered if it was the county air that left him so virile. But it was quickly lost with the needs in his loins taking precedence. 


As he neared his inevitable end, Dylan was only vaguely aware of a series of aches that seemed to accompany his masturbation. Though he might have attributed the pangs in his body to the intense physical work, there was little denying they had intensified as a result of his self-pleasure. There was a steady swelling of the meat and tendons under the skin that a simple hard day’s work could not account for. 


Yet, none of the sensations served to hinder Dylan’s session. The irritation of stretching sinew and meat only made him more aroused. Even a slight headache could do little to slow the orgasmic onslaught he so desperately sought! 


“Ohh…uugghhh!” Dylan allowed himself to cry out as his modest cock shot several ropes of sticky semen into his hand. His load was so copious that even some landed on the hay. 


Dylan rocked back and forth as his balls churned and released their heavy burden. Even in his post-orgasmic stupor, he had a little cognizance to realize how bizarre the whole ordeal was. When was the last time he had nutted like this? It simply felt too good. 


Panting, Dylan stood up slowly, cleaning his mess on his underwear and vowing to change them when he went inside. The additional hair went largely unnoticed, though Dylan did detect a troublesome prickling as his clothing touched his hairy skin. The stiffness and soreness in his muscles were not lost, either, though Dylan simply attributed them to the hard day’s work he just performed. 


Lunch was a simple sandwich, but Dylan couldn’t help but notice how off the deli meat seemed to be. Checking the label a few times confirmed that it hadn’t expired. Still, Dylan made a note to mention it to his uncle and refrain from using it. He did have a car he could use to get into town if need be. He made a note to buy more when he did so. 


The rest of the day was spent lounging outside, waiting until it was time for the evening chores. Though the sun was hot, the shade of his uncle’s gazebo was more than sufficient to help him cool off as he sipped a few beers. The taste was unusually enjoyable. Dylan preferred his beers to be a little bit more expensive and was not a fan of the cheaper varieties that his uncle kept in stock. But today, this cheap beer was terrific, among the finest he’d. ever tasted! It was the distinct taste of wheat and hoops that kept him going back for more


Raiding the freezer, Dylan considered preparing one of the frozen stakes for dinner, but the idea of such rich food didn’t seem all that appealing today. He wasn’t sure if it was the heat or the attention he’d gotten from the friendly bulls. But, the idea of having something lighter for supper seemed more palatable. Using various farm fresh veggies in the crisper, Dylan made himself a sizable salad, even going back for seconds once he realized the initial one wasn’t enough. 


The sun was still several hours from setting when he made his rounds for the evening chores. Once again saving the bulls for last, Dylan took some time to watch them in the field before herding them back inside. To his delight, two of them were amid a rut, drawing Dylan’s full attention. He wouldn’t have believed how horny the animals could be before this week. More to the point, he couldn’t imagine himself being so interested in their mating habits, especially considering they were gay. Yet he couldn’t tear his eyes away. 


Eventually, as the daylight started to wane, the bulls decided to return to the pen of their own accord. Dylan was thankful that several had the decency to defecate before reaching the barn, making Dylan’s job the next morning much easier. His eyes focused on the white bull, swishing his tail to shoo away flies after relieving himself. The beast seemed to look back at him with that now-familiar haunting expression in those bovine eyes. One that spoke of loneliness and needs. 


As the sun sank below the horizon, Dylan headed back to the house, feeling conflicted by the sights he’d seen that day. He felt for the beast that did not have a mate in the herd. That was bizarre in and of itself; bulls were polygamous by nature. Though it seemed in this herd that each preferred to mate with one over the others. That left one white bull out as the fifth in the herd. Did his uncle know?


Try as he might, Dylan couldn’t get the image of the bull’s masturbation out of his mind. Even as he stripped out of his dirty, muck-covered clothes and stepped into the shower, his cock was at partial attention, the thoughts of the bull’s need and his turgid erection a powerful aphrodisiac. 


Dylan’s hand went to his rod as if on instinct, playing over it as he allowed the warm water to wash over him. He knew he shouldn’t be touching himself to an animal, but the sight of the beast’s cock was absolutely beautiful. Any sexual stimuli paled in comparison to the penis of such a beast. What he wouldn’t give to have a cock even half as magnificent!


Unbeknownst to him, the more he touched his cock, the more it inched forward as if responding directly to his desires. The head of his penis started to taper, the glans thinning to match the circumference of the shaft as the cleft started to meld into the flesh. Though it was difficult to make out in the steam of the shower, the flesh was turning red, darkening to a shade Dylan was now familiar with from the sights of the bulls in the yard.


The same prickling from before played over his groin, the hairs thickening even more and obscuring his flesh in some places. It was as though his testosterone levels had been dialed up to an eleven, and that a razor had never touched his skin!


Dylan’s hand ran over his foreskin, feeling the flesh thickening and black hairs peppering its surface. Dylan was not bothered by the alien sensations, however. Scratching it felt wonderful, and the extra hair only accentuated his masturbatory experience. The pleasure ebbing from his cock reminded him of the bull’s penis, and brought him closer and closer to the release he craved!


A series of aches almost distracted him from his ministrations, drawing his hand to play over his tailbone. An odd lump met his touch, one that seemed to twitch from the contact. Dylan paid it little mind, thinking he was dizzy from the steam in the shower. Still, the contact was enjoyable. It reminded him of a bull’s tail, down to the coarse sensation of hairs he imagined to feel at the tip. 


Dylan then raised his hands to the other aches plaguing him. His headache seemed to intensify, as though something was pressing against the skin of his temples from the inside. Rubbing the area revealed two large lumps like he’d been hit on the head. Yet, Dylan was certain he had not sustained an injury that could account for such a development. 


Still, the ache was only a minor inconvenience with the promise of pleasure from release. At the mental image of the powerful, masculine bulls, he could not hold back long. His pendulous balls swelled with virile cum that needed to be expelled. Images of the massive bull’s penis firm in his mind, Dylan’s thrusts increased in tempo, bringing him over the edge into the blessed release!


“Ooh… OOOOOOOH!” Dylan bellowed in a startling baritone as his cock bunched up before blowing his load all over the side of the shower. 


He continued to stand there, a little wobbly from the release as his cock shot spurt after spurt of thick cream, nearly clogging the drain from its sheer viscosity. Dylan was shocked at how horny he’d been; it hadn’t been since his first self-discovery during the teen years that he’d needed to get off this frequently. Attributing it to the country air, he simply decided to count his blessings and enjoy it while he had the privacy!


Feeling unnaturally fatigued, Dylan made his way to the guest room, passing out almost instantly from the day’s work. He had expected his sleep to be dreamless. But vivid scenes played out through his head, as best as his brief awareness could tell. 


In them, he was in the field, the five bulls with him. Dylan was not human. He felt massive, powerful, his tail swinging back and forth to repel flies from his stained backside. He was grazing with the white bull next to him as he pulled up large clumps of grass and swallowed greedily. At one point, his tail lifted, and he deposited a large load of bull manure on the ground behind him, instantly attracting flies. Yet, the smell didn’t bother him, nor did it bother the other bull. They were content to simply stand there without a care in the world, save the presence of the other. 


One thing did permeate his thoughts as his pendulous balls swayed below him, swelling with seed. He was as virile a bull as any of the others, balls full of testosterone-fueled seed and the need to rut. Yet, there were no cows nearby. That suited Dylan just fine. The musky miasma of the bull beside him stuck out over all the scents of filth and food in the field. His own cock was erect, nearly touching the ground from his arousal.  


Raising his tail once more, this time to expose his thick, pink pucker, Dylan felt himself firming his stance, preparing to take the weight of a larger beast. It took almost no time for the massive bull to plant his hooves on Dylan’s wide flanks, and to feel the bull’s massive cock spearing for his backside. With expert precision, the bull’s cock sank home, and Dylan only moaned briefly as he was opened up to be taken fully. 


The feelings of being fucked were beyond fathoming as the bull found his place and started thrusting relentlessly. The sensations sent pounding waves of pleasure against his prostate, making Dylan bellow in a delightful bovine tone that echoed over the field. Each thrust sent Dylan’s own massive cock slapping against his expansive belly, the fat and muscles providing adequate stimulation as his hips matched his mate’s thrusts. 


It only lasted a couple of minutes, but to the breeding bovine beasts, it was an eternity of blissful rut as both prepared to empty their balls of their burdens. The tension built up to a crescendo as Dylan’s testicles slapped against his mate’s. In tandem with his prostate stimulation, there was little chance of him holding back!


With a mighty bellow, Dylan felt his balls churn and blow several thick wads of bull semen onto the ground. The stink of his seed made him cum all the more, the rank scent of release a potent aphrodisiac. The sensation of his release brought the beast on his back along for the ride. His mate bellowed as Dylan felt his rump steadily being filled with bull cum. Mind awash in hormones, his eyes fluttered shut, his entire being enraptured by the mating act… 


Slowly, the caw of a rooster roused Dylan from his slumber. Though the dream was fading, it still made him smile. It had been so pleasurable being a bull and mated by the lonely white beast. His previous fears of getting off to an animal faded in the warm glow of the dream of being a bull himself. Dylan wished it was possible in real life. Still, he could admire the animal up close for the entirety of the trip here. 


As Dylan rose, his hands brushed across something moist on the sheets. A familiar rank scent hit his nose, and he realized that he had a wet dream once more. It was the fourth time he’d cum in as little as over 24 hours. Yet, Dylan felt he was far from done during this trip. His balls were still swollen, not even sore from the releases he’d experienced. The stamina he was suddenly granted was amazing!


As he started to make his bed, this time not caring that the sheets were soiled, he realized how stiff his body was. Though the bed had felt comfortable enough, it seemed to leave him somewhat pained. His shoulders and back ached fiercely, making his job more difficult. And he was distracted by the irritation from the lumps on his head. They were pressing almost painfully against the skin like he’d been hit. Even his ass was sore, as though he sat on a tailbone more distended than it should have been. 


A gurgling in his bowels suddenly alarmed him, and Dylan made his way to the bathroom with urgency. Just getting to the toilet in time, his bowels relaxed as he did his business. It felt as though he was on the toilet for eternity as he emptied himself with little control. His guts felt full beyond capacity. He was worried for a moment that he might clog the toilet! Still, he managed to get everything down without breaking his uncle’s house. That would have been too embarrassing! 


There was something off-putting about the stench he’d made. His shit stank, far removed from the familiar odors of his bowel movements. Rather, it smelled more in line with the manure he’d been shoveling from the barn. Had his altered diet influenced his bodily functions that much in two days? 


Washing his hands made him aware the stiffness had not been confined to just his body. He worked his thumbs with an audible snap, like a few of the joints had been tightened in the night. Two of the fingers were hardly responsive, while the other two seemed swallowed against the flesh of the remaining ones. Flexing them several times, Dylan winced, never having felt so physically disadvantaged from performing farm labor. 


The sight of the lumps on his head in his reflection then drew his attention. They were massive, as though two abscesses were protruding from the skin. Sat at even points from each other, they looked red and inflamed. Yet, his seeking hands did not detect any pus or fluid. The skin underneath was solid, almost bony. It seemed like two bones were sticking out underneath. With how taut the skin was, the growths were likely to burst forth at the slightest irritation!


Now that his attention was on his reflection, Dylan could not help but notice how distorted his facial features seemed to be. His nose was red as it might be with a cold. It seemed swollen, stretching almost all the way to his lips. His ears were altered as well, pointed and almost floppy at the sides. 


Dylan knew he should have found the sights more disturbing than he did. The extensions to his face almost made him believe he was wearing prosthetics. It was just a little too out of the norm for even his still-sleepy state account. 


But, Dylan found it difficult to be perturbed for long with the insistent rumbling that suddenly erupted in his belly. Though normally he enjoyed having his breakfast, he still couldn’t recall the last time he’d needed to eat so desperately. The hunger sent pangs of pain through his chest, begging to be satiated so that he might return to a semblance of sanity. 


Not bothering to don any clothes, he made his way down to the fridge, mouth watering from the memory of the salad that he’d made last night. It was bizarre to his mind how much he wanted to eat his greens. He’d never had much of an appetite for them before now. But thoughts of any other food seemed to hold little interest. 


Dylan was hardly able to hold off making the actual salad. He wanted to chew into the tomato and lettuce stalks rather than chopping them up and blending them. Still, Dylan managed to make something out of the garden-fresh veggies that looked vaguely edible, regardless of what his irrational thoughts told him. He’d be just as happy eating everything raw!


Within moments, every leaf in the dry salad was consumed with a ferocity that he had never experienced. Still hungry, he searched the cupboards for something else, finding a bag of oats that smelled absolutely appetizing. Ripping it open, he downed the contents in a few moments, washing it out with an entire pitcher of fresh water. 


Letting out a hearty belch, Dylan only then began to realize how much he’d eaten. Patting his paunch, he was shocked to see how distended it had become. Easily twice its former size now, Dylan was hardly able to see his feet. Rubbing the flesh, he was delighted to feel muscle underneath the obvious fat that had developed. He didn’t want to be overweight, but the sight of him was akin to a bear of a man! He had to admit, it looked rather hot!


His skin was warm, the flesh covered with thicker hair that centered in his treasure. Never the skinniest of men, Dylan was nonetheless clearly larger than he had been. How were salads making him pack on so much weight? He looked sexy as hell, but the notion of getting this big overnight was disturbing. Was he getting sick? The country air certainly never did that to him before!


Trying to put the bizarre sights out of his mind, Dylan went about his chores. Tending to the garden proved a difficult endeavor. To his chagrin, his belly was not entirely full. His growling stomach made picking veggies a trying task. The hearty, earthen smell made him crave to eat the vegetables right then and there! Still, he managed to get them into the house and clean them without giving in to the urges. 


The aches and pains in his body only seemed to grow worse as he went about the laborious tasks. He figured he might be able to work out the kinks in his muscles, but they only seemed to intensify. His shoulders seemed compressed, his arms not able to rotate as effectively. His back was hunched, and his toes ached, making him crave to take off his boots. But, he couldn’t go barefoot walking around the farm!


Still, Dylan chalked it up to an illness. He had to be sick for his face to look that way. And the aches and pains were reminiscent of the beginnings of the flu. Though he was not coughing, his nose was running, and his handkerchief was more coated in mucus than sweat. 


By the time he had made it to the bullpen, Dylan had convinced himself that he really had been hit in the head and that the spurs on his forehead were nasty bumps. He must have fallen on his ass as well. It felt as though his tailbone was bruised and swollen. He decided he would perform his chores and go to lie down afterward to make sure he was healthy enough for the evening run. 


Despite concerns for his body and health, Dylan couldn’t ignore how excited he was to see the bulls as he came in to open their pen. Being late, the bull’s daily rut seemed to be over. Two of the males had drying semen on their rumps, fresh enough to denote their morning activities. 


Once more, the white bull stood off to the side, looking lonely. Dylan wanted to go to him, to pet him and provide some sort of companionship. There was little he could do without the knowledge to use the breeding stand. Dylan wanted to see if the bull had enough experience to use it on his own. 


As he entered the barn, a heaty scent wafted into his nose, stronger than the stench of bull manure and sweat that he was accustomed to. The fragrance was reminiscent of the one he’d detected in his room, though it had a pungent, earthy odor that Dylan found pleasant. Without realizing it, his body moved forward of its own accord, as though drawn by the stench. His cock ached in his pants as it came to full erection.


Before realizing it, Dylan found himself face to face with the white bull as it eyed him with obvious intent. Yet before he could make a further move, the bull turned around, flicking his tail over his anus, swatting at flies before walking out into the field to join its fellows. 


Dylan knew he needed to finish his chorus now that the beasts were gone. But, he couldn’t help but follow the bulls outside as they walked into the pasture. Staying on his side of the fence, Dylan gazed in reverence, admiring the power in the contours of their muscled bodies. Each, though naturally dirty in animalistic fashion, was nearly perfect specimens for their breed. Likely, their mating habits keep them in immaculate shape.


Dylan’s erection had not subsided, even in the warm late-morning air. If anything, his admiration of the beasts only made him needier. Only a modicum of self-restraint kept him from touching himself right there. Yet, he was still grinding against the fence post, very pent up despite his frequent masturbatory sessions. The sensations of the wood against his member were almost maddening!


To his delight, the white bull started to lumber towards him. His cock was out of his sheath, ready and throbbing up and down with his need. It was nothing like Dylan had ever seen from an animal. It made him feel special to have the attention of such a magnificent beast. Dylan stood there, frozen in reverence as the animal approached, licking the snot from its nostrils. 


The animal was soon upon him, tongue out and licking at Dylan’s face. Dylan giggled, rubbing the bull’s ears with one hand. He wasn’t aware that his own ears were starting to grow, their backs peppering with black hairs as new muscles poked from below. His ears stretched out to the side an extra inch or two, starting to twitch in excitement. 


Dylan stifled his laugh, not wanting to get the beast’s tongue in his mouth. The smell of the animal in such proximity was pungent, though not unpleasant. It had a musky quality that Dylan found entrancing. He wanted more. The idea of staying here with this beast for as long as possible was powerfully appealing. 


Thrusting his hips in reflex, Dylan continued to pet the bull, encouraging his licks and rubs as the animal worked him over. He wanted to get across the fence and let the bull rub against his entire body. But such a thing would be mad, especially in his mental state. The bull was still an animal and might attack or charge him, despite how friendly it seemed to be. 


Still, Dylan closed his eyes, giving in to the attention as the bull licked his arms and face. The bull’s tongue was thick and fat, coating Dylan’s body with saliva. It helped to quell that urge to be with the beast in a way that sat well against his morality. If he could not be a bull himself, then Dylan could at least appreciate the beast’s attention. 


Suddenly, Dylan felt a tugging on his crotch, pulling him almost painfully towards the fence. He opened his eyes, too late to see that his pants were being grabbed in the beast’s muzzle. A resounding rip echoed from his pants as several of the seams popped off. His belt was easily severed by the muscle in the bull’s head, and Dylan had no way to keep them on.


Before he could reach down to attempt to preserve his modesty, the bull’s tongue was lapping at his crotch, making him moan from the contact. The sensation on his cock, while rough, was far better than even his hand had been. Yet, Dylan still had the wherewithal to pull away, disgusted by the sudden action. Despite the dreams, he wasn’t bestial!


Yet, there was no way these were simple farm animals. Animals didn’t pleasure each other in such a way. And it wasn’t just the white beast before him. Both pairs of males were in the throes of oral sex. One male from each partnership had lowered their massive muzzles and was sucking at their lover’s cocks, clearly aroused by the sight of Dylan’s own. Stranger still was the expressions on their faces. Such enjoyment was something that should never cross the muzzles of farm animals!


The sight of their oral activities shot Dylan’s arousal up to eleven. It was everything he had experienced in his dreams and the reason he’d been waking up wet every morning. It was impossible to imagine being more aroused than he was right now. His cock was turgid, waving in the air as his balls swelled painfully full. 


There was no chance he’d ever consider touching himself in a place like this. Never out in the open, and not in the presence of such intelligent animals. But with how horny he felt, there was no possibility of making it inside before he nutted in his underwear.


The sheer size of his member was almost too much for his briefs to hold as he carefully pulled it out. He soon didn’t care that he was being watched. He didn’t care that it was outdoors. No human would see him, anyway. 


Pulling away the damp, stained fabric, Dylan nearly had a heart attack at the sight of his cock. His lengthening member, reddening and tapered with the black-skinned sheath pooled on his hairy groin. There was no mistaking it for a bull’s member. He had no idea how such a thing was possible. But in his lust-fueled haze, he couldn’t help but admire the results!


The sight of his altered cock did little to halt his efforts. His hand was on his cock in an instant, the needs overwhelming. Thick globs of precum were oozing from the tip, coating his hand and making the motions easy. Even though his fingers felt a little stiff, it did little to hinder his pleasure during the action. The scents of the bulls so close to him only served to spur his arousal to new heights!


Situated on the ground, Dylan could feel the growth above his ass spreading. It was almost crushed by the weight of his body as it seemed to grow longer. To his shock, the thing seemed to move. It almost felt like some sort of tail, if Dylan didn’t know any better.  


That wasn’t the only change that caught his limited attention. The penis he was so fervently stroking was getting longer in his hands. Though it remained the same girth, the length of time it took to run from tip to sheath increased in increments. It was clear that it was longer, mutating before his eyes as Dylan sought to pleasure himself in earnest. Yet, at the moment, it excited him to think he was developing a member worthy of the beasts that were watching!


The pain in his body started to intensify as well, though it was canceled out by the vibrations of pleasure running from cock head to prostate. Still, he was faintly aware of a swelling in his toes that made them uncomfortable in his boots. It was as though two toes were pressing against the sides of the boot. The sensation was preceded by a numbness that sent shivers of discomfort up to his legs. But he had no energy to pull them off, not with all his attention on his cock. 


He was nearly there now, his swollen balls bobbing up and down from the intensity of his stroking. His hips were moving in tandem to his thrusts now, drawing every ounce of pleasure from his body. It was impossible to imagine he was not rutting into a bull’s tail hole, his cock surrounded by a warm, meaty pucker. 


One hand reached down past his balls, across his perineum, and towards his asshole. Another part of his mind imaged having his anus filled, rutted by one of the beasts of the field. It was more powerful an incentive to cum than anything he’d ever recalled before!


The only thing that could take his eyes off his cock was the slick sounds of slapping he had come to know over the past few days. Raising his gaze, he was shocked to see that the white bull’s hips were thrusting, his girthy penis hitting against his belly as his own end neared. Aroused by the lewd display, the bull bellowed as his cock slapped and shot his bolt over the ground and stomach. The scent was rank but powerfully arousing. Some of it nearly reached all the way to Dylan’s prone form! 


With such a sight before him, Dylan couldn’t hold it in. With a few more frantic thrusts, Dylan could feel his balls throb and his cock spasm as several thick wads of jism erupted from the head. 


“Ohh…OOOOOOOOO!” Dylan bellowed, not caring about how loud he was. No one but the bulls could hear him as wads of cum blew from his cock. Each blast shot through his body like a lightning bolt. Seeing the beast release just before made the orgasm the best he’d experienced yet! 


On his back now, Dylan laid there for a few moments, savoring the sweet release. He nearly passed out, only wishing he was on the other side of the fence to be closer to the bull. Yet, as he tried to get comfortable, the familiar ache from before assaulted his backside, and Dylan jumped up, reaching behind to see what it was that irritated him.


He was not prepared for something behind him to move at his touch. The rough, furred texture was reminiscent of the bull that he had been petting. Worse, an electrical signal shooting through his brain told him with certainty that the protrusion was attached to him like it was his own. He could feel it swishing of its own accord. Was it… but that was impossible. Wasn’t it?


It was obvious that he had a bull’s tail sticking out from his backside. And that wasn’t the only change. He could ignore the pain in his head, the stiffness in his fingers and toes, or the soreness in his muscles. But there was no mistaking the brown furry sheath that his lengthy, red tapered member was hidden inside. For worse or better, his member was very much like the bulls that he’d seen ejaculating so many times.


The idea that he might be changing into the bull he’d seen himself as in his dreams should have terrified him. There was no way it was possible in reality. As much as he liked the idea of being one of the herd and free to explore his urges, it was a dream. Yet, the whole ordeal was too bizarre for him to form any coherent reaction.


Smelling powerfully of sweat and spunk, Dylan decided it best to get into the shower, clean up and try to gather his thoughts. He slowly made his way through the heat of the day, working towards the bathroom on the main level. Turning on the cold water allowed him a moment to think as the stink of cum and the barn washed away from him. 


How was such a thing possible? He had no idea. He couldn’t even Goggle anything on such transformations, lacking any bars on his cell out here. What would he even look for, anyway? He’d never heard of such a thing happening before. 


A plan formed in his mind as he got out, cleaning and dressing as best as possible. A quick call on the landline to the doctor told him they had no openings for the next couple of days. Dylan tried to press his urgency but could only secure something early the day after tomorrow. Sighing, he took it, hoping that it wouldn’t be too late. Maybe he wouldn’t keep changing?


Donning clothing was an annoying affair, even worse than this morning. Dylan’s bulbous gut seemed to have extended, making the shirts he had rise up further on his frame. The annoying black hair formed a light coat of what could almost be considered fur. It was hard to see his skin in some places from how thick the growth had become. 


Exploring his skin, Dylan was forced to take stock of his hands. His nails were clearly thicker, their translucent shade black, as though bruised or filled with dirt. Dylan knew better; he had desperately tried to clean them in the shower, to no avail. It seemed like the skin was bruised underneath. His middle and ring finger seemed swollen and stiff, larger than the other two. His thumbs were even worse off; they could barely move at all!


His feet were in much the same state with his big toe stiff and immotile. Two toes seemed swollen and bloated, while the other two were smaller and almost useless. Each was covered in the same black nail that creeped Dylan out even more. 


His thin, ropey tail wagged behind him, occasionally slapping over his hips and pants. He couldn’t get them all the way up for fear of crushing it. He contemplated cutting a hole in his jeans but thought better of it. At five inches long, he figured he could hide it in his pants for the doctor’s visit, provided it didn’t grow any further before then. 


The facial alterations seemed obvious now that he knew what he was looking for. Were those two bumps the start of horns? His swollen nose and pointed ears reminded him of the bulls in the pasture. Dylan couldn’t get the mental image of a minotaur out of his head. Was that what was to become of him?


He tried to play the last few days over in his mind, looking for any source of the bizarre mutations. As best he could recall, he started having dreams about the beasts after he’d been licked in the mouth. Maybe there was something in his saliva that contaminated Dylan. The bulls were bizarre, after all. 


Of more concern was the extreme arousal that had come with the alterations. The changes seemed to come more rapidly after ejaculation, as best as Dylan could tell. Was masturbation accelerating the process? Either way, Dylan resolved not to touch himself, at least until he had a better understanding of what had happened. 


Dylan spent the afternoon inside, reading or watching TV to take his mind off things as best he could. Several times, his form was assaulted with hunger, and he had to stop and make himself a salad as best he could with stiff fingers. It was a struggle not to eat all the veggies before cutting and mixing them, but he managed. Not needing any dressing or other flavoring, he gulped down his dinners with gusto, followed by several pitches of water. The oats in the cupboard were also soon devoured. He even found himself looking for crumbs, the need to eat still not fully abated. 


The moment he’d been dreading was slowly approaching as the sun receded with the oncoming evening. He had to go out to perform the end-of-day tasks before sleeping for the night. But, he didn’t want to go near the bulls if he could help it. It was their presence that seemed to trigger the changes. Or so, Dylan assumed. Who knew?


He took his time, waiting till the waning light was nearly gone before making it to the bull barn. If he couldn’t see them, then he figured he wouldn’t be tempted or aroused. But, he couldn’t leave them outside in the elements forever. So, begrudgingly, he made his way to the barn to summon them inside for the evening. 


Much to his chagrin, the moment he saw the white bull, his cock sprang to life inside his already-tight work pants. A low moan escaped his lips as his erect tip rubbed against the confines of its denim prison. He could literally feel it sliding from its warm sheath, the contact on the skin erotic on its own. If this was what bulls felt every time they came to erection, then Dylan saw some appeal of leaving the changes as they were! 


The contact of cock against sheath was exquisite, filling him with a warmth beyond anything human experience could account for. If his cock was so sensitive in this state, what would it feel like to have his member enveloped by a meaty pucker? Cows and vaginas held no interest to his changed sensibilities. Only a bull’s anus would satisfy the needs of his changed member!


It took every ounce of willpower to try and resist the urge to leap over the fence and have his way with the needy beast. Yet, even if he thought the animal could consent, he had no desire to drop that far. So, he was forced to stand there, cock bobbing in his pants as he went to the gate to summon the bulls. 


To his relief, the bulls put up no struggle as they went back to their pen. Dylan felt a little bad for not giving it a proper cleaning but resolved he would once the changes were solved. Until then, he couldn’t risk any further contact. 


His cock was impossibly turgid in his pants as he went to exit the barn. Yet before he could get to it, the roan bull reared up on his mate, spearing for his anus with expert precision. With a mighty bellow, the bull pierced his mate, the stink of sweat and musk filling the smaller space and making Dylan’s head spin. It stank, yet still served to heighten his arousal even more!


The thick miasma seemed to have a similar effect on the other bulls. The massive black bull rose atop his mate, taking him in a fluid motion. The brown bull backed into his thrusts, evidently wishing to take his lover’s cock. Even the white bull was thrusting his cock lewdly against his belly, wanting to join what had soon become an orgy. 


Dylan knew he needed to get out of there and do it now. Every moment he stood there, surrounded by bull musk, he risked touching himself and doing something to affect his body even more. Yet, it was impossible to move without risking an orgasm. His cock was painfully erect in his pants. It was maddening!


Worse than that, his needs had shifted. Not only did he need to cum, but he also needed to mate. To have a cock in his anus or his cock in one. He had never been gay before, but the heavy coat of bull musk made it impossible not to be aroused by the lewd display. He wanted so desperately to leap across the fence and join them. But he couldn’t!


In his desperation, Dylan’s eyes fell upon the breeding stand. He’d noticed it before, of course. But now it looked… enticing. It was something that bulls used to rut into and cum in. It was designed to take bull cock and stimulate it properly. Like the one he had now… 


Like a starving man to a feast, Dylan found himself moving forward towards the object of his lusts. Dylan was surprised that the breeding stand’s hole was, in fact, situated higher on the back end than he might have expected. The opening was smaller, too, more reminiscent of an anus. It looked like it was designed for gay bulls!


Dylan pulled down his pants without hesitation, letting his bovine cock hang in the warm air. The sensual feeling of bull flesh sliding from its sheath was nearly more than he could bear. It writhed up and down, begging for stimulation. Even the mere sight of his conquest was enough to make him pound painfully erect. The pointed tip was oozing buckets of precum, eager for ejaculation to empty his painfully full testicles!


He was on the bench in an instant, struggling to find the opening in his conquest. For a moment, Dylan forgot he had the hands to guide his cock. He kept careening off the stand’s ‘rump’, his turgid erection looking desperately for a hole. Grinding against the stand was pleasant, though hardly able to provide the relief he craved. 


Even in his musk-induced stupor, the notion that he had hands finally did reach his awareness. Dylan reached down, a little sheepishly, to grasp his member. Thankfully, his humping had the effect of coating the stand with ample fluid to prevent chafing his cock and allowing lubrication for rutting. 


He didn’t think to apply pheromones, but they weren’t necessary. Dylan didn’t think cow odors held much interest to him, anyway. The potent stench in the air of bulls in rut was more than sufficient incentive for him! 


“Oh…OHHHH!” Dylan bellowed, not caring about the deeper tone of his moans. There was little that could have bothered him with his cock deep into the machine’s entrance! 


Finding his place, Dylan began his rut in earnest, pumping in and out frantically. Once or twice, his thick bovine member flopped out of its hole, and he had to stop and try to work it back in. It was maddening!


Soon enough, he found his place and began pumping in earnest. Dylan thrust with his eyes closed for a few moments, savoring the scent of sweat and musk in the air. It was easy for him to imagine the thing beneath him was the white bull. The more he envisioned that magnificent muscled specimen, the harder it became to hold back his desire to ejaculate. 


Dylan was only slightly distracted by the pain in his temples until his vision whited out from a sudden, intense agony. He could feel the horns burst through from his stretched flesh, rising to meet the stale air in the barn. Dylan should have been shocked to feel the growths of bone parting his skin, forcing their pointed tips above his head. But lost in the rapture of the rut, Dylan could only moan and bellow as his climax drew near. 


His entire body was itching now, his frail skin giving way to a thick bovine hide that was quickly swallowed up by black fur. What was once a bear of a belly was now being overtaken by what could only be called a bovine coat. The added insulation made his entire body slick with a thick sheen of frothy sweat. The stench was almost palatable. It was all too reminiscent of the odor of the beasts in the barn with him. Dylan now smelled identical to a bull!


The aches and pains plaguing his body began to intensify, distracting Dylan from the final few thrusts he needed to reach orgasm. He was swelling all over, his sweaty skin pulled by the bullish bulk being added with each thrust. In particular, his widening hips were making it more comfortable to keep his place in the breeding stand. His belly was ballooning outward, adding dozens of pounds of muscle and fat in minutes. His chest seemed to be barrelling, stiffening his arms and making it harder to grip the sides of his ‘mate’. 


Worse of all was the aches emanating from his feet. His toes felt numb, nearly making him fall backward. He stamped them a few times, interrupting his thrusts as he tried to get comfortable. His heels were pressing painfully in the back of the boots, while his toes squished in the front. Some of the toes seemed immobile like they weren’t even present. Others were larger, taking up the space in the front of the boot. 


Under such an onslaught of sensation, it was a wonder that Dylan even had the wherewithal to orgasm. But the rich stench of bull musk and the bellowing of his fellows brought him back into the moment of rut. The sensations from his warping body were a distance second to hearing the white bull’s cock slap frantically as he spilled his load onto the hay with a splat. Echoed bovine bellows seemed to indicate that the other herd members reached the climax of their own sexual endeavors. 


Dylan could hardly take it anymore. He needed to cum with his cock firmly entrenched in a tight hole. Each inch of his girthy bovine penis was rubbed all at once by the leather walls Dylan found himself inside. The sensation was akin to what he perceived the black and reddish bulls felt each time they rutted into their mates. A tight, warm pucker, pulsating with need as his male mate came underneath him, gripping his cock like a vice… 


“Ohhh…aggg… I’m gonna… MOOOOOO!” Dylan cried out as his balls jerked and his cock uncontrollably shook. Massive quantities of sperm buzzed through his bovine prick, filling the plug on the machine’s backside before the backwash covered his member once more. He was producing like a bull that hadn’t nutted in months!


Dylan suddenly felt woozy, the combination of heat, exhaustion, and musk making it difficult to remain upright. Pulling suddenly out of the stand, Dylan fell backward, wobbling on unsteady feet. A loud yelp escaped his lips as he landed on the swishing growth of his tail. Dylan rolled over, shivering for a moment as the puckered skin of his anus brushed against the straw on the ground. 


It took a few moments, but he was finally able to find a comfortable position with his body in its current state. Dylan would have been content to lay there in the bliss of his release, awash in the tinglings that came from amazing sex. But the aches from his body were growing worse. His face felt like it was being stretched like putty. It was as though two hands were clawing their way out his scalp, making room for the horns atop his head to continue growing. He had to get up to find a mirror and figure out what was happening!


Trying to get to his feet, however, he found that movement was a struggle. His feet seemed much tighter in his boots than they had been, impossible for him to fit in had he not been wearing them prior. His heels were raised, making him walk on tiptoes in boots that were not designed that way. It felt as though he was walking on feet that had fallen asleep. It took all his effort to stumble his way out of the barn without falling on his face!


Still, he managed to make it to the house, and into the bathroom on the main floor. Pulling off his dirty boots was a chore, but thinner heels made the process bearable. His toes felt as though had expanded, though they were longer than wide in their metamorphosed state. After a few moments of struggle, Dylan’s enhanced muscle mass did the trick in pulling off the strained footwear. 


Trying to mentally prepare himself for the changes was insufficient to prevent a gasp from escaping his lips. His feet were not human. It was not his large toes that had squished against the tight work boots. Those were nearly absent, straining with his efforts to twitch them from their position further up his heel. It almost seemed that they were sinking into his skin. Two more toes were a little larger than they’d once been, their tips as if his nails had grown thick and unkempt. 


But it was his two middle toes that caused him the most alarm. They were massive, swollen to three times the size of his former large toe. The nails were even more pronounced, having left a dent in the inner leather of the boot. The distended keratin was nearly the width of his former large toe, as though pointed into cloven tips Even all his willpower could only force them to move slightly. They almost looked like the hooves on the bulls he had tended to each day!


Dylan had to see what had become of the rest of his features. But even the changes to his feet left Dylan woefully unprepared for his reflection in the bathroom mirror. The visage staring back at him was warped almost beyond recognition. His face was swollen, as though he’d been stung. But the rubbery, dark-skinned lips did not belong to a human. Nor did the wet, brown nose that had swelled to either end of his lips. 


Worse, his forehead had grown almost double its stature, making him seem almost bald with the small patch of skin still covered with his human hair. Almost every inch of it was taken up by his horns, which were still creaking out of his skull as he stared. They were massive, black keratin growths with ends that curved into fetching points. In any other situation, Dylan would have been enamored by their implied virality. But seeing them crowning his own head left him terrified!


The bovine hide was steadily encroaching up his cheeks, forcing his facial hair into a bestial beard. Only his nose, the space around his eyes, and his expansive forehead were devoid of the bovine flesh. The rest of his body both looked and smelled identical to that of his charges in the barn, sticky with sweat from his rut. 


It was obvious as the horns on his head that he was changing into a bull. Or, at least, a bull-man. Dylan had no way to say for sure. It did seem like the changes were coming faster than they had been. It was as though his body was preparing itself for the transition in the past day or so. Now that the process had begun in earnest, it was marching forward with relentless insistence. If Dylan didn’t get help soon, then… 


Yet, the more he contemplated his situation, the harder it became to find a reason to worry. He was becoming handsome, wasn’t he? More like the bulls that he’d been admiring. And maybe, if he changed enough to become like them, then his lewd dreams wouldn’t be taboo… 


Dylan’s hands were nearly on his erection again before he realized what was happening. Even though his body was sore and that he had just cum, Dylan’s girth seemed ready for another round. Was he becoming as virile with as much stamina as the bulls he’d seen rutting so many times in one day? 


Dylan frantically shook his head, trying to erase the intrusive impulses. No matter how much his brain told him it was appealing, he couldn’t want this! Human logic and reasoning were needed to conquer the beastly impulses. He couldn’t get help tonight. He would drive into town first thing in the morning for aid. He would go to the doctor’s office and beg for assistance. He would have to be believed. The changes to his body were a sure sign of his impending bull-dom. He would sleep and avoid the bulls and get everything fixed in the morning. He was certain of it. 


Dylan considered trying to have a shower but thought better of it. The stench of cum and bull hide was nearly overpowering, but even a shower was unlikely to remove it from his skin. And the warm water might relax him and entice him into an unwanted orgasm. Besides, his fingers still felt stiff and sore from his earlier masturbatory efforts. He wasn’t sure he could adequately wash his body to remove the unwelcome stench in the state he was in. 


So, Dylan opted to head to bed to rest for tomorrow. He hoped to all hope that he had a dreamless sleep, though it was largely out of his hands. Sleep did not come easy; Dylan felt cold even with the heat in the room. The blankets over his skin were extremely uncomfortable against his fur to the point he could not use them. The notion of having a massive, warm body to snuggle against sat well with him. Still, he did manage to pass out, fatigue eventually winning over the stress from fear and anxiety. 


His prayers were not to be answered. The vivid images in his psyche took him immediately back to the field, to the rich earth scents of bulls and their home. He was once again a massive beast, just as virile and powerful as any of his all-male herd. And he belonged there. His status as a herd mate gave him a sense of companionship beyond his 22 years of understanding. 


The white bull was beside him, of course. He was always there, his body never straying more than a few feet from Dylan’s black hide. His presence gave Dylan a sense of partnership beyond anything that even his past girlfriends could. They were life mates, bonded males that hid nothing from each other. Though he shared a kinship with the other males of the herd, this white bull was his. His to mate with when horny, to sleep beside when tired, to graze with when hungry. That realization filled Dylan with more contentment than any human experience he could find an analogy with. 


In his relaxed state, it was easy to let his body do as it would. Once more, his tail raised, and Dylan’s bowels released a messy spray of bull manure onto the grass behind him. The act felt so natural, even in the presence of other bulls. He had little control of his bodily functions, but such was of little concern. Modesty was not part of this new life. Everything was shared in this bovine existence. 


Something about the smell seemed off, however. The odor was too rank, too… present. It was as though he could smell it in the waking world. It was almost as if he’d… 


The realization came too late as Dylan’s eyes fluttered open and the smell of shit assaulted him full force. A disgusting warmth underneath him confirmed his worst fears. He had soiled himself in his sleep, something that he had not done since he was an infant!


Dylan got up, desperate to clean his soiled backside and escape the likely ruined bedsheets. Yet he was only able to make it a few feet from the bed before cramping in his bowels caused him to halt with its intensity. Despite every effort to hold it in, his tail lifted, and his bowels released another few pungent piles of bull manure onto the floor of his bedroom. 


Despite the relief it gave him, Dylan couldn’t help but feel horrified at the realization that he was making a mess just like an animal would. He had no control over his bodily functions! Worse, the waste he’d dumped stank far beyond anything he’d ever scented in the fields. Would this be his life now if he was unable to reverse the process?


Cleaning himself was a strenuous affair. Not quite empty yet, Dylan’s tail impulsively raised, and he dumped the rest of his intestinal contents on the rug of the bathroom floor, soiling it irreparably. Dylan sincerely hoped his bowels had fully voided after that. He lumbered his way into the shower, trying his best not to break anything with his new bulk. His hands had difficulty turning the taps, lacking the dexterity needed for the task. It was difficult to ascertain with any level of certainty, given his sleep-deprived state. But it seemed as though his middle and ring fingers were swollen and stiff, while the other digits barely moved at all in response to his mental commands. 


Still, he managed it, wincing as the steamy shower hit his hide. The warm water felt… off, somehow. It made his hide overheat rapidly, making Dylan dizzy. He did his best to grab a washcloth, but the heat, in tandem with his stiff fingers, made the process meddlesome. With some effort, he was able to clean the waste off his backside. Though, any thorough clean would have to wait until the process was reversed. He was just too massive and ungainly with his body in its current configuration!


Dylan didn’t even bother to dry himself, knowing a towel would be insufficient. The stench of wet bull hide was nearly as rank as that of his waste. Still, he was able to shake himself free of most of the water. He had no fear of getting the house wet; he had done far worse damage with his bowel movements, especially in the bedroom. He would have to find some other sleeping arrangements for the night. 


Before he could contemplate the situation further, an intense hunger rolled over his belly, making Dylan nearly faint. He had never been so hungry before. Bulls grazed constantly, didn’t they? And not only was he becoming a bull, but his body was likely using a ton of its resources to fuel the change and growth. Dylan hadn’t eaten hardly enough to support such a transfiguration. 


To his disappointment, the cupboards were mostly bare of anything that could satiate such a pang of intense hunger. Dylan had eaten all the veggies, oats, and salad fixings in the past few days without realizing what was happening. A few stray crumbs and plant stalks were hardly sufficient. He needed more. 


A scent on the breeze from the open window elicited a rumble in his stomach, and Dylan found himself headed outside, sniffing the air with wide nostrils. First drawn to the garden, his senses made him aware that many of the stalks seemed ripe and succulent. Not bothering to dig up roots or wash off his meal, Dylan simply started ripping them from the ground in his powerful jaws. 


He was hardly aware of the ache in his gums as they became splotchy and thick. His broader, flattened teeth seemed more adept at tearing food from the earth and into his thicker jaw. His tongue reached down, expanding to aid in his dietary endeavors. 


Dylan was a little disturbed from the earthen flavor and the irritation of dirt in his mouth. He had to stop and spit out several dirty clumps of sod as he ate. Some even had bugs on them! Still, in the end, hunger won out, and, eventually,  he didn’t even bother spitting out the more grotesque parts of his late-night snack. He was simply too famished to care!


A modicum of control returned only when he’d devoured every stalk in sight. The garden was a mess; only strewn leaves and tubers remained to denote its presence. The carefully managed ground was torn asunder, looking like an entire herd had passed through in a rampage, instead of a single half-changed man. Dylan felt some regret; he had worked hard to care for the land that his uncle’s family had likely spent weeks preparing. And he’d destroyed it without a thought in a single night!


Dylan’s greatest dismay, however, was that he was still hungry. Though he likely needed a few moments to digest his meal, the gnawing desire in his belly had not abated. But there was very little to satiate his needs in sight. Dylan briefly contemplated heading into the barn to feast on the hay that fed the cattle there. But the repercussions of being in the presence of the bulls weighed heavily on his mind. 


That was when his eyes settled on the grassy lawn in front of the house. The field stretched towards the barn but it was far enough away that he would not smell the bulls. Though the grass had a relatively plain aroma, it still aroused Dylan’s hunger enough to draw him towards it. He was a bull now. He needed the graze… 


Before he could stop himself, Dylan was on all fours, pulling up the grass with his wide mouth and chewing thoroughly before swallowing. Barely taking the time to inhale, he tore up large chunks of sod, eating his fill. The grass was bland, compared to the veggies and oats he had enjoyed earlier. But, there was plenty of it, enough to fill even Dylan’s hungry gullet!


A few wet burps escaped from his lips before Dylan realized he was finally full. He tried to lift himself, but his bloated belly made the motion difficult. It was still nighttime, not even the barest hint of the morning on the horizon. Dylan knew he should get to bed, but the memory of his mess made the prospect unfavorable. And he was so tired, he felt he could pass out right here. So, Dylan did just that, resting his head on the grass before he was dead to the world. 


The dreams came quickly once more, carrying that peaceful quality he had grown accustomed to. Yet, there was something about sleeping outdoors that made the experience all the more vivid. He could feel the warm air on his hide as much as it was currently kissing it in the waking world. It brought a sense of finality to the images that had been creeping closer the more he changed. It felt right to be a part of this experience. He was able to finally enjoy the dreams in their entirety, secure in the knowledge that it would be his life soon. Gazing with his fellow bulls even as the arousal in his cock made him ache to mate once more… 




The crowing of a rooster woke Dylan from his slumber at the crack of dawn, as it often did during his visits to the farm. Forgetting where he was, Dylan tried to pull a blanket over him, but reaching down, he realized none was present. The cool morning air made him a little uncomfortable, and Dylan rose, startled at the realization that he was outdoors. 


The memory of what happened last night hit him full force. Wanting to put off dealing with his mess as long as possible, he hobbled in through the open door, realizing how unsteady he was on his legs. His hips were massive, and the bulk of his upper body made it harder to remain upright. Still, Dylan managed it, trying to ignore the shaking of the floor under his weight. 


Thankfully, his phone was on the kitchen counter, where he’d left it the night prior. Dylan didn’t think he could make it up any stairs in his current state. He needed to call the doctor now. The realization was beginning to dawn on him that Dylan was far too large to fit in his uncle’s old truck. And with his feet swollen as they were, he wasn’t sure he’d even be able to drive it. 


It wasn’t until Dylan went to lift his phone that he realized the changes to his hands. The nails on his fingers looked strikingly similar to the two aborning his foot, thick and gnarled and pointed. The digits themselves were stiff, frozen in place. No matter how much Dylan tried, he could only make them tremble slightly, the joints required to move them seemingly absent. His pinky and index fingers were far more diminished, their nails having grown somewhat. 


However, it was his thumbs giving him the most trouble. His wrists seemed to have stretched in the night and had pulled his thumbs up along with them. The joint needed to move what little remained of them was absent, and no amount of focus on Dylan’s part could change that. His hands looked well on their way to hooves, and bulls lacked any form of opposable thumbs. In their current configuration, Dylan had no chance to lift his phone!


Still, Dylan was desperate. Though his hoof-fingers were thicker, he figured if he was careful, he could still make a phone call. Gently, he pressed the screen, bringing up his lock function. The prompt required him to trace a pattern across a grid to open it. Once more, he tried to move his hoof-like digit across it, but the pressure was too spread out to give him the required effect. 


Frustrated, he started pressing harder, unable to work the one piece of technology that could call the outside. Yet the slightest bit of pressure caused a resounding crack as the entire screen shattered. For a brief moment, the screen flickered, evidently still operational. Yet it soon turned black, the damage to the screen too much for it to function. 


“NoOOOOOOOOO!” Dylan bellowed, a distinctly bovine sound from his rubbery, thickened lips. He couldn’t believe what was happening. He had changed so much, and might be doomed to change more!


In his panic, Dylan found it hard to focus. The world seemed shrouded in red, a fit of billowing anger rising just below the surface. His thoughts were simpler, and the rage he’d felt over the phone grew with an intensity that began to alarm him. How dare that piece of shit break when he needed it!


Still, he was able to maintain enough calm to reassess his situation. Looking around the room, he happened to notice the rotary phone on the wall. His uncle had a landline that Dylan could use to make a call into town. He could get help!


Dylan plodded towards it, the floor still shaking from his added weight. Momentarily forgetting he lacked thumbs, Dylan reached up and tried to pull the receiver off the wall. Yet, with the state of his hands, he could do little but knock it off its handle. It fell to the floor with a clatter. An insistent chirping started echoing in his ears and made them twitch in disdain. Dylan tried desperately to grasp it, but he was only able to push at it uselessly a few times before bellowing his rage. 


In desperation, he tried to mash the buttons with his hoof hands. Yet the thickening keratin was little use in pressing only a single button at once. No matter how much he tried, the familiar knell of a dial tone failed to reach his ears. He pressed at the device harder and harder until his weight caused the phone to fall from the wall with a smash. Dylan brought his hooves down, crunching painlessly through the wood and plastic until the incessant noise finally subsided.


In his bullish rage, Dylan was hardly aware that his fingers were still shortening, drawing into palms that were stretching thin on his arms. Already covered in hide, the length of his former wrists soon surpassed that of his lower arms, which themselves were contracted from his new physiology. The bones of his wrists began to shorten, forcing his outer two fingers to snap backward, and making room for the remaining two to swell. The distal bones of his fingers started to extend, pushing into nails that were thickening with keratin and spongy tissue. The remaining finger bones melded into his former wrists, essentially rendering them immobile. 


All that remained of his fingers was the ever-lengthening keratin, growing pointed at the ends and flattened on the bottom to support the weight of even the beefiest bovine. The dead flesh continued expanding, almost too fast for the bones inside to keep up. The nails of his remaining digits, though longer than their human counterparts, were little more than nubs in relation to his two nails. Nothing remained of his former human thumbs. Soon, Dylan was left with perfectly formed bovine hooves. 


The loud crash of several dishes falling from the vibrations of his weight brought him out of his stupor. He was a bull; he didn’t belong indoors. The contours of the room were much smaller and more uncomfortable than they should be. He didn’t want to be in here any longer than he had to be. And, even his diminishing intellect told him nothing was remaining for him here. 


The moment the warm morning air hit his nostrils, his bovine temper began to relent. This was his place, where he belonged. There was plenty of food here; he was reminded by the destroyed lawn and garden how easily the gnawing hunger in his belly had been quelled. And there was a whiff of something else in the air, something missing in the house that beckoned Dyan forward. He knew deep down what it was, but it was getting harder to think through the contrasting thoughts playing over his mind. 


Dylan allowed himself to hunch over, his upright posture seeming inappropriate for the outdoors. His front hooves hit the ground, taking the weight of his larger body easily. A series of wet cracks erupted along his backside, allowing Dylan to lower himself even further. Though his stance was raised in his back end, the snapping of bones and the realignment of his pelvis slowly drew his lower half in line with the front. It felt right to be down like this, his four hooves supporting his massive bulk. 


In his relaxed state, Dylan became aware of bubbling in his gullet as he suddenly belched again. The wet burp seemed to bring up something with it, and Dylan felt his larger jaws chewing before he realized what was happening. His mouth moved back and forth, his tongue tasting a load of grass and vegetables covered with his digestive juices. The sensation was overwhelming at first, but Dylan’s dulling mind soon allowed him to chew his cud with little concern. 


That alluring scent hit his nose once more, and he reflexively swallowed, sniffing the air to locate its source. Like a missile honing on its target, Dylan felt drawn to the barn. Part of his mind knew that was where the bulls were. Going near them would damn him to a bovine existence, likely for the rest of his days. But it was getting harder to think why that would be an issue. His head was massive, but his skull had compressed on his brain, making human thoughts fuzzy. The instincts in his mind told him he should be with the bulls, so that was how his body responded. 


As Dylan made his way towards the barn, his tail lifted to release a loud fart as his body digested his recent meal. Dyan was vaguely aware of his bowels releasing and a messy spray of manure ejecting from his backside. He didn’t care about the mess he was making, or how much of an animal he smelled like. His concerns were little more than how good it felt to be empty and relieved. His tail swished insistently, flicking away the flies that had gathered from his stench. 


The pungent odor of manure could not cover the thick sweat and musk that was wafting from the direction of the barn. The bulls were already outside, grazing with tails swishing. The black and roan bulls were beside their brown-spotted mates, as usual. A vague memory recalled that Dylan had left the door open last night and the bulls were not confined to the barn. Yet, it was of little concern any longer. 


It was the loan white bull that had his attention, however. The bull’s cock was erect, as it was so often was. Dylan was filled with the desire to wrap his anus around that lovely bovine phallus. His own balls ached as his turgid erection bobbed underneath him. It had slid beyond the confines of his sheath, slapping against his belly as it did so. 


It was hard to fight the impulse that this bull was to be his mate. The heavy stench of the beast spoke to his psyche. Again, the part of his mind that recalled his waning humanity was awakened. He knew the bull was the source of the changes. The bull had licked him, had marked him to begin the changes to his body. The beast had done so in an attempt to seek a worthy mate. Rather than being disturbed by that notion, however, Dylan felt elated. He was thankful to be given a body so masculine and powerful. One worthy to mate with such a magnificent stud. 


To Dylan’s dismay, however, he could not pass the fence that separated himself from his would-be mate. Bellowing his frustrations, Dylan pushed his head against the barrier to no avail. He needed to be fucked so badly, and his mate was so close. How could he be denied!?


Looking down, he could see his mate’s cock slapping against his belly, its reddish tip flaring as it leaked clear fluid. His balls swelled with virile seed as they slapped against its flanks. Within the course of only a few moments, the rank stench of cum filled the air as the magnificent beast ejaculated. The bellows of release were more powerfully arousing than anything Dylan had ever seen. 


Unconsciously, Dylan could feel his own hips thrusting as his cock slapped more rapidly against his belly. He wanted to mimic the male’s release, to discover how much ecstasy the process gave the male each time. The pressure in his balls was almost too much for him to bear. The sensation against his member was not nearly as pleasurable as what he anticipated being filled would grant him. But it was sufficient to give him enough pleasure to keep up the motions. Each slap against his belly sent shock waves all the way down to his weighty balls. 


As his orgasm grew closer, Dylan could feel the desire to be fucked grow in intensity. He needed to be filled with a tapered bull penis, his prostate stimulated by that magnificent member. Reflectively, his tail lifted, and he backed into the wooden gate, hoping for anything to enter his pucker. He moaned his deep baritone, crying his need to his would-be mate. 


To his delight, something warm and moist pressed against his anus, making him back into it as far as his hips could reach. He was hardly aware that it was the bull tonguing him as though preparing him for a proper fucking. The bull’s thick saliva ran down his rump, making him shiver and clench. Urged by the stimulation, his hips shook faster, the bobbing of his cock against his belly making his orgasm race towards him at a frightening pace!


“OOMMMOOOOOOOOOO!” Dylan bellowed as his cock shook uncontrolled and sprayed his belly with thick globs of bull semen. His balls shook against the wood, urging every ounce of jism that flowed into them. More cum than his human self had ever produced flowed from his shaft, stimulating every inch of his phallus and making him groan.


Yet, even coming down from such an intense release, Dylan still did not feel satisfied. His cock slid only halfway into his sheath, hanging heavily and sending shivers into his prostate. His balls were still heavy, their load refilling almost as rapidly as they had emptied. 


Little of Dylan remained in the beast as his body continued to grow, the thick hide sweeping over flesh that was swelling with muscle and fat underneath. Yet, enough of his mentality remained to enjoy how much stamina his bovine body had. He needed to mate, and mate often to fully empty those weighty orbs.


The sound of wood splintering drew Dylan’s ears up, and he looked at the bull, who was backing up from having hit the fence. The black bull was at his side, hoof scuffing the ground as he prepared to charge. With a mass of jiggling muscle, the black bull hit the barrier with a loud crack. The wood shook violently at the beast’s efforts, nearly split in two. Dylan realized that it would only take a bit more effort to clear the barrier and the path to his mate!


It seemed that the white bull had the same idea. With a mighty bellow, the white bull charged, splitting the wood with another crack. The wood gave way, scraping against the bull’s body without even a scratch. The bull easily walked through, leaving a gap that any of his brethren could use to exit should they wish it. 


The stench of the beast was even better this close, and Dylan leaned into it, licking the sweaty hide to better drink it in. Obligingly, the bull turned around, showing off his stained anus and jiggling balls. Desperate for closer contact, Dylan reached out with his tongue and started teasing around the beast’s backside. Not caring how dirty his mate was, Dylan lapped with fervor, coating the bull’s rump with saliva as he learned the flavors of a bovine beast up close. 


As he did so, Dylan could feel the contours of his jaw expanding, his mouth growing more rubbery as his muzzle swelled. His thick tongue was almost too large for his muzzle as it grew in its eagerness to service his new mate. He could feel his maw fill with saliva, needing to coat his mate’s taint and balls. The other bull’s groans of pleasure were all that Dylan needed to keep up the actions!


An irritating stretching spread from his incisors, creating a gap of rubbery gums as his molars were pulled back into his expanding jawline. He had to back out of his mate’s asshole as his molars loosed, not wanting to swallow them accidentally. Spitting them out, he could already feel newer, larger teeth pushing from his gums to take their place. They would easily grind his dinners into a slurry that he would swallow the rest of his days as a bull. His incisors, too, fell away, their yellowed, flattened replacements better able to pull up his meals from now on. 


The changes were nearly complete now, though Dylan found it impossible to muster any regrets. He was still growing, adding layers of muscle and fat and bullish bulk as he lapped at his lover. The more he changed, the more excited he grew. He was going to be the perfect specimen for his mate as he’d longed to be since this bull had chosen to share his saliva and his gift. Human regrets were distant to the needs in his loins as he turned around and raised his tail and taint for his mate’s inspection. 


The bull reciprocated as his tongue cleaned and prepared the puckered hole that Dylan wished to have penetrated. Instinctively, Dylan started thrusting his hips back, his heavy balls slapping against the white bull’s chin. Yet, no matter how much pressure he placed against the magnificent beast’s efforts, the bull had no inkling to stop his steady licks. 


Eventually, the bovine beast pulled back, and Dylan’s foggy mind knew to firm up his stance. Still, Dylan found himself a little pained from the weight as the bull fell upon his backside. The beast’s girth tugged painfully on his shoulders as his hooves gripped for purchase. But the ache in Dylan’s balls and anus was more insistent than any agony as he felt the slick tip of the bull’s member poke for his opening. 


The pain of being penetrated was a distant second to the sensation of his prostate being pulled apart by such a massive cock. A “MMOOOOOOO!” escaped his fattened lips as the bull pushed all the way in to the hilt with little regard for his mate’s comfort. Yet, Dylan found himself wanting it no other way. It was amazing to be emasculated by such a massive male specimen. He was giving the great beast his body to be done with what the white bull would!


At this point, little remained of the former young man that Dylan had been. The last thing to be removed from his human form was his eyes. His former human ovals had grown massive, the iris inside muddy brown as most of his humanity waned. He was all beast in the rut as Dylan let himself go. He had no desire to return to humanity, even if such a thing was possible. 


The white bull was thrusting faster and faster now as he found his footing. The fat beast’s force was enough to push Dylan forward, even as he grew to match the weight of the bull. His cock was encouraged to slap against his belly without Dylan needing to move a muscle. Still, he did work to counter his lover’s hip motions, craving to take that bestial cock as far into his bowels as it would go. He was determined to milk that cock for all it was worth!


Even though he had just reached an orgasm not moments before, Dylan could feel his balls swell with seed as they prepared to blow their load once more. The pressure of taking bull cock, the stench of the beast’s sweat and musk, and his own bovine aroma provided a potent cocktail to fuel his lusts. There was little hope of holding back against such an onslaught of sensation. 


Dylan’s virgin rectal walls felt every vein and ridge of the massive bull cock inserted inside. It was as though he could move the muscles of his rear independently of their peristaltic motions. He was desperate to stimulate as much of that bovine phallus as he could. He needed to thank his lover for the gift granted him, the powerful bullish body, and the herd he was now a part of. 


Too quickly for Dylan’s tastes, the cock in his bowels spasmed uncontrollably as he was suddenly filled with a generous helping of bull cream. The beast’s hooves clamped tightly against his flanks, sending shivers down to Dylan’s balls and prostate. Such stimulation was more than Dylan could bear, and Dylan bellowed at the intense slapping against his belly as his own balls were emptied of their burden. 


The pleasure experienced was ten-fold from the simple masturbatory act he’d partaken in prior. Dylan was filled with a swelling of pride at that realization. The white bull had been masturbating ever since Dylan had arrived here. He looked so lonely. Now, the bull had him to meet all his sexual desires. He would never need to masturbate again, now that he had Dylan. 


Painfully, the white bull pulled out of Dylan’s rear with a rush of stinky bull jism. Lovingly, the bull’s massive tongue lapped at the sticky seed staining Dylan’s asshole. The long, careful licks removed any remnants of semen, leaving only drying saliva. The bull seemed intent on removing every trace of lust on his mate, save that which was entrenched inside Dylan. He had been claimed and mated and would carry the reek of his new mate for the rest of his days. 


Wanting to return the gesture, Dylan instinctively lowered his massive muzzle and reached out his tongue to wrap it around the bull’s retreating penis. Dylan was grateful to be able to clean his mate as he tended it. It solidified their position as not just mates, but equals. He knew the bull would switch positions with him, and that both would tend to the other’s needs for the rest of their days.


Around them, the other bulls were finishing up their coupling, their bovine bellows resounding as they reached ejaculation. The rank scent of bovine rut reached Dylan’s nostrils and filled him with contentment. He was one of the herd now and mated with one of them just as the others kept to their mates. This was his life now, and Dylan embraced this existence as much as he renounced his former humanity. 


The deed was done. Somewhere, Dylan’s waning perception knew that the change was permanent. There was no returning to his human life, no ability for him to care for the cattle and his uncle’s farm. He was a part of it now. But, even if he harbored any inkling to return to his humanity, the animalistic stench wafting from his bovine lover’s exposed pucker removed those thoughts. The white bull was presenting, beckoning Dylan forward to fuck him as he’d just been fucked!




Two days later, the sound of a car pulling up to the house made Dylan flick his ears in that direction. The sounds of humans distracted him from grazing enough for him to ponder their meaning. Dim recollections of a former existence made him realize that he carried some relation to the scents wafting from the humans. But it was hard to form meaning from those thoughts in the state he was in. They were human, like he had been. But he was bull now. Memories of anything before the time he’d met his new mate were irrelevant. 


Dylan remained mostly ignorant of the humans around the farm, content as he was to simply graze and breed. The thick, musky scents of his herd were nearby, particularly those of his mate. It was a simpler existence, one that provided him all he needed and one that was free of any worries. Nothing could challenge his might. The other bulls had their own mates, as Dylan had the white bull. They needed very little in their new lives, save for some care of the humans that had returned. 


After a few hours, the sounds of his former name being yelled caught his ears. Through the fog in his mind, it was hard to recall exactly why those particular sounds were of interest. Yet, something about the tone beckoned him forward, as though it was a name that he was used to responding to. Dylan, that was him, right? Were the humans calling for him?


Yet the heady stench of his mate wafted into his nose, and his massive head turned to see the white beast sniffing at his backside. Dylan moved forward a little, emptying his bowels before he was mated. Stepping around his mess, he raised his tail once more, anticipating the sensation of his mate’s cock in his backside. His own slid out of his sheath as the massive white beast leaped on his back to claim him. 


The sounds in his ears faded as he was once more entered and bred by his mate. The world browned out as Dylan was lost fully in the beastly pleasures of rut. Bellowing, he felt his cock slap against his belly as his mate prepared to blow his bovine load and take them both into a blissful orgasm!




“Now how did that happen?” Henry questioned with a mix of anger and confusion on his expression. He watched his white bull, Kevin, mounting the new black bull that had not been there a week ago when he’d left on vacation. There was no mistaking the beast for anything else but a new addition. Though it was not uncommon for Henry to witness his bulls mounting each other, it was quite something else to find a new beast entirely! 


With a few calls around neighboring farms, Henry concluded that none had lost a member of their own herds. Branching out even further confirmed that no trailers had been in the area that could have moved such a beast. If the animal had not wandered into the pen of his own accord, there was no logical way to explain its presence in Henry’s herd!


Worst of all was that Dylan was nowhere to be found. Henry had been curious at first. The bullpens were dirty, the fence was smashed, and the animals were left unattended. They seemed fine, for the most part. But it was obvious that Dylan had been gone for a few days. It wasn’t like him to up and leave the farm he cared so much about in his youth. He had always been so responsible. But, if so, then where was he?


Not a trace of Dyan remained in the house, save for his clothing and other belongings. It was just like he’d up and left all his stuff. Yet, the house was destroyed, looking just as a china shop would after a bull had been inside. Worse, the stench of bullshit was everywhere, and Henry was disgusted to find several piles of manure in the bedroom and bathroom. He could only conclude one of the bulls had been let in. But if so, how had it gotten up and down the stairs?


The events caused Henry to recall some sort of old rumor in town, as impossible as it was. Ages ago, a witch had cursed a bar full of drunk men to turn into horny, gay bulls. No doubt, it was some sort of retaliation against the men who had stepped out of line with their catcalling. Henry had always thought it bullshit, a good laugh among the homophobic townsfolk.


Surely, such tales were bullshit. But then, what other explanation was there? It was like Dylan had just disappeared. His friends, his parents, and even the townspeople had not seen him. None of his credit cards had been used, and no data trail existed for Henry to find. All of his belongings were still at the house. Even the vehicle left for him was still stationed at the farm. There was no way he’d left on foot. Where else could he be than out in the fields as a bull?


In the increasingly likely event Dylan had somehow magically transformed into a bull, it was ultimately of little concern. Bulls couldn’t talk, after all. Even if he was once human, the bull was now just as much a beast as the others of the herd. Provided Henry didn’t end up on four hooves himself, he was content to be the bull’s caretaker as he’d always been. And milking bull semen was a highly profitable endeavor!


“Welp, fella, for better or for worse, you’re one of the herd. Even if you was my nephew, you ain’t now. And you gotta be milked often to get those swollen testes down! Let’s go, boy!” Henry yelled, motioning for Dylan to follow him into the barn one hot afternoon. 


Dylan, the happy bull that he was, diligently obeyed. Even the still-straining humanity in his mind knew that the breeding stand was immensely pleasurable. He would rut in it like a good bull for his owner!