17 Dec Two Heads are Better than One

“Got em’!” Alister laughed as he secured another victory in the RTS they had been playing all afternoon. Eli finally threw his controller down on the floor in defeat. Alister was too much of a pro at these games. Eli loved having his buddy over for the weekend, especially after not seeing him for a few months, as they lived in different towns. But he hated losing!
It was an older game that the two of them played as part of a tradition whenever Alister came over. The game primarily featured a mythology theme, with minotaurs, centaurs, Cerberus, and the like. Eli liked the idea of forming strategies with creatures that never existed, trying to make them fit into the real world stratagems he was fond of!
“Hey, I’m gonna get a drink, want anything?” Alister asked as he got up from the couch. Eli couldn’t help but sneak a glance at his buddy’s muscled body through the tight shirt he was wearing. The two knew that Eli used to harbor a crush on his buddy, but Alister was straight. Eli had been let down easy, at least. Still, he had no qualms about checking out his buddy’s muscled bod every now and then. Alister didn’t mind. He accepted it as a compliment!
“Yeah, I’ll take a glass of wine, “ Eli said with a smile on his face. Alister had a little chuckle as he walked into the kitchen. Alister didn’t drink, but he always had a good laugh whenever Eli got a little tipsy, even once or twice a bit flirty!
Eli returned his attention to the controller, thoughts of the game running through his mind. He felt himself getting excited at the prospect of a rematch. Alister had won the majority of games today, but what if he did things differently? Maybe he could get closer to his friend? Wait, where had that last thought come from?
Suddenly, Eli felt a tingling running through his body, a surge of power emanating from the controller. He immediately dropped it, yet the energy flowing through him continued to intensify. Worse than that, it was quickly followed by a surge of lust from his loins. He looked down, his modest 4-inch cock pounding hard in his pants. What the hell was going on?
Just then, Alister returned to the room, seeing his friend standing stiff as a statue. “Hey man, you OK?” He asked, setting the drinks down on the table as he touched his friend’s shoulder.
Despite himself, Eli blushed in embarrassment. He didn’t want Alister to see him like this! Yet he felt compelled to turn around, his erection tenting in his pants for Alister to see. To his shock, Alister didn’t look disgusted by the sight. In fact, he seemed to be… sort of aroused?
Alister could feel a bizarre sensation flowing through him as he touched Eli. He, too, was overwhelmed with lust as he regarded his long-time friend. He never found men particularly attractive before, he was certain. Yet the more he stared at Eli’s greenish-gold eyes, his red and black goatee, and his mostly black hair, the more he found his friend of six years hot as hell!
Alister’s cock started to harden in his pants as he was overcome with desire. He quickly stripped them off, exposing his leaking undies to his friend. Soon they too were removed, and Alister stood naked, rubbing his cock as he approached Eli’s ass.
Eli, too, was forced to shuck off his pants and undies and stand there nude with his back turned to his friend. Despite the heat and need in his body, he didn’t truly want this. Not like this. In a setting where both men consented, perhaps. Yet the lusts rising from his warm flesh could not be ignored.
Eli could feel Alister’s cock tip touching the skin around his pucker as ample precum leaked out to coat his bare skin. Eli shivered from the sensations, hoping that he was clean enough for Alister’s intrusion. Yet Alister did not take any time to assess the situation before guiding his cock into Eli’s hole, making the other man moan from the penetration. Eli was shocked at Alister’s skill in the act. It was as though Alister had experience working his way around other men!
Alister meanwhile simply grunted as pre leaked out of his cock, and he rimmed Eli’s hole, making sure it was slick and ready for his penetration. He was moving on pure instinct at this point, barely aware of the actions but fully encompassed in the pleasure and anticipation ebbing from his cock.
Bracing himself, he started pushing his way in, never having tried to enter something tight before. He struggled with the effort, his taut cock careening off Eli’s backside. Yet Eli was more than used to being filled in such a manner. Unclenching his rectal clamps seemed to help as with a heady moan, Alister finally hit his mark.
Alister took a moment to get used to the sensation of being inside something so compact. His cock was leaking like mad at this point, every inch of it was on fire. He needed to get off more now than at any point in his life!
A small part of him didn’t want to do this to his good friend. He knew it wasn’t right, but he had no control over the action than he could force himself to stop breathing. He needed to fuck, and cum and every instinct in his mind screamed that Eli needed it too. He began moving forward, desperate to empty his full and needy balls.
Eli moaned as Alister began his thrusts in earnest, feeling himself being filled with his buddy’s warm meat. It wasn’t the largest thing he had taken, and the lust he had been experiencing helped him relax and opened up fully. Still, the prostate stimulation was divine! Eli desired desperately to touch himself, but for some reason, he couldn’t move his arms to do so. He wanted to ask Alister to help but was afraid of talking to him. Thankfully the prostate stimulation was already providing plenty of pleasure for the taller man!
Lost in the sensations rising up from his cock, Alister barely noticed that his already firm erection was now pressed impossibly tight inside his friend’s asshole. His thrusts slowed and finally halted as he found his cock to be stuck. It was though it had somehow attached to the inner walls of his lover. Yet there was no pain as he tried to pull out. On the contrary, his pleasure from their connection was even more sublime than before!
Still, the lack of momentum was a bit alarming, even in his lust-fueled haze. He pulled as hard as he could, yet made no headway in getting out of his friend. “I can’t…get out…” He moaned as his body was suddenly forced forward against his will. He needed to lean forward, needed to feel the flesh of his groin merge into the skin of his friend’s sweaty back.
Even though the arousal had not abated, Eli felt a pang of fear run through him. His skin felt heated as Alister’s bare flesh rubbed his back. He, too, tried to move but found himself rooted in place. It felt amazing to lean back and allow his skin to touch his lover’s. What was happening to them?
Eli moaned as he felt the other man start to fuse with the flesh of his back. He should have been alarmed. Such a sensation was far from normal! Yet the more Alister’s stomach and chest leaned over his frame as the skin melted into his own, the more his pleasure intensified. It was almost as though the sensations emanating from his cock had amplified ten-fold.
A passing thought plagued his own. Had Alister’s cock merged into his own body? Was he feeling the other man’s pleasure? It was nearly beyond his ability to fathom, leaving a heavy fog of lust over his mind as their merger continued.
Alister was still unable to move as his body slowly sank into the back of his friend. His body seemed to have a mind of its own, no matter how much the merger disturbed his psyche on a fundamental level. Yet it was more than a simple melding to be inside of his friend’s skin. Parts of Eli’s body were rising to meet Alister’s own as their flesh moved in tandem to blend together. It was a bizarre sort of dance, and both men’s bodies were moving in synch, as though simply along for the ride!
Eli could feel his hunched body rising to meet his lover, almost as though in a trace. The stance left him a little off-balance as he rose up, feeling the backs of his legs lightly brush the skin of Alister’s calves. The lightest impact was enough to begin the merger. He could feel their legs start to stick and slide together as the trail of skin slid down their flesh like a zipper. Eli’s legs absorbed into Alister’s own until their thick limbs were capable of supporting most of the weight of their larger partially fused body.
Their legs continued to join as Alister’s toes slid into the heels of Eli’s feet. Immediately Alister felt he could wriggle Eli’s toes, even as they reconfigured a little with the introduction of the new flesh. Their legs wriggled and twitched a little on impulse until their legs were one system!
Alister’s muscled ass was still sinking into the flesh of Eli’s backside even as his chest lowered to be within Eli’s back. His shoulders were lined up perfectly with the other man, and their heads were nearly level as their torsos drew ever closer to each other, Eli’s back merging into Alister’s flat stomach. It wasn’t stopping!
Despite himself, Alister’s arms started moving of their own accord, stretching down to rest beside the other man’s underneath. Alister wanted to resist, he knew he had to. This wasn’t natural! But the closer he got to becoming one with Eli, the more he felt the arousal in his loins intensify. It simply felt too good to merge like this. Alister could not imagine any sexual experience trumping a complete merger!
He could feel his balls aching and his cock straining to release, but he was unable to touch himself with his arms restricted the way they were. Yet the cock he was feeling was not his own anymore, he was sure of it. His feelings of arousal were emanating from Eli’s former member, dangling below the two of them. Without the ability to see, he couldn’t be certain, but the penis leaking from their groin felt much larger than the one Eli started with.
The sensations playing over his flesh was far superior to anything he could recall. It was easy to get swept up in the lust that was consuming them both from the bizarre joining. The mutual realization of how wonderful it felt to be merging towards a singular being seemed to accelerate the changes. Alister’s shoulders started to sink into Eli’s as the flesh of his underarm began to connect with the bare skin on the outside of Eli’s own. The merger of their arms occurred more smoothly as both men grunted, far less panicked now that the lust had gripped their minds. Eli marveled at the power from his arms as Alister’s muscles rippled through their hybrids limbs. Eli wanted desperately to flex them, run his hands over the strength they granted. Yet currently, his hands were not his own!
Alister’s wrists sent his palm over Eli’s as their hands lined up, and their digits started to sink into one another. The merger allowed the features of the other to flow together until the remaining appendages were a perfect fusion of their former size and flexibility. Both men gasped as they realized they could each move the combined hands, but with their wiring crossed from both attempting the feat at once, nothing happened!
Their bodies and torsos were still sinking into each other. Alister’s stomach was almost completely inside Eli’s back by now. He didn’t know how they were being kept alive, yet somehow the change held their vitals running. Alister could still feel his own heartbeat, along with the vibrations of Eli’s. Yet after a brief gasp, he realized that their hearts had finally fused and were now beating as one, though perhaps a little faster due to the increased needs of their still somewhat separate systems. Their lungs, stomach, liver, all of their other organs slowly followed suit. At the instant of touch, their organs merged almost flawlessly. None of the actions interrupted their vital functions as the merger steadily continued. Whatever force was changing them seemed intent on keeping them alive while the process continued uninterrupted.
Eli could feel the thick hair on his stomach start to thin out a little. He recalled Alister’s chest was much smoother than his own, and he wondered if his chest was reconfiguring to match Alister’s more toned one. As though in response to his mental inquiry, he could, in fact, feel the muscles of his chest and stomach start to slide into a new arrangement. He smiled at that, despite the bizarre nature of the change. He was getting the work out of his life without having to lift a finger!
The merger was nearly complete now. Only their necks and heads remained untouched by the changes. Alister felt his neck rotating to the right of Eli’s from its former position directly above. Yet their necks did not seem to be fusing like the rest of their body. Alister let out a groan as his spine rotated to the side of their body, Eli’s own neck seeming to move aside for him. He had no idea how their spines had split apart, yet neither lacked any vital fluids or oxygen to their brains. They were still able to think, able to function off the resources of a single merged form!
Eli could hear a voice muttering in pleasure alongside his own. He tried to speak aloud, but the words seemed to come out a bit garbled, as though he wasn’t sure if he was expressing his own thoughts or his buddy’s. That realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He could hear Alister’s thoughts! Many of their shared emotions came through clearly, their lust, their confusion, their sense of exploration. Yet there was something Alister’s mind that made Eli take a step back. Alister seemed to be in more control of the situation. And Eli found that arrangement to be more than satisfactory. In fact, the thought of giving up his body to Alister sent a surge of pleasure through their cock. This arousal did not go unnoticed by Alister.
The fusion completed, for the time being, the new twin-headed man stood up, taking stock of their new body. Eli wanted to speak but was too stunned by the development. He instead craned his head forward, not wanting to look at the head of his best friend right beside him. He loved the idea of existing as a joined being with Alister, but he wasn’t quite sure how he felt about his head so close to Eli’s own!
The man that stood before them was handsome as fuck, Eli had to admit. There was no mistaking the joint features between the two of them. Their body was muscled, not as defined as Alister’s had been but a far cry from the lack of effort Eli had put in. Alister took note of how hairy they seemed to be, in particular around their chest, pits, and groin. Their combined form seemed to be Eli’s 6’1, leaving both a little disoriented, Alister from the difference, and Eli from feeling Alister’s own confusion so closely.
Of course, the most bizarre feature was their two separate heads, sat upon shoulders that were a bit wider than before to support the added weight. Both men found their heads could move as easily as they had before, and they could even turn to see each other. Their eyes met, and they both felt a surge of confusion, seeing themselves from each other’s eyes.
Alister finally opened his mouth to speak, but then realized his question of how Eli was doing ran through Eli’s cognizance before he uttered the words. In no time at all, Eli’s fear and confusion and lust were all transmitted directly into Alister’s mind. They didn’t even need to speak!
Both men’s thoughts started to drift to the lust building from the change and their combined member. Alister reached down their hand to their now 9’inch cock drooling all over the floor. Eli moaned audibly as their hand stroked the girthy penis up and down, the arousal from their merger all-consuming. They weren’t going to last long with the doubled pleasures rocking their minds.
“Awwww…FUCK!” Both cried in unison as their mammoth penis shot violently over their chest and hand. Their balls were rocked impossibly hard as more cum then either had ever released continued to blow all over the apartment. It was as though their new balls contained a combined load of their seed.
They nearly collapsed onto the floor, spent from the effort of the merger and the powerful release. The twin sensory inputs were almost more than they could comprehend. Both men were overwhelmed by the other’s ecstasy! The fear of what had caused their bizarre merger and what it would mean for their futures was a distant concern under the present promise of pleasure!
Finally, back in control, Alister reached down to admire the changes to their bodies. Yet he was quickly taken aback by the tingling of flesh just above their ass. Reaching back with their hand, he could feel something protruding out of their spine. To his shock, he felt it start to wriggle at their touch as it grew longer still.
“What’s wrong?” Eli asked as Alister grunted in pain. It wasn’t long before Eli too felt the agony of something erupting from their backside. Looking back, he watched a strip of skin stretching from their spine start to press forward inch by inch, wriggling back and forth with added flexibility. Was it some kind of tail?
Both men growled as their new body was suddenly wracked with the pains of growth. Was the change not yet finished? They leaned down to try and stifle the agony, their hands going out to hold them up on the couch. As though in response, their nails started to thicken and dig into the worn fabric. Eli and Alister could feel blood running from their fingertips as thick canine claws burst forth. Fingers cracked and shook as they started to diminish into palms that were steadily being covered with black skin.
“What’s…grrrr happening…” Alister growled as their new claws transitioned from a human translucent pink to a midnight black. Both men watched as their thumbs started rotating up their stretching wrists, sinking into the flesh while only the new canine claw remained. Soon their fingers were reduced to mere nubs, their former fingertips and palms covered with coarse black pads of skin. Were these…paws?
An audible crack from their feet signaled change as the same pain emanated from their toenails. Alister looked back to see their toenails becoming claws while their large toes rotated upward into the dewclaw of their soon-to-be hind paws. Their heels stretched like putty while their soles contracted into the nubs that had become of their toes. Both men weren’t sure they could stand up on their legs anymore, even if they wanted to!
The pains and aches from their bodies soon began to diminish as another wave of pleasure rose from their groin. Despite the bizarre circumstances of the change, they could feel their cock coming to life once more, starting to leak another long thin string of precum over top of the still-drying puddle. It seemed impossible they were hard again, but then nothing about this evening was normal!
Eli was thankful for the waves of bliss ebbing over their frame. The alterations to their body, though none less drastic than a near-total merger, still threatened a great deal of agony. Bones and muscles popped and snapped as their chest barreled out, and their shoulders sank into the morphing flesh. Their hips swelled as their ass moved further towards the underside of their still-sprouting tail. A sharp crack from their pelvis ensured the new four-legged stance was to be a continued aspect of existence.
Meanwhile, Alister moaned as he felt their cock swell with lust and need. The tip started to grow pointed, though from their vantage, Eli couldn’t look down to tell what was happening. All he knew was that their member was swelling impossibly large at the prospect of the bestial change they were both undergoing.
Eli went to call out to Alister, but the lust he felt from the other man threatened to overwhelm his mind. Alister seemed overcome with the needs welling up in their groin. He gripped the couch, their claws shredding the fabrics as he began thrusting their canine hips. It was a bestial need to rut, to breed, yet from their position, there was nothing for them to hump.
Fearful of being overcome in the same way, Eli took stock of their changes. He needed anything to get his mind away from the thoughts screaming from Alister’s diminished psyche. The cramps and twinges from their body were more than an adequate diversion. Everywhere their thickening muscle was struggling underneath their skin as it darkened from its former pale shade to something black and rough, like the hide of an animal.
He watched as the hairs on his body all stood at attention, a stark contrast to the sweaty gleam of their changing hide. Each hair started to lengthen, changing from a light brown to something dark, almost black. All over his treasure trail, his groin, and even his armpits, their body hair was getting longer, poking up and itching their skin as they lengthened. Yet no new hair took root over their skin, which shocked him. Weren’t they changing into an animal?
Alister’s mind was still screaming at them both, begging for deliverance, to rut and cum and release all the pent up seed in their balls. Eli tried his best to take his mind off the intrusive thoughts. But Alister had total control of their body, and although they no longer had hands to touch their lovely cock, he was intent on making them cum.
Eli couldn’t help but feel their balls swelling with seed, the hair on their balls itching as it grew. He shook his head. No matter how good it felt, he had to resist! He didn’t want to be some animal, even with how much satisfaction it gave him, almost as pleasurable as their merger had brought!
Eli felt something tingling at the base of their ever-swelling cock, something that made him shiver. It was as though a layer of flesh was forming at the base, and sliding up the engorged shaft. Was it some sort of sheath? Eli couldn’t imagine the sensation of having something like that on his own body. Eli had been circumcised all his life, and now his birthright had been taken from him, a new sheath steadily crawling up their girthy penis!
He grunted as the flesh continued crawling up the length of their dick, threatening to overtake it and hide it away. Yet the needs in Alister’s psyche could not be ignored. The sheath was barely able to crawl halfway up their length before it was stopped by the sheer mass of the engorged penis they shared. Even as the skin thickened and spread towards their muscled flattened stomach, it could not control the mighty reddening dick that threatened to blow at any moment.
The itching from their body brought his attention back to their other changes. Eli was thankful for that. The more the urges in his cock cried out to him, the more that he needed to cum! Coarse black hairs started sprouting from each and every pore, filling the gaps between the former human hair of their thick frame. Each inch of their skin twitched with irritation as the animalistic fur took root. Soon their entire body, save their heads and necks, were covered in a thick black forest, hiding every inch of their former pale flesh.
The changes started to remind him of something he had seen recently. The dark hair, the canine body, the paws, and the tail. And above all, two heads sticking out of their massive frame. If they had a third head, they would make a perfect Cerberus! But how? Aside from a surge of energy in an antiquated video game, he’d experienced nothing supernatural. Yet it was impossible to deny the truth of what was happening to them both.
A piercing animal cry from inside his skull disrupted his thoughts. Alister’s mind was ablaze with the demands of their cock. As though in response, their canine phallus twitched and sprouted a softer black coat over their still spreading sheath. A painful surge emanated from the base as something thick started pressing agonizingly against the warm flesh inside. Immediately Eli was overcome with the need to feel it slide out and pop into the open air. With the slapping of their cock against their muscled stomach, it was all they needed to cum. Eli was immediately reminded of a canine knot. He couldn’t help but feel that the slightest provocation would cause them to cum. Then what would happen?
He needed to try to reason with Alister, but the other man’s thoughts were overflowing with the urges in their penis. Eli looked over at the growling head of his best friend. Alister’s eyes were glowing yellow now, his own beard thickening with black canine hairs like those on the rest of their body. His ears were getting pointed as his two eye teeth began poking out of slightly protruding blackening lips.
Eli knew he needed to fight and get away. He didn’t want the same changes to overtake his own face! Yet there was no escape from their merged form. And there was no reasoning with the beast that had become of his friend. Eli was soon once more distracted by the waves of ecstasy overflowing his body as Alister humped their canine hips over and over, slapping their cock against their sheath and stomach. The sensations crashing over him made him forget why he was trying to struggle. He was fearful of what they had become, afraid of the bestial thoughts welling in his head. But then, why did it feel so good?
The sensation of canine lips on his own broke him from his trance. He realized that Alister was kissing him, could feel the thick canine tongue and blackening lips touching his own. In response, his own jaw started to painlessly crack forward to meet the lovely lips of his mate. Yes, mate, that was the proper term. Even though they shared the same body, he belonged to Alister. He was the subordinate, slave to the whims of his alpha, and eager for the pleasure that would follow!
His mind continued to fog, more and more at ease with the comforting thoughts of being mate and beta. In response, his head started to crack, and the final vestiges of change erased his humanity. His ears stretched to the top of his head as they grew pointed and covered with thick black hair. The swash of his own human hair darkened to accommodate the thickening patches of his beard that were spreading down his face like mutton chops. His mouth pressed forward, meeting his lover’s own as his tongue started to darken and breathe in the scent of their combined lusts.
Alister’s lips on his own eroded the last traces of fear in his mind. He was with his mate now, everything would be OK. He could smell the intoxicating musk wafting off their form and drank in the reassurance. He opened his eyes, seeing everything in sharper focus, though the colors were washed out. Yet it was a sense he no longer needed, paling in comparison to his hearing and even greater smell.
His pointed ears picked up the rapid thrusts of their penis against their muscled flat stomach. Eli could feel their knot swelling up in the sheath, threatening to burst out at any moment. He needed to feel it popping out, to make them cum and release their potent load. Every gyration brought him closer and closer to the much-needed edge. Almost there…
Eli’s human thoughts were whited out almost completely as his forehead sloped, and his skull shrank, limiting the ability of his mind to conceptualize. He could still hear Alister’s thoughts, but like his only resonated their sexual desire. As the two heads kissed and their teeth engorged inside canine muzzles, the lust from their body became all-consuming!
Both beasts could not last long under such an onslaught of animalistic need. The thrusts of their hips accelerated as their massive bobbing red cock slapped up and down over their expansive stomach. With an audible pop, their knot tore through its prison as the desire in their loins sent them over the edge. With a twin howl, the beast’s cock unloaded all over their chests, their sheath, and the floor of the apartment, coating it in their potent spunk.
The new two headed-beast roared to signal its release, its power to the world. Both Eli’s and Alister’s minds were intact, buried deep within the canine psyche, but the bestial needs of their flesh were in control. And now sated for the moment, they needed to flee this place, overrun with the stink of humans. Though their own scent perforated the air, they needed to be free and away to experience the calls of the wild in the back of their minds.
The beasts leaped into the air, bursting their way out of a window as they felt the cool air on their skin. They shook their fur, the shards of glass falling out onto the lawn. Both heads sniffed the air, looking for an alluring scent, one marked to match their own. Though confusion and terror still laid nestled in the back of their minds, at the forefront, both bestial heads had only one goal. Despite the bond they shared together, something was missing. They needed to assimilate a third.
The beast raced into the night, both noses on the alert for that perfect scent that would guide them to their new mate, who would merge with their canine form and make them complete.
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