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  • After finding a magical item to make her dream come true, a beautiful woman uses it to change into a massive smelly bull...

  • Two men visit a local pool, only to find out the lack of other swimmers might have a more sinister cause, one that leave...

  • Waking up and forgetting how he came into possession of long-awaited piercing gear, a man finds his concerns fleeting as...

  • Bored of maintaining her perceived perfection, a wife becomes amiable to her husband's suggestion of using nanite transf...

  • A spider bite leaves a woman feeling invigorated under the light of the moon, exploring her sexuality and the baser inst...

  • Two roommates attend a hypnotist show at the behest of one who believes, and the other's hubris turns out to be their do...

  • In this Avatar fanfic, a sole surviving scientist is taken as part of a ritual to become one of the native fauna of Pand...

  • A trio of farm hands remain largely unware of their true purpose as they go about their work for the summer, only to fin...

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Hello, and welcome to my webpage. I’m author Gabriel Moon, and my literary focus is on the theme of transformation. Within these pages, you’ll find stories depicting the protagonist(s) changing their human body (and mind) into the form of their deepest desires or darkest horrors. Do note, the majority of my works are of an extremely adult nature, with a particular focus on sexual themes related to transformation. DO NOT read my works if you are underage!

If you enjoy these free stories, please consider checking out my store for similar works I have for able. If you have the means and would like to support me, and gain full access to my library posted on my Patreon page, then please consider pledging at https://www.patreon.com/GabrielMoon

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